Resolvent Energy of Unicyclic, Bicyclic and Tricyclic Graphs
Resolvent Energy of Unicyclic, Bicyclic and Tricyclic Graphs
Resolvent Energy of Unicyclic, Bicyclic and Tricyclic Graphs
77 (2017) 95-104
Communications in Mathematical
and in Computer Chemistry ISSN 0340 - 6253
Instituto de Matematica, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, 91509900, Brazil,,
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac,
Kragujevac, Serbia
State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia ,
The resolvent energy of a graph G of order n is defined as ER = ni=1 (n i )1 , where
1 Introduction
Let G be a graph on n vertices, and let 1 2 n be its eigenvalues, that
is, the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of G. The resolvent energy of G is defined
in [3, 4] as
X 1
ER(G) = . (1)
n i
the unicyclic graphs with minimum resolvent energy (Theorems 2 and 3);
1. If G is bipartite, then Mk (G) Mk (Xn ), for all k 0, and Mk0 (G) < Mk0 (Xn )
for some k0 .
2. If G is not bipartite (that is, G contains an odd cycle), then Mk (G) Mk (Xn )
for all k 0, and Mk0 (G) < Mk0 (Xn ) for some k0 .
Proof. Part (i) follows from Lemmas 3.2, 3.5 and 3.8 in [2], and (ii) follows from
Lemmas 3.2, 3.5 and 3.7 in [2].
Lemma 2. [1] Let v V (G), and let C(v) be the set of cycles containing v. Then
(G, ) = (G v, ) (G v w, ) 2 (G V (Z), )
vwE(G) ZC(v)
Proof. Let G be a unicyclic graph. Lemma 1 and equation (2) imply that ER(G)
ER(Xn ) if G contains an odd cycle, and ER(G) ER(Xn ) if G contains an even
cycle (i.e., G is bipartite). Furthermore, equality occurs if and only if G
= Xn , in the
case of an odd cycle, or G
= Xn , in the bipartite case.
Now, an n-vertex unicyclic graph with maximum resolvent energy is either Xn or
Xn . We show that ER(Xn ) > ER(Xn ), for n 4. Let (Xn , ) and (Xn , ) denote
the characteristic polynomials of Xn and Xn , respectively. Then, by [3, Theorem 8],
we have
0 (Xn , n) 0 (Xn , n)
ER(Xn ) = and ER(Xn ) = (3)
(Xn , n) (Xn , n)
where 0 (G, ) = d
(G, ). By Lemma 2, it follows that
(Xn , ) = n4 (4 n2 2 + n 3)
(Xn , ) = n4 (4 n2 + 2n 8) .
0 (Xn , n) 0 (Xn , n)
ER(Xn ) ER(Xn ) =
(Xn , n) (Xn , n)
1. Mk (G) Mk (Cn ) for all k 0, and Mk (G) > Mk (Cn ) for some k0 0.
2. Mk (G) Mk (Cn ) for all k 0, and Mk (G) > Mk (Cn ) for some k0 0.
Proof. If G
6= Cn , Cn , it follows from Lemmas 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 in [2] that G can be
transformed into either Cn or Cn in a finite number of steps, in such a way that, at
each step, the k-th spectral moment does not increase for each k, and decreases for
some k0 .
Using arguments that are not based on spectral moments, we can strengthen
Theorem 2 as follows:
Proof. In view of Theorem 2, it is sufficient to prove that ER(Cn ) < ER(Cn ). In [3],
the validity of this latter inequality was checked for n 15. Therefore, in what
follows we may asume that n > 15, i.e., that n is sufficiently large.
Bearing in mind the relations (3), we get
d ln (G, )
ER(G) =
and therefore
d ln (Cn , ) d(ln Cn , )
ER(Cn ) ER(Cn ) =
d d
d (Cn , )
= ln . (4)
d (Cn , ) =n
(Cn , ) = n n n2 + b2 (Cn ) n4 +
(Cn , ) = n n n2 + b2 (Cn ) n4 +
and thus
b2 (Cn ) b2 (Cn )
(Cn , ) 1
=1+ +O
(Cn , ) 4 6
b2 (Cn ) b2 (Cn )
(Cn , ) 1
= +O .
(Cn , ) 4 6
Then because of (4),
b2 (Cn ) b2 (Cn )
ER(Cn ) ER(Cn ) = 4 +O . (5)
n5 n7
Using the Sachs coefficient theorem [1], one can easily show that
1 1
b2 (Cn ) = n(n 3) and b2 (Cn ) = (n 3)(n 4) + 2n 7
2 2
from which one immediately gets that for sufficiently large values of n,
ER(Cn ) ER(Cn )
1. Mk (G) Mk (Yn ) for all k 0, and Mk (G) < Mk (Yn ) for some k0 0.
2. Mk (G) Mk (Yn ) for all k 0, and Mk (G) < Mk (Yn ) for some k0 0.
Proof. Follows from Lemma 3.1, Theorems 3.2 and 3.3, and Lemma 3.4 in [5].
Proof. By Lemma 4, a graph with maximum resolvent energy among n-vertex bicyclic
graphs is either Yn or Yn . Thus, it is sufficient to show that ER(Yn ) > ER(Yn ), for
n 5. Let (Yn , ) and (Yn , ) denote the characteristic polynomials of Yn and Yn ,
respectively. Then, by [3, Theorem 8], we have
0 (Yn , n) 0 (Yn , n)
ER(Yn ) = and ER(Yn ) = .
(Yn , n) (Yn , n)
By Lemma 2, it follows that
0 (Yn , n) 0 (Yn , n)
ER(Yn ) ER(Yn ) =
(Yn , n) (Yn , n)
Proof. Follows from Corollaries 3.5 and 3.9 and Lemma 3.10 in [6].
Proof. By Lemma 5, a graph with maximum resolvent energy among n-vertex tricyclic
graphs is equal to Zni , for some 1 i 6.
By Lemma 2, it follows that
For 2 i 6, we have
0 (Zn1 , n) 0 (Zni , n)
ER(Zn1 ) ER(Zni ) =
(Zn1 , n) (Zni , n)
All the real roots of the polynomials that appear in the numerators are less than
2. Moreover, all the real roots of the polynomials fi , 1 i 6, are less than 3. It
follows that the numerator end denominator in the quotients above are positive for
n 3. Hence ER(Zn1 ) ER(Zni ) > 0 for 2 i 6.
[1] D. M. Cvetkovic, M. Doob, H. Sachs, Spectra of Graphs Theory and Applica-
tion, Academic Press, New York, 1982.
[2] Z. Du, B. Zhou, The Estrada index of unicyclic graphs, Lin. Algebra Appl. 436
(2012) 31493159.
[5] L. Wang, Y. Z. Fan, Y. Wang, Maximum Estrada index of bicyclic graphs, Discr.
Appl. Math. 180 (2015) 194199.
[6] Z. Zhu, L. Tan, Z. Qiu, Tricyclic graph with maximal Estrada index, Discr. Appl.
Math. 162 (2014) 364372.