WireCoHandbook - Form 1001M-Low Res
WireCoHandbook - Form 1001M-Low Res
WireCoHandbook - Form 1001M-Low Res
he first two meanings of lay 3. The length along the rope that a strand
are descriptive of the wire and makes one complete spiral around
strand positions in the rope. The the rope core. This is a measurement
third meaning is a length measurement frequently used in wire rope inspection.
used in manufacturing and inspection. Standards and regulations require
removal when a certain number of
1. The direction strands lay in the rope broken wires per rope lay are found.
right or left. When you look down a
rope, strands of a right lay rope go
away from you to the right. Left lay The lay of a rope affects its
is the opposite. (It doesnt matter operational properties
which direction you look.)
Regular lay is more stable and more resistant
to crushing than lang lay, while lang lay is
2. The relationship between the more fatigue resistant and abrasion resistant.
direction strands lay in the rope and For standard non-rotation-resistant ropes,
the direction wires lay in the strands. lang lay use is normally limited to single layer
In appearance, wires in regular lay spooling and when the rope and load are
restrained from rotation.
appear to run straight down the
length of the rope, and in lang lay,
they appear to angle across the rope.
In regular lay, wires are laid in the
strand opposite the direction the
strands lay in the rope. In lang lay,
the wires are laid the same direction
in the strand as the strands lay in
the rope.
ith each application, your strength. These refer to calculated
choices of wire ropes can strength figures that have been
be many. How do you know accepted by the wire rope industry.
which one works best for you? Ropes
include a combination of properties that When placed under tension on a test
give them specific performance abili- device, a new rope should break at a
ties. Before you choose, it pays figure equal to or higher than the
to look closely at each ropes special minimum breaking force shown for that
properties. rope.
he actual diameter of a wire The illustrations at left
rope is the diameter of a show the correct and
circumscribed circle that incorrect methods
will enclose all the strands. Its the of measuring wire
largest cross-sectional measurement ropes with even
as shown here. You should make the numbers of outer
measurement carefully with calipers. strands.
True diameter
A s we move toward metric
measurements, it will become
increasingly necessary to convert English
Nominal wire rope diameter
Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters
Design factors
he 6 x 19 classification of wire important for their fatigue resistance.
ropes includes standard 6 strand, This fatigue resistance is made possible
round strand ropes with 16 by the greater number of small wires
6 x 19 vs. through 26 wires per strand. The 6 x 36 per strand.
6 x 36 classification of wire ropes includes
> Its a question of standard 6 strand, round strand ropes Although there are exceptions for
what your needs with 27 through 49 wires per strand. special applications, the constructions
are. The 6 x 19 ropes Although their operating properties in 6 x 36 classification are primarily
emphasize abrasion vary, all have the same weight per foot designed to be the most efficient for
resistance while and the same minimum breaking force, each rope diameter. As the rope size
the 6 x 36 ropes are size for size. increases, for instance, a large number
important for their of wires can be used to achieve required
fatigue resistance. While the 6 x 19 ropes give primary fatigue resistance, and still those wires
emphasis to abrasion resistance in will be large enough to offer adequate
varying degrees, the 6 x 36 ropes are resistance to abrasion.
otation-resistant ropes can Category 2 rotation-resistant rope
frequently provide the best has 10 or more outer strands, has
and most economical service in two or more layers of strands (over a
specific applications when you choose, center) and has a significant resistance
handle and use them properly. to rotation.
* The minimum breaking force applies only when a test is conducted with both ends fixed. When in use,
the minimum breaking force of these ropes may be significantly reduced if one end is free to rotate.
Flex-X 6 Flex-X 9
Most applications for wire rope are Designed to combat drum crushing
extremely demanding. Wire rope must challenges in boom hoisting applications,
resist crushing, bending fatigue and Flex-X 9 features compacted strands
abrasion. For example, clamshell closing and swaging for extra drum crushing
Flex-x and
increased lines must resist bending fatigue and resistance and increased stability.
surface area boom hoists are subject Its high-density strands deliver extra
> Flex-X ropes provide to pressures that strength, surprising bendability and a
greater surface cause crushing. stubborn resistance to abrasion.
