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Spe 25890 Pa PDF
Spe 25890 Pa PDF
Summary. This study is a comparison of hydraulic fracture models run using test data from the GRI Staged Field Experiment No.
3. Models compared include 2D, pseudo-3D, and 3D codes, run on up to eight different cases. Documented in this comparison are
the differences in length, height, width, pressure, and efficiency. The purpose of this study is to provide the completions engineer
with a practical comparison of the available models so that rational decisions can be made as to which model is optimal for a given
Hydraulic fracturing, one of the most important stimulation tech- not always reliably predict the observed behavior for a given treat-
niques available to the petroleum engineer, is being used exten- ment. This discrepancy has been attributed to many complex in-
sively in tight gas sandstones, 1-5 coalbed methane,6 high-perme- teractions between the injected fluids and the formation that are
ability sandstones in Alaska,7 very weak sandstones off the U.S. not well understood.
gulf coast, 8 horizontal wells in chalks, 9.10 and many other appli- An attempt to characterize phenomenologically some of these
cations from waste disposal to geothermal reservoirs. Because of complex processes occurring within the fracture (e.g., mUltiple frac-
this diversity of application, hydraulic fracture design models must tures and increased frictional losses) and near the fracture tip (e.g.,
be able to account for widely varying rock properties, reservoir nonlinear formation behavior, microcracking, formation plastici-
properties, in-situ stresses, fracturing fluids, and proppant loads. ty, dilatancy, and plugging) was made in various simulators by the
As a result, fracture simulation has emerged as a highly complex introduction of additional ad hoc parameters ("knobs"). The choice
endeavor that must be able to account for many different physical of values for these parameters is based only on the modeler's ex-
processes. perience. These knobs, used to match model predictions with field-
The petroleum engineer who must design the fracture treatment observed behavior, result in the lack of a standard model response
is often confronted with the difficult task of selecting a suitable hy- for a given physical problem. This issue was addressed in the fo-
draulic fracture model, yet there is very little comparative infor- rum by having different participants (discussing several different
mation available to help in making a rational choice, particularly models) simulate common test cases derived from the actual SFE
on the newer 3D and pseudo-3D models. The purpose of this paper No.3 fracturing treatment. These models can be categorized in order
is to help provide some guidance by comparing many of the avail- of decreasing complexity as follows.
able simulators. 1. Planar 3D models: TerraFrac of TerraTek Inc. 12-16 run by
The Fracture Propagation Modeling Forum held Feb. 26-27, Arco and HYFRAC3D by S.H. Advani of Lehigh U.17
1991, near Houston provided the origin for this paper. This forum, 2. GOHFER, a unique finite-difference simulator by Marathon
sponsored by the Gas Research Inst. (GRI), was open to all known Oil Co. 18.19
hydraulic fracturing modelers. Participants were asked to provide 3. Planar pseudo-3D models.
fracture designs based on the Staged Field Experiment (SFE) No. A. "Cell" approach: STIMPLAN of NSI Inc., ENERFRAC
3 fracture experiment. After the fracture designs presented at this of Shell,20,21 and TRIFRAC of S.A. Holditch & Assocs. Inc.
meeting were compared, a final, revised data set was given to all B. Overall fracture geometry parameterization: FRACPRO of
participants. The results presented in this paper are derived from Reservoir Engineering Systems (RES) Inc. 2225 and MFRAC-II of
that data set. To publish the results, a four-member committee (the Meyer & Assocs. 26 -29
authors) was chosen from forum participants. In assembling this 4. Classic Perkins-Kern-Nordgren (PKN) and Geertsma-deKlerk
comparison, committee members purposely attempted to avoid judg- (GDK) models 30-35 : PROP of Halliburton, 3436 the Chevron 2D
ing the relative values of the different models. Only the results and model, the Conoco 2D model, the She1l2D model, and pseudo-3D
quantifiable comparisons are given. models run in constant-height mode.
A discussion of the basics of these models is given to provide
Background-Basic Modeling Discussion some insights on the model assumptions and their expected effect
In recent years, fracturing simulators used in the oil industry have on results.
proliferated. This proliferation was intensified by the availability
of personal computers and the need for fast design simulators for Planar 3D Models. The TerraFrac 12-16 and the HYFRAC3D 17
use in the field. Applying these models as "black boxes," without models incorporate similar assumptions and formulate the physics
knowledge of the underlying assumptions, may lead to erroneous rigorously, assuming planar fractures of arbitrary shape in a linearly
conclusions, especially for unconfined fracture growth. elastic formation, 2D flow in the fracture, power-law fluids, and
Hydraulic fracturing is a complex nonlinear mathematical prob- linear fracture mechanics for fracture propagation. Their differ-
lem that involves the mechanical interaction of the propagating frac- ence is in the numerical technique used to calculate fracture open-
ture with the injected slurry. Several assumptions are commonly ing. TerraFrac uses an integral equation representation, while the
made to render the problem tractable: plane fractures, symmetric Ohio State model uses the finite-element method. Both models use
with respect to the wellbore; elastic formation; linear fracture finite elements for 2D fluid flow within the fracture and a fracture-
mechanics for fracture propagation prediction; power-law behavior tip advancement proportional to the stress-intensity factor on the
of fracturing fluids and slurries; simplification of fracture geome- fracture-tip contour.
try and its representation by few geometric parameters; etc. Ref.
