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(1M, 2M, 3M) Typical Configuration OF Computer System. 1 Marks

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CHAPTER 1 (1M, 2M, 3M)


1 Marks

1. What is Data bus?

2. What is motherboard?
3. Expand ISA.
4. What is cache memory?
5. What is a bus?
6. What is the use of SMPS?
7. What is microprocessor?
8. What is port?
9. Expand DDRRAM.
10.Expand SMPS.
3 Marks

1. Define cache memory. Mention the types of cache memory.

2. What is the purpose/function of UPS? Mention different types of UPS.
3. What is motherboard? Explain the characteristics of motherboard.
4. What is the purpose of ports, buses and disk controllers in the I/O system?
5. Explain 3 types of motherboards.
6. Expand UPS. Explain the types of UPS.
7. What is port? Explain serial port.

CHAPTER 2 (1M-2, 2M, 5M)

2 Marks
1. Prove that XY + XY= X.
2. What is tautology and fallacy?
3. Prove X.X = 0 by perfect induction method.
4. Prove X.(X+Y) =X algebraically.
5. State and prove complementarity law.
6. State and prove any one DeMorgan’s theorem using truth table.
7. What is minterm and maxterm.
8. Find the complement of the expression
9. Prove algebraically X+XY=X.
10. State the principle of duality. Write the dual 1+X=1.
11.Prove algebraically (X+X) (X+Y) =X.
12.State and prove commutative law using truth table. 13.Prove that
(X+Y) (X+Z) =X+YZ using algebraic method. 14.State and prove
involution law.

5 Marks
1. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0,1,2,3,6,10,13,14,15) reduce it using K-Map.
2. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14) reduce it using K-Map.
3. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0,2,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14,15) reduce it using K-Map.
4. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (1,2,3,5,7,8,9,11,13,15) reduce it using K-Map.
5. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0,2,5,7,8,10,13,15) reduce it using K-Map.
6. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0,4,6,7,8,12,14,15) reduce it using K-Map.
7. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (1,5,9,10,11,12,13,14) reduce it using K-Map.
8. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0,4,8,9,10,11,12,13,15) reduce it using K-Map.

9. Given Boolean function

F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12,13,15) reduce it using K-Map.
10. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = m1+m2+m4+m5+m9+m11+m12+m13 reduce it using K-Map.
11. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (1,5,9,10,11,12,13,14) reduce it using K-Map.
12. Given Boolean function
F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0,2,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14,15) reduce it using K-Map.

1. Which gate is called as inverter?
2. Write the standard symbol of two input NOR gate.
3. Which basic gate is named as inverter?
4. What is logic gate?
5. Write the standard symbol for AND gate.
6. Write the standard symbol for OR gate.
7. Write the standard symbol for XOR gate.


1. Write the logic diagram and truth table for NAND gate.
2. Explain the working of two input NAND gate with logic symbol and truth table.
3. Explain basic logic gates with standard symbol and truth table.
4. Realize AND, OR and NOT gate using NOR gate
5. Construct logic diagrams for OR and NOT operation
a) Using only NOR gate
b) Using only NANA gate.
6. Realize AND, OR and NOT gate using NAND gate
7. Write truth table and standard symbol for XOR gate.
8. Write the logic diagram and truth table for NOR gate.
9. Draw logic circuit and truth table for 2 input XOR gate.

1. What is meant by primitive data structures?
2. Give an example for linear data structures.
3. Name any one non-linear data structures.
4. What is Queue?
5. Define an array.
6. What are non-linear data structures?
7. Define sorting.
8. Define searching.
9. Give an example of non-primitive data structure.
10.Define root node in binary tree.


1. Explain applications of array.

2. Give memory representation of two-dimensional array using column major
3. Give memory representation of one -dimensional array.
4. Write an algorithm to delete an element from an array (1-D array).
5. Write an algorithm to insert an element into an array (1-D array).
6. Explain memory representation of two-dimensional array.
7. Write an algorithm for traversal in a linear array.
8. What is stack? Write an algorithm for POP operation.
9. Write an algorithm for PUSH operation.
10. Explain various operations performed on queue data structure.

