Review Article: Crohn's Disease Imaging: A Review
Review Article: Crohn's Disease Imaging: A Review
Review Article: Crohn's Disease Imaging: A Review
Review Article
Crohns Disease Imaging: A Review
Copyright 2012 Gianluca Gatta et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Crohns disease is a chronic granulomatous inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which can involve almost any
seg- ment from the mouth to the anus. Typically, Crohns lesions attain segmental and asynchronous distribution with varying
levels of seriousness, although the sites most frequently involved are the terminal ileum and the proximal colon. A single gold
standard for the diagnosis of CD is not available and the diagnosis of CD is confirmed by clinical evaluation and a combination
of endoscopic, histological, radiological, and/or biochemical investigations. In recent years, many studies have been performed
to investigate the diagnostic potential of less invasive and more patient-friendly imaging modalities in the evaluation of
Crohns disease includ- ing conventional enteroclysis, ultrasonography, color-power Doppler, contrast-enhanced
ultrasonography, multidetector CT ente- roclysis, MRI enteroclysis, and 99mTc-HMPAO-labeled leukocyte scintigraphy. The
potential diagnostic role of each imaging modality has to be considered in dierent clinical degrees of the disease, because
there is no single imaging technique that allows a correct diagnosis and may be performed with similar results in every
institution. The aim of this paper is to point out the advan- tages and limitations of the various imaging techniques in patients
with suspected or proven Crohns disease.
1. Conventional Enteroclysis (CE) Radiologic findings include irregular thickening and dis-
tortion of the valvulae conniventes, loops adhesions (mass-
Conventional enteroclysis is generally performed according
like eect), or separated loops because of wall thickening
to the technique established by Herlinger [1].
and mesenteric inflammatory infiltration [5] (Figure 1).
A nasoenteric tube is placed beyond the
Transverse and longitudinal distribution of ulcerations
duodenojejunal junction under fluoroscopic guidance. A
can separate islands of thickened internal wall, resulting in
standard amount of barium (300 mL) and 0.5%
the typical cobblestone appearance.
methylcellulose solution (1.500 mL) or air, as in our
Strictures are often separated by healthy bowel tracts
experience, is infused through the nasoenteric tube,
(skip lesions); impaired small bowel peristalsis is commonly
achieving optimal double-contrast and small-bowel
observed within rigid stenotic tracts. Extrinsic compression
may be observed, due to mesentery lymph node enlargement
Standardized compression views are obtained in all pa- [6]. In partial obstructing stenosis, enteroclysis may provide
tients for evaluation of the small bowel, especially of the higher sensitivity than enterography for detection of lesions
ter- minal ileum [2]. in the small bowel [7].
Crohns disease has been traditionally investigated Although it manages to accurately detect the location
with the use of small bowel barium enteroclysis, which and extension of Crohns disease (sens. 98%, spec. 97%
detects early mucosal disease (sens. 69.6%, spec. 95.8% [8]), it is unable to provide information on extraluminal
[3]) as well as complications such as strictures, fistulae, and lesions [9], and capsule endoscopy and double balloon
abscesses (diag- nostic accuracy 80.3%) [3, 4]. enteroscopy have
Gastroenterology Research and Practice 1
Figure 1: Conventional enteroclysis. (a) Conventional enteroclysis: panoramic view. (b) Mild wall thickening in the ileum. (c) Scattered
linear aphthoid lesions (arrow) in a segment of distal small bowel. (d) Mucosal ulcers (arrows). (e) Typical cobblestone-like nodular filling
defects and ulceration. (f) Fistula (arrows). (g) Stenotic loop (arrows).
replaced the enteroclysis as gold standard technique, even in Each layer does not correspond exactly to a defined his-
clinical practice [7]. tologic layer but rather an interface between adjacent layers
However, barium enteroclysis may be required as an ad- [13].
ditional test in a small group of patients with a high clinical The normal thickness of the small bowel is comprised
suspicion but a negative CT study [10]. 3 in the distended bowel and 5 mm in the nondistended
Intestinal US allows the visualization of wall thickening
2. Ultrasonography (US) of the relevant loop, with the loss of normal stratification
and motility, lack of compressibility by the transducer,
Ultrasonography is an accurate, noninvasive, painless diag- narrowing of the lumen, conglomeration, the possible
nostic tool with the capability of being used extensively in coexistence of mesenteric thickening, increased lymph
the clinical setting. nodes, abdominal fluid and abscess, fistulas and stenoses
The examination consist of a global evaluation of the related to dilations of the upper loops [7, 11] (Figure 2).