11 gives a detailed description of the governing equations. Although Planar 3D Finite-Difference Model (GOHFER). Besides the nu-
the models predict' 'trends" of treating pressure behavior, they may merical technique used, this model 18,19 is different from the previ-
ous models in two fundamental ways: (1) the fracture opening is
Copyright 1994 Society of Petroleum Engineers calculated by superposition using the surface displacement of a half-
Chevron 2D Fracturing Simulator. This model can predict the, ing approach adopted. MFRAC-II was run in two different modes
propagation of constant-height, hydraulically induced, vertical frac- to demonstrate the effects of some of these parameters. In one case,
tures for a power-law fluid. The simulator also includes a prop- the base model using system defaults was run (designated MEYER-
pant transport model with proppant settling and a production model. 1); in a second case (MEYER-2), additional parameters (such as
The simulator can predict the created fracture geometry based on greater friction drop in the fracture) were applied. In both cases,
the PKN and GDK models. It is most suitable to design fractures the viscous thinning assumption was made as a default. Without
where the geologic conditions restrict height growth. In fracture viscous thinning, the effective friction factor would have increased,
propagation models, the equations describing conservation of mass, resulting in higher net pressures, greater widths, and shorter lengths.
conservation of momentum, continuity of fluid flow, and linear elas- In addition, the fully implicit coupled model for height growth (Ver-
tic deformation of the rock in plane strain are used to calculate mass sion 7.0) results in increased development of fracture height and
flux, fracture width, pressure, and length as functions of time. Given net pressure for certain multilayer formations.
a settling velocity, the proppant transport model calculates the fi-
nal propped concentration, width, and bank height. It also can Advani (Lehigh U. HYFRAC3D). The three- and five-layer model
predict possible problems caused by proppant bridging or screenout. results (Cases 5 through 8) are obtained from the HYFRAC3D
code. 17 This finite-element code is based on a set of coupled mass
Shell (ENERFRAC). ENERFRAC20,21 is a hydraulic fracture conservation, fluid momentum, constitutive elasticity, and fracture
model that predicts fracture dimensions for uncontained (circular) mechanics equations governing planar hydraulic fracture propaga-
and contained (rectangular) fractures. ENERFRAC incorporates tion in a multilayered reservoir. A mapping technique of the base-
fracture-tip effects and the other interacting processes of viscous line mesh (88 triangular elements representing one-half the fracture)
fluid flow, elastic rock deformation, and fluid loss. Fracture-tip defined in a unit circle to arbitrarily shaped fracture geometries is
effects are accounted for through direct input of the rock's appar- used in the numerical scheme to track the moving fracture front.
ent fracture toughness or the fracture-tip net pressure (overpres- The PKN model results (Cases 1 and 2) also are based on a 2D
sure). This overpressure, defined as the instantaneous shut-in finite-element model simulator with standard PKN model equations,
pressure minus the closure pressure, can be determined in the field including vertical stiffness and 1D fluid flow. These simulation re-
from a microfracture or minifracture test. Shell also provided 2D sults are obtained with 20-line elements for the normalized, time-
PKN and GDK model results. The ENERFRAC results provided dependent fracture half-length.
a useful comparison of the effect of free model parameters (knobs)
on the results. Shell provided results for typical fracture toughness NSI (STIMPLAN). STIMPLAN is a state-of-the-art 3D hydrau-
values measured in laboratory tests (designated ENERFRAC-1) and lic fracture simulator for fracture design and analysis in complex
for a tip overpressure of 1,000 psi (ENERFRAC-2). This compar- situations involving height growth, proppant settling, foam fluids,
ison shows the effect of fracture-tip overpressure on fracture ge- tip screenout, etc. The model has complete fluid/proppant track-
ometry and net pressure. ing that allows optimum fluid selection and scheduling based on
time and temperature histories. Fracture height growth is calculat-
Meyer & Assocs. (MFRAC-II). MFRAC-II26-29 is a pseudo-3D ed through multiple layers and includes proppant settling and bridg-
hydraulic fracturing simulator. MFRAC-II also includes options ing calculations. A fracture analysis/history matching module
for the penny-, GDK- and PKN-type 2D fracturing models. This provides history matching of measured net treating pressures to yield
study was run with MFRAC-II, Version 6.1. MFRAC-II accounts the most accurate possible estimation of actual fracture geometry
for the coupled parameters affecting fracture propagation and prop- and behavior. Also, simulations during fracture closure (pressure
pant transport. The major fracture, rock, and fluid mechanics phe- decline) aid in pressure-decline analysis for fluid loss in complex
nomena include (1) multilayer, asymmetrical confining stress geologic situations.
