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Ra'fatul Bari - Commentary Sahih Al-Bukhari (Vol-5) PDF

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Preface to Fifth Volume

Amidst the marvels of creation, Almighty Allah

created man with the blessings of rationality, spirituality,
and emotionality. Moreover, He catered to all the urges
of mankind by providing an unfettered guidance in the
form of the holy Qur`an and the holy Traditions of
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) which we call ahadith. In
these sources of guidance lie immense and unlimited
treasures. Every attempt to discover these treasures fall
short of the complete revelation of the secrets embedded
therein. As such the analogy of the holy Quran and the
traditions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is
that of a vast ocean the exploration of which is an un-
ending task; every time one dives in - ever new dimen-
sions come to the surface.
By the grace of Almighty Allah the first four vol-
umes of Rafa'tul Baari earned lot of popularity and the
feedback was quite encouraging which gave me courage
to work on the fifth volume. In this an effort has been
made to present, in the form of this book, an explanatory
and reliable knowledge about the traditions of the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) by making use of
authentic commentaries like Fathul Bari, Umdadul Qari,
Ibn Bataal etc.
This volume comprises of the following books:
The Book of Friday, The Book of Fear Prayer, The Two
Eids, The Book of Witr, The Book of Rain, The Book of
Eclipse, The Prostration of Quranic Revelation, The
Book of Shortening the Salaat, The Book of Tahajjud.
I Pray to Allah to bestow best blessings to Mr.
Sameem Hussain without whose painstaking efforts in
compiling, computerizing and proofreading this book,

otherwise, it would have not been possible to come up

with the fifth volume so soon.

Prof. (Dr.) Rafiq Ahmad,

Head & Neck Surgeon,
ENT Department.
Govt. Medical College, Srinagar,
Kashmir, India.
e-mail :-drrafiqahmad@rediffmail.com

Institute of Islmic Research,
Drul Uloom Ilhiyah.
Soura, Srinagar,
Kashmir. India.


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The Book of al-Jumua (Friday prayer)
Cause behind the name Jumua
The word Jumua is derived from the root word Jama
meaning to assemble. Some opine that it is called so
because people gather on this day. Allaama Ayni has quoted
from Ibn Abbas that Jumua is named so because Allah as-
sembled Prophet Adam (AS) this day. Ibn Khuzaimah quotes

(The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)) said, O Sal-
maan, do you know the day of Jumua. Allah and His mes-
senger know the best, said I. He said, Allah assembled
your father or father of you all this day
The Arabic word for Friday is 'Yaum-ul-Jumu'a' and
is called so because it is the day of congregation for Muslims.
Allah created the heavens, the earth and the entire universe in
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

six days, and Friday was the last day when the creation was
completed. Prophet Adam (AS) was created on that day; he
was admitted into Paradise on that day; he was sent down to
the earth on that day; the Last Hour or the Day of Resurrec-
tion will occur on this day; and on the same day there is a
moment when supplications are readily accepted. All this is
established on the authority of authentic Traditions. (Ibn
Allah had appointed Friday as the day of congrega-
tion and festivity for the people, but the previous nations
were not fortunate enough to appoint it as their sacred day.
The Jews took Saturday as their day of congregation, the
Christians, Sunday, but Allah gave this Ummah the ability to

elect Friday as their day of congregation, (as transmitted by

Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurayra (RA)
as quoted by Ibn Kathir))
During the days of ignorance, Friday was known as
'Yaum-ul-'Arubah'. The first Arab to change the name of this
day to Yaum-ul-Jumu'ah' was Ka'b Ibn Lu'ayy. The Quraish
used to gather or congregate on this day, and Ka'b ibn Lu'ayy
used to deliver his sermon. This happened 560 years before
the advent of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).
Ka'b Ibn Lu'ayy was among the Holy Prophet's (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) forefathers. Even during the Days of Igno-
rance, Allah had kept him away from idol worship and
granted him the ability to believe in the Oneness of Allah. He
had also given people the glad tidings of the advent of the
Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). His greatness
among Quraish may be judged from the fact that the year of
his death, which occurred 560 years before the Holy Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was marked as the new calen-
dar era for computation of dates. In Arabia, at first the calen-
dar era was established when Ka'bah was built and dates
were computed accordingly. Then Ka'b Ibn Lu'ayy's death
marked another era, and the dates were computed on that ba-
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

sis. When the Event of the Elephant occurred in the year of

the birth of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
that set in a new era of Arab calendar, and the dates were
computed accordingly. In sum, the importance of 'Yaum-ul-
Jumu'ah' had been recognized in Arabia before Islam in the
time of Ka'b Ibn Lu'ayy, to whom is ascribed the naming of
the day as 'Yaum-ul-Jumu'ah'. (Mazhari).
According to some narrations, the Ansar of Madinah
used to gather and pray, before migration, on Friday before
Jumu'ah prayer became obligatory, and they organized this
on the basis of their own Ijtihad (assessment), (as transmitted

by Abd-ur-Razzaq with an authentic chain of narrators on the

authority of Muhammad Ibn Sirin, as quoted by Mazhari).
(Quoted from Maaariful Quran)
Quoting az-Zufef and al-Faraa, Allaama Ayni men-
tions that before Islam people used to call the days as:


Chapter 1 : The compulsory nature of the Jumu'a prayer
This is based on the words of Allah Almighty, "When the
prayer is called on the Day of Jumu'a, hasten to the remem-
brance of Allah and leave commerce. That is better for you if
you only knew." (62:9)

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

By starting the Book of Jumua with this chapter,
Imam Bukhari first of all wants to impress that offering of
the Jumua prayer is compulsory for every single individual.
He supports his argument with the above quoted verse of sura

The prayer is called on the Day of Jumu'a

Call is given for those prayers which have been de-
creed compulsory by the Shariah. By this verse it is implied
that since the call has to be given for Friday prayer, therefore,
it is a compulsory prayer.

Hasten to the remembrance of Allah

Here the believers are being advised to hasten to the
remembrance of Allah i.e., towards the mosques for Friday
prayer after listening the call. According to some scholars
Zikrullah is here taken to mean the Friday khutba (sermon),
however some maintain that the Friday prayer also includes
it. To hasten does not communicate to run towards the
mosque, but it means to start moving immediately without

Leave commerce
The magnitude of the significance that Shariah has
laid on the Friday prayer can be comprehended by the fact
that every kind of commerce, transaction and other worldly
engagements are rendered unlawful once the adhaan is said.
According to Zuhri, the decree actuates once the Imam rises
on the pulpit (member) and the caller calls out the adhaan
viz., the 2nd one. Dhahaak considers the impermissibility of
commerce after the time the sun starts declining.
The literal meaning of the word 'bai' is 'sale'. Al-

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

though the intent is to ban all activities of buying and selling,

the verse has mentioned 'sale' only, because when one aspect
of trading is abandoned, the other aspect would automatically
come to an end. If there is no one to sell, there will be no one
to buy, because trade is a bilateral transaction.
The verse under comment indicates that the ban on
the activities of buying and selling after the adhan of Jumu'a
needs to be implemented for practical purposes in such a way
that the shops are closed at that particular time, so that all
trading activities automatically come to a halt. The underly-
ing wisdom is that there are uncountable number of custom-

ers and buyers, and it would not be possible to stop them all.
The sellers and shopkeepers, however, are limited and they
can be stopped. If they are stopped from selling, the buyers
automatically will stop buying. Hence, the verse deemed it
sufficient to impose the ban on 'sale'. (Maaariful Quran)

Hadith No. 837

Narrated Rabe bin Haarith

It is related that Abu Hurayra heard the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), say, "We are the last but will
be the first on the Day of Rising, in spite of the fact that oth-
ers were given the Book before us. This was the day which
was made obligatory for them but they disagreed about it.
Allah has guided us to it and the other people follow us. The
Jews have tomorrow and the Christians the day after."
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

This hadith mentions that though this Ummah has
come last of all in the world but it will be the first to rise on
the Day of Rising. The books were revealed to the Jews and
the Christians before the Muslims but since they failed to
preserve them so they missed the opportunity of rising first
on that day. Also, the Muslims chose Friday as their special
worship day which comes before Saturday and Sunday the
days chosen by the Jews and the Christians respectively. It is
said that Friday was offered to the earlier people but they dis-
agreed about it and chose other days. According to one of the
views, Musa (AS) advised his Ummah to choose Friday as
their special worship day but they differed about it and chose

Saturday instead; but as per another view, they were given

the choice to choose any day of week but they committed
mistake by not choosing Friday.

Correct guidance for Muslims

There are two views about this as well, i. Allah Him-
self chose Friday for the Muslims, ii. The Muslims were
given the choice and they got correctly guided and rightly
chose Friday. A hadith with authentic chain of narrators
quoted by Musanaf Abdul Razzaq says that once, before mi-
gration, the people of Madinah assembled and raised the is-
sue of having a special day in a week like that of the Jews.
After consultation they unanimously agreed upon the selec-
tion of Friday. Later they went to their leader Asad bin Dha-
rarah who led them in prayer on Friday.
Muslim quotes a hadith on the authority of Hudhay-

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers


Allah did not guide rightly those before us about Friday, so
Saturday was for the Jews and Sunday for the Christians,
then Allah turned towards us and guided us rightly about
Friday and then kept Friday, Saturday and Sunday (in se-
quence) and as such they will follow us on the Day of Judg-
ment. We are the last in the world but will be first on the Day
of Judgment.
Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Ibn Maajah quote from
Kab bin Maalik:


Asad bin Dhararah was the first person who offered Fri-
day with us before the coming of Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) to Madinah

Virtues of Friday
Allah, the Most High, says,
"O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed
for the salaat (prayer) on the day of Friday (Jumu'ah
prayer), come to the remembrance of Allah (Jumu'ah reli-
gious talk (khutbah) and salaat (prayer)) and leave off busi-
ness (and every other thing), that is better for you if you did
but know!" (62:9)

1. A special day chosen by Allah

According to the hadith quoted above it is a special
day chosen by Allah for the Muslims.

2. The best day is Friday

Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrates: The Apostle of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "The best day on which
the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created, this day
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

he was made to enter Paradise, this day he was expelled from

it. And the last hour will take place on no day other than Fri-
day." (Muslim)

3. It is greater than the days of Eid

It was narrated that Abu Lubaabah ibn Abd al-Mundhir said:
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Friday is
the master of days, and the greatest of them before Allah. It is
greater before Allah than the day of al-Adha and the day of
al-Fitr. It has five characteristics: on this day Allah created
Adam, on it He sent Adam down to the earth, on it Allah
caused Adam to die, on it there is a time when a person does
not ask Allah for anything but He gives it to him, so long as

he does not ask for anything haraam, and on it the Hour will
begin. There is no angel who is close to Allah, no heaven, no
earth, no wind, no mountain and no sea that does not fear
Friday." (Ibn Maajah)

4. Whoever dies on a Friday remains protected from the

trial of the grave
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr (RA): The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "There is no Muslim who
dies during the day of Friday or the night of Friday but Allah
will protect him from the trial of the grave." (Tirmidhi)

Recommended Friday acts

1. Pray fajr in congregation
It was narrated by Ibn Umar (RA): The Apostle of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "The best prayer before
Allah is fajr prayer on Friday in congregation." (Bayhaqi)
Narrated Abu Hurayrah (RA): The Apostle of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to recite the following in
the fajr prayer of Friday, "sura as-Sajdah and sura al-
Insan." (Bukhaari)

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

2. Praying Salaat al-Jumu'a

Allah, the Most High, says,
"O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed
for the Salaat (prayer) on the day of Friday (Jumu'a prayer),
come to the remembrance of Allah (Jumu'a religious talk
(khutbah) and Salaat (prayer)) and leave off commerce (and
every other thing), that is better for you if you did but
know!" (Sura al-Jumu'a)

3. Making lots of du'a

Narrated Abu Hurayrah (RA): The Apostle of Allah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) talked about Friday and said,

"There is an hour (opportune time) on Friday and if a Mus-
lim gets it while praying and asks something from Allah, then
Allah will definitely meet his demand." And he (the Prophet)
pointed out the shortness of that time with his
hands." (Bukhaari)
Narrated Anas ibn Maalik (RA): The Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Seek the hour in which there is hope
that prayers will be answered, on Friday after asr (mid-
afternoon) prayer, until the sun goes down." (Tirmidhi)

4. Reading sura al-Kahf

Narrated Abu Said al-Khudri (RA): The Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Whoever recites sura al-Kahf on Ju-
mu'a will have illumination from the light from one Jumu'ah
to the next." (Haakim; Bayhaqi)
Narrated Abu Said al-Khudri (RA): The Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Whoever reads sura al-Kahf on the
night of Jumu'a, will have a light that will stretch between
him and the Ancient House (the Ka'ba)." (Dhaarmi)

5. Sending a lot of blessings upon the Prophet (Sallallahu

Alaihi Wasallam)
Narrated Aws ibn Aws (RA): The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Wasallam) said: "Among the most excellent of your days is

Friday; on it Adam was created, on it he died, on it the last
trumpet will be blown, and on it the shout will be made, so
invoke more blessings on me that day, for your blessings will
be submitted to me." The people asked: "Apostle of Allah,
how can it be that our blessings will be submitted to you
while your body is decayed?" He replied: "Allah, the Ex-
alted, has prohibited the earth from consuming the bodies of
Prophets." (Abu Dawood)

6. Taking ghusl and wearing perfume

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri (RA): Allah's Apostle
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "The taking of a bath on

Friday is compulsory for every male (Muslim) who has at-

tained the age of puberty." (Bukhaari)
Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi (RA): The Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Whoever takes a bath on Friday,
purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or
perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds
(for the Jumu'a prayer) and does not separate two persons
sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah
has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam
is delivering the khutba, his sins in-between the present and
the last Friday would be forgiven." (Bukhaari)

The virtues of Jumu'a (Friday) prayer

1. Sins in-between two Fridays are forgiven
Narrated Abu Hurayra (RA): The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) said, "He who took a bath and then came for Ju-
mu'a prayer and then prayed what was fixed for him, then
kept silence till the Imam finished the sermon, and then
prayed along with him, his sins between that time and the
next Friday would be forgiven, and even of three days
more." (Muslim)

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

2. Coming early to Jumu'a brings great reward

Narrated Abu Hurayra (RA): The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) said, "When it is a Friday, the angels stand at the
gate of the mosque and keep on writing the names of the per-
sons coming to the mosque in succession according to their
arrivals. The example of the one who enters the mosque in
the earliest hour is that of one offering a camel (in sacrifice).
The one coming next is like one offering a cow and then a
ram and then a chicken and then an egg respectively. When
the Imam comes out (for Jumu'a prayer) they (i.e. angels)
fold their papers and listen to the khutba." (Bukhari)

3. The virtue of walking to the Friday prayer

Narrated Aws ibn Aws (RA): The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) said: "Whoever does ghusl on Friday and causes
(his wife) to do ghusl, and sets out early, and comes close to
the Imam and listens and keeps quiet, for every step he takes
he will have the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for
one year." (Tirmidhi)

Chapter 2 : The excellence of doing ghusl on the day of
Jumu'a and whether children or women have to attend.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

There are three components in the title of this chapter
1. Excellences of doing ghusl on Friday.
2. Whether the prayer is obligatory on children.
3. Whether the prayer is obligatory on women.

Excellences of doing ghusl on Friday

As per the majority of scholars, it is preferable and
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

not obligatory to do ghusl on Friday, however Imam Maalik

considers it obligatory. Quoting the word instead of
Imam Bukhari also seems to concur with the view held by
the majority of scholars.
There are two opinions in the Hanafi school regarding
the ritual-bath (ghusl) of Friday:
1. That it is a sunnah for the Friday prayer itself,
2. That it is a sunnah for the day of Friday.
The relied-upon position within the school is that the
ritual bath is a sunnah for the Friday prayer itself. The sunnah
is only fulfilled if one goes to the Friday prayer in a state of
ritual-purity that was due to the ritual-bath. Therefore, if one,
for example, lost his or her state of ritual-purity attained

through the ritual-bath, performed only the ablution (wudu),

and then prayed the Friday prayer, the sunnah would not be
considered fulfilled because the state of purity here is from a
subsequent ablution and not the ritual-bath itself. (Ibn
Aabidin, Hashiya)
However, in cases of need it would be permitted to
follow the position that the ritual-bath is a sunna for the day
of Friday, such as for those who work on Fridays. According
to this opinion, even if one does not pray the Friday prayer in
a state of ritual-purity attained through ritual-bath the sunna
is still fulfilled by merely doing ghusl for the day.

Friday prayers obligation upon children and women

Imam Bukhari has put a question mark on this issue
conveying thereby that the prayer is not obligatory on them.
Regarding the children a hadith quoted in The Book
of adhaan says:

Ghusl on Friday is obligatory for every single sexually ma-
ture individual.
A chapter quoted in the previous book established by
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Imam Bukhari regarding the women mentions:

Coming out of women towards the mosques during the night
and darkness.
By limiting the attendance of women in the mosques
during the night and darkness only, their assembly in Friday
prayer looses its obligatory status. Allah knows the best.

Hadith No. 838


Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said,
"Anyone who comes to Jumu'a should perform ghusl."

Hadith No. 839


Narrated Ibn Umar

"Once while Umar ibn al-Khattab was standing giving the
khutba on the day of Jumu'a, one of the first of the Muhajir
Companions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

came in. Umar called out to him, 'What kind of time is this?'
He said, 'I was busy and so could not return to my family un-
til I heard the adhan. I stayed only long enough to do wudu'.
'He said, 'Only wudu' as well! Yet you know that the Messen-
ger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), instructed us to
perform ghusl!'"

Hadith No. 840


Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
"Performing ghusl on the day of Jumu'a is obligatory for
every male who has reached puberty."

According to the first hadith quoted above one intend-
ing to offer Friday prayer should havea ghusl (ritual bath)
first. The other authentic books on hadith like Muslim, Tir-
midhi, Ibn Maajah, Sahih ibn Hibban etc have also men-
tioned similar hadiths with a little difference in words.
The second hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Ibn Umar
mentions that once a person from among the first batch of
Muhaajirin entered the mosque while Sayyiduna Umar ibn
Khattab was delivering the khutba. According to some schol-
ars the man was Sayyiduna Uthmaan Ghani. Seeing him
coming late Sayyiduna Umar admonished him by saying if it
was the time to attend the Friday prayer, even when he was
delivering the khutba. Sayyiduna Uthmaan told him that he
got busy in the market and as such lost the time orientation
and that he straight away entered the mosque without going
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

to his home doing ablution only. Hearing this Sayyiduna

Umar again admonished him for doing only ablution and not
ghusl. Imam Shaafaee and the majority of scholars concur
that it is preferable and not obligatory to do ghusl for Friday
prayers. They put forward the proof that had it been obliga-
tory Sayyiduna Uthmaan would not have skipped it and sec-
ondly Sayyiduna Umar also did not direct Sayyiduna Uthman
to have it first and then attend the mosque.
A hadith quoted on the authority of Sayyida Aisha



The people used to be at workplaces and when they were
leaving their workplaces (towards the mosques) for Friday
(prayer) they were asked to have a bath (Bukhari)
During the earlier days of Islam since there was only
one mosque that of the Prophets and the believers were
mostly poor. Many of them had to march quite a good dis-
tance to reach the mosque for Friday prayers after hard toil
excreting huge amount of sweat. There would emanate awe-
some smell because of sweating and dirty clothes which
made it uncomfortable for others in the mosque and that is
why it was directed that people should assemble in the
mosque after having a bath. Because of these reasons some
scholars hold the view that having a bath for Friday prayers
was obligatory during the early days of Islam but later the
direction was abrogated and it remained preferable only.

The time of bath

As per Imam Maalik and Auzaae, the ghusl for Fri-
day prayer should be performed just when one prepares him-
self to go for the prayer. Some scholars hold that it can be
had anytime after fajr prayer. Quoting Imam Abu Yousuf the

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

author of Hidaayah says that one will earn the thawaab

against it only if he offers Friday prayer with the ghusl intact.
(Umdatul Qaari)


Chapter 3 : Wearing perfume for the Jumu'a prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Allah likes his bondsmen to be clean and refreshing
to others, and perfume is a thing that carries the capacity of
refreshing others.
After discussing the excellences of ghusl, Imam Buk-

hari now discusses distinction of using perfume on Friday.

Hadith No. 841




Narrated Amru bin Sulaim

"I testify that Abu Said said that - I testify that the Messen-
ger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, Ghusl on the
day of Jumu'a is obligatory for every male who has reached
puberty as is also cleaning the teeth and putting on perfume
if available."
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Amru said, "I testify that ghusl is obligatory but Allah knows
best whether teeth-cleaning and perfume are obligatory or
not. However, that is how it is in the hadith.
This is related from Bukayr ibn al-Ashajj and Sa'id ibn Abi
Hilal and a number of others.

Amru bin Sulaim quotes from Abu Said that Rasu-
lullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) recommended the doing
of the following three on Fridays:
1. Ghusl - obligatory for every person who has reached pu-

2. Miswaak - cleaning the teeth with a stick like brush.
3. Use of perfume if available.
According to the narrator, the first one is of the
obligatory nature while as the rest two preferable.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was very
fond of using perfume and therefore it can be considered a
sunnah also. Spiritual cleanliness is essential requirement for
attaining spiritual ascendance; good and pleasing fragrance is
liked by angels and those who attain angelic features
like perfume very much.


Chapter 4 : The excellence of the Jumu'a prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Friday is the most blessed day of the week for the be-
lievers. The Shariah has ordained them to make special
preparations for this day like having a bath, donning clean
and better clothes, wearing perfume and using miswaak. It
also exhorts the believers to go to the mosque for Friday
prayers as early as possible to earn maximum thawaab.

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Hadith No. 842


Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
"If someone has a ghusl on the day of Jumu'a, the same as
for janaba, and then goes (to the prayer) in the first part of
the time, it is as if he has sacrificed a camel. If he goes in the
second part of the time, it is as if he has sacrificed a cow. If
he goes in the third part of the time, it is as if he has sacri-
ficed a horned ram. If he goes in the fourth part of the time, it
is as if he has sacrificed a hen. If he goes in the fifth part of
the time, it is as if he has sacrificed an egg. When the Imam
comes out, the angels settle down to listen to the reminder."

The learned scholars have debated regarding the na-
ture of ritual bath here in the hadith. Supporting their argu-
ment with the hadith quoted by Abdul Razzak mentioned be-
low, some of the scholars consider it a bath just like the ritual

So you take a bath as you take after the sexual discharge.
As per some scholars here in the hadith the ritual bath

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

is used in it real sense; but the majority term it:

for showing the manner and not its obligatory nature.

Saaaat ( time intervals)

The learned scholars have extensively debated the
issues of the time intervals and their starting time. Imam
Maalik opines that the word raaha mentioned in the
hadith means to walk after the mid-noon when the sun starts
descending towards the west; the time interval starting from
this until the time the Imam prepares to deliver the Friday

sermon (khutba) is to be divided into six parts and the tha-

waab to attend the mosque in these parts will be as per the
sequence mentioned in the hadith. Shah Waliullah Muhaddith
Delhvi has also liked this explanation. According to Imam
Shaafaee and majority of scholars the time intervals start
right from the sunrise until the sunset and the whole day has
to be divided into 12 intervals. In brief, the hadith exhorts the
believers to prepare for the Friday prayers as early as possi-
ble, take a bath, leave for the mosque, get engaged in - Dhik-
rullah, Quran recitation, optional prayers etc.

Chapter 5 : (Without Tarjamatul Baab)

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The learned scholars consider this chapter in con-
tinuation to the previous one.

Hadith No. 843

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abu Hurayra

"Once while Umar was giving the khutba on the day of Ju-
mu'a, a man came in. Umar said, 'What kept you from the
prayer?' The man said, 'It was only that I heard the adhaan
and then did wudu'.' He said, 'Did you not hear the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), say, "Anyone who goes to Ju-
mu'a should perform a ghusl?" ' "


This hadith has been discussed previously also.

In the preceding chapter the merits of leaving for the
mosque to attend Friday prayers were stressed. In the hadith,
as mentioned previously also, Sayyiduna Umar admonishes
Sayyiduan Uthmaan for attending the mosque late which in
itself indicates the significance laid down by the Shariah re-
garding the issue.
Secondly, the hadith further conveys the importance
of doing ghusl on Fridays. As per some scholars ghusl on
Fridays applies for the day itself and as such women and
children are also included, but majority of the scholars con-
cur that the ghusl is specific to the Friday prayers and not the
day, Allah knows the best.

Chapter 6 :Using hair oil for the Jumu'a prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Apart from taking a bath for Friday prayer, Imam
Bukhari recommends beautifying oneself for the same by
wearing clean clothes, oiling ones hair and the usage of per-
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

fume etc.

Hadith No. 844


Narrated Salman al-Farisi

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "When a
man has a ghusl on the day of Jumu'a, making himself as
pure as possible, uses his hair oil or puts on any perfume he
has in his house, then goes out and does not split up two peo-
ple, and then prays what is prescribed for him and is silent
while the Imam speaks, he is forgiven everything between
then and the previous Jumu'a."

Hadith No. 845


Narrated Tawus
"I said to Ibn Abbas, 'They mention that the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'Perform ghusl on the
Day of Jumu'a and wash your heads even if you are not in
janaba and use perfume.' Ibn Abbas said, 'As for the ghusl,
yes, but I do not know about the perfume.' "
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Hadith No. 846


Narrated Tawus
"Ibn Abbas mentioned what the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), had said about ghusl on the Day of Jumu'a and I
said to him, 'Did he use perfume or oil if there was any in his
household?' He said, 'I do not know.' "

The Shariah wants a bondsman to attain the maxi-
mum cleanliness on Fridays which shows its level of sacred-
ness in Shariah. The bodily cleanliness is to be achieved by
having the ritual bath. It is also recommended to shave off
the axillary and pubic hair which can be a source of bad
smell. The cleaning of teeth by a miswaak is always a recom-
mended act. One should not only have a bath but he should
take care of his hair, use oil and dress it well. To make one-
self more presentable the use of perfume (itr) is also recom-
mended. After all these preliminaries one should leave early
for mosque in order to find a place close to Imam in the first
row. In case there are people present in the mosque one
should avoid to override their shoulders to move forward; the
act which has been strictly prohibited. In such a scenario one
should sit in the mosque wherever he gets a place and not
disturb others.
According to the above quoted hadiths a person who
executes all the above mentioned preparations his sins be-
tween two Fridays will be forgiven. The learned scholars

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

hold the unanimous opinion on the point that only minor sins
will be forgiven as with regards to the major sins tawbah
(repentance) is necessary.


Chapter 7 : Wearing the best clothes available.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to impress that the Shariah
recommends a bondsman to wear clean and better clothes on

Hadith No. 847



Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

Umar ibn al-Khattab saw a silk robe by the door of the
mosque and said, "Messenger of Allah, if you were to buy
this you could wear it on the day of Jumu'a and to receive
delegations when they come to you." The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "This will only be worn
by someone who has no share of the Next World." Afterwards

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

cloaks of a similar kind were brought to the Messenger of

Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and he gave one of them
to Umar ibn al-Khattab. Umar said, "Messenger of Allah!
You give it to me when you said what you said about the
cloak of Utarid!" The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), said, "I did not give it to you to wear." Umar
gave it to a brother of his who was an idolater in Makkah."

Once, in the 9th year Hijra, Sayyiduna Umar saw a
trader namely Utarid selling beautiful cloaks outside the
mosque. He liked one of them and requested Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to buy and wear it on Fridays

and also while receiving delegations. Being made of silken

material Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) avoided it
on the pretext that such a thing will only be worn by someone
who has no share of the Hereafter. After sometime Rasulullh
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) gifted one similar cloak to Say-
yiduna Umar which left him surprised. Asking Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) regarding the matter he said to
Sayyiduna Umar that he had not given it to him to wear. Say-
yiduna Umar later gifted it to one of his foster brothers Uth-
maan bin Hukaim who had not embraced Islam yet.
This shows that the Shariah likes one to wear better
and beautiful clothes on Fridays or while receiving guests.
Further, that one should not don silken clothes and such
things which are prohibited in Islam can be gifted to unbe-


Chapter 10 : What should be recited in the fajr prayer on
the Day of Jumu'a.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Here Imam Bukhari discusses which suras should be

recited in the fajr salaah on Fridays. The issue has been de-
bated by the jurists extensively.

Hadith No. 848

( ) ) (

Narrated Abu Hurayra


"In the fajr prayer on Jumu'a the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam), used to recite 'Alif Lam Mim, Tanzilu...' (32) and
'Hal ata ala'l-insaani...' (76)"

According to Sayyiduna Hurayra, Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to recite sura Alif lam
mim tanzil and Hal ata alal insaani respectively in the first
and second rakats of the fajr salaah on Fridays. As per Ibn
Butaal, majority of scholars like Sayyiduan Ali, Ibn Abbas,
An-Nakhaee, Ibn Seereen, Imam Shaafaee, Imam Ahmad,
Ishaaq etc., hold that the recitation of these suras in the fajr of
Fridays is sunnah. Further, the Shaafaites advocate in favour
of following this sunnah with consistency. The Hanafite hold
that it should not be considered obligatory to recite fixed su-
ras in any salaah. Al-Mahlab opines that the general principle
in any salaah is:

Read you, therefore, of the Qur'an as much as may be easy
for you. (73:20)
It has been quoted that some Maalikites dislike the
recitation of the suras containing verses necessitating prostra-

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

tion (sajda-tilaawah) in a congregational prayer particularly

when it is a huge one.
Giving reason behind the recitation of these two suras
on Fridays, some scholars say that the creation of man was
started on a Friday and that the universe will come to an end
also on a Friday. According to them these two suras point
towards the origin of man and the end of the universe.

Chapter 11 : The Jumu'a prayer in villages and cities.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab


Here Imam Bukhari is discussing a highly controver-

sial issue amongst the learned scholars viz., whether the Fri-
day prayer can be offered in places other than cities as it is
unanimously held that it is to be offered in cities only.
Giving the basis of difference of opinion amongst the
jurists in Bidaayatul Mujtahid, Ibn Rushd writes:

( )
The reason for this difference is that Raulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) has not offered a Friday prayer but in a
congregation, a city or a Jama Masjid. So, those who consid-
ered that the association of these things with a Friday prayer
be preconditions for it, and those who maintained that some
of these are preconditions than others, they regarded only
some of these preconditions as Imam Maalik holds mosque a
necessary precondition. (Bidaayatul Mujtahid quoted from
Eidhahul Bukhari)

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Hadith No. 849


Narrated Ibn Abbas

"The first Jumu'a prayer to be held after the Jumu'a prayer in
the mosque of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-

sallam), was that held in the mosque of Abdu'l-Qays at Ju-

"wathi in Bahrayn.

Hadith No. 850


Narrated Ibn Umar

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

"All of you are shepherds." Al-Layth added that Yunus said,

"Ruzayq ibn Hukaym wrote to Ibn Shihab - and I was with
him that day at Wadi'l-Qura - saying, 'Do you think I should
hold a Jumu'a prayer?' Ruzayq was working on a piece of
land together with a group of black people and others, being
the governor of Ayla at that time. Ibn Shihab wrote, and I
was listening, commanding him to hold the Jumu'a prayer
and telling him that Salim had related to him that Abdullah
ibn Umar used to say, "I heard the Messenger of Allah say,
'All of you are shepherds and each of you is responsible for
his flock. An Imam is a shepherd and he is responsible for
those in his care. A man is a shepherd in his family and is
responsible for those in his care. The woman is a shepherd in

her husband's house and is responsible for those in her care.

The servant is a shepherd of his master's property and is re-
sponsible for what is in his care.' " He said, "I think that he
also said, 'A man is a shepherd of his father's property and is
responsible for what is in his care. All of you are shepherds
and each of you is responsible for his flock.' "
(Wadi'l-Qura: one of the cities of the Hijaz. Ayla is now a

According to Ibn Abbas, the first Jumu'a prayer to be
held after the Jumu'a prayer in the Prophets mosque
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was that held in the mosque of
Abdu'l-Qays at Juwathi in Bahrayn. Abu Dawood writes:

It is a village among the villages of Bahrain.
The scholars who consider it permissible the holding
of Friday prayer in villages permissible quote the above
hadith as the basis of their opinion in view of the word
Qarya used in it. This view is held by Imam Shaafaee,
Maalik and Ahmad, however, Imam Bukhari also seems to
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

concur with them. The criteria for the permissibility of Friday

prayer in a village as per these jurists is the number of resi-
dents of that place. As per Imam Maalik the prayer is permis-
sible in village where there is a regular mosque, a market
and the least number of people offering prayer is twenty or
thirty. AS per Imam Shaafaee and Imam Ahmad the pres-
ence of mosque is not a must but the number of residents
staying in that place permanently should be at least forty.
According to Imam Abu Haniefa, Friday prayer is not
permissible in a village; that the presence of city is a must.
The hanafite arguments are:

1. During Rasulullahs (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) period

the Friday prayer was offered in the Prophets mosque
only though there were Quba and Awali mosques. During
migration of Madinah Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) stayed in Quba for 14 days but he did not offer
Friday prayer there though it had been already decreed
obligatory. After leaving Quba on his way to Madinah he
stayed at a place called Aatika where he delivered the Fri-
day sermon and offered the prayer first time in the mosque
of Banu Saalim at Aatika.
2. Secondly, narrating a hadith Sayyida Aisha says:

The people used to show up for Friday prayer by turns
from their homes and from Awali.
This hadith makes it clean that Friday prayer was nei-
ther offered at Awali nor was it mandatory for its resi-
dents, otherwise they would not have showed up by turns.
In his book Mota, Imam Maalik quotes Abu Ubaid, a
famous taabaee, saying:

Indeed two Eids have combined for you today, those who
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

among the residents of al-Aaliya likes to wait for Friday

prayer let his wait and those who want to return, I allow
them (to leave).
In Musanaf Abdu-ur-Razzaq and Musanaf Ibn Abi
Shaiba Sayyiduna Ali has been quoted with an authentic
chain to have said:
- )
There is neither Friday nor Tashreeq but in a city

Misr-i-Jaame -
Abu Yousuf says:

All the cities where there is a pulpit (member) and a Qadhi
(judge) who implements the laws of Shariah and establishes
the punishments, are Misr-i-Jaame


Chapter 12 : Is it necessary for women, children and oth-
ers who attend the Jumu'a prayer to have a ghusl?
Ibn Umar said, "Ghusl is obligatory for all those for whom
the Jumu'a prayer is obligatory."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It has been already discussed that the Shariah exhorts
its followers to have ritual bath or ghusl on Fridays. What
Imam Bukhari discusses here is whether the ghusl is recom-
mended for all including women, children, handicapped - un-
able to attend the prayer, or only for those attending the
prayer? In other words, whether the ghusl is recommended

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

on the basis of the day Friday or for the prayers? Though

Imam Bukhari has left the option open but it seems his incli-
nation towards the view that it is for Friday prayer is evident
from the statement of Ibn Umar which he has been quoted in
the Tarjamatul Baab.

Hadith No. 851


Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

"I heard the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), say, 'Anyone who comes to the Jumu'a should perform

Hadith No. 852

Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
"Ghusl on the day of Jumu'a is obligatory for every male who
"has reached puberty.

Hadith No. 853

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
"We are the last but will be the first on the Day of Rising.
They (the People of the Book) were given the Book before us
and we were given it after them. This is the day which they
disagreed about. Allah has guided us to it. The Jews have
tomorrow and the Christians the day after."

Hadith No. 854


"He was silent and then said, "It is a duty for every Muslim
to have a ghusl once every seven days in the course of which
he should wash his head and his body."

Hadith No. 855

Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "Every Mus-
lim has a duty to Allah to have a a ghusl once every seven

Hadith No. 856

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Narrated Ibn Umar

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "Permit
women to go to the mosque at night."

Hadith No. 857


Narrated Ibn Umar

"A wife of Umar ibn al-Khattab used to attend the group
prayers of Subh and isha in the mosque. She was asked, 'Why
do you come out when you know that Umar dislikes it and is
jealous?' She said, 'What stops him from forbidding me
then?' The man said, 'The words of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), "Do not forbid the female
slaves of Allah from attending the mosques of Allah."

The first hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Ibn Umar has
already been discussed in the chapter . It is
clear from the hadith that the one offering a Friday prayer
must take a bath.
The second hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Said
has also been discussed in the above mentioned chapter. This
hadith excludes women and children from the group of those
who are supposed to take bath.
The third hadith narrated by Sayyduna Abu Hurayra
has also been discussed prior in detail in the chapter

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

According to the fourth hadith, the believers should

take a bath at least once in a week preferably on a Friday.
The fifth hadith narrated by Ibn Umar has been also
discussed earlier in the chapter . By
quoting this hadith here Imam Bukhari seems to be holding
the opinion that Friday prayer is not obligatory on women
because as per the hadith they should be given permission to
go to the mosques during the night, the hadith is silent re-
garding the day time.
The last hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Ibn Umar is
about one of the wives of Ibn Umar namely Aatika bint Zayd
who routinely used to go to the mosque for isha prayer. She
had married Sayyiduna Ibn Umar on the condition that she

wont be stopped to go to the mosque for isha. On being asked

why she insisted on going to the mosque despite knowing the
fact that Sayyiduna Umar did not like women to go to the
mosque, she questioned what then was stopping him from
prohibiting her? In response she was told that the hadith,
Permit women to go to the mosque at night, is stopping
him to issue such a decree.

Chapter 14 : The dispensation not to attend the Jumu'a
prayer if it is raining.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Attending the Friday prayer is obligatory on every
believer but this obligatory binding is lifted off in certain cir-
cumstances one of which is the heavy rains which make it
difficult to leave for the mosque.

Hadith No. 858

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

. .


Narrated Muhammad ibn Sirin

"Ibn Abbas said to his mu'adhdhin on a rainy day, 'After you
say, "I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah," do
not say, "Come to prayer." Say, "Pray in your homes." ' It
seemed that the people disapproved of that. He said, 'One

better than I did this. The Jumu'a prayer is clearly a duty but
I most certainly do not want to force you to come out and
walk through the mud and slush."

This hadith has also been discussed previously in
The Book of Adhaan. Once on a rainy day Sayyiduna Ibn
Abbas advised the Muadhdhin to say offer
prayers in your homes instead of saying come to
the prayers, in adhaan. Hearing this people got surprised and
some even raised their eyebrows on this suggestion of Sayy-
iduna Ibn Abbas. He told them that he didnt do so of his
own but had learnt it from Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam). It has already been mentioned in The Book of Ad-
haan that Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas led the people who attended
the mosque despite rains. Deriving the conclusion the learned
scholars say that it is permissible either to offer prayers at
home or in mosque during the rains which make it difficult to
leave the house. However, to attend the mosque is to act on
Azeemat (to undertake difficulty in order to get more re-
ward). The other option being Rukhsat (relaxation).

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

. (




Chapter 15 From how far should you come to the Jumu'a

prayer and for whom it is obligatory?
This is based on the words of Allah, Mighty and Exalted,
"When the prayer is called on the Day of Jumu'a." (62:9)
Ata said, "If you are in a sizeable town and the prayer is
called on the day of Jumu'a, then you must attend it whether

or not you hear the call."

Anas used sometimes to hold the prayer in his fortress and
sometimes not, when he was at az-Zawiya about two
parasangs away (from Basra). (About six miles)

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari discusses two issues viz., i, the
nature of place where Friday prayer is obligatory, ii, where
should the assembly be held and also one should attend it
even if he has to cover a particular amount of distance?
The reply to the first query is clearly mentioned in a
hadith quoted by Abu Dawood which says:

Friday is obligatory for the one who heard the call
According to the Quranic verse quoted by Imam
Bukhari in this chapter, Friday prayer is obligatory on a per-
son who hears the call. It has been already discussed that Fri-
day prayer is obligatory on those living within a city limits.
The question under the debate here is about those who reside
outside city limits and at the same time they are able to hear
the call given in a city.
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Imam Bukhari has quoted from Ata that Sayyiduna

Anas, residing at a place called az-Zawiya (about 6 kms from
Basra), would sometimes come down to Basra for Friday
prayers and sometimes offer dhuhr at his residence. Evident
from this is the fact that those living away from cities have
the discretion whether to come down to offer Friday in city
or offer dhuhr at their residential place.

Hadith No. 859


Narrated Sayyida Aisha the wife of the Prophet

"The people used to come from their homes and from al-
Awali on the day of Jumu'a. They would come through the
dust and become covered in dust and sweat. Sweat would
pour from them. One of them came to visit the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), when he was with me.
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'If only you
would clean yourselves for this day of yours.'" (al-Awali:
place close to Madina)

This hadith has also been discussed previously.
Al-Awali is a place around two to eight miles towards
the north of Madinah wherefrom people would throng in to
offer Friday prayers. It was in turns that people from al-
Awali would turn up i.e., one Friday a group from among
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

them would attend the prayers and next week they would be
replaced by another group, and so on. Due to strolling a fair
amount of distance in heat they would excrete lot of sweat
causing foul smell in the Prophets mosque, so Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) advised them that they must
take a bath on Fridays.


Chapter 16 : The time of the Jumu'a prayer is when the

sun starts to decline.

This is what is related from Umar, Ali, an-Nu'man ibn Bashir
and Amr ibn Hurayth.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to convey that the timing
of Friday prayer starts when the sun declines towards the
west, the opinion held by the majority of scholars including
Imam Abu Haniefa, Imam Shaafaee and Imam Maalik.
However, Imam Ahmad holds that the prayer can be offered
before mid-noon just like the Eid prayer, the opinion shared
also by Ishaaq, Ataa and Mujahid. Imam Bukhari has how-
ever quoted four sahaaba viz., Sayyiduna Umar, Ali, Noman
bin Bashir and Umar ibn Hurayth, who concurred with the
view of the majority viz., that the Friday prayer timing starts
after mid-noon.

Hadith No. 860

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Narrated Yahya ibn Sa'id

I asked Amr about ghusl on the day of Jumu'a. She said that
Aisha said, "People used to work. When they went to Jumu'a
in that condition, they were told, 'If only you had done
Hadith No. 861


Narrated Anas ibn Maalik

The Prophet used to pray Jumu'a the moment that the sun
started to decline.

Hadith No. 862


Narrated Anas ibn Maalik

"We used to do the Jumu'a prayer early and have a nap after

The first hadith has been discussed previously. Ac-
cording to Sayyida Aisha the people used to travel long dis-
tance in hot conditions for attending the Friday prayers in the
Prophets mosque and as such there would emanate bad
smell due to excessive sweating; hence they were asked to
have a bath on Fridays. In the hadith the word raaha is
used which means to travel in the afternoon, thereby proving
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Imam Bukharis point that Friday prayer is to be offered past

The second hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Anas bin
Maalik clearly states that Friday prayer is to be offered after
According to the third narrated by Sayyiduna Anas
people used to offer Friday prayer early and would dose off a
bit after it. While taking the literal meaning into considera-
tion some scholars like Mujahid and Imam Ahmad opine that
Friday prayer is permissible before mid-noon as well just like
Eid prayer. But majority of the scholars including Imam Buk-
hari disagree with this view saying that early means the ini-
tial time. The Sahaaba used to take Qylola (nap after

lunch) first and then offer dhuhr prayer, but on Fridays they
did the reverse i.e., they would first offer the prayer in its ini-
tial time and take rest later.


Chapter 17 : When the heat is intense on the day of Ju-

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It was mentioned in the previous chapter that the Sa-
haaba used to offer Friday prayer at the very inception of its
time period and wouldnt delay it. It is also well known that
Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer dhuhr
prayer delaying it a little until it became relatively cooler dur-
ing summers. Here Imam Bukhari has raised the issue
whether delaying the prayer when it is hot applies to Friday
prayer also or not. The learned scholars opine that though not
mentioning his view clearly, by establishing the title of this
chapter Imam Bukhari seems to convey that if the Friday
prayer is also delayed due to hot climate, it should be permis-
sible. But according to the majority of scholars, Friday prayer
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

should be offered as early as possible when its time starts.

