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Woe 669.14-423, DEUTSCHE NORMEN October 1965 |, Steel Bars Steed Sections Hot Rolled Round Z4ge channels Dimenoiona, Weights, Porsiseitle Veriations, Static Values Steberehd » Forastant; Wammgeredator rundkant Unde, Gevsohte, suusaige Abwedchungen, atatincke erginal stonderés rete be evidence ard agree with the corresponding Euronorn 24:62 ~ Narrow flange T-beana, channele, persiveible variations. ion without guare...ee Dimensions in an Im any cove 1 2 Soope Mute, standard applies to hot rolled round edge chansele of hatghts between 30 and 400 ms in the jection 4. Translat soe when b6300 aa: 8% on Designation of @ hot rolled round edge channel of a height h = 300 mm in steol according to ‘Sode number St 37-2 or material mumber 1.0112 to DIN 1710 1 300 DIN 1026 ~ st 37-2 or U 500 DIN 1026 - 1.0112 ichon Normenauischustes Barn 30,gestale, ns variations 3.1.14 Hot rolled round edge channels are supplied in the dimensions ana "wh erniesible variations for height, width, vad and flange iowa in Table Te The out-of-squereness shall not exceed tho values given in corserats 1, i) Th of ? : i ; i ; Z Yor Explanations see DIN-Mitteilungen Vol. 41 (1962) Wo. 11, pps 517 - 519 Pur 1026 engi. Pretagr-s Page 2 DIN 1026 ToLeeG o¥s BY peTHwaep suoysuserp ogy Houy poqeTaaTes Uooq euny SoaTeA STH¥a spacseouoo apes Soypaeq ex} 04 oov> youe uP pooeezazoz tworyez23 ree fof ag, cosy y asyoeo see go eceenery «tp 14 pee mopoessdace eq souvseTP = etree, soyaoee-svoso sey 50 quonon oyatae = TS (Z yo euypes =F Ventnpow voy oraresyased G3 ¢ pospert #F uovaers Watony go aeemon = fC, ‘sauayen 30 2ayposoxe enue etgyeeyened oad ( 5 ao [wwe | eos [ove [er oconfoceee]_ ore | ou [ow [os Ta] BY Us || Tac [S10 [ore | we [ove] te [rw |e [ot | og [Set] ze or Gr [eel osc oes [ee | vec oven) sv | vr fe feja| © [a] “* fr] wy ew [ie | 00 | zo5 | r2i | 619 fossorl zaso | 4s | wer [eralent eal [ay 75 aie [ose |e ses | oc0e [osc | em [wes |e [ot a; oo.) oe Ea mt |yee|ee [err | oae | 060 | ey | ces [oz] st st oar [ wr wz [ost] Car uc foc | reso | ee [ew [zim m m7 ey a [are [Fee oot fore | seco | ves | eer [so] er e A ar, ont fore ee. sve| osc | aco | ve | ve [so|sci] “fen ‘ 8 156 mi [rie [oz wet oui] wo | ex | cee | 9 |e oe sp see vee [aoe | vee ost ocer | uve | oz | ow [es] u fe OL 95 09 | ost] eat aul ses | oso | eet | ove [es |sor 7 8 aE, em ¥9a| sop | evo | om | vor | s Z | ov eo, | coo] ve | vero | vet | oa [sr sor LEI 5s et tu| 9 | zoo | vol | se [sy 6 ow svz| | ceo | we fou lr|e ‘7 ot tal sis | exo |e [eve |v [oz o suf se] sizo | as | oe [elo 2 oe soul ree | veo | oes [ave [eel ec] so- [2 a | os ret exo| eof tro | see | zy |e fo 9 | sz] si [os] $2 05) soz| tri} evo | ay | ize [st] 2 iva SE | ov rifece| ose| avo | we | oe [st] s 5s [oz | ‘or | 02 x OF] srl seo | avo | wy | ws [se] « z fe) | of +£0 wil eve] evo | ve | we fz sr sr Ist] | Si x08) ire eu] yuo | win | ety | jus aoe a Sale| a | 9 | a ant se] on TTS [aceaane | aren | “eee | | 7 7 7 Se eee 7 (geree Sorpuee 02 sareete sass, 305 auoyaceera Tore IU 1026 Page 3 3ete3- The web bow 7 shall not exceed the values given in Table 3. ‘able 3 4.2: _Strasentne Botght & Web bow Yor channels to thie Stondard with heights asia Up to 400 Bao permiantble variation f60n stove sp te = straightness q of uot more than 0.0015 + ( i = Too oF {o"ustal. 109 200 10. —y~ | 260 20 Te ——+| ta nore stringext than A to at the tine of Straigntnese require ‘the above shall "be agi ontering. 4s Material o thie Standart should preferably be made of steel grades to DIN 17100. he grade of atecl required (to DIN 17100) shall be stated when ordering. me opible weight v 5.1, Tho waights stated.in Table 1 have bean evalusted fren tho crovs-aeotion on the baste of a'donsity of 7.65 kg/aa3, 5.2. The following woight variations are pemitted: { on the delivery ag a whole + 4 4, { on an indsviduml bean” = 6 A delivery nay comprise channole with different noainal heights ‘The roight varietion for the purpose of this Standard is the difference between the weight aotually supplied and the weight as oaloulated froa tho weight according to Table 1 and tho ctor pst ied. (wien catortag. in ranfoovurtag fesgthe) os the sesren Sresren™ Cenen aitering Fiat Tonge aed octet fekgthe)s ieee Gs Mode of delivery 6.1, Dength deta for deliveries of hot rolled round edge channels are contained in Table 4. 6,2. In the caso of angled outo tho Length shall be taken aa the greatest useful length on the aesuaption that the ends are out aquare: 5.5, When ordered by woight it 10 permissible for the Length to vary between the maxinun and ninisun 1inite stated for nanuteoturing Lengthe, Sats Brample of order 100. ¢, round edge chaanele of height b = 300 am in a eteol agcoriing to the code nunber St 37-2 ap eatonial ‘ninbor 40118 t0 DIE 17100 in manufacturing Lengtoe! 100 + 300 DIN 1026 ~ Bt 37-2 | or 100 DIB 1026 = 31,0112 a Oheckine Accuraor to St Scope of Test Bho umber of bare which shill be ouscked for ecouracy to size by meamurenente made at the nanufactures'e works prior to despaten shall be agreed to ar the tise Gf orderings 22 Procedure i ‘he eull Fengel oe he bes, accorting te Section 3.2 the dimension q shall be measured over table 4 Tange Length detaiie Description 0 be given mea orders Renge | —Perstoatble variation pete ee ~ — fiSBfsetrsne | 2000 to 15000 | anyunere vetween 3000 and 15000 | none [rizea 4 feed length dn as Ped 0 15000 +50 required fixed length & 290 and 3 Foguized exact Lem pact oer the following betag preferreas |ToeuiTed exact east ftengts’) £25) 5 1, 25 1) Iu the case of exact tengthe aubject to restricted ‘cutting shall fall within th MASTER COPY “8 SEP 1999 SIBRATUSE

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