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I Puc Annual - Biology

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Time: 3 hours {5 rninutes Max Marks: 70

lnstructions : 1) This question paper consists of FOIIR parts A, B, C and D. D part consists of two parts.
Secfion - I and Sectian - ll.
2) Allthe Parts are comPulsorY.
3) Draw diagrams wherever necessa4/. lJnlabelled diagrams (or) illustrations da not attract
any marks.

Answer the fotlowing questions in one word or one sentence each 10 X I = 10
1. What is a museum?
2. Where do you find bulliform cells?
3. Mention the function of gizzard in cockroach.
4. Who proposed the omnis cellula - e cellula?
5. Expand PPLO.
6. WhatisAmmonification?
7. What is plasmolysis?
8. Write the dental forrnula of man.
9. What is emphysema?
10. Statethefunction of fibrinogen in blood.
Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 3 - 5 sentences each, wherever applicable.
11. Write the important rules of Binomial nomenclature. Give one example.
12. How are viroids different from viruses.
13. Sketch and label cardiac musscle tissue.
14. Write any two differences between mitosis and meiosis.
15. What is hydroponics? Give one application of this technique.
16. Mention the role of hydrochloric acid in digestion.
17 " Haemoglobin is a oxygen carrier. Explain.'
18. Name any one gonadotropic hormones, giving a function of each.
Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 40 - 80 words each, wherever applicable.
19. Assign the following to their respective phyla.
a) Sycon b) Aurelia c) Liverfluke
2A. Mention the salientfeatures of family solanaceae.
21. What is vascular bundle? Explain the types of vascular bundles.
22. Describe the following:
a) synapsis
b) bivalent
c) chiasmata
23. How are the minerals absorbed by the plants?
24. Write a note on ultrafiltration.
25. a) What is pace maker?
b) Define a cardiac cycle and the cardiac output"
26. Describe the differenttypes of movements exhibited by cells of the human body.


Answer any four of the following questions in 200 - 250 words each, wherever
applicable. 4xS=20
2V Describe the important characteristics of gymnosperms.
28. Draw a labelled diagram of Alimentary canal system of cockroach.
29" write anyfive differences between cartilage and bonyfishes.
30. With a neat labelled diagram explain the structure of rnitochondria.
31. Explain the mode of enzyme action.
32. Describe the transpiration pull model of watertransporl in plants.
sEcTtoN - il
Answer any THREE of the following questions in 200 - 250 words each, wherever
applicable. 3x5=1S
33" Explain the cyclic photophosphorylation with schematic representation.
34. Draw a labelled diagram of multipolar neuron.
35. Give the schematic representation of Kreb's cycle.
36. a) What is photoperiodism? What is its significance?
b) Explain sigmoid growth curve.
37 - Diagramatically indicate the location of the various endocrine glands in our body.

subject : BIoLo
Time:3 Hours ts Min Max. Marks:70
Gen cral Instructiorts :
* The question p{}per consists of Four Parts A, B, C and D. ii
* All the parts are compulsory. -"

* Draw diagrams whcrever necessory. Unlabelled diagrams or illustrations do not attract any marks.

Part - A
Answer the following questions in onc word or one sentence each : t

1. Name the basic unit of classification. t-t

2. Define Phyllotaxy.
3. Mention the function of Nephridia.
4. Name the bacterial Ribosomc.
5. Define Osmosis.
6. Which is the nondigesting enzyme of Intestinial Juice?
7. Name the structurai and functional unit of Kidney. ,

8. Expand ECG.
9. What is Transpiration?
10. Mention any Inclusion bodies.

. Part-D
Answerany Five of the following questionsin 3 - 5sentences'each: 5 x2 = 10
I 1. Write any four characteristics of Fungi.
12. Mention the uses of diatarnaceous Earth.
13. Differentiate Bilateral and Radial Synimetry.
14. Write any four Biological significance of Carbohydrates.
15. Draw a labelled diagram of Mitochondria.
16. Mention the role of HCI in Stomach.
17. Define Inspiration and Expiration.
18. Briefly explain transport of CO, by blood.

Part - C
Answer any Five of the following : 5 x 3 = 15
19. Write any three economic importance of Cyanobacteria.
20. Mention briefly respiration in Frog.
2L. I-ist any three functions of Parenchyma.
22. What is Cell Cycle? Mention the phases of Cell cycle.

: 23. Explain briefly Mass florv Hypothesis


B 24. Mention the formed elements of Blood.

25. Explain the role of Saliva.
26. What is Double Circulation? Mention the stages in dor-rble circulation.

Answer any Four of the following in 200 - 250 words each i 4 x 5 = 20

27. Write the general characters of the Phylum Annelida.

28. F.nuinerate any five charecteristic features of Gymnosperms.
29. Draw a neat lagellecl diagram of Digestive syiteni of Cockroach.
30. Explain Fluid Mosaic Model? Mention the functions of Plasma membrane.
31. Write the differences bel;'sen Mitosis and lWeiosis.
32. Give schematic representation of Kreb's Cycle.

Ansrver any Four of the tollowing in 200 - 250 u'ords each n'herever applicable : 5 x 3 = 15

33. Explain the physiological roles of Cytokinins

34. Write the Z scheme of Light reaction.
35. Explain the mechanism of Ascent of Sap.
36. Draw a neat labelled diagram of V.S' of Human Heart' I "

37 . List any Five hormones of Pituitary gland and write one function of each.

