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CV of Seydi Ba GASSAMA seydiba@yahoo.fr tel.

778276549 Dakar - Senegal

Institution Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
(Date from - Date to)
School of Social work:, Senegal 1987-1990 Master in Social Sciences - Msc:
IHP : intl. Health Programs USA : 1995 1996 Certificate of management of HIV projects
ISM: School of Management: Dakar Senegal: 2003 - 2005 DESS in Marketing and Communication
Dakar University Senegal: 2005 -2006 MPH Master in Public Health
Universit Paris Dauphine 2013 - 2014 MBA IP
Language skills:
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Wolof Mother Tongue
French Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Good Good
Pulaar Good Good Good
Vietnamese Good fair fair

Membership of professional bodies:

I am a SENIOR PROGRAMME MANAGER, 20 years working experiences in the area of public health and
social development, Disaster Preparedness and Response Specialist, gender and Behaviour
Communication for Change Advisor with solid experiences in Communication and Marketing skills.

I belong to the RDRT (Regional Disaster Response Team) in west and central Africa (IFRC),
member of

UNDAC team in West Africa under ECOWAS.

Member of IHP (International Health Programme in California in Santa Cruz Award received
from that institute in 1995).

Member of DPPT (Disaster Preparedness Planning Team from UNOCHA Geneva TOT

With strong abilities of civil societys management in West Africa.

Member of Senegalese government through the Ministry of health (public administration).

International Experiences:

Guinea Bissau and Senegal: With DFID through CRS, Disaster Preparedness and Response to
Ebola fighting in West Africa, 1 years.

Vietnam: with International Labour Organisation ILO, Assist Vietnamese government to build
up a national coalition on HIV and AIDS to fight stigma and discrimination against ethnic minorities
living up to North Mountains 3 years,

In CAP VERT: with, United Nations Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UNOCHA focal point of the cluster of ECOWAS countries 15 states on Disaster Preparedness
and Response and Health in emergencies, Cap Vert contingency plan on Disaster Preparedness
and Response. 3 years.

In Mauritania: with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR settle down the
Senegalese refugees camp in the north of Senegal in perfect agreement of both countries. 2 years
Curriculum vitae

In Guinea and Senegal: with AIDSCAP/FHI360: coordinate participatory approach on HIV and
AIDS through railroad between Senegal Ivory Coast and Mali. 10 years.

Burkina Faso/Mali: with International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies: coordination of
emergency approaches through Health and coordinate simulation exercises of H5N1 pandemic. 3

Current position in terms of consultancies:

- Preparedness and Response on Health in emergencies with USAID HRH2030.

In charge of improving HRH leadership and governance in order to strengthen health workforce
and its preparedness for emerging health threats for the Ministry of Health in Senegal. And as
expected results: MOH capacity in good governance and oversight practices relating to HRH at the
central, regional, and district levels for Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans with
key health and non-health local authorities is strengthened.

Program Manager: Study on the Intra-ACP programming for Health with

European commission.

The purpose of the study is to assess needs and demands for Health System Strengthening in ACP
countries, to identify the gaps between these needs and the current situation, to explore options
available to address these gaps and to provide suggestions for prioritised options to the European
Commission and the ACP Secretariat for the HSS and capacity development support under the 11th
EDF Intra-ACP programme. Since July and running up to December 2016.

Summarize of 3 last positions:

- Head of regional coordination with Intra Health in Senegal since October

2016. With 64 M of dollars as budget for next 5 years 2016 - 2021


Position: National Programme Coordinator for Senegal and Guinea Bissau.
Sector: Humanitarian and Health Development Project.
Services provided: Management and coordination of project through Health and humanitarian
sectors training development of contingency planning for disaster preparedness and response
Administrative services:
Staff technical management in national and regional level in Senegal and in Guinea Bissau
Human resources coordination follow up and training in health and development
Staff appraisal - evaluation recruitment - careers follow up

Financial services:
Financial management of projects national and regional level and for grass roots organizations
Project budget estimation for all implementing partners for Senegal and Guinea Bissau
Project budget follow up amendments
Project budget liquidation and monthly financial reports for both countries closure

Procurement services:

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Curriculum vitae

Management of tenders
Control of purchase and follow up with administrative support sector
Management of all aspects in line with procurement services - hygiene kits bed nets

Logistical services:
Purchase and delivery of cars in the target zones in Senegal and Guinea Bissau
Purchase and delivery of motors in the target zones
Process management with customs for both countries

Support to local Development initiatives

Support most vulnerable people to more focus and achieve their aim on Humanitarian Health
Better organise rural population to more understand how to coordinate revolving credits
Work with beneficiaries in each zone for both countries to establish sustainability system.