small bowel and colon with standard resolution US (3.5 However, the accuracy of US is highly dependent on
5 MHz), followed by a focused high-resolution study (7 fac- tors such as experience level of examining physician
12 MHz). B-mode US may visualize five concentric layers and loca- tion and severity of the disease [7].
with dierent echogenicities [11]. When sensitivity is estimated based on disease location,
The first layer is the echogenic interface, followed by a the highest values are found for anatomic areas easily acces-
hypoechoic mucosa, an echogenic submucosa, a hypoechoic sible by US, such as terminal ileum and left colon, whereas
muscular layer, and a echogenic interface between the the diagnostic accuracy is lower for upper small bowel and
serosa and the adjacent fatty mesentery [12]. rectum [14].
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2: US. (a) Wall thickening without stratification and hyperecoic lumen. Regular outer margin of the loop. Mesenteric fat hypertrophy.
(b) Coexistence of two patterns. Stenotic and thickened loop with preserved stratification and an adjcent segment with loss of
(c) Stenotic intestinal tract characterized by marked dilatation of the bowel lumen, with thickened bowel wall. (d) Wall thickening
with loss of normal stratification. Discontinuous outer margin with hypoecoic indented irregularities due to extramural findings.
Ultrasonography has the further disadvantage of being preliminary examination [21], can help in clinical diagnostic
dicult to perform on overweight patients aected by confidence, and can provide important diagnostic findings,
severe meteorism. Furthermore, an ultrasound exam does
not allow operators to detect superficial intramural lesions
The significant heterogeneity of the estimates of diag-
nostic accuracy (sensitivity 7594% and specificity 67
100% [18]; sensitivity and specificity 90% and 96% [19];
and specificity 85% and 98% [7]; sens. 92% and spec. 97%
[8]) precluded the possibility of obtaining a cumulative
value of diagnostic accuracy.
In general, the magnitude of US changes has a high cor-
relation with endoscopic and histological magnitude of alte-
rations and a weak correlation with indexes of clinical
activity and biomarkers [7], especially in fistulae (sens.
71.4%, spec. 95.8%, acc. 85.2%) and abscesses (acc.
88.5%) evaluation [3]. Moreover, the bowel
hydrosonography (with oral nonab- sorbable solution)
results in an increase in the sensitivity of
US for the detection of segments with active disease [20].
To date, sonography of intestinal loops is useful as the
suggesting the use of the other imaging technique. The US has demonstrated a high diagnostic accuracy for the
use of US has also been proposed in the followup of detection of small bowel fistulae, abscesses, and stenosis
patients with known Crohns disease in asymptomatic [24].
patients in order to identify the occurrence of For the detection of internal fistulas, the combination
complications at an earlier stage [22] and recurrences of small bowel enteroclysis and US significantly improved
(diagnostic accuracy 72.7%) [23]. diagnostic accuracy (small bowel enteroclysis 84%, US
All studies showed a high accuracy of US for the 85%, combination 91%) [7].
diagnosis of postsurgical recurrence in CD, detecting In conclusion, in known Crohns disease for following
almost all cases of severe or complicated recurrence, as disease course and evaluating relapses and extramural man-
well as high sensitivity and specificity in dierentiating ifestations, US is an excellent tool (sens. 88.4%, 93.3%, acc.
mild from severe recurrence, especially after giving oral 90.4%) [25].
contrast [7].
