7 Steps To Thinking Like A Genius PDF
7 Steps To Thinking Like A Genius PDF
7 Steps To Thinking Like A Genius PDF
In our complex world, thinking Leonardo was the Every child is born with the genius potential of a Leonard da
creatively is an essential skill embodiment of the creative Vinci unfortunately, we often go about de-geniusing them.
for all of us as we seek to spirit and his approach to Michael J. Gelb has crystalised da Vincis creative thinking in
reach our full potential. What if optimising human potential is his international best-seller How to Think Like Leonardo Da
you could call on historys now more relevant than ever. Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day into seven principles:
greatest genius, Leonardo da
Vinci, to be your personal Anatomist, architect, botanist, 1. Curiosit An insatiable quest for knowledge
mentor in cultivating this city planner, chef, humorist,
and continuous improvement
ability? This is the question engineer, equestrian, inventor,
Michael J Gelb, pioneering geographer, geologist, military 2. Dimostrazione Learning from experience
creative thinker, explored in scientist, musician, painter, 3. Sensazione Sharpening
his workshop at the 2012 Mind philosopher and raconteur, the senses
& Its Potential conference. Leonardo da Vinci (1452- 4. Sfumato Managing ambiguity and change
1519) helped bring the
Western world out of the
5. Arte/Scienza Whole-brain thinking
Middle Ages and into the 6. Corporalit Body-mind fitness
Renaissance. 7. Connessione Systems thinking.