Hadith No. 863


Narrated Khalid bin Dinaar

Anas ibn Maalik was heard to say, "When it was very cold,
the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to go early to
the prayer. When it was very hot, he would delay the prayer
until it was cooler, meaning the Jumu'a prayer."
It is related from Abu Khalda that he said "prayer" and did
not specify "Jumu'a".
It is related that Abu Khalda said, "The governor * led us in
the Jumu'a prayer." Then he asked Anas, "How did the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), pray dhuhr?"
[*It was al-Hakam ibn Abi Uqail ath-Thaqafi.]

Allaama Ayni has quoted that once Hakam bin Uqail
ath-Thaqaficousin of Yousuf bin Hajaj, led the Friday
prayer prolonging the sermon to the extent that the prayer got
delayed. Later when this issue was put before Sayyiduna
Anas bin Maalik (RA) he replied that during the days of Ra-
sulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) dhuhr prayer used to be
offered early in winters and late in summers. Although the
question being asked was about the Friday prayer but Sayy-
iduna Anas narrated about dhuhr prayer. Drawing conclusion
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

from this, Ibn Bataal says that the timing of dhuhr and Friday
prayers is same; and those who opine that Friday prayer can
also be delayed in summers argue with this. However, those
disagreeing say that this hadith is about dhuhr and not Friday
prayer and that the narrator confused it as the question was
asked to Sayyiduna Anas after Friday prayer.

) (
) (


Chapter 18 : Walking to the Jumu'a.

And the words of Allah Almighty, "Hasten to the remem-
brance of Allah" (62:9) and some say that "hastening" means
"to act and go" as it means that in the words of Allah Al-
mighty, "strives after it as he should strive." (17:19)
Ibn Abbas said, "Trading is forbidden at that time." 'Ata' said,
"All kinds of work are forbidden [at that time]." Az-Zuhri
said, "When the mu'adhdhin gives the adhan on the day of
Jumu'a, even someone on a journey should attend."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The Quranic verse quoted here mentions a word
Saee which literally means to hasten. By establishing
this chapter Imam Bukhari wants to impress that the literal
meaning of the word is not to be taken into consideration
here and that, while going for the prayer, one should walk
gracefully. He further supports his argument by saying that
the word Saee has been used in the Quran to mean deeds
as well.
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Here the word Saee has been interpreted to mean
deeds and thus walking towards a mosque can be taken to
mean a deed. Imam Bukhari has further quoted the statement
of Ibn Abbas wherein he says that all kinds of commerce is
rendered prohibited until the termination of Friday prayers.
According to Az-Zufaaf the limits of prohibition range from
mid-noon till the end of the prayer, but Farraa consider the
starting limit when the Maudhadhin gives the call. As per
Tahaawi the adhann to be considered is the 2nd one said in
front of the pulpit. Widening the prohibition area, Ataa holds

that all kinds of jobs become forbidden.

In the end Imam Bukhari has quoted the statement of
Zuhri saying, When the mu'adhdhin gives the adhan on the
day of Jumu'a, even someone on a journey should attend.
Majority of jurists hold that for a person on journey Friday
prayer is not obligatory; a similar statement of Zuhri is
quoted in another narration also. Inferring from Zuhris state-
ment, the learned scholars consider it Istihbaabi (preferable),
but not Wujubi (obligatory), the attendance of a traveler to
Friday prayer if he listens the call, which means that though
not being obligatory on him to attend it is still preferable for
him to do so if he listens the call.

Hadith No. 864

Narrated Abaya ibn Rifa'a

"Abu Abs caught up with me when I was on my way to the

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Jumu'a and said, 'I heard the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), say, "Allah will forbid from the Fire anyone whose
feet become dusty in the way of Allah"

Hadith No. 865


Narrated Abu Hurayra

"I heard the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), say, 'When the prayer is held, do not come to it run-
ning. Come to it walking. You must be tranquil. Pray what
you catch and complete what you miss.'"

Hadith No. 866

Narrated Abu Qatada

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "Do not
stand up until you see me. You must be tranquil."

According to the first hadith, once on the way while
going for Jumua Abaya bin Rifaa was told by Abu Abs that
Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, Allah will for-

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

bid from the Fire anyone whose feet become dusty in the way
of Allah. Imam Bukhari has mentioned this hadith to prove
that that is pedestrian walking towards the mosque which
fetches more reward.
The second hadith narrated by Abu Hurayra clearly
forbids to run for the prayer even if iqaamah has been said.
The third hadith narrated by Abu Qataadah tells us
that the Shariah likes a believer to behave in a tranquil and
calm state regarding the various aspects of a prayer, i.e.,
while going to the mosque, in the mosque and during the
prayers itself etc.

Chapter 19 : Do not separate two people on the day of

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari now mentions that after entering the
mosque one should take utmost care not to trouble those al-
ready present in the mosque. One should not split up or cross
over the shoulders of two people sitting together in order to
move towards the front rows.

Hadith No. 867

Narrated Salman al-Farisi

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

"When a man has a ghusl on the day of Jumu'a, making him-

self as pure as possible, uses his hair oil or puts on any per-
fume he has in his house, then goes out and does not split up
two people, and then prays what is prescribed for him and
remains silent while the Imam speaks, he is forgiven every-
thing between then and the previous Jumu'a."

Friday is the most blessed day of a week. The pious
and obedient people in all ages have always tried to make it
possible to free themselves on Fridays exclusively for the
preparation of the prayer. Taking bath, donning clean clothes,
wearing perfume, oiling the hair and going to the mosque

early for Friday prayers is highly recommended. Also, ac-

cording to the quoted Hadith, after entering the mosque one
should not cause trouble or inconvenience to others like split-
ting up the two people sitting together in order to move to-
wards the front rows which is in accordance with the general
golden principle of Islam stated in a Hadith:

A (true) Muslim is one who protects the other Muslims from
the (evils) of his tongue and hands.

Chapter 20 : A man should not make his brother get up
on the day of Jumu'a and then sit down in his place.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapter it was mentioned that one
should not split up two people or cross over their shoulders to
move towards the front rows, now here the impermissibility
of asking a person to get up and taking his place is conveyed.
It, being a sign of proud, is highly disliked by the Shariah.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Hadith No. 868


Narrated Ibn Jurayj

"I heard Nafi say, 'I heard Ibn Umar say, "The Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), forbade a man to make his
brother get up from his place and then to sit down in it." ' I
asked Nafi, 'Jumu'a?' He said, "Both Jumu'a and other

prayers.' "

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has forbidden
it strictly to push a person sitting in a mosque in order to take
his seat. Islam considers all the believers equal and none su-
perior to other and this must be maintained primarily in the
Allaama Ayni has quoted Qazi Abu Tayib:

Al-Qadhi Abi al-Tayib - a-Shaafaee, said, It is permissi-
ble to cause a person leave his place in three situations viz.,
i, if he is sitting at the place of Imam, ii, if he is sitting on the
path making it difficult for the people to walk through, iii, if
he is sitting in front of the row facing Qibla.

Should one voluntarily leave his place for someone else?

In the mosque all people are equal, so if someone is
sitting in the front he should not leave his place to others, but
if he does so as a token of respect, it is permissible.
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Occupying a place in the mosque

It is permissible to occupy a place in the mosque. Al-
laama Ibn Seereen used to depute his slave to the mosque
beforehand to reserve his seat.

Chapter 21 : The adhan on the day of Jumu'a.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari discusses the adhaan on Friday -
its number, timing and the places from where it is to be said.

Hadith No. 869


Narrated as-Sa'ib ibn Yazid

"During the time of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), and Abu Bakr and Umar, the first call on the day of
Jumu'a was made when the Imam sat on the minbar. In the
time of Uthmaan when the number of people had increased, a
third call was added at az-Zawra'."
Abu Abdallah said, "Az-Zawra' is a place in the market of

During Rasulullahs (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
time, adhaan on the day of Friday was made when he would
ascend on to the pulpit to deliver Friday sermon and caller
would stand facing him. This used to be the first adhaan, and
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

the iqaamat for the prayer after the sermon was called the
second adhaan. The same routine was followed during the
caliphate of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Umar. Afterwards, dur-
ing the caliphate of Sayyiduna Uthmaan the number of be-
lievers increased manifold and it was suggested to Sayyiduna
Uthman if the third adhaan could be called in the market
place in order to make people hear it as the adhaan called
from within the mosque was inaudible to many. Sayyiduna
Uthman agreed to the suggestion and ordered that the third
adhaan be said in a market place called al-Zawra. This is
called the third adhaan because it was started during the time

of Sayyiduna Uthmaan though being first in sequence i.e., it

is said before the two that are practiced from the time of the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). The Quran says:

When the call for prayer is proclaimed on Friday, hasten
for the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. (62:9)
According to the learned scholars this refers to the
adhaan which is being said in front of the pulpit just before
the sermon.

Chapter 22 : One mu'adhdhin on the day of Jumu'a.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Earlier on it was said that there was only one adhaan
made during the period of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) and here it is further supported by the fact the
muadhdhin also used to be only one - which also indicates
towards the solitary adhaan.

Hadith No. 870

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated as-Sa'ib ibn Yazid

"The one who added the third adhan on the day of Jumu'a
was Uthmaan ibn Affan when the number of people in
Madina increased. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), only had one mu'adhdhin and the adhan on the day of
Jumu'a was called when the Imam sat down," meaning on the

According to the above Hadith, it is preferable for an
Imam to sit on the pulpit before the muadhdhin says adhaan.
If a pulpit is not available then he should ascend to some
raised platform. As per the learned scholar, Imam Bukhari
has established this chapter in order to refute a narration
quoted from Ibn Habeeb Maaliki which says:
Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to sit on the
pulpit and then the muadhdhins, three in number, would say
adhaan one after the other; and when the third among them
would finish then he would stand up and deliver the sermon.
(Umdatul Qaari)

Imam Bukhari holds that there used to be only one

muadhdhin; but keeping in view the above mentioned narra-
tion, the jurists opine the permissibility of multiple adhaans
as valid and that may the basis why Sayyiduna Uthman al-
lowed the third adhaan. (Allah knows the best)

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Chapter 23 : The Imam responds to the adhaan on the

pulpit when he hears the call to prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It is an obligatory act to answer the adhaan when
called by the muadhdhin. Here, Imam Bukhari discusses
whether an Imam should also repeat the wordings of adhaan
when seated on the pulpit on Friday. Imam Bukhari opines
that he should do so.

Hadith No. 871



. . .
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Narrated Abu Umama ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf

"I heard Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, when he was sitting on
the minbar. The mu'adhdhin gave the adhan, saying, 'Allah is
greater. Allah is greater,' Mu'awiya said, 'Allah is greater.
Allah is greater.' He said, 'I testify that there is no god but
Allah,' and Mu'awiya said, 'And so do I.' He said, 'I testify
that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,' and Mu'awiya
said, 'And so do I.' When the adhan was finished, he said, 'O
people! I was listening to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), as the mu'adhdhin gave the adhan when
he was sitting in this very place, and he said what you heard
me say.' "
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

This hadith has been discussed briefly before as well.
Here it is conveyed that Imam should answer the adhaan
when seated on the pulpit for Friday sermon.
Tabrani has quoted a hadith from Ibn Umar:

When someone of you enters the mosque while the Imam is
on the pulpit, no prayer or a talk is permissible.
Some scholars have questioned the authenticity of
this hadith.

Should those in the mosque other than Imam answer the


adhaan or not?
According to some Hanafite scholars, they should not
answer the adhaan in view of the above mentioned hadith,
but as per some other scholars, it is only the mundane talking
which is forbidden during the adhaan and not the religious
Allaama Ayni has derived the following lessons from
this hadith:
1. Imam should teach the audience while on the pulpit.
2. He can talk before starting the sermon.
3. He should sit before standing for the sermon.
4. It is better to repeat the same words which the maudhdhin
says in shahadatayn but if one says and I also only, it will


Chapter 24 : Sitting on the minbar when the adhan is

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter it is conveyed that an Imam should sit

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

on the pulpit when the adhaan is given.

Hadith No. 872


Narrated as-Sa'ib ibn Yazid

Uthman ordered for there to be a second adhaan on the Day
of Jumu'a when the number of people in the mosque in-

creased. The adhaan on the day of Jumu'a had previously

"been called when the Imam sat down.

This hadith has already been discussed

Chapter 25 : The adhaan before the khutba

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The peculiarity of Friday prayer is that it is preceded
by khutba and, according to Imam Bukhari, the peculiarity of
this khutba is that it is preceded by an adhaan.

Hadith No. 873

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated as-Sa'ib ibn Yazid

"In the beginning, during the time of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and Abu Bakr and Umar, the
adhan on the day of Jumu'a was called when the imam sat on
the minbar. But when, during the khalifate of 'Uthman, the
number of people increased, 'Uthman ordered for there to be
a third adhan on the Day of Jumu'a which was given in az-
Zawra' and that remained the practice."

According to he learned scholars, the additional ad-
haan, started by Sayyiduna Uthman during his caliphate,
could have given rise to the suspicion whether the adhaan

which was already being said from the time of Rasulullah

(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was necessary or not. Imam
Bukhari by establishing this chapter has conveyed it to re-
main unchanged.


Chapter 26 : The khutba being given on the pulpit
Anas said, "The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), gave
the khutba on the pulpit."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

An Imam when delivering a Friday sermon makes
people aware of the Islamic teaching and its other aspects;
the people are not only supposed to listen him keenly but also
try to observe his actions and body language. Therefore, it is
better for an Imam to speak from a place comparatively
higher than that of his audience, that is why the Shariah has
recommended him to deliver his sermon from the pulpit

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Hadith No. 874



Narrated Abu Hazim ibn Dinar

Some men came to Sahl ibn Sa'd as-Sa'idi and disagreed
about the wood the minbar was made of. They asked him
about it and he said, "By Allah, I know what it was made of.
Indeed I saw it on the day it was made and the day when the
Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), first sat on
it. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), sent
to a certain woman (whom Sahl named) saying, 'Instruct
your slave, the carpenter, to make me something out of wood
on which I can sit when I speak to the people.' She gave him
this instruction and he made it from desert tamarisk. He
brought it to her and she sent it to the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), who commanded that it be
placed here. Then I saw the Messenger of Allah praying on
it, saying the takbir while standing on it and doing ruku
while on it. Then he stepped down and went into sajda at the
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

foot of the minbar and then climbed back on it again. When

he finished, he faced the people and said, 'O people! I did
this so that you could follow me and learn how I pray.' "

Hadith No. 875



Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

"There was a palm trunk which the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), used to lean against. When the minbar
was made for him, we heard the trunk making a sound like a
pregnant she-camel until the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), came down and placed his hand on it."
It is related that Anas heard it from Jabir.

Hadith No. 876

Narrated Salim from his father

"I heard the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), speak on
the minbar and say, 'Anyone who comes to the Jumu'a should
perform a ghusl."

During the initial days of Islam Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) used to deliver sermons standing while re-
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

clining against the stem of a date tree. As the number of be-

lievers went on increasing, the need of some raised platform
for Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was felt so that
people could see him while delivering the khutba. To solve
the issue a permission for making a pulpit was sought from
him. Then a message was sent to a women namely Aisha
who had a slave by the name Mymoon - a carpenter by pro-
fession, to instruct him to make a pulpit out of wood, which
she gladly agreed to. The slave-carpenter made a pulpit with
three steps which was presented to Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), who accepted it, and later it was subse-

quently placed in the Prophets mosque. Afterwards Rasulul-

lah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) stood on it to deliver the

The crying of the date-trunk

When Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) as-
cended on this newly made pulpit and started delivering the
khutba, he (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) heard cries coming
out of the date-trunk which was called Ustawane Hanana,
against which he would recline and deliver the khutba. Its
cries were also heard by the Sahaaba, according to whom it
were like the cries of a pregnant she-camel, and as per some
others like that of a weeping child. Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) came down the pulpit and placed his
blessed hand on it and it became silent. It is reported that the
trunk was later buried at the place where it stood in the
Prophets mosque. This place of Ustawane Hanana is still
demarcated in Riyadh-ul-Jannah in the Prophets mosque. It
is said that the trunk cried because of the deprivation of Ra-
sulullahs (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) blessed company
which it used to enjoy during the deliverance of the khutba.
Imam Bukhari is discussing this hadith again in the chapter -
Signs of the Prophethood.

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri


Chapter 27 : The khutba while standing.
Anas said, "While the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
was giving the khutba standing..."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The Friday sermon or khutba should be delivered in
standing position, the issue agreed to by a vast majority of
jurists and the only difference of opinion existing is whether
it is obligatory (fardh or waajib) or Sunnah. Imam Bukhari
has also quoted a part of a hadith narrated by Sayyiduna

Anas, that will be discussed in the chapter

Hadith No. 877


Narrated Ibn Umar

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to give the
khutba standing and then he would sit and then stand up
again just as you do now."

On the basis of this hadith, Imam Shaafaee and
Imam Ahmad consider it a necessary pre-requisite (shart) to
stand up for khutba, however, the Hanafites take it as Sun-
nah. Muslim has quoted: On seeing Abdul Rahman bin Abi
al-Hakm delivering khutba while seated, Kalb bin Azzdha
said, Look at this speaker, he is delivering the khutba while
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

sitting when Allah has said:

Leave you (O prophet,) standing (62:11)
Ibn Abu Shaeba quotes from Tawus:

Tawus said that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman delivered khutba standing and
the first to deliver it while sitting was Muaawiya; and
Shaebi said that he did so when his abdomen and muscles

grew too fatty.


Chapter 28 : The Imam facing the people and the people
facing the imam when he gives the khutba.
Ibn Umar and Anas faced the imam.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It is recommended that the people should face the
Imam when he is delivering the khutba.

Hadith No. 878


Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), one day sat on
the minbar and we sat around him."
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

The audience is always supposed to remain attentive
towards the Imam when he is delivering the sermon and one
of the factors that will help in remaining focused is by facing
him. It is better to remain seated at respective places in the
rows facing the Imam so that it is easy to straighten up the
rows at the time of prayer. Sitting around the Imam in a semi
circle is also permissible as the word hawla used here,



Chapter 29 : Saying, amma ba'd ("following on from

that") in the khutba after giving praise.
Ibn Abbas related this from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter Imam Bukhari conveys that for an
Imam the proper way of delivering the sermon is to start with
the praise of Almighty Allah first, then Amma-Bad and
then take up his own address which he wants to convey to the
masses. This is the way of Sunnah which the Ummah has
been following from the very beginning. According to some
scholars, the root of this particular term has been derived
from the Quranic verse wherein Allah makes mention of Da-
wood (AS) by saying:

And (We) gave him wisdom and decisive speech (38:20)
Fasl means to separate and by using the word
amma bad a speaker separates his own speech from praise
to Almighty Allah.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Hadith No. 879







Narrated Asma bint Abi Bakr

"I visited Aisha when the people were praying and said,
'What is happening with the people?' She pointed towards the
heaven and I said, 'A sign?' She nodded with her head, mean-
ing yes." She said, "The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), continued for a very long time until I
fainted. There was a water-skin beside me and I opened it
and began to pour some of it on my head. The Messenger of
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), finished and the sun ap-

peared. He addressed the people and praised Allah as is His
due. Then he said, 'Following on from that (amma ba'd).'"
She said, "Some of the women of the Ansar were talking nois-
ily and I turned to them in order to make them be quiet. I
asked Aisha, 'What did he say?' She said, 'There were things
which I had not see before that I saw just now while standing
here, including the Garden and the Fire. It was revealed to
me that you will be tested in the graves with a trial like- or
nearly like that of the False Messiah. (The angels) will come
to every one of you and he will be asked, "What do you know
of this man?" The believer (or the one who is certain)
(Hisham was unsure which it was) will say, "He is the Mes-

senger of Allah. He is Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-

lam), who has brought us the Clear Signs and the guidance
and so we believed, responded, and followed and confirmed
him." He will be told, "Sleep, virtuous one. We know that you
believed in him." The hypocrite (or he said the doubter)
(Hisham was unsure which it was) will be asked, "What do
you know of this man?" He will say, "I do not know. I heard
the people saying something and I said it."'"
Hisham said, "Fatima said to me, 'I remembered it by heart,'
except that she mentioned the manner in which he would be
harshly dealt with."

Hadith No. 880

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

. .

Narrated Amru ibn Taghlib

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was
brought some money or captives and shared them out. He
gave to some men and left others out. He heard that those
who had been left out had been critical about that. He
praised Allah and glorified Him and then said, 'Following on
from that (amma ba'd), by Allah, I give to one man and leave
out another and yet I love the one whom I leave out more

than the one I give to. But I give to some people because of
the anxiety and unease I see in their hearts. I entrust some
people to the wealth and good which Allah has placed in
their hearts. One of those is Amrr ibn Taghlib.' By Allah,
what the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
said is dearer to me than red camels."Yunus corroborated it.

Hadith No. 881

Narrated Aisha
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

out one night in the middle of the night and prayed in the
mosque and some men followed his prayer. In the morning
the people spoke about it and more of them gathered and
prayed with him. In the morning the people spoke and there
were more people in the mosque on the third night. The Mes-
senger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out and
they followed his prayer. On the fourth night the mosque was
unable to accommodate the people and he only came out for
the Subh prayer. When he had finished fajr, he faced the peo-
ple and said the shahada. Then he said, 'Following on from
that (amma ba'd), your position was not hidden from me, but
I feared that it would be made compulsory for you and you
would be unable to do it.'"

Yunus corroborated it.

Hadith No. 882


Narrated Abu Humayd as-Sa'idi

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), stood
up one evening after the prayer. He said the shahada and
praised Allah as is His due and then he said, 'Following on
from that (amma ba'd).'"
Hisham corroborated it from his father from Abu Humayd
that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
"Following on from that (amma ba'd)."
"Following on from that (amma ba'd)" is corroborated from
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Hadith No. 883


Narrated al-Miswar ibn Makhrama

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), stood
up and I heard him say, "Following on from that (amma
ba'd)" after he said the shahada."
Az-Zuhri corroborated it.

Hadith No. 884

Narrated Ibn Abbas

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), climbed the min-
bar for the last gathering in which he participated. He had a
large wrapper around his shoulders and his head was bound
with an oily band. He praised Allah and glorified Him and
then said, 'O people, come here to me!' so they gathered
round him. Then he said, 'Following on from that (amma
ba'd), the area inhabited by the Ansar will diminish and the
number of other people will increase. Whoever comes to rule
over any of the community of Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), and is therefore able to bring harm and benefit to
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

people should accept the good among them and pardon any
of them who act badly.'"

Imam Bukhari has quoted six narrations here to prove
that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to say
amma bad when delivering his sermons, though one of
the narrations is about the Friday sermon, yet he has tried to
prove his point strongly by quoting six narrations. The first
hadith has already been discussed previously. Here it has
been re-quoted with little additional words e.g., Asmaa bint
Abi Bakr opened a water bag and poured some water over
her head as she was felt fainting. The jurists have debated

this point whether it is permissible to do multiple actions

while praying i.e., to open the water bag, get water out of it
and then pour that over ones head etc. Accourding to Imam
Nawawi if such kind of actions are executed in one go, then
the prayer will become invalid, but if done one after the an-
other giving a pause in-between then the prayer will be valid.
According to the second Hadith, a lot of wealth was
received by Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) from
Bahrain which he was distributing amongst the people. He
distributed it among some but left out some. Later he came to
know that those left out had been critical about the distribu-
tion. Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) delivered a ser-
mon wherein after praising Almighty Allah he said amma
bad and then told the people that he gave to some because of
anxiety and unease he saw in their hearts, what is called
Mualafatul Quloob - wining of hearts and minds; and that he
loved those more whom he left out. It was simply because he
distributed the wealth among those who were still weak in
faith and he expected of those having stronger faith uncriti-
cal. According to the narrator Amru bin Taghlib, it was the
happiest moment for him when he heard Rasulullah

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) saying that he loved more those

whom he left out as he was one of them.
The third hadith has been discussed previously, the
fourth hadith will be discussed Insha Allah in detail in Ki-
tabul Ahkam.and fifth hadith will also be discussed in the
succeeding chapter. In all these narrations the word amma
bad has been mentioned. Mentioning about terminal illness
of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the last hadith,
the narrator says that one day Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) came out during that illness covered in a blanket
and donning a black turban and sat on the pulpit. After prais-

ing Allah he said amma bad and then asked the people to
come nearer. He then advised them to do good to Ansaar,
who will keep on decreasing in number day by day as the
overall number of Muslims will keep on increasing.
It has been narrated in a hadith:

Till they will be in people like salt in meals.

Chapter 30 : Sitting down between the two khutbas on
the Day of Jumu'a.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Earlier it was mentioned that the khutba is to be deliv-
ered standing and here Imam Bukhari mentions that there are
two khutbas on Fridays and that the khatib (one who delivers
a sermon) has to differentiate between the two by sitting
down for a while after completing the first one.

Hadith No. 885

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abdullah
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to give two
khutbas between which he would sit down."

Abu Dawood quotes the following narration from Ab-
dullah bin Umar through Naafea:

The prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to deliver
two khutbas. He would sit down after ascending the pulpit till
the Maudhdhin finished the adhaan. He would then stand up

and deliver the khutba, then sit down during which he would
not talk, then stand up and say (the second) khutba.
According to the learned scholars, Imam should sit
between the two khutbas for as long a time sufficient to recite
sura al-Ikhlas or the time span between two prostrations.
The sitting between the khutbas is obligatory as per
Imam Shaafiae and Imam Ahmad, and Sunnah as per Imam
Abu Haniefa, Imam Maalik and many others.


Chapter 31 : Listening to the khutba.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The attentive listening of the Friday khutba has been
strongly recommended by the Shariah. As per Imam Abu Ha-
niefa, Imam Maalik and Ahmad the act is obligatory and
there is prohibition of talking during it. Imam Shaafaee con-
siders it a sunnah.

Hadith No. 886

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "On the Day
of Jumu'a, the angels stand at the door of the mosque and
write down the first to come and then those who follow.

Those who come early are like someone who sacrifices a

camel, the next like someone who sacrifices a cow and then a
ram and then a chicken and then an egg. When the imam
comes out, they roll up their scrolls and listen to the re-

This hadith has been previously discussed in the
chapter - Excellences of Friday.
This hadith favours those according to whom it is
obligatory to listen khutba and that it is prohibited to talk
when it is being delivered. According to the learned scholars,
when an Imam starts to deliver the khuta, the angels, even
though not bound to any limitations, close down the files in
order to listen to the khutba, how is it possible that the be-
lievers will be relieved from the obligation of listening to it.

Answering a greeting, saying Yarhamakallah, or send-

ing salutations to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) during the khutba
As per Imam Abu Haniefa if someone pays greetings,
says Alhamdulillah when sneezing or mentions the blessed
name of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), the one

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

hearing him should answer in the heart and not use his
tongue, however, Imam Shaafaee permits vocal answering .


Chapter 32 : When the imam sees a man coming while he
is giving the khutba, he orders him to pray two rak'ats.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

According to the learned scholars, here Imam Bukhari
wants to convey that since it not permissible for people to
talk while the khuta is being delivered as per the hadith:


If you tell your fellow person to keep quite (during khutba),

certainly you have committed a mistake
But the Imam retains the right to admonish and ad-
vices people if needed before khutba.

Hadith No. 887

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

"A man came when the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), was addressing the people on the day of Jumu'a and he
said, 'So-and-so, have you prayed?' He said, 'No.' He said,
'Get up and pray.'"

On a Friday a man named Sulaik al-Gatfani entered
the prophets mosque when Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) was delivering the Friday sermon. He straightway sat
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

down without offering any prayer. Rasulullah (Salallahu

Alaihi Wasallam) asked him if he had offered the prayer. Re-
plying in negative, he was advised by the Prophet (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) to get up and offer two rakats first.

Juristic views
According to Imam Nawawi, this hadith clearly fa-
vours Imam Shaafaees view. Imam Ahmad and some others
consider it a mustahab (preferable) to offer two rakats after
entering a mosque at such a time when the Imam has started
the khutba.

According to Allaama Ayni, Imam Abu Haniefah,

Imam Maalik, Laith and many others hold the opinion that a
person who enters a mosque at a time when Imam is deliver-
ing the khutba he should sit down without offering any
prayer. They put forward the hadith which advocates silent
listening of the khutba in their argument. Similar opinion has
been quoted from Sayyiduna Umar, Uthman, Ali and some
other scholars. They consider the prayer of Sayyiduna Sulaik
as a special concession to him by Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) who stopped his khutba till he finished the
two rakats; this has been quoted in a hadith mentioned in
Dhar-ul-Qatni on the authority of Qatadah, which says:

( )
Qataadah reports from Anas, A person entered the
mosque when Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was
delivering the khutba; the Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) directed him to get up and offer two rakats and he
paused the khutba till the person completed his prayer.
(Dhar al-Qatni, Umdatul Qari)

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri


Chapter 33 : The one who comes when the imam is speak-
ing should pray two quick rak'ats.
Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab
In the previous chapter it was said that if someone sits
without offering prayer during Friday khutba, the Imam can
admonish for that and in this chapter Imam Bukhari says that
the individual should do it for his own i.e. he should himself
offer two Rakats of prayer before sitting.

Hadith No. 888


Narrated Amru
Jabir said, "A man came in on the Day of Jumu'a while the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was giving the khutba
and he said, 'Have you prayed?' He said, 'Yes.' He said,
'Stand and pray two rak'ats.'"

This hadith has been discussed in the previous chap-
ter. Imam Shaafiae and Imam Bukhari put forward this
hadith in support of their opinion, however, the Hanafite and
the Maalikites differ with their view citing the following
hadith quoted in Tabarani in their support.

When anyone of you enters a mosque at a time when the
Imam is on the pulpit (for Friday prayer), no prayer or talk-
ing is permitted until the Imam finishes (the khutba).

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

The opponents of this view have questioned the sanad

(chain of narrators) of this hadith.

Chapter 34 : Raising the hands during the khutba.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari conveys the permissibility of
raising the hands for invocation during the khutba.

Hadith No. 889





Narrated Anas
"Once while the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was
giving a khutba on the Day of Jumu'a a man stood up and
said, 'Messenger of Allah, the horses are dying and the sheep
are dying. Ask Allah to give us rain.' He stretched out his
arms and made supplication."

This hadith mentioned that while Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was delivering a khutba a man
stoop up and complained that drought had made their life
miserable and requested him to invoke Allah for rains. Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) raised his hands during
the khutba itself and asked Allah for the rains. According to
this hadith the raising of hands for invocations during khutba
is permissible but the learned scholars hold that it should be
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

done only when necessary. In Eidha-ul-Bukhari a hadith has

been quoted from Muslim and Tirmidhi which says that once
Basher bin Marwan while delivering a sermon on the pulpit
was repeatedly raising his hands; witnessing this, Amerah bin
Ruwaibah commented:

May Allah ruin these two hands, for I have seen Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) not raising his hands above this,
and he showed it by pointing with his index finger.



Chapter 35 : Praying for rain in the khutba on the day of

Jumu'a .

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Istisqaa means to invoke Allah for rains during
drought like conditions. Imam Bukhari has established this
chapter to convey that this invocation can be made during the
Friday khutba.

Hadith No. 890


Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers



Narrated Anas ibn Maalik

"There was a drought in the time of the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), and while the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), was giving the khutba on the day of Jumu'a, a

Bedouin stood up and said, 'Messenger of Allah, our prop-

erty is being destroyed and the children are hungry, so pray
to Allah for us.' He raised his hands while we could not see a
cloud in the sky. By the One who has my soul in His hand, as
soon as he lowered them, clouds like mountains swirled up.
Then as soon as he came down from his minbar, I saw the
rain falling on his beard (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). It
rained on us that day and the next and the next and that
which followed until the next Jumu'a when that Bedouin, or
another one, stood up and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, our
houses have fallen down and our property is flooded, so pray
to Allah for us.' He raised his hands and said, 'O Allah,
around us but not on us.' In whatever direction he pointed
with his hand, the clouds dispersed and Madina became like
a gap (in the clouds). The river-bed of Qanat flowed with wa-
ter for a month and all who came from elsewhere spoke
about the abundant rain."
[Qanat is one of the valleys of Madina]

As is evident from the hadith itself a Bedouin came to
the Prophets mosque when he was delivering the Friday
khutba and requested him to invoke Allah for rains as the

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

people were facing a severe drought which had made their

lives miserable; the property (cattle etc) was being destroyed
and the agricultural produce had dried up. Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) raised his blessed hands during
the khutba itself and invoked Allah for rains. According to
the narrator himself at that very moment when they could not
see any cloud in the sky but when the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) lowered his hands clouds like mountains
swirled up and it rained a whole week till next Friday. Near
Friday, the same person stood and requested Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to invoke Allah for cessation of
the rain as the excessive rainfall was causing damage to the
property. Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) again

prayed to Allah and the clouds in the sky immediately disap-

peared and the rain got suspended. It was a miracle of Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) on whose invocation the
rains were sent and then withdrawn.
This hadith favours the Hanafite school who claim
that only the invocation, without any prayer, is sufficient for
Istisqaa as done by Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam).
However, there are other narrations also which favour the
opposite view i.e., the necessity of offering the Istisqaa
prayer. Imam Maalik has quoted on the authority of Abdullah
bin Zaid Al-Hazni:

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) came out towards
Musallah, offered Salatul Istisqaa and turned upside down
his blanket after facing the Qibla. (Mota Imam-e-Maalik)
This issue will be discussed in coming chapter.



Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers


Chapter 36 : Remaining silent and paying attention on
the day of Jumu'a when the imam is speaking.
Even a person saying to his companion, "Be quiet!" consti-
tutes foolish chatter. Salman reported that the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "Be silent and pay atten-
tion when the imam is speaking."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapter it was said that the khutba
should be listened attentively. Here it is mentioned that the

people should not only listen to it keenly but also refrain

from any kind of talk.

Hadith No. 891

Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
"Even saying, 'Be quiet!' to your companion while the imam
is giving the khutba on the Day of Jumu'a constitutes foolish

Talking during the khutba is so undesired and deplor-
able that even a person telling his companion - keep quiet is
considered to have done a foolish act. This hadith clearly
demonstrates the stress laid by the Shariah on resorting to
silence during the khutba, and also for its keen listening. Ac-
cording to Imam Shaafiae, the ban on talking is for the time

The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

when the Imam is delivering the khutba; Imam Abu Haniefah

considers it effective right from the time when the Imam sits
on the pulpit. As per the majority of jurists it is obligatory not
to talk during the khutba.

Chapter 37 : The special time on the Day of Jumu'a.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

There is a special and blessed moment on Fridays
when Allah accepts the invocations made by a bondsman.

Hadith No. 892


Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), men-
tioned the day of Jumu'a and said, "There is a time during it
when Allah Almighty gives to a Muslim standing in prayer
whatever he asks for." He indicated how small it was with his

It is a blessed moment on Fridays during which an
invocation made, gets accepted. According to some, this
blessing remained effective only during the lifetime of Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam), however, as per the ma-
jority of scholars it continues to be so. The learned scholars
have debated on many issues pertaining to this moment, viz.,

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

the time length of the moment, its exact timing during the
day; whether it happens on every Friday or once in a year, so
on and so forth. Ibn Hajr has quoted forty two opinions about
it in Fathul Bari, however, two of them are famous authentic
narrations, viz.,
Muslim quotes:

It starts from the time when Imam sits on the pulpit and re-
mains effective until the completion of the prayer (Muslim).
Imam Shaafiae concurs with this view.
2. Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Nasaaee and Imam Maalik

It is between the asr and magrib prayer
Imam Abu Haniefa and Imam Ahmad concur with this view.

Chapter 38 : If some people leave the imam during the
Friday prayer, the prayer of the imam and those who re-
main is still valid.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari discusses a situation where some
people leave the Imam after having joined him for the Friday
prayer. Now, the question arises whether the Imam should
continue the prayer or not; and further, should he offer Friday
or dhuhr prayer instead if only one or two people remain with
him? Not going into the details, Imam Bukhari simply opines
that he should continue the prayer. Quoting the opinion of
Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad, Allama Ayni
writes that if all people leave and the Imam remains alone, he
(Imam) should still offer Friday prayer, but according to
Imam Abu Haniefa, he should offer dhuhr prayer in such a
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

As per Imam Shaafaee and Imam Ahmad, it is man-
datory to have a minimum forty people for establishing a Fri-
day prayer, and if all people leave then the Imam should offer
dhuhr prayer.

Hadith No. 893



. (

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

"Once while we were praying with the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), a caravan carrying food came and people
went off towards it until there were only twelve men left with
the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and this ayat was
sent down: 'But when they see some merchandise or diver-
sion, they scatter off to it and leave you standing.' (62:11)"

This incident took place during the early days of Is-
lam when the believers were very poor and facing shortage of
food stuffs. It so happened that once while having assembled
for the Friday prayer in the mosque a caravan of camels car-
rying food stuffs reached Madinah; hearing the noise they
came out for food stuffs of which they were desperately in
need. It is reported in other narrations that it was Dihyah Ibn
Khalaf Kalbi who had returned with the caravan from Syria.
Also, according to some other narrations the caravan be-
longed to Abdul Rahman bin Auf. Some opine that both of
Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

them had got it in partnership. It was at this stage the follow-

ing verse of the Quran was revealed:

'But when they see some merchandise or diversion, they scat-
ter off to it and leave you standing.' (62:11)"
Commenting on the verse, Mufti Muhammad Shafi
(RA) writes in Maaariful Quran:
The verse admonishes those who once abandoned the
Friday sermon and attended some trade activity. Imam Ibn
Kathir says that this incident took place when the Holy
Prophet used to deliver the Friday sermon after the Friday

prayer, as it happens on Eid even in our days. It once hap-

pened that the Friday prayer had finished and the Holy
Prophet was delivering his sermon. Suddenly a trading cara-
van arrived in the market-place of Madinah. Drums were
beaten to announce the arrival of the caravan. The Friday
prayer had finished and the sermon was in progress. Many of
the noble Companions went away to the market-place. Only a
few of them had remained behind with the Holy Prophet
who were about twelve in number [according to a narration
in Marasil of Abu Dawud]. According to some narratives, the
Messenger of Allah said: "If all had gone, the entire valley
of Madinah would have been filled with the fire of punish-
ment". [Transmitted by Abu Yala, as quoted by Ibn Kathir].
Muqatil, a leading scholar of Qur'anic commentary,
says that this was the trading caravan of Dihyah Ibn Khalaf
Kalbi, which had come from Syria. This caravan normally
came to Madinah with all the essentials, especially essential
foodstuff. Whenever it arrived in Madinah, and the people
came to know about it, men and women all rushed towards it.
Dihyah Ibn Khalaf was not a Muslim until then. He became a
Muslim later on.
Hasan al-Basri and Abu Maalik said that that was a
time when there was scarcity and dearth of things. [Mazhari].
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

There were several factors on account of which a large group

of the blessed Companions left the mosque when they heard
the sound of the caravan. First, the fard prayer had already
finished, and they did not know until then the status of the
Friday sermon whether it was part of the fard prayer. Second,
there was scarcity and dearth of essential goods and items.
Third, buyers would rush to the caravan and they feared that
if they did not make it in time, they would not be able to ob-
tain their essentials. As a result, the noble Companions com-
mitted the mistake and the above Tradition sounded a warn-
ing, that is, if all of them had gone the Divine punishment
would have overtaken them. The current verse was revealed
to admonish them and put them to shame. For this reason, the

Holy Prophet, since that day, changed the order of Friday ser-
mon and prayer, delivering the sermons before the prayer.
This is now the approved way [Sunnah]. [Ibn Kathir]
The verse under comment instructs the Holy Prophet
to tell the people that what is with Allah is better than the
merchandise and amusement of this world, that is, the reward
of the Hereafter. It is not far-fetched to conceive that people
who forsake business and earning of livelihood for the sake
of prayer and sermon will attract ample blessings in their pro-
vision from Allah, even in this world, as was cited earlier
from the righteous elders on the authority of Ibn Kathir.
According to some people, the sahaaba left Rasulul-
lah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) during the prayers, the view
which many scholars consider incorrect. As per them they
left him when he was delivering khutba; they support their
view with the hadith quoted in Muslim which includes the
following words as well:

And Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was delivering
the sermon.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers


Chapter 39 : Praying before and after Jumu'a.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to differentiate between
the Eid and Friday prayer. There is no prayer before or after
Eid prayer in the Musallah (place where Eid prayer is of-
fered) but same does not apply to Friday prayer as one can
offer prayers before and after it.

Hadith No. 894


Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
to pray two rak'ats before dhuhr and two after it and two
rak'ats after maghrib in his house and two rak'ats after isha.
He did not pray after the jumu'a prayer until he had left and
then he would pray two rak'ats.

The last part of this hadith is about the Sunnat prayers after
the compulsory Friday prayers. According to Ibn Umar Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) didnt offer offer any
prayer in the mosque after the compulsory Friday prayers but
would return straight away to his home and offer two rakats
there. The hadith is silent about the Sunnat prayers before the
Friday prayers. Narrators have quoted different number of
rakats which Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

offer before and after the Friday prayer.

Tirmidhi quotes from Abu Hurayra

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, Whosoever
from you wants to offer prayers after the Friday prayer, he
should offer four. (Tirmidhi)
On the authority of Ibn Abeeadas father Tabrani
quotes in Al-Ausat:

That the prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer
four Rakats before and four Rakats after Friday prayer.


Chapter 40 : The words of Allah Almighty, "When the
prayer is finished, spread through the land and seek the
bounty of Allah." (62:10)

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

By quoting this Quranic verse, Imam Bukhari tries to
impress the fact that the time before the Friday prayers is to
prepare for the prayers and not to indulge in worldly affairs
and that there is no harm in doing business or other lawful
activities of earning once the prayers are over.

Hadith No. 895

Rafatul Bri The Book of Friday Prayers

Narrated Sahl
"There was a woman among us who planted garden-beet
(silq) on the irrigation channels in a field she owned. On the
day of Jumu'a she used to pull up the beet by the roots and
put them in a pot. Then she would put in a handful of barley
and cook it. The beet roots were like meat. After finishing the
Jumu'a prayer we would greet her and then she would bring

us that food and we would eat it with our fingers. We used to

look forward to the day of Jumu'a because of that food of

According to Sayyiduna Sahl the dish that the woman
offered them used to be so tasty that they kept looking for-
ward for the next jumua eagerly. Some other narrations in
Bukhari suggest that that the lady would purchase the chard
in case she was unable to gather the requisites from her own
This hadith shows that the Sahaaba liked to take even
their lunch after having done with the Friday prayers. It also
proves that they engaged themselves with their worldly af-
fairs only after the prayers. This hadith also shows that how
much austerity was there in the life style of Sahaaba.

Chapter 41 : The afternoon nap after the Jumu'a prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to convey that on Fridays
even the afternoon nap (qylola) was postponed till the
The Book of Friday Prayer Rafatul Bri

prayers were over.

Hadith No. 896


Narrated Humaid
Anas was heard to say, "We used to go early to the Jumu'a
prayer and then have an afternoon nap."

Afternoon nap or (qylola) is a routine practice of de-

vote believers who leave their beds very early in the last part
of the night for early dawn prayer called tahajjud, which is
the best time for attaining spiritual gains. For a person after a
day long toil it will be surely very difficult for him to get up
and offer tahajjud, therefore, missing the precious spiritual
moments. To overcome this, the Shariah exhorts the believers
to have a little nap after having lunch. This goes a long way
in refreshing oneself and getting up early for tahajjud.