Other services in relation with the position

Coordinate the advocacy process with government authorities and documentary film follow up
and broadcasting through TV s
Coordinate surveys initial mid-term and final survey Monitoring and Evaluation,
Accountability and learning process.

- ASK National Project Coordinator: - 2014 - 2015

The Access, Services and Knowledge (ASK): what young people want, what young people need
programme (2013-2015) is founded on the core belief that young people are the owners as well as the
experts in youth programming and services for SRHR. The ASK programme is focused on working with and
reaching young people aged 10-24 years, with a particular focus on reaching under-served groups.

The design of the ASK programme is built on a holistic understanding of the factors that influence young
peoples sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The ASK programme is the culmination of long-term collaboration among seven pioneers of SRHR. They
are: Rutgers WPF, Simavi, AMREF Flying Doctors, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, dance4life, STOP AIDS
NOW! and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), based in the Netherlands and in the UK
(IPPF). Child Helpline International (CHI) is engaged in the programme as a technical partner.

Positions before:

- National Director of HEALTH AND Social Affairs: - 2012- 2014

Director in the Ministry of Health in Senegal, in charge of Health social affairs for most vulnerable people,
conception and management of strategic plan in line with the ministry of Health orientations based on:
Universal Health Coverage, psychosocial support and Health Assistance.

- Programme Coordinator ILO in South East Asia: - 2009- 2012

Assist the country to develop a strong National Business coalition in HIV/AIDS, work jointly with UNAIDS and
all other UN agencies in one UN process. Contribute to develop a strategy on HIV/AIDS at workplaces to
fight against stigma and discrimination and provide policies at the level of work,

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Curriculum vitae

Detailed CV
Name: Seydi Ba Gassama
Education: 1987-1990 School of Social work:, Senegal Master in Social Sciences - Msc
1995 1996 IHP : intl. Health Programs USA - Certificate of management of HIV projects
2003 2005 SM: School of Management: Senegal Master 2 in Communication and Marketing
2005 -2006 Dakar University Senegal - Master in Public Heath - MPH
2013 2014 University of Paris Dauphine - MBA IP
Professional 20 years working experiences in the area of public health and social development, Disaster Preparedness
Development: and Response Specialist, gender and Behaviour Communication for Change Advisor with solid
experiences in Communication and Marketing skills.
Present Head of Regional Health Offices with USAID ISD HB for Kolda Sedhiou and Ziguinchor.
Position: With dollars 69 M 2016 2021 as 5 five years budget
Experience: 20 years in public and non-government development projects in Senegal West Africa and South
East Asia Vietnam.
Position: National Programme Coordinator for Senegal and Guinea Bissau. With CRS Catholic Relief Service
Sector: Humanitarian and Health Development Project
Services provided: Management and coordination of project through Health and humanitarian sectors training
development of contingency planning for disaster preparedness and response
Administrative services:
Staff technical management in national and regional level in Senegal and in Guinea Bissau
Human resources coordination follow up and training in health and development
Staff appraisal - evaluation recruitment - careers follow up

Financial services:
Financial management of projects national and regional level and for grass roots organizations
Project budget estimation for all implementing partners for Senegal and Guinea Bissau
Project budget follow up amendments
Project budget liquidation and monthly financial reports for both countries closure

Procurement services:
Management of tenders
Control of purchase and follow up with administrative support sector
Management of all aspects in line with procurement services - hygiene kits bed nets

Logistical services:
Purchase and delivery of cars in the target zones in Senegal and Guinea Bissau
Purchase and delivery of motors in the target zones
Process management with customs for both countries

Support to local Development initiatives

Support most vulnerable people to more focus and achieve their aim on Humanitarian Health coverage
Better organise rural population to more understand how to coordinate revolving credits
Work with beneficiaries in each zone for both countries to establish sustainability system.