3. Color-Power Doppler (PD) 3070 KPa) produces microbubble resonance with produc-
tion of regular harmonic frequencies and allows real-time
Color and power Doppler US permits the measurement of
scanning, and it is the technique of insonation which is usu-
arterial and venous flows in the upper mesenteric vessels,
ally in the clinical practice.
the evaluation of the increase of the relevant loop, Now are available also specialized contrast-specific US
determination of alterations in the vascular and techniques, such as pulse inversion, recognition imaging,
microvascular nature of the inflammatory process and power modulation, and contrast pulse sequence [31].
association with neoangiogenesis in the intestinal wall [26]. CEUS provides an adequate evaluation of the increased
Color and power Doppler imaging usually is performed parietal vascularization in the active phase of the Crohn dis-
with parameters optimized to detect low velocity and low- ease. It might help in characterizing bowel-wall thickening
flow states (pulse repetition frequencies 8001500 Hz, by dierentiating inflammatory vascularization, edema, and
wall filter 4050 Hz, maximal color signal gain fibrosis and may help to grade disease activity by assessing
immediately below the noise threshold, high levels of color the presence and distribution of vascular perfusion within
versus echo priority, and color persistence) [13]. the layers of the bowel wall, although it is limited to the
The intensity of the vascularity may be subjectively cat- eva- luation of a specific loop (Figure 4).
egorized as mild (small focal area of color signal), moderate Four dierent perfusion patterns of bowel
(multiples areas of weak color signal), or marked (multiple enhancement related to Crohns activity have been
areas of color signal) because some studies have found that recently proposed: (a) a complete enhancement of the
increased vascularity of the diseased bowel wall correlates entire wall section, from the mucosal to the serosal layer;
with the activity of the disease [26]. (b) the absence of enhancement only in the outer border
Dopple, sonographic parameters of superior mesenteric of the muscularis propria; (c) the absence of enhancement
artery are significantly correlated with disease activity in both in the outer and in the inner border of the bowel
nonoperated and noncomplicated Crohns disease [27]. wall and enhancement only in the inter- mediate layer;
Combination of B-mode and power Doppler sonography (d) the complete absence of enhancement in the entire
has a high accuracy in the determination of disease activity wall section [29].
in Crohns disease when compared to ileocolonoscopy
[27]. Contrast-enhanced US could classify severity signifi-
To date, the use of power Doppler US has been cantly better than Doppler-US signal and measurement of
suggested to improve the diagnostic accuracy of US, mural thickening (P < 0.001) [32].
particularly in dis- criminating inflammatory from fibrotic Patients with Crohns disease require frequently
strictures, in better defining the presence of internal multiple imaging examinations. CEUS is a noninvasive
fistulas, and to dierentiate these lesions from intra- technique, which is also more comfortable for the patient
abdominal abscesses [13, 1519, 21, with signif- icant diagnostic accuracy. The high sensitivity
22, 28] (Figure 3). and temporal resolution of CEUS in the assessment of small
bowel vascu- larity is the real strength of this technique
4. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography (CEUS) CEUS can become the most useful imaging modality in
the dierential diagnosis between fibrotic and inflammatory
The limit of US evaluation is the impossibility of assessing
thickening, in the detection of possible disease complications
bowel wall vascularization and the dierentiation between
(abscess, phlegmons, and fistulas) and for assessing the e-
thickening due to active inflammation or fibrosis cannot be
cacy of medical therapy in reducing bowel-wall vascularity
reliably made with ultrasound. However, the bowel wall
in patients with chronic inflammatory disease.
neo- vascularization is an early pathological change
To date, one study evaluated the accuracy of contrast-
occurring in patients with active CD [29].
enhanced US for assessment of activity in CD, showing that
The availability of dedicated contrast-specific techniques
the technique has a high sensitivity and specificity (93%
overcomes the limitations of CD-US with microbubble con-
and 94%, resp.) [33], (sens. 81%, spec. 63% for
trast agents, including blooming artifacts and the limited
semiquantitative method; sens. 81%, spec. 55.6% for
vis- ibility of vessels with a slowflow [13] and has enabled
quantitative method) [29].
ultra- sonography to obtain information regarding the
The comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of conven-
perfusion behavior of the organs and their diuse or
tional US, Doppler US, and contrast-enhanced US for
focal diseases [30].
assess- ment of disease activity showed that the sensitivity
Microbubble contrast agents are mainly blood-pool
of three modalities of examination and specificity are
agents and present a pure intravascular distribution and
virtually iden- tical (94, 94, 94% and 97, 97, 97%, resp.)
allow to increase the backscatter signal from blood cells.
Microbubbles consist of small gas particles with a diameter
In conclusion, CEUS has a high sensitivity and
of 26 m with a sti or flexible shell composed by
specificity in detecting inflammatory activity and a strong
biocompati- ble materials (proteins, lipids, or biopolymers)
correlation with the CDAI (sens. 93.5%, spec. 93.7%, acc.
presenting an overall thickness from 10 to 200 nm.