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The Book of Fear Prayer


Chapter 1 : The Fear Prayer
And the words of Allah Almighty, "When you are travelling
in the land, there is nothing wrong in your shortening the
prayer if you fear that those who reject might harrass you.
The rejectors are your clear-cut enemies. When you are with
The Book of Fear Prayer Rafatul Bri

them and are leading them in the prayer, a group of them

should stand with you keeping hold of their weapons. When
they prostrate, the others should be behind you. Then the
other group who have not prayed should come and pray with
you. They too should be careful and keep hold of their weap-
ons. Those who reject would like you to be negligent of your
arms and equipment so that they can swoop down on you
once and for all. There is nothing wrong, if you are bothered
by rain or you are ill, in laying your weapons down; but take
every precaution. Allah has prepared a humiliating punish-
ment for the rejectors." (4:101-102)

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab


Finishing the book of Friday Prayer, Imam Bukhari

now starts the new book titled The Fear Prayer. This prayer
is offered right in the battle field during a war. According to
the learned scholars placing this book here in sequence after
The book of Friday Prayer is in accordance to Imam Buk-
haris distinctive knowledge than others. Almost all other
compilers have placed the book of Eid Prayer after the Friday
Prayer. but placing book of fear prayer he wants to complete
the discussions related to the compulsory prayers first e.g.,
five time prayers, Friday prayer etc; and since the fear prayer,
being a compulsory prayer, succeeds them. Secondly, accord-
ing to the learned scholars Imam Bukhari wants to oppose the
view of the scholars who consider the fear prayer particular
only to Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and permissi-
ble only with him i.e., during his time; the view held by Abu
Yusuf, al-Hasan bin Ziyad and Al-Muzni. However, large
majority of scholars hold it permissible for all times as re-
ported also from the noble companions.

Hadith No. 897

Rafatul Bri The Book of Fear Prayer


Narrated Shu'ayb
"I asked az-Zuhri, 'Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), pray it, meaning. the Fear Prayer?' He said, 'Salim in-
formed me that 'Abdullah ibn Umar said, "I went on an expe-
dition with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), in the direction of Najd. We faced the enemy, forming
up into rows opposite them. The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), stood up to lead us in the
prayer and one group stood to pray with him while another
group faced the enemy. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), did ruku and did two prostrations with
those with him. Then that group took the place of those who
had not yet prayed. They came and the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did ruku once with them and
did two prostrations. Then he said the taslim and then all of
them stood up and bowed and did two prostrations for them-

The hadith compiler Dhar Qutni has reported from
Abu Ayash Zarqi saying that once they were on an expedi-
tion with Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) at a place
called Asfaan. The enemy, led by Khalid bin Waleed, had
The Book of Fear Prayer Rafatul Bri

stationed themselves on the side of Qibla. The believers en-

gaged themselves for dhuhr prayers with Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam); seeing this, the infidels thought
it better to attack them during the next prayer. At that time
between dhuhr and asr, Allah revealed to Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to offer prayers during the ac-
tual battle time. The believers were directed to make two
groups out of which one group should offer one rakats with
Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in congregation and
the other group should remain at the battle front. Then the
first group should come out of the prayer after offering one
rakat and take position at the battle front while the other
group assemble behind Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-

lam) for one rakat who would be offering his second rakat.
Both these groups have to offer their second rakat individu-

The number of times Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-

lam) offered the fear prayer
Different number has been mentioned in different
narrations viz., four, ten and even twenty-four. Ibn-ul Qay-
yim states that the recognised narrations favour the number
of times as seven times while as Ibn Arabi considers sixteen
the authentic number. According to the learned scholars the
reason for variability is probably because Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has offered multiple prayers at a
single place. (Eidhahul Bukhari)

Number of rakats
Allama Ayni writes:

Know that the fear is not effective in reducing the number of
rakats (as per majority) except in the view of Ibn Abbas,
Rafatul Bri The Book of Fear Prayer

Hasan al-Basri and Taoos when they say it (the fear prayer)
is one rakat.
Muslim quotes the statement of Ibn Abbas as nar-
rated by Mujahid:

Allah made obligatory through the tongue of your prophet
four Rakats at home places, two in journey and one in fear.
Ayni further writes:


And Qadhi said, Fear has not effect upon the number of
Rakats and this is the view of the majority of the learned
scholars these include Ibn Umar, Nakhaee, Thouri, Maalik,
Shaafiae, Abu Hurayra and his associates and the scholars
from all places do not allow one Rakat. (Umdatul Qari)

Chapter 2 : The fear prayer while on foot or mounted.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here it is mentioned that prayers are not waved off
even in extreme war conditions. If, due to certain valid rea-
sons, it is not possible to establish congregational prayer, the
believers are asked to offer it standing or even while on an
animal back which otherwise is not permissible in normal

Hadith No. 898

The Book of Fear Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated Ibn Umar the statement of Mujahid

"When battle has been joined they can pray standing." And
Ibn Umar added from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), "If the enemy are greater in number then pray standing
or mounted."


Here Imam Bukhari mentions Ibn Umar narrating a

statement of Mujahid without clearly mentioning what has
been said by Ibn Umar and what by Mujahid; this has given
the learned scholars tough time to explain.
Muslim has quoted from Ibn Umar:

If the fear is more than that then the prayer should be offered
on animal back or by signs and gestures. (Muslim)
Imam Maalik quotes from Naafe that Ibn Umar
added the following words in the end:

While facing the Qibla or not.
In short, one has to offer a compulsory prayer under
such circumstances in whatever way possible, be in congre-
gation, individually, on an animal back or just standing and
offering it by gestures only.
Bukhari and Muslim have quoted from Hudhayfa:

I heard Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) on the day
of Khandaq that they engaged us away from asr prayer.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Fear Prayer

On that day Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

and the believers were not able to offer prayers in time. The
learned scholars consider the event to have taken places be-
fore the revelation of the Quranic verse:



Take due care of all the prayers, and the middle prayer, and
stand before Allah in total devotion. But if you are in fear,

then (pray) on foot or riding. But when you are in peace, re-
cite Allahs name as He has taught you what you did not

Chapter 3 : Some people standing guard over others dur-
ing the Fear Prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here it is impressed that despite the fact that the
prayer is to be offered even in battle time but the self protec-
tion is not to be compromised.

Hadith No. 899

The Book of Fear Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated Ibn Abbas

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), stood and the
people stood with him. He said the takbir and they said the
takbir with him. He went into ruku and some of the people
went into ruku with him. Then he went into sajda and they
went into sajda with him. Then he stood up for the second
rak'at and those who had done sajda stood and guarded their
brothers and the second group came and went into ruku and
sajda with him. All the people did the prayer, but guarded
one another at the same time."

This way of offering prayers as mentioned in the

above hadith is to be adopted when the enemy is stationed on

the Qibla side; and in case the enemy is on any other side
than Qibla then it is to be offered according to the way de-
scribed in the hadith narrated by Ibn Umar.





Chapter 4 : The prayer when besieging fortresses and en-
countering the enemy.
Al-Awza'i said, "If victory is imminent and there is no possi-
bility of people doing the prayer, then everyone should pray
Rafatul Bri The Book of Fear Prayer

individually by gesture. If they cannot make the gestures,

then they should delay the prayer until the fighting is over or
they are in a safe place and then pray two rak'ats. If this is not
possible for them they should pray one rak'at with two sajdas.
If they cannot do this, saying the takbir alone is not sufficient
and they should delay the prayer until they are really secure."
Makhul said this. Anas said, "I was present at the siege of the
fortress of Tustar, arriving when dawn was breaking. The
fighting was intense and the people could not pray. We did
not pray until well into the day when we did the prayer with
Abu Musa when we were granted victory." Anas said, "I

would not take this world and everything in it in exchange

for that prayer."
[Tustar was a well-known city in Iraq.]

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari is discussing the situation in
which the believers have besieged the forts of enemy about to
be vanquished by them. In this situation if the believers leave
the battle field and engage themselves in prayers, the enemy
may take undue advantage of the situation; therefore, the be-
lievers are asked to hang on there, offer prayers by gestures.
This opinion is also supported by the statement of Awzai
quoted above.

Hadith No. 900


The Book of Fear Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated Jabir ibn 'Abdullah

"On the Day of the Ditch Umar ibn al-Khattab came and be-
gan to curse the unbelievers of Quraysh and then said,
'Messenger of Allah, I have not prayed asr and the sun has
almost set!' The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
'And, by Allah, I too have not yet prayed it.' He went down to
Buthan and did wudu' and prayed asr after the sun had set
and then prayed magrib after it."
[Buthan is a wadi in Madina.]

This hadith has been previously discussed in the

It is related to the battle of ditch (khandaq) when the

believers dug a trench around the city which took them six
whole days. It was done to prevent the enemy, who had be-
sieged the city, from entering it. Though there was no one to
fight in this battle yet the believers were forced to remain on
extra-vigil to overcome any eventuality as a result of which
on that day they could not offer asr prayer on time which
they offered later in congregation after the sunset.

Chapter 5: The prayer of the pursuer and the pursued by
gesture while riding.
Al-Walid said, "I mentioned to al-Awza'i the fact that Shura-
hbil ibn as-Simt and his companions had done the prayer on
the backs of their animals and he said, 'That is what we did
when we were afraid of missing the prayer.'" Al-Walid used

Rafatul Bri The Book of Fear Prayer

as a proof the words of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-

lam), "No one should do pray asr before they get to the Banu

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Taalib here means the pursuer chasing an enemy and
matloob means one who is being pursued. Here Imam Buk-
hari wants to convery that both these i.e., the pursuer and the
pursued can offer their prayers on their animal backs by ges-
tures, for the reason that if the pursuer will leave the chase
the enemy will slip away and the pursued has no option but

to keep on running away. Same view is held by Imam Maalik

also, however, Imam Abu Haniefa, Imam Shaafaee and
Imam Ahmad consider it permissible for the pursued only.

Hadith No. 901



Narrated Ibn Umar

"When the Prophet. may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, returned to us from the Battle of the Parties (Ahzab),
he said, 'No one should pray asr before they get to the Banu
Qurayza. For some of them asr became due on the way.
Some people said, 'We will not pray until we get there.' Oth-
ers said, 'No, we should do the prayer. That was not what he
meant.' This was mentioned to the Prophet and he did not
rebuke any of them."
[This is the Battle of the Ditch.]
The Book of Fear Prayer Rafatul Bri

It is reported that when the believers started returning
from the battle of the Parties (Ahzab), the arch angel Ji-
braeel came to Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and
informed him that the angels had not laid down their arms
yet. He directed his companions to march towards Banu
Qurayza and offer asr prayer there. Still behind Banu
Qurayza the time of asr prayer was slipping away and some
companions from among the group thought that they wont
be able to reach Banu Qurayza within asr time, the group di-
vided in opinion some voting for offering asr in the way and
some only at Banu Qurayza as directed by Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Later, both the groups repre-

sented their views to the Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

who did not rebuke any of them.
Imam Bukhari has got this hadith here to convey that
the companions here were acting as pursuers and the Banu
Qurayza were the pursued people.

Chapter 6 : Hastening and performing Subh while it is
still dark. The prayer at the time of an attack and in bat-

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here another kind of battle situation is men-
tioned.When the believers have to attack their enemy in the
morning they should offer fajr prayer early when it is still
dark and then proclaim Allahu Akbar and attack their enemy.

Hadith No. 902

Rafatul Bri The Book of Fear Prayer



. .

Narrated Anas ibn Maalik


The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),

prayed Subh while it was still dark, then mounted his riding
animal and said, "Allah is greater! Khaybar is destroyed.
When we alight in front of a people, it is a bad morning for
those who have been warned.' The people [of Khaybar] came
running out into the streets and saying, 'Muhammad and the
army (khamis)!'(He said that khamis means army) The Mes-
senger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), defeated them
and their fighting men were killed and children taken captive.
Safiyya went first to Dihya al-Kalbi and then to the Messen-
ger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), who then married
her and made her bride-price her freedom."
Abdul-Aziz asked Thabit, "Abu Muhammad, did you ask Anas
what her dower was?" He replied, "Her dower was herself,"
and he smiled.

In this hadith the incident of the victory of Khaibar is
mentioned when the believers besieged Khaibar early in the
morning when it was still dark. They offered fajr prayer early
and then attacked Khaibar after proclaiming the takbeer. At
this stage Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) recited the
following Quranic verse:
The Book of Fear Prayer Rafatul Bri

But when it descends into the open space before them, evil
will be the morning for those who were warned (and heeded
not)! (37:177)



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The Two Eids


Chapter 1 : The two Eids and beautifying oneself on

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Finishing the book of fear prayer, Imam Bukhari now
starts the book of Eid prayers. The believers have been ex-
horted to celebrate this annual festival nicely, with dignity,
adorn themselves by wearing nice new clothes and thank Al-
lah jointly.

Hadith No. 903

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

"Umar ibn al-Khattab took a silk robe which was being sold
in the market and brought it to the Messenger of Allah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He said, 'Messenger of Allah,

if you were to buy this you could wear it on the day of Jumu'a
and when you receive delegations.' The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said to him, 'This will only be
worn by someone who has no share of the Next World.' As
long as Allah willed later, the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), sent a brocade robe to Umar and Umar
brought it to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), and said, 'Messenger of Allah! You said, "This will
only be worn by someone who has no share of the Next
World" and then you send me this robe!' The Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said to him, "You are to
sell it or get what you need with it.'"

The word Eid is said to be derived from the root word
aada-yaoodu, meaning to return repeatedly. The believ-
ers are asked to celebrate Eid in a dignified glamour by put-
ting on decent clothes; assemble in large numbers for the Eid
prayer in an open ground specially meant for Eid prayer.
Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar narrates that once his

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

father Sayyiduna Umar saw a nice silk cloak being sold in

the market. It at once came to his mind that it would be very
nice if Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) dons it on
Eid days and also while meeting the foreign delegations.
Taking it along he requested Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) to purchase it for the purpose he had thought of.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) told him that only
those people, having no share in the Hereafter, wear such a

Islam teaches simplicity


All Islamic teachings teach simplicity in each and

every walk of life. Islam teaches the believer that arrogance
and boasting does not behove him by reminding him about
the temporary nature of this world and his creation from an
insignificant drop of fluid. It is only humility and simplicity
that suits good human nature. A good human being is so-
cially conscious and sensitive to the plight of the socity he
lives in. His conscience will never allow him to wear costly
clothes and indulge in other luxuries when his fellow human
beings around him are starving and facing problems due to
poverty. One can notice that the hallmark of great people has
always been austere personal life.

Simplicity and dignity can go together

Simplicity does not imply that one should wear
shabby and undignified dress. Islam wants its believers to
live in a dignified and respectable fashion. See, in the quoted
hadith Sayyiduna Umar wanted Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) to wear a dignified dress and Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did not admonish him for think-
ing on those terms, but, as per the learned scholars, he re-
jected it because it was made of silk, which is prohibited for

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

As per the second part of the hadith, Rasulullah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) gifted a similar cloak to Sayy-
iduna Umar sometime later and directed him to sell it and use
the money. This shows that the forbidden things can be given
away to unbelievers.


Chapter 2 : Spears and shields on the Day of the Eid

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapter the believers were directed to
adorn themselves with decent clothes, now, the other means

of beautifying themselves physically has been mentioned i.e.,

to learn the use of weaponry. Imam Bukhari has established
this chapter to discuss the display of fighting skills on an Eid

Hadith No. 904


Narrated Aisha
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), came
to visit me when there were two slavegirls with me who were
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

singing about Bu'ath. He lay down on the bed and turned his
face away. Abu Bakr came and scolded me, saying, 'Musical
instruments from Shaytan in the presence of the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)!' The Messenger of Allah,
peace be upon him, turned to him and said, 'Leave them be.'
When (Abu Bakr) was not paying any attention, I signalled to
them and they went out. [Bu'ath was a major battle between
the Aws and Khazraj before Islam.

Hadith No. 905


. .

Narrated Aisha
This was the day of the Eid and the black people were play-
ing a game with their spears and shields. Either I asked the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), or he himself said,
'Do you want to have a look?' I said, 'Yes,' so he stood me
behind him with my cheek against his and said, 'Go on, Banu
Arfida!' until I became bored. He said, 'Is that enough for
you?' I said, 'Yes' and he said, 'Go on then.'"

Eid is a festival of the believers which they celebrate
with the expression of joy and happiness. This expression of
joy and happiness manifests in different ways. Children ex-
press it differently so do men, women, and old.
Once Sayyida Aisha, when still young, was listening
two slavegirls singing the songs of Buath. The Buath is the
story of a famous battle which took place between the two
tribes of Aws and Khazraj and it is said that this battle lasted
till one hundred and twenty years in which a large number of
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

people including their leaders were killed. The people of each

tribe had penned down songs praising the bravery of their
respective tribes. These slavegirls were singing the same
songs of the battle of Buath. According to another narration,
these two were Humama the mother of Sayyiduna Bilaal
manumitted by Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, and her daughter. Dur-
ing the time when these two were singing, Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) entered the house, not disturb-
ing them he straight away went in and lay down on the bed
turning his face to other side, leaving Sayyida Aisha and
them to complete their entertainment. Meanwhile, Sayyiduna
Abu Bakr also stepped in and on seeing the scene he got en-
raged, probably summing up that they were disturbing Rasu-

lullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He scolded his daughter

Sayyida Aisah, asking her how she could bring in musical
instruments from Satan into the house of the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Hearing Sayyiduna Abu Bakr,
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) turned around and
told him to leave them alone.
In the second hadith, according to Sayyida Aisha, on
an Eid day some black people from Abyssinia started show-
ing the skills of battle games infront of the Prophets mosque.
They were displaying the skills of using their spears and
shields. Sayyida Aisha, either she herself asked Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) he asked her, if she wanted to
have a look. Getting the answer in affirmation he made her to
stand behind him to see. She remained there with Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in that position till Sayyida
Aisah herself wanted to leave.

Singing and Islam

Use of musical instruments is forbidden in Islam and
there is consensus among the scholars on the issue.
( )
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Qurtubi says, There is no difference of opinion in its being

forbidden, for, as per consensus, it is fest and fun.
The Quran says:

There is a man among the people who buys discourses of
distracting amusements, so that he may mislead (people)
from the Way of Allah. (31:6)

The Injunctions of Music and Musical Instruments

Some Sahabah have explained the expression: (lahw
al-hadith: the distracting amusement of things) in the cited

verse as singing and playing of musical instruments. Then,

there are others who have explained it in the general sense
and consider every such playful activity that makes one heed-
less towards Allah to be the meaning of: (lahw al-hadith).
But, even in their view, singing and playing of instrumental
music are included therein.
And in another verse of the Qur'an: (those who do not
witness falsehood, 25:72), the word: ... (az-zur: falsehood,
the false) has been explained by Imam Abu Haniefa, Muja-
hid, Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyyah and others as 'ghina
(singing and playing of instrumental music).
And Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah in Sunan and Ibn
Hibban in his Sahih have reported from Sayyiduna Abu
Maalik al-Ash'ari that the Holy Prophet said:
Indeed some people from my community will drink wine giv-
ing it a name other than the name it already has. Music will
be played right on their faces with instruments and singing
women in attendance. Allah will make the earth sink with
them, while He will make some of them monkeys and pigs.
And according to a narration from Sayyiduna Abdul-
lah Ibn Abbas, the Holy Prophet said,
"Allah Ta'ala has forbidden wine, gambling, drum and
sarangi (string instrument like violin) and he said,
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

"Everything that intoxicates is haram (forbidden, unlawful)

[Reported by Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Ibn Hibban]
It has been reported from Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra
that the Holy Prophet said:
When spoils are taken as personal property and trust prop-
erty as spoils and Zakah as penalty, and religious learning is
acquired for worldly objectives, and when man starts obeying
his wife and disobeying his mother, and keeps his friend near
and his father far, and when voices rise in mosques and the
chief of a tribe becomes its worst sinner and when the chief
of a people becomes their lowest of the low and when wicked
people are respected out of fear for them, and when singing
girls and musical instruments appear all over and when

wines of all sorts are consumed and when the later of this
Ummah start cursing the former - then, at that time, you wait
for a red storm, and earthquake, and the sinking of the earth,
and the metamorphosis of figures and faces, and missiles,
and the signs of Doomsday following each other, one after
the other, like a broken necklace with its beads scattered si-
multaneously. (Reported by Tirmidhi calling it a Hasan-
Gharib Hadith)
(Maaariful Quran)

It is a well know fact that some pious saints are re-
ported to have been listening to what is called as Simaa.
Simaa is nothing but a good poetry sung by a person possess-
ing a good voice and no musical instrument. Sayyiduna Has-
saan bin Thabit used to say poetry in presence of Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Nizamuddin Auliya ad-Delhvi
who used to listen to Simaa, permitted it if satisfying the fol-
lowing conditions:
1. The substance of the poem should be virtuous, void of any
evil or obscence material.
2. The singer should neither be a female nor a child.
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

3. It should not be heard on public places.

4. There should be no musical instrument associated with it.
5. The listener should be himself pious.

Beating a tambourine by children and women on the
occasion of Eid etc. is permissible. Allaama Ayni writers:
( )
On being asked about the use of tambourine, Abu Yousuf

said, there is nothing bad in using it, but if associated with

obscene fun or singing, then I dislike it.
Allaama Ayni has derived following lesson from the
1. Expression of happiness on Eid is an insignia of Islam.
2. It also shows that a father can scold his daughter in front
her husband.
3. It also teaches us that we should be very kind and affec-
tionate towards our wives.


Chapter 3 : The sunna of the two Eids for the people of

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Some Bukhari compilations have as
the title of this chapter instead the one mentioned above. This
chapter discusses the recommended practice of believers on
an Eid day.

Hadith No. 906

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Narrated al-Bara
"I heard the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), giving a
khutba in which he said, 'The first thing to be done on this
day of ours is for us to pray and then we will return and sac-
rifice. Whoever does this has followed our sunna.'"

Hadith No. 907




Narrated Aisha
"Abu Bakr came in while there were two slavegirls of the An-
sar with me who were singing about what the Ansar had said
to each other on the Day of Bu'ath." She said, "They were not
in fact singers but Abu Bakr said, 'Musical instruments from
Shaytan in the house of the Messenger of Allah!' It was the
day of the Eid and the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), said, 'Abu Bakr, every people has an Eid and this
is our 'id.'"
["They were not singers" means that it was not their profes-
sion and they were not known for that.]

On an Eid-ul-Adhaa, the first thing required to be
done is to go to a collective prayer place or Musalla and
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

offer Eid prayers, a necessary sunnah (muaqadah) as per

Imam Shafaee, compulsory (fardh al-kifayaa) as per Imam
Maalik & Ahmad, and obligatory (waajib) as per Imam Abu
Haniefa. According to Hidaayah, Eid prayer is obligatory
upon all those who are eligible for Friday prayer. The sermon
of khutba of Eid prayer is to be delivered after the prayer.
Bukhari and Muslim have quoted:

( )
Nafae quoted Ibn Umar that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam), and after him Abu Bakr and Umar, used to offer
Eid prayer before the khutba.
Ibn Butaal mentions:

The sacrifice of an animal used to be executed after the Eid
This issue will be discussed in details in the coming
The second hadith quoted above has been already dis-
cussed in the previous chapter.


Chapter 4 : Eating on the day of Eid al-Fitr before going

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This chapter discusses the recommended sunnah of
eating to be followed before leaving for the Eid-ul-Fitr

Hadith No. 908

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri



Narrated Anas
"On the Day of Fitr, the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), would not go out until he had eaten some
It is related from Anas that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), used to eat an odd number of them.

It is sunnah to eat odd number of dates before leaving
for the prayers of Eid-ul-Fitr, however, on an Eid-ul-Adhaa,
it is preferable to leave without breaking the fast and do so by
taking a cooked piece from the sacrificed animal after the
Tirmidhi quotes a hadith on the authority of Buraidah:

( )
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would not leave
for Eid-al-Fitr prayer without eating something, and he
would take nothing when leaving for prayer on an Eid-ul-
Adhaa until he returned.
Ibn Hibaan has quoted a hadith saying:

(The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)) did not leave
for the Eid-ul-Fitr prayer until he ate dates - three, five,
seven or less or more but odd in number.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids


Chapter 5 : Eating on the Day of Sacrifice.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This chapter discusses the preferable timing of eating
something of the sacrificed animal on the 10th of Dhul-Hijja
or the day of Nahr (sacrifice) also called Nask. Nask means
sacrificing an animal to seek the pleasure of Allah as per the
rules of Shariah. On Eid-ul-Adhaa, it is preferable to break
the fast with something of the sacrificed animal after offering
the prayer.

Hadith No. 909




Narrated Anas
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "Anyone
who sacrifices before the prayer should sacrifice again. A
man stood up and said, 'This is a day when meat is desired,'
and he mentioned some of his neighbours. It seemed that the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), agreed with what he
said. The man said, 'I have a young she-goat which is dearer
to me than the meat of two sheep.' So the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), gave him the dispensation of taking it as a
sacrifice. I do not know whether the dispensation extended to
other than him or not."

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Hadith No. 910



Narrated al-Bara' ibn 'Azib

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), addressed us on
the Day of the Sacrifice after the prayer. He said, 'Whoever
prays as we pray and sacrifices as we sacrifice has fulfilled
the sacrifice. Whoever sacrifices before the prayer, it is be-
fore the prayer and so his sacrifice is invalid.'" Abu Burda
ibn Dinar, the uncle of al-Bara', said, "O Messenger of Al-
lah, I sacrificed my sheep before the prayer, knowing that
today was a day of eating and drinking, and I wanted my
sheep to be the first to be sacrificed in my house. So I slaugh-
tered my sheep and ate before coming to the prayer." He
said, "Your sheep is nothing but mutton." Abu Burda said,
"Messenger of Allah, I have a young she-goat which is
dearer to me than two sheep. Will that be enough for me?"
He said, "Yes, but it will not be enough for anyone after you."

The Nask or sacrifice of an animal on the 10th of
Dhul-Hijja is permissible only after the Eid prayer. If a per-
son executes it before the prayer it is not valid. The exact

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

time of the sacrifice starts when, after the dawn, so much

amount of time has passed sufficient for the performance of
Eid prayer along with its two sermons. According to Imam
Shafaee the time starts once the Imam finishes the sermon.
It is also permissible to eat before the prayer as Rasu-
lullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did not admonish his
companions who had done so.

Care for the neighbours

Islam has always exhorted its believers to treat
neighbours nicely with no parallel a teaching in this regard of
any other religion. A hadith says:

( )
Such a person will not enter the paradise whose neighbour
is unsafe because of his impiety.
In the first hadith mentioned above, the person who
had sacrificed a goat before Eid prayer gave the same reason
to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that he did so be-
cause he wanted to share the meat of the animal with his
neighbour whom he thought were needy. Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says in another hadith that it
does not behove a believer to eat stomach full while his
neighbor is starving.

Age of a goat for the sacrifice

The age of a goat to be sacrificed should be more than
one year. In the hadith quoted above the sacrifice of a she-
goat less than a year of age was accepted by Rasulullah, this
permission was particular for that person and that it is not a
general rule.

Purpose of sacrificing an animal

Allah says:

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

It is neither their flesh nor their blood that reaches Allah, but
what does reach Him is the taqw (the sense of obedience) on
)your part. (22:37


Chapter 6 : Going out to the place of prayer without
there being a minbar.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants convey to that during the
period of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) there used
to be no pulpit (member) at the prayer place of Eid prayer.

He would usually deliver sermon while standing but some-

times he would ascend to a raised plateform as is evident
from the hadith mentioned in coming chapter.

Hadith No. 911



Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

"On the day of Fitr and the day of al-Adha, the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to go out to the
place of the prayer. He would start with the prayer first and
then after finishing would stand in front of the people who
remained sitting in their rows. He would admonish and coun-
sel them and give them instructions. If he wanted to dispatch
an expedition, he would do so or if he wanted to command
something, he commanded it. Then he left."
Abu Sa'id said, "People continued in this way until the time I
went out with Marwan, the amir of Madina for al-Adha or al-

Fitr. When we reached the prayer place, there was a minbar

which had been built by Kathir ibn as-Salt. Marwan wanted
to go up onto the minbar before he had done the prayer. I
grabbed him by his clothes but he pushed me away and went
up and gave the khutba before the prayer. I said to him, 'You
have altered things, by Allah!' He said, 'Abu Sa'id, what you
knew has gone.' I said, 'By Allah, what I know is better than
what I do not know.' He said, 'People do not keep sitting
down for us after the prayer and so I put it before the

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would offer
Eid prayer at a place called Musalla which was about one
thousand steps away from his mosque. He would first offer
the prayer and then deliver the sermon while standing on the
plain ground. He would then finish up some important mat-
ters as the situation demanded. According to Abu Saeed
Khudri this practice continued during the time of all right
guided caliphs and the first to use a pulpit for Eid prayer was
Marwaan - the governor of Madinah during the time of Ca-
liph Muaawiya. One Eid day when Marwaan on reaching to
Musalla climbed up the pulpit to deliver sermon, Sayyiduna
Abu Saeed objected. Paying no heed to his objection, Mar-
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

waan went ahead with the sermon before the prayer. Accord-
ing to the majority of the learned scholars if sermon is deliv-
ered before the prayer, though permissible but disliked, it is
against sunnah.


Chapter 7 : Walking and riding to the Eid and the prayer
being before the khutba without adhan or iqama .

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This chapter discusses three issues, viz., i, leaving for

Eid prayer by foot and mounted, ii, establishment of prayer

before the sermon (khutba), ii, no adhaan or iqaamah for Eid

Hadith No. 912


Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
to pray on the days of al-Adha and al-Fitr and then deliver
the khutba after the prayer.

Hadith No. 913


Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Narrated Ata
"I heard Jabir ibn 'Abdullah say that the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), went out on the Day of Fitr and did the
"prayer first before the khutba.

Hadith No. 914


Narrated Ata

Ibn Abbas sent a message to Ibn az-Zubayr when allegiance

was first given to him saying that there was no adhan for the
prayer on the Day of Fitr and that the khutba was after the

Hadith No. 915


Narrated Ata
Ibn Abbas and Jabir ibn 'Abdullah said, "There was no ad-
"han on the Day of Fitr or the Day of Adha.

Hadith No. 916


The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), stood up and did
the prayer first and then addressed the people afterwards.
When the Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), fin-
ished, he came down and went to the women and reminded
them while leaning on Bilal's arm. Bilal had his garment out-
spread and the women put sadaqa into it."
Ibn Jurayj said to 'Ata', "Do you think that it is incumbent on
imams today to go to the women and remind them when they
have finished?" 'Ata' said, "It certainly is incumbent on them
and why indeed do they not do it?"


The first three hadiths show that the Eid prayer used
to be established before the sermon. The third and fourth
hadith shows that there was no adhaan for it.
Abu Dawood has quoted from Abbas:

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) offered Eid prayer
without adhaan and iqaamah and so did Abu Bakr and
Tirmidhi has quoted from Sayyiduna Ata:

Ali has reported that it is sunnah to leave for Eid prayer by

Separate sermon for women on an Eid day

Sayyiduna Jaabir says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), after finishing sermon of Eid prayer for
men, descended from the platform and went straight to the
place where women had assembled. He was accompanied by
Sayyiduna Bilaal. There he delivered sermon to the women
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

who took out their ornaments and gave them in charity which
were collected by Sayyiduna Bilaal.

Announcement for Eid prayer

It has been already said that there is no adhaan and
iqaamah for Eid prayer. According to Imam Shafaee the
phrase as-Salaat Jaamia can be said, while, as per some
scholars, as-Salaah as-Salaah can be said.

Chapter 8 : The khutba after the Eid (prayer).

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari has established this chapter to stress
that the sermon is to be said only after the completion of the
prayer and not before it.

Hadith No. 917


Narrated Ibn Abbas

"I attended the Eid with the Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr,
Umar and 'Uthman and all of them performed the prayer be-
fore delivering the khutba."

Hadith No. 918

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Ibn Umar
"The Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr and Umar performed the
"prayer before delivering the khutbaon both Eids.

Hadith No. 919


Narrated Ibn Abbas


The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), prayed two

rak'ats on the Day of Fitr and did not pray before or after it.
Then he went to the women with Bilal and commanded them
to give sadaqa. They began to throw things in, each woman
"throwing in her ear-rings and necklace.

Hadith No. 920


Narrated al-Bara ibn Azib

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "The first
thing we do on this day of ours is pray and then we go back
and slaughter. Whoever does that has followed our Sunna. If

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

someone sacrifices before the prayer, that is just meat which

he has presented to his family and it is not a rite at all." A
man of the Ansar called Abu Burda ibn Niyar said,
"Messenger of Allah, I have already sacrificed but I also
have a one-year old she-goat which is better than a two year
old goat." He said, "Use that instead but it will not suffice (or
be enough) for anyone after you."

First two hadiths narrated from Ibn Abbas and Ibn
Umar respectively, clearly state that the practice of Rasulul-

lah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), Abu Bakr and Umar was to

deliver the sermon after Eid prayer. The third hadith shows
that the Eid prayer is only two rakats and that there is no su-
pererogatory (nafl) prayer permissible at the Musalla (Eid
prayer place), neither before nor after. The issue will be dis-
cussed in detail in coming chapters. The hadith narrated by
Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas also shows that the women used to at-
tend Eid prayer during the period of Rasulullah and that they
used to stay away at a little distance behind men. Later on,
due to the prevalence of evil, many learned like Urwah, al-
Qasim an-Nakhaee, Yahya al-Ansari, Abu Yousuf and many
others scholars, opined that women should not attend the
congregational prayer (Umdatul Qari). These days also the
opinion is divided, the predominant view is that since these
days the evil is all the more prevalent so it is better to avoid
intermingling of men and women.

Charity by women
This hadith also shows that women can give charity
out of their own things. Imam Maalik says that they can give
in charity upto one-third of their property of their own will
without the consent of their husband and for more than that
they need his consent.

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri



Chapter 9 : It is disliked to carry weapons on the Eid and
in the Harm
Al-Hasan said, "People were forbidden to carry weapons on
the day of the Eid unless there was fear of an enemy."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In one of the earlier chapters it was said that the dis-
play of fighting skills on Eid is permissible and here it is said
that carrying weapons on an Eid day and inside the Harm is
not permissible. The display of fighting skills or battle games

is done in an open space, so there are no chances of harming

anyone whereas if the weapons are allowed in a crowded
place like Musalla or Harm, there is chance of rendering
harm to people, thus not allowed.

Hadith No. 921



Narrated Sa'id ibn Jubayr

"I was with Ibn Umar when a spearhead went into the sole of
his foot making his foot stick in the stirrup. I dismounted and
pulled it free. That happened at Mina. Al-Hajjaj heard about
it and came to visit him. Al-Hajjaj said, 'If only we knew who
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

had wounded you!' Ibn Umar said, 'You wounded me.' He

said, 'How?' He said, 'You allowed weapons to be carried on
a day on which they may not be carried and you allowed
weapons to be brought into the Harm when weapons may not
be brought into the Harm.'"

Hadith No. 922


Narrated Ishaaq ibn Sa'id ibn 'Amr ibn Sa'id ibn al-'As
from his father
"Al-Hajjaj came to visit Ibn Umar while I was with him. He
said, 'How are you?' He said, 'Fine.' He asked, 'Who
wounded you?' He said, 'I was wounded by the person who
commanded that weapons should be carried on a day when it
is not lawful for them to be carried,'" meaning al-Hajjaj him-

Said bin Jubayr narrates that in Mina when he was
with Ibn Umar a spearhead went into the sole of his (Ibn
Umars) foot making his foot stick in the stirrup. Said bin
Jubayr dismounted from his animal back and pulled it out.
Meanwhile, al-Hajjaj, the governor of Madinah, visited Ab-
dullah bin Umar to enquire about his health and wished if if
he could know who had injured him so that he may receive
punishment for the act. In various narrations different replies
from Abdullah bin Umar have been quoted. Some say that he
remained silent and showed his anger that way; in another
narration the following words are quoted:
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

You tried to kill me and now you are enquiring about my
In the hadith quoted above, it is said that Abdullah
bin Umar told him you (Hajjaj) injured me. Hajjaj asked
how, Abdullah bin Umar told him by allowing people to
carry the weapons inside Musalla and Harm, which was oth-
erwise forbidden in Islam.
Al-Hajjaj bin Yousuf Thaqafi was a cruel ruler who
tormented the companions and Taabaee on large scale. Ab-
dullah bin Umar was admonishing him for his cruel actions
particularly martyring of Abdullah bin Jubayr, and installing

catapult on Kaba. The caliph Abdul bin Marwaan had writ-

ten to Marwaan not to tease Abdullah bin Umar and should
follow his directions regarding the issues of Hajj. The learned
scholars say that it is for this reason that Hajjaj did not inflict
injury to Abdullah bin Umar himself but hired a person for
the purpose. Ibn Umar died due to this poisonous sprearhead
the next year in Hijra 74. May Allah be pleased with him.



Chapter 10 : Going out early to the Eid.
Abdullah ibn Yusr said, "We would finish at this time," and
that was at the time of at-Tasbih (about the time of Duha)."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The time of Eid prayer starts soon after the sunrise
when the makrooh (time during which prayer is prohibited) is
over. It is preferrble to offer Eid prayer as early as possible
once its time has started. Here Imam Bukhari has supported
his view by quoting Abdullah bin Burr - a Sahaabi and son of
a Sahaabi, who embraced Islam during early years. He is also
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

one among those who offered various prayers facing both

Qiblas i.e., Masjid-i-Aqsa and Masjid-i-Haraam, and the last
of the companions to die - in Syria in Hijra 88.

Hadith No. 923


Narrated al-Bara ibn Azib

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), addressed us on
the Day of Sacrifice, 'The first thing we do on this day of ours
is pray and then we go back and slaughter. Whoever does
that has followed our Sunna. If someone sacrifices before the
prayer, that is just meat which he has presented to his family
and it is not a hajj rite at all.' My uncle, Abu Burda ibn Niyar
stood up and said, 'Messenger of Allah, I have already sacri-
ficed but I also have a one-year old she-goat which is better
than a two year old goat.' He said, 'Use that instead but it
will not suffice (or be enough) for anyone after you.'"

This hadith has been discussed in the chapter
declaring that the first thing believers should do on an
Eid day is to offer Eid prayer.
Allaama Ayni writes:

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

( )
Ibrahim said, They used to offer fajr with the clothes of
Eid day put on. Rafae bin Khudaif said, He used to sit in
the mosque with the intention when the sun would rise they
would offer two rakats (of Eid). And Shaafaee said, They
would come to Musalla when the sun would appear on the
Eid al-Adhaa day and would delay going there a little on Eid



. .
Chapter 11 : The excellence of right action during the
days of tashriq.
Ibn Abbas said, "'Mention Allah on known days' (21:28) re-
fers to the first ten days of Dhu'l-Hijja and the 'numbered
days' are the days of Tashriq." Ibn Umar and Abu Hurayra
used to go to the market during the first ten days and say the
takbir and people would say the takbir after them. Muham-
mad ibn 'Ali said the takbir after his supererogatory prayers.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here the merits and excellences of the days of
Tashreeq are discussed. The 10th of Dhul Hujja is called
yaum-un-nahr and 11th, 12th and 13th as days of Tashreeq
or ayyaam-ut-tashreeq. Some include 10th also with the
three days of Tashreeq while as per many 9th to 13th are the


Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

These are named ayyaam-ut-tahreeq because the meat of

the sacrificed animals used to be dried in sunshine in Mina
during these days.
Imam Bukhari has quoted here two verses from the

And recite Allahs name in specified days, over the provision
He gave them from the cattle. (22:28)
According to Imam Bukhari ayyaam-ul-malumaat
are the first ten days of Dhul Hijja. The second verse says:


Recite the name of Allah during the given number of days.
The days mentioned here in this verse are the days of

Reciting takbeer loudly on the way to Musalla

Ibn Umar and Abu Hurayra used to recite the takbeer
loudly on their way to musalla and continue to do so till the
arrival of the Imam.

Hadith No. 924

Narrated Ibn Abbas

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "No actions
done during any ten days are better than the actions done on
these days." They said, "Not even jihad?" He said, "Not even

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

jihad, except for a man who goes out putting his life and
property in danger and returns with nothing."

Excellence of first ten days of Dhul Hijja and days of

According to the hadith, the deeds executed during
these days fetch far more reward than other days. There is
consensus amongst the learned scholars that from amongst
the days the first ten days of Dhul Hijja are excellent, and
from amongst the nights the last ten nights, which include
the night of Qadr, of Ramadhan are excellent.
The various constituents of Haj are performed during
the days of tashreeq i.e., from 9th to 13th Dhul Hijja, so no

other days can match these five days. 9th Dhul Hijja is the
day of Arfa when the Haj pilgrims have to attend Arafaat
which is the most important constituent of Haj. The pilgrims
have to leave Arafaat after sunset and then spend the night in
Muzdalifah. The following morning i.e., 10th of Dhul Hijja
they thave to reach Mina to perform Rami, follow it by sacri-
ficing an animal and then shave their heads. In Mina they are
supposed to stay till 12th or 13th and during these days they
have to perform the Tawaaf or circumambulation of Kaba,
which is called Tawaaf-i-Ziyaarah, a compulsory part of Haj.
Obviously, the deeds mentioned can be performed only dur-
ing these five days; hence the excellence of these days over
all other days is evident.

Lessons derived
1. It shows the greatness of Jihad, as no other deed is more
excellent in these days other than Jihad wherein a person puts
his life and property on stake.
2. It shows that some time periods are more blessed in terms
of fetching the rewards, the way Friday is a better day in a

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Preferable deeds on these days

1. Takbeer
Musnad Ahmad has quoted from Ibn Abbas:

( )
Neither any days are greater near Allah nor any deed is
more liked by Him than those done during these days, so,
continue with saying Tahleel, Takbir and Tahmeed, during
these days.
The following words encompass all these:

( )
2. The second preferred deed during these days is to fast. It is
said that a fast of one day among the first nine days of Dhul
Hijja equals one year of fasting. It is not permissible to fast
on 10th of Dhul Hijja.




. .

Chapter 12 : Saying the takbir on the days of Mina and

when going to 'Arafa
Umar used to say the takbir in his tent so that the people of
the mosque could hear him and then the people of the mar-
kets said the takbir so that Mina vibrated with it. Ibn Umar
used to say the takbir at Mina on those days and after the
prayers and also when he was in bed, in his tent, while sitting
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

and walking during every one of those days. Maymuna used

to say the takbir on the Day of Sacrifice. The women used to
say the takbir behind Aban ibn 'Uthman and Umar ibn
'Abdu'l-'Aziz with the men in the mosque during the nights of

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to stress that the takbir
should be said from the 9th of Dhul Hijja - the day of Arafa,
until 12th or 13th. He supports his view by quoting the prac-
tice of Sayyiduna Umar, Ibn Umar and Sayyida Mymoona.

Hadith No. 925


Narrated Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ath-Thaqafi

"Once when we were coming from Mina to 'Arafat, I asked
Anas about the talbiya saying, 'What did you use to do when
you were with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)?' He
said, 'People would say the talbiya and no objection was
made, and people would say the takbir and no objection was

Hadith No. 926

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Narrated Umm Atiyya

"We were ordered to come out on the day of the Eid, and
even to bring out virgin girls from their private quarters, and
menstruating women as well, so that they could be behind the
rest of the people and say the takbir together with them and
make supplication together with them, hoping for the bless-
ing of that day and its purification."

On their way from Mina to Arafat during the Haj,
Muhammad bin Abi Bakr asked Anas bin Maalik, about the

practice of Sahaaba in saying talbiya during the Prophets

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) period. Sayyiduna Anas told
him that some would say talbiya and some takbir, and no-
body objected either group. Talbiya means to recite follow-
ing words during Haj and Umrah.

The recommended sunnah as per the majority of
scholars is to continue saying talbiya during Haj till the time
of stone throwing or Rami/Jumra-Uqba on the day of 10th
Dhul Hijja. As per the hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Anas,
the learned scholars also permit the saying of takbir it is per-
missible but preferred practice is to say talbiya.