Other services in relation with the position

Coordinate the advocacy process with government authorities and documentary film follow up and
broadcasting through TV s
Coordinate surveys initial mid-term and final survey Monitoring and Evaluation, Accountability and
learning process.

Annual budget : 1 450 000 USD

Start & completion date: From April 2015 to April 2016

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Curriculum vitae

Client/ funding agency: DFID

Stakeholders: governments local beneficiaries religious leaders opinion leaders school directions
Location: Senegal (Kedougou-Tamba-Kolda-Sedhiou-Ziguinchor)
Guine Bissau (Bafata-Tombali-Bijagos islands)
Position: National Programme Coordinator with ASK (Access Services and Knowledge)
Sector: Reproductive Health sector and social development
Services provided: Coordination of clusters coordination of training on health micro finance communication for
behaviour change research process on( most vulnerable people, LGBT)- support on contraceptive follow up and
evaluation of all aspects with beneficiaries
Administrative services:
Recruitment of project research assistant and advocacy project manager
Manage and control all aspects of project staff with project Administrative sector
Realize project staff appraisal every year and discuss to enhance performances if any

Financial services:
Budget estimation for all implementing partners (NGOs and public sectors)
Control all monthly financial report from beneficiaries
Submit monthly financial report to the donor (Netherlands government)
Realize financial closure for all ending project

Procurement services:
Control and follow all purchase requisition
Manage and follow tenders process for national level and local level
Organize training for beneficiaries on how to better take care of goods for projects in the field;

Logistical services:
Manage and facilitate all staff travel in the field for workshops trainings follow up
Facilitate and control monthly flow of contraceptives for local communities with health districts
Supervise all equipment purchased by the donor and submit quarterly report

Support to local Development initiatives

Encourages local initiatives through revolving credits by their own on agriculture sector trades
Organize beneficiaries through UHC Universal Health Coverage
Promote women local leaderships-fight against stigma and discrimination

Other services in relation with the position

Manage several action research for most vulnerable and actions to enhance living situations
Organizes quarterly jointly follow up with all national partners and donors

Annual budget : 600 000 USD

Start & completion date: 2013 -2014
Client/ funding agency: Netherlands Government
Stakeholders: Senegalese Ministry of Health Amref NGOs - administration local leaders implementing partners
Location: xxx (Senegal)
Position: National Director - public health and social affairs
Sector: xxx (Senegalese Government through the Ministry of Health )
Services provided: Coordination and support government offices under social development and public health issues
Administrative services:
Manage and supervise all staff in national, regional and local level Approve TEV (travel expense vouchers)
Build contract and follow recruitment and careers process approve timesheets for staff
Staff appraisal , redeployment through national level

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Curriculum vitae

Financial services:
Participate with the government to annual budget conference with the parliament in the national assembly
Manage the budget and reallocate resources if necessary to other sectors
Follow up budget allocation and execution

Procurement services:
Liaise with financial and procurement offices to deal with all purchase for my office for the whole country
Follow all tenders in perfect line with requirement from the government
Control and evaluate and receive report from project managers in the field

Logistical services:
Supervise logistic department from national level and receive report from project managers from regional level
Allocate and reallocate vehicles and motors for department managers and staff support in the whole country
Ensure that everything is running well and assure daily management and follow up assets when necessary

Support to local Development initiatives

Support most vulnerable populations in their aim on developing income generating activities through common
agriculture initiative (small farms exchanges and trades between them exportation of local seasonal fruits)
Enhance their desire to be organised on community clusters to jointly develop some useful sectors on health
UHC and or participate on management of district health centres or rural health post
Regularly local supervision with all stakeholders to evaluate local development initiatives

Other services in relation with the position

Develop psychosocial supports for most vulnerable population suffering from stigma
Support rural population to have birthday certificates et other items similar

Annual budget : _800 000USD

Start & completion date: 2012 -2014
Client/ funding agency: government of Senegal (annual budget)
Stakeholders: government local and rural leaders - regional administrative chiefs
Location: xxx (Senegal)
Position: Regional Health programme coordinator
Sector: Health develpment in workplaces
Services provided: Management of all issues relating in health at workplaces for south east Asia rural populations
against stigma and discrimination
Administrative services:
Liaise with ILO administrative services and manage staff under my responsibility regarding ILOs law and
Support staff on Human resource capacity building
Recruit staff and follow their careers