1. Explain different operations on linked list.

2. Write an algorithm to search an element in an array using linear search method.
3. Write an algorithm to delete an element from a queue data structure.
4. What is primitive data structure? Explain different operations performed on
primitive data structure.
5. Write an algorithm to delete an element from an array (1-D array).
6. Define queue. Explain different types of queues with neat diagram.
7. Write an algorithm to search an element in an array using Binary search method.
8. Give the applications of Queues.
9. What are the different operations performed on queues? Write an algorithm
for deleting an element from a queue.
10. What is sorting. Write an algorithm for insertion sort.
11. Write an algorithm to insert an element in an array (1-D array).
12. What is stack? Write an algorithm for PUSH () and POP () operations. 13.What is
linear data structure? Explain the operations performed on linear
data structure.
14.Write an algorithm to insert an element in queue 15.
Write an algorithm for insertion sort method.
16.Explain any five basic operations performed on arrays. 17.Write an
algorithm to delete an element from the queue

1 MARKS (chapter 5 & 6)

1. Mention the operator used to access member of a class.
2. What is meant by data encapsulation?
3. What is member function.
4. Is it possible to access data outside the class?
5. What is the significance of scope resolution operator?
2 MARKS (chapter5 & 6)
1. Define polymorphism.
2. Give any 2 applications of OOPs.
3. Define a) Class b) object
4. Define base class and derived class.
5. What is the use of scope resolution operator? Give the symbol.
6. Give the general syntax for defining classes and objects.
7. Briefly discuss classes on OOPs.
8. Explain polymorphism.

1. Give the difference between procedural programming and object-oriented

2. Explain the advantages of OOPs.
3. Explain the characteristics of OOPs.
4. What is OOP’s. Mention the limitations of OOPs.
5. Write applications of OOPs.

CHAPTER 7 (1M, 5M)

1. Write the general syntax for defining and declaring a class with
programming example.
2. Explain member function outside class definition. Give example.
3. Explain member function inside class definition with syntax and example.
4. What is the significance of using access specifier? Explain access specifiers
with example.
What are access specifiers. Explain access specifiers with example.
5. Write the general syntax for defining and declaring the classes and objects
with example.
6. Explain class definition with syntax and example.
7. Explain objects of a class with syntax and programming example.
CHAPTER 8 (1M,2M,5M)
1. What is inline function? Write a simple program for it. (Or)
Explain inline function with programming example.
2. What is function overloading? Explain the need for overloading.
3. Describe briefly the use of friend function in C++ with syntax and example.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of inline function?
5. When is function overloading is needed? Write any two advantages and restrictions
on overloading function.
6. Explain friend function with syntax and programming example.
7. What is friend function. Write the characteristics of friend function.
8. Discuss overloaded function with an example.

CHAPTER 9 (1M,2M,5M)
1. Explain any two features of parameterized constructor.
2. What is destructor. Write the symbol used for destructor. (or)
What is destructor. Write its syntax.
3. Define a) Constructor b) Destructor
4. Write any 2 rules to create constructor.
5. Mention different types of constructors.
6. Write features of default constructor.

1. What is constructor? Write the syntax and programming example for default
2. Give definition of constructor. Write rules for writing constructor function.
3. What is copy constructor? Explain with syntax and programming example.
4. Explain features of default constructor. Write the syntax and example. (or)
Explain default constructor. Write the syntax and example.
5. What is destructor. Write its syntax and example.
6. Explain destructor with syntax and example.

CHAPTER 10 (3M,5M)

1) What is inheritance? Explain different types of inheritance. (March
2) What is inheritance? Mention its advantages. (June 2015,2016,2017, march
3) Explain single level inheritance with programming example. (June 2018)
4) What is inheritance. Briefly explain hierarchical and hybrid inheritance. (March

CHAPTER 11 (1M,2M,3M)

1) What are the operations performed on pointers? (*)
2) What is array of pointers? Give example. (*)
3) Explain new and delete operators in pointers.
4) What are the advantages of pointers? (*)
5) Define
a) Pointer
b) Static memory allocation
c) Dynamic memory allocation
6) Write the difference between Static and Dynamic memory allocation. (*)
1) Write the declaration syntax for a pointer.
(or) How to declare a pointer. (*)
2) Mention any one advantage of pointers. (2017, June 2015)
3) How do you initialize a pointer?
4) Define pointer.
5) What is the purpose of new operator in C++?
6) Name the pointer operator.
7) Which symbol is used as address of operator in C++?

CHAPTER 12 (2M,3M)
1) Give the function for the following
get() , getline() , read()
2) What is stream? Mention any one stream used in C++.
3) Give the function of put(), getline() and get().
4) Explain any 3 modes to open a file in C++.
5) Write difference between text file and binary file.(*)
6) What is the difference between ifstream and ofstream.
1) Write member functions belonging to ofstream.(*)
2) List different modes of opening file with their meaning.
3) Write member functions belonging to ifstream.(*)
4) Mention types of data files? Explain.
5) Differentiate between read() and write().(*)
6) Differentiate between put() and get().
7) Discuss file mode parameters in C++.
8) Write types of files and explain them.
9) What is data file? Differentiate between text and binary file in C++.
10) Discuss any 3 file mode parameters in c++.