Timing of takbir during the days of tashreeq
The wording of takbir quoted from Abdullah bin
Masud in Musanaf Ibn Abi Shaiba are:
( )
As per Imam Shaafaee, Imam Abu Yousuf and Imam
Muhammad, the recitation of takbir after each prayer starts
from the fajr of 9th Dhul Hijja and lasts till asr of 13th. As
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

per Imam Shaafaee it is to be recited after every type of

prayers whether compulsory or optional, congregational or
single; the hanafite consider it necessary only after each com-
pulsory prayer, however a preferred act if done after other
types of prayers.


Chapter 13 : Praying facing a spear on the day of the Eid.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

When prayer is offered in an open space it is better to
keep an object as sutra, roughly a meter high, infront of

Imam in order to make it possible for people to pass infront

without earning a sin. Here Imam Bukhari says that Rasulul-
lah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to fix up spear as su-

Hadith No. 927


Narrated Ibn Umar

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to stick a
spear upright in front of him on the day of Fitr and sacrifice
before doing the prayer.

The hadith has been discussed previously in the chap-
ter .


Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Chapter 14 : Carrying a sharp stick or a spear in front of

the imam on the day of the Eid.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Previously the impermissibility of carrying weapons
to a Musalla was discussed, now Imam Bukhari mentions the
permissibility for an Imam or his guard to carry something of
the sort for sutra.

Hadith No. 928


Narrated Ibn Umar

"The Prophet used to go out to the place of prayer and a
sharp stick was carried in front of him and placed upright in
front of him at the place of prayer and he would then pray
towards it."

This hadith has been discussed previously in the
chapter .


Chapter 15: Women, including menstruating women, go-
ing out to the place of prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

During the period of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) all women like married, unmarried and even men-
struating women used to attend the musalla.

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Hadith No. 929



Narrated Umm Atiyya

"We were commanded to bring out the older girls and women
who normally remain in their private quarters."
Something similar is related from Hafsa. The hadith of Hafsa
also has, "The older girls and women who normally remain

in their private quarters, but menstruating women should

keep away from the actual place of prayer."

This issue has been discussed previously that women
did attend the musalla and mosque for congregational prayers
during the period of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
but later scholars forbade them from doing so in view of Say-
yida Aishas opinion which she expressed soon after Rasulul-
lah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) left this world, she said:

If Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would have seen
what the women have adopted now, definitely he would have
banned them from going to mosque the way the women of
Banu Israiel were banned.


Chapter 16 : Children going out to the place of prayer.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari is discussing whether children
should attend the musalla or not?

Hadith No. 930


Narrated Ibn Abbas


"I went out with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),

on the Day of Fitr or Adha and he did the prayer and then
delivered the khutba. Then he went to the women and warned
and reminded them and commanded them to give sadaqa."

This issue has been widely debated by the learned
scholars. It is natural that children commit mischief of one
sort or the other, and secondly since prayer is not obligatory
upon them unless they attain the age of puberty. According to
the above quoted hadith Ibn Abbas attended the Eid prayer
with Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) who, as per the
learned scholars, was thirteen years of age at the time. From
this, they infer that children can be brought to mosque once
they attain their sensible age. As far as the younger children
who may urinate in the mosque are concerned, a hadith says:

Keep your children away from your mosques (Ibn Maajah)



The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Chapter 17 : The imam facing the people in the Eid

Abu Sa'id said, "The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
stood facing the people."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari mentions that an Imam should
face towards his audience while delivering a sermon. A simi-
lar chapter has been discussed in the Book of Friday

Hadith No. 931


. .

Narrated al-Bara
"On the day of Adha, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), went out to al-Baqi' and prayed two rak'ats. Then he
faced us and said, 'The first of our practices on this day is to
begin with the prayer and then we go back and sacrifice.
Whoever does that has acted in accordance with our Sunna.
If someone sacrifices before that, it is just something he has
hastened forward for his family but in no way constitutes a
sacrifice.' A man stood up and said, 'Messenger of Allah, I
have already sacrificed, but I have a yearling she-goat which
is better than a two year old goat.' He said, 'Sacrifice it but it
will not be enough for anyone after you.'"

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids


Chapter 18 : The sign indicating the place of prayer

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here the permissibility of using signs (flags, markings
etc) to earmark the place specified for Eid prayer has been
discussed by Imam Bukhari.

Hadith No. 932


Narrated Abd ar-Rahman ibn Abis

"I heard Ibn Abbas being asked, 'Did you attend the Eid with
the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)?' He said, 'Yes,
and if it had not been that I was young, I would not have at-
tended. He reached the sign which was at the house of Kathir
ibn as-Salt and did the prayer and then he gave the khutba.
Then he went to the women with Bilal and admonished and
reminded them and commanded them to give sadaqa. I saw
them putting it with their hands into Bilal's garment. Then he
and Bilal went to his house.'"

During the time of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), the Eid Musalla used to be an open space as quoted
in a hadith mentioned in Ibn Maajah:
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

The Musalla was an open space.
Ibn Hajr writes:

It is clear from this hadith that they had placed some mark
there for identification and that is what is meant by alam

Chapter 19 : The imam preaching to the women on the
day of the Eid.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam should make it a point to address the issues re-
lated to women as well in his speech. In case his voice does
not reach them, he should then address them separately but
the arrangement of a screen is a must.

Hadith No. 933



Narrated Ata
"I heard Jabir ibn 'Abdullah say, 'The Prophet (Sallallahu
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Alaihi Wasallam), got up on the Day of Fitr and prayed. He

did the prayer first and then gave the khutba. When he fin-
ished, he went to the women and reminded while leaning on
Bilal's arm. Bilal had his garment outspread and the women
were putting sadaqa in it.'"
Ibn Jurayj said, I asked 'Ata', 'The zakat for the day of al-
Fitr?' He said, 'No, rather it was sadaqa which they gave at
that time. One woman gave a silver ring and others also
gave.' I said, 'Do you think that it is incumbent on imams to-
day to go to the women and remind them when they have fin-
ished?' 'Ata' said, 'It is certainly incumbent on them and why

indeed would they not do it?'"

Hadith No. 934

( )


Narrated Ibn Abbas

"I attended the Eid with the Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr,
Umar and 'Uthman, and they performed the prayer before
the khutba. The khutba was delivered after the prayer. The
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), left, and it is as if I
could see him now, indicating with his hand that the people
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

should sit, and then he went forward through the rows until
he came to the women and Bilal was with him. He said, 'O
Prophet, when believing women come to you, swear fealty to
you....' (60:12) and when he finished, he asked, 'Does that
apply to you?' One among them - and she was the only
woman to answer - said, 'Yes.' (Hasan did not know who she
was.) He said, 'Then give sadaqa.' Bilal spread out his gar-
ment. Then he said, 'Come on, may my father and mother be
your ransom!' They threw silver rings and seal rings into Bi-
lal's garment."
Abdur-Razzaq said, "'Fatakh' are the large rings which were
used in the time of the Jahiliyya."

According to Ibn Bataal, it was particular to Rasulul-
lah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) only to address women
from nearby place as he was like a kind father to the whole
Ummah, both males and females. There is consensus among
the learned scholars that it is not necessary for an Imam to
address women separately.
In Eidhahul Bukhari it is mentioned that Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) went to address women and
recited the following verse of the Quran:

O you who believe, when the believing women come to you,
seeking baiah (a pledge of allegiance) with you that they
will not ascribe any partner to Allah, and will not commit
theft, and will not commit fornication,and will not kill their
children, and will not come up with a false claim (about the
parentage of a child) that they falsely attribute (to the sperm
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

of their husbands being dropped) between their hands and

their feet (i.e. their private parts), and will not disobey you in
what is recognized (in Shariah), then take them in your
baiah, and pray Allah for their forgiveness. Surely Allah is
Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful. (60:12)
By reciting this verse Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) wanted to remind them that if they were steadfast
on the pledge they had made to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) at the time of the victory of Makkah.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) further told


Indeed the majority of you will be fuel of the hellfire.

Asked for the reason by a woman, Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) he replied:

Because you often use the word lanat and show thank-
lessness to your husbands.

Chapter 20 : When a woman has no outer wrap for the

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to convey the importance
of veil for woman by impressing that if she is to attend Eid
prayer but has no outer wrap to cover herself then she should
borrow it from others.

Hadith No. 935

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri



Narrated Hafsa bint Sirin

We used to prevent our girls from going out on the day of
the Eid. A woman came and stayed in the fortress of Banu
Khalaf and I went to her. She related that her sister's hus-
band had participated with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), in twelve expeditions and that her sister was with
him on six raids. She said, 'We used to look after the sick and
treat the wounded.' She said, 'Messenger of Allah, is there
anything wrong if one of us does not have an outer wrap and
so does not come out (for the Eid)?' He said, 'Let her friend
let her use one of her wraps. They should be present at the
good and the supplication of the believers.'"
Hafsa said, When Umm 'Atiyya came, I went to her and
asked her, 'Did you hear anything about such-and-such?' She
said, 'Yes, may my father (be the ransom). (Whenever she
mentioned the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), she
said, 'May my father (e the ransom).') He said, "Let the ma-
ture girls who stay in their private quarters (seclusion)" or
he said, mature girls and those who stay in their private
quarters (Ayyub was uncertain which he said) come out. But
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

menstruating women should keep away from the place of

prayer. They should be present at the good and supplication
of the believers."' I said to her, 'Menstruating women?' She
said, 'Yes, are menstruating women not present at 'Arafat
and present at such-and-such and present at such-and-

Ibn Baatal says:


It stresses them to come out for Eid prayer even if they

dont have their own outer garment, and it is more recom-
mended for those who have it.
Imam Tahawi says:

It is most likely that it was so in the early days of Islam
when Muslims were a few and they wanted to show their in-
creased number with women joining them in order to frighten
their enemy.

Importance of veil for women

This hadith clearly illustrates the importance of veil
for women. They are being told that even if they dont have
any garment to wrap themselves they should borrow it from
others, implying thereby that they are not supposed to come
out without veil.


Chapter 21 : Menstruating women keeping away from
the place of prayer.
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The menstruating women asked to attend the musalla,
should stay at a little distance separately as they cannot offer
prayer in such a state.

Hadith No. 936



Narrated Umm Atiyya

We were commanded to come out, and we came out - the
menstruating women, the mature girls and those who stay in
their private quarters Ibn Awn said, The mature girls who
stay in their private quarters (seclusion) The menstruating
women should be present at the gathering and supplication
of the Muslims, but should keep away from the place of

It is a well known fact that women are not permitted
to offer prayer when in menstruation. Now, the question
arises why should then they attend the musalla? There are
mainly two reasons behind this as discussed in the previous
chapter also, viz.,
1. The women can participate in the invocations and bless-
ings of the congregation of the believers.
2. The glory of large congregation of believers can be dis-


Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Chapter 22 : Sacrifice and slaughter on the Day of Sacri-

fice at the place of prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Nahr means slaughtering a camel, and Zabah slaugh-
tering any other (permitted) animals. Imam Bukhari has used
both words here to include both categories.

Hadith No. 937



Narrated Ibn Umar

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to sacrifice
or slaughter at the place of prayer.

It is preferable for an Imam to slaughter his animal at
the musalla because of the following benefits, viz.,
1. It is the sunnah of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
2. Others to follow him in the act.
3. People will get motivated to sacrifice animals.
4. People will know the sunnah of sacrificing animal.
It will be easy for poor people to get access to the meat of the
slaughtered animals.

Chapter 23 : The words of the imam and the people dur-
ing the Eid khutba. When the imam is asked about some-
thing while delivering the khutba.

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It is not permissible to talk during the Friday sermon
neither for Imam nor his audience. However, Imam Bukhari
mentions the permissibility of asking a question to the Imam
and reply by him during the Khutba if being about relevant
religious issue.

Hadith No. 938


Narrated al-Bara' ibn 'Azib

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), addressed us on
the Day of the Sacrifice after the prayer. He said, 'Whoever
prays as we pray and sacrifices as we sacrifice has fulfilled
the sacrifice. If anyone has sacrificed before the prayer, that
is mutton.' Abu Burda ibn Niyar stood up and said, 'O Mes-
senger of Allah, I sacrificed my sheep before the prayer,
knowing that today was a day of eating and drinking,and I
made haste and ate and fed my family and neighbours.' He
said, Your sheep is nothing but mutton." Abu Burda said,
Messenger of Allah, I have a young she-goat which is better
than two sheep. Will that be enough for me? He said said,
Yes, but it will not be enough for anyone after you."

Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Hadith No. 939

. .
Narrated Anas ibn Maalik
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did

the prayer on the Day of Sacrifice and then gave a khutba

and commanded that whoever had sacrificed before the
prayer should repeat his sacrifice. A man of the Ansar stood
up and said, 'Messenger of Allah, I have some neighbours -
and he said of them either that they were very needy or poor
- so I sacrificed before the prayer. But I have a young she-
goat whose flesh is dearer to me than that of two sheep.' So
he allowed him to do it."
Hadith No. 940

Narrated Jundab
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did the prayer
on the Day of Sacrifice and then gave the khutba and sacri-
ficed. He said, 'Any one who has sacrificed before praying
should sacrifice another in its place and any one who has not
yet sacrificed should do so in the name of Allah.'"

These ahaadith mention that an Imam can be asked a
The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

question which he can answer during the Eid sermon.

The status of sacrificing an animal on Eid-ul-Adha

Imam Abu Hanifia, Muhammad, Zufr, Maalik,
Auzaaee and Laith etc., consider it obligatory (waajib) in
view of the following hadith quoted in Ibn Maajah on the au-
thority of Abu Hurayra (RA):

One who can afford but does not sacrifice an animal,
should not come near our musalla (Eid prayer place).
It is Sunnah as per Shafaee, Ahmad and majority of
scholars. They argue with the hadith quoted by Muslim on

the authority of Umm Salma:

One who witnesses the crescent of Dhul Hijjah and intends
to sacrifice an animal, he should refrain from cutting/
trimming his hair and nails (after that day till 10th).

Chapter 24 : Someone using a different route to return on
the day of the Eid.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It is a recommended act to use a different route (other
than the one used to reach the musalla) on returning from the

Hadith No. 941

. .
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

Narrated Jabir
On the day of the Eid, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), would return by a different route."

It was the practice of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) to approach the musalla from one route and return
from the other. The learned scholars have mentioned around
twenty benefits of the same, some of which are:
1. To make both the routes stand as witness.
2. To demonstrate the insignia of Islam.

3. To show down the enemies of Islam.

4. To offer charity to more people.
5. To teach religious issues to more and more people if asked
6. To say salaam to more people and receive the greetings as
7. To reduce the crowd congestion on the streets.
8. To earn more rewards for more steps taken.



Chapter 25 : When someone misses the Eid, he should
pray two rak'ats. It is the same for women and those who
remain at home or in their villages
This is based on the statement of the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), "This is our Eid, people of Islam."

The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

[When he had missed the prayer,] Anas ibn Maalik ordered

his client, Ibn Abi 'Utba at az-Zawiya to gather together his
family and sons. He did the prayer and takbir in the same
way as the people of the city. 'Ikrima said, "Country people
should gather to pray two rak'ats on the Eid as the Imam
does." 'Ata' said, "If someone misses the prayer, he should
pray two rak'ats."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari conveys that if anyone misses the
Eid prayer he should offer two rakats, which are, same for
women, children and those living in villages. He has not
mentioned whether these two rakats are to be offered with

additional takbirs or not. Also their status in nature, i.e., su-

pererogatory, obligatory etc., is not mentioned as well.

Hadith No. 942


Narrated Aisha
Abu Bakr came in when there were two slavegirls with me
playing musical instruments while the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), was wrapped in his garment. Abu Bakr
scolded them and the Prophet* unwrapped himself and said,
'Let them be, Abu Bakr. It is the Eid and these are the days of
Mina.' Aisha said, I was with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), when he shielded me while I was watching the
Abyssinians playing in the mosque. Umar rebuked them and
the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'Let them be.
Rafatul Bri The Book of Two Eids

You are safe, Banu Arfida!'meaning under protection."

Hadith No. 943

Narrated Aisha
I was with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), when
he shielded me while I was watching the Abyssinians playing
in the mosque. Umar rebuked them and the Prophet

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'Let them be. You are

safe, Banu Arfida!'meaning under protection."

Allama Ayni writes:

There is actually no Qadah (liquidation) of missed Eid
prayers - the opinion held by Maalik and his associates, and
of al-Muzni. The hanafite also concur with this.

If people miss it along with the Imam, they should then offer
it in congregation next day.
And Shaafaee said:

One who misses Eid prayer, should offer it alone in the
same way as offered behind an Imam.



The Book of Two Eids Rafatul Bri

Chapter 26 : Praying before and after the Eid.

Ibn Abbas said that it is disliked to pray before the Eid.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Supporting his view with the statement of Sayyiduna
Ibn Abbas, Imam Bukhari wants to stress that there is no
prayer before or after the Eid prayer.

Hadith No. 944



Narrated Ibn Abbas

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out on the
day of Fitr and prayed two rak'ats and did not pray before or
after it. Bilal was with him.

There is consensus among the jurists that there is no
supererogatory prayer before the Eid prayer i.e., after the fajr
and the Eid prayer. Similarly, there no supererogatory prayer
in the musalla after the Eid prayer, however if offered at
home there is no problem. Ibn Maajah has quoted on the au-
thority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri (RA):

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) didnt offer any
prayer before the Eid prayer, however, after reaching home
he would offer two rakats.



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The Book of Witr

Chapter 1 : What has come about the Witr.

The issues related to the witr prayer, though left open

by Imam Bukhari, have been extensively debated by the
learned scholars. The various issues related to it include:
1. It being a separate entity or a part of tahjjud prayer?
2. Total number of rakats to be offered.
3. If three, are those to be offered with one salaam or two.
According to the learned scholars, since Imam
Bukhari has established the chapters of witr and night prayer
(tahajjud) prayers separately, it indicates that these are sepa-
rate entities as far as he is concerned.
By quoting Qasim bin Muhammads statement
ever since I opened my eyes I have seen people offering
three rakaks in witr, it seems that he concurs with the view
The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

of those who consider witr prayer to consist three rakats.

By quoting Ibn Umars practice of offering three
rakats with two salams, Imam Bukhari has shown his incli-
nation towards this view.

Hadith No. 945


Narrated Ibn Umar

A man asked the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), about the night prayer and the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, Night prayers are done
in two rak'at units, and when you are afraid that the dawn is
approaching, then pray one rak'at as witr to make what you
have prayed odd.

Hadith No. 946


Narrated Naafe
Ibn Umar used to say a taslim between the two rak'ats and
the single rak'at of the Witr so that he could give some in-
struction about something he needed.

Hadith No. 947

Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer


Narrated Ibn Abbas

That he spent the night in the house of Maymuna, his aunt.
He said, I lay down crossways on the bed, and the Messen-
ger of Allah and his wife lay down lengthways on it. He slept
until halfway through the night or close to it when he awoke
and wiped away the sleep from his face. Then, after reciting
ten verses from Ali 'Imran, the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), got up and went over to a wa-
ter-skin which was hanging up and did wudu', doing it thor-
oughly. Then he stood up to pray and I did the same, going to
stand at his side. He put his right hand on my head and
tweaked my ear. Then he prayed two rak'ats, then two
rak'ats, then two rak'ats, then two rak'ats, then two rak'ats,
then two rak'ats, and then the witr. Then he lay down until
the mu'adhdhin came to him. He got up and prayed two
rak'ats and then went out and prayed Subh."

Hadith No. 948

The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "The night
prayers are done in two rak'at units. When you want to fin-
ish, then pray one rak'at as witr."
Al-Qasim said, "Since we reached puberty, we have seen
some people doing the witr with three consecutive rak'ats.
Everything is possible. I hope that there is no harm in it."

Hadith No. 949


Narrated A'isha
"The Messenger of Allah used to pray eleven rak'ats. Such
was his prayer - meaning during the night. And he would
stay in sajda in them for as long as it takes someone to recite
fifty ayats, before lifting his head. He used to do two rak'ats
before the fajr prayer and then lie down on his right side un-
til the mu'adhdhin came for the prayer."

In the first hadith Ibn Umar mentions that in reply to
a person asking about the night prayers, Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) told him that it is done in two
rakat units and if one fears that it is about to dawn then he
Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer

should add one rakat more to make it odd number or witr.

The number of witr rakats

Abu Dawood and Nasaee quote on the authority of
Abu Ayub:

Witr is the truth; so one may do the witr with five rakats,
three or only one.
Ibn Hajr says that Muhammed bin Wasr has quoted
from Yazid bin Saib that one night Uthman recited the whole
Quran in one rakat and did not offer more than that. But,

according to the majority of scholars, witr is to be done with

three rakats.
Hakim quotes Sayyida Aisha:

He (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to do witr with three
rakats and avoided to sit except in the last rakat.
Nasaee quotes from Ubai Bin Kab:

He (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer witr by recit-
ing sura al-Alaa (in the first rakat), sura Kaafirun (in sec-
ond,)sura Ikhlas (in third,) and wouldnt say salaam but at
the end.
Bukhari quotes Qasim bin Muhammad:

From the time we attained senses we have seen people do-
ing witr with three rakats.
Nasaaee quotes on the authority of Ibn Umar:

( )
The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said Magrib prayer

is the witr of the day, so offer witr of the night.
Musanaf Ibn Abi Sheba quotes Hasan Al-Basri say-
Muslims are in consensus on the issue that the witr prayer
is three rakats and that there is no salaam but at the end.
Tahawi quotes from Anas

Witr are three Rakats.

Further quoting from al-Mansoor ibn Mukhrama, he writes:

We buried Abu Bakr during the night, and (after finishing)
Umar said that he had not offered witr; so, he stood up and
we arranged behind him and he offered three rakats without
saying salaam but at the end.

The issue of one rakat witr

Citing the above quoted hadith narrated by Ibn Umar
as the basis of his argument Imam Shaafiae considers it per-
missible to make the night prayer, offered in two rakat units,
and witr by adding one in the end. He further strengthens it
with the hadith of Aisha which says:

During the night Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
would offer ten rakats and make it witr by adding one more.
Nawawi said:

Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer

It is our view as well as that of majority.
Imam Abu Haniefa says:

It is not correct to offer only one rakat as witr (separately);
as only one rakat is no prayer at all.
To prove this point the following hadith is put forwards:

The salaam legitimizes (to do what is prohibited when being

Therefore, once the salaam is executed how one can

join another rakat. Further, another hadith, narrated by Sayy-
ida Aisha, is also presented, which says:

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer three
rakats of witr and say salaam only in the end.

Witr with one or two salaams

The hanafites are in favour of offering three rakats
with a salaam in the last. They argue with the narration
quoted from Sayyida Aisah; the practice of Sayyiduna Umar
quoted by al-Masoor and also Hasan al-Basri. According to
the first hadith narrated by Ibn Umar, Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer tahajjud in two rakat units
and do witr by adding one rakat in the last. As per the
hanafite say, it means that in the last two rakats one will not
say salaam but get up after tashahud for the third rakat add
Qunut to it and say salaam in the end. The Shaafiee citing the
same hadith hold that the last rakat is to be offered sepa-
rately in the end.

Timing of witr
The timing of witr lasts from isha prayer time until
The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

dawn. Abu Dawood and Nasaaee quote on the authority of

Ibn Umar:

One offering the night prayer should make witr his last
prayer as Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to
order like that. Once it dawns the time of night prayer and
witr is over.




Chapter 2 : The time of the witr prayer.

Abu Hurayra said, "The Prophet told me to pray the witr be-
fore going to sleep."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari discusses the timing of witr
prayer. By quoting Abu Hurayra's statement that Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) advised him to offer witr before
going to sleep, he conveys that it is better to offer witr before
sleeping if one is unsure of getting up for Tahajjud, otherwise
it is preferable to offer it at that time.

Hadith No. 950


Narrated Anas ibn Sirin

I asked Ibn Umar, 'What do you think about the two rak'ats
Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer

before the morning prayer? Should the recitation in them be

long?' He said, 'The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
used to pray the night prayers in two rak'at units and then do
the witr with one rak'at. He would pray two rak'ats before the
morning prayer with the adhan still echoing in his ears.'"
Hammad said that this means he did it quickly".

Hadith No. 951


Narrated Aisha
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), would pray
while I was lying across his bed asleep. When the time came
for him to do the witr, he would wake me up and I would do
the witr as well."

Ibn Hajr writes:

The conclusion of what he (Imam Bukhari) has mentioned is
that the time for witr lasts throughout the whole night.
There is consensus that the witr prayer is to be offered
after the isha prayer. Muslim quotes from Jabir bin Abdullah:

One among you having resolve to get up in the last part of
the night should offer witr in the last as the late night prayer
is witnessed (by Angels).
Ibn Hajr further writes:

One who fears to get up in the last part of the night should
The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

offer witr in its first part.

Narrating Sayyida Aisah through Masrooq, Muslim

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer witr
every nights but defer it till dawn.
The sahabaa offering witr in the first part of the night
included Abu Bakr, Uthmaan and Abu Hurayra; and those
who used to do it in the last part included Umar Ibn al-
Khattab, Ali Ibn Abi Taalib, Ibn Masood, Abu Dhardha, Ibn
Abbas etc.


Chapter 3 : Making the last prayer the witr.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter Imam Bukhari has conveyed the im-
portance of witr being more than tahajjud by citing that Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would awake Sayyida Ai-
sha for it and not for tahajjud.

Hadith No. 952


Narrated Aisha
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), would pray
while I was lying across his bed asleep. When the time came
for him to do the witr, he would wake me up and I would do
the witr as well."

Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer

In Quran Allah directs Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) as:

Bid your family to perform the prayer (salaah) (20:132)
Here in the above hadith, according to Sayyida Aisha,
Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer tahajjud
without disturbing her and she would continue to sleep lying
across the bed. After finishing tahajjud and preparing for witr
he would awake Aisha for the same.

Is witr obligatory or sunnah

Citing the above hadith in their argument the hanafite
consider witr as obligatory (waajib). Further also, according
to them, the tahajjud and witr are two different prayers. How-
ever, as per Ibn Hajr and many other scholars it is sunnah
(sunnah mukadah - the sunnah highly stressed upon). Ah-
med has quoted on the authority of Abu Hurayra One who
does not offer witr is not from us.
Ahmad quotes another hadith from Umar Ibn Shoab:

Indeed Allah has given you an Additional prayer, so safe-
guard it and that is witr.
On the authority of Abu Saeed al Khudri, Haakim
quotes in his Mustadrak:

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, One who
sleeps without offering witr or forgets it, he should offer it in
the morning and when he remembers it.
All these hadiths point towards the obligatory nature
of witr.

The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

Chapter 4 : Making the last prayer the witr.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The timing of the witr prayer starts after the isha till
the fajr prayer. It is preferable to offer witr prayer after
tahajjud or night prayer for those who are sure to wake up for

Hadith No. 953


Narrated Abdullah [ibn Umar]

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, Make the
last of your prayers at night the witr."

Ibn Bataal says:

The earlier scholars differed in the obligatory nature of the
witr prayer, however, it is quoted from Ali Ibn Talib and
Ubaidah bin Samat and others that it is sunnah.

According to a group, witr is obligatory on those believing
in the Quran and not on others as Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) said, O people of the Qurans offer witr,
- quoted by Ibn Masood and Hudhayfa; and this is what Nak-
haee has stated.
Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer

Another group claims, It is obligatory and there is no
scope to abandon it, as quoted from Abu Yousuf al-Ansari.
Abu Haniefa has issued the same statement and Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has ordered to offer witr.
As already stated, it is preferable to offer witr after
tahajjud if one is sure to get up that time, otherwise, before
sleeping. So, according to the learned scholars, the decree to
offer it after tahajjud is Istihbaabi (preferable) and not Wa-

joobi (obligatory) in nature.

The issue of offering witr before sleep and then tahajjud

in the last part of the night
Ibn Bataal quotes that in such a situation the practice
of Ibn Umar was to offer one rakat after getting up from
sleep in order to make the witr offered before the sleep even
in number. He would then offer tahajjud in two rakat units
and then make it witr by adding one rakat in the end. A large
number of scholars like Makhool, Nakhaee, Maalik, Imam
Shaafiae, Ahmad and many others do not agree with this
view. The hanafite also disagreeing by quoting following
hadith, rated Hasan by Tirmidhi, against it:

Two witrs cannot be offered in a single night.
They also say that there is no one rakat prayer. They
also argue with the verse of the Quran which say

Do not nullify your deeds (47:33)

Chapter 5 : Performing the witr on an animal.
The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It is permissible to offer an obligatory prayer on an
animal back irrespective of the direction it is facing; but it is
impermissible in case of a compulsory (fardh) prayer without
some genuine excuse. By establishing this chapter Imam
Bukhari wants to differentiate between a compulsory (fardh)
and witr prayer which is an obligatory (waajib) one.

Hadith No. 954



Narrated Sa'id ibn Yasar

I was travelling on the way to Makkah with 'Abdullah ibn
Umar. Sa'id continued, When I feared that morning was
coming, I dismounted, did the witr and then caught up with
him. 'Abdullah ibn Umar said, 'Where were you?' I said, 'I
feared that morning was coming and so I did the witr.'
'Abdullah said, 'Do you not have a good enough example in
the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)?' I said,
'Yes, by Allah!' He said, 'The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), used to do the witr on his camel.'"

Ibn Bataal has quoted that Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) while coming from Madina to Makah of-
fered witr prayer on an animal back irrespective of the direc-
tion it faced and that the following Quranic verse was re-
Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer

vealed during this journey:

To Allah belongs the East and the West. So, whichever way
you turn, there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-
Embracing, All-Knowing. (2:115)
Further, on the authority of Younus, Ibn Bataal

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer

prayer on a riding animal irrespective the side it faced; and

also offered witr on it, except of course, the compulsory
(fardh) prayer.
According to Tabari, this hadith contradicts the
hanafite view that witr is an obligatory prayer as from the
hadith the impermissibility of offering an obligatory prayer
on an animal back is explicit. However, the hanafite support
their argument with the statement of Mujahid, who, while
staying with Ibn Umar, had seen him offering night prayer
while riding an animal but mount down from it to offer witr
on the ground (Ibn Bataal).


Chapter 6 : The witr while travelling.
Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab
Here Imam Bukhari wants to impress that the witr
prayer is so important that it cannot be abandoned even dur-
ing travelling. He further wants to refute those who say that
the offering of witr prayer is not essential during travelling.

Hadith No. 955

The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

Narrated Ibn Umar

"While travelling, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
used to pray the night prayers, but not the obligatory
prayers, by gesture on his camel whichever way it was fac-
ing. He also used to do the witr on his camel."

Ibn Bataal writes:


Witr is sunnah (mukada) both while at home and in jour-

ney; journey does not render it cancelled when being sunnah
And Ibn Umar said:

Witr is sunnah (even) in journey, and this refutes the state-
ment of Dhahaak according to whom witr is not necessary
for a traveler.


Chapter 7: The Qunut before and after ruku.

Here Qunut means the Dua-i-Qunut which is gener-

ally recited in the last rakat of witr prayer, and on certain
occasions in fajr and magrib compulsory prayers. There is
consensus on its recitation in former (i.e., witr) but con-
trovesy in the latter. Another debatable issue is whether it is
to be recited before or after the ruku and here Imam Bukhari

Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer

has mentioned both.

Hadith No. 956


)Narrated Muhammad (ibn Sirin

"Anas was asked, 'Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), do the qunut in Subh?' He said, 'Yes.' He was asked,
'Did he do the qunut before ruku?' He said, 'For a time he

"'did qunut after ruku.

Hadith No. 957

. .


Narrated Aasim
"I asked Anas ibn Maalik about the qunut and he said, 'The
qunut definitely used to be done.' I said, 'Before or after
ruku?' He said, 'Before it.'" He said, "Someone told me that
you said it was done after ruku. He said, 'He lied.* The Mes-
senger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), only did the
qunut after ruku for a month. I think that he sent out a group
of people called " the reciters" numbering about seventy men

The Book of Witr Prayer Rafatul Bri

to a group of idolaters numbering less than them who had a

treaty with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam). [They attacked and killed the reciters and] the Messen-
ger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did the qunut for a
month to make supplication against them.'"
[*He made a mistake, as lying' used in the Hijazi dialect.]

Hadith No. 958


Narrated Anas

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did the qunut for

a month making supplication against the tribes of Ri'l and

Hadith No. 959


Narrated Anas
"The qunut was done in the prayers of maghrib and fajr."

Qunut is of two types, the common one is called dua-i
-qunut recited in the last rakat of a witr prayer, and the sec-
ond type is called the qunut-i-naazila receited on certain oc-
casions. The qunut-i-nazila was invocated by Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) for one complete month against
the people who brutally killed seventy huffaaz (memorisers
of the Quran).
On being asked by Aasim whether the qunut was re-

Rafatul Bri The Book of Witr Prayer

cited before or after the ruku, Anas bin Maalik replied,

before it. Aasim enquired that someone quoted you to have
said after it. Sayyiduna Anas said, he lied, and that the
qunut which was done after the ruku was the qunut-i-naazila
which Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) invocated for
one month against the people who martyred seventy hufaaz
by deception.
From this the learned scholars have derived that the
qunut of witr is before the ruku and the qunut-i-naazila is
after the Ruku, the view which accommodates both types of

Ibn Bataal quotes Ibn al-Munzar:

The ulema differed about the qunut, thus a group said that
it is before the ruku - quoted from Umar, Ali, Ibn Masood,
Abu Musaa Al-Benas, Anas and Ibn Abbas.
And a group said:

Another group said, It is after the ruku, - quoted from Abu
Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali.
And a group said,

There is no qunut in a compulsory prayer,- quoted from
Umar, Ibn Masood Ibn Umar etc.


Excellence of Seeking Knowledge
Abi Darda (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) said:

"He who treads a path in search of knowledge, Allaah will

direct him to tread a path from the paths of ParadiseThe
Angels lower their wings for the student of knowledge in ap-
proval of what he does. All in the heavens and earth and the
fish in the depth of the water seek forgiveness for the scholar,
and the superiority of the scholar over the worshipper is like
the superiority of the full moon at night over the rest of the
stars. Verily, the the scholars are the heirs to the Prophets,
verily the Prophets did not bequeath deenars or dirhams. All
they left behind was knowledge, so whoever takes it, has in-
deed acquired a huge fortune."

[Al-Musnad, 5/196., Also related by Abu Daawood, 3/317; at-Tirmidhi,

5/49; Ibn Maajah, 1/81; Ad-Daarimee, 1/98 and Ibn Hibbaan, 1/152 (al-
Ihsaan). It was declared saheeh by Imaam al-Albaanee in his Saheeh al-
Jaami' 5/302.]

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The Book of Rain


Chapter 1 : The Rain Prayer and the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), going out for the Rain Prayer

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Finishing the Book of Eid and Witr prayer, Imam
Bukhari now resumes the Book of Rain. As already men-
tioned Eid prayers are offered as thanks giving and Istisqa
(edema) and Kusoof (eclipse) prayers are offered during the
adverse times.

Hadith No. 960


Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Narrated Abbad ibn Tamim from his uncle

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out to ask
for rain and turned his cloak inside out."

Istisqa literally means to ask for water and in the
Shariah it means to invoke Allah with utmost humility for
rain in scarce conditions. For this prayer people are supposed
to come outside their locality and offer prayers with extreme
humility. In the hadith quoted above it is mentioned that Ra-
sulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) came out of the locality
and prayed for the rain donning his cloak reversed (i.e., in-
side out).

Is the prayer of Istisqaa necessary?

Considering the Istisqa basically an invocation and
not an essential duty Imam Abu Haniefa cites the above
quoted hadith in his support wherein there is no mention of
any prayer.
On the other hand jurists like Imam Maalik, Imam
Shaafaee, Imam Ahmad, Imam Muhammad and Imam Abu
Yusuf hold that two rakats prayer before the invocation is
sunnah. It seems that Imam Bukhari considers both the views
correct as becomes clear by the succeeding chapter.


Chapter 2 : The supplication of the Prophet, "Give them
years of drought like the drought years of Yusuf!"

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

As already mentioned that Istisqaa is usually offered
to invoke Allah for rain during a drought, but sometimes it
can also be offered for imposition of drought conditions on
the enemies of the believers. At times, Allah imposes such
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

hardships on people in order to soften their hearts and bring

them into the fold of righteous people for their own better-

Hadith No. 961


Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), raised his head
from the last rak'at, he would say, "O Allah, rescue 'Ayyash
ibn Abi Rabi'a! O Allah, rescue Salama ibn Hisham! O Allah,
rescue al-Walid ibn al-Walid! O Allah, rescue all oppressed
believers! O Allah, be hard on Mudar! O Allah, give them
years of drought like the drought years of Yusuf!" And the
Prophet. may Allah bless him and grant him peace, added,
)"May Allah forgive (ghafara) Ghifar and keep (salama
"Aslam safe.
Ibn Abi'z-Zinad said about his father, "All of this was in
"the Subh prayer.

Hadith No. 962

Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain


( ( ) *

Narrated Masruq
"We were with 'Abdullah and he said, 'When the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), saw people turning their backs
on Islam, he said, "O Allah, seven years like the years of Yu-
suf!" They then suffered a drought which destroyed every-
thing so that they were eating skins, carrion and rotting car-

casses. If any of them looked up into the sky they would see
smoke because of their hunger. Abu Sufyan went to him and
said, "Muhammad! You command people to obey Allah and
maintain ties of kinship. Your people are dying, so pray to
Allah for them." Then Allah Almighty said, "So be on the
watch for a day when heaven brings forth a distinctive smoke
which enshrouds mankind ...to... you revert! On the day We
launch the Great Assault." (44:10-16)' The 'assault' refers to
the battle of Badr. And the 'smoke', the assault, al-lizam [i.e.
killing] and the verse about the Greeks have all taken place."

The first hadith is about qunut-i-nazila when, for the
rescue of Ayyash bin Abi Rabia, Salama bin Hishaam,
Walid bin Walid and all oppressed believers, Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) invoked Allah while praying
fajr. He also invoked against Mudur tribe in the form of
drought like the one people had gone through during Sayy-
iduna Yusufs (AS) era. He also prayed in favour of the tribe
The second hadith shows the acceptance of Rasulul-
lahs (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) invocation, when the Mak-
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

kan infidels - the Quraish, faced severe drought. It was then

when after embracing Islam Thamama bin Aathal stopped the
supply of food stuffs to the Makkans which led to their star-
vation. The Makkans, due to starvation, started consuming
hides, carcasses, filth etc. When it became intolerable to
them, Abu Sufiyaan - the Quraish leader, came to Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and pleaded before him to take
into consideration the suffering of people and invoke Allah
for rains. Taking pity, Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) recited the following verse of sura Dukhan:



So, wait for a day when the sky will come up with a visible
smoke that will envelop people. This is a painful punishment.
(Then they will say,) O our Lord, remove from us the pun-
ishment; we will truly believe.(44:10,11,12)
It is said that the Makkan infidels, because of extreme
hunger, felt as if the sky had come up with a visible smoke. It
has also been narrated that close to the Day of Judgment the
sky will look like smoke i.e., it will revert back to its earlier
form. According to some commentators these verses also re-
fer to the day of Badr when finally the infidels were punished
for the reason that they had restarted their mischief after be-
ing rescued from the drought situation by the blessed invoca-
tions made by Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

Chapter 3 : People asking the imam to pray for rain when
there is a drought.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In Istisqa, as mentioned earlier, the believers assem-
ble and invoke Allah for rains with utmost humility. Here, by
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

mentioning that people should ask their imam to pray for

rain, Imam Bukhari wants to convey that this prayer has to be
offered in congregation and not individually. The Imam will
select the time and venue where people are to assemble pref-
erable in large number. Baihaqi has quoted that a Bedouin
requested Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to invoke
Allah for rains after complaining about the dying camels and
sleepless children due to extreme hunger. Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) pulled up his blanket, ascended
to the pulpit and invoked, and it started raining heavily be-
fore he had finished. On this occasion he uttered following
poetic verse:


Had Abu Talib been alive his eyes would have definitely felt
coolness; who would sing for us his poetry.
At this instance, Sayyiduna Ali sang some poetic
verse from a poem of Abu Talib.

Clouds get hope of getting water logged on seeing his bright
He is the refuge of orphans and the protector of womens
Faultless, he is asked, by his noble face, to pray for rain,
A support for the orphans, a defence for the widows."

Hadith No. 963

The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

Narrated the father of Abdullah ibn Dinar

"I heard Ibn Umar reciting the poem of Abu Talib:
Faultless, he is asked, by his noble face, to pray for rain,
A support for the orphans, a defence for the widows."

Hadith No. 964



Narrated Saalim said that his father (Ibn Umar)

"Sometimes I remembered the words of the poet while look-
ing at the face of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
when he was praying for rain. He did not get down until the
rain was flowing in every gutter:
Faultless, he is asked, by his noble face, to pray for rain,
A support for the orphans, a defence for the widows.
Those were the words of Abu Talib."

Hadith No. 965


Narrated Anas
"If there was a drought, Umar ibn al-Khattab would ask al-
Abbas ibn 'Abdu'l-Muttalib to do the rain prayer. He would
say, 'O Allah, we seek intercession with You by Your Prophet
and we ask You for rain. We seek intercession with You by
the uncle of our Prophet, so give us rain!'" He added, "And
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

they were given rain."

According to Allama Ayni, Abu Talib had written a
long poem of about a hundred poetic verses wherein he men-
tions the enmity Quraish harboured against Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He also praises his morals, line-
age, leadership and his (Abu Talibs) vow to support him.
Once Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in-
voked for rain from the pulpit and it started raining immedi-
ately. Witnessing this scene, Ibn Umar recollected the poetry
of Abu Talib wherein he had said:


Clouds get hope of getting water logged on seeing his bright
He is the refuge of orphans and the protector womens chas-
Faultless, he is asked, by his noble face, to pray for rain,
A support for the orphans, a defence for the widows."
As per Allama Ayni, probably Abu Taalib in these
verses refers to the Istisqa which took place during the time
of Abdul Muttalib. It was a time when people could witness
miracles taking place around Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) when he was still a child. Moreover, Abu Taalib
was sure about his prophethood regarding which the priest
Buhaira, had informed him.
The third hadith refers to the drought which took
place in 18th Hijra - the year named al-Ramdh, during the Ca-
liphate of Sayyiduna Umar. Quoting a hadith with authentic
chain, Musanaf Ibn Abi Shaiba narrates that once the believ-
ers faced severe drought during the Caliphate of Sayyiduna
Umar. A person mentioned as Bilaal bin Haith Muzni by

The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

Ibn Hajr, attended to the blessed grave of Rasulullah

(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) requesting him to invoke to Al-
lah for rain as his Ummah was dying. Later in a dream he
was directed to go to Sayyiduna Umar. In the hadith, Sayy-
iduna Anas bin Maalik mentions that Sayyiduna Umar took
Sayyiduna ibn Abbas along with, ascended to the pulpit, de-
livered the sermon in which he invoked, Oh Allah we used
to intercede to you through our beloved Prophet, and now
today, we intercede to you through his uncle Sayyiduna
Abbas, who was as good as his father. Then Sayyiduna
Abbas invoked Allah saying, O Allah, we believe and admit

that are facing these hardships because of the sins of the peo-
ple and repentance is the only way to overcome them. People
have put me forward to intercede in Your majestic court for
the fact that I have special relationship with Your Prophet,
so, O Allah, we all raise our hands for forgiveness and bend
our foreheads in repentance, please send rains for us. It has
been reported that immediately after this the sky turned over-
cast and the earth got irrigated with rains.

Chapter 4 : Turning the cloak inside out during the Rain

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here, as per the learned scholars, Imam Bukhari
wants to emphasize on the fact that the turning of cloak in-
side out during Istisqaa is preferable.

Hadith No. 966

Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Narrated Abdullah ibn Zayd

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), prayed for rain
and turned his cloak inside out.