contrast, (2) fracture toughness and tip/overpressure effects,
(3) rock deformation, (4) variable injection rate and time-dependent Arco (Using TerraFrac). TerraFrac Code 12-16 is a fully 3D hy-
fluid rheology properties, (5) multilayer leakoff with spurt loss, draulic fracture simulator. Initiated at Terra Tek in 1978, its com-
and (6) 2D proppant transport. The fracture propagation model cal- mercial availability was announced in Dec. 1983. The model's
culates fracture length, upper and lower heights, width, net pres- overall approach is to subdivide the fracture into discrete elements
sure, efficiency, and geometry parameters as functions of time. The and to solve the governing equations for these elements. These
width variation as a function of height and confining stress also governing equations consist of (1) 3D elasticity equations that re-
is calculated. To provide applicability over the broadest range of late pressure on the crack faces to the crack opening, (2) 2D fluid
circumstances, MFRAC-II offers numerous options. These options flow equations that relate the flow in the fracture to the pressure
and other free parameters (knobs) allow customization in the model- gradients in the fluid, and (3) a fracture criterion that relates the
200 cp
Length Height Pressure Maximum Width Efficiency
Model ~ ~ (psi) (tt) b' E, * (%)
SAHt (GOK) 2,542 170 62 0.848 0.849 0.605 85.5
SAH (PKN) 4,855 170 1,094 0.502 0.394 0.289 72.3
Marathon 2,584 204 1,685 0.91 0.76 0.73 93
Meyer-1 (GOK) 2,659 170 70 0.79 0.79 0.62 83.1
Meyer-1 (PKN) 4,507 170 1,188 0.55 0.43 0.32 72.2
Meyer-2 (GOK) 2,288 170 97 0.94 0.94 0.74 85.4
Meyer-2 (PKN) 3,803 170 1,474 0.68 0.53 0.4 76.6
Shell (GOK) 2,724 170 53 0.78 0.78 0.61 84
Shell (PKN) 4,039 170 1,377 0.59 0.46 0.37 75
Texaco-FP (GOK) 2,480 200 71 0.74 86
Texaco-FP (PKN) 4,157 200 925 0.50 77
Chevron (GOK) 1,347 170 81.9 0.77 0.77 0.6 81.9
Chevron (PKN) 2,029 170 1,380 0.63 0.36 73
Advani 4,595 170 1,182 0.54 0.43 0.32 73.8
Halliburton 2,212 170 82 0.98 0.98 0.77 85.9
Conoco (GOK) 2,716 170 0.767 0.6 82.5
Conoco (PKN) 3,986 170 0.554 0.37 74.4
ENERFRAC-1 3,866 170 1,595 0.627 0.492 0.387 75
ENERFRAC-2 3,556 170 1,684 0.704 0.553 0.434 78
n', K'
SAH (GOK) 2,542 170 61.8 0.85 0.85 0.6 61.8
SAH (PKN) 4,629 170 1,167.5 0.54 0.42 0.28 73.6
Marathon 2,516 204 1,824 0.98 0.82 0.75 93
Meyer-1 (GOK) 2,098 170 117 1.04 1.04 0.82 86.4
Meyer-1 (PKN) 4,118 170 1,397 0.64 0.5 0.36 74.3
Meyer-2 (GOK) 1,808 170 161 1.24 1.24 0.97 88.3
Meyer-2 (PKN) 3,395 170 1,774 0.831 0.64 0.46 79
Shell (GOK) 2,142 170 89 1.03 1.03 0.81 89
Shell (PKN) 3,347 170 1,754 0.75 0.59 0.47 79
Advani 4,046 170 1,474 0.68 0.53 0.38 76.9
Halliburton 2,031 170 97 1.07 1.07 0.84 86
Conoco (GOK) 2,304 170 0.933 0.933 0.733 85.2
Conoco (PKN) 3,656 170 0.622 0.415 76.5
ENERFRAC-1 3,396 170 1,880 0.738 0.58 0.456 78
ENERFRAC-2 3,155 170 1,986 0.817 0.641 0.504 81.7
'b = average width at the wellbore.
"b, = overall average fracture width.
t S.A. Holditch & Assocs. Inc.