area and more steel Overhead hoists test
per given diameter, the stability and Flex-X 9 is manufactured with a dual
increasing rope strength of a wire compaction process to produce a compact
stability, strength rope. All drum-related cross-section with minimum voids and
and service life. applications demand a greater surface area on
rope that will spool and outer wires that contact
operate smoothly and dependably. drums, sheaves and
the rope, itself, during
Flex-X 6 users receive superior operation. The high-
performance and increased service life in density, compacted
many applications compared to the ropes strands minimize nicking
they had previously employed. When at strand-to-strand contact points.
compared to conventional 6 strand ropes,
Flex-X 6 ropes provide greater surface area And Flex-X 9 makes inspection easier
and more steel per given diameter, which for you. While standard swaged ropes
increases rope stability and strength, too. may develop internal broken wires
This results in longer service life and less before they do externally, Flex-X 9s
sheave and drum wear. design minimizes internal stresses,
making external wire breaks more likely
Flex-X 6 should not be used with a swivel. to develop first.
PFV 7-Flex
PFV, the plastic-impregnated wire We offer 7-Flex ropes for many applica-
rope, has proven in many applications tions that currently use 6 x 19 or 6 x 36
to give you longer service life and classification ropes. Their operating
cleaner operation than conventional properties are similar in
wire ropes. many ways to 6 x 36
classification ropes.
On the inside, youll find our top-of- Typical applications
the-line wire rope that effectively such as container
withstands the tough pressures of cranes, logging
your demanding jobs. On the outside, portal cranes and
youll see a specially engineered sawmill carriages have
polymer plastic designed to overcome reported increased service life with the
even harsher conditions. This polymer 7-Flex rope.
penetration is applied at high pressure to force
the material into the rope, filling the The 7-Flex construction offers improved
> With one strand and
valleys of the strands. resistance to bending fatigue compared
part of the polymer
plastic removed,
to a 6 x 19S and 6 x 26WS due to a
PFV cushions the strands, distributes combination of the outer wire size and
you can see how
internal stresses, keeps in wire rope the seventh strand. These products are
deep the polymer
lubricant and keeps out dirt and debris. also available in a PFV option to further
penetrates into
the rope, giving
enhance service.
PFV doesnt melt or soften from the heat
you uniform and Minimum breaking force and
of normal operating temperatures. Its
continuous support weights for all 7-Flex ropes
also virtually unaffected by sunlight
for all strands
and cold weather. The result is longer Minimum
throughout the length
service life from your wire rope. Approx. breaking force
of the rope. Diameter wt./ft. (tons of
(in.) (lb.) 2,000 lb.)
PFV also helps shed water and dirt, XIP IWRC
giving you a clean, smooth surface
to make it easy to pass over sheaves 3/8 0.26 7.55
7/16 0.35 10.2
and onto drums. This smooth surface 1/2 0.46 13.3
works to clean and polish as it extends
9/16 0.59 16.8
the service life of your sheaves and 5/8 0.72 20.6
drums, while also reducing your 3/4 1.04 29.4
cleanup requirements and your 7/8 1.42 39.8
maintenance costs. 1 1.85 51.7
1 1/8 2.34 65.0
1 1/4 2.89 79.9
lso called triangular strand, Minimum breaking force and weights for
flattened strand ropes flattened strand XIP ropes
perform exceptionally well on Fiber core iwrc
certain installations, especially those Minimum Minimum
involving heavy loads where the speed Approx. breaking force Approx. breaking force
of operation is slow, where adequate Diameter wt./ft. (tons of wt./ft. (tons of
(in.) (lb.) 2,000 lb.) (lb.) 2,000 lb.)
diameter sheaves and drums are used,
or where a crush-resistant rope is 5/8 0.70 20.1 0.74 21.7
required. Typical installations include 3/4 1.01 28.8 1.06 31.0
7/8 1.39 39.0 1.46 41.9
skip hoists, large overhead cranes and
boom hoist ropes. 1 1.80 50.6 1.89 54.4
1 1/8 2.28 63.7 2.39 68.5
1 1/4 2.81 78.2 2.95 84
Their distinguishing physical feature
1 3/8 3.40 93.9 3.57 101
is their relatively flat exposed surfaces
1 1/2 4.05 111 4.25 119
of strands. As a result, the rope 1 5/8 4.75 130 4.99 140
exterior is more nearly
1 3/4 5.51 151 5.79 161
a smooth, continuous
circle than that of
regular round-strand
6 x 7 classification sandlines
wire rope. Flattened
In a 6 x 7 rope, the wires are larger
strand ropes are made
than those of other constructions of
with two layers of 12 wires around a
the same diameter. Wires of a 6 x 7 are
triangular-shaped center. We offer a
approximately twice the diameter of
6 x 30 Style G using a six-wire center
outer wires of a 6 x 25F rope. The large
as the standard construction.
