9 Absolutely Continuous Spectrum
9 Absolutely Continuous Spectrum
9 Absolutely Continuous Spectrum
1. Introduction
In this paper we consider the absolutely continuous spectrum of one-dimensional Schrö-
dinger operators with potentials decaying slowly at infinity. For example, we consider
the half-line operators with Dirichlet boundary conditions:
d 2ψ
HD ψ(x) = − + q(x)ψ(x) on L2 ([0, ∞)) with ψ(0) = 0 (1)
dx 2
ψ(n + 1) + ψ(n − 1) + q(n)ψ(n) n = 1, 2, . . .
hD ψ(n) = . (2)
ψ(1) + q(0)ψ(0) n=0
Recent papers by Christ, Kiselev and Remling [1,2,11] have shown that for potentials
obeying |q(x)| ≤ C(1 + |x|)−1/2− , > 0, the a.c. spectrum of HD (resp. hD ) is essen-
tially supported by [0, ∞) (resp. [−2, 2]). By essentially supported we mean that every
subset of positive Lebesgue measure has positive measure with respect to some spectral
measure. Note that the spectrum may be very far from purely absolutely continuous:
Naboko [8] and Simon [13] constructed potentials with xq(x) → ∞ arbitrarily slowly
for which HD has point spectrum dense in [0, ∞). Our purpose here is to prove
Theorem 1. If q ∈ L2 then the a.c. spectrum of HD is essentially supported by [0, ∞).
In the discrete case, q ∈ `2 implies that hD has a.c. spectrum essentially supported by
[−2, 2].
342 P. Deift, R. Killip
This result is of interest for two reasons in particular: it is optimal in the sense that
the result fails in any Lp (or `p ) space with p > 2, and secondly, the methods used here
are far simpler than those previously employed. That this result is optimal in terms of
Lp -type decay was demonstrated by Kiselev, Last and Simon [7]. Indeed their analysis
of sparse ‘bump’ potentials shows that there exist potentials decaying to zero at infinity
and belonging to ∩2<p≤∞ Lp (or ∩2<p≤∞ `p ) such that HD (or hD ) has purely singular
continuous spectrum.
Using the theory of trace class perturbations [6], Theorem 1 may be extended to:
Corollary 1. If q ∈ L1 +L2 then for all self-adjoint boundary conditions sin(φ)ψ 0 (0)+
cos(φ)ψ(0) = 0, φ ∈ [0, π ) the corresponding half-line Schrödinger operator has a.c.
spectrum essentially supported by [0, ∞).
d 2ψ
Hψ = − + q(x)ψ(x) on L2 (R), (3)
dx 2
hψ = ψ(n + 1) + ψ(n − 1) + q(n)ψ(n) on `2 (Z), (4)
have a.c. spectrum of multiplicity two essentially supported by [0, ∞) (resp. [−2, 2]).
The next section introduces the main object of our analysis, the transmission coeffi-
cient, and derives the basic estimates for this quantity. Section 3 uses the Weyl m-function
and its relationship to the transmission coefficient to prove Theorem 1. Of course, by
Weyl’s (relative) compactness theorem, σess (H ) = [0, ∞) and σess (h) = [−2, 2], and
so it is sufficient to limit our considerations to these two intervals respectively.
such that ψ(x) = eikx for all x to the right of the support of q. Moreover for each x,
ψ(x) and ψ 0 (x) are analytic functions of k.
2. In the discrete case, for every k ∈ C \ {0} there exists a solution to
ψ(n + 1) + ψ(n − 1) + q(n)ψ(n) = k + k1 ψ(n) ∀n ∈ Z (6)
such that ψ(n) = k n for all n to the right of the support of q. Again ψ(n) is an
analytic function of k ∈ C \ {0} for each n.
To the left of the support of q, ψ must satisfy the free Schrödinger equation and so
take the form
where v(x) = e−ikx ψ(x). For Im(k) ≥ 0 and |k| > 0 this may be solved by repeated
substitution. In turn this gives
Z ZZ h i
a = 1 + 2ki q(x)dx − 8k12 1 − e2ik|x−y| q(x)q(y)dxdy + O(k −3 ).
Let γR denote the anticlockwise contour parameterized by k(θ ) = Reiθ , θ ∈ [0, π]. In
light of the above Z Z
lim log(a)k 2 dk = − q(x)2 dx.
R→∞ γR 8
Since a may have zeros, log(a) need not be analytic in the upper half-plane. However at
any point Im(k) > 0, where a(k) vanishes, (5) must have an L2 solution. That is a(k) = 0
precisely when k 2 is a negative eigenvalue of the whole line Schrödinger equation (5).
Since q is compactly
R supported there are only finitely many such eigenvalues, indeed no
more than 1 + |xq(x)|dx, refer to [12]. Let {iβm } enumerate the (necessarily simple)
zeros of a and define the corresponding Blaschke product for the upper half-plane
Y k − iβm
B= .
k + iβm
with v(n) = k n ψ(n). For |k| > 1 one may solve this by repeated substitution, from
X XXh i
a = 1 − k1 q(n) + 2k12 1 − k −2|m−n| q(m)q(n) + O(k −3 ). (12)
Just as above a(k) has zeros in {|k| > 1} at precisely those points for which k + 1/k is
an eigenvalue of (6). Let k ∈ {βm } enumerate these zeros. As h is self-adjoint, these βm
must be real. Since q is compactly supported u(n) 7 → q(n)u(n) is a finite rank operator,
hence there only finitely many such βm [6]. We introduce the Blaschke product
Y βm − k βm
B= .
1 − βm k |βm |
is bounded above (uniformly in n) for some positive weight function. At this point
the proofs for the continuum and discrete cases diverge slightly. We shall treat them
Discrete. As in the continuous case we may write m in terms of r for compactly sup-
ported potentials:
−1 1 + kmn
rn = .
k mn + k
So for k = eiθ , θ ∈ (0, π ), which corresponds to E = 2 cos(θ ) + i0,
4 sin(θ)Im(mn ) 4Im(mn )
|t|2 = 1 − |r|2 = ≤ .
|mn + k|2 sin(θ )
As before the final inequality follows because Im m ≥ 0 for such √ k. Define K̃ = {θ ∈
(−π, π) : 2 cos(θ) ∈ K}. Then with weight function w(E) = 4 − E 2 /8π ,
RHS(17) = 2π 1
− log sin2 (θ )dθ
K̃ sin(θ )
≤ 2π1
log sin2 (θ )dθ
K̃ tn
Z π
≤ 2π1
log sin2 (θ )dθ
−π tn
≤ 21 q2.
Thus (17) is bounded uniformly in n. u
Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of 1D Schrödinger Operators 347
Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Barry Simon for initiating their collaboration. The work
of the first author was supported in part by NSF Grant #DMS-9500867.
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Communicated by B. Simon