200 cp
Length Height Pressure Maximum Width Efficiency
Model ~ ~ (psi) (ft) b b, (%)
SAH 3,408 318 1,009 0.65 0.35 0.3 77
NSI 3,750 903 283 0.56 0.32 0.25 66
RES 1,744 544 1,227 0.9 0.54 0.36 80
Marathon 1,360 442 1,387 1.04 0.68 0.64 96
Meyer-1 3,549 291 987 0.58 0.35 0.29 70.3
Meyer-2 2,692 360 1,109 0.72 0.41 0.34 74.3
Arco-Stimplan 3,598 306 992 0.57 0.31 0.25 67
Texaco-FP 1,938 435 1,132 0.72 68
Advani 2,089 357 1,113 0.66 0.33 0.25 43
n', K'
SAH 3,259 371 1,093 0.75 0.38 0.31 77.6
NSI 3,289 329 1,005 0.67 0.35 0.26 68
RES 902 596 1,428 1.1 0.74 0.49 62
Marathon 1,326 442 1,433 1.08 0.71 0.66 96
Meyer-1 2,915 337 1,094 0.69 0.4 0.32 72.7
Meyer-2 2,120 413 1,212 0.86 0.48 0.4 76.9
Arco-Stimplan 3,235 353 1,083 0.65 0.33 0.26 69
Advani 2,424 435 1,171 0.74 0.34 0.21 47
200 cp
Length Height Pressure Maximum Width Efficiency
Model (ft) (ft) (psi) (ft) b b, (%)
SAH 2,905 394 960 0.72 0.42 0.31 80.1
NSI 3,709 361 852 0.63 0.38 0.25 66
RES 1,754 501 1,119 0.83 0.6 0.4 82
Marathon 1,224 476 1,250 1.03 0.7 0.65 97
Meyer-1 2,962 328 669 0.5 0.36 0.28 70.5
Meyer-2 2,407 327 768 0.6 0.46 0.35 74.8
Arco-Stimplan 3,399 394 944 0.64 0.36 0.24 68
Texaco-FP 2,011 428 1,008 0.68 69
Advani 1,594 438 1,129 0.81 0.45 0.36 58.1
n', K'
SAH 2,642 430 1,035.5 0.82 0.46 0.31 81.8
NSI 2,765 388 935 0.71 0.42 0.25 70
RES 1,042 600 1,358 1.18 0.9 0.6 87
Marathon 1,156 476 1,262 1.04 0.71 0.66 93
Meyer-1 2,535 330 766 0.6 0.46 0.37 73.7
Meyer-2 1,980 349 891 0.75 0.57 0.42 77.8
Arco-Stimplan 2,926 405 968 0.7 70
Arco-Terrafrac 3,124 449 1,160 0.74 62
Texaco-FP 1,125 602 1,270 1.11 76
Texaco-FPNOTIP 2,636 391 934 0.49 62
Advani 1,870 458 1,151 0.85 0.47 0.34 64
The SFE-3 data set was specifically chosen to ensure that the primarily because changes in fluid properties owing to tempera-
model comparison would be performed with actual field data, not ture or proppant addition cannot be quantified easily and any re-
for a contrived data set that might favor one type of model. In ad- sulting comparisons would be of questionable value.
dition, the SFE-3 data set is one of the most complete sets of well
information available. It includes stress, rock, and reservoir and Test Cases
well-performance results. As noted, most models can accommodate and process a much broad-
Table 1 shows the relevant rock and reservoir information for er range of complex data than presented in this data set (i.e., mul-
this initial study. As described in the next section, three different tiple rock properties, leakoff coefficients, n', and K'). Table 1 and
physical configurations were considered: a single layer, three lay- Table 2 give the complete set of data input. However, the data set
ers, and five layers. Stress and rock property measurements were was arbitrarily restricted to limit as many discretionary inputs as
averaged over the appropriate depths for each interval to yield the possible to allow more direct comparison of model performance.
physical data in Table 1. Most importantly, the stress contrasts range The input also should not be construed as optimum design parame-
from 1,450 to 1,650 psi, although the lower barrier is only 40 ft ters. As mentioned, the data for the cases approximates that from
thick for the five-layer configuration. Young's modulus and Pois- SFE No.3.
son's ratio were obtained from sonic measurements, thus account- Each participant could model a total of eight possible cases. These
ing for the elevated values of Young's modulus. were GDK, PKN, three-layer, and five-layer cases, with separate
The actual SFE-3 treatment was a 13-stage procedure using runs for a constant Newtonian viscosity and a constant n/ and K'
primarily a 40-lbm/l ,OOO-gal crosslinked gel with sand stages vary- power-law fluid. The PKN and GDK cases were run with a con-
ing from 1 to 8 Ibm/gal. For this comparison, the treatment was stant height (2D) set at 170 ft. The three- and five-layer cases were
simplified to a single, constant-property fluid with no proppant, run with a 3D or a pseudo-3D model, allowing fracture height to
,- ~-o-'~-"~-""-~-;-'-'~-G-_-~-\-
GDK -200cp 200cp
PKN -200cp
n'=0.5, K'=O.06
1>"'-' ' ' 0
.. . ---_...
I 3,000 PKN - n'=0.5, K'=O.06
I- --0--
C} " '
Z 2,000 01H':~~.~CP "-,--,- ,/'
oJ OTHER 20 - 0'=0.5, K'=O.06
;u-c. 1,500
GDK - n'=0.5, K'=O.06
...... 8 ..
;u-c. 1,400
1,600 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
n'=0.5, K'=O.06
PKN - n'=O.S, K'=O.06
~ 1,000 --0-- ~ 1,200 .........
W OTHER 20 - 200 cp
_ .. -6.-..- W
Il. OTHER 20 - n'=0.5, K"=O.06 Il.
Iii 500 - ...,:.,....- I- 1,000
g 4,000 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 200cp 3000
----&- NSI
C} n'=0.5, K'=O.06
Z 3,000 ---.--- -+-ARCO(STlM)
W 2500 ""'*- MEYER-l
,a --%-MEYER-2
;;t 2,000 .:::. 2000
W I-
g; 1,000 z 1500
~ L-~ ~~ ~
OU-__ ___ L_ _ _ __ L_ _J __ _
LL ~"I 9,,?-O"l [c"'~ ,.J-~ .1<-<' ",<'I- s>-.).t-~ v,<,?-O"l
~ ~~'< ~'t-0 ~o-?l ~~'< ~<C-'" ~<t- ~ ~?'