size of the outer wires gives this class
excellent abrasion resistance
The advantages of
flattened strand ropes at great sacrifice of bendability and
The flattened shape forms a bearing resistance to fatigue. The standard
surface with more contact points on 6 x 7 rope construction is made with
each strand than a round-strand rope. fiber core and right regular lay.
With more sheave contact, weight
and wear on the rope are distributed Minimum breaking force and
weights for 6 x 7 IPSfiber core
more uniformly than on a typical round-
strand rope. The triangular strand bright
structure also results in more steel Minimum
in the cross-section than a standard Approx. breaking force
Diameter wt./ft. (tons of
round-strand rope of equal size.
(in.) (lb.) 2,000 lb.)
his category includes wire ropes Minimum breaking force and weights for
in sizes as small as 1/32 in 7 x 7 utility cable - galvanized or stainless
diameter. Theyre used in a
Approx. Minimum breaking force
variety of applications, including Diameter wt./100 ft. (lb.)
control cables, window and door (in.) (lb.) Galvanized Stainless
closures, different kinds of remote
1/32* 0.16 110 110
control systems, boat rigging and others. 3/64 0.42 270 270
1/16 0.75 480 480
They can be made of galvanized or 5/64 1.1 650 650
3/32 1.6 920 920
stainless steel aircraft wire.
7/64 2.2 1,260 1,260
1/8 2.8 1,700 1,700
Each of these products is carefully 5/32 4.3 2,600 2,400
engineered and fabricated to uniform 3/16 6.2 3,700 3,700
7/32 8.3 4,800 4,800
size and quality. For example, 1/16 1/4 10.6 6,100 6,100
7 x 19 contains 133 separate wires, 9/32 13.4 7,600 7,600
making the wires approximately the 5/16 16.7 9,200 9,000
3/8 23.6 13,100 12,000
diameter of a human hair. Yet the rope
has high strength, bendability and *1/32 is made in 3 x 7 construction.
fatigue resistance.
Minimum breaking force and weights for
These ropes are produced for the most 7 x 19 utility cable - galvanized or stainless
common applications in the market.
Utility grade is made to ASTM A1023. Approx. Minimum breaking force
Diameter wt./100 ft. (lb.)
These cables have historically been (in.) (lb.) Galvanized Stainless
called aircraft cable. Since most
applications do not require that 1/16 0.75 480 480
3/32 1.7 1,000 920
designation, we changed the name to
7/64 2.2 1,400 1,260
utility cable. We are on the Qualified 1/8 2.9 2,000 1,760
Producers List (QPL) and can provide 5/32 4.5 2,800 2,400
these ropes to the MIL-DTL-83420 3/16 6.5 4,200 3,700
7/32 8.6 5,600 5,000
aircraft specifications on request. 1/4 11.0 7,000 6,400
They require special lubrication, 9/32 13.9 8,000 7,800
internal marking and fatigue testing. 5/16 17.3 9,800 9,000
11/32 20.7 12,500
3/8 24.3 14,400 12,000
ur galvanized strand products > Individual wire tolerances.
meet or exceed ASTM
Specifications A475 and ASTM > Wire coating weight ASTM
A363. Strands are tested for: Method A90.
> Minimum breaking force. > Wire wrap test for coating adherence.
> Elongation (High Strength 5%; Extra > Wire wrap test for steel ductility.
High Strength and Utilities Grade 4%).
> Preforming check.
