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HW 5

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Math 621 Homework 5—due Wednesday March 7

Spring 2018

As a reminder, we will not have class on Wednesday February 28. Consequently, this
problem set isn’t due for two weeks. However, we’ll have covered all the material you
need to solve these problems by February 23 at the latest, and I strongly encourage you
to work on these as soon as possible, before we move onto other things in class.

1. Prove Cartan’s magic formula:

LX = diX + iX d

where both sides act on Ω∗ (M ).

Hint: first check that the formula holds when applied to C ∞ (M ), and that it holds
when applied to dxi where xi is a local coordinate.

2. (a) Use HW 4 #3(b) and Cartan’s magic formula to prove the following coordinate-
free formula for the exterior derivative:
dω(X0 , . . . , Xk ) = (−1)i Xi ω(X0 , . . . , X
ci , . . . , Xk )
X (1)
+ (−1)i+j ω([Xi , Xj ], X0 , . . . , X
ci , . . . , X
cj , . . . , Xk ),

where ω ∈ Ωk (M ) and X0 , . . . , Xk ∈ Vect(M ).

(Note that for k = 1, this agrees with the definition of dω that we saw in class
when we were discussing local operators and tensors.)
(b) Suppose that we used equation (1) to define dω. Check that, by this definition,
dω is indeed a (k + 1)-form; that is, check that it determines a well-defined
section of the bundle Λk+1 T ∗ M .
(c) If d is defined by (1), check that d2 ω = 0 for ω ∈ Ω0 (M ) or ω ∈ Ω1 (M ). (The
general proof that d2 = 0 is similar but more involved.)

(More problems on the next page.)

3. (Poincaré models for hyperbolic n-space.) Let Dn = {x21 + · · · + x2n < 1} ⊂ Rn , and
let H n = {x1 > 0} ⊂ Rn .
(a) Consider the map φ on Dn given by
2(x − p)
φ(x) = p + ,
kx − pk2
where x is viewed as a vector in Rn , p is the vector (−1, 0, . . . , 0), and k · k is the
usual norm on vectors. Prove that φ is a diffeomorphism from Dn to H n .
(b) Let δij denote the usual Kronecker delta function (1 if i = j, 0 otherwise). Define
metrics g on Dn and h on H n by
g( ∂x∂ i , ∂x∂ j ) =
(1 − kxk2 )2
h( ∂x∂ i , ∂x∂ j ) = .
Prove that φ is an isometry between (Dn , g) and (H n , h). Either of these Rie-
mannian manifolds is commonly called “hyperbolic n-space”.
4. Let G be a connected Lie group, and let h , ie be a symmetric, positive definite
bilinear form on g, extending to a left invariant Riemannian metric h , i on G. We
showed in class that if h , i is bi-invariant, then
0 = h[X, Y ], Zie + hY, [X, Z]ie
for all X, Y, Z ∈ g. Prove the converse.
Hint: one approach is to let γ(t) be a path in G starting at e, and consider how
hAd(γ(t))Y, Ad(γ(t))Zi depends (or doesn’t depend) on t, where Y, Z ∈ g. Also, if it
helps, as in HW 3 you can use the fact that G is generated by {exp(X) | X ∈ g}.
5. (a) Since GL(n, R) is an open subset of the Euclidean space Mn×n (R) ∼
= Rn , the
Lie algebra of the Lie group GL(n, R) is gl(n, R) = Mn×n (R). We can think of
the Lie groups SO(n) and SL(n, R) as being submanifolds of GL(n, R). Under
this identification, show that the Lie algebra so(n) is the vector space of skew-
symmetric n × n matrices, and find a similar identification for sl(n, R).
(b) For parts (b), (c), and (d), let G be any of the Lie groups GL(n, R), SL(n, R), or
SO(n). For n×n matrices M ∈ G and X ∈ g, show that Ad(M )X = M ·X ·M −1 ,
where · is usual matrix multiplication.
(c) Let X, Y ∈ g. Show that the Lie bracket [X, Y ] ∈ g is given by [X, Y ] = X · Y −
Y · X.
(d) Show that the bilinear form h , ie on g defined by hX, Y ie = tr(X T · Y ) is sym-
metric and positive definite, where tr denotes trace.
(e) Show that SO(n) has a bi-invariant Riemannian metric. (Note: it turns out that
GL(n, R) and SL(n, R) do not!)

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