Time : 3.15 Hours Maximum Marks : 70

General lnstructions :
i) This question paper consists of four parts A, B, C and D.
Pard D consists of two sections - Section I and Section ll.
ii) Allthe parts are compulsory.
iii) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Unlabelled diagrams or illustrations do not attract any


Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each :

1. Name the famous Botanical garden of England.
2. What is gamopetalous corolla ?
3. Name the site of production of Blood Cells.
4. Mitochondria are called powerhouses of a cell- Give reason.
5. Name the most abundant animal protein in the world.
6. What are Porins ?
7. What is Chlorosis ?
8. Mention the main cause for'Gout' - disease.
9. Which part of the ovary secretes progesterone ?
10. What are Metacentric Chromosomes ?

Answer any FIVE of the following in 3-5 sentences each, wherever applicable:
5 x2=10
11. What are Plasmogamy and Karyogamy ?
12. State any two universal rules of Binomial Nomenclature.
13. Distinguish between Microsporophyll and Megasporophyll of Gymnosperms.
14. What are Pseudocoelomates ? Give an example.
15. Mention any four functions of Plasma-membrane.
16. Define Glycolysis. Mention anytwo intermediate 3 carbon compounds produced dur-
ing Glycolysis.
17. Removal of shoot tips, make the hedge in tea plantations - Give reasons.
18. Mention four functional propedies of Muscle tissue.

Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 40-80 words each, wherever
applicable: 5x3=15
19. Describe the Diplontic life cycle pattern of Plant Kingdom.
20. Classify the flowers based on the position of Thalamus giving an example each.

21 . Explain the steps involved in catalytic cycle of an Enzyme action.

22. What is Fermentation ? Name any two enzymes involved in this process.
23. List out any three physiological role of Gibberellins in plant growth.
24. Mention the importance of the following with reference to Human Digestive System.
(i) Epiglottis.
(ii) viili
(iii) Saliva
25. Describe the mechanism of Gaseous exchange inAlveolus and Pulmonary capillary.
26. Name any three excretory structures in lnvertebrates.

Answer any FOUR of the following questions in 200-250 words each,
wherever applicable : 4x5=20

27 . List out any five salient features of Phylum Echinodermata.

28. Draw a neat labelled diagram of T.S. of Dicot Root.
29. Describe the structure of Nucleus with a neat labelled diagram.
30. Describe the events in phases of cell cycle.
31 . Explain the major events of cyclic photophosphorylation in Photosynthesis.
32. Name anyfive hormones secreted by Pituitary Gland.

Answer any THREE of the following questions in 200-250 words each, wher-
ever applicable :
5= {5
33. Explain the structure of Areolar connective tissue with labelled diagram
34. Comment on the following :

(i) Sym plastic pathway.

(iii) Plasmolysis.
(iv) Transpiration.
35. Describe the process of Nodule formation in Soyabean with diagrams.
36. Describe the structure of Human Heaft.
37. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Neuron.
Time:3 Hours 15 minutes Maximum Marks : 70

General lnstructions :
1. The question paper consists of four parts A, B, C and D. Pard D consists of two sections.
Section I and Section ll.
2. Allthe parts are compulsory.
3. Draw diagrams wherever necessary, unlabeled diagrams or illustrations do not attract any

Answer the following questions in one word or one Sentence each :

1. Name the modification of leaves for climbing.
2. Give an example for a medicinal plant of the family Solanaceae.
3. Name the dense regular connective trssue which attach the skeletal muscles to bone.
4. What is telocentric chromosome ?
5. Why mitosis is called 'equational division'?
6. Name the phase of Prophase-l of meiosis during which synapsis takes place.
7. What are porins ?
B. The deficiency symptoms of Nitrogen in plants. tend to appear first in the older tis-
sues, why ?
9. What happens when a plant cell is placed in hypertonic solution to the protoplasm.
1 0. Define transamination.
Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 3-5 sentences each : 5 x 2=10
11 . Name the phases of life cycle in plants, which alternate ltrith each other.
12. Differentiate chordates from Non-chordates by giving two differences.
13. What is Venation ? Mention the types.
14. List the key features of Metaphase of mitosis
15. What are mtcronutrients ? Name any two of them.
16. What is biological nitrogen fixation ? Give an example each for free-living and symbi-
otic nitrogen fixing bacteria,
17. All the minerals cannot be passively absorbed by the roots give two reasons.
1 8. Differentiate guttation from transpiration.
Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 40-80 words each, wherever
applicable; 5x3=15
19. List any six taxonomic categories.
20. Classify the plastids on the basis of pigments.
(P.r o)

21. Name the three major types of cells and their secretions of gastric glands.
22. Name any three respiratory disorders.
23. Briefly explain the structure of myosin.
24. Lislthe hormones secreted by parsdistalis region of pituitary.
25. Which are the organs involved in the regulation of kidney functioning.
26. Mention any three functions of Melatonin.



Answer any FOUR of the following questions in 200-250 words each,

whereverapplicable: 4x5=20
27 . List any five general characteristics of Pteridophytes.
28. Write any four salient features of phylum. Arthropoda and name any two economi-
cally important insects.
29. Mention any five imporlant characteristics of Prokaryotic cells.
30. What are ribozymes ? Describe the catalytic cycle of enzyme action.
31 . Draw a neat labeled diagram of the anatomy of Dicot leaf.
32. Brief explain Calvin cycle with schematic representation,

Answer any THREE of the following questions in 200-250 words each, wher-
everapplicable : 3x5=15
33. List any five physiological effects of auxins in plants.
34. Explain the structure of alimentary canal of Cockroach.
35. Explain the process of double circulation in humans.
36. (a)Compare aerobic respiration and fermentation (3 M)
(b) What is respiratory quotient ? Write the RQ value of carbohydrates. (2 M)
37. Draw a neat labeled diagram of Neuron.

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