-;r e}'i? <'-"'~'- o~'1: o'i? 0
o~'- 500
'" '" ,?-v '(?' 11-0 ,-<'J-
/ ?' ~
o~-, __~__~__~__~~__~~
MODEL o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
TIME (min)
be determined by the model. Of particular interest was whether the 2D Results. Considering first the 2D results in Table I, the final
fracture broke through Zone 4 in the five-layer case. half-lengths for all the 2D models are shown in Fig. 1. The well-
known difference in length estimates between the PKN and GDK
Model Results
models is evident in these results, but some differences between
Tables 3 through 5 show the complete set of results for the final different models in each group become apparent. Presumably, tRis
fracture geometries from these model runs for the 2D, three-layer,
difference results because other options are included in some models,
and five-layer cases, respectively, Most of the results are based
on the data in these tables, In addition, some time-dependent re- The effect of the different rheologies is generally small. Besides
sults will be given in figures, All the data from this comparison the PKN and GDK models, GOHFER and ENERFRAC-l and-2
are available in a final report, 41 are also shown,
--&-NSI 200cp
0'=0.5, K'=O.06
500 ---+-- MARATHON ---.---
- + - ARCO(STIM)
~----+------------il -><--- MEYER- 1
___$_ ADVANI
,../ \...
"~ 300
100L-__~__~__,-~,-~,-~__~__~ MODEL
o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
TIME (min)
o __--~--~--~--~--~--~--._~
o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
TIME (min)
Fig. a-Net pressure vs. time-three-Iayer models. Fig. 11-Fracture pressure-five-Iayer models.
g 4,000 ,-------------------------------------, 200cp -h-NSI
I 3000 ---!'l--RES
C} n'=0.5, K'=O.06
Z 3,000 ---.--- -+-ARCO(STIM)
UJ 2500 ---*-ARCO(TERR)
LL ~
<t 2,000 2000
UJ f-
g; 1,000 "zw 1500
~ ~~ ~ ~
OLL__L _ - L_ _ __ _ _L _ _ L_ _L _ _ L_ _
LL #c,\,:/" ~O\ ~<,;.~ ,:/" #0'. !?<' <,;.!?<'l. N~ ~O, ",,'?\
~~ ""~'? #c,'? 00>(' 6.~'? ~# ~~ 'f-<J #V'? '?~O
~y>o"":Vo ~o <$"'?'
",'f-Y> ...."" >,?-<,;.'" .4'f-C,0 ~'f-c,0 ~ 500
~'f-~ ~ 'f-'?' -<,0/'-<,0/'
The reduction in length between ENERFRAC-I and -2 results The net pressures for the 2D models follow a similar pattern to
from increased tip overpressure. Likewise, the reduction in length length, with the GDK models giving low pressures and the PKN
between MEYER-l and -2 is caused by options included in models providing high net pressures (see Fig. 2). GOHFER is differ-
MEYER-2 that reflect the designers' incorporation of more com- ent in that it predicts short lengths, like the GDK models, but high
plex physics into the fracturing process. pressures, like the PKN models.
SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994 13
-----E- MEYER-1
______ MEYER- 2
_______ TEXACO(FP)
:r: 400
0 _______ TEX-FPNOTP
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
TIME (min)
Three-Layer Results. The three-layer results (Table 4) show con- running FRACPRO show that consistent results can be obtained
siderably more variability than results from the 2D cases. In Fig. from a given model even if run by different organizations.
3, the fracture half-length varies from < 1,000 ft for FRACPRO The fracture height comparison in Fig. 4 shows that much great-
to >3,000 ft for the conventional pseudo-3D models. The differ- er height growth is obtained by FRACPRO than by other models.
ences between MEYER -1 and -2 again show that the options avail- Net pressures (Fig. 5) are particularly high in FRACPRO and GOH-
able to the analyst can significantly affect results. Many such options FER. Efficiencies vary from 40% to >95%, as given in Table 4.
have probably been used in the other models but were not identi- Also of interest are the length, height, and pressure development
fied for this comparison. with time, as Figs. 6 through 8 show for the case with non-
The favorable comparison between Arco and NSI running Stim- Newtonian rheology. Height growth is extremely fast in FRAC-
plan and a similar favorable comparison between Texaco and RES PRO but much better contained in most other models.
