KBS - New
KBS - New
KBS - New
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use anothers work and to present it as
my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy
anothers work.
Internet games have become very popular. Designing a good computer game needs to use 3D graphics
and artificial intelligence technologies. Computers are programmed to play chess, scrabble, and even
crossword puzzles (American Scientist, September/October 1999). They are getting better and better; in
fact, a computer beat the worlds number-one chess grand master, Garry Kasparov.
1.1. Do you agree that computer games with artificial intelligence technologies (Expert systems in
gaming) exhibit intelligence? Why or why not? (LO.1.1 part ii)
1.2. Describe how such computer systems perform inference. (LO.1.1 part iii)
1.3. Do you agree that using speech communication as the user interface could increase willingness
to use expert systems in gaming? Why or why not? (LO.1.1 part ii)
1.4. Proponents of AI claim that we will never have machines that truly think because they cannot,
by definition, have a soul. Supporters claim a soul is unnecessary. They cite the fact that argue
humanity originally set out to create an artificial bird for flight. Instead it eventually created an
airplane which is not a bird, but functionally acts as one. Debate the issue. (LO.1.1 part iii)
Task 2
Follow the rules for the following situations (what do you conclude for each one?):
2.1. Are there any other combinations that are valid? Explain.(LO.1.1 part i ,LO.1.1 part iv)
2.2. What needs to happen for you to learn something in this knowledge universe? Start with the
conclusion learn something and identify the rules used (backward) to get tothe needed facts.
2.3. Encode the knowledge into a graphical diagram (Semantic network).(LO.2.1)
All animals have skin. Fish is one kind of animal, birds are another type and mammals are a third kind.
Normally fish has gills and can swim, while
birds have wings and can fly. While fish and birds usually lay eggs, mammals do not. Although sharks are
fish, they do not lay eggs. They are very dangerous. Salmon is another fish and is considered a delicacy. C
anary is a bird and is yellow. Ostrich is a bird, which is very tall, but cannot fly, only walk.
3.1. Represent the above facts and rules in First Order Logic expressions.(LO.2.1)
3.2. Write a prolog program or other third-generation language program and knowledge base to execute
this knowledge.(LO.3.1),(LO.2.3)
3.3. Using your program answer the following questions (LO.3.2)
Can canaries fly?
What is the color of canaries?
Can ostriches fly?
Do canaries have skin?
Are sharks dangerous?
3.4. Complete the above system test using proper test cases and provide all the test documents and error
3.5. Prepare a user document to illustrate how to work with your implemented system.(LO.3.5)
Observation Sheet
Assessor Name :.
Assessor Signature :.
2.3 design knowledge base, rules and structure of the application Task 3.2
3.3 identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting. Task 2.5
Task 3.4
D1.3 Self-criticism of approach has taken place Report: shown in the self-reflection
D1.4 Realistic improvements have been proposed against Good conclusion with suggestions
defined characteristics for subject for further improvement
D3.5 Innovation and creative thoughts have been applied Create simple GUIs for task 2 and
task 3