Minimum breaking
Nominal Nominal
Approx. force of strand (lb.)
diameter diameter weight High Extra-High
of strand Number of coated of strand Utilities Strength Strength
(in.) of wires wires (in.) (lb./1000 ft.) Grade Grade Grade
*ASTM A363 (weldless) is also available in these sizes and grades upon request.
seized end
Two techniques for seizing cut ends
Wire seizing is soft wire used to keep the diameter length along the wire rope. Lower
individual wire rope component ends bound preformed ropes would require two or more
together while cutting, preparing, and seizings. Rotation-resistant ropes, due to their
handling a wire rope. It keeps them from unique design and operating characteristics,
opening up, helps maintain lay lengths, require seizing or taper-welding procedures
and lowers the chances of distortion at that differ significantly from those for standard
the ends when cut that could lead to non-rotation-resistant ropes. For category
issues. Standard preformed non-rotation- 1 rotation-resistant wire ropes, reference
resistant wire ropes would require only WireCos Product Bulletin, Field Cutting of
one seizing covering at least one rope Category 1 Rotation-Resistant Ropes.
1. 2. 3.
First method
1. Wind seizing around rope for a length
equal to the rope diameter, keeping
wraps parallel, close together and in 2.
tension. Twist ends of strand together
by hand. second method
1. Lay one end of the seizing in the groove
2. Continue twisting with pliers to take between two strands in the wire rope and
up slack and tighten. wrap the other end tightly over the portion
in the groove.
3. Twist strand tightly against serving,
winding twisted strand into knot before 2. Complete steps 2 and 3 at left.
cutting off ends of the strand. Pound
knot snugly against rope.
ow long will your rope last? Break in your new rope properly
There is not a simple answer When you install a new operating
but, rather, there are several rope, you should first run it for a brief
factors involved, including: period of time with no load. Then, for
best results, run it under controlled
> The manner in which you install and loads and speeds to enable the wires
break in your new rope. and strands in the rope to adjust to
> The operating technique and work
habits of the machine operators. Constructional stretch
When first put into service, new ropes
> Physical maintenance of the rope normally elongate while strands go
throughout its service life. through a process of seating with one
another and with the rope core. This is
> Physical maintenance of the system called constructional stretch because
in which your rope operates. it is inherent in the construction of the
avoid twisting
of new wire rope, and the amount of elongation may
rope during Recommended practices vary from one rope to another. For
installation Weve outlined several recommended standard ropes, this stretch will be
> Handle the rope practices you may use to extend your about 1/4% to 1% of the ropes length.
properly from the ropes useful life. Its also important to
reel or coil to your note that all sections of this handbook, When constructional stretch needs
equipment and, on in some respect, also review ways to to be minimized, ropes may be factory
smooth-faced drums, help you get greater useful life from prestretched. Please specify when
spool with wraps tight your rope, and thats why you need placing your order.
and close together to thoroughly understand all the
on the first layer. material here. Another type of stretch, elastic stretch,
results from recoverable elongation of
Install your rope correctly the metal itself.
The primary concern when installing
a new rope is to not trap any twist in Cut off ends to move wear points
the rope system. Proper handling of If you observe wear developing in a
the rope from the reel or coil to your localized area, it may be beneficial
equipment will help avoid this situation. to cut off short lengths of rope. This
Another important step on smooth may require an original length slightly
faced drums is to spool with tensioned longer than you normally use. When
wraps tight and close together on the severe abrasion or numerous fatigue
first layer. This layer forms the foun- breaks occur near one end or at any
dation for succeeding layers. Finally, one concentrated area such as drag
spool the remaining rope on the drum ropes on draglines or closing lines in
with tension approximating 1% to 2% of clamshell buckets, for example the
the ropes minimum breaking force. movement of this worn section can
prolong rope life.
> Spray
Wire breaks from vibration fatigue before significant wear occurs at the
occur at end terminations, so short equalizing sheave, and always do so
lengths cut off there with reattachment at the same drum. You must maintain
of the socket may prolong the ropes the required minimum number of dead
life. When broken wires are found, you wraps on the drum.
should cut off sections of rope. In the
case of a socket, you should cut off at Reversing ends
least five or six feet. In the case of clips Frequently, the most severe deterioration
or clamps, you should cut off the entire occurs at a point too far from the end > Brush
length covered by them. or is too long to allow the worn section
to be cut off. In such cases, you may
Where there is an equalizing sheave, turn the rope end for end to bring a
such as that found in many overhead less worn section into the area where
cranes, fatigue is localized at rope conditions are most damaging. This
tangency points to the equalizing practice is beneficial for incline rope
sheave. Rope life may be increased if and draglines. The change must be
you shift this point by cutting off a made well before the wear reaches the
short length at the end of one of the removal criteria. When changing ends,
drums. Be sure to make this cutoff be careful to avoid kinking or otherwise
damaging the rope.