93.6%, corre- lation coecient 0.74; P < 0.0001) [33].
Insonation techniques are available for CEUS. The high-
CEUS allows real-time assessment of the bowel-wall
transmit-power insonation produces extensive microbubble
per- fusion with the highest temporal resolution of all
destruction with the production of a wide-band irregu-
imaging techniques and with a spatial and contrast
lar harmonic signal. Low-transmit-power insonation (about
resolution that rivals that of CT and MRI. In consideration
of the need for patient comfort, especially in pediatric
imaging, CEUS might
(a) (b)
Figure 3: PDs. Wall thickening in B mode (a), in PD (b), (c), (d), and arterial doppler spectrum (e).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4: CEUS. Last ileal loop wall thickening and submucosal contrast enhancement after contrast medium (SonoVue, Bracco). 0
(a), 15 (b), 30 (c), and 45 (d) sec.
become the most useful modality for assessing the ecacy CT-dependent patients dose. CT images are analyzed on
of medical therapy with chronic inflammatory disease. a soft-tissue window (30-HUcenter level, 400-HU-window
The routine use of the CEUS in the clinical assessment width).
of the patient with active Crohns disease for therapeutical
Multiplanar reconstructions are undertaken in all pa-
and surgical management should be suggested [33].
tients to help interpret conflicting findings in axial scans,
im- prove the detection of lesions, and increase the
5. Multidetector CT Enteroclysis (MDCT-E) capability for assessing lesions extension.
Multidetector CT enteroclysis was introduced as an alterna- Patients with the disease do not form a clinically homo-
tive imaging method to overcome the individual geneous group, and they may be very dierent from one
deficiencies of CT and conventional enteroclysis and to ano- ther, with dierent clinical situations influenced by
combine the advantages of both in one technique. individ- ual expression of the disease and possible previous
MDCT-E has been described as highly accurate in surgical procedures; this does not always allow a uniform
reveal- ing mural and extraluminal manifestations of and rep- roducible clinical and radiological standardization
disease, in- cluding abscesses, while conventional of the dis- ease [38, 39].
enteroclysis was supe- rior for luminal abnormalities and In patients suspected of having Crohns disease, MDCT-
ulceration (Figure 5) [34, 35]. E is accurate in depicting mucosal abnormalities, bowel
CT enteroclysis can be performed by using positive ent- thick- ening, mucosa hyperemia, ulcers, stenosis,
eral contrast material without intravenous contrast material engorgement of vasa recta, and lymph nodes and
or neutral enteral contrast material with intravenous contrast mesenteric involvement [4042].
material [36]. It is superior to CT enterography in that it provides a
The advantages of neutral CM through the lumen out- sui- table uniform distension of the lumen, thus allowing
weigh those oered by positive CM for the following assess- ment of wall thickness [43].
reasons: lower costs, low viscosity, faster injections, and Evidence suggest a high sensitivity, specificity, and
better view of enhancement, wall thickening, and accu- racy in the evaluation of relapse of ileocolic
mesenteric involvement. Positive CM through the lumen is anastomosis [7]. It also has higher sensitivity and greater
useful in the case of con- traindications to CM interobserver
intravenously injected. As far as our study is concerned, reliability if compared to MR enteroclysis and does not
we combined neutral and intra-venously injected CM entail any risk of capsule retention to the patient while
through the lumen in all patients [37]. performing video capsule endoscopy [44].
In our experience, before the exam, patients take Nonetheless, MDCT-E has its drawbacks. Take for ins-
laxatives for small-bowel and colon cleansing. Then a tance, ionizing radiation, time needed for placing the naso-
nasoenteric tube150 cm long, 21 mm in diameter, 2.8 enteric tube, high costs, contrast medium intravenously in-
mm in external diameter, and a distal end closed by a jected, likely inhalation of contrast medium injected into the
plastic tip with 4 side holes [Guerbet, Paris]is placed. lumen, necessity to attain a suitable distension of the lumen,
The patient is moved to the CT room where scout-view and and lower sensitivity when it comes to identifying lesions of
volumetric scan are carried out. the mucosa and jejunum.