,,-.... 1200 --+-ARCO(STIM)
(f) ~'----=" ~ARCO(TERR)
1000 ,;::::===~;:;::::;!::=:t====:e::-::t=l-----E- MEYER-1
~*-~~~~~~~~$:i:2::=~ ------
_______ TEXACO(FP)
(/) 800
w ,,",-_~----:l~-t _______ TEX - FPNOTP
0... 600
o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
TIME (min)
Warpinski et al. deserve commendation for selflessly undertaking cal consistency of our models, but they also served to eliminate
the task of compiling their paper and maintaining an independent some specUlative models. For instance, the protuberant shapes calcu-
approach to the process, which was initiated and supported by the lated by the pseudo-3D Hydrafrac (P3DH) models, which Ioriginal-
GRI to assist them (and others) in evaluating the relative perform- ly proposed as a tentative simplistic approach, 1 were shown to be
ance of various "models" -e.g., in making decisions for their future completely wrong, even under ideal circumstances where all the as-
funding choices. Because I was at least partly responsible for one sociated physical assumptions should have been justified (if ever).
or more of their nominations to this relatively thankless effort, I Although we then (1984) publicly disavowed these models and re-
hope that they will bear with me now as I make some comments. fused to publish associated papers (including Refs. I and 2) injour-
I will try to be dispassionate in my comments, but it should be clearly nals, as a result perhaps achieving pariah status (successfully
understood by readers that I do have a vested interest in one of the achieved later with other publications), many companies continued
modeling approaches (contained in the FRACPRO system). to use them and some still even sell them commercially. At least
My comments may be divided into three categories: (1) the limited three of the models compared in the subject paper (and one other
comparisons offered by the material in the paper alone; (2) the issues commercial model, not included) are of this kind and are demon-
of matching data from related field operations; (3) the relevance/im- strably wrong at the most basic level. (This is not often made so
pact for overall hydraulic fracturing technology. I will treat these obvious: they generally avoid publicly displaying their seductively
somewhat individually, and with limited space, I will try to make long protuberances along the pay zone and/or the associated net
simply some important points. pressure behavior).
What is more often ignored (and even omitted in Warpinski et
1. Limited Comparison of Models in Paper al. 's paper, despite extensive data, 10) is the behavior of the true
The approach here was based on an "established" (SPE) approach net fracturing pressure, which can be measured on every job, with
of defining a limited "test problem" and comparing the predictions different injection volumes and different fluids. 11-20 We have in-
of the various models. This was deemed especially necessary (e.g., deed found field measurements to show dramatically different
by GRI) because there had been such an extraordinary proliferation response (vs. laboratory behavior and also vs. all conventional
of "models" for hydraulic fracturing during the 1980's, most of models like those in the subject paper). We also have identified
them claiming some kind of "3D" capability. I feel partly (perhaps the major probable causative reasons, establishing the credibility
especially) responsible for this because I "opened Pandora's box" of the resulting models by matching very many data sets for many
with my 1980 papers, 1-4 in which I ruminated/formulated different complex and variable reservoir environments. We have done this
approaches, including most relevant modeling methods. without resorting to "knobs" like fracture-fluid rheology or even
Although I understand all the obvious reasons for this comparison without very questionable manipulation of stress. In fact, we have
exercise-apart from common observations that some models might established such credibility, beyond subjective evaluation, by pre-
not even satisfy basic requirements (like mass conservation)-I had dicting the results of fracture treatments and successfully executing
to invent for myself some analogy/metaphor for the process. I guess the jobs without screenouts and with excellent matching of pressure
I stayed as professor a little too long and have gotten the habit of predictions, as recently reported by numerous users at the first GRI
teaching my students in metaphors/parables. The most immediate Real-Time Conference (Houston, Oct. 1993).14-20
comparison that popped into my head was the gizmo/robot test: We did not even insist on the application of the latter stringent
we run design competitions at the Massachusetts Inst. of Technology condition (i.e., prediction) to the evaluation process now reported
(MIT) (which you may see on public TV every year, including inter- in the subject paper. Although such a blind experiment would truly
national competing teams) in which the objective is to perform some have been the proper approach to the overall undertaking, we had
simple function-e.g., he/she who collects the most ping-pong balls already correctly predicted the response to the job in question (GRI
wins. Such a simple, well-defined test allows us to eliminate the SFE No.3, Ref. 10), and our work on this was already provided
most obvious failures (e.g., machines that do not work) and even or available to the other modeling participants (along with all of
to declare a clear winner, in most cases. the postjob data) before the "contest" was held. However, matching
The objective of Warpinski et at.'s paper was, obviously, not ofthis available data was not required of the participants, so many
to declare such a winner (although I would have welcomed such of the models' calculations did not (even with such hindsight) match
an objective, as discussed in Points 2 and 3). But could it have been the net pressure data (e.g., Figs. 9 and 15 of Warpinski et al. 's
possible to eliminate the obvious failures? The answer is yes (e.g., paper). This explains many of the major differences between models.
see Point 2), but not when based on the "rules of engagement," There are even two different results by two FRACPRO users: RES
which merely report the model calculations for the specified input used the physically realistic default model in FRACPRO, while Tex-
parameters. The readers must decide for themselves which model(s) aco presumably used one of the many conventional model options,
they believe. This situation generates my only major objection to which are actually provided in FRACPRO to clearly demonstrate
the phraseology: because of the artificial test environment, the paper that such models do not match the pressure data.