ll wire ropes will wear out How often
eventually and gradually lose All wire ropes should be thoroughly
work capability throughout inspected at regular intervals. The longer
their service life. Thats why periodic it has been in service or the more severe
inspections are critical. Applicable the service, the more thoroughly and
industry standards such as ASME frequently it should be inspected.
B30.2 for overhead and gantry cranes Be sure to maintain records of each
or federal regulations such as OSHA inspection.
refer to specific inspection criteria
for varied applications. Appoint a qualified person
to inspect
Three purposes for inspection Inspections should be carried out by a
Regular inspection of wire rope and person who has learned through special
equipment should be performed for training or practical experience what
inspect your to look for and who knows how to
three good reasons:
wire rope
judge the importance of any abnormal
> It reveals the ropes condition and conditions they may discover. It is the
> Inspection should
indicates the need for replacement. inspectors responsibility to obtain and
be performed by a
follow the proper inspection criteria for
person with special
> It can indicate if youre using the each application inspected.
training or practical
experience. most suitable type of rope.
For information on inspection methods and
> It makes possible the discovery and techniques, our Techreport 107: Wire Rope
correction of faults in equipment Inspection, is available on the unionrope.
or operation that can cause costly com website for download. If you need
accelerated rope wear. further assistance with our ropes, contact
our Product Engineering Department.
Typical evidence
of wear and abuse
birdcage is caused by strands. This is caused by improper
sudden release of tension and socketing or seizing, kinks or dog-
know when the resulting rebound of rope. legs. At top, you see a closeup of the
to remove your These strands and wires will not be concentration of wear. At bottom, you
wire rope
returned to their original positions. The see how it recurs every sixth strand in
> The chart on the a 6 strand rope.
rope should be replaced immediately.
facing page offers a
guide for removal,
based on the
number of wires
This shows a typical failure of a rotary A kinked wire rope is shown here.
drill line with a poor cutoff practice. Its caused by pulling down a loop in a
These wires have been subjected to slack line during handling, installation
continued peening, causing fatigue or operation. Note the distortion of the
type failures. A predetermined, regu- strands and individual wires. This rope
larly scheduled cutoff practice can help must be replaced.
eliminate this type of problem.
Heres a
wire rope
that has
jumped a
This is localized wear over an equal- sheave. The rope curled
ized sheave. The danger here is that its as it went over the edge of
invisible during the ropes operation, the sheave. When you study
and thats why you need to inspect this the wires, youll see two types
portion of an operating rope regularly. of breaks here: tensile cup
The rope should be pulled off the sheave and cone breaks and shear
during inspection and bent to check for breaks that appear to have
broken wires. been cut on an angle.
If you ever take a rope out of service and want to store it for future use,
you should place it on a reel after youve thoroughly cleaned and relubri-
cated it. Give the same storage considerations to your used rope as you
would your new rope.
Be sure to keep your wire rope in storage away from steam or hot water
pipes, heated air ducts or any other source of heat that can thin out
3. The result: Even if the wires do not
lubricant and cause it to drain out of your rope.
appear badly damaged, the rope is
still damaged and must be replaced.
In the real world, accidents do happen, and thats installing wire rope in your applications, always read
why you need to take special precautions. Before and follow the warning label attached to each product.
Core The axial member of a wire rope about which Grades, strand Classification of zinc-coated strand by
the strands are laid. It may be fiber, a wire strand or an its minimum breaking force. In order of increasing mini-
independent wire rope. mum breaking force, they are: Common, Siemens-Martin,
High Strength and Extra-High Strength. A Utilities grade
Corrosion Chemical decomposition of the wires in strand is also made to meet special requirements.
a rope by exposure to moisture, acids, alkalines or other
destructive agents. Grooved drum Drum with a grooved surface to guide
the rope for proper winding.
Corrugated The term used to describe the grooves
of a sheave or drum when worn so as to show the Grooves Depressions in the periphery of a sheave or
impression of a wire rope. drum that are shaped to position and support the rope.