A layer not wider than 3 mm and a reconstructing inter- Dierences in specificity and sensitivity can be ascribed
val not larger than 5 mm are chosen. to a distinct lack of standard protocols [4549] and to the
20 mg of hyoscine butylbromide are administered intra- dierent methods followed for data analysis (CD diagnosis
venously in order to reduce intestinal peristalsis and segmen- sens. 84%, spec. 95% [19]; location and extension sens.
tation of the intestinal loops and foster their distension.
88%, spec. 88% [7]; disease activity and severity sens.
1800 mL of water at temperature 37 C is used as a
neutral 81%, spec. 88% [7] or sens 89%, spec 80% [50];
complication sens.
contrast agent and administered through a peristaltic pump
81%, spec. 98% [7]; extraintestinal complications sens. 100%
so as to obtain a suitable distension of the intestinal loops.
The initial 500 mL is flushed through the tube at a
speed of 120 mL/min in order to avoid stress caused by Moreover, for the identification of abscesses, accuracy is
sudden loosening. Then the inoculation of another 1000 higher for CT (92%) than for US (87%) because false
mL at 240 mL/min follows, with the aim of loosening positive results in US studies [7] and significant
the loops and pushing the contrast medium (CM) correlations are ob- served between the intensity of various
forward. The last 300 mL is injected at 120 mL/s. CT changes and the severity of endoscopic lesions [51].
After introducing 1500 mL of intraluminal contrast med- For these reasons, by defining universal procedures (e.g.,
ium, iodinated contrast agent is injected intravenously, 1 mg patients preparation, performing techniques, diagnostic
iodine/kg body weight (BW) through a mechanic injector standards for IBD, etc.) we will be able to increase
sensitivity and specificity values in addition to being able
at a concentration of 400 mg iodine/mL (Iomeprol and to establish a more accurate diagnosis in order to establish
Iomeron 400 Bracco, Italy) with a 80 s delay in therapy pro- grams which suit the individuals needs [37].
scanning. In the first 40 s, the CM is injected at a speed
To date MDCT-E is indicated in case of patient with ini-
of 1 mL/s, whereas in the remaining 30 s it is
tial diagnosis of Crohns disease, suspected complications
administered at a speed of 3 mL/s. The exam is carried out
or recurrence [39].
with one volumetric acq- uisition at 70 s during breathing-
in apnea, thus reducing the
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure 5: MDCT-E. Intraintestinal findings: intramural (a), (b) wall thickening (b) (double halo sign), (c) hyperemia of the mucosa,
(d) ulcer, (e) stenosis, extramural (f) engorgement of vasa recta (comb sign). Extraintestinal findings: (g), (h) lymph nodes
involvement and mesenteric fat stranding, (i) abscess.
Figure 6: MR-E. (a), (b) Coronal true fast induction steady-state potential and single-shot hydrographic sequence showing a suitable degree
of jejunum distension.
Figure 7: MR-E. Last ileal loop wall thickening (a), (b) axial TRUFI T2. (c), (d) Coronal TRUFI T2. (e) Coronal FLASH 3D. (f),
(g), (h) Coronal FLASH 3D postcontrast medium.
spec. 91%) [7]. The technique, in fact, enables identification be achieved with MR enteroclysis, makes it a unique imaging
of lesions to the mucosa and complications. MR enteroclysis modality [61].
enables identification of a stenotic segment, evaluation of The correlation for the assessment of activity between
significance or insignificance, definition of characteristics endoscopy and MR and dierentiation between mild and
whether inflammatory or fibrousand therefore guidance severe lesions is considered very high [7].
towards the most appropriate treatment. The possibility of The main drawbacks are represented by high operating
obtaining dynamic-functional information, which can only costs and the need for contrast injection. It also has
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 8: MR-E. Crohns disease: colon involvement (a), (b) coronal TRUFI T2 showing (c) axial TRUFI T2; (d) coronal TRUFI T2.
0.4 0.5 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5
(min.sec) Normal time
(a) (b)
Figure 9: MR-E. (a) Coronal TRUFI T2 showing ileal loop wall thickening. (b) Intensity/time curve not showing inflammatory activity.
lower sensitivity than MDCT-E (60% versus 89% in the enteroclysis (sens. diagnosis 95.2%, abscesses 77.8%, fistulae
asse- ssment of bowel-wall thickening only) [59]. 70.6%) [62].