Hadith No. 967



Narrated Abdullah ibn Zayd

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out to the
place of prayer and prayed for rain. He faced the qibla and
turned his cloak inside out and prayed tworak'ats."
Ibn 'Uyayna used to say, "He was the one who dreamt
of adhan," but it is weak because this 'Abdullah ibn Zayd is
'Abdullah ibn Zayd ibn 'Asim al-Mazini from the Mazin of the

Deriving the following lessons from these hadiths,
Allama Ayni writes:
1. It is Sunnah to offer Istisqaa in an open space as it dem-
onstrates more humility and facilitates easy assembling of
2. It also shows that Istisqaa is to be offered while facing
the Qibla and turning the cloak inside out is also Sunnah. The
learned scholars give two reasons behind turning the cloak
inside out viz., (a) it reminds people to change their behavior
by shunning the practices displeasing Allah (b) the bonds-
man, by doing so, invoke Allah to change the state of
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

3. It shows that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) first
delivered the sermon and then offered two rakat prayer.
It also shows that Istisqaa prayer is to be offered around the
same time as that of an Eid prayer.
Allama Ayni quotes from Imam Abu Haniefa:

In fact, Istisqaa is invocation and prayer for forgiveness; as
Allah says, Pray to your Lord for your forgiveness,- Indeed

He is Very-Forgiving, and He will cause the heavens to rain

upon you in abundance.

Chapter 5 : The Lords revenge against His creation with
drought for violating Allahs commands.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter Imam Bukhari wants to convey that
the natural calamities like drought etc are the result of the
disobedience by the bondsman of their lord which begets the
wrath of Allah. In hadiths different calamities have been at-
tributed to different sins which people commit. Ibn Majah as
quoted on the authority of Ibn Umar in which it has been
stated that five types of sins beget five types of calamities,
regarding the drought that hadith says
And people did not stop paying Zakat of their
wealth, in turn the rains were stopped from the sky, had there
been no animals, it would not rain.
Imam Bukhari has not mentioned any hadith on this
chapter; the learned scholars have given different explana-

Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

tions for the same.

Chapter 6 : Performing the Rain Prayer in the grand

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Previously it was mentioned that it is better to assem-
ble in an ground to offer Istisqaa and now in this chapter
Imam Bukhari clarifies that since Istisqaa is basically an in-
vocation therefore it can be offered even in a mosque as the
need may arise.

Hadith No. 968



The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

Narrated by Sharik ibn 'Abdullah ibn Abi Namir

Anas ibn Maalik mentioned that on the day of Jumu'a a man
entered the door opposite the minbar while the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was standing giving
the khutba. He stood in front of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and said, "Messenger of Allah,
our livestock are dying and the roads are blocked, so pray to
Allah to give us rain." He said, "The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), raised his hands and said, 'O

Allah, give us rain! O Allah, give us rain! O Allah, give us

Anas said, "By Allah, we could not see a cloud or even a
speck of cloud or anything else in the sky and there was no
house or building between us and Sila'." He went on, "Then a
cloud looking like a shield rose up behind him and when it
reached the middle of the sky it spread out and then it
rained." He said, "By Allah, we did not see the sun for a
week. Then a man entered by the same door on the follow-
ing Jumu'a while the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), was giving the khutba, stood in front of him and
said, 'Messenger of Allah, our property is being destroyed
and the roads are blocked, so make supplication to Allah to
stop it.'" He said, "The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), raised his hands and then said, 'O Allah, around
us and not on us! O Allah, on the hill-tops and mountains,
hills, valleys and the places where trees grow.'" He said, "It
stopped and we left walking in the sunshine."
Sharik said, "I asked Anas, 'Was it the same man?' He re-
plied, 'I do not know.'"

According to Sayyiduna Anas bin Maalik, once while
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was delivering a ser-

mon in his mosque, an unknown person entered and re-
quested him to invoke Allah for rains as their livestock was
dying and the roads were blocked. Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) invoked Allah for rains thrice. As per Say-
yiduna Anas, there was no cloud or even a speck of it or any-
thing else in the sky and there was no house or building be-
tween them and the mount Sila. Then suddenly a cloud ap-
peared in the sky and immediately spread out and it started
raining and it didnt stop until the next Friday came. The next
Friday, probably the same person came again during the ser-
mon and requested Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
to invoke Allah to stop the rains. Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi

Wasallam) prayed to Allah with the words:

O Allah, around us and not on us! O Allah, on the hill-tops
and mountains, hills, valleys and the places where trees
grow.'" He
According to the learned scholars, the words which
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) uttered communi-
cate his unique depth of understanding and etiquettes which a
bondsman should show towards the Almighty Allah. First, he
invoked Allah for rains and afterwards he didnt invoke for
its stoppage but requested Allah to send these rains to the
places which are still in need.


Chapter 7 : Asking for rain in the Jumu'a khutba facing
other than qibla.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

During a sermon the preacher faces the people but has
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

his his back towards the Qibla. In this chapter Imam Bukhari
conveys the needlessness of turning towards Qibla for Istisqa

Hadith No. 969





Narrated by Sharik ibn 'Abdullah ibn Abi Namir

Anas ibn Maalik mentioned that on the day of Jumu'a a man
entered the door opposite the minbar while the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was standing giving
the khutba. He stood in front of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and said, "Messenger of Allah,
our livestock are dying and the roads are blocked, so pray to

Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Allah to give us rain." He said, "The Messenger of Allah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), raised his hands and said, 'O
Allah, give us rain! O Allah, give us rain! O Allah, give us
Anas said, "By Allah, we could not see a cloud or even a
speck of cloud or anything else in the sky and there was no
house or building between us and Sila'." He went on, "Then a
cloud looking like a shield rose up behind him and when it
reached the middle of the sky it spread out and then it
rained." He said, "By Allah, we did not see the sun for a
week. Then a man entered by the same door on the follow-
ing Jumu'a while the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), was giving the khutba, stood in front of him and

said, 'Messenger of Allah, our property is being destroyed

and the roads are blocked, so make supplication to Allah to
stop it.'" He said, "The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), raised his hands and then said, 'O Allah, around
us and not on us! O Allah, on the hill-tops and mountains,
hills, valleys and the places where trees grow.'" He said, "It
stopped and we left walking in the sunshine."
Sharik said, "I asked Anas, 'Was it the same man?' He re-
plied, 'I do not know.'"

The hadith has been discussed in the previous chap-

Chapter 8 : Praying for rain on the pulpit (mimber).

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The preferability of offering the invocation for rain in
an open field was discussed in the earlier chapters and now
Imam Bukhari conveys that it can even be offered on the
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri


Hadith No. 970



Narrated Anas
"While the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
was giving the khutba on the day of Jumu'a, a man came and
said, 'Messenger of Allah, there is a lack of rain, so pray to
Allah to give us rain.' He made supplication and it rained so
much that we could hardly reach our homes. It continued
raining until the following Jumu'a." He continued, "That man
or someone else got up and said, 'Messenger of Allah, ask
Allah to avert it from us.' The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'O Allah, around us and not on us.'"
He said, "I saw the clouds breaking up to the right and the
left and it continued to rain, but it did not rain over Madina."

It is a similar hadith as the previous one narrated by
Sayyiduna Anas but through a different chain and words.


Chapter 9 : Thinking it enough to pray for rain during
the Jumu'a prayer.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

There exists a disagreement amongst the jurists on the
issue whether the two rakat prayer is essential for Istisqaa or
not. Many of them opine in support of it, however, Imam
Abu Haniefa, considering the Istisqaa just an invocation, re-
gards the prayer unnecessary. The hadith of Anas bin Maalik
mentioned in this chapter and the previous one supports his
view. On the other hand those opposing this view argue that
here the Istisqaa prayer was merged with the Friday prayer
and thus there was no need for a separate Istisqaa prayer.

Hadith No. 971





Narrated Anas
"A man came to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
and said, 'Our livestock are dying and the roads are blocked.'
He made supplication and it rained from one Jumu'a to the
next. Then he came and said, 'Our houses are destroyed and
the roads are blocked and livestock is perishing, so ask Allah
to stop it. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), stood up and said, 'O Allah, on the hilltops, hills, val-
leys and the places where trees grow.' The clouds peeled
away from Madina like clothes that had been taken off."

The subject of this hadith has already been discussed.
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri


Chapter 10 : Supplication when the roads are cut off be-
cause of too much rain.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Istisqaa means to invoke Allah for rains whenever
there is drought like situation due to lack of rains. In this
chapter it is said that it can also be offered even when there is
excessive rain causing damage than doing good.

Hadith No. 972




Narrated Anas ibn Malik

"A man came to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), and said, 'Messenger of Allah, our livestock is
dying and the roads are blocked, so pray to Allah.' The Mes-
senger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), made supplica-
tion and it rained from one Jumu'a to another. A man came
to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and
said, 'Messenger of Allah, our houses are being destroyed,
the roads are blocked and livestock is dying.' So the Messen-
ger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'O Allah, on
the tops of the mountains, the hill tops, in the valleys and the
places where trees grow.' The clouds peeled away from
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Madina like clothes that had been taken off."

It is well said that excess of everything is bad. We
need rains for so many purposes like drinking water, crops,
vegetation, weather normalization and so many other things
but when it rains excessively it causes more harm than good
as happens during flood times. Man is always dependent
upon the mercy of the most Merciful Allah (SWT), he is al-
ways supposed to remain in humility and bowed down to-
wards his lord asking Him for the needful in right propor-
tions. It never behoves a man to show arrogance and to be
indifferent towards His Lord. In this hadith it is said that on

the first Friday Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) made

Dua for rains when it was drought like situation and on next
Friday he (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) made Dua for the re-
direction of the rains towards the forests and mountains. The
learned scholars say that there is a great lesson to learn here
that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did not ask for
the stoppage of rains but prayed for their redirection.

Chapter 10 : Saying that the Prophet did not turn his
cloak inside out when praying for rain on the day
of Jumu'a.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to say that the turning in-
side out of the cloak during Istisqaa is not obligatory.

Hadith No. 973

The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

Narrated Anas ibn Malik

A man complained to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), about the destruction of property and the hunger of
children and he prayed to Allah for rain. He did not mention
that he turned his cloak inside out or that he faced
the qibla.

The learned scholars say that when Istisqaa is done
outside the locality in an open space then turning inside out
of the cloak should be done and when it is done in the
mosque during Friday Khutba then it is not essential. Imam
Bukhari is repeating same topic with different texts and
through different chains in order to clear various issues re-
lated to Istisqaa.


Chapter 11 : When people plead with the imam to ask for
rain for them, he should not refuse them.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to say that the Istisqaa is
the job of the Imam and that he should accept the request of
the people whenever made for Istisqaa.

Hadith No. 974

Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain





Narrated Anas ibn Malik

"A man came to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), and said, 'Messenger of Allah, our livestock is

dying and the roads are blocked, so pray to Allah.' The Mes-
senger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), made supplica-
tion and it rained from one Jumu'a to another. A man came
to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and
said, 'Messenger of Allah, our houses are being destroyed,
the roads are blocked and livestock is dying.' So the Messen-
ger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'O Allah, on
the tops of the mountains, the hill tops, in the valleys and the
places where trees grow.' The clouds peeled away from
Madina like clothes that had been taken off."

As per Ibn Bataal, in view of this hadith, an Imam
should accept the request of the people for Istisqaa.


Chapter 12 : When the idolaters ask the Muslims to inter-
cede for them in a time of drought.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari raises an issue whether the Mus-
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

lims should intercede in favour of non-believers in case of a

request made by them? Imam Bukhari has not furnished any
opinion regarding this issue. According to the learned schol-
ars, if the Muslims feel that the intercession will have benefi-
cial effects in their favour also then they should intercede,
but if it has adverse effects they should refrain from it.

Hadith No. 975



( )


Narrated Masruq
"I went to Ibn Mas'ud and he said, 'Quraysh were slow to
become Muslim and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), invoked Allah against them and they suffered a drought
during which some of them died and they were forced to eat
carrion and bones. Abu Sufyan came to him and said, 'O Mu-
hammad, you came to command that ties of kinship be main-
tained. Your people are dying, so make supplication to Al-
lah.' The Prophet recited, 'So be on the watch for a day when
heaven brings forth a distinctive smoke.' Then after that they
reverted to disbelief. And that brought about the words of
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Allah Almighty, 'On the day We launch the Great Assault,'

referring to the Battle of Badr."
Asbat added from Mansur, "The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), made supplication and they
received rain which continued for seven days. The people
complained about there being too much rain and he said, 'O
Allah, around us and not on us,' and the clouds streamed
away from over his head, and the people around them had

Ibn Masood narrated that when the Makkan infidels
delayed accepting Islam, Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-

lam) invoked Allah and a drought was imposed upon them

during which they were forced to eat carcasses and bones. It
was Abu Sufiyaan, the then leader of Quraish and yet to ac-
cept Islam, who came to Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) and pleaded that since he came to command and preach
the demonstration of kindness towards every kith and kin, so,
invoke Allah for rains as his relatives were dying of hunger.
At this juncture, Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) re-
cited the following Quranic verse:

So, wait for a day when the sky will come up with a visible
smoke. (44:10)
Allah informs Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) to wait for the day when these infidels will see a visible
smoke in the sky. According to the learned scholars, here by
this visible smoke severe drought is meant. It was because
of extreme hunger that they felt as if there was some smoke
in the sky. Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) also re-
cited the subsequent verse:

The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

(Then,) the day We will seize (you) with the greatest sei-
zure. (44:16)
This verse, according to the learned scholars, was
about the day of Badr when the Makkan infidels were pun-
ished severely. In short, the sequence of events revealed like
this - the infidels refused to accept Islam, Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) invoked against them, severe
drought was imposed upon them in response of invocations,
Abu Sufiyaan requested Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) to intercede, the drought ended, again the infidels re-
sorted back to their old stubborn nature, and finally they were

severely punished at Badr.

Chapter 14 : To make the supplication, "Around us and
not on us," when there is too much rain.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari teaches the etiquettes of invocations
made in order to seek safety from Allah against the damage
because of excessive rains.

Hadith No. 976



Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Narrated Anas
"Once while the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was
giving the khutba on the day of Jumu'a, people got up and
shouted, saying, 'Messenger of Allah! There is no rain and
the trees have turned red from the drought and the animals
are dying, so pray to Allah to give us rain.' He said twice, 'O
Allah, give us rain!' By Allah, we could not see even a speck
of cloud in the sky but then a cloud formed and it rained. He
came down from the minbar and did the prayer. When he had

finished, it was raining and continued to do so until the fol-

lowing Jumu'a. When the Prophet. may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, stood up to give the khutba they shouted out
to him, 'Our houses are collapsing and the roads are
blocked, so pray to Allah to hold it back from us.' The
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), smiled and said, 'O
Allah, around us and not on us.' It cleared away from
Madina and began to rain all round it but not a drop fell on
Madina. I looked at Madina and it was as if it was in a

Rain, as we know, is a blessing from Allah without
which the human life will become miserable. But, at the same
time, excessive rains can cause havoc on earth. Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) taught us the etiquettes of invo-
cations for both occasions i.e., during a drought when we
need rains, and also when there is excessive rain. According
to Sayyiduna Anas, when Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) made the invocation, around us and not on us, he
could see the clouds encircled Madina like a crown covering
its adjacent areas but clear sky right upwards; miraculous in-
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri



Chapter 15 : Supplication while standing in the Rain

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

There are two ways an Imam can invoke when offer-
ing Istisqaa, according to the learned scholars:
1. He stands up facing Qibla and invokes while his follow-
ers are seated and say aameen.

2. First he leads the prayer of two rakats, stands up and de-

livers the sermon, and then turns his cloak inside out and then

Hadith No. 977

. .

Narrated Abu Ishaaq

"Abdullah ibn Yazid al-Ansari went out with al-Bara' ibn
'Azib and Zayd ibn Arqam and did the Rain Prayer. He stood
up in front of them, without there being any minbar, and
asked for forgiveness and then prayed two rak'ats in which
he recited aloud. There was neither adhan nor iqama." Abu
Ishaaq said, "'Abdullah ibn Yazid had seen the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)."

Hadith No. 978

Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain



Narratred Abbad ibn Tamim from his uncle (the com-

panion of the Prophet)
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out with the
people to pray for rain for them. He stood and made suppli-
cation to Allah while standing and then faced the qibla and
turned his cloak inside out and it rained.

The first narration is related to an incident which took
place in 64th year of Hijra when Abdullah bin Yazid al-
Ansari was appointed the governor of Kufa by Abdullah bin
Zubair. One day Abdullah bin Yazid came out for Istisqaa
along with al-Bara bin Aazib and Zayd bin Arqam and in-
voked while standing on the ground instead of pulpit.


Chapter 16 : Reciting aloud in the Rain Prayer

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

All the jurists, along with Imam Bukhari, are in con-
sensus regarding the loud Qirat (Quranic recitation) in the
Rain Prayer.

Hadith No. 979


The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abbad ibn Tamim from his Uncle

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out to pray
for rain and faced the qibla. He made supplication and
turned his cloak inside out. Then he prayed two rak'ats in
which he recited aloud."

There is a difference of opinion amongst the jurists
whether the sermon of Istisqaa prayer is to be offered before
or after the prayer. According to the above hadith, when Ra-
sulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) came out for Istisqaa,
he first turned his cloak inside out and then offered two

rakats of prayer. Since the cloak is to be turned inside before

the sermon, so, it implies that it was offered before the
prayer. Sayyiduna Umar, Baraa bin Aazib, Ibn Zubair and
Zayd bin Arqam hold the same opinion however, there are
some narrations which mention that the sermon was deliv-
ered after the prayer. Imam Maalik, Imam Shaafaee, Imam
Ahmed and Imam Muhammad support this view.

Chapter 17 : How the Prophet turned his back on the

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari wants to convey that an Imam should
face Qibla and his back towards the people during the
Istisqaa invocation.

Hadith No. 980

Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

Narrated Abbad ibn Tamim from his uncle

"I saw the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), on the day
when he went out to pray for rain." He said, "He turned his
back on the people and faced the qibla to make supplication.
Then he turned his cloak inside out and then led us, praying
two rak'ats in which he recited aloud."

Already discussed.


Chapter 18 : The Rain Prayer is two rak'ats

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter, Imam Bukhari mentions that the Rain
Prayer is two rakats.

Hadith No. 981


Narrated Abbad ibn Tamim from his uncle

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did the Rain
Prayer, praying two rak'ats and reversing his cloak."

The issue whether the Rain Prayer is to be offered just
like any other prayer or somewhat differently. As per Imam
Abu Haniefa and Imam Maalik, it is similar to any other
prayer; however, Imam Shafaee and Imam Maalik incorpo-
rate some additional takbiraat in it like in Eid prayer. The
hadith quoted above supports the former view substantiated
further by the following hadith of Tabrani:
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

And offered two rakats without saying any takbir except its
Imam Shaafaee and Imam Ahmed argue with the
hadith quoted in Tirmidhi on the authority of Ibn Abbas,
which says:

Two Rakats as are offered in Eid.



Chapter 19 : The rain prayer at the community prayer-


Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to convey the preferability
of offering the Rain Prayer in an open space outside locality.

Hadith No. 982


Narrated Abbad ibn Tamim from his uncle

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out to the
communal prayer-ground to do the Rain Prayer and
faced qibla. He prayed two rak'atsand reversed his cloak."
It is related that Abu Bakr said, "He put the right over the
Citing this hadith, Ibn Butal opines that the prayer
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

was offered before the sermon as the turning of cloak inside

out has been mentioned after the prayer. However, consider-
ing it only a question of preferability, Allaama Ayni opines
that either of the two options is permissible i.e., before as
well as after.


Chapter 20 : Facing qibla in the Rain Prayer

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In an Istisqaa it is sunnah to invoke facing the qibla.

Hadith No. 983


Narrated Abdullah ibn Zayd al-Ansari

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out to the
prayer-ground to the prayer. When he made supplication, or
intended to make supplication, he faced qibla and turned his
cloak inside out."
Abu 'Abdullah said, "This Ibn Zayd is Mazini and the first
[mentioned in

For a preacher it is sunnah to face the people while
delivering the sermon and face qibla for invoations, says Ibn

The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri


Chapter 21: People raising their hands together with the
imam in the Rain Prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The learned scholars say that Imam Bukhari has es-
tablished this chapter to refute the view of those people who
say that the invocation of Imam alone is sufficient.

Hadith No. 984


- - .


Narrated Anas ibn Malik

"A bedouin man from the desert came to the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), on the day of Jumu'a and
said, 'Messenger of Allah, cattle are dying, children are dy-
ing and people are dying.' The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), raised his hands to make sup-
plication and the people raised their hands with him." He
went on, "We had not left the mosque before it started rain-
ing. It continued to rain until the next Jumu'a. Then the man
came to the Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
and said, 'Messenger of Allah, travellers are held up and the
roads are blocked.'"
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

As narrated by Sayyiduna Anas in the hadith, Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) raised his hands for invo-
cation and so did the people; this distinguishes the Rain
Prayer from the Friday sermon. Also, by this hadith, it is
clear that raising the hands for invocation is a sunnah of Ra-
sulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam).


Chapter 22 : The imam raising his hands in the Rain

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Previously, Imam Bukhari mentioned that people
should raise their hands for invocation in the Rain Prayer and
now he conveys that the Imam should also raise his hands.

Hadith No. 985


Narrated Anas ibn Malik

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did not raise his
hands in any of his supplications except when asking for
rain. He raised his hands to such an extent that the whites of
his armpits were visible."

According to the hadith, when asked for rain Rasulul-
lah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) raised his hands to such an
extent that the whites of his armpits could be seen. Raising

The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

the hands in invocations is well established by a number of

hadiths. Imam Bukhari has also established a chapter in the
Book of Invocation with the Raising the
hands for invocations. Imam Nawwawi has quoted thirty
hadiths in support to prove the raising of hands for invoca-
tions in his book Sharah-Muhzab.



. (


Chapter 23 : What to say when it rains.

Ibn Abbas said that the expression ka sayyibin (like an abun-

dant fall) (2:19) refers to rain. Another said, conjugating the
verb, "sba, asba, yasbu."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to convey what one should
say when it rains as it can be both beneficial as well as harm-
ful. Also, he has explained the word sayyib, mentioned in
the Quran as well, meaning the rain.

Hadith No. 986


Narrated Aisha
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), saw
the rain, he said, "O Allah! May it be an abundant fall which
brings benefit!"
Ubaydullah corroborated it. al-Awza'i and Uqayl related it
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

from Nafi'.

It has been mentioned in many narrations that Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would feel quite anxious
on seeing clouds in the sky or fast winds blowing, but if it
rained he would say:

O Allah! Make this rain beneficial for us.
In another hadith of Bukhari narrated by Sayyida Ai-
sha (RA), when Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was
asked why he would feel anxious on seeing the clouds, he

said O Aisha! How can you remain carefree thinking it will

not bring any chastisement? Pinning their hopes on seeing
the clouds during the drought period, the people of Aad had

This is a cloud that will bring us rain.(46:24)
The Quran said in reply:

No, it is the very thing you asked to hasten up - a wind in
which there is a painful punishment". (46:24)


Chapter 24 : Someone standing in the rain until it trickles
down his beard.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The rain is a blessing from Allah, when it rains one
should not only feel happy but should also welcome it by al-
lowing some drops of it to fall on ones body, that is what
Imam Bukhari probably means by establishing this chapter.
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

Hadith No. 987

. -




Narrated Anas ibn Maalik

"The people suffered a drought in the time of the Messenger
of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). While the Messenger
of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was giving
the khutba on the minbar on the day of Jumu'a, a Bedouin
stood up and said, 'Messenger of Allah, our property is being
destroyed and our children are hungry, so pray to Allah for
us to give us rain." He said, "The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), raised his hands when there
was not a speck in the sky." He went on, "Then clouds piled
up like mountains and before he had got down from his min-
bar I saw the rain trickling down his beard. It rained on us
that day and the next and the following and the ones after
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

until the next Jumu'a when that Bedouin or another man

stood up and said, "Allah, buildings are being destroyed and
animals are drowning so pray to Allah for us.' The Messen-
ger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), raised his hands
and said, 'O Allah, around us and not on us.'" He added,
"Whenever he pointed with his hand at part of the sky, it
opened up so that Madina was in a kind of clearing. The
river-bed of Qanat was flowing for a month." He said, "No
one came from any area without mentioning the abundance
of rain."

Islam teaches a bondsman always to keep in mind his

dependence on Allahs Mercy, and that, he can never afford

to show indifference towards his needs provided to him by
his Creator. Among his other needs, man is highly dependent
upon the rain, and therefore, he should show his gratitude on
receiving it.


Chapter 25 : When the wind blows.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the earlier chapters the practices of Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) on seeing the rain were dis-
cussed. Now Imam Bukhari discusses the response of a be-
liever when he witnesses harshly blowing winds.

Hadith No. 988


The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

Narrated Humaidi
Anas was heard to say, "The fact of a strong wind blowing
could be noted in the expression on the face of the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)."

A cool breeze begets a smile on the face because of
its soothing and delightful effect. It also heralds the coming
of rain which is eagerly awaited particularly for agricultural
purposes. But, if there is a harsh wind, it can prove destruc-
tive and create havoc. Many early nations like Aad and oth-

ers were totally ruined by fierce cyclonic winds as a result of

Divine punishment to which they were subjected because of
their wrong deeds. It was because of these kind of events that
whenever Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) witnessed
winds blowing harshly he would turn thoughtful and pray to
Allah for safety. On the authority of Sayyida Aisha, Muslim

When the winds would blow he (Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam)) would say, O Allah! I request for its
good, and what is good in it, and the good with which it is
sent; and I seek refuge from its evil, and the evil in it, and the
evil of with which it is sent.


Chapter 26 : The words of the Prophet, "I was helped to
victory by the east wind."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The previous chapter conveyed that the winds can
create havoc and now Imam Bukhari expresses that it is not
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

always so, many a times they are very beneficial for man-

Hadith No. 989


Narrated Ibn Abbas

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "I was
helped to victory by the eastern wind and Aad was destroyed
by the western wind."

According to the learned scholars, the word saba -
means eastern winds and daboor western. The nation
of Aad was ruined by the western winds or daboor, The
Quran says:

They were destroyed by a violent windstorm. (69:6)
As per the above hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) was aided by Allah with the help of saba or east-
ern winds. This refers to an incident which took place in 5th
Hijra during the battle of Ahzaab. The Jews of Madina, after
their exile, motivated the Makkan Quraish and the tribe Gat-
fan to invade Madina and uproot the Muslims from there.
Abu Sufiyaan - the Quraish leader, with the army of ten thou-
sands warriors came to attack Madina. On the suggestions of
the noted companion of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) - Salman Farsi, a trench was dug all around the town in
order to prevent the enemy to enter Madina. Unable to cross
over they laid a siege to the town which lasted a whole
month. At this juncture, Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) invoked with the following words:
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

O Allah! Conceal our defects, and replace our apprehen-
sion with peace.

O Allah! Revealer of the Book, Changer of the course of
clouds, Destroyer of the nations, destroy them and grant us
victory over them.
Allah, accepting the invocations of Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam), sent a chilling wind towards the
enemies of Islam which uprooted their tents, scattered their

utensils, extinguished their stoves and set on fire their be-

longings. They were engulfed with dust that filled their eyes
and they ran away in pain and frustration. The Quran says
about this incident:

O you who believe, remember Allahs favor to you, when the
forces (of the infidels) came upon you, and We sent upon
them a wind, and the forces (of angels) you did not see. Allah
is watchful of whatever you do. (33:9)


Chapter 27 : What is said about earthquakes and other

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the preceding chapter the calamities brought by
winds and rains were discussed, now Imam Bukhari dis-
cusses other natural calamities e.g., earthquakes etc. He tries
to convey that these calamities are the signs of Allahs wrath
upon the people for their wrong doings and mischief, and that
they should bow down with humility and repentance when
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

witnessing such calamities.

Hadith No. 990


Narrated Abu Hurayra

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'The Hour
will not come until knowledge is taken away, earthquakes are

frequent, time passes quickly, violent conflict appears, harj,

meaning slaughter, becomes commonplace, and your wealth
increases to the point of overflowing.'"

Hadith No. 991


Narrated from Ibn Umar

The Prophet said, "O Allah, bless us in our Syria and our
Yemen." He said, "They said, 'And in our Najd.' He said, "O
Allah, bless us in our Syria and our Yemen.'" He said, "They
said, 'And in our Najd.'" He said that he said, "There will be
earthquakes and violent conflict and the horn of Shaytan will
rise from there."

The Lifting of divine knowledge from the world
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

The universe has to perish one day, and certainly the

Day of Judgment will approach. By every passing day people
will indulge in more and more sins, and as already mentioned
it is the sins that beget the wrath of Allah which manifests in
the form of various natural calamities like cyclones, floods
and earthquakes etc. According to the above quoted hadith,
the human race will face frequent afflictions more and more
as the Day of Judgment approaches near. The divine knowl-
edge being a great blessing for the mankind because of its
nature to teach man the realities of life and the real way of
salvation, its lifting away will be the first sign of the nearness

of the Day of Judgment. It is said that the divine knowledge

will vanish away from the human memory, however, as per
another hadith, it will not be snatched away from the chests
of the bondsmen but will take place due to the death of real
God fearing scholars. May Allah bless us with real knowl-

Frequent Earth quakes

The second sign of the nearness of the Day of Judg-
ment mentioned is the frequent earthquakes. Witnessing such
an occurrence must stir our inner selves also. We must mend
our way of living and totally shun away the sins.

Shrinking of time
The third sign mentioned is the shrinking of time. The
learned scholars have given number of explanations regard-
ing the shrinking of time. Tirmidhi has quoted a hadith ac-
cording to which the time will slip away so fast that years
will pass like months, months like weeks and weeks like
days. Lot of people believe that this sign is already prevalent
nowadays, and the amount of work people used to do in a
short span of time in earlier years has become very difficult
nowadays. As per some, in the present time people have got
engaged so much in the worldly affairs and after working day
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

in and day out they get surprised at the amount of time that
has elapsed.

Increase in the frequency of afflictions and murders

The fourth sign predicted is the increase in afflictions
and deaths. In a hadith it is said that murders will be so com-
mon that neither the executor nor the executed will know the
reason behind the action, the scenario also seen prevalent

Increase in wealth
The learned scholars have given two reasons behind
the increase in wealth, viz., i, the devastating wars killing the

majority of population and leaving few to survive; ii, the

overwork for the worldly gains and the unending production
of commodities.
In the second hadith Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) invoked in favour of Syria and Yemen but not Najd.
It seems, as per the learned scholars, that Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) might have been informed
through divine inspiration that Najd would be afflicted with
various calamities in future.


Chapter 28 : The words of Allah Almighty, "Do you asso-
ciate your provision with your denial?" (56:82)
Ibn Abbas said that it refers to your being thankful.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Considering rain a provision from Allah only, here
Imam Bukhari establishes a chapter to caution that such
blessings should not be attributed to anything other than Al-
lah like the false deities, the course of stars etc, which
The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

amount to shirk. He has quoted a Quranic verse from sura al

-Waqia wherein Allah says, Do you associate your provi-
sion with your denial. Allah sends down rains because of
His interminable mercy and blessings but some unjust people
attribute it to other than Him which is a stark lie.

Hadith No. 992




Narrated Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhani

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), led
us in the Subh prayer at al-Hudaybiya and it had rained dur-
ing the night. When the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), finished, he faced the people and said, 'Do you
know what your Lord has said?' They said, 'Allah and His
Messenger know best.' He said, 'Some of My slaves have got
up this morning believing in Me, and others have got up dis-
believing in Me. As for those who say, "We had rain by the
bounty and mercy of Allah," they are the ones who believe in
Me and disbelieve in the stars. But those who say, "We had
rain by the rising of such-and-such a star," have disbelieved
in Me and believed in the stars.'"

Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhani narrates an incident which
Rafatul Bri The Book of Rain

took place in the 6th year of Hijra at Hudaybiya, the same

place where the famous treaty of Hudaybiya was signed
between Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and the
Makkan Quraish. It rained during the night and after leading
the believers in the fajr prayer Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) turned towards them and asked whether they
knew what Allah had revealed during the night? The people
answered by saying that Allah and the Prophet knew the best.
Disclosing the revelation Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) said that some of Allahs slaves have got up this morn-
ing believing in Him, and other have got up disbelieving in
Him. The people who said that the rain was due to the Mercy
of Allah were believers and those who attributed it to the

movement of such and such a star have disbelieved in Him.


Chapter 29 : No one knows when the rain will come ex-
cept Allah.
Abu Hurayra said that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), said, "There are five things which only
Allah knows."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapters it was discussed that it is
none other power but Allah who sends the rains. Now, in this
chapter, it is discussed that no one knows exactly when the
rain will come, how much it will rain and how long, except

Hadith No. 993

The Book of Rain Rafatul Bri

Narrated Ibn Umar

"The keys to the divine secrets are five things which only Al-
lah knows. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, no one
knows what is inside the wombs, no self knows what it will
gain tomorrow, no self knows what land it will die in and no
one knows when the rain will come."

In this hadith Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
says that the keys to the divine secrets (gaib) are five things
about which nobody knows except Allah. According to Al-
laama Ayni, by giving the example of key here the divine
secrets have been compared with a treasure that is safely

What is Gaib (unseen)?

Gaib is that secret divine treasure which is totally out
of the bonds for humans, access to which is impossible by
any means whatsoever. Here, the question may arise that
there are number of things unknown to man, why only these
five have been mentioned? Probably because, as per Allaama
Ayni, some people those days claimed to know these things
or that these things are usually faced and being asked about.


Prophet as Commentator
And we have not revealed to you the Book, EXCEPT
for you (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to make CLEAR
to them that wherein they have differed and as a Guid-
ance and mercy for a people who believe. Qur'an

So the Holy prophet is the true commentator of the Revela-

tion, as was the previous prophet's to there revelation were
the PRACTICAL application to the revelation.

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The Book of Eclipse
Some compilations of Bukhari mention it as the
Chapters of Eclipse whereas some write the Book of Eclipse.
The solar eclipse is called Kusoof and the lunar, Khusoof.

Chapter 1 : The prayer in a solar eclipse.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Among the major signs of Allahs warnings eclipse is
one such sign. Since mankind is dependent upon the sun and
the moon in a number of ways, Allah shows His power by
concealing them sometimes for small periods so that man-
kind may comprehend His Authority. Keeping in view that it
is not in any way difficult for Him to exterminate the uni-
verse in a flash, the mankind is supposed to mend their ways
before it is too late. It is because of this that whenever an
eclipse took place Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
would turn to Allah in fear and pray for the safety of both the
The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

In the preceding chapters it was said that Allah im-
poses drought like conditions on people as a warning, and
here another sign of His wrath is mentioned i.e., eclipse.

Hadith No. 994


Narrated Abu Bakra

"We were with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), in his house when a solar eclipse took place. The
Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) stood up
and went dragging his cloak into the mosque. We entered
and he led us, praying two rak'ats, until the sun had become
clear again. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
'The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of anyone's
death. When you see them, pray and make supplication until
they are over.'"

Hadith No. 995

Narrated Abu Mas'ud
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "The sun
Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

and the moon do not eclipse because of anyone's death.

Rather they are two of the signs of Allah. When you see them,
stand and pray."

Hadith No. 996



Narrated Ibn Umar

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), "The sun and the
moon do not eclipse because of anyone's life or death. Rather
they are two of the signs of Allah. When you see them, pray."

Hadith No. 997


Narrated al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba

"There was a solar eclipse in the time of the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), on the day that Ibrahim
died and the people said, 'The sun is eclipsed because of the
death of Ibrahim.' The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), said, 'The sun and the moon do not eclipse be-
cause of anyone's life or death. Rather they are two of the
signs of Allah. When you see them, pray and make supplica-
The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

tion to Allah.'"

During the period of ignorance (jahiliyya) people at-
tributed the solar and lunar eclipses to the death or birth of a
person. As per the above quoted last hadith narrated by al-
Mughira ibn Shu'ba, on the day when Ibrahim the son of
Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam), died there was a so-
lar eclipse. Ibrahim was born to Sayyida Mariya Qibtiya in
the 8th Hijra and died when he was only of sixteen or eight-
een months of age. At his death some people, as per their old
belief, expressed that the solar eclipse took place because of
his death. On the directions of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi

Wasallam) people were gathered and he led them in two

rakats of prayer and then delivered a sermon in which he
made it clear that solar or lunar eclipse was not due to any-
bodys death or birth but attributed them to Allahs signs.
As per the scientific facts, since the sun, moon and
the earth are revolving in their particular orbits, so when the
earth comes between the moon and the sun, lunar eclipse
takes place, and when the moon comes between the sun and
the earth, there is solar eclipse. Islam does not refute this sci-
entific explanation but it gives its own interpretation on the
occasions of such events. The question here is as to what
holds these heavenly bodies in their own orbits and who
maintains the immaculate balance in the universe? The
Quran says:

Who, out of His grace, has made us land at a home of eter-
nal living where we are neither touched by weariness, nor
are we touched by boredom. (35:41)
A majority of learned scholars consider the prayer of

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

kusuf sunnah. Quoting the above four hadiths which convey

that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) offered two
rakats of prayer without mentioning any additional thing, the
hanafite school consider the two rakats of kusuf similar to
any other supererogatory prayer with one ruku only. Accord-
ing to the other three juristic schools, there are two rukus in
each rakat of kusuf prayer as mentioned in the narration of
Sayyida Aisha which Imam Bukhari has quoted in the suc-
ceeding chapters. There are also some narrations which men-
tion more than two rukus as well.
In Eidhahul Bukhari, Muhaddith Sheikh-ul-Hind is

quoted to have said that the execution of four rukus in a sin-

gle rakat was a peculiarity of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) as he witnessed extraordinary things during that
kusuf prayer. The paradise was shown to him and he moved
forward as if to catch something; the hellfire was shown to
him and he retreated back. So, according to Sheik-ul-Hind, it
was due to this extra-ordinary state of Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) that he offered ruku twice. Allaama Anwar
Shah Kashmiri supports this view by quoting similar narra-
tion from Allaama Kaasaani in Bidaaya.

Chapter 2 : Sadaqa during eclipses.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

As already mentioned that an eclipse is one of the
signs of Allahs wrath, so, with the sole intention to earn
pleasure of Allah it is recommended to offer charity, as:

Charity extinguishes the wrath of the Lord.

Hadith No. 998

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri



Narrated Aisha
"There was an eclipse of the sun in the time of the Messenger
of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), led the people in prayer.
He stood, and did so for a long time. Then he went
into ruku and made the ruku long. Then he stood again, and
did so for a long time, though not as long as the first time.
Then he went into ruku and made the ruku long, though not
as long as the first time. Then he prostrated and made the
prostration long. Then he did the same in the second rak'at
as he had done the first rak'at. Then he finished when the sun
had appeared. He addressed the people and praised and glo-
rified Allah. Then he said, 'The sun and moon are two of Al-
lah's signs. They do not eclipse for the life or death of any-
one. When you see an eclipse, call on Allah and say "Allah is
greater" and pray and give sadaqa.' He then said, 'O commu-
nity of Muhammad! By Allah, there is no one more jealous
than Allah with regard to a male or female slave of his com-
mitting adultery. O community of Muhammad! By Allah, if
you knew what I knew, you would laugh little and weep
Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse


This hadith explains the way Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) offered the prayer of kusuf during the solar
eclipse. He did a long qiyam in both the rakats and the first
one was longer than the second. It is also reported that he re-
cited sura al-Baqarah in the first rakat and sura Aali-Imran
in the second one. Similarly the ruku and the sajda were also
quite lengthy. It is further mentioned that Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did two rukus instead of one in
both the rakats. This hadith is the argumental basis of Imam

Maalik, Shaafaee and Ahmed who consider it better the exe-

cution of two rukus instead of one in this prayer. The
Hanafite viewpoint has been already mentioned in the previ-
ous chapter.
The eclipse was over the moment Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) finished the prayer. When the
brightness of the sun got restored, Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) turned towards the people and delivered
the sermon.

Four things that calm down Allahs wrath

1. Invocations
2. Praising His greatness
3. Prayers
4. Charity
This hadith teaches us that if a bondsman wants to
gain the pleasure of Allah and avoid His wrath he should in-
voke Him with extreme humility and ask for His forgiveness
and Mercy. His tongue and heart must remain busy in prais-
ing and glorifying Him alone. The prayer (salaah) is the
greatest instrument with which a bondsman can gain His
pleasure. Whenever any worry or difficult situation con-
fronted Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam), he would
The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

immediately resort to the prayer. The charity given away

with sincere and pure intention is one among the things Allah
likes the most; and its opposite i.e., miserliness is a thing
which He hates. Since eclipse is from among the signs of Al-
lahs wrath, so Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ad-
vised his people to adopt the above mentioned four things to
avoid His wrath.

Chapter 3 : The call "The prayer is gathered" for the
eclipse prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It is well known that the adhaan and iqaamah are said
in case the prayer is of compulsory nature i.e., the five times
prayer. Here Imam Bukhari conveys that the words like
meaning the Congregational prayer can be said.

Hadith No. 999

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr

"When the sun became eclipsed in the time of the Messenger
of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam); a call was given that
the prayer was to be a group prayer."

According to Abdullah bin Amr bin al-Aas, once
Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

when an eclipse took place during the time of Rasulullah

(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) an announcement with the
words was made. Citing this hadith, Imam Shaafae
consider it permissible to say such kind of words for Eid
prayer as well.

Chapter 4 : The Imam's khutba in an eclipse.
Aisha and Asma said, "The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-

lam), gave a khutba [in an eclipse]."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The issue whether the sermon is necessary or other-
wise after the completion of kusuf prayer has remained con-
troversial among the jurists. Imam Bukhari in concurrence
with Imam Shaafaee seems to hold it as sunnah after the ku-
suf prayer, the opinion disagreed with by three other jurists
viz., Imam Abu Haniefa, Imam Maalik and Imam Ahmad.

Hadith No. 1000


The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri




Narrated Aisha the wife of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi

"There was an eclipse of the sun in the lifetime of the Prophet

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He went out to the mosque and

the people formed rows behind him. He said the takbir and
the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), made
the recitation long. Then he said the takbir and did a
long ruku. He said, 'Allah hears whoever praises him.' He
did not prostrate and recited a long recitation which was
close in length to the first recitation. Then he did a
long ruku which was close to the first ruku. Then he said,
'Allah hears whoever praises him. Our Lord, praise is Yours.'
Then he prostrated and then said the like of that in the sec-
ond rak'at . He performed four rak'ats with four prostrations.
The sun cleared before he had finished. Then he stood up and
praised Allah as He deserves. Then he said, 'They are two of
the signs of Allah. They do not eclipse for the life or death of
anyone. When you see them, then go to the prayer.'"
It is related that 'Abdullah ibn Abbas used to give an account
of the day of the solar eclipse with a similar hadith to that of
'Urwa from Aisha.
Az-Zuhri said, "I said to Urwa, 'On the day when there was
the eclipse in Madina, your brother did not pray any more
than two rak'ats like those of the Subh prayer.' He said, 'Yes,

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

because he was mistaken as to the true sunna.'"

This is the same hadith of Sayyida Aisha which has
been described previously. In this hadith it is said that Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) delivered a sermon after
the kusuf prayer and that he made two rukus in each rakat.
According to Zuhri, upon asking Urwa that he had seen his
brother Abdullah bin Zubair offering the kusuf prayer like
the two rakats of fajr i.e., with only one ruku in each rakat,
Urwa replied that he (Abdullah bin Zubair) had missed the

true sunna. The learned scholars consider it out of question

the missing of a sunna by a sahaabi - Abdullah bin Zubair,
who, alongwith many other companions, had offered the
same prayer behind Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
in Madina. None of the other companions had objected to
Abdullah what he was doing. (Allah knows the best).


Chapter 5: Should the word kasafat or khasafat be used
of the sun to denote "eclipse"?
Allah Almighty says, "The moon was eclipsed," (75:8) us-
ing khasafa.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari has raised here an issue of literary in-
terest, i.e., whether a solar eclipse be called kusuf or Khusuf.
As per him both the words can be used.

