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Vege Pygmy

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Vegepygmies, also called mold folk or moldies, are fungus

creatures that live in simple tribal units, hunting for sustenance Thornies are less intelligent than vegepygmies, but have greater
and spreading the spores from which they reproduce. Spawned by size and ferocity, as well as a thorn-covered body. Vegepygmies
a unique mold called russet mold, Vegepygmies infest forests, often keep them as pets, utilizing them as guard dogs.
caverns, and ruins where this strange mold grows. Reddish brown
in color, russet mold grows only in places that are dark, warm,
and wet. This in turn means that Vegepygmy settlements are also
Vegepygmy Names
in these same conditions. Vegepygmies dont generally have names, and the ones that do
No one knows for sure where russet mold came from. One have names dont follow any specific naming convention. Their
historical account tells of adventurers in a forbidding mountain names are generally just short, single-syllable sounds that are
range discovering russet mold and vegepygmies in a peculiar easy to remember.

Vegepygmy Traits
metal dungeon full of strange life. Another story says that
explorers found russet mold in a crater left by a falling star, with
vegepygmies infesting the dense jungle nearby. As a Vegepygmy, you have the following traits:

Primitive Plants Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2,

and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Vegepygmies are most commonly found underground or in dense Age. Vegepygmies are short-lived beings that are born fully
forests where little sunlight penetrates. A vegepygmy grown. While most dont live long enough to see old age, those
instinctively feels kinship with other plant and fungus creatures, that do end up dying after about 30 years.
and thus vegepygmy tribes coexist well with creatures such as Alignment. Vegepygmies are simple creature that dont tend
myconids, shriekers, and violet fungi. towards good nor evil; lawful nor chaotic. They are most often
Although they prefer to eat fresh meat, bone, and blood, true neutral.
vegepygmies can absorb nutrients from soil and many sorts of Size. Vegepygmies average at about 3 feet in height and they
organic matter, meaning that they rarely go hungry. All weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
vegepygmies can hiss and make other noises by forcing air Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
through their mouth, but only a select few can speak in a Darkvision. Accustomed to life in the dark conditions that
conventional sense. Those that can often become tribal leaders, russet mold prefers, you have superior vision in dark and dim
and they may even interact and speak with the other races. conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
Among themselves, vegepygmies communicate by hissing, were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
gestures, and rhythmic tapping on the body. Vegepygmies build can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
and craft little; any gear they have is acquired from other Grounded. You have resistance to lightning damage.
creatures or built by copying simple construction they have Plant Camouflage. When standing still, you have advantage on
witnessed. Dexterity (Stealth) checks you make while obscured by plants.
Regeneration. You can use a bonus action on your turn to
Mold Begets Mold begin temporarily regenerating your health. You regenerate 1 hit
point at the start of each of your turns for a number of rounds
Vegepygmies originate from the remains left behind when a equal to your level. If you are reduced to 0 hit points while this
humanoid or a giant is killed by russet mold. One or more feature is active, the feature ends. You cant use this feature again
vegepygmies emerge from the corpse a day later. If a beast such until you finish a long rest.
as a dog or a bear dies from russet mold, the result is a bestial Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
moldie called a thorny instead of a humanoid-shaped vegepygmy. Vegepygmy.


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