However, MRI can detect the most relevant findings To date, the elevated soft-tissue contrast and the func-
in patients with IBD with an accuracy superior to that of tional information it can provide make MR imaging an
10 Gastroenterology Research and Practice
Superficial Intra/
IV Nasoenteric Well Widely Operator Radiation
of lesion extraintestinal Activity
infusion tube accepted available dependent exposure disease
detection structures
+ + + +
CE + + + +
US + + +
PD + + +
CEUS + + + + +/
MDCT-E + + + + +/
MR-E + + + +
CE: conventional enteroclysis; US: ultrasonography; PD: power Doppler; CEUS: contrast-enhanced ultrasonography; MDCT-E: multidetector CT
enteroclysis; MR-E: magnetic resonance enteroclysis; TLLS: 99mTc-HMPAO-labeled leukocyte scintigraphy; IV infusion: intravascular infusion.
ideal candidate for diagnosis at a young age and followup of decreases the tracer substance amount needed for tracing
patients with Crohns disease [43, 50, 63]. diapedesis. As a result, sensitivity
7. 99mTc-HMPAO-Labeled Leukocyte
Scintigraphy (TLLS)
99mTc-HMPAO-labeled leukocyte scintigraphy can identify
the location of the inflammation and consequently assess its
activity level.
Therefore, it provides rationale not only when clinical
data and CT data are unclear but also during the assessment
of a previously known inflammatory process so as to devise
a suitable therapy program [64].
TLLS, used as a tool to identify location, level of
inflam- mation, and level of infection in nuclear medicine
can boast of a well-established tradition. The response to an
inflamma- tion or acute infection process is characterized
by an increase in the local amount of blood, increased
vascular permeability in addition to plasma protein
exudation, and leukocyte stream [65].
During an acute inflammation/infection process, we wit-
ness a majority of polymorphic nuclear infiltrating cells
while in chronic inflammation/infection cases cellular
response mostly concerns lymphocytes, monocytes, and
macrophages. Although Crohns disease represents a
chronic condition with a predominant mononuclear
infiltrate, labeled leuko- cytes, in the case of leukocytes
infiltrating at the level of the mucosa, give operators a
clear view of intestinal inflamed
tracts during the acute phase of the disease [64].
TLLS has been extensively employed in patients
aected by Crohns disease throughout the years producing
not always unanimous results due to the dierences among
labeled cells, labeling methods, and the type of imaging
which is obtained. Through the years, many labeling
methods have been put forward both in vitro and in vivo.
In vivo labeling is easy to perform and does not require
special equipment. It reduces performing times as well as
being well tolerated by patients because it calls for only
one injection. Conversely, the generally low quality of view
obtained by labeling methods which present great residual
10 Gastroenterology Research and Practice
obtainable from this type of examination is lower HMPAO (hexamethyl-propyleneamine ox- ime)
because image quality is distinctly inferior. (CERETEC GE, Healthcare) [38].
In vivo labeling can be performed by means of After labeling and quality control, the level of neutro-
tech- netium-99 m-labeled anti-granulocyte antibodies. phils in suspension is higher than 95%, and cellular activity
The exam neither requires patients preparation nor reached 99%. Autologous leukocytes are injected intraven-
blood count, nor does it need subsequent separation of ously. The actual dose, which is given according to the
leukocyte components. In vitro leukocyte labeling, on label- ing result, ranges from 370 to 555 MBq.
the other hand, has the disadvantage of more complex Scintigraphy images are obtained by employing a
procedures. It also demands trained sta, well-equipped rectan- gular dual-head large-field-of-view digital gamma
laboratories for cell labeling in aseptic conditions not to camera equipped with high-resolution and low-energy
mention longer performing times. The undeniable collimators.
advantage of in vitro labeling is, however, given by its Images are obtained 60 and 180 m after labeled leuko-
distinctly higher image quality due to a selective cytes have been administered again.
labeling of granulocytes with lower residual [65]. Compared to early scan, late scan (3 h) has a higher sen-
In our experience, 99mTc-HMPAO-labeled leukocyte sitivity (85% versus 100%) and accuracy (85% versus 95%)
scintigraphy (TLLS) is performed upon in vitro labeling. in identifying patients with active IBD and in defining IBD
As for the whole-body 99mTc-HMPAO-labeled extension [66].