Hadith No. 1001

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri




Narrated Aisha, the wife of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi

On the day the sun was eclipsed (khasafat), the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said the takbir and made the
recitation long. Then he did a long ruku. Then he raised his
head and said, 'Allah hears whoever praises him.' He stood
as he had done and then recited a long recitation which was
close to the length of the first recitation. Then he did a
long ruku which was close to the first rak'at. Then he did a
long prostration and did the like of that in the second rak'at.
Then he said the taslim and the sun cleared. He addressed
the people and said about the eclipsing (kusuf) of the sun and
the moon, 'They are two of Allah's signs. They do not eclipse
for the life or death of anyone. When you see them, then go to
the prayer.'"

In this hadith both words have been used, first it was

and then at the end

was said. In general practice, the word kusuf is used for so-
lar eclipse and khusuf for lunar.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse


Chapter 6 : The words of the Prophet, "Allah makes His
slaves feel fear through eclipses."
Abu Musa mentioned this from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

What Imam Bukhari wants to convey here is the fact
that it is not just the physical phenomenon but the will of Al-

lah to warn His bondsman about His power over all things.
His execution of power over the sun or the moon at His will.
It is He only who can snatch the physical as well as spiritual
blessings given to man as and when He wishes.

Hadith No. 1002


. .

Narrated Abu Bakra

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
"The sun and the moon are two of the signs of Allah. They do
not eclipse because of anyone's death, but Allah makes His
slaves feel fear through them."

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

'Abdu'l-Warith, Shu'ba, Khalid ibn 'Abdullah and Hammad

ibn Salama did not mention from Yunus, "makes His slaves
feel fear through them."
Al-Hasan corroborated it from Abu Bakra from the Prophet,
"Allah makes His slaves feel fear through them."
Ash'ath corroborated it from al-Hasan.

The universe is running its course smoothly through a
very delicate balance maintained between the gravitation and
other physical forces which drive all its constuents to follow
their respective order system. A little disturbance in it can
create incomprehensible havoc, and that is why whenever

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) witnessed a change

in the natural phenomena, he would get reminded of the Day
of Judgment the day when everything will perish and the
people have to account for their deeds. Therefore, the solar or
lunar eclipse should also remind a bondsman about that fate-
ful day; he should shun away his rebellion and return towards
the obedience of his Lord. Allah says in the Quran:

Say: "Just think, if God were to cover you up with night for
ever until the Day of Doom, what other god apart from God
will give you light? Why do you not pay heed?" Say: "Just
think. If God were to make the day perpetual till the Day of
Resurrection, what other god but God would bring you night
for rest? Why do you not reflect? (28:71,72)
And also:

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

Verily God holds the heavens and the earth in position lest
they deviate; and if they deviated there will be none to hold
them in place, apart from Him He is sagacious and forgiv-
)ing. (35:41
According to Imam Bukhari, the last few words viz.,
in the end of the above mentioned hadith have
not been narrated by all narrators.


Chapter 7 : Seeking refuge from the punishment of the

grave during eclipses.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

When there is an eclipse it sets a horrible darkness
which reminds one about the grave and the chastisement in
its darkness; that is why the believers are asked to seek ref-
uge with Allah regarding the punishment in the grave.

Hadith No. 1003


The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

Narrated Aisha, the wife of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi

A Jewish woman came to beg from her and said, "May Al-
lah give you refuge from the punishment of the grave!" So
Aisha asked the Messenger of Allah, "Are people punished in
their graves?" and the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam), took refuge in Allah from that. Then one morning

the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went
out on a journey and there was an eclipse of the sun, and he
returned in the late morning and passed through behind his
rooms. Then he stood and prayed, and the people stood be-
hind him. He stood for a long time, and then went
into ruku for a long time. Then he rose and stood for a long
time, though less than the first time, and then went into
ruku for a long time, though less than the first time. Then he
rose and went down into prostration. Then he stood for a
long time, though less than the time before, and then went
into ruku for a long time, though less than the time before.
Then he rose and went into prostration. When he had fin-
ished, he said what Allah willed him to say, and then he told
them to seek protection from the punishment of the grave."

According to the hadith, a Jewish woman would beg
from Sayyida Aisha. Whenever Sayyida Aisha used to do
good to her, she would say May Allah give you refuge from
the punishments of the grave. In another narration it is re-

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

ported that one day the woman asked Sayyida Aisha if she
had heard anything from Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) about the punishments of grave. Getting the answer in
negative, she requested Sayyida Aisha to ask Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) about the issue. Afterwards,
When Sayyida Aisha asked Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) about it, he said:
I take refuge in Allah from that.
As per Sayyida Aisha, Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) would always keep on seeking refuge with Allah
from the punishment of the grave.

Allama Ayni has derived following lessons from this


Punishment in grave is a certitude

1. A person not having knowledge about a particular issue
should ask the learned ones about it, as did Sayyida Aisha by
asking Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) about the
punishment in the grave.
2. Punishment in the grave is a very serious matter as is evi-
dent by Rasulullahs (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) advice to
seek refuge with Allah from it.
3. The timing of eclipse prayer is after the sunrise, and as
per the majority of scholars including those of Shafaite and
Hanafite schools, it can be offered in all times except the
three Makrooh or forbidden times. As per Imam Maalik it is
not permissible to offer it after mid-noon.

Chapter 8 : Lengthening the sajda during an eclipse.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the earlier chapters the prolonging of ruku and sa-
jda in an eclipse prayer was mentioned; but there exists a
The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

controversy amongst the scholars whether the sajda is also to

be prolonged or not? Majority of the scholars, supported by
Imam Bukhari, favour the view of prolonging it.

Hadith No. 1004



Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr

"When the sun was eclipsed in the time of the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam); a call was given that the
prayer was to be performed in a group. The Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did two rukus before going
into sajda. Then he stood up and again did two rukus before
going into sajda. Then he sat and then the sun became
clear." Aisha said, "I have never ever done a
longer sajda than that."

The prolongation of sajda has been mentioned in a
number of narrations, like in earlier narration wherein Urwah
quotes from Aisha, Then he (i.e., Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam)) performed sajda and prolonged it. Buk-
hari and Muslim both have quote from Abu Musa, It
(eclipse prayer) was performed with prolonged qiyam, ruku
and sajda.


Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

Chapter 9 : The eclipse prayer is performed in a group
Ibn Abbas led them in prayer beside Zamzam. Ali ibn Abdul-
lah ibn Abbas and Ibn Umar prayed it in a group.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to say that it is Sunnah to
offer eclipse prayer with congregation. Murgeenani says that
it should be led by same Imam who leads the Friday and Eidh
prayer. If it is not possible to have that Imam then people can
offer it individually.

Hadith No. 1005



The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

Nattated Abdullah ibn Abbas

"The sun was eclipsed in the lifetime of the Messenger of Al-
lah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), prayed. He stood for a long
time, about the time it takes to recite Sura al-Baqara. Then
he did a long ruku. Then he stood for a long time, but less
than the first standing. Then he did a long ruku which was
less than the first ruku. Then he did prostration. Then he
came up and stood for a long time, but less than the first

standing. Then he did a long ruku which was less than the
first ruku. Then he stood for a long time, but less than the
first standing. Then he did a long ruku which was less than
the first ruku. Then he prostrated. The sun cleared before he
had finished. Then he said, 'The sun and the moon are two of
the signs of Allah. They do not eclipse for the life or death of
anyone. When you see them, remember Allah.'
"They said, 'Messenger of Allah, we saw you reach out for
something while you were standing here and then we saw you
withdraw.' He said, 'I saw the Garden and I reached out for a
bunch of grapes from it, and if I had taken it, you would have
been able to eat from it for as long as this world lasted. Then
I saw the Fire - and I have never seen anything more hideous
than what I saw today - and I saw that most of its people
were women.' They said, 'Why, Messenger of Allah?' He said,
'Because of their ingratitude.' It was asked, 'Are they un-
grateful to Allah?' He said, 'They are ungrateful to their hus-
bands, and they are ungrateful for good behaviour (towards
them). Even if you were to behave well to one of them for a
whole lifetime and she were to see you do something (that
she did not like) she would say that she had never seen any-
thing good from you.'"
Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

This hadith has been discussed previsouly also. Here,
it is further said that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
was shown the paradise and the hell during this prayer. Dur-
ing the prayer he first moved forward and later withdrew
backward. On being asked about it, he said that he tried to
reach out for a bunch of grapes from the paradise that is why
he had moved forward. And after that he withdrew a little
backward on seeing the most hediious thing i.e., the hell fire.
He further said that among the inhabitants of the hell women
were in majority, because of the fact that they are usually un-

frateful to their husbands.

This topic has been already discussed in the Book of
Faith and the Book of Adhaan. The seeing of the paradise
and the hell by Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the
prayer was a miracle which is difficult to comprehend. Ac-
cording to some, all the veils inbetween him and the para-
dise/hell were lifted, while as per some others, the wall in
front acted as mirror which reflected the paradise and hell to
him. The learned scholar unainimously hold that the creation
of the paradise and the hell has already taken place.

Chapter 10 : Women praying with the men in the eclipse.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Some scholars consider the performace of eclipse
prayer valid only for men, however, as per Imam Bukhari,
women can also join the prayer. According to the Hanafites,
old women can join the prayer but the young ones should
take precautions.

Hadith No. 1006

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri




Narrated Asma bint Abi Bakr

"I went to Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, when there was a
solar eclipse. The people were standing in prayer and she
was also standing in prayer. I said, 'What are the people do-
ing?' She pointed towards the sky and said, 'Glory be to Al-
lah!' I said, 'A sign?' She indicated that it was so. I also stood
to pray until I was overcome and fainted. I began to pour wa-
ter over my head. When the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), finished the prayer, he praised Allah and
lauded Him and then said, 'Anything which I did not see be-
fore I saw just now while standing here, including the Gar-
den and the Fire. It was revealed to me that you will be tested
in the graves with a like trial - or nearly like - [I do not know
exactly which Asma said] that of the False Messiah. Each of
you will be approached and asked, "What do you know of

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

this man? The believer - or the one who is certain - [I do not

know which exactly Asma said] will say, "He is Muhammad,
the Messenger of Allah who brought us the clear signs and
guidance. So we responded to him, believed and followed
him." He will be told, "Sleep, O virtuous one!" We know that
you believed in him.' As for the hypocrite or the doubter - [I
do not know which Asma said] he will say, "I do not know. I
heard people saying something and so I said it too."

In this hadith it is reported that Sayyida Aisha (RA)

and Asma (RA) offered eclipse prayer in Sayyida Aishas

room, which was adjacent to the Prophets mosque; and the
men offered it in behind the Prophet in the mosque. Other
details have already been discussed in the previous chapter.

Chapter 11 : One who liked to set people free during a
solar eclipse.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

An eclipse is a sign of Allahs wrath, so, apart from
other things which cool down His wrath, setting people free
also serve considerably in this regard.

Hadith No. 1007

Narrated Asma
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), commanded the
freeing of slaves during solar eclipses."

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

To set a slave (or detenu) free during an eclipse with
the intention of seeking Allahs pleasure is a preferable
(mustahab) act according to the learned scholars. Among
other numerous peculiarities of Islam one is the dissuasion of
slavery by means which are in accordance with the human
Marxism preached the taking of possessions from rich
by force which goes against the human nature. Capitalistic
ideology gave unlimited freedom to man that made him
greedier, and consequently more inclined towards crimes.
Islam on the other hand exhorted man in a beautiful manner
to give charity to the poor and manumit slaves, which the be-

lievers did willingly and happily. For example, in this chapter

under discussion a believer is being asked to free slaves so
that it serves as a means of escape from Allahs wrath. There
are hundreds of such examples. It is because of such kind of
exhortations that no slavery exists anywhere particularly in
the Muslim world. Baihaqi has quoted a hadith which says:

One who frees believing slave, Allah will free all his body
parts from the Hellfire against each body part of the freed
slave. (Baihaqi)

Chapter 12 : Holding the eclipse prayer in the mosque.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The preferability of holding the eclipse prayer outside
the locality has been already mentioned; however, Imam
Bukhari conveys that it can be offered even in a mosque.

Hadith No. 1008

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse



Narrated Aisha
A Jewish woman came to beg from her and said, "May Allah
give you refuge from the punishment of the grave!" So Aisha
asked the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
"Are people punished in their graves?" and the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), took refuge in Allah
from that. Then one morning the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), went out on a journey and
there was an eclipse of the sun, and he returned in the late
morning and passed through behind his rooms. Then he
stood and prayed, and the people stood behind him. He stood
for a long time, and then went into ruku for a long time. Then
he rose and stood for a long time, though less than the first
time, and then went into ruku for a long time, though less
than the first time. Then he rose and went down into prostra-

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

tion. Then he stood for a long time, though less than the time
before, and then went into ruku for a long time, though less
than the time before. Then he rose and went into prostration.
When he had finished, he said what Allah willed him to say,
and then he told them to seek protection from the punishment
of the grave."

In this hadith it is said that once Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) went out on a journey and there was an
eclipse of the sun, and when he returned in the late morning
and passed through his rooms and offered the eclipse prayer.

Since these rooms were adjacent to the mosque, it is inferred

that he offered this prayer in the mosque.


Chapter 13 : The sun does not eclipse for the life or death
of anyone.
Abu Bakr, al-Mughira, Abu Musa, Ibn Abbas and Ibn Umar
related it.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari has established this chapter in order to
emphasize that the solar or lunar eclipse takes place purely as
per the divine will and that it has no connection with the life
or death of anyone.

Hadith No. 1009

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

Narrated Abu Mas'ud

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "The sun
and the moon do not eclipse because of anyone's death.
Rather they are two of the signs of Allah. When you see them,
stand and pray."

Hadith No. 1010


Narrated Aisha
"There was a solar eclipse in the time of the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). The Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), stood and led the people in prayer and did
a long recitation. Then he did a long ruku. Then he raised his
head and did a long recitation which was shorter than his
first one. Then he did a long ruku which was shorter than his
first ruku. Then he raised his head and then did two sajdas.
Then he stood up again and did the same in the sec-
ond rak'at. Then he stood up and said, 'The sun and the moon
do not eclipse for the life or death of anyone, but they are two
of the signs of Allah which he shows His slaves. When you
The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

see such a thing, go to the prayer.'"

Islam neither believes in superstitions nor does it con-
sider any celestial body or anything else a deity having any
power of its own. These are mere creations of the Almighty
and in strict obedience to His commandments. Lot of people
relate the occurance of solar or lunar eclipse with the death or
birth of somebody; Islam has strongly refuted this belief.

Astrological deception
It is because of these kinds of incident that Astrolo-
gers get deceived. What in actuality happens is that when Al-

lah decrees a command, He first announces it to the angels.

The commandment then descends from the Arsh (Throne) to
the 7th heaven, then to the 6th and so on untill it reaches the
first. From here the angels descend with the commandment
and execute the desired changes in the celestial bodies and
the stars. Then these angels descend to the earth and get that
command executed here as well. As already mentioned, Al-
lah has fixed the functioning of things in particular way liable
to no change. The astrologers, who study the stars etc, infer
with their experience that a particular event always takes
place on the earth following a particular movement or change
in the stars. Since they are unable to see beyond the stars, it
makes them to believe the effectiveness of the stars in them-
selves. But in reality the stars are under the control of Allah
and it is He who produces the changes in them as and when
He wishes. Since these kinds of changes are mostly linked
with a particular event on the earth, they get misled.

Chapter 14 : Dhikr during an eclipse
Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

Ibn Abbas related it.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari conveys that an eclipse should be
taken as a warning from the Almighty. It should make us
think about our end and that we must turn to Zikrullah imme-

Hadith No. 1011


Narrated Abu Musa

"There was an eclipse of the sun and the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), stood up in alarm, fearing that the Last
Hour had come. He went to the mosque and prayed with the
longest standing, ruku and sajda I ever saw him do. He said,
"These are signs which Allah sends, not because of the life or
death of anyone but rather to make His slaves feel fear so if
you see something like that, hurry to remember Him, make
supplication and ask His forgiveness.'"

This life is full of afflictions and uncertainties and
will come to an end one day after which man has to account
for all what he did in this world. Sine, man has no prior
knowledge of his own end or of this world, so, any day can

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

be the last day.

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam), being the
true well wisher of mankind, taught:

"These are signs which Allah sends, not because of the life or
death of anyone but rather to make His slaves feel fear so if
you see something like that, hurry to remember Him, make
supplication and ask His forgiveness.'"




Chapter 15 : Supplication during an eclipse.
Abu Musa and Aisha reported that from the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari, in the previous chapter, conveyed that
a bondman should turn to the remembrance of Allah on see-
ing His signs like eclipse etc. Here he adds that one should
also resort to supplication during such occasions.

Hadith No. 1012



Narrated al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba
"There was a solar eclipse in the time of the Messenger of
Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), on the day that Ibrahim

died and the people said, 'The sun is eclipsed because of the
death of Ibrahim.' The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), said, 'The sun and the moon do not eclipse be-
cause of anyone's life or death. When you see them, pray and
make supplication to Allah.'"

According to the learned scholars, by quoting this
hadith Imam Bukhari wants to convey that both the prayers
as well as the invocation are recommended at such occasions.
A hadith says:

Invocation is the kernel of worship.


Chapter 16 : The imam saying amma ba'd (following on
from that) in the khutba of the Eclipse Prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to convey that the khutba
(sermon) of the eclipse prayer is to be said after the prayer
wherein the Imam should say after praising Allah as is
done in the Friday khutba.

Hadith No. 1013

Narrated Asma
"When the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

finished, the sun had cleared. He gave a khutba and praised

Allah as He deserves. Then he said, amma ba'd (following on
from that).'"
The hadith has already been discussed.

Chapter 17 : The prayer during a lunar eclipse.
Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab
Imam Bukhari seems to be holding the opinion that
there is no difference between the solar and lunar eclipse

prayer, and that both are to be offered in congregation and

with two rukus in each rakat. The Shaafite and Hanbalite
schools also concur with him. However, the Hanafite and
Maalikate schools hold that congregational is not necessary
for the lunar eclipse as it is established during the night and it
is difficult to assemble the people at such a time.
Hadith No. 1014

Narrated Abu Bakra
"The sun was eclipsed in the time of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and he prayed two rak'ats."

Hadith No. 1015

Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

Narrated Abu Bakra

"The sun was eclipsed in the time of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and he went out dragging his
cloak until he reached the mosque. The people gathered to
him and he led them in praying two rak'ats. He said, 'The sun
and moon are two of Allah's signs. They do not eclipse for

the death of anyone. When that happens, pray and make sup-
plication until it clears.' That was when a son of the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), called Ibrahim had died. Peo-
ple were saying that it happened because of that."

Here two narrations, one brief and another in detail,
have been been quoted from Abu Bakra. In both the narra-
tions there is no mention of lunar eclipse. Since, in both these
hadiths, Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says that the
solar as well as lunar eclipse is among the signs of Allah, this
serves the purpose of Imam Bukhari.

Chapter 18

The title of this chapter (tarjamatul baab) has not been

mentioned in all the compilations of Sahih al-Bukhari, and
also no hadith under the title. The learned scholars have
guessed that probably Imam Bukhari had left a space for it
but later forgot to fill it. The purpose of the chapter is that if
someone feels a fainting sensation in the prayer he or she can

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri

pour some water over his/her head. But, this has to be a very
short action.

Chapter 19 : The first rak'at is longer in the eclipse

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Like in all other prayers it is preferable to make the
first rakat longer than the second in the eclipse prayer as

Hadith No. 1015


Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), led us in the
eclipse doing four rukus in two rak'ats. The first was longer."

According to the learned scholars the four rakat men-
tioned here are actually the four ruku in two rakats, and the
word Sajdatayn meaning two rakats. So, it is not correct to
consider the eclipse prayer consisting of four rakats as ap-
parently comprehended by the literal meaning of the words.

Chapter 20 : Reciting aloud during an eclipse.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The jurists are in disagreement jurists regarding the
Rafatul Bri The Book of Eclipse

loud or silent Quranic recitation in the eclipse prayer.

Quoting the above hadith in their support, Imam Buk-
hari along with Imam Ahmed, Abu Yousuf and Imam Mu-
hammed favour the loud recitation. On the other hand the
other three jurists - Imam Abu Haniefa, Imam Maalik and
Imam Shaafaee consider the silent recitation better. They
argue with the hadith quoted by Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood and
Nasaee on the authority of Sumra bin Jundub which says:

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) offered eclipse
prayer with us and we did not hear any voice from him.

Hadith No. 1016


Narrated Aisha
"In the eclipse prayer, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), recited aloud. When he finished his recitation, he said
the takbir and did ruku. When he came up from ruku, he said,
'Allah hears the one who praises him. Our Lord, and praise
is Yours." Then he again recited. The eclipse prayer has
four ruk'us and four sajdas in two rak'ats.

Hadith No. 1017

The Book of Eclipse Rafatul Bri



Narrated Aisha
"The sun was eclipsed in the time of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and he sent out someone to
announce that the prayer was to be held in a group. He went
forward and prayed four rukus and four sajdas in
two rak'ats."
Abdur-Rahman ibn Namir heard the same from Ibn Shihab.

Az-Zuhri said, "I said, 'What did your brother, 'Abdullah ibn
az-Zubayr, do then? He only prayed
two rak'ats like Subh when he prayed in Madina.' He said,
'Indeed! He was mistaken as to the sunna."
Sufyan ibn Husayn and Sulayman ibn Kathir corroborated
from az-Zuhri that it is done aloud.

According to Sayyida Aisha as quoted in the first
hadith the recitation was loud, but the three leading jurists -
Imam Abu Haniefa, Imam Maalik and Imam Shaafaee did
not base their view on this Hadith and instead preferred the
hadith of Sumra bin Jundab quoted above as he had attended
this eclipse prayer of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
with the sole intention of learning that particular prayer and
had stood in the rows of men which are nearer to the Imam as
compared to women. Sayyida Aisha would have either been
in her apartment or in the women rows which are farther
from the Imam.



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Book The prostration of Quranic recitation.

Chapter 1: What has come about the sajdas of the Qur'an
and the sunan connected to them.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Prostration before Almighty, kneeling down with hu-
mility before Him is one of the highest forms of worship
which takes a bondsman nearer to his Creator. It is a well
said when I is lost, He gets manifested and the two are
inversely proportional. After having discussed the chapters
related to the signs of Allahs wrath - like drought and
eclipses, Imam Bukhari has chosen the chapter related to the
prostration of Quranic recitation.

Hadith No. 1018

The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abdullah
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), recited an-
Najm at Makkah and did sajda in it and those with him
did sajda - except for an old man, who took a handful of peb-
bles and brought them up to his forehead and said, 'This is
enough for me.' I later saw him killed as an unbeliever."

Prostration of Quranic recitation
There are certain verses in the Quran which when
recited make it obligatory upon a believer to prostrate. This
prostration is called Sajda Tilawah or the prostration of
Quranic recitation. There is difference of opinion amongst
the jurists about the number of such verses which make pros-
tration obligatory. Al-Hasan, Ibn al-Musaib and Maalik etc.,
count them up to eleven. According to the Hanafite and
Shaafaite school, there are fourteen verses with difference of
opinion about the two verses of sura Saadh and sura al-Haj.

On whom is the prostration of quranic recitation obliga-

As per Imam Abu Haneifah, the prostration is obliga-
tory on the one who recites such verses of recitation and
those who listen to them with or without intention. They ar-
gue with the hadith which says:

Sajdah is (obligatory) on the one who listens to it. Sajdah is
on the one who recites it.

Rafatul Bri The Prostration of Quranic Recitation

Quoting the following hadith in their support, Imam

Maalik, Imam Shaafaee and Imam Ahmed consider the
prostration of Quranic recitation as sunnah and not waajib

Sura an-Najm was recited to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) and he did not perform Sajdah.
The incident reported in this Hadith took place is
Makkah. It so happened that when Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) recited the Sura an-Najm first time before
the people, he knelt down for prostration and those present,

believers and non-believers, also followed him in the act.

This old man, mentioned as Umaya bin Khalf by some schol-
ars, instead took some sand and pebbles in his hand and
touched his forehead to it. He later died as a non-believer.

Chapter 2 : Prostration in Tanzil as-Sajda.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

According to Ibn Bataal, all the jurists are in agree-
ment about the presence of the verse of prostration (aayat us-
sajda) in sura Alif Laam Mim at-Tanzeel. Imam Bukhari also
agrees with the view held by the majority.

Hadith No. 1019

) ( ) * (

Narrated Abu Hurayra

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to re-
The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri

cite, Alif-Laam-Mim Tanzil as-Sajda" and Hal ata ala'l-

insan...' (74) in the fajr prayer on the day of Jumu'a."

This hadith has also been previously quoted in the
chapter which says that Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to recite sura Alif Laam
Mim at-Tanzil in the first rakat and sura Dhahr in the second
in the fajr prayer on Fridays. However, this hadith is silent
whether he performed prostration of Quranic recitation or
not. Some people have argued that since the name of the
surah is Alif Lam Mim at-Tanzil Sajdah it includes the verse
of prostration.

Chapter 3 : The Sajda in sura Sad.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The jurists are in disagreement regarding the Quranic
prostration of sura Sads verse, viz.,

He (Dawd) said, He has certainly wronged you by de-
manding your ewe to be added to his ewe. Many partners op-
press one another, except those who believe and do righteous
deeds, and very few they are. And Dawd realized that We
had put him to a test, so he prayed to his Lord for forgive-
ness, and bowing down, he fell in prostration, and turned (to
So we forgave him that (lapse), and surely he has a place of
nearness in Our presence, and an excellent resort. (38:24.25)
According to the Hanafi and the Maaliki schools, the
Rafatul Bri The Prostration of Quranic Recitation

recitation of this verse makes the Quranic prostration obliga-

tory, where as the Shaafaee and the Hambali disagree with
this view. As per the Maaliki school the prostration is on say-
ing the words anaab whereas the Hanafites consider it on
the recitiation of Husn-u-Maaab.

Hadith No. 1020

) (


Narrated Ibn Abbas

"Sad (sura) is not one of those which obliges prostration but
I did see the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), do-
ing sajda in it."

Sura Sad is not one of those which obliges prostration
- this statement of Ibn Abbas has been widely debated by the
learned scholars. Imam Shaafaee considers the prostration in
this sura that of thanksgiving (shukr) and not obligatory, but
Imam Abu Haneifa and Imam Maalik take it as compulsory.
According to Imam Shaafaee and others, this prostration
was performed by Dawood (AS) on account of thanksgiving
after offerering taoba (repentance). Those who consider it
obligatory argue in response to the statement of Ibn Abbas
is not one of those which obliges prostration, by saying
that this prostration was basically the act of Dawood (AS)
and this Ummah has been asked to follow his sunnah. A
hadith quoted in Abu Dawood narrated by Ibn Saeed says:

The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) recited sura Sad on

the pulpit and when he reached the verse of prostration he
came down and prostrated.


Chapter 4 : The prostration for sura an-Najm (53).
Ibn Abbas transmitted it from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this case also the jurists are in disagreement with

regard to the Quranic prostration in sura an-Najm. It has

been reported that there is no prostration in sura Mufassalat
as per Imam Maalik. However, Imam Bukhari by establish-
ing this chapter seems favouring the Quranic prostration in
this sura.
Shah Waliullah Muhadith Delhvi writes:

As per Imam Maalik there are fourteen prostrations and the
three out of these which are in Mufassalat are not stressed
upon; thus, as per him, the total of eleven became popular
among people.

Hadith No. 1021

Rafatul Bri The Prostration of Quranic Recitation

Narrated Abdullah
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), recited Surat an-
Najm and did sajda in it and all of the people did sajda, but
one man there took a handful of pebbles or earth and
brought it up to his face and said, 'This is enough for me.' I
later saw him killed as an unbeliever."

As already discussed, the believers as well as the non-
believers prostrated when Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) recited sura an-Najm except Umaya bin Khalf.

Why did non-believers prostrate?

According to the majority of scholars, owing to the
awesome reverence and sensation of these Quranic verses
the Makkan infidels got frightened and fell in prostration
alongwith the Muslims.
In some narration it is quoted that Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) praised the idols of the Makkah
infidels unintentionally while reciting sura an-Najm but most
of the learned scholars refute the authenticity of these narra-
tion. Citing logical arguments Sheikh-ul-Hind has proved
that the infidels did not perform the prostration because of
praise to their idols. If it was so then they deserved condem-
nation and not praise and the old man who didnt prostrate
deserved praise not condemnation. Further the infidels who
prostrated later embraced Islam and the old man left the
world as infidel.


Chapter 5 : Muslims doing sajda together with idolaters
although idolaters are unclean and do not do wudu.

The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri

Ibn Umar used to do the sajda without wudu.

Imam Bukhari has established this chapter here to
convey that it no way affects the prostration of the believers
if the non-believers accompany them in the same, and in or-
der to strengthen his argument he points that Ibn Umar did
not even consider wudu or ablution necessary for the prostra-
tion of Quranic recitation.

Hadith No. 1022


Narrated Ibn Abbas

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), prostrated in an-
Najm and the Muslims, idolaters, jinn and men
did sajda with him." Ibn Tahman related it from Ayyub


In the hadith, according to Ibn Abbas, not only the

believers and non-believers but even the jins followed the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when he performed the
prostration on reciting sura an-Najm. This again proves that
the effect of the revelation on everything around was such
that everything bowed down in reverence and fear. The
Quran is the word of Allah which carries with it His Majesty
and Greatness. Jubair bin Matam, a noted companion of Ra-
sulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when still a non-
believer, says that on hearing Quranic recitation first time
from Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) he felt as if the
Rafatul Bri The Prostration of Quranic Recitation

chastisement was going to befall upon him that very time,

and to overcome the fright he immediately embraced Islam
and felt relieved of the terrific state he was in. May Allah be-
stow us with the blessing of understanding the Quran and act
upon it.

Chapter 6 : Someone reciting an ayat of sajda and not

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab


According to the learned scholars Imam Bukhari here

wants to convey that it is not compulsory to perform the
Quranic prostration immediately if one recites it in a state
other than the prayer but can be delayed.

Hadith No. 1023

( )

Narrated Qusait
Ata ibn Yasar asked Yazid ibn Thabit, who claimed that he
had recited sura an-Najm to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), and he did not do sajda in it.

Hadith No. 1024

The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri


Narrated Yazid ibn Thabit

"I recited Surat an-Najm to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), but he did not prostrate in it."

Here Imam Bukhari has quoted two hadiths both from
Zayd bin Thabit who says that he recited sura an-Najm in
front of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and he (i.e.,
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)) didnt prostrate. In
the earlier hadith of Ibn Abbas it was stated that Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) performed the prostration on

reciting sura an-Najm. According to the learned scholars it is

possible that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did not
perform the prostration immediately but it cannot be said
with certainly that he didnt do so at all. They have implied
that the prostration of the Quranic recitation can be per-
formed later as well, though preferable to perform immedi-



Chapter 7 : The sajda of "idha's-sama'n-shaqqat"

Imam Bukhari here says that there is Sajdah in Surah
Inshiqaaq. It was earlier said that some scholars believe that
there is not Sajdah in Mufassalat Surah.

Hadith No. 1025

( )

Rafatul Bri The Prostration of Quranic Recitation

Narrated Abu Salama

I saw Abu Hurayra reciting "idha's-sama'n-shaqqat" and
doing sajda in it. I said, 'Abu Hurayra, did I see you do-
ing sajda?' He said, 'If I had not seen the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), doing sajda, I would not have
done sajda.'"

Abu Hurayra recited sura Inshiqaaq and performed
prostratins. On being asked about it by Abu Salama - the son
of Abdul Rahman bin Auf, he said that had he not seen Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) doing so he would not

have done it. From this some scholar infer that the issue of
Quranic prostration in Mufassalat suras was not unani-
mously agreed upon by the companions- Allah knows the


Chapter 8 : Someone doing sajda together with
the sajda of the reciter.
Ibn Mas'ud said to Tamim ibn Hadhlam when he was a boy
and recited an ayat of sajda, "Prostrate, for you are our

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari has established this chapter to mention
the decree for a listener of the verse of prostration. This issue
has been widely debated by the learned scholars. Ibn Bataal

There is consensus amongst the jurists of all cities that the
The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri

Sajdah becomes compulsory on listener if the recitor per-

forms the Sajdah.
Imam Bukhari also seems to favour this view. A
young boy - Tameem bin Hazlam who once recited the verse
of prostration in front of Ibn Masood was directed to perform
prostration first, as it primarily becomes obligatory upon the
reciter to prostrate, and then upon the listeners.

Hadith No. 1026


Narrated Ibn Umar

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to recite to
us a sura which contained a sajda and he would
do sajda and we would do sajda provided we could find a
place to put our foreheads."

According to Ibn Umar whenever Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) recited the verse of prostration
he would prostrate and the people would follow him. Now,
the question arises if the reciter does not prostrate what
should the listeners do? Ibn al-Munzir quotes from Imam

If A listener likes to perform the prostration he should do
Baihaqi has quoted from Ata bin Yaseer that a person
came to Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and recited a
verse of prostration and did sajda and Rasulullah (Salallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) followed him. Then another person recited
Rafatul Bri The Prostration of Quranic Recitation

a verse of prostration for Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-

lam) but he did not prostrate. When asked he said that since
he (the recitor) didnt prostrate though being the Imam of
recitation at that moment, so he also didnt follow him.

Chapter 9 : The crush of people when the imam recited
an ayat of sajda.

The purpose of this chapter is to clear the unnecessary

notion of making the rows and having enough space for do-
ing Quranic recitation.

Hadith No. 1027

Narrateed Umar
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to recite
an ayat of sajda when we were with him. He would
do sajda and we would do sajda with him. There was such a
crowd of us that some of us could not do the sajda for lack of
room for our foreheads."

This hadith has already been discussed.

The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri

. .


Chapter 10 : Someone thinking that Allah the Mighty and

Exalted has not made sajda obligatory
Imran ibn Husayn was asked about a man who heard
an ayat of sajda but was not sitting down [to listen to the reci-
tation] when he did so. He said, "I think that even if he is sit-
ting down it is not obligatory for him." When Salman [passed

by a group of people who were reciting and then prostrated

for an ayat of prostration, he] said, "We did not come for
this." Uthman said, "The sajda is obligatory for all who hear
it." Az-Zuhri said, "You should only do the sajda in a state of
purity. When you do sajda and are not travelling, face
the qibla. If you are riding, then you do it whichever way you
are facing." As-Sa'ib ibn Yazid did not do sajda when story-
tellers recited such an ayat.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the preceding chapters Imam Bukhari discussed the
obligatory nature of the Quranic recitation, now he is dis-
cussing the view of those opposing it. On being asked about
one who unintentionally and by chance comes to listen the
verse of Quranic recitation?, Imran bin Husayn replies,
What even if he had the intention of listening it?. It seems
that he did not consider the prostration obligatory for an in-
tentional or unintentional listener. The second incident that
Imam Bukhari has quoted is of Salman Farsi who did not
perform sajda of prostration on listening to a verse, saying
that he had no intention of listening to it. The third is a

Rafatul Bri The Prostration of Quranic Recitation

quoted statement of Sayyiduna Uthman according to whom

the sajda is for an intentional listener.

Hadith No. 1028


. .

Narrated Rabia
Umar ibn al-Khattab recited Sura an-Nahl (16) on the min-
bar on the day of Jumua. When he reached the sajda, he
came down and did sajda and the people did sajda. The fol-
lowingJumua, he recited it. When he came to the prostration,
he said, 'O people! When someone comes to an ayat of sajda,
if he does sajda, he has acted rightly and if he does not
do sajda, he has not done anything wrong.' Umar did not
do sajda."
Ibn Umar added, "Allah has not made the sajda compulsory.
It is up to us."

In this hadith, according to Rabia Sayyiduna Umar
Ibn al-Khattab recited sura an-Nahl on a Friday and after re-
citing the verse of prostration offered sajda. Again, the next
Friday, he recited the same sura but did not perform sajda.

The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri

People, who opine that the prostration of Quranic recitation

is not obligatory, put forward this hadith in support of their
arguement. As per Naafe, Ibn Umar further added that Allah
has not made the sajda obligatory. However, people who
consider the sajda obligatory argue with the hadiths quoted in
earlier chapters and also with the verse of the Quran which

And when the Qur'an is recited to them do not bow in adora-
tion? (84:21)
In response to the hadith of Sayyiduna Umar, they say
that he was a strict teacher and hence did not offer sajda the

second Friday to teach the people about it being unnecessary

to perform immediately and that it can be delayed as well,
Allah knows the best.

Chapter 11: Anyone reciting an ayat of sajda in the
prayer should do sajda for it.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here, according to the learned scholars, Imam Buk-
hari conveys his differences with the Maaliki School who
consider it makrooh (disliked) to recite the sura comprising
verse of prostration in the prayer.

Hadith No. 1029


Rafatul Bri The Prostration of Quranic Recitation

Narrated Abu Rafi

"I prayed isha behind Abu Hurayra and he recited, 'idha's-
sama'n-shaqqat.' He did sajda. I said, 'What is this?' He said,
'I did sajda for it behind Abu'l-Qasim (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), and I will continue to do sajda for it until I meet

This hadith has been quoted previously also. The ma-
jority of jurists agree on the permissibility of reciting a sura
comprising a verse of prostration in the prayer.

Chapter 12 : Someone who cannot find a place to pros-
trate with the imam due to the crush of people.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Majority of jurists consider it permissible to perform
prostration of Quranic recitation on the backs of other peo-
ple in case of limited space, however, the Maalikites dis-
agreeing with the view deem it preferable to prostrate in
turns. Imam Bukhari seems to concur with the majority view.

Hadith No. 1030

Narrated Ibn Umar

"When the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to
recite the sura which contained a sajda, he would
do sajda and we would do sajda with him. Some of us could

The Prostration of Quranic Recitation Rafatul Bri

not find any place to put our foreheads."

Not finding a definite view of the learned scholars on
the issue, Ibn Bataal says that since the sajda of a prayer is
compulsory (fardh) and that of recitation sunnah, so there is
possibility of difference between the two.



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The Book of Shortening the Salaat (Prayer)

Chapter 1 : What has come down about shortening the
prayer and for how long a stay has to be for someone to
be allowed to shorten it.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari has raised two issues, viz i)
Shortening of prayer i.e.,Qasr ii) Duration upto which one
can shorten the prayers. The learned scholars are in consen-
sus regarding the first issue i.e., shortening of the prayer;
however, the second issue has been highly debated by the

Hadith No. 1031

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Narratee Ibn Abbas

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), once stayed
somewhere for nineteen days during which he shortened the
prayers. So when we travelled somewhere for nineteen days
we would shorten the prayer but if we stayed longer we
would do the full prayer."

Hadith No. 1032


Narrated Yahya bin Abi Ishaaq

Anas was heard to say, "We went out with the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), from Madina to Makkah and
he prayed two rak'ats for every prayer [except magrib] until
we returned to Madina. Yahya ibn Abi Ishaaq said, "I asked,
'Did you stay in Makkah at all?' He replied, 'We stayed for
ten days.'"

The Quran says

When you travel on the earth, there is no sin on you in short-
ening your Salah (4:101)
This verse was revealed in the 4th year of Hijra and it
was at the time of the battle of Anmar when asr prayer was
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

offered as qasr (shortened) for the first time. With this divine
injunction the believers were given relaxation in prayer dur-
ing a journey, and were also allowed to shorten their prayers.
Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said in a hadith:

It is a charity from Allah, so accept His charity. (Muslim,
Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi)
During a journey the four rakat compulsory (fardh)
prayer viz., dhuhr, asr and isha are to be shortened to two.
There is no shortening of fajr and magrib prayer. To offer
sunnah prayers during a journey is optional but it is compul-

sory to shorten the compulsory (fardh) four rakats to two.

According to the Hanafite School, the shortening of prayer
on a journey is waajib (obligatory); however, the Maalikites
consider it sunnah alal-Moakada and the rest as simple sun-

Juristic view about the duration after which the shorten-

ing of prayer becomes obligatory
As per the first hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas, Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) stayed for nineteen days
and offered shortened prayers. Here Ibn Abbas is reporting
the incident of the victory of Makkah. Since Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) stayed for nineteen day so Ibn
Abbas thought that nineteen days was the limit. If someone
stays at a place for less than nineteen days, he should offer
shortened prayers if for more than nineteen days then he
should offer complete prayers.
Ibn Bataal writes:

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

According to al-Mahlab, the jurists do not interpret this

hadith the way Ibn Abas has done. They hold that the prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), during this period mentioned
by Ibn Abbas had not resolved to stay but was waiting for
victory and to leave after that.
In the second hadith Sayyiduna Anas is reporting the
incident of Hajjat-ul-Vida of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) in which he stayed in Makkah for ten days and
offered the shortened prayer.
Ibn Bataal writes:


The jurists interpret the hadith of Anas saying that the stay
of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in Makkah was
ten days because he was leaving. Since he had the intention
of leaving that is why he was offering shortened prayers.
All the jurists concur that a person staying at a place
away from his home place with the intention of leaving the
place at the very moment his work is over, he will have to
offer shortened prayer even if his stay prolongs to years to-
gether. Ibn Bataal further writes:

Jabir reported that the Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) stayed at Tabuk for twenty days and offered qasr; Ibn
Umar stayed at Azerbaijan for six months (during a battle)
and offered qasr; Anas stayed at Nishapur for four years and
offered qasr and same was done by many companions.
According to three main juristic Imams other than
Imam Abu Haneifah, the limit is four days; iff one intends to
stay for more than four days he should offer complete prayer
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

and if less than four then qasr as:

The stay of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in Mak-
kah lasted four days.
Imam Abu Haneifah considers the limit to be fifteen
days. In his argument he puts forward the following hadith of
Ibn Umar quoted by Abu Bakr bin Abi Shaeba:

Both Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas are quoted to have said, If
you resolve to stay for fifteen days then complete the


Chapter 2 : The prayer at Mina.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari is discussing an issue which has
remained highly controversial amongst the jurists; however,
he has not mentioned his view in the Tarjamatul Baab. There
are two issues here viz.,
1. Whether it is compulsory for everyone or only the travel-
ers to offer qasr at Mina during Haj.
2. Whether this Qasr is associated with the Haj rituals itself
or because of travelling.

Hadith No. 1033

Narrated Abdullah
"I prayed two rak'ats at Mina with the Prophet, Abu Bakr
The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

and Umar, and also with 'Uthman at the beginning of his

rule, but he later did the prayer in full."

Hadith No. 1034

Narrated Haritha ibn Wahb

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), led us in the
prayer at Mina doing two rak'ats in a time of peace."

Hadith No. 1035


Narrated Ibrahim
I heard Abdur-Rahman to say, "Uthman ibn Affan led us in
prayer at Mina doing four rak'ats. Abdullah ibn Mas'ud was
told about that and he said, 'We belong to Allah and return to
Him!' Then he said, 'I prayed two rak'ats with the Messenger
of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), at Mina and I prayed
two rak'ats with Abu Bakr at Mina, and I prayed two rak'ats
with Umar ibn al-Khattab at Mina. Would that I were lucky
enough to have two out of the four rak'ats accepted!'"

Ibn Bataal writes:
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

All the jurists agree that during Haj pilgrims coming to
Makkah (from outside) should offer qasr there, at Mina and
all other related places as they are considered to be in jour-

And the jurists differed about the prayer of Makkan resi-
dents at Mina, and Maalik said Makkans will offer complete
prayer at Makkah and qasr at Mina

A group said, Makkans will not offer qasr at Mina and
Arafat since these (two) places are not a distance where qasr
becomes applicable, same has been quoted from Atta, Zuhri,
Thouri, People of Kofa Shaafaee and Ahmed.
Tahawi said:

Haj does not make qasr obligatory as the people of Mina
and Arafat offer complete prayer during Haj, and it is not
related to a place but to the travelling.
From the above quoted three narations by Imam Buk-
hari, it is clear that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
Abu bakr, Umar Ibn al-Khattab offered qasr at Mina but Uth-
man bin Affan, during his Caliphate, used to offer complete
prayer there which was questioned by Abdullah bin Masood.
It is well known that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
Abu Bakr and Umar came to Haj from Madina and hence

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

were travelers at Mina. Now, according to some scholars,

they offered qasr at Mina for being a part of Haj while as per
others they offered qasr because of being travelers and not as
a part Haj. Taking lot of pains in explaining why Sayyiduna
Uthman offered complete prayer at Mina some learned schol-
ars hold that he was a resident of Makkah wherefrom he of-
fered Haj thus having no validity of offering Qasr.