does not "provide the completions engineer with a practical com- At risk of (being libelled for) excessively belittling expensive soft-
parison of the available models," because no way is provided for ware sold by certain vendors, I may point out that the general story
engineers to judge the results in any way, unless they resort to the of most models in the paper may be summarized in a simple equation
kind of divine inspiration (translate: personal predisposition, or what for fracture-wing length, L, and half-height, h:
they have been telling their company for years), which still seems U+ 1h 2 - 1 =gEVI/(PI-uc ), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (D-la)
all too pervasive in this industry. So the general question arises: where VI = volume of fluid remaining in the fracture (efficiency,
how should the engineer decide on a model choice? e X volume pumped, V), E = Young's modulus, PI = fracture pres-
sure (e.g., determined carefully from instantaneous shut-in pres-
2. Matching Data From Related Field Operations sure), uc=closure stress, and g (of order 0.25)="garbage
The best way to check these models would be to compare their pre- collector" (which depends on fracture geometry, with ridiculuously
dictions with definitive physical observations. We began this process high values for aforementioned protuberances). The variable 1 al-
about 15 years ago, starting in the laboratory at MIT5-9 and con- lows for variable fracture geometries (/=0 for L>h and/or PKN-
tinuing with extensive field work over the past 10 years. 10-20 The type geometries, 1= I for L<h and/or GDK-type geometries, and
laboratory tests served mainly to check the physical and mathemati- 1=2 for circles).
SPE Production & Facilities. February 1994 17
This equation is simpler when reduced to oilfield units: modeling and capability claims have been exposed (and discarded)
l+ l h 100
2 - 1 2V because of continuous failure in the field, and most companies are
L 100 == e 100 E 106 / PlOO'
net .................. (D-Ib)
now turning to real technology. It may be hoped that Warpinski
in which L lOO and hloo=length and height in l00-ft units and et al. 's paper might serve to accelerate rather than retard that
V lOO =pumped volume in l00-bbl units (while PI?:} =net pressure process.
in units of 100 psi and E I06 =Young's modulus in units of 10 6 psi). References
To achieve ultimate simplicity, we can plug in actual data from
SFE No.3 (in round terms: Plog ==16; E I06 ==6; V loo ==I(0) to 1. Cleary, M.P.: "Comprehensive Design Fonnulae for Hydraulic Fractur-
ing," paper SPE 9259 presented at the 1980 SPE Annual Technical
get a very approximate mnemonic result:
Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Sept. 21-24.
2Llooh l00 2 == 100 ............................... (D-lc) 2. Cleary, M.P.: "Analysis of Mechanisms and Procedure for Producing
Favorable Shapes of Hydraulic Fractures, " paper SPE 9260 presented at
Clearly, variation of p net (which in turn, along with artificial the 1980 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
stress profiles, should greatly affect h in all the models in Warpinski Sept. 21-24.
et al.'s paper) will affect the resulting length. For example, Figs. 3. Cleary, M.P., Keck, R., andMear, M.: "Microcomputer Models for the
9 and 15 show that FRACPRO and the only other considered 3D Design of Hydraulic Fractures," paper SPE 11628 presented at the 1983
SPE Symposium on Low Permeability Gas Reservoirs.
model (Marathon) calculate higher net pressures (closer to the ex- 4. Cleary, M.P., Kavvadas, M., and Lam, K.Y.: "Development ofa Fully
cellent agreement achieved with actual data), greater fracture Three-Dimensional Simulator for Analysis and Design of Hydraulic
heights, and therefore shorter fracture lengths. Fracturing," paper SPE 11631 presented at the 1983 SPE Symposium
Ironically, despite the incredulous reaction to our early work, on Low Permeability Gas Reservoirs, March.
matching of production data shows even shorter fracture lengths, 5. Cleary, M.P.: "Theoretical and Laboratory Simulation of Underground
(e.g., Ref. 10, which typifies the reality of postfracture production Fracturing Operations," MIT UFRAC Annual Reports, Cambridge,
Sept. 1981-87.,
matching on many jobs in low-permeability reservoirs). This reality
6. Crockett, A.R., Okusu, N.M., and Cleary, M.P.: "A Complete Inte-
is finally dawning on some in the industry. The "ballpark" ex- grated Model for Design and Real-Time Analysis of Hydraulic Fractur-
pressed in Eq. D-lc may be optimistic, even with nonoptimistic ing Operations," paper SPE 15069 presented at the 1986 SPE California
geometry. For instance, Llh == 3 - L - 800 ft should produce greater Regional Meeting, Oakland, April.
production than actually observed, if proppant was placed effectively 7. Cleary, M.P., Barr, D.T., and Willis, R.M.: "Enhancement of Real-
opposite pay zones. 13 The latter comment represents the crux of Time Hydraulic Fracturing Models With Full 3D Simulation," paper
the whole matter: all the models calculate fracture lengths that are SPE 17713 presented at the 1988 SPE Gas Technology Symposium,
Dallas, June 13-15.
excessively optimistic in terms of the actual production, unless
8. Cleary, M.P.: "The Engineering of Hydraulic Fractures-State of the
ridiculous games are played with kh, damage, etc. , and a more Art and Technology," JPT (Jan. 1988) 13.
realistic estimate of actual production could have been obtained with 9. Johnson, D.E. and Cleary, M.P.: "Implications of Recent Laboratory
the simplest possible assumptions: L==h-L-400 ft. Experimental Results for Hydraulic Fractures," paper SPE 21846 .
