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Course code EC2253 L T P C

Course name Electromagnetic fields 3 1 0 4
Pre requisites ---
Category Professional core
Instructional objectives

Instructional Instructional objectives

objectives No

1 To familiarize the student to the concepts, calculations and pertaining to

electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields so that an in depth
understanding of antennas, electronic devices, Waveguides are possible
2 To analyse fields a potentials due to static charges
3 To evaluate static magnetic fields
4 To understand how materials affect electric and magnetic fields
5 To understand the relation between the fields under time varying situations
6 To understand principles of propagation of uniform plane waves
Course outcomes:

Students gained the knowledge about different Co-ordinate Systems

Students have ability to execute the Static electric fields problems
Students have ability different parameter of Static electric fields
Students have ability to execute the Static magnetic fields problems
Students have ability different parameter of Static magnetic fields
Students gained the knowledge about dielectric and magnetic materials
Students have ability to analyze the boundary conditions of electro and magneto static problems
Students gained the knowledge to evaluate the electrostatic problems through Laplace and Poisson
Students gained the knowledge how to drive the Maxwells four equations and its application
Students have ability to analyze the power flow in the medium through Poynting vector
Students gained the knowledge of the wave equation in different medium
Students have ability to analyze which type of polarization used in propagation
Students gained the knowledge about the Concept of reflection, refraction and diffraction of wave in
different medium
Program outcomes

Program Program outcomes

outcomes No.
a An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering,
b An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
c An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political,
ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
e An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems
h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

Lecture Date Topic Instructional Program References

No objectives outcomes

1 Introduction-Vector analysis

2 Introduction to Co-ordinate System

Rectangular Cylindrical and Spherical
Co-ordinate System

3 Introduction to line, Surface and

Volume Integrals
1,2 a, b, c, T1,R1
4 Definition of Curl, Divergence and
e, h, i

5 Meaning of Stokes theorem and

Divergence theorem

6 Coulombs Law in Vector Form

Definition of Electric Field Intensity
Principle of Superposition

7 Electric Field due to discrete charges

Electric field due to continuous charge

8 Electric Field due to charges distributed

uniformly on an infinite and finite line
9 Electric Field on the axis of a uniformly
charged circular disc

10 Electric Field due to an infinite

uniformly charged sheet.

11 Electric Scalar Potential Relationship

between potential and electric field -
Electric Flux Density

12 Potential due to infinite uniformly

charged line Potential due to electrical

13 Gauss Law Proof of Gauss Law

14 Gauss Law -Applications.

15 Tutorial- Co-ordinate System

16 Tutorial- Curl, Divergence and Gradient

17 Tutorial- Stokes theorem and

Divergence theorem

18 Tutorial- Coulombs Law - Electric

Field Intensity using Principle of

19 Tutorial- Gauss Law

20 Tutorial- Electric Scalar Potential

Relationship between potential and
electric field - Electric Flux Density

1 The Biot-Savart Law in vector form.

2 Magnetic Field intensity due to a finite

and infinite wire carrying a current I

3 Magnetic field intensity on the axis of a

circular and rectangular loop carrying a
current I
3 a, b, c,
4 Amperes circuital law and its proof
e, h, i
5 Applications of Amperes circuital law- T1,R1
Magnetic flux density

6 Magnetic Vector Potential

7 The Lorentz force equation for a
moving charge and applications

8 Force on a wire carrying a current I

placed in a magnetic field

9 Torque on a loop carrying a current I

Magnetic moment

10 Tutorials- Biot-Savart Law- Magnetic

Field intensity

11 Tutorials- Amperes circuital law-

12 Tutorials- Magnetic Vector Potential

13 Tutorials- Magnetic force and Torque

1 Nature of dielectric materials- Electric

2 Electric current Current density

point form of ohms law

3 Continuity equation for current

4 Definition of Capacitance Capacitance
of various geometries-parallel plate
capacitor T1,R1
5 Capacitance of cylindrical capacitor and 4 a, b, c,
spherical capacitor e, h, i
6 Poissons and Laplaces equation-
Boundary conditions between conductor
and dielectric medium for electric fields
7 Boundary conditions between different
dielectric medium for electric fields
8 Electrostatic energy and energy density

9 Nature of magnetic materials

magnetization and permeability
10 Definition of Inductance Inductance
of loops and solenoids
11 Definition of mutual inductance- Energy
density in magnetic fields
12 Boundary conditions in magnetic
13 Tutorials- Electric current Current
density point form of ohms law-
14 Tutorials- Capacitance- Boundary value
problems-Application of Poissons and
Laplaces equation
15 Tutorials- Magnetic medium problems-
Inductance problems
16 Tutorials- Boundary condition
problems-electric and magnetic field
1 Displacement current Amperes
circuital law in integral form

2 Modified form of Amperes circuital

law as Maxwells first equation in
integral form Equation expressed in T2
point form

3 Faradays law Maxwells Second

Equation in integral form from
Faradays Law Equation expressed in a, b, c,
point form. e, h, i
4 Maxwells four equations in integral
form and differential form.

5 Poynting Vector and the flow of power

6 Poynting Theorem

7 Power flow in a co-axial cable

8 Instantaneous Average and Complex

Poynting Vector.