Financial services:
Annual budget planning under workshops with all beneficiaries and stakeholders along with the donor
Receive financial report from the field and synthetize it
Submit monthly financial update and quarterly financial report to the donor

Procurement services:
Manage purchase issues with procurement department
Follow up all item in line with tenders
Coordinate all procurement issues for all the target zones

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Curriculum vitae

Logistical services:
Achieve or each zone item relating on logistic affairs with beneficiaries that was plan at the beginning
Follow up utilisation of vehicles and motors in the field
Evaluate the state of all asset at the end of the programme development

Support to local Development initiatives

Liaise with mentors from rural population to build up development programme on stigma and discrimination to
encourage some type of people facing this daily
Develop local farms
Develop evolving credits with local leaders to better support their Health

Other services in relation with the position

Worked focal to coordinate and develop the concept of ONE UN in Vietnam
Develop with big firms and umbrella NGOs to participate and support development initiatives and health issues
or sustainability process.

Annual budget : 300 000 USD

Start & completion date: 2009-2012
Client/ funding agency: International Labour Organization - ILO
Stakeholders: Government Ministry of social affairs rural leaders
Location: xxx (Vietnam)
Position: Programme Management
Sector: xxx (Humanitarian sector refugees sector managment)
Services provided: Management of refugees to old and support their daily concern for west and central Africa
Administrative services:
Assure daily administrative support elating with deployment and redeployment issues
Manage and follow all refugee documents (id cards birthday certificates - other issues)
Coordinate recommendation letters from government to government
Financial services:
Coordinate budget allocation for refugees scholarships regularly financial support
Coordinate with financial department to allocate budget o support refugees development projects
Evaluate all the process and submit monthly update and quarterly report for the donor;

Procurement services:
Coordinate and finalize all tenders for the west Africa sub region
Plan and achieve all purchase
Evaluate assets

Logistical services:
Organize logistic deployment for repatriation of refugees
Organize repatriation packages and transit between countries;
Ensure that all this aspects is under well coordination receive reports on logistic affairs

Support to local Development initiatives

Help refugees in camp to develop common field to better address food and nitration aspects
Along with refugees develop advocacy process for the governments to make them aware of the situation
Coordinate and develop fund raising process with refugee mentors

Other services in relation with the position

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Curriculum vitae

Develop vocational training to enhance refugees skils

Liaise with the refugees different country to develop advocacy process.

Annual budget : 10 000 000 USD

Start & completion date: 2007 - 2009
Client/ funding agency: UNHCR regional West Africa Regional Office
Stakeholders: All refugee government
Location: xxx (Senegal Mali Mauritania ECOWAS countries )
Sector: xxx (HIV and AIDS)
Services provided: Coordinate and achieve awareness raising among all stakeholders
Administrative services:
Ensure that all item is running well with staff and partners
Approve timesheets for staff under my responsibility
Evaluate performance from all staff along with beneficiaries

Financial services:
Coordinate with partners and beneficiaries annual budget work plans
Follow up budget expenditures in the field
Evaluate and submit monthly report

Procurement services:
Manage purchase with procurement department
Follow up and control tenders process
Evaluate all assets for the donor and propose assets follow up at the end of the assignment

Logistical services:
Ensure that all item bought is useful for the target audiences
Coordinate to manage and follow cars and motors for the beneficiaries
Evaluate the whole process

Support to local Development initiatives

Develop income generating activities
Support training on small projects management
Coordinate jointly supervisions

Other services in relation with the position

Participate on Health conferences round the world
Help beneficiaries to develop proposals for donors.

Annual budget : 1 000 000 USD per year

Start & completion date: 1996 - 2006
Client/ funding agency: USAID Washington
Stakeholders: Senegalese government and partners in the different intervention zone
Location: xxx (Senegal)
Other relevant information (e.g., Publications)
- Award: 1995: Diploma of Honorary Citizen of the City of Santa Cruz in California in the USA.
- Award: 2007: With IFRC, I obtained RDRT diploma Regional Disaster Response Team
- Award: 2008: UNDAC TOT, Diploma of UNDAC TOT process in Bamako, Mali,
- Publications: Ba seydi 2003: Evaluation of VCT quality of service of Sida Service Center in

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