autologous leu- kocyte scintigraphy, a sample of venous Still front/rear images of the abdomen and pelvis are
blood of 50 mL is taken through syringes containing 10 acquired. In order to further assess perianal and rectal invol-
mL of acid citrate dex- trose formula A (ACD-A) upon vement, a projection of the pelvis is carried out in five cases,
adding 5 mL of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) at 10%. After the aim being to separate such districts, which overlap
sedimentation and centrifuga- tion, a leukocyte button is during anterior projection, from the bladder. So as to have
obtained and then labeled with 740 MBq 99mTc- a clear
Table 2: Diagnostic accuracy of CE, US, CEUS, CT, MR, and TLLS in the assessment of diagnosis, disease activity, complication and, relapses in Crohns disease. se
CE US CEUS CT MR enteroclysis MR enterography TLLS ar
Sens. Spec. Acc. Sens. Spec. Acc. Sens. Spec. Sens. Spec. Acc. Sens. Spec. Sens. Spec. Sens. Spec. Acc. ch
Panes 85 98 78 85 an
Horsthius 90 96 84 95 93 93 d
Diagnosis Fraquelli 75 94 Pr
83 92 ac
98 100
Gastroenterology Research and Practice 13
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10: TLLS. (a) No inflammatory activity; (b) mild inflammatory activity; (c) moderate inflammatory activity; (d) severe
inflammatory activity.
view of the liver and transverse colon, the anterior projec- pathologies with necrotic component). Crohns disease
tions of the standing patients abdomen are acquired. case studies in nontreated patients report sensitivity
In the last few years, technetium-labeled hexamethyl- percentage values of 8398% and specificity
propyleneamine oxime scintigraphy (99mTc-HMPAO) has percentage values of 92100% [64, 65]; particularly in
proved itself to be extremely useful in the diagnosis and fol- Crohns disease diagnosis
lowup to Crohns disease. There are a great number of sensitivity percentage amounts to 90%, specificity to 93 [8];
advan- tages to it, for instance, high sensitivity and in postsurgical recurrences, diagnostic accuracy percentage
specificity, low invasiveness, the possibility of performing amounts to 81.381.8% [23].
the exam even in the acute phase of the disease, the To date, the existence of (almost) standard criteria
opportunity to perform the exam even without bowel (asses- sment of light activity, be it moderate or serious
cleansing, the further opportunity to evaluate the depending upon the level of the uptake of the bone marrow
seriousness of the process and multifocality at the same at the level of the ileac crests) make it possible for the
time, lack of risks or contraindications, no side eects, and exam to be rep- roduced and consequently be valid for
good tolerance on the part of the patient. identifying the degree of inflammation (Figure 10).
However, procedures are long and complex not to
men- tion the fact that they require blood manipulation
8. Conclusion
and have low anatomic resolution. Moreover, 99mTc-
HMPAO man- ages to visualize only acute In recent years, several radiologic techniques have been
inflammatory cases and may show false positives deve- loped for the study of the small bowel. Each
(Yersinia enteritis, ischemic colitis, tuber- cular enteritis, technique is characterized by its own profile of advantages
rejection, pseudomembranous colitis, vasculi- tis, and disadvan- tages (Table 1).
appendicitis, hematomas, radiation enteritis, malignant
Table 3: Appropriateness of examination in Crohns disease.
Because of the relapsing nature of Crohns disease and diag- nosis of small bowel Crohns disease: combined use of
the young age at which it usually develops, frequent bowel
reevaluation of disease is necessary in many patients.
Specific, noninvasive, well-tolerated, and inexpensive
ex- aminations should be carried out while studying
Crohns disease. These examinations will have to confirm
clinical sus- picion of the disease as well as provide
morphological infor- mation such as location, extension, or
complication and rec- urrence evolution (Table 2).
Examinations should also make functional information
available for an eective management of the disease.
In our experience, in the case of initial diagnosis, any in-
vestigation can be used, considering the experience of the
structure and the operator; we propose MDCT, MRE, or CE
for the first diagnosis; US, and possibly supplemented with
PD/CEUS, for followup; MRE, MDCT, or TLLS for
Relapses; MDCT, MRE, or CE for complications (Table 3)
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