Chapter 3 : What length of time the Prophet stayed when
he went on hajj.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari is discussing how long Rasulul-
lah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) stayed at Makkah during his
farewell Haj. The whole stay in and around Makkah was ten
days but in Makkah proper it was four days.

Hadith No. 1036

Narrated Ibn Abbas
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and his Com-
panions arrived on the fourth morning of the month of hajj
saying the talbiya. He commanded them to make it
an'umra except for those with sacrificial animals with them."
Jabir corroborated it.

At the time of the victory of Makkah Rasulullah
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) entered Makkah 4th of Dhul-Haj

and left for Mina on the 8th. He stayed in Makkah for nine-
teen days. In this hadith, according to Ibn Abbas, Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) asked his companions to make
Umrah intention instead of Haj except those who had sacrifi-
cical animals along with them as it was necessary to carry the
animals to an appropriate place of sacrifice. The majority of
jurists including Imam Abu Haniefa, Imam Maalik and Imam
Shafaea say that it was made permissible only that time for
the companions of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to
convert their Haj intention into Umrah intention and that it is

not permissible for anyone else. However Imam Ahmad says

that it is permissible for those to change the intention of Haj
into that of Umrah who do not carry sacrificed animal along-
with them.

Chapter 4 : How long must a journey be before someone
can shorten the prayer?
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), called travelling a
day and a night a journey. Ibn Abbas used to shorten the
prayer and break the fast for a distance of four burud (postal
stages) which is sixteen farsakhs.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari is discussing the length of jour-
ney that makes qasr compulsory on a person.

Hadith No. 1037

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Narrated Ibn Umar

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "A woman
should not travel for three days without a dhu mahram [close
"male relative].

Hadith No. 1038


Narrated Ibn Umar

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, A woman
should not travel for three days without a dhu mahram [close
"male relative].
Ibn al-Mubarak corroborated it from Ubaydullah.

Hadith No. 1039

Narrated Abu Hurayra

"It is not lawful for a woman who believes in Allah and the
Last Day to travel the distance of a day and a night without

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

having a mahram with her."

Malik corroborated it from al-Maqburi from Abu Hurayra.

Here Imam Bukhari has quoted three hadiths. In two
of these it is mentioned that a woman should not travel alone
if her journey has to exceed three days. The third hadith men-
tions that she should avoid travelling if it exceeds even one
day and night without a dhu-mahram (a close relative with
whom a woman can never marry like brother, father etc).
According to the learned scholars, Imam Bukhari did-

nt find any clear hadith to define the length of distance

needed to be travelled for qasr, so he quoted the hadiths
which mention the rules of travelling that apply to a woman
when she leaves her home. If a woman has to undertake a
journey requiring these three days and three nights or more
then she should not go alone. By mentioning this Imam Buk-
hari wants to prove that it is this much length of journey
which alters the rules, e.g., a woman cannot travel without a
dhu-mahram for more than three days. On the same analogy
it can be deduced that qasr should become compulsory for
this much of journey.

Abu Haniefa said, The distance which makes Qasr obliga-
tory are three day and three nights walk of the camel or pe-
destrian walk.

Some people say twenty one pharasangs and it is also said
eighteen pharasangs also vetted by fatwa. And Maalik said,
Qasr will not be placed into force for less than forty eight

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

miles. One pharasung is three miles.

As per the learned scholars, if the duration is to be
taken into consideration then it is pedestrian walk for one day
and one night, however, if the length of the distance is the
measurement then it is forty eight miles or seventy seven


Chapter 5 : You can shorten the prayer when you have
left the place you live.

Ali, peace be upon him, led and shortened the prayer even
though he could still see the houses. When he returned, he
was told, "This is Kufa." He said, "No, not until we enter it."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari is discussing when and from
where one should start the Qasr i.e. offering of shortened
prayer. By quoting Sayyiduna Ali that he started Qasr after
leaving Kofa when the houses of Kofa were still visible,
Imam Bukhari seems to be in agreement with the majority
view which says that the Qasr should be started soon after
coming out of the locality.

Hadith No. 1040

Narrated Anas
"I prayed dhuhr with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

lam), doing four rak'ats in Madina and we prayed asr with

two rak'ats at Dhul-Hulayfa."

Hadith No. 1041


Narrated Aisha

"When the prayers were first made obligatory, they were all
two rak'ats. Then the travelling prayer stayed the same but
the prayer of the resident was made complete [i.e., four
Az-Zuhri said, "I asked Urwa, 'Why did Aisha do the full
prayers?' He said, 'She followed the same interpretation as

Ibn Qudama writes:

( )
Qasr is not valid for the one who intends travelling until he
leaves behind him the houses of his city or place.
All jurists agree upon this issue. In the first hadith as
per Sayyiduna Anas when Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) made intention to travel (from Madina to Makkah) he
offered full prayers in Madina and qasr at Dhul-Hulayfa
about six miles from Madina. According to Allaama Ayni it
is illogical to deduce from this hadith that the qasr can be of-
fered even for a short journey of six miles because Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had not intended to travel upto
The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Dhul Hulayfa only but Makkah. This hadith, as the learned

scholars maintain, support the view that qasr starts once one
comes out of his locality with the intention of travelling the
distance necessary to enforce qasr upon him.
In the second hadith Sayyida Aisha mentions that ini-
tially the total number of rakats made compulsory were only
two. Allama Ayni writes:

The first thing regarding prayers that was made obligatory
on Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was two rakats;
two rakats except that of magrib.

It is compulsory to offer two rakats of prayer always

whether a person is on a journey or at home, says Sayyida
Aisha. It is also reported in other narrations that initially dur-
ing Makkan period the number of compulsory prayer rakats
was only two and later at Madinah the number was escalated
to four.
An opinion is reported from Sayyiduna Aisha that
complete prayer can be offered during travelling as well but
in the above quoted hadith she says that the prayer during a
journey is only two rakats. Zuhri, on asking Urwa about this
contradiction was told that Sayyida Aisha had the same opin-
ion as that of Sayyiduna Uthman. It is said that Sayyiduna
Uthman offered complete prayers during a journey after be-
coming Muqeem (one who intends to stay at a particular
place temporarily or permanently).

Chapter 6 : Praying Magrib three rak'ats in journey.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to convey the impermissi-
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

bility of qasr or shortening of prayer in respect of magrib

prayer which is of three rakats.

Hadith No. 1042



Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

"I saw the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
when he was in a hurry on a journey, delay magrib and join
it with isha'." Salim said, "'Abdullah used to do that when he
was in a hurry on a journey." Saalim added, "Ibn Umar used
"to join magrib and isha at Muzdalifa.

Hadith No. 1043


. .

. .

Narrated Saalim
"Ibn Umar delayed magrib when he heard that his wife, Safi-

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

yya bint Abi 'Ubayd, was dying [or had died]. I said to him,
'The prayer!' He said, 'Carry on.' I said, 'The prayer!' He
said, 'Carry on,' until he had gone two or three miles. Then
he got down and prayed and said, 'This is how I saw the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), pray when he was
travelling in a hurry.' 'Abdullah said, "When the Messenger
of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was travelling in a
hurry, I saw him delay magrib and then pray it doing three
rak'ats. Then he would say the taslim and then after a short
time the iqama was said for isha and he prayed it doing
two rak'ats. Then he said the taslim. He did not do any su-
pererogatory prayers after isha until he got up in the middle
of the night."

According to the above quoted two hadiths, Rasulul-
lah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and Ibn Umar used to delay
magrib prayer and combine it with isha when in a hurry dur-
ing a journey. The magrib prayer was offered late but before
the start of isha time in such a way that both were offered in
their stipulated time limits. This issue has been discussed un-
der the title Jama Byna-as-Salaatayn (combining two
prayers). Here Imam Bukhari wants to prove the issue of of-
fereing complete (3 rakats) magrib prayer even during trav-

Chapter 7 : Supererogatory prayers on animals no matter
which way the animal is facing.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Since Imam Bukhari is discussing the issues related to
the qasr prayer, here now he conveys that the supererogatory
prayers can be offered while mounting an animal and that
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

facing the Qibla during such a prayer is not necessary.

Hadith No. 1044

Narrated Amir
"I saw the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), praying on
"his mount no matter which way it was facing.

Hadith No. 1045

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to pray su-
pererogatory prayers while he was riding and not fac-
ing qibla.

Hadith No. 1046

Narrated Nafi
"Ibn Umar used to pray on his mount and he would also pray
the witr on it. He reported that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), used to do that
The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Al-Mahleb said:

These hadiths specify the statement of Allah, And wher-
ever you are, turn your faces towards it (2:150).
This refers to compulsory prayer for which it is a must to
face Qibla.
And the statement of Allah:

Wherever you turn the glory of God is everywhere. (2:115)


Indeed this is about the supererogatory prayer on the riding


Large number of jurists derived from these hadith that the
offering of supererogatory prayer on riding animals during
travelling towards a direction other then Qibla is permissi-

Chapter 8 : Doing the prayer by gesture on an animal.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapter Imam Bukhari conveyed the
permissibility of offering supererogatory prayers on an ani-
mal back and now he says that during this state the ruku and
sajda can be offered by gestures.

Hadith No. 1047

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

Narrated Abdullah ibn Dinar

"During journeys Abdullah ibn Umar used to pray on his
mount using gestures no matter which way it turned. Abdul-
lah said that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
to do that."

Ibn Bataal writes:

While on an animal back it is sunnah to offer prayer by ges-
tures and for sajda one should bend more than ruku.
This is the relaxation given by the Shariah wherein
one can offer supererogatory prayers without facing qibla and
even stopping and dismounting from a conveyance. Since
one cannot offer ruku or sajda on an animal so doing so by
gestures only has been kept permissible.

Chapter 9 : Dismounting for the compulsory prayers.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Mentioning the permissibility of offering supereroga-
tory prayer while mounting a conveyance Imam Bukhari now
makes it explicit the necessity of dismounting and facing the
qibla when one has to offer a compulsory prayer.

Hadith No. 1048

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Narrated Amir ibn Rabi'a

"I saw the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
while riding doing supererogatory prayers by gesturing with
his head in whatever direction he was facing, but the Mes-
senger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did not do that
for the obligatory prayers."

Hadith No. 1049


Narrated Salim
"'Abdullah used to pray on his mount during the night while
travelling and he did not care which way he was facing. Ibn
Umar said, 'The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), used to pray supererogatory prayers on his mount
no matter which way he was facing and he would pray the
witr on it, although he did not pray the obligatory prayers on

Hadith No. 1050

- -

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to pray on
his mount towards the East. When he wanted to pray the
obligatory prayer, he would dismount and face qibla."

All the above hadiths mention that Rasulullah
(Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would offer compulsory prayers
on ground after dismounting an animal and face Qibla, the
issue agreed upon by all the jurists. As per the learned schol-
ars, this does not apply when one is travelling by train or a
boat but facing the qibla shall still remain mandatory.

Chapter 10 : Performing supererogatory prayers on a

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapters the permissibility to offer
prayers while mounting an animal was mentioned now Imam
Bukhari wants to clarify that a donkey is also included
among the animals.

Hadith No. 1051

Narrated Anas ibn Sirin

"We went to welcome Anas when he came back from Syria
The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

and met him at Ayn at-Tamr. I saw him praying on a donkey

facing that way - meaning to the left of the qibla. I said, 'I
saw you praying facing other than the qibla.' He said, 'If I
had not seen the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), doing it, I would not have done it.'"
Hajjaj related it from Anas ibn Sirin.
['Ayn at-Tamr: a place in Iraq.]

Once Sayyiduna Anas bin Maalik went to Syria to see
Maalik bin al-Marwaan and convey to him the complaints
about Haj pilgrims. According to Anas bin Sirin, on return
from Syria they received Sayyiduna Anas at a place called

Ayn at-Tamr located in Iraq. There they found him offering

prayer mounted on his donkey without facing qibla. On being
asked about it Sayyiduna Anas replied that he had seen Rasu-
lullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) doing so.

Chapter 11 : Someone not doing supererogatory prayers
before or after the prayer on journeys.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari here explains the optional nature of
sunnah prayer before or after a compulsory prayer during
travel. In some compilations of Bukhari the word i.e.,
before a compunsory prayer is not mentioned, but there is
consensus of the scholars regarding the optional nature of
prayer before or after a compulsory prayer during a journey.

Hadith No. 1052

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah



Narrated Hafs ibn Asim

"Ibn Umar went on a journey and said, 'I accompanied the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and did not see him
perform any supererogatory prayers [before the obligatory
prayers] while on a journey. Allah, may His mention be ex-
alted, says, 'You have a good model in the Messenger of Al-
lah.' (33:21)"

Hadith No. 1053

Narrated Ibn Umar

"I accompanied the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), and he never did more than two rak'ats on jour-
neys. Abu Bakr, Umar and 'Uthman also did the same."

Tirmidhi says:

The learned scholars differed in their opinion after the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and some companions
were seen offering sunnah during travel and same has been
said by Ahmad and Ishaaq.

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Many among the learned scholars were seen not offering

prayers before or after (a compulsory prayer).
Allama Ayni writes:

The meaning of one who does not offer sunnah during
travel is accepting the relaxation.

One who offers sunnah for him there is lot of reward.

According to the majority of the learned scholars sunnah
prayer during travel is optional.

Leaving them (sunnah) is from the relaxation point of view
and offering them is a means of attaining Allahs nearness.

Chapter 12 : Someone doing supererogatory prayers on a
journey before but not after the prayers.
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did the
two rak'ats of fajr [before Subh] on journeys.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapters it was said that the sunnah
prayer before and after a compulsory prayer turns optional
during journey and that these were usually not offered, and
here it is said that one can offer rest of the optional prayers
like tahajjud, ishraaq and chasht etc. during travelling.

Hadith No. 1054

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

Narrated Abdur-Rahman ibn Abi Layla

"No one but Umm Hani informed us that they had seen the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), pray duha. She men-
tioned that on the day Makkah was conquered, the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did ghusl in her house and
prayed eight rak'ats.[She said,] 'I never saw him do a more

rudimentary prayer than it, but he did a com-

plete ruku' andsujud.'"

Hadith No. 1055

Narrated Amir
He had seen the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), doing
supererogatory prayers at night during a journey on the back
of his animal whichever way it turned.

Hadith No. 1056

Narrated Ibn Umar

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

to do supererogatory prayers on the back of his mount no

matter which way it was facing, gesturing with his head. Ibn
Umar used to do that.

According to Umm Hani Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) offered eight rakats of duha (chasht)
prayer in her home on the day of the victory of Makkah. He
stayed in Makkah for ten days and had come from Madinah
so the rules of journey were applicable. Since Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) offered the optional prayer de-
spite being a traveler, the learned scholars deduced from this
Hadith that it is permissible to offer obligatory prayer during

a journey. The second and third Hadith also support this

view. In the second hadith Aamir bin Rabeea says that he
saw Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) offering
tahajjud prayer during travelling and in the third hadith Ab-
dullah bin Umar reports that he saw Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) offering optional prayer while mounted on
his animal.
The learned scholars say that the statement of Imam
Muhammad is quite balanced view on this topic:

A traveler should offer sunnah if he is at peace and station-
ary on the other hand if he is in fear and on the run then he
should not and this is the accepted view.

Chapter 13 : Joining magrib and isha on a journey.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Now Imam Bukhari is discussing the issue of Jamaa
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

Byna-s-Salaatayn i.e., the combining of two prayers together

viz., dhuhr with asr, and magrib with isha.

Hadith No. 1057

Narrated Salim's
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used too
in magrib and isha when he was in a hurry during a jour-


Hadith No. 1058

Narrated Ibn Abbas

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
to join dhuhr and asr when he was travelling, and he would
"also join magrib and isha.

Hadith No. 1059


Narrated Anas ibn Malik
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to join the
"prayers of magrib and isha on a journey.
The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Hafs corroborated from Anas that the Prophet (Sallallahu

Alaihi Wasallam), joined prayers.

There is consensus amongst the jurists that the com-
bining of two prayers during a journey is permissible. Now,
there are two ways of combining the two prayers viz.:
1. Jamaa haqeequi - In this the two prayers are
combined in such a way that one among the two is of-
fered at its own stipulated time while the other is pre-
poned to it, e.g., preponing asr and offer it with dhuhr, the
view held by Imam Shaafaee and Imam Ahmad.
2. Jamaa sawri - In this both the prayers are

offered at their stipulated time periods. They are com-

bined in such a way that the one is postponed towards its
end time and the other is offered just at the beginning of
its time. E.g., if dhuhr time ends at 5 PM after which the
time of asr resumes, dhuhr is offered say at 4:50 PM and
asr just after 5 PM. This way both the prayers are offered
at their stipulated time periods. Allah says in the Quran:

For such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times.
As per this verse it is compulsory to offer each prayer
at its own time, the view held correct by Imam Abu Haniefa.
Ahmad reports on the authority of Sayyida Aisha:

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to postpone
dhuhr and prepone asr and postpone majrib and prepone
isha during journey. (Musnad Ahmad)
According to the below mentioned hadith quoted by
Abu Dawood and Nasaee on the authority of Jaabir, magirb
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

was delayed till isha.:

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was in Makkah
at the time of sunset and offered together (magrib and isha)
at (a place) Saraf.
Nasaee quotes on the authority of Ibn Abbas:

I offered dhuhr and asr prayer together with Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), he postponed dhuhr and pre-

poned asr, (and then) postponed magrib and preponed isha

when he offered magrib and isha.
A good number of narrations support the Jama Sowri
view, however some scholars like Khattabi, considering the
permissibility of combining two prayers during a journey a
relaxation given by the Shariah, maintain no time restrictions
in this regard; but the majority of scholars including Ibn Hajr
(RA) dont agree with this view.

Combining dhuhr and asr at Arafat

All the jurists consider Jama Haqeequi permissible
on the 9th of Dhul-Hijja at Arafat in which dhuhr and asr
prayer are offered together at dhuhr time.

Chapter 14 : Is there
an adhan or iqama when magrib and isha are joined?

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter Imam Bukhari discusses the issue
whether it is permissible to say adhaan and iqaamah for com-
bined prayers during a journey. Titling the chapter in inter-

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

rogative sense he has left the issue open without mentioning

his opinion.

Hadith No. 1060



Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

"When the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
was hurrying during a journey, I saw him delay
the magrib prayer and join it with isha." Salim said,
"'Abdullah used to do that when he was in a hurry on a jour-
ney. He would say the iqama for magrib and pray it doing
three rak'ats, then say the taslim. After a short time, he would
say the iqama for isha and pray it doing two rak'ats, then say
the taslim and not do a single supererogatory rak'at between
the two prayers nor any prostration after isha until he got up
in the middle of the night."

Hadith No. 1061


Narrated Anas
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

to join these two prayers together on a journey - mean-

ing magrib and isha."

According to the first hadith narrated by Saalim, Ab-
dullah bin Umar used to say iqaamah while combining
magrib and isha prayer. Al-Kirmani says:

The word salaatayn suggests that the two prayers are to be

offered with their components and sunnats like adhaan and


Chapter 15 : Delaying dhuhr until asr when setting out
before noon.
Ibn Abbas had this from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This chapter conveys the message that if a person
starts his journey before noon then it is better to delay the
dhuhr prayer till asr and then offer both of them together.

Hadith No. 1062

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Narrated Anas ibn Malik

"When the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), set off on a
journey before noon, he would delay dhuhr until the time
of asr and then join the two. If it was past noon, he would
pray dhuhr and then mount."

This hadith is yet another proof of Jama Sowri
wherein dhuhr is delayed till its last time just before asr and
asr is offered at the very inception of its time. Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), when leaving for a journey in
the afternoon, would offer dhuhr at his place but if he left
before noon he would delay it and combine it with asr.

Chapter 16 : When setting off after noon you should
pray dhuhr before mounting.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

It is clear from this chapter that if Rasulullah had to
leave for a journey after noon he would first offer dhuhr and
then proceed. According to the learned scholars, this refutes
the claim of those who maintain that asr can be preponed and
combined with dhuhr.

Hadith No. 1063

Narrated Anas ibn Malik

"When the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

set off on a journey before noon, he would delay dhuhr until

the time of asr and then he would dismount and join the two.
If it was past noon, he would pray dhuhr and then mount."

As per the above hadith, if Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) had to set off for a journey after noon he
would offer dhuhr alone and leave without offering asr. Peo-
ple who hold the view of Jama Taqdeemi i.e., preponing of
next prayer to the first one argue with the hadith of Sayy-
iduna Muadh bin Jabl (RA) quoted in Tirmidhi and Abu Da-
wood narrating an incident of the battle of Tabuk:

In case of starting his journey before noon he (Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)) would delay dhuhr till asr and
then offer them together, and in case of starting it after noon
he would combine dhuhr with asr.

Chapter 17 : Praying sitting down.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapters Imam Bukhari has been dis-
cussing the relaxations given by the Shariah during a journey
and now further relaxations like offering the prayer while
sitting are discussed.

Hadith No. 1064

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Narrated Aisha
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), once
prayed in his room when he was ill. He prayed sitting down
and some people prayed behind him standing. He indicated
to them to sit down. When he had finished, he said, 'The
imam is only appointed to be followed. When he goes
into ruku', go into ruku', and when he rises, rise'"

Hadith No. 1065


Narrated Anas
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), fell
from his horse while riding and his right side was grazed. We
went to visit him and the time for the prayer arrived. He led
us in the prayer sitting down and we stayed sitting down. He
said, 'The Imam is appointed to be followed. Say
the takbir when he says the takbir. Go into ruku' when he
goes into ruku', and get up when he gets up. When he says,
"Allah hears whoever praises Him," say, "Our Lord, praise
belongs to You."'

Hadith No. 1066

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

Narrated Imran ibn Husyan (who had piles)

"I asked the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), about the prayer of a man sitting down and he said, 'It
is better if he prays standing. Someone who prays sitting
down has only half the reward of someone standing. And

anyone who prays lying down has only half the reward of
someone who prays sitting down."

Imam Navavi says:

When a person, possessing the capability of offering
prayers standing, offers them sitting, he earns half the re-
ward. And when he offers nafl (supererogatory) prayer sit-
ting due to his inability to stand up there will be no deduction
in his reward. And when compulsory (fardh) prayer is of-
fered sitting despite having the capability to stand such
prayer is not valid.

Chapter 18 : Praying by gesture while sitting down.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari points out the way to offer ruku
The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

or sajda by gestures with the movement of head and eyes

etc., for a person who is unable to do so.

Hadith No. 1067


Narrated Imran

"I asked the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), about the

prayer of a man sitting down and he said, 'It is better to pray
standing. Someone who prays sitting down has only half the
reward of someone standing. And anyone who prays lying
down has only half the reward of someone who prays sitting
Abu Abdullah said, "I think that na'im here means lying
Ibn Bataal says:

The prayer has three states, the first being qiyaam
(standing) if one is unable to stand then qoud (sitting) and if
unable to sit then by gestures; the sleep does not form any of
the prayer states.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

Chapter 19 : Someone who is not able to pray sitting

down should pray on his side.
Ata said, "If he cannot turn towards the qibla, he can pray
whichever way he is facing."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter Imam Bukhari conveys the importance
of the prayer by mentioning that in case of inability one has
to offer it even in lying down position.

Hadith No. 1068


Narrated Imran ibn Husayn

"I had piles and asked the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), about the prayer. He said, 'Pray standing. If you cannot
do that, then sitting down. If you cannot do that, then on your

Ibn Bataal says:

This hadith is about compulsory (fardh) prayers.
This indicates that a compulsory prayer is not warded
off in any case till one is in senses. A person has to offer it
while standing, sitting or lying down depending upon his
condition. Allah says in the Quran:

The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

Those who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting,

and lying down on their sides. (3:191)
It is further said:

Establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise.
How to offer prayers in a lying down position?
The Hanafites prefer to offer prayers while lying
down in supine position, knees bended up and head raised up
on a pillow facing qibla. It is also permissible in right lateral
position facing qibla, the view held correct by the Shaafaites,
Hambalites and Maalikites.

Ibn Bataal writes:

If prayer is offered in lying down position the face should
be towards qibla just the way a dead body is buried.


Chapter 20 : If someone prays sitting down and then feels
better, he can complete the prayer standing.
Al-Hasan said, "If a sick person wishes, he can pray two
rak'ats standing and two sitting down."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter Imam Bukhari conveys that a person
who starts the prayer in sitting position because of some ail-
ment and later feels some relief during the prayer itself he
should then stand up and complete the prayer.

Hadith No. 1069

Rafatul Bri The Book of Shortening the Salaah

Narrated Aisha Umm al-Mu'minin

She never saw the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), praying the night prayers sitting down until late
in his life. He would recite sitting down until the time came
for ruku' when he would stand up, recite thirty or
forty ayats and then go into ruku'.

Hadith No. 1070

Narrated Aisha the Umm al-Mu'minin

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
prayed sitting down and recited while sitting. When about
thirty or forty ayats of his recitation remained, he would
stand up and recite standing. Then he did ruku' and sajda.
He did the same thing in the second rak'at. When his prayer
ended he would look over and if I was awake he would talk to
me and if I was asleep he would lie down."

Ibn Bataal writes:
The Book of Shortening the Salaah Rafatul Bri

The Ulema differ in this issue; According to Ibn al-Qasim a
sick person who started his prayer in a lying down or sitting
feels relief and strength to stand should complete the remain-
ing part of the prayer on the foundation of what has been of-
fered earlier. Imam Zufr and Imam Shaafaee also concur
with this view.



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The Book of Tahajjud
Abu Dhar, in his compilation of Bukhari, has men-
tioned no Bismillah at the start of the Book of Tahajjud.


Chapter 1 : Tahajjud at night
The words of Allah, the Mighty and Exalted, "And stay
awake for prayer during part of the night as a supererogatory
action for yourself." (17:79)

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This is another important topic started by Imam Buk-
hari that is of the night prayer called Tahajjud offered at pre-
dawn time. He quotes the following verse of the Quran:

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

And pray in the small watches of the morning. (17:79)

Prior to this it is said in the Quran:

Establish regular prayers - at the sun's decline till the dark-
ness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for
the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testi-
mony. (17:78)

This verse refers to the five time compulsory prayers

for everyone and then Raulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) is being guided towards an additional special night

prayer called tahajjud made obligatory on him. The Quran


An additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee (17:79)
The learned scholars are in consensus that tahajjud
prayer, which was obligatory upon Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), is optional for the believers. Ibn Bataal

Indeed it was made exclusively obligatory upon Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) but optional for others.
Muslim quotes on the authority of Abu Hurayra:

Apart from the compulsory prayers the best is the night

Hadith No. 1071

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud


. .

Narrated Tawus
Ibn Abbas was heard to say, "When the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), stood up in the night to pray tahajjud, he
would say, 'O Allah, Yours is the praise. You are the up-
holder of the heavens and the earth and everyone in them.
Yours is the praise. Yours is the kingdom of the heavens and
the earth and everyone in them. Yours is the praise - Light of
the heavens and the earth - Yours is the praise. You are the
Truth. Your promise is true. The meeting with You is true.
Your word is true. The Garden is true and the Fire is true.
The Prophets are true and Muhammad is true. The Hour is
true. O Allah, I have submitted to You and I have believed in
You. In You I have put my trust and to You I turn. I argue by
You and take You as arbitrator. Forgive me my past and fu-
ture wrong actions and what I keep secret and what I make
known. You are the One who puts forward and defers. There
is no god but You - or there is no god other than You.'"
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

'Abdu'l-Karim Abu Umayya added, "There is no power nor

strength except by Allah."
Tawus related it from Ibn Abbas from the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

According to Ibn Abbas, after getting up from sleep
during night Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would
recite the following invocation before tahajjud:

O Allah! All praise is to You.
When a believer wakes up from sleep he feels to have

been bestowed with life again and the first thing that he does
is to praise his Lord.

You are the holder and sustainer of the heavens, the earth
whatever in-between.
These words should make a believer to realize the
Greatness of Almighty Allah and that when He can hold and
sustain such a huge universe why cant He arrange for his
tiny needs. It is said:

Qayyim of the heavens and the earth means their Creator,
the One Who holds these from tumbling.

You are the Light of the heaven, the earth and whatever in-
It is with this enlightenment everything gets guidance.
These words make a believer to realize that there is only one
source wherefrom he will get enlightenment i.e., Allah.

You are the absolute Reality; Your promise is true and that
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

our meeting with You is the absolute truth.

The Satan puts large majority of people into doubt
with regard to the existence of His (Allah) Being and Power.
Here Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) teaches his
followers to reaffirm, every day, their faith that undoubtedly
His Being is the Absolute Reality. In a similar way a bonds-
man rejuvenates his faith by reiterating that the Quran, the
Prophets, the last and the final Prophet Muhammad
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), the Jannah, the Jahannum and
the Hereafter are true. It is after this that he surrenders before
Allah and reasserts his faith and trust in Him. Al-Kirmaani


This hadith is among Jawaami-al-Kalim i.e., precise but
comprehensive statement. Al-Qayyim pointing towards
The essence is from Him, al-Noor The rhetoric are of
Him, al-Malik He rules by creating and then getting
things done the way He wishes, al-Haq The origin.

Chapter 2 : The excellence of getting up for prayer at

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This chapter highlights the excellence of tahajjud

Hadith No. 1072


The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri


Narrated Salim
That his father said, "In the lifetime of the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), if someone had a dream, he
would recount it to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam). I wanted to have a dream so that I could recount
it to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). I
was a youth and used to sleep in the mosque during the time
of the Messenger of Allah. I dreamt that two angels took me
and brought me to the Fire which was enclosed like a well. It
had two sides and there were people in it whom I recognised.
I began to say, 'I seek refuge with Allah from the Fire.' Then
I met another man who said to me, 'Do not be alarmed.' I
told the dream to Hafsa who told it to the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He said, ''Abdullah is an excel-
lent man. If only he would pray during the night.'" After that
he spent very little of the night asleep.

The true dreams of a believer make forty-sixth part of
the prophethood. Since the prophethood has ended with the
last messenger Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) but

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

the glad tidings for the Ummah continue in the form of true
dreams. The permissibility of craving for the true dreams can
be inferred from the act of Adbullah bin Umar in this hadith.
Similarly, the desire of good things and knowledge is also
According to the quoted hadith, the tahajjud prayer
will serve as an effective shield against the hellfire. The fact
is manifest from the tidings of the angel to Abdullah bin
Umar in his dream which when Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) heard from Hafsa (RA) said if Abdullah bin Umar
offered night prayer. The hadith, citing Abdullah bin Umar

not revealing the names of those whom he had seen in the

fire, also teaches us to refrain from backbiting. Further, it has
been an invariable practice of the devote believers to offer
night prayers. Abdullah bin Umar used to sleep less after he
heard about the wish of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam). Allaama Ayni writers:

Sulaiman was advises by his mother this, O my son, dont
sleep too much during night as the excessive sleep during
night will leave one poor on the Day of Judgement.

Chapter 3 : Lengthening the sajda in night prayers.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The previous chapter highlighted the excellences of
tahajjud prayer and now the stress is given on the distinction
of doing lengthy prostrations in it.

Hadith No. 1073

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Narrated Aisha
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
to pray eleven rak'ats. Such was his prayer. In them he would
stay in sajda long enough for one of you to recite fift-
yayats before lifting his head. He would pray
two rak'ats before the fajr prayer and then lie down on his

right side until someone came to him to call him to the


This hadith has been discussed previously in the
chapter of Witr . Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) was asked:

Which is the better prayer after the compulsory prayers?
He replied, The prayer offered in the dead of night.
Muslim has quoted from Abu Hurayra:

The bondsman is nearest to his Lord when in prostration.
Tirmidhi quotes from Sayyiduna Bilaal:

Obligate night prayer upon yourself, for, it has been the
practice of earlier pious people.
Ibn Bataal writes:

In prostration there is supplication and beseech towards
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Allah; and it is the best state of humility and submission to

Allaama Ayni writes:

Ibn Zubair would prostrate for so long a time that sparrows
would descend upon his back as if he were a wall.

Chapter 4 : A sick person not doing the night prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab


Stress was laid upon the issue of offering tahajjud

prayer in previous chapters, and now it is conveyed that one
can skip it in case of sickness etc. This implies that this is not
an obligatory but optional prayer.

Hadith No. 1074

Narrated Jundub
"Once the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was ill and
did not get up for one or two nights."

Hadith No. 1075

* ) .

( *

Narrated Jundub ibn Abdullah

"Jibril did not come to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

lam), for a time and a Qurayshi woman remarked, 'His shay-

tan has kept him waiting.' Then the revelation came, 'By the
brightness of the morning and the night when it is still, your
Lord has not abandoned you nor does He hate you.' (93:1-

As per the hadiths quoted above once it so happened
that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) missed tahajjud
prayer for a night or two due to due to some ailment. A lady
from Quraysh, Umm Jameel wife of Abu Lahb as per some
scholars, said, The Satan has forsaken Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). She had made such a nonsen-

sical statement because she couldnt hear recitation of Rasu-

lullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in tahajjud during those
nights. Allah sent Sayyiduna Jibraeel with the following
verses of the Quran:

By the Glorious Morning Light, And by the Night when it is
still, Thy Guardian-Lord hath not forsaken thee, nor is He
Muslim quotes from Sayyiduna Jundub that once it so
happened that Jibraeel didnt come with the Quranic revela-
tions for few days which made the infidels to blame that
Muhammad has been forsaken. On this, Allah revealed the
above verses. These verses convey the message that just as
Allah makes alterations of day and night in the physical
world, there exists variation in the spiritual world also. So,
there is no question of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) being forsaken by Allah.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Chapter 5 : The Prophet encouraging people to do night
prayers and supererogatory prayers without making
them obligatory.
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), knocked at the
door of Fatima and 'Ali, peace be upon them, during the night
to get them up for the prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari stresses on the importance of tahajjud
prayer and at the same time conveys its non-obligatory status.

The first two hadiths under this chapter quoted by Umm

Salma convey the importance of the tahajjud prayer and the
last two, its non-obligatory nature.

Hadith No. 1076

Narrated Umm Salama

"One night the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), woke
up and said, 'Glory be to Allah! How many afflictions have
been revealed tonight and how many treasures disclosed! Go
and wake up the women of the rooms Many a person who is
dressed in this world will be naked in the Next!'"

Hadith No. 1077

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri



Narrated 'Ali ibn Abi Talib

One night the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), came to
him and Fatima, daughter of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), and knocked at their door. He said, 'Do you not
pray?' I said, 'Messenger of Allah, our souls are in the hand
of Allah. If He wishes to wake us up, we wake up.' When I

said that he left without another word. But then I heard him
turning and striking his thigh, saying, "But of all things man
is the most argumentative!"(18:54)'"

Hadith No. 1078

Narrated Aisha
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
to sometimes stop doing an action, in spite of it being some-
thing he loved to do, out of the fear that other people might
do it and it would become obligatory for them. The Messen-
ger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), never prayed
the duha prayer, but I pray it."

Hadith No. 1079

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Narrated Aisha the Umm al-Mu'minin

"One night the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam), prayed in the mosque and some people prayed together

with him. Then he prayed the next night and there were more
people. Then they gathered on the third or fourth night, but
the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did not
go out to them. In the morning, he said, 'I saw what you were
doing and the only thing that kept me from coming out to you
was that I was afraid that it would be made obligatory for
you.' That was during Ramadan."

The first hadith quoted by Umm Salma mentions that
one night Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) woke up
for tahajjud and said, Who will wake up these ladies,
thereby expressing the importance of this prayer.

Women well dressed in the world but naked in the

The second thing which Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) mentioned was that there will be good number of
women naked in the Hereafter who remained well dressed in
this world. This is a serious warning and women are sup-
posed to introspect themselves and ponder the matter. Wom-
enfolk should take preventive measures as prescribed by the
Shariah in order to avoid shameful situation on the day when
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

no one will come to anybodys rescue. Imam Maalik is re-

ported to have said:

Dressed but still naked are those who wear transparent

Man is usually quarrelsome

In order to cover his deficiencies it is in the nature of
man to argue. Furnishing unjustified explanations he always
tries to prove himself right even if in the heart of hearts he
knows how wrong he is. Advising on this issue, Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:

(First) Seek fatwa (legal opinion) from your heart.
Ones inner conscience will always convey him the
truth. When a person tries to make people believe that he has
not done anything wrong his inner self will keep on admon-
ishing him. It is only highly pious people who train their ego
and try to minimize this evil instinct in their character. To
become a good human being is a great endeavour, and it is no
exaggeration to say that only Islam teaches how to attain this
higher status of human character.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) Mercy for the

whole mankind
Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
was the most merciful person the mankind has ever wit-
nessed. The extension of his merciful nature is well known
not only towards the mankind but every living thing be it ani-
mals, plants etc. The last two hadiths narrated by Sayyida
Aisha above reveal his merciful nature to a large extent. He
would sometimes omit an optional prayer only with the no-
tion that people might not take it obligatory upon themselves.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

According to Sayyida Aisha, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam) never offered duha prayer. The learned scholars
have considered this statement of Sayyida Aisha based on her
own information, otherwise it is well known that the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) offered duha in Umm Hannis
house on the day when Makkah was captured.




Chapter 6 : The Prophet standing in prayer until his feet

were swollen
Aisha said, "until his feet were cracked." Futur means crack-
ing and infatarat means to be cracked.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari wants to convey that even though
tahajjud prayer is not obligatory but owing to its huge reward
it is always a recommended act. This can well be understood
by finding Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) invaria-
bly praying for long hours during tahajjud which made his
feet swell.

Hadith No. 1080

Narrated al-Mughira
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to stand in
prayer until his feet - or legs - were swollen. He was asked

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

about it and said, 'Should I not be a grateful slave?'"

The more a bondsman comes to know his Lord the
more he will remain thankful to Him; and the best way of
thankfulness is to enhance his devotion to Him. Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), best knowing his Lord than
anybody else, would always remain in constant devotion to
his Lord. Allah says:

Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have
knowledge. (35:28)

In a hadith Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is

quoted to have said:

Indeed, amongst you I know Allah the most and fear Him
the most.
He was asked:

O Messenger of Allah! Has not Allah forgiven you.
He replied:

Should not I remain a thankful bondsman.

Chapter 7 : Someone sleeping in the time before dawn.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This chapter mentions that it is permitted for a person
to offers tahajjud prayer at midnight or after midnight and
then sleep for a while before getting up fajr prayer. This also
has been a practice of some pious people.
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Hadith No. 1081

Narrated Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al-As

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'The prayer

Allah loves most is the prayer of Da'ud, peace be upon him,

and the fast which Allah loves most is the fast of Da'ud,
peace be upon him. He used to sleep half the night, pray for a
third and then go to sleep again for a sixth, and he used to
"fast every other day.

Hadith No. 1082


Narrated Masruq
"I asked Aisha, 'What action did the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), love most?' She said, 'That which is done
with constancy.' I said, 'When would he get up?' She said,
"''He used to get up when he heard the cock crow.

Hadith No. 1083

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Narrated Aisha
"Whenever he was with me in the time just before dawn he
spent it sleeping." She referred to the Prophet.

Sayyiduna Dawood (AS), one of the greatest prophets
of Allah, was well known for his tearful and humble invoca-
tions in an extraordinary melodious voice that Allah had
given him. It is said that during invocations even birds would

gather around him in ecstasy and many would die.

In the above quoted hadith it is said that he would
sleep in the first part of the night and wake up for night
prayers later.

Best time for the night prayer

There are two opinions in this regard, viz:
1. Midnight.
2. Pre-dawn.
According to Sayyida Aisha, Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) would get up for tahajjud at the cocks crow
which usually is predawn time.

Consistency is what matters

A hadith says:

Most liked deeds near Allah are the ones executed consis-
tently even if less in quantity.
Allaama Ayni writes:

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

In it is exhortation for doing deeds consistently, for, it is

better to do anything less consistently than to do much and
then suspend it

Chapter 8 : Eating sahur and then not sleeping until after
praying Subh.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Previously it was mentioned that Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had a routine practice of lying

down for sometime between tahajjud and fajr prayers. Now,

the chapter under discussion conveys that he did not continue
this practice during ramadan after eating sahar (early dawn

Hadith No. 1084


Narrated Anas ibn Malik

"The Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and
Zayd ibn Thabit would eat sahur and when they had finished
it, the Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), would
get up to pray and then perform the prayer." Qatada said,
"We asked Anas, 'How long was there between their finish-
ing sahur and beginning the prayer?' He answered, 'As long
as it takes a man to recite fifty ayats.'"

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

This hadith tells us that it was not the practice of Ra-
sulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to sleep after taking
sahur. Fruther, the time interval between the sahur and fajr
prayer was of short duration equal to the time it takes on to
recite fifty Quranic verses. It is because of this reason why
people holding the opinion that the fajr prayer should be of-
fered after the darkness starts diminishing, also offer fajr
early in ramadan. This issue has been discussed previously
also in the chapters related to the timing of fajr prayer.


Chapter 9: Standing for a long time in the night prayer.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In one of the previous chapters it was said that Rasu-
lullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to make lengthy
prostrations in tahajjud prayer and here it is said that he stood
(qiyaam) for a long time in it.

Hadith No. 1085


Narrated Abu Wa'il
Abdullah said, "I prayed one night with the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and he kept on standing so
long that I thought of doing something bad." Abu Wa'il said,
"We said, 'What did you think of doing?' He said, 'I thought
of sitting down and leaving the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Hadith No. 1086

Narrated Hudhayfa
"When the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), got up
for tahajjud in the night, he would clean out his mouth with
a siwak."

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has advised
the ummah to make the prayer short when offered in congre-
gation but one can prolong it as much as possible when of-
fered individually. According to Ibn Bataal, the tireness that
young Abdullah bin Masood experienced when he joined Ra-
sulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the night prayers,
shows that the qiyaam used to be lengthy. He further writes:

The scholars differ regarding the issue whether a prolonged
qiyaam is better in case of nafl prayers or more number of
raku and sajood.
As per some, it is better to offer more ruku and sa-
Muslim has quoted from Jaabir:

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was asked,
Which prayer is better?. He replied, (One) that of pro-
longed qiyaam; so offer lots of prostrations.
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

It has been an impossible task for the learned scholars

to understand why Imam Bukhari has quoted the second
hadith narrated by Sayyida Aisha wherein it is mentioned
that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had the practice
of using miswak (tooth cleaning stick) befor tahajjud. Some
guess that maybe the freshness caused by using miskwak
helped in prolonging the qiyaam. Allah knows the best.

Chapter 10 : How the Prophet prayed and how
many rak'ats the Prophet prayed at night.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This chapter mentions how Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) offered the night prayer and the number of
rakats he would pray. In some compilations the word
kam is written instead of kaifa; former meaning how
many and the later how.

Hadith No. 1087

Narragted Abdullah ibn Umar

"A man asked, 'Messenger of Allah, what form does the night
prayer take?' He said, 'It is two by two, and when you fear
the coming of Subh, perform one for the witr.'"

Hadith No. 1088

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Narrated Ibn Abbas

"The prayer of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
used to consist of thirteen rak'ats," meaning at night.

Hadith No. 1089



Narrated Masruq
"I asked Aisha about the prayer of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), at night. She said, 'It was
seven, nine or eleven rak'ats not counting the
two rak'atsof fajr."

Hadith No. 1090

Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to pray
thirteen rak'ats during the night, including the witr and the
two rak'ats of fajr."