Indeed, this comment applies more generally to most jobs pumped presented at the 1991 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting/Low Per-
in this industry: if all treatments were just able to achieve an effec- meability Symposium, Denver, April.
tively circular fracture with the proppant placed effectively (Ref. 10. Gas Research Institute Staged Field Experiments (SFE) I through 4;
13), the overall average production throughout the industry would No.3 finally published as Report No. GRI-9110048, Feb. 1991.
11. Wright, T.B., Johnson, D.E., and Cleary, M.P.: "Real-Data/On-Site
probably be much better and overall job costs would generally be Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing and Procedures for Design Optimi-
substantially reduced. zation," paper presented at the IntI. Gas Research Conference, Orlando,
FL, Nov. 1992.
3. Relevance to Overall Hydraulic 12. Cleary, M.P., Wright, C.A., and Wright, T.B.: "Experimental and
Fracturing Technology Modeling Evidence for Major Changes in Hydraulic Fracturing De-
Practically speaking, what matters to the completions engineer is sign and Field Procedures," paper SPE 21494 presented at the 1991
how he/she can reduce cost and make better wells. Any effort that SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Houston.
claims to be a (supporting) technology must contribute to one or 13. Cleary, M.P. and Fonseca, A. Jr.: "Proppant Convection and Encapsu-
lation in Hydraulic Fracturing: Practical Implications of Computer and
both of these goals. Our efforts, over the past 5 years at least, have
Laboratory Simulations," paper SPE 24825 presented at the 1992 SPE
demonstrated that dramatic cost reductions and greatly improved Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, DC, Oct. 4-7
production (beyond conventionally designed jobs) can be achieved 14. Cipolla, c.L., Meehan, D.N., and Stevens, P.L.: "Hydraulic Frac-
confidently only with the use of appropriate real-time technology. ture Perfonnance in the Moxa Arch Frontier Formation," paper SPE
An intrinsic part of such a system is a reliable general physical model 25918 presented at the 1993 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meetingl
that allows accurate predictions, rapid on-site evaluation, and desigp. Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, April 26-28.
or redesign and execution of the most effective fracturing treatments. IS. Martinez, A.D., Wright, C.A., and Wright, T.B.: "Field Application
Such a capability provides a reliable, cost-effective, and credible of Real-Time Hydraulic Fracturing Analysis," paper SPE 25916 present-
approach that may be contrasted with costly and misleading efforts ed at the 1993 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting/Low Penneability
Reservoirs Symopsium, Denver, April 26-28.
commonly used to justify continued inappropriate procedures. Ex- 16. Wright, T.B. et al. : "Identification and Comparison of True Net Frac-
treme examples are the use of fracture-height logs (e.g., sonic, tem- turing Pressures Generated by Pumping Fluids With Different Rheology
perature, and/or tracer), which we need not even condemn for the Into the Same Formations," paper SPE 26153 presented at the 1993
thoughtful reader. Neither need we explain limitations of shallow SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, June 28-30.
(e.g., "big dig") or near-wellbore observations. 17. Johnson, D.E. etal.: "On-Site Real-Time Analysis Allows Optimal
What we do need to point out is that the kind of data-isolationist Propped Fracture Stimulation of a Complex Gas Reservoir," paper SPE
modeling represented by the subject paper has been used by vested 25414 presented at the 1993 SPE Production Operations Symposium,
interests to mislead the industry for many years. This process con- Oklahoma City, March.
tinues at some companies. Rather than going out on each individual 18. Johnson, D.E. et al.: "Real-Data On-Site Analysis of Hydraulic Fractur-
ing Generates Optimum Procedures for Job Design and Execution," paper
job, finding out what is happening (with instant analysis and feed- SPE 25920 presented at the 1993 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meet-
back in real time), and pumping the appropriate job, some personnel ing/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, April 26-28.
still insist on rendering a grave financial disservice to their company 19. Cleary, M.P. et al.: "Field Implementation of Proppant Slugs To Avoid
by using such models or surveys as a crutch to support their own pre- Premature Screenout of Hydraulic Fractures With Adequate Proppant
dispositions (e.g., about fracture dimensions). Such "blind-man's Concentration," paper SPE 25892 presented at the 1993 SPE Rocky
bluff" (BMB) hurts all of us, including its practitioners, as careful Mountain Regional Meeting/Low Penneability Reservoirs Symposium,
evaluation on the long term shows; it renders vast resources uneco- Denver, April 26-28.
nomical, with associated negative effects on the U.S. reserve base. 20. Cleary, M.P. et al.: "Critical Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing of High Per-
meability Reservoirs," paper SPE 27618 to be presented at the 1994 SPE
However, I am happy to report that the tide has turned: sensible
European Production Operations Conference, Aberdeen, March 15-17.
practical field-oriented personnel at many companies have grown
tired of BMB and have demanded and obtained change. Spurious (SPE 28158) SPEPF
18 SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994