CS Important Questions For II PUC
CS Important Questions For II PUC
CS Important Questions For II PUC
1. What is a motherboard?
2. What is a processor?
3. What is a system bus?
4. What is data bus?
5. What is a port?
6. What is an interface?
7. Expand PCI.
8. Expand USB.
9. What is meant by plug & play device?
10. What is a cache memory?
11. Expand SDRAM.
12. Expand SMPS.
13. Expand UPS.
Computing In C++
1. What is a class?
2. What is an object?
3. What are data members?
4. What is a member function?
5. Is it possible to access data outside a class?
6. Which type of data members are accessible outside a class?
7. Which access specifier is implicitly used in a class?
8. Define the term public access.
9. What is the significance of scope resolution operator (:: )?
10. How are objects of a class declared?
1. Explain class definition and class declaration with syntax and example.
2. Describe access specifiers in a class.
3. Explain member functions
a. Inside class definition.
b. Outside a class definition.
4. Explain how objects of a class can be defined?
5. Describe how objects can be used as function arguments.
1. What is difference between public and private and protected access specifier?
2. What are the advantages of inheritance?
3. What are the types of inheritance? Explain any 2.
4. What is virtual base class? Give example.
5. Explain single inheritance with a suitable C++ program.
6. What is visibility mode? What is its role?
1. What is stream? Name the streams generally used for file I/o.
2. What are input and output streams?
3. Differentiate between ifstream class and ofstream class.
4. Differentiate between read () and write ().
5. Differentiate between get () and getline ().
6. What are the advantages of saving data in 1.Binary form.
Chapter - 13
1. What is data?
2. What is information?
3. What is database?
4. What is field?
5. What is a record?
6. What is an entity?
7. What is an attribute?
8. What is domain?
9. What is a relation?
10. What is a table?
11. What is normalization?
12. What is a key?
13. What is data mining?
Chapter 15
1. What is networking?
2. What is server?
3. What is client?
4. What is topology?
5. Expand 2G.
6. What is a virus?
7. What is chatting?
8. What is cyber law?
9. What are cookies?
10. What are hackers?
Chapter 17
1. What is HTML?
2. What will be the extension of hypertext markup language file?
3. What do you mean by domain?
4. What do you mean by hosting?
5. What is XML?
6. What is web scripting?
7. What is DHTML?