Oscp Schedule
Oscp Schedule
Oscp Schedule
IT Security, Penetration testing, and Exploit-development
Study plan for the next few months - Updated June 2011
I am about to embark on a full time IT Security study program for the next few months.
It's a syllabus of my own design. (There aren't really any university or college courses that I could attend,
which cover the areas I want to study and research). TWEET THIS PAGE
Over the last year I certified for CISSP, CISM and OSWP (and got about halfway through PwB, + completed
ITIL V3 Foundation and Prince2 Practitioner) - My next plans are a continuation of that study, but now really PAGEVIEWS FROM THE
focusing-in on Pentesting and Ethical Hacking, and studying full time...! PAST WEEK
I feel this is a big step for me, and a journey of thousand miles starts with a single big step (which I have
already taken)
Phase one
2014 (2)
In the first one or two months I will be focused on finishing PwB "OSCP", and passing the CISA exam + 2013 (2)
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logging some more credits to renew my CISSP and CISM certifications. (My CISA exam is booked for 2012 (7)
Saturday 11th of December). 2011 (39)
Update 07/11/10 - I have booked more PwB hacking lab-time starting on the 20th November, and working my 2010 (39)
way through my CISA study guide/book Dec (7)
Update 13/11/10 - Renewed my CISSP for another year Nov (13)
Update 04/12/10 - Completed 2 weeks of PwB lab-time, wrote several blogs during this time on tools and Oct (6)
techniques Study plan for the next
Update 09/12/10 - Continuing CISA study, passed several practice exams for CISA few months -
Updated June ...
Update 11/12/10 - Took CISA exam
Language trends in
Update 13/12/10 - Finished Security+ course exploit development
Update 16/12/10 - Earned 21 hours of ISACA CPE credits this week by watching eSymposiums and passing
online tests. Renewed membership of ISACA to continue my current CISM certification. Booked 30 days Downloading files
more PwB labtime from a victim...
Update 16/12/10 - Completed 30 days PwB lab-time - More network access gained and many more machines Beginner level: Nmap
examples (basic
nmap examples...
Update 31/01/11 - Found out I passed the CISA exam
Hacking techniques:
Update 10/02/11 - Booked PwB exam Pass the hash
Update 21/03/11 - Finished updating OSCP documentation (PTH) with Metas...
Aug (4)
Jul (6)
I'm pretty much done now, and I won't be updating this blog entry further. A quick guide
(I'll start another one if I need to) to Linux
and then... the future is uncertain... One thing I
noticed on the Offensive
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noticed on the Offensive
(Which is always true ;o) Security PwB course is that
a most students struggle
In tandem and supporting the above with privilege escalation,
especially on Linux. He...
Phases one to three will be intermingled with a sprinkling of various courses from http://www.vtc.com/, ad Cracking Windows
hoc, to support my weaker areas (VTC is a bargain online training service, at around $30 per month) I feel I passwords with fgdump and
need to beef-up my programming skills, especially for exploit development and research. If I can squeeze in John the Ripper
This information is for
the odd MCP then that's a bonus. educational purposes only.
Do not break the law. Only
MySQL use these techniques on
your own test network, or
Microsoft Transact SQL
where you ha...
Perl Fundamentals * Started
Microsoft ASP.NET
ASP Scripting LINKS2
PHP Programming: The Basics removed
CompTIA Security+ Certification * Completed
Cisco CCNA 640-801 * Completed
Introduction to computer forensics * Started
Linux Security * Completed
C Programming 2007 * Completed
Redhat Certified Technician * Started
Programming With Ruby
C++ fundamentals
Microsoft Windows Vista Security * Started
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 * Started
Advanced C Programming
Assembly Language Programming * Started
Microsoft Windows 7
Using Security Tools * Started
CompTIA Linux+ * Started
Linux Professional Institute Cert Level 1 * Started
Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Development
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Mac OS X Snow Leopard * Started
Microsoft Server 2008 Server Administrator
QuickStart! - MySQL 5 * Completed
QuickStart! - Python * Completed
Also, keeping up to speed with emerging threats for which http://www.securitytube.net/ is a great site!
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C for Linux programming - as above, bargain * 30% completed
Know you'll get there, not sure where that will be ... but I bet you'll enjoy gettting there.
Wishing you luck :-) .... PS .... when would you use a "vendor class"
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Look me up on #offsec as airloom and let me know how you are getting on.
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Anonymous 12 November 2011 at 21:03
How do you afford to pay for such a huge list of courses and certifications? I am wondering how to make
my employer pay for atleast a course or two.
I am now a Senior Consultant for a leading IT Security company. I mainly perform penetration
tests, but also some research.
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anything worthwhile, a much more aggressive effort is needed. Then, the age-old value analysis applies:
projected earnings = margin on total projected sales - cost of campaign.
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