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DEUTSCHE NORM March 2000 Hot-rolled steel channels with taper flanges Dimensions, mass and static parameters 1s 77.140.70 This standard, together with DIN EN 10279, Warmgewalzier U-Profilstahl ~ Teil 1: Warmgewalzter U-Profilstahl March 2000 edition, mit geneigien Flanschflachen ~ MaBe, Masse und statische Werte supersedes October 1963 edition, In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), @ comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker. Foreword This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee Warmgewalzte Profilerzeugnisse of the Normen- ausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steet and Iron Standards Committee). Revision of DIN 1026 was prompted by publication of DIN EN 10279, which specifies tolerances on dimen: sions, form and mass for hot-rolled steel channels with taper and parallel flanges. Amendments This standard differs from the 1963 edition as foliows: a) The standard now consists of two parts. DIN 1026-1 specifies requirements for steel channels with taper flanges, and DIN 1026-2") those for steel channels with parallel flanges. b) Dimensional and geometrical tolerances and tolerances on mass are now specified in DIN EN 10279, ©) References have been updated Previous editions DIN 1612: 1924-09, 1992-01, 1943x-03; DIN 1026-1: 1926-04, 1996-12, 1998-12, 1940x-07; DIN 1026-2: 1926-04, 1929-12, 1940x-07; DIN 1026-8: 1926-04, 1938-12, 1940-07; DIN 1026: 1959-07, 1963-10, Ail dimensions are in mm. 1 Scope This standard specifies dimensions, mass and static parameters for hot-rolled steel channels with taper flanges with a height, it, of 30 mm to 400 mm, made fram steel of a grade specified in clause 6. 2 Normative references This standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the titles of the publications are listed below. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision, For undated references, the latest odition of the publication referred to applies. DIN 1026-2 Hot-rolled steel channels with parallel flanges ~ Dimensions, mass and static param- eters’) DIN EN 10025 —_Hot-rolled unalloyed structural steel products - Technical delivery conditions {includes Amendment At: 1993) DIN EN 10113-1 Hot-rolled weldable fine grain structural steel products - Technical delivery conditions ) Currently at draft stage | MASTER Copy Continued on pages 2 to 4. f & JUN 2002 Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst tncese of cout, he Geran fanquage oral spouse consulted as he autho i 4 i i ‘© No pal ta haraaion ay be Tpraduond wine ha por parmanon ot Ref. No. DIN 1026-1 - 2000-03 Din Deutsches ost kr Nowmung eV, Berk. Ben Very Grant, 10772 Bet, Gewrany, Enaish pice group 08. Sales No. 0705 ‘as he ecto rght of sa for Gran Sandares (ON Neemen oer 2000-03 DIN EN 1013-2 Hot-rolled weldabi hnical delivery conditions tor normalized steel ine giain structural steel products ~ DIN EN 10113-3 Hot-rolled weldable fine grain structural steel praducts ~ Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanically rolled ste! DIN EN 10278 Hot-rolled stee! channels ~ Tolerances on shape, dimensions and mass 3. Designation "Taper with height, /, of 800 mm or less: 8 %, Taper with height, ft, over 300 mm: 5 %. Figure 1 EXAMPLE: Designation of a hot-rolled steel channel with taper flange (U) in accordance with this standard, with a height of 300 mm, made fram steel of grade S235JR or material number 1,0037 as in DIN 10025: Channel DIN 1026 ~ U 300 ~ S235JR or Channel DIN 1026 ~ U 300 ~ 1.0037 4 Dimensions, mass and static parameters 4.1 Dimensions, mass and static parameters of hot-rolled steel channels with taper flanges shall be as in table 1 4.2 The masses specified in table 1 have been calculated on the basis of a density of 7,85 kg/dm®. 5 Tolerances See DIN EN 10279. 6 Material Channels shall preferably be made from steel of a grade as in DIN EN 10025 and DIN 10113. The stee! grade shall be specified when ordering, Page 3 DIN 1026-1 ; 2000-03, (penunuod) 6e'v ez Foe | 6zt | zz | gee | eez | 2z'6 | oof | ooge | szz'o zee 9 eh eh sé se | ove ore oy we Se1 | grt | oez | see | ser | ere | sbz | os9z | giz'o vez wee | So | Sat 6 oe | oz <4 we] oe [eo [ou [weloz| en lax) fosr[ we | ex fee] leulen| os [a [ow ) me sve ver | oe | zz | vee | vu [seo] om | oor | neo | ow fowles[n|nl]e}o|on] om gsc ect | g's9 | eer | eet | ese | iz'o} ol ste 9rs'0 eo o'r | ss | sor sk $9 | OOF o9L we eu | vis [ser| en | ceo [ere] vee | ooo | evo | om [ro] s | o 2 | 00 | on | om coe gor | ese | ost | vin | eer | zev| coo | voc | vero | ver fowler] 6 | 6 | 2 | ss | oz | oa 6% ssh @ve | sz | at | eee | cez | ioe | Zr 90z ze'0 9'OL sy | se | se 9 os | 008 oo 19% svt sg'9 ] BSL | cel | ge'o oe | soz 0b z1e'0 9's r e a 9 oY 08 08 age evt = = seb | 20's est | Lae | sus L270 604 £0'6 y gsi] sz] ss a 99 $9 ost t6'0 oe one ez Z% | Sob ole siz'0 20'S go e 9 a 9 Of 09 og vz aes ot a [eve zé'L | 9'OL vot zez'0 69'S aL | Se a Z s ee os 0s eb 18'0. taal = 120 | grb | BZ | sel | evo gor iso oe'e ey e 9 9 gs s os | szx0S ze] ccs | — | — [ror| woe | os |osv| soz [rn | ovo} uy fizelee)2]2]s }s lol o i | wo [— | = [orofooo [ors [os | ee | wv | ano | we [oelor|s [es] es bol @ [enw] 0 zo Pe — | vo} eco | eco | zor} aor ese coro eh Wee z sy | sv v sh 0 | Sb xOE : eS =: GEE at |ps! soe 4 oge spe xe moge | ww wou = ‘seBue sede} uaim sjouueyo jeoys 10} sioyouresed oneys pue ssew ‘suorsueunG :1 812, ‘uo!suet pue uols: ‘UONSS $5019 Sif JI24 JO 19PI0 YSU Jo JuOWIOL! = "| 166 30 Snipe = f ‘SnInpoW UORDAS = 1 “ERUAU! 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