The first hadith narrated by Ibn Umar mentions how
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

the night prayer should be offered. According to it the prayer

should be offered in units of two and a single rakat should
be combined with the last two to make it odd in number i.e.,
three, referred to as witr. The jurists have differed in their
opinion regarding the method of joining the last rakat. Some
scholars opine that the last two rakats should be completed
and one should stand for the third one after saying salam.
However, some jurists maintain that after completing the ta-
shahhud after two last rakats one should stand for the third
one and complete the three rakats with a single salaam. The
last three hadiths mention the number of rakats Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would offer in tahajud prayer.
The standard practice was eleven rakats including witr, how-

ever, seven, nine and thirteen rakats are also reported.

Ibn Bataal writes

This is all what has been practiced by Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in order to show that there are
different provisions in it.

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Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

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Chapter 11 : The Prophet waking up at night for night
prayers and the amount of the night prayer that was ab-
This is in reference to the words of Allah Almighty, "O you
enwrapped in your clothing, stay up at night, except a little,
half of it, or a little less, or a little more, and recite the
Qur'an distinctly. We will impose a weighty Word upon you.
Certainly rising at night has a stronger effect and is more
conducive to concentration. In the daytime much of your time
is taken up by business matters," (73:1-7)

And His words, "He knows you will not keep count of it, so
He has turned towards you. Recite as much of the Qur'an as
is easy for you. He knows that some of you are ill and that
others are travelling in the land seeking Allah's bounty, and
that others are fighting in the Way of Allah. So recite as
much of it as is easy for you. And establish the prayer and
pay zakat and lend a good loan to Allah. Whatever good you
forward for yourselves you will find it with Allah as some-
thing better and as a greater reward." (73:20)
Ibn Abbas said, "'Nasha'a' means 'to get up' in Abyssin-
ian. 'wita '' refers to the weight of the Qur'an meaning its
being intensely approved of by his ears, eyes and
heart. Wata'a means to be in agreement."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here in this chapter Imam Bukhari is discussing the
status of tahajjud salah whether it is obligatory or optional
and also what is the status of lengthy qiyam in tahajjud.

Hadith No. 1091

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Narrated Anas
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
sometimes not to fast for so much of a month that we thought
that he would not fast for any of it, and other times he would
fast so much that we thought that he would not break his fast
at all. If you wanted to see him doing nothing but praying all
night, you could see him doing that, or doing nothing but

sleeping, you could see him doing that as well."

Sulayman and Abu Khalid al-Ahmar corroborated it from

That the tahajjud prayer is optional in nature, the
learned scholars are in consensus, however, there exists a de-
bate with regard to it being obligatory particularly on Rasu-
lullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) during the early Makkan
days. Nasaee has quoted from Sayyida Aisha:

Indeed Allah, in the beginning of sura al-Muzzammil, obli-
gated the Prophet and his companions to offer tahajjud till
their feet got swollen, and Allah stopped its abrogation for
twelve month. Afterwards the relief descended in the end of
the same sura and so the night prayer was rendered optional
after it had been obligatory.
Allah said in the Quran:

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

O you folded in garments! Stand (to prayer) by night, but
not all night. (73:1-2)
Later, it was said:

He knows that you (O Muslims,) cannot do it in regular
way; therefore He turned to you in mercy. Now, recite as
much of the Quran as is easy (for you). (73:20)
Imam Shafaee says that the tahajjud prayer was
made obligatory even before the five times prayers was de-

clared obligatory through above quoted verses of sura al-


Chapter 12 : Shaytan tying knots at the back of the head
if someone does not pray during the night.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

So much blessing and reward does a person earn in
offering tahajjud that the Satan ties knots at the head of a
sleeping person and incantates on him in order to make him
miss this blessing and reward, and also the fajr prayer.

Hadith No. 1092

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abu Hurayra

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
'Shaytan ties three knots at the back of your heads when you
are asleep. He hits every knot with the words, 'You have a
long night ahead of you so sleep tight.' When you wake up
and remember Allah, one knot is undone. When you
do wudu', another knot is undone. When you pray, another
knot is undone. So morning finds you cheerful and energetic.
Otherwise, morning finds you lazy and foul-tempered.'"

Hadith No. 1093


Narrated Samura ibn Jundub

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said about a
dream he had, "The man whose head was being crushed by a
rock was someone who accepted the Qur'an but then rejected
it and slept through the obligatory prayer."

According to Abu Hurayrah, Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) said when a person sleeps the Satan sits on
his head and puts three knots and incantates on him to make
him to miss the prayer. Imam Bukhari adds that this situation
arise if such a person has slept without offering isha prayer.
If this person wakes up and glorifies Allah, one of the knots
is untied; if he makes ablution, another one is untied; and
then if he offers prayer the third one is untied. In the morning
such a person feels freshness in his body and mind; other-
wise, there is wickedness and evil.
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

The second hadith narrated by Sumura bin Jundub is

a part of Rasulullahs (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) dream
which will be discussed InshaAllah in Kitab al-Janaiz (the
book of funeral prayer). It is stated that the angel Jabraeel
and Meekaeel took Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
to a journey and during which he was shown a man being
hammered on head by an angel. The angels told Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that the man had learnt the
Quran but later left it forgotten; further, that he used to sleep
during the compulsory prayer time.


Chapter 13 : If someone sleeps and does not do the

prayer, Shaytan has urinated in his ear.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In the previous chapter it was said that the harmful
effect of missing night prayer is that Satan ties knots on the
head due to which such a person is prone to miss the fajr
prayer. In the chapter under discussion, more insulting words
are used to convey the magnitude of the sin one commits by
missing the fajr prayer which is that the Satan urinates in his

Hadith No. 1094


Narrated Abdullah
"A man was mentioned in the presence of the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and it was said of him that he

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

had continued to sleep into the morning without having got

up for the prayer. He said, 'Shaytan urinated in his ear.'"

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was told
about a person who did not get up for fajr prayer but contin-
ued to sleep. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), in or-
der to impress how unlucky and unblessed he is, said that Sa-
tan had urinated in his ear. According to the learned scholars,
it means that Satan tries to overpower his senses so that he
does not wake up for fajr salah. Some other scholars says that
it can be so in its literal meaning as the Satan is invisible to
man so his urinating in his ears is also invisible.



Chapter 14 : Supplication and prayer during the last part
of the night.
Allah says, "The part of the night they spent asleep was small
and they would seek forgiveness before dawn." (51:17)

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The best time to make invocations and glorify Allah
is the last part of the night. It is this message that Imam Buk-
hari conveys here.

Hadith No. 1095

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said,
"Every night, when a third of the night remains, Allah, the
Blessed and Exalted, descends to the lowest heaven saying,
'Is there anyone calling on Me that I may answer him? Is
there anyone asking anything of Me that I may give it to him?
Is there anyone asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive

Accroding to the above hadith, Allah descends to the
lowest heaven (samaa-i-dunya) i.e., the sky just above this
world, and announces:
Is there anyone calling on Me that I may answer him?
Is there anyone asking anything of Me that I may give
Is there anyone asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive
Out of the twenty four hours one gets best concentra-
tion of the mind without any distractions during the serene
dark hours of the last part of the night. During the day there
are lot of engagements, noise and distraction. In the evening
one is tired, hungry and wanting to rest after the day long
toil. The days happenings usually keep on revolving in the
mind. But, in the last part of the night the mind and body are
fresh; there is no hunger or any kind of distractions, so this is
the best time for prayer and invocations.

Descent to the lowest heaven

Allah is far above the time and space constraint.
There is no question of ascent or descent with regard to His
essence. As per the learned scholars, the word Nuzoolor
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

descent means that during the last period of the night Allah
pays special attention towards His bondsmen engaged in
prayers, invocation and glorifying Him at that time.

. .

Chapter 15 : Someone sleeping for the first part of the
night and getting up for the last part
Salman said to Abu'd-Darda', "Sleep!" and then when the last
of the night arrived he said, "Get up!" The Prophet

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "Salman was right."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter the preferability of sleeping in the first
part of the night and arising in the last part for tahajjud prayer
is mentioned. In one of the hadiths of Bukhari it is narrated
that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) established
brotherhood between Abu Dharda and Salman Farsi. Abu
Dharda used to spend the whole night in prayer and would
not share bed with his wife. She complained about it to Sal-
man Farsi who advised Abu Dharda to sleep in the first part
of the night and rise in its later part and further said:

Indeed Your Lord has a right over you; your nafs (self) has
right over you and your wife has right over you.
When Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) heard
about it he acknowledged what Salman had said.

Hadith No. 1096


Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Narrated al-Aswad
"I asked Aisha what the prayer of the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), at night was like and she said, 'He used to
sleep for the first part and then get up during the last part,
pray and then go back to bed again. When
the mu'adhdhin gave the adhan, he would get up. If he
needed to, he would do ghusl. Otherwise he would

do wudu' and leave.'"

Allah sent Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) as
a role model for the whole of humanity, as He says:

There is indeed a good model for you in the Messenger of
Allah. (33:21)
He further says:

Made your sleep, a source of rest. (78:9)
The night, the sleep and the sharing of bed with ones
wife are all essential requirements of life. Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would get through all these in
right proportion while leaving a good portion of the night for
prayers thereby leaving behind the balanced way of living
various activities of life. It is the yard stick of Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that has to be followed in all
the aspects of life balancing between the mundane and spiri-
tual needs, which is the beauty of Islam. This hadith guides
us towards the better time to sleep that will grant us freshness
after rising for prayers. Secondly, it is permissible to sleep

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

without taking obligatory bath or gusl.

Chapter 16 : The prayer of the Prophet at night, in
Ramadan and other times.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

This chapter explains the Rasulullahs (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) practice of offering prayers in the last part
of the night throughtout the year including Ramadan.

Hadith No. 1097


Narrated Saalim that his father

Abu Salama ibn Abdur-Rahman reported that he asked Ai-
sha, "What was the prayer of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), in Ramadan like?" She said,
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did
not do more than eleven rak'ats during Ramadan or at any
other time. He would pray four rak'ats - do not ask about
their beauty or length - and then he would pray four more -
and do not ask about their beauty or length - and then he
would pray three." She went on, "I said, 'Messenger of Allah,
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

do you sleep before the witr?' he said, 'Aisha, my eyes sleep

but my heart does not sleep.'"

The significance of the night prayers has already been
discussed. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to
offer the prayer throughout the year usually after getting up
from the sleep. First he would offer two light rakats and then
the rest used to be quite lengthy with qiyaam, ruku and sajda
almost of equal time length. Usually he would offer eight
rakats in units of two rakat and finishing it with three
rakats of witr. According to Sayyida Aisha, during Rama-

dan, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would exert

more for night prayers. The learned scholars maintain that He
would offer the same number of rakats i.e., eight in Rama-
dan as well, but lengthen the qiyaam, the ruku and the sajda.

Hadith No. 1098

Narrated Aisha
"I did not see the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), re-
citing in the night prayer sitting down until late in his life.
When thirty or forty ayats of the sura remained, he would
stand up and recite them and then go into ruku."

This hadith explains that late in his life, Rauslullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would recite qirat sitting down
but when there remained thrity or forty verses he would stand
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

up and recite them and then go into ruku. Quoting this hadith
Imam Bukhari wants to stress on the issue of continued prac-
tice of reciting lenthy suras in night prayers by Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) even during his old age.

Chapter 3 : The excellence of being in a state of purity
night and day and the excellence of praying after do-
ing wudu night and day.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here the excellence of remaining in a state of purity
i.e., wudu all through the day and night, and that of offering
prayers - called tahiyyatul wudu, after doing wudu are be-
ing mentioned.

Hadith No. 1099



Narrated Abu Hurayra

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said to Bilal at
the fajr prayer, "Bilal, tell me that action that you have done
since entering Islam which gives you the most reason to hope
for I heard the sound of your sandals ahead of me in the Gar-
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

den." He said, "I have done no action which gives me more

reason to hope than that of never purifying myself at any time
of the night or day without then praying after that purifica-
tion as much as is written for me to pray.'"
Abu 'Abdullah said, "The 'sound of your sandals' means their
After finishing the morning prayers (fajr) Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had a practice of asking his
companions about their dreams if they had any during the
night. Once he enquired Sayyiduna Bilaal (RA) what special

deed that he would perform because of which Rasulullah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) heard the sound of his footsteps
ahead of himself in paradise? It were the two rakats prayer
that Sayyiduna Bilaal said he would offer after doing wudu.
It was his practice of offering this prayer whenever he would
do wudu whether during the day or the night. Allah so much
liked his deed and elevated him to such a status that Rasulul-
lah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) heard the sound of his foot-
steps ahead of himself in paradise.
The above explicitly mentions the excellence of tahi-
yyatul wudu. It further teaches us about the avoidance of hy-
pocrisy and publicity of good deeds like Sayyiduna Bilaal
(RA) as no one except Allah had the knowledge of this good
deed that he had been doing. It also conveys that a teacher
has the right to ask questions to his students. Another aspect
mentioned in the hadith is the creation of paradise. According
to the learned scholars the hearing of the sound of Sayyiduna
Bilaals footsteps was a matter of dream as no one can enter
the paradise before death.

Chapter 18 : It is disliked to go to extremes in worship.

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Islam teaches moderatism and dislikes extremism.
Allah does not put a burden on His slaves which is intoler-
able to them. Overexerting in worship and shunning them
away after few days is altogether un-recommended in Islam.

Hadith No. 1100




Narrted Anas ibn Malik

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), entered the
mosque and there was a rope hanging between two pillars.
He said, 'What is this rope?' They said, 'The rope belongs to
Zaynab. When she is tired, she hangs on to it.' The Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'No - remove it. You
should pray as long as you have the energy for it. When you
are tired, you should sit down.'"

Hadith No. 1101


Narrated Aisha
"Once when the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), came in, there was a woman from the Banu Asad
with me. He said, 'Who is this?' I said, 'So-and-so. She does
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

not sleep at night,' and she mentioned the amount she used to
pray. He said, 'Stop! You should only do actions which are
within your capacity. Allah does not tire provided you do not
Allah says in the Quran:

Allah wishes ease and not hardships for you. (2:185)

Allah does not burden a soul beyond capacity. (2:286)
In a hadith Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is
reported to have said:

The most loved deeds near Allah are the ones executed con-
sistently even if less in quantity.
The hadith quoted in this chapter mentions that once
while entering the mosque Rasulullah saw a rope hanging
from the ceiling. On enquiring about it He was told that the
rope belonged to Sayyida Zainab who would tie her hair to it
making it possible for her to worship longer during night.
Ordering for its removal Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) advised that one should meditate only until he is alert
and retire once tiredness overcomes him.
The second hadith narrated by Sayyida Aisha conveys
that on being asked about a lady who prayed whole night
without sleeping Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
showed his displaeasure and advised that one should not
stretch himself beyond his capacity.

Chapter 19 : How it is disliked for someone to stop doing
the night prayer when he has been in the habit of doing it.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The Shariah dislikes that a person having the practice
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

of offering the night prayers routinely quits them. It is this

message that Imam Bukhari tries to convey in this chapter.

Hadith No. 1102



Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said
to me, "'Abdullah, do not be like so-and-so who used to pray
at night and then stopped doing it.'"
With a slightly different isnad.
Amr ibn Abi Salama corroborated it from al-Awza'i.

The tahajjub (night prayer) is not compulsory but if
someone has made it a habit and offers it regularly, it is not
fair for him to leave the practice. According to Ibn Arabi, had
the prayer been of somewhat obligatory nature, the condem-
nation would have been severe. This hadith further conveys
the preferability of continuing with the optional prayer once a
person has made it a routine.


Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Earlier also we have observed Imam Bukhari estab-

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

lishing a chapter without any title. According to the learned

scholars, he does so when the hadith of the chapter quotes a
similar or near similar content as that of the previous one.

Hadith No. 1103



Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said to me,
'Have I not been told that you pray at night and fast in the
day?'I said, 'I do that.' He said, 'If you do that, your eyes will
become weak and you will become exhausted. Your body has
a right on you and your family has a right on you, so fast and
break your fast and pray and then sleep.'"

This hadith also advised us against the extremist ap-
proach with regards to different aspects of devotion. A per-
son is supposed not to ignore but take due care of his health
and family while devoting himself to his Lord. Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) advised Abdullah bin Umru to
observe fast but not always, and worship during night but not
the whole night. This shows how much stress Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) laid on good health and family

Chapter 20 : The excellence of someone who wakes up at
night and prays.
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The learned scholars have assigned different mean-
ings to the word Taara viz., to remaining awake during
night, to talk, and to turn to sides in sleep. Imam Bukhari in
this chapter tries to convey the excellence of waking up dur-
ing night and engross in the rememberance of Allah through
glorification and prayers.

Hadith No. 1104



. .

Narrated Ubada ibn as-Samit

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "If someone
wakes up at night and says, 'There is no god but Allah alone
with no partner. The kingdom is His and His is the praise. He
has power over everything. Praise belongs to Allah. Glory be
to Allah. There is no god but Allah. Allah is greater. There is
no strength nor power except by Allah,' and then says, 'O Al-
lah, forgive me' or makes supplication to Allah,' it will be
answered. If he does wudu', then his prayer will be ac-

Hadith No. 1105

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud



Narrated Abi Sinaan

Abu Hurayra in one of his stories when he was mentioning
the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), "Your

brother, meaning 'Abdullah ibn Rawaha, does not use lewd

'Among us is the Messenger of Allah who recites His Book as
the sun appears shining at daybreak.
He brought guidance after our blindness, and so our hearts
are certain that what he says will take place.
He spends the night, his side shunning his bed, while the
"'idolaters's beds hold them in deepest sleep.
It is corroborated from al-A'raj and Sa'id from Abu Hurayra.

Hadith No. 1106

. .

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Narrated Ibn Umar
"In the time of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), I
dreamt that I had a piece of silk in my hand and it flew me to
whatever place in the Garden I wished to go. I also dreamt
that two people came to me and wanted to take me to the
Fire. An angel met us and said, 'Do not be alarmed.' [He told
them,] Leave him.' Hafsa related one of my dreams to the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, ''Abdullah is an excellent
man. If only he would pray at night!'" Nafi said, "So Abdul-
lah then used to pray at night. They used to tell the Prophet

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), their dreams that (the Night of

Power) was on the twenty-seventh. The Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'I see that your dreams agree on the
last ten nights. Whoever is looking for it, should look during
the last ten.'"
According to Ibn Bataal, Allah, through His Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), makes a promise that one who
after waking up from sleep testifies the unity (tawheed) of
Allah, thanks Him for all His bounties, praises Him for His
Majesty and then offers prayers, Allah accepts his invoca-
tions and prayers.
From the above quoted hadith it is inferred that good
poetry is allowed in Islam as the Prophets (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) companions and other greats Islamic poets have
used it as a means to quench their spiritual thirst, but obscene
and unsensical/nonsensical poetry is highly disregarded as
this life is a serious matter which is not to be wasted aim-
The second hadith quoted above mentions Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) praising Abdullah bin Rawahah
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

for his act of remaining detached from his bed during night
when the people were asleep. The Quran says:

Their sides remain apart from their beds. They call their
Lord with fear and hope, and spend (in charity) out of what
We have given to them. (36:16)
Commenting on the above verse, Ibn Abbas says:

For the remembrance of Allah they wake up and glorify

Him either in salaah, standing, sitting or lying down. There-

fore they dont leave remembrance of Allah.

Chapter 22 : Performing the two rak'ats of fajr on a
regular basis.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here the importance of the fajr sunnah prayers is
mentioned which Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
offered on regular basis without fail irrespective whether he
was at home or on a journey.

Hadith No. 1107

Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), prayed isha and
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

then prayed eight rak'ats and then two rak'ats sitting. He

prayed two rak'ats between the adhan and the iqamaand
never missed them."

According to Sayyida Aisha, Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) would offer two sunnah rakats of fajr
without fail; this itself bespeaks of the high significance of
this prayer. Regarding the juristic nature whether they are
sunnah or obligatory (waajib), majority of the learned schol-
ars consider them sunnah. Abu Dawood quotes a hadith from
Abu Hurayra as:


Dont leave the two rakats of fajr even if you are to loose a
pair of horses.
Muslim quotes from Sayyida Aisha:

Two rakats of fajr are better than the world and what it

What if the fajr sunnah are missed

From the above hadiths the learned scholars opine
that if a person enters the mosque at such a time when the
Imam has started the fajr prayers, he should, if being sure to
get atleast a rakat with the Imam, first offer two sunnah
rakats somewhere away from the congregation. In case there
is apprehension of not getting even a rakat with the Imam if
he offers the sunnah first, then he should join the congrega-
tion without offering the sunnah. Now, the question on which
there exists a disagreement among the jurists is when
should he offer the missed sunnah prayers? Ibn Bataal writes:

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

The dominant statement of Imam Shafaee is that it should

be always offered as missed or qadha prayer even after the
morning and this is also stated by Atta and Tawus Ibn Umar
and a group of other scholars state that they should be of-
fered late after the sunrise.

Chapter 23 : Lying on the right side after the
two rak'ats of fajr.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab


This chapter is also related to the waking up of Rasu-

lullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and spending good
amount of time in tahajjud prayer that would leave some tire-
someness in him; and to overcome that he used to lie down a
bit on his right side after offering the sunnah of fajr.

Hadith No. 1108

Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), would lie down
on his right side after praying the two rak'ats of fajr."

Rasulullah used to spend lot of time in qiyaam during
tahajjud prayers and lie down for sometime on his right side.
According to the above hadith he would lie down after offer-
ing sunnah prayers of fajr. As per a narration quoted by Mus-
lim from Sayyida Aisha (RA), Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Wasallam) would lie down on his right side after doing the
sunnah but in case she was awake he would talk to her. This
infers that he would sometimes lie down and at times not do
so. In yet another narration on the authority of Ibn Abbas
(RA), Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would lie
down after tahajjud but before the sunnah of fajr. However, it
seems that the usual practice of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) was to do so after offering the sunnah of fajr. Al-
lah knows the best.

Chapter 24 : Someone conversing after the two rak'ats

and not lying down.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

According to the learned scholars, here Imam Bukhari
wants to convey that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
kept a time gap between the sunnah and fardh (compulsory)
of fajr prayers. He would sometimes lie down, or talk or
change his place.

Hadith No. 1109

{ }

Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to pray the
two rak'ats and, if I was awake, he would speak with me, oth-
erwise he would lie down until the prayer was announced."

Lying down after doing the sunnah of fajr is not
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

obligatory as opined by some scholars. It is also permissible

to talk after them. Allaama Ayni writes about the practice of
Imam Maalik:

Imam Maalik would talk on religious matters after the sun-
nah of fajr but once the salaam of fardh was done he avoided
it until sunrise.
Mujahid says:


Once seeing a person talking with another after the sunnah
of fajr, Ibn Masood told him, Either glorify Allah or keep


Chapter 25 : What has come down about doing voluntary
prayers in groups of two rak'ats
This is mentioned from Ammar, Abu Dharr, Anas, Jabir ibn
Zayd. 'Ikrima, and az-Zuhri. Yahya ibn Sa'id said, "All the
scholars of our land, with whom I came into contact, did
the taslim after every pair of rak'ats prayed during the day."

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here Imam Bukhari mentions that it is better to offer
voluntary (nafl) prayers in groups of two rakats. Quoting
few hadiths he also supports his view by citing statements of
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Ammar, Abu Dhar and Ans bin Maalik. Further, also the
three taabaeen - Jaabir bin Zayd, Ikramah and Zuhri.

Hadith No. 1110


Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
to teach us the Istikhara, asking for the good in all matters,
as he would teach us a sura of the Qur'an. He said, 'When
one of you is intending to do something, he should pray
two rak'ats outside the obligatory prayer and then say, 'O
Allah, I ask You for the best by Your knowledge and I ask
You for strength by Your power and I ask You for some of
Your immense bounty. You have power and I do not. You
know and I do not. You are the Knower of the Unseen
worlds. O Allah, if You know that this matter is good for me
in my deenand my livelihood and the end of my affair (or he
said, 'my affair sooner and later'), then ordain it for me and
make it easy for me and then bless me in it. If You know that
this matter is bad for me in my deen and my livelihood and
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

the end of my affair (or he said, 'my affair sooner and later'),
then avert it from me and avert me from it and ordain some-
thing better for me wherever it may lie and make me content
with it.' He added, 'Then he should name the thing he wants
"'to do.

Hadith No. 1111


Narrated Abu Qatada ibn Rib'i al-Ansari

"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, 'When one
of you enters the mosque, he should not sit down until he has
"prayed two rak'ats.

Hadith No. 1112

Narrated Anas ibn Malik

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), led
"us in a two rak'at prayer and then left.

Hadith No. 1113

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

"I prayed two rak'ats with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), before dhuhr, two rak'ats after dhuhr, two
rak'ats after Jumu'a, two rak'ats after magrib and
"two rak'ats after isha.

Hadith No. 1114


Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

"While the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
was giving the khutba, he said, 'When one of you comes in
while the imam is giving the khutba or has come out for it, he
"should pray two rak'ats.

Hadith No. 1115


Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Narrated Mujahid
"Someone came to Ibn Umar in his house and told him that
the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), had
entered the Ka'ba. He said, 'I went and found that the Mes-
senger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), had come out
and I found Bilal standing at the door. I said, "Bilal! Did the
Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), pray inside
the Ka'ba?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Where?" He said,
"Between these two pillars and then he came out and prayed
two rak'ats in front of the Ka'ba."'"
Abu Hurayra said, "The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-

lam), ordered me to pray the two rak'ats of duha."

Itban said, "The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), and Abu Bakr came to me in the morning after the
day had begun and we formed rows behind him and he
prayed two rak'ats."

Istikhara: It means to seek the guidance from Allah
in matters about which one is ambivalent with regards to
their good or otherwise consequences. For example, if for a
person there is a marriage proposal with a girl, he should do
Istikhara i.e., seek guidance from Allah whether marrying
that particular girl is going to be good, in this world as well
as the hereafter, for him or not. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) advised his companions to do Ishikhara with re-
gard to anything even of a trivial significance. However, it is
permissible to execute Istikhara in matter clearly set by the
Shariah. For example, drinking wine or taking interest is for-
bidden in Islam, so doing Istikhara whether he should drink
wine or take interest is not allowed. Istikhara is to done
where there is no either way binding of the Shariah to do it.
In the above given example, though the Shariah exhorts a
person to marry but whome should he marry, there is no
binding of the Shariah and so Istikhara can be executed.
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Method of doing Istikhara

Before going to bed one should, after making ablu-
tion, offer two rakats optional (nafl) prayer and then invo-
cate Allah with the words mentioned in the first hadith of this
chapter and go to bed. In the morning, after rising from the
sleep, he should observe towards what option his heart is in-
clined to. Whatever will be the first impression in his heart he
should act upon it. It is not necessary that one should have a
dream about the matter as some people believe.
Ahmad has quoted from Saad bin Abi Waqqas:

Doing Istikhara is an attribute of good fortune the son of

Adam has.
Tabrani has quoted from Ibn Abbas and Ibn Umar

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would teach us
Istikhara the same way he taught us sura from the Quran.
Tabrani has quoted from Anas bin Maalik that Rasu-
lullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:

He does not land in loss who does Istikhara; and he does
not repent who takes consultations; and he does not suffer
from poverty who is moderate in spending money.

Chapter 26 : Talking, i.e. after the two rak'ats of fajr.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Here the permissibility of talking after the sunnah of
fajr has been mentioned.

Hadith No. 1116

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to pray
two rak'ats and then, if I was awake, he would talk to me,
otherwise he would lie down." 'Ali ibn 'Abdullah said, "I said
to Sufyan, 'Some of them relate it as "the two rak'ats of fajr"'
Sufyan said, 'That is how it is.'"

This hadith has been discussed early.

Chapter 27 : Being in the habit of praying the
two rak'ats of fajr and calling them
"voluntary (tatawwu')".

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Imam Bukhari here conveys that the two rakats be-
fore the compulsory (fardh) prayer of fajr are sunnah in na-
ture and not optional.

Hadith No. 1117

Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), was never regu-
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

lar in any of the nawafil prayers the way he was in the

"two rak'ats of fajr.

This topic has been discussed previously in the chap-

Chapter 28 : What should be recited in the
two rak'ats of fajr.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter it is discussed that the Quranic recita-

tion in the fajr sunah has to be brief.

Hadith No. 1118

Narrated Aisha
"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used
to pray thirteen rak'ats at night and then he would pray two
"quick rak'ats when he heard the call for Subh.

Hadith No. 1119

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to pray the
two rak'ats before Subh so quickly that I would say, 'Has he
recited the Fatiha (Umm al-Kitab)'?"

According to the above hadiths narrated by Sayyida
Aisha, Rasulullah would offer sunnah of fajr so quickly that
it made her doubt if he recited the fatiha.

Muslim, Abu Dawood and Nasaee quote from Abu

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would recite Qul
ya ay-yahul qaafirun & Qul-hu wallahu alad in the two
sunnah rakats of fajr.

Chapters on optional (nafl) prayers.

This title is not mentioned in all the compilations of


Chapter 29 : Performing voluntary prayers after the
compulsory prayers.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

After finishing the discussion on tahajjud prayer,
Imam Bukhari now takes up the deliberations regarding op-

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

tional prayers particularly those which have been highly

stressed upon and are offered just before or after a compul-
sory prayer termed as sunnah. According to the learned
scholars, Imam Bukhari, in order to be brief, has mentioned
only after compulsory, otherwise it includes both before
and before a compulsory prayer.

Hadith No. 1120



. .

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar

"I prayed two rak'ats with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), before dhuhr, two rak'ats after dhuhr,
two rak'ats after magrib,two rak'ats after isha, and
two rak'ats after Jumu'a. Magrib and isha were in his
It was related from Nafi that after isha he was with his fam-
Corroborated Nafi "My sister Hafsa related to me that the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), used to pray two
light rak'ats after dawn. This was a time when I never visited
the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)."
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

It was corroborated from Nafi' that he was with his family

after isha.

According to Allaama Ayni, the above hadith men-
tions that there are two sunnah rakats before dhuhr prayer
whereas there is another narration from Bukhari on the au-
thority of Sayyida Aisha which says:

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did not leave of-
fering four rakats before dhuhr.

Muslim, Nasaee and Tirmidhi quote:

Abdullah bin Shaqiq said that he asked Ayesha about the
sunnah salah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
she said that he (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer
four rakats in the house before Duhr.
Tirmidhi has quoted from Sayyiduna Ali:

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to offer four
rakats before dhuhr and two rakats after it.
Tirmidhi further said that this was the practice of the
majority of the learned scholars from the companions.
Muslim, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi have quoted
from Umm Habibah:

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said one who
offers twelve rakats of nafl (sunnah) prayers in a day, Allah
creates a house for him in the jannat

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Tirmidhi and further added to it:

Four rakats before dhuhr and two after it and two rakats
after Magrib and two rakats after isha and two rakats be-
fore fajr.

Excellence of four rakats before asr:

Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi has quoted from Ibn Umar
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:


May Allah show mercy on one who offers four rakats be-
fore asr.
Tabrani has quoted from Umm-Salmah, the prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said

One who offers four rakats before asr Allah forbids his
body from hell fire.
The learned scholars says that these hadiths reveal
that the four rakats before asr are preferred (mustahab).

Chapter 30 : Someone not performing voluntary prayers
after the obligatory ones.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter it is said that an optional prayer after a
compulsory (fardh) one is not obligatory and can sometimes
be left as is done during a journey.

Hadith No. 1121

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud


Narrated Ibn Abbas

"I prayed with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), eight rak'ats (for dhuhr and asr) and seven
(for magrib and isha)." 'Amr said, "Abu'sh-Sha'tha', I think
that he delayed dhuhr and prayed asr early and
prayed isha early and delayed magrib.' He said, 'I think so


This hadith is about jama-byna-salatayn and has been
discussed previously in the related chapters.

Chapter 31 : Performing the duha prayer on a journey.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The timing of duha prayer between the sunrise and
mid-day. It is an optional prayers of four to twelve rakats.
This issue has been debated by the learned scholars quite a
bit as there are different versions mentioned about it in vari-
ous hadiths.

Hadith No. 1122

. .

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Narrated Muwarriq
"I asked Ibn Umar, 'Do you pray duha?' He said, 'No.' I
asked, 'Did Umar?' He replied, 'No.' I said, 'Did Abu Bakr?'
He answered, 'No.' I asked, 'Did the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam)?' He said, 'I do not think so.'"

Hadith No. 1123


Narrated Abdur-Rahman ibn Abi Layla

"No one but Umm Hani informed us that they had seen the
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), pray duha. She men-
tioned that on the day Makkah was conquered, the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), did ghusl in her house and
prayed eight rak'ats. 'I never saw him do a more rudimentary
prayer than it, but he did a complete ruku and prostration."

About the first hadith narrated by Ibn Umar, Ibn
Bataal says that it does not belong to this chapter, and rather
might be the mistake of the compiler. There are two types of
hadiths quoted in this regard, one from Ibn Umar which ne-
gates the offering of duha prayer and the other from Umm
Haani which supports it. As per the learned scholars, the fact
that Ibn Umar did not see Sayyiduna Abu Bakr or Sayyiduna
Umar offering duha prayer does not necessarily mean that the
prayer was not offered at all. It is also possible that he meant
the prayer was not offered constently.
Tirmidhi has quoted from Sayyiduna Anas:

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

One who offers twelve rakats of duha prayer, Allah creates
a golden house for him in Jannat

Chapter 32 : Someone not praying duha but considering
it allowed.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

By establishing this chapter Imam Bukhari wants to

convey that the duha prayer is optional in nature.

Hadith No. 1124

Narrated Aisha
"I did not see the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam), pray the supererogatory prayer of duha, but I pray

Muslim has quoted that Muadhah asked Aisha about
the number of rakats Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) would offer in duha prayer, she replied four.
In the above hadith of this chapter she is narrated to
have said none. The learned scholars explain this appreant
contradiction in her statements by saying:
1. Either, it was because of the fact that Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would usually be in the masjid
at that time of the day and hence Sayyida Aisha seldom saw
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

him offering the prayer.

In the above hadith Sayyida Aisha might be saying
that Rasululah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did not offer it
with constancy. (Allah knows the best)



Chapter 33 : Doing the duha prayer when one is resident.
Itban ibn Malik mentioned that from the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam).

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab


Now, Imam Bukhari is discussing the duha prayer in

case of the person who is a resident. Here, he has quoted the
incident of Itban bin Maalik who once after complaining
about his weak eyesight to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) requested him to visit his home and offer prayer there
and so that he could take that particular place his prayer
place. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) accepted his
request, went to his house and offered prayer there. Itban
joined the prayer behind him. Ahmad has quoted that it was
the duha prayer which Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasal-
lam) offered there.

Hadith No. 1125

Narrated Abu Hurayra

"My friend [i.e. the Prophet] told me to do three things which
I will not give up until I die: to fast three days in every
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

month, to do the duha prayer, and to do the witr before going

to sleep."

Hadith No. 1126



Narrated Anas ibn Malik al-Ansari

"A man of the Ansar who was fat said to the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), 'I am unable to do the prayer
with you.' He prepared some food for the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam), and invited him to his house. He sprinkled
one side of a mat with water and he (the Prophet) prayed
two rak'ats on it." So-and-so son of so-and-so son al-Jarud
said to Anas, "Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam),
pray duha?" He said, "I did not see him pray it except on that

Abu Hurayra says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) advised him about three things which he would
never leave, viz.,
1. Three days fasting every month
2. Duha prayer and
3. Offering Witr before the sleep.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had given
similar advice to Abu Dharda and Abu Dhar as quoted in

The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Muslim and Nasaee respectively. According to the learned

scholars, three things were specially singled out because the
fast for three days every month civilizes ones baser self; duha
prayer keeps one on guard against the sins during the day;
and the advice to offer witr before sleep bespeaks of its high

Chapter 34 : Two rak'ats before Dhuhr .

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Earlier on Imam Bukhari was discussing the regular

sunnah prayers or Sunnah alal Mukada or Sunnah ar-

Rawaatib, which are required to be offered with the compul-
sory prayers. Now he mentions about those which are to be
offered before the compulsory prayers and he starts with the
two rakats of before dhuhr.

Hadith No. 1127

Narrated Ibn Umar

"I took by heart ten rak'ats from the Messenger of Allah,
may Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), two rak'ats before
dhuhr and two after it, two rak'ats after maghrib in his
house, two rak'ats after isha and two rak'ats before subh
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

prayer which was a time when no one visited the Prophet

(Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam). Hafsa told me that when the
mu'adhdhin had given the adhan and dawn had arrived, he
would pray two rak'ats".

Hadith No. 1128


Narrated Aisha
"The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) never omitted the
four rak'ats before dhuhr and the two before subh." Ibn Abi
Adi and Amr corroborated it from Shu'ba.

Sayyiduna Ibn Umar reports in first hadith that he
made it a practice of offering two rakats before dhuhr after
witnessing Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) doing so.
Sayyida Aisha reports in another hadith that he would offer
four rakats before dhuhr. As per some learned scholars, Ibn
Umar had seen Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) offer-
ing two rakats before dhuhr in the mosque, whereas Sayyida
Aisha used to see him at home where he would offer four.
Tabari says that the usual practice of Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) was four rakats but occasionally he would
offer two as well. Tabari says:

Majority of the times it used to be four rakats and less of-
ten two.
According to Qurtubi, the majority of the learned
scholars are in favour of sunnan ar-rawaatib whereas Imam
Maalik considers them optional which one can offer or leaves
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

according to his wish.

Chapter 35 : Praying before Maghrib.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

Now Imam Bukhari discusses the status of prayer be-
fore the maghrib prayer, the issue which has been highly de-
bated by the learned scholars.

Hadith No. 1129


Narrated Abdullah al-Muzani

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Pray be-
fore Maghrib," adding after saying it a third time, "For who-
ever wishes to do so," not wanting people to adopt it as
a sunna.

Hadith No. 1130



Narragted Marthad ibn Abdullah al-Yazani
"I came to 'Uqba ibn 'Amir al-Juhani and said, 'Does it not
surprise you that Abu Tamim prays two rak'ats before
Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

the Maghrib prayer?' 'Uqba said, 'We used to do that in the

time of the Messenger of Allah.' I asked, 'What prevents you
from doing it now?' 'Business,' he replied

Imam Bukhari has not mentioned anything about the
optional prayer before Asr. Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and
Ahmad have reported from Abu Hurairah the following

May Allah bestow mercy upon one who offers four rakats

(optional) before Asr.

There is disagreement amongst the learned scholars
about the optional prayers before maghrib. A good number of
scholars from among the Sahaaba, Taabaeen and jurists fa-
vour two rakats before maghrib; they argue with the same
hadith. According to Allaama Ayni, Ibn Arabi is quoted to
have said:
( )
The Sahaaba were in disagreement regarding these two
rakats nobody continued with them afterwards.
He further quotes Saeed ibn al-Musaib saying:

I did not see any jurist offering them except Sad bin Abi
Ibn Bataal quotes Nakhaee:

Neither Abu Bakr , nor Umar nor Uthman offered these
Ibn Hajr Writes:

The sum total of the proofs indicates that offering these two
rakats quickly like the sunnah of Fajr, is preferable or
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Ibn Bataal quotes from Anas:

When muadhdhin called adhaan (the companions) used to
rush towards the pillars of the mosque and offer salaah
In short, the learned scholars consider the hadith itself
self evident wherein Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
has said, Offer them whosoever likes.



Chapter 36 : Performing supererogatory prayers in a

Anas and Aisha mentioned this from the Prophet, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

In this chapter Imam Bukhari is discussing another
controversial issue i.e., whether an optional prayer should be
offered in congregation or not? He has attributed it to Sayy-
iduna Anas and Sayyida Aisha.

Hadith No. 1131

Narrated Ibn Shahaab

Mahmud ibn ar-Rabi' related that he remembered the Mes-
senger of Allah(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and remem-
bered him spitting a mouthful of water from a well in their

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

house into his face.

Hadith No. 1132




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The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

Narrated Mahmud
Itban ibn Malik al-Ansari, one of those who was present at
Badr, said, 'I used to lead my people in prayer among the
Banu Salim and there was a river-bed between me and them.
When the rains came, it was difficult for me to cross it to get
to their mosque. So I went to the Messenger of Allah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and said to him, "Messenger of

Allah, my eyesight is weak and when it rains, the water
floods the river-bed between me and them so that I am un-
able to get to their mosque and lead them in the prayer. Mes-
senger of Allah, I would very much like you to come and pray
in my house so that I could take it as a prayer-place." The
Messenger of Allah(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "I will
do that." The following day when the sun was well up, the
Messenger of Allah(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and Abu
Bakr came and the Messenger of Allah(Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-
sallam) asked for permission to enter and I gave him permis-
sion. He did not sit down when he entered the house but
asked, "Where in your house would you like me to pray." I
pointed out to him the place where I wanted to pray. The
Messenger of Allah(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) stood and
said the takbir, and we lined up behind him. He prayed
two rak'ats and then said the taslim and we said the taslim
when he did. I persuaded him stay with us to eat a dish
of khazira [meat soup] which had been prepared for him.
The people of the area heard that the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was in our house and quite a

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

number of their men gathered in the house and one of them

said, "What has happened to Malik? I do not see him." An-
other of them said, "That man is a hypocrite who does not
love Allah and His Messenger." The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Do not say that. Do you
not see that he has said, 'There is no god but Allah,' desiring
by that nothing but the face of Allah?" The man said, "Allah
and His Messenger know best, but, by Allah, we have only
seen him loving and advising the hypocrites." The Messenger
of Allah(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)said, "Allah has forbid-
den the Fire for anyone who says 'There is no god but Allah'

desiring by that the face of Allah." ' "

Mahmud said, "I related this to some people, one of whom
was Abu Ayyub, the Companion of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the expedition in which he
died, and over which Yazid ibn Mu'awiya had command, in
Byzantine territory. Abu Ayyub objected to me saying it and
said, 'By Allah, I do not think that the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ever said what you said.' That
was hard for me to endure and I vowed to Allah that if I sur-
vived, I would return from that expedition to ask 'Itban ibn
Malik about it if I found him still alive in the mosque of his
people. So I returned and put on ihramfor hajj or 'umra and
then travelled until I reached Madina. I went to the Banu
Salim and 'Itban was an old blind man who still led his peo-
ple in the prayer. When he said the taslim for the prayer, I
greeted him and told him who I was and then asked him
about that hadith. He related it to me as he had related it the
first time."

This hadith has primarily been discussed in parts at
various places. The learned scholars have derived many les-
sons from this hadith, viz.,
1. Optional prayers were offered in congregation.
The Book of Tahajjud Rafatul Bri

2. Old age, sickness or insecure way can serve a valid rea-

son for offering compulsory (fardh) and optional prayers.
3. It is permissible to specify a place at home for salaah.
4. It is permissible to invite a pious person to home and ask
him to offer salaah at a particular place.
5. House owner has the right to select a place at home for
6. It is permissible to offer optional prayer, during the day,
in units of twos.
7. Elders should direct the young not to indulge in backbit-
8. It is permitted to undertake journey to pursuit knowledge.
9. Serving the food to the guests without any formality.

Chapter 37 : Supererogatory prayers at home.

Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab

The issue of offering supererogatory (nafl) prayer at
home is being discussed by Imam Bukhari in this chapter.

Hadith No. 1133


Narrated Ibn Umar

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said,
"Do some of your prayers in your houses and do not turn
them into graves."
Abdul-Wahhab corroborated it from Ayyub.

Rafatul Bri The Book of Tahajjud

It is preferable practice to offer optional and/or addi-
tional prayers at home. Below are few of the reasons form
It saves one from hypocrisy.
It begets blessings to the house where prayers are being
It gives one chance to concentrate nicely which may not
be possible at a public place.

Alhamdu LillahBy the Grace of Allah Subhaanahu


Wa Taala, the fifth volume of Rafatul Baari got com-

pleted today the 23 Safar 1433 Hijra, 18th January
May Allah Taala accept it with His great mercy and
benevolence and forgive my mistakes and shortcom-
ings and also grant me Tawfeeq to complete the com-
mentary of entire Bukhari Shareef.


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