9 Tutorials

10 Tutorials

11 Tutorials

12 Tutorials

1 Derivation of Wave Equation

2 Maxwells equation in Phasor form

Wave equation in Phasor form

3 Plane waves in free space and in a

homogenous material

4 Wave equation for a conducting

5 Plane waves in lossy dielectrics 6 a, b, c,
Propagation in good conductors
e, h, i
6 Linear, Elliptical and circular
polarization - Skin effect.

7 Reflection of Plane Wave from a

conductor- normal incidence,
oblique incidence

8 Reflection of Plane Waves by a

perfect dielectric normal and
oblique incidence- Dependence on

9 CONTINUATION - Reflection of
Plane Waves by a perfect dielectric
normal and oblique incidence-
Dependence on Polarization-
Brewster angle

10 Tutorials

11 Tutorials

12 Tutorials

13 Tutorials

Text book:
1. W H.Hayt & J A Buck : Engineering Electromagnetics TATA McGraw-Hill, 7 th Edition 2007
(Unit I,II,III ).
2. E.C. Jordan & K.G. Balmain Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems. Pearson
Education/PHI 4nd edition 2006. (Unit IV, V)
Reference book:
1. Matthew N.O.Sadiku: Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics Oxford University
Press, 4th edition, 2007

2. Narayana Rao, N : Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics 6 th edition, Pearson

Education, New Delhi, 2006.

3. Ramo, Whinnery and Van Duzer: Fields and Waves in Communications Electronics
John Wiley & Sons ,3rd edition 2003.
4. David K.Cheng: Field and Wave Electromagnetics - Second Edition-Pearson Edition,

5. G.S.N. Raju, Electromagnetic Field Theory & Transmission Lines, Pearson Education,



REQUIRED 52 22 74
Name of the PEO attained Course objectives Course outcomes Program comments
module outcome
Our graduates have ability to adapt &
demonstrate contemporary technologies
To become familiar with
Different types of
Students gained the knowledge about different
a, b, c, e, h, i Strong: a, b , h, i

FIELDS Co-ordinate System Co-ordinate Systems

in electronics and communication to Average :c ,e
serve the society Basics of vector Students have ability to execute the Static electric
Our graduates have ability to execute concepts fields problems
the knowledge gained from the design Static electric fields
methodologies and upgraded software in and electro-static Students have ability different parameter of Static
mitigating the problems and emphasize potentials electric fields
high standards To evaluate different
parameter of Static
electric fields
Our graduates have ability to adapt &
demonstrate contemporary technologies
To become familiar with
Static magnetic fields
Students have ability to execute the Static
a, b, c, e, h, i Strong: a, b , h, i

FIELD and magnetic vector magnetic fields problems

in electronics and communication to Average :c ,e
serve the society potential Students have ability different parameter of Static
Our graduates have ability to execute magnetic fields
the knowledge gained from the design
methodologies and upgraded software in
mitigating the problems and emphasize
high standards
Our graduates have ability to adapt &
demonstrate contemporary technologies
To understand
how materials
Students gained the knowledge about dielectric
a, b, c, e, h, i Strong: a, b , h, i

MAGNETIC FIELDS affected by electric and magnetic materials

in electronics and communication to Average :c ,e
IN MATERIALS serve the society fields Students have ability to analyze the boundary
Our graduates have ability to execute how materials conditions of electro and magneto static problems
the knowledge gained from the design affected by magnetic
methodologies and upgraded software in fields Students gained the knowledge to evaluate the
mitigating the problems and emphasize electrostatic problems through Laplace and
high standards Poisson equation
Our graduates have ability to adapt &
demonstrate contemporary technologies
To understand
the relation between
Students gained the knowledge how to drive the
a, b, c, e, h, i Strong: a, b , h, i

ELECTRIC AND the fields under time Maxwells four equations and its application
in electronics and communication to Average :c ,e
MAGNETIC FIELDS serve the society varying situations Students have ability to analyze the power flow in
Our graduates have ability to execute Maxwells equation the medium through Poynting vector
the knowledge gained from the design in electromagnetic
methodologies and upgraded software in field
mitigating the problems and emphasize
high standards
UNIT V Our graduates have ability to adapt &
ELECTROMAGNETIC demonstrate contemporary technologies
To understand principles of
propagation of uniform plane
Students gained the knowledge of the wave
a, b, c, e, h, i Strong: a, b , h, i

WAVES waves equation in different medium

in electronics and communication to Average :c ,e
serve the society In the conducting Students have ability to analyze which type of
Our graduates have ability to execute medium polarization used in propagation
the knowledge gained from the design In the dielectric
methodologies and upgraded software in medium Students gained the knowledge about the Concept
mitigating the problems and emphasize Concept of of reflection, refraction and diffraction of wave in
high standards reflection, refraction different medium
and diffraction


Course designed by Anna university, Chennai

Programme a b c d e f g h i j k l
outcome x x x x x x

HSS Sciences Professional Elective OR

2 Category Core(P)

Applied VLSI Embedded Communication

Broad area(for P electronics design system system
4 Subject handled by Mr.T.N.Suresh babu
5 Signature


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