CHAPTER 13 (1M-2, 2M, 5M-2)

1) What is data warehouse? Briefly explain its components.
2) Define the following database terms
a) Data model b) tuple c) domain d) primary key e) foreign key
3) Write the difference between manual and electronic data processing(*)
4) Mention any five applications of databases.
5) Briefly explain data processing cycle.
6) Write the difference between Hierarchical and Network Data model.
7) Explain data processing cycle.
1) Briefly explain 1-tier database architecture.
2) Write different symbols used in E-R diagram with their significance(*)
3) Explain relational data model with example.
4) Define hierarchical model. Give one advantage and disadvantage.
5) Mention database users (*).
6) Mention any 3 advantages of random/direct file organization.
7) Explain advantages(features) of DBMS.
8) Mention different Data Models. Explain anyone.
1) What is data independence? Mention the types of data independence. (*)
2) Write any two advantages of database system.
3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of ISAM?
4) Define primary key and secondary key.
5) Write the difference between data and information.
6) What is data base management system? Give example.
7) Explain any three applications of DBMS. (*)
8) Define primary key and candidate key.
1) Define primary key.
2) What is database?
3) Define data mining. (*)
4) Define an entity.
5) What is record?
6) What is table in DBMS?
7) Define tuple. (*)

CHAPTER 14 (3M,5M-2)
1) What is Data Definition Language? Give the functions of Data Definition Language.
(March 2018)
2) What are Group functions in SQL? Explain any four Group functions with example.
(June 2017) (Or)
Explain various Group function in SQL (March 2015) (March 2020)
3) Write purpose of the following commands. (March 2017)
a) count() b) max() c) min() d) avg() e) sum()
4) Expand SQL. Give the syntax and example for INSERT and DELETE command in
SQL. (June 2016)
5) Describe any five logical operators in SQL (march 2016)
6) What is Data Definition Language? Explain SELECT and UPDATE command. (June
7) Discuss any five character(text) built -in functions in SQL. (June 2018)
8) Explain any five relational/comparison operators in SQL with suitable examples.
(March 2019)
Extra question
1) Explain any five arithmetic operators used in SQL.
2) Mention and explain DML commands in SQL.
1) Differentiate between DELETE and DROP commands in SQL. (March 2019).
2) Give syntax and example for INSERT command in SQL. (June 2018)
3) Give syntax and example for UPDATE command in SQL. (March 2018) (March 2017)
4) Write difference between ORDER BY and GROUP BY clause used in SQL? Give
example foe each. (July 2017)
5) Mention Logical operators in SQL. (June 2016).
6) Give syntax and example for DELETE command in SQL. (March 2015)
7) Mention Data types used in SQL. (June 2015)
8) Give syntax for INSERT and DELETE command in SQL. (March 2016)

CHAPTER 15 (1M, 2M, 5M)

1) Explain network securities in detail.
2) Give the measures for preventing virus (*)
3) Explain any five networking devices.
4) Define the following
a) SIM b) SMS c) Wi-Fi d) chatting e) Video conference
5) Write notes on network topologies.
6) What is networking? Explain goals of networking.
7) What is network security? Mention and explain protection methods.
1) Mention any two-antivirus software.
2) Explain circuit switching technique. (*)
3) Explain local area network.
4) Write difference between half duplex and full duplex communication modes.
5) What is communication mode? Explain simplex mode.
6) What is the difference between LAN and WAN?
1) Define term “topology” of computer network.
2) Define local area network.
3) Define bus topology.
4) Give an example of full duplex communication mode.
5) Mention any one type of UTP cable.
6) What is ring topology?
7) What is Wide area network?
8) What is computer network.
9) Expand HTTP.
10) Expand FTP.
11) What is HUB.
12) What is server?
13) What is chatting?
14) Define networking.
CHAPTER 16 (1M, 2M, 3M)
1) What is web browser? Mention any two-web browser. (*).
2) What is web-hosting? Mention different types of web hosting. (*)
3) Give an example of web browser.
4) Define the term a) Web page b) Web browser c) WWW
5) Give the services of e-commerce.
6) Define e- commerce. Write the various technologies and services used in e-commerce.
7) Give the advantages of E-commerce. (*)
8) Mention types of E-commerce.
1) What is freeware?
2) What is DHTML.
3) What is website?(*)
4) Expand XML.
5) Expand WWW.
6) What is web scripting?(*)
7) What is free-hosting?

CHAPTER 17 (1M, 2M, 3M)

1. What is web scripting?
2. What is free hosting?
3. Write any one formatting HTML tag.
4. What is the use of HTML? (or) Mention the use of HTML
5. What is a website?
6. Expand XML.
7. Write any one HTML tag.
8. What is DHTML?

1. Explain any three HTML tags.

2. Explain any three text formatting tags. (or)
Discuss any three text formatting tags.
3. Write the features of DHTML.
4. Explain general structure of HTML.
5. What is web-hosting? Mention different types of web-hosting.

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