Design factor The ratio of the minimum breaking Idler Sheave or roller used to guide or support a rope.
force to the design maximum working force. The minimum
Improved Plow Steel Rope See grades, rope.
breaking force is the published catalog strength of the
wire rope involved, and the design maximum working Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) A wire
force is the maximum calculated static load to be applied. rope used as the core of a larger wire rope.
Diameter, rope The distance measured across the Inner wires All wires of a strand except the
center of a circle circumscribing the strands of a wire rope. outer wires.
Dog-leg Permanent short bend in a wire rope caused IWRC See Independent Wire Rope Core.
by improper use.
Kink A sharp bend in a wire rope that permanently
Drum A cylindrical flanged barrel, either of uniform distorts the wires and strands; the result of a loop being
or tapering diameter, on which rope is wound either pulled through.
for operation or storage. Its surface may be smooth
or grooved. Lang lay rope Wire rope in which the wires in the
strands are laid in the same direction that the strands in
the rope are laid.
Marline clad rope A rope with individual strands Seizing wire A soft annealed iron wire.
spirally wrapped with marline or synthetic fiber cord.
Sheave A grooved pulley for wire rope.
Minimum breaking force Published strength thats
Slings Wire ropes made into forms, with or without
been calculated and accepted by the wire rope industry
fittings, for handling loads and made to permit the
following a set standard procedure. The wire rope
attachment of an operating rope.
manufacturer uses this strength as a minimum strength
when designing the wire rope, and the user should Smooth-faced drum A drum with a plain,
consider this to be the strength when making his design ungrooved surface.
Splicing Interweaving of two ends of ropes so
Non-Rotation-Resistant WIRE ROPE Stranded as to make a continuous or endless length without
wire rope, the design of which is not intended to reduce appreciably increasing the diameter. Also making a loop
load-induced torque. Also known as standard wire rope. or eye in the end of a rope by tucking the ends of the
Peening Permanent distortion of outside wire in a rope
caused by pounding. Stainless steel rope Wire rope made of chrome-
nickel steel wires having resistance to corrosion.
Preformed wire rope Wire rope in which the
strands are permanently shaped before fabrication into standard wire rope See NON-ROTATION-
the rope to the helical form they assume in the wire rope. RESISTANT WIRE ROPE
Preformed strand Strand in which the wires are Strand An arrangement of wires helically laid about
permanently shaped before fabrication in the strands to an axis, or another wire or fiber center to produce a
the helical form they assume in the strand. symmetrical section.
Prestretching Stressing a wire rope or strand before Strength, breaking The load, applied through
use under such a tension and for such a time that the some type of tensile machine, that it takes to pull that
constructional stretch is largely removed. piece of rope apart. This is the load at which a tensile
failure occurs in the piece of wire rope being tested.
Reel The flanged spool on which wire rope or strand
is wound for storage or shipment. Strength, aggregate The sum of the breaking
strength in tension of all the wires of a wire rope when
Regular lay rope Wire rope in which the wires
the wires are tested individually.
in the strands and the strands in the rope are laid in
opposite directions. Swaged rope A wire rope that is rotary-swaged
after closing to produce a compact cross-section.
Reserve strength The percentage of the minimum
breaking force represented by the inner wires of the outer Warrington A strand construction in which
strands of a wire rope. the outer layer of wires is composed of
alternating large and small wires.
Right lay (1) Strand a strand in which the cover wires
are laid in a helix having a right-hand pitch or (2) Rope Wire A single, continuous length
a rope in which the strands are laid in a helix having a of metal cold-drawn from a rod.
right-hand pitch.
Wire rope A plurality of
Rotation-resistant rope A wire rope consisting of strands laid helically
at least two layers of strands where the lay direction of around an axis
the outer layer is opposite of its underlying layer. or core.
Sand line The wire rope that operates the bailer for
removing water and drill cuttings in drilling a well.
Seller shall not be liable under any circumstances for consequential or incidental damages or secondary charges including but not
Form No. 1001M
limited to personal injury, labor costs, a loss of profits resulting from the use of said products or from said products being incorporated
in or becoming a component of any other product.
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2016 WireCo WorldGroup