UP Science Talent Search Examination 2016-2017
UP Science Talent Search Examination 2016-2017
UP Science Talent Search Examination 2016-2017
Online applications are invited from all eligible Indian national candidates for Science Talent Search Program of the
Council of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh. Candidates who are in class 10th or have passed the 10th
examination (henceforth called as class 10th examination) and those who are in class 12th or have passed the class 12th
examination (henceforth called as class 12th examination) from different boards within the state of UP in Science
streams are eligible to take the UP Science Talent Search Test for the award of scholarships for pursuing further studies
in Science stream within the state of Uttar Pradesh. The scholarships are aimed at promoting basic sciences education
in the state. Prospective candidates may note that application process in completely online and other modes of
submission of application is NOT acceptable.
Before filling of the online application, for convenience, the Candidate should have scanned images of following
documents ready (soft copy) in JPG/JPEG format only.
c) Scanned Copy of Certificate issued by candidates current school/college/Institution attested by Principal.(Max size 1MB)
d) A valid E-mail id and Mobile Number is mandatory for the submission of Online Application.
(Candidates are advised to keep the provided E-Mail id and Mobile number active till the declaration of results. UPSTSE
authorities will send important information with regard to application and examination to the registered E-Mail/Mobile
1. After submission of online application form, the particulars mentioned in the form like Name of the Candidate,
Father's name, Mothers name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, and Email Id etc. shall be considered as Final.
Candidate will not be able to edit/delete any field(s) after submission of form.
2. Applications without appropriate Application Fee, required documents & information as per examination
notifications are liable to be rejected. UPSTSE authorities however have the right to cancel any of the
Examination City, Center and/or add some other cities/centers depending upon the response, administrative
feasibility, or any unforeseen conditions beyond the control of the UPSTSE authorities, etc.
3. Candidates are advised to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence
regarding change of details shall be entertained at any later stage.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates are advised to fill in all the required details in the online application form with
utmost care. Please note that after submission of the online application form, candidates will not be able to
edit/delete any field
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UP Science Talent Search Examination 2016-2017
Instructions and Important Links will guide the candidate to fill the Application Form. So the candidates are advised to
read them very carefully and follow them strictly.
Step 1: Candidates are first required to go to the UPSTSE website: www.upcsttalent.com and click on the link Apply
online against for the Scholarship Program.
Step 2: Candidate will be directed to the web page which has the following information
Detailed Advertisement
How to Apply
Fee Deposit Procedure
Exam City
Step 3: Candidate Registration & Filing up the online application form
Candidate is required to click on hyperlink Registration for New User on Index Page. After the registration, the
Candidates will be able to do the following:
(a) Fill his/her personal details (b) Fill his/her qualification/educational details
(c) Upload required documents
(d) See the details of examination fee.
Click on Submit Button, after submission of the online application form candidate will get SMS/Email on his/her mobile
no. /Email id with his/her application number. Please preserve this application no. for future use. Candidate can click on
Continue to proceed for application fee payment.
Step 4: Payment of Application Fee -
1. After clicking on SUBMIT button, once the form is completed and verified by the applicant and click on
Proceed for Payment button, he/she will be redirected to Payment Gateway via ICICI gateway or via SBI
gateway for application fee payment.
2. The applicant will choose the payment gateway for application fee payment via ICICI gateway for online
payment or via SBI gateway for offline payment (Challan) and applicant to be redirected to ICICI gateway or
SBI gateway portal wherein he/she may select the appropriate option to make payment.
Mode of Payment:
Online Payment: Debit Card/Credit Card/Netbanking from any bank via ICICI gateway.
Challan Payment: Only from SBI bank.
Note: Challan mode of payment is available only from SBI Payment Gateway and generated Challan can be submitted
to any of the SBI branch.
Step 5: After acknowledgment of payment, login to application form using username and password which the candidate
has received through SMS and email within 24 Hours & take a print out of completed application form
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UP Science Talent Search Examination 2016-2017
1. The candidates are advised to fill the application form very carefully.
2. Take care to upload the right documents at right places (as required in the application form).
3. Only latest colored photograph will be uploaded.
4. Make a note of important, dates. The candidates are advised to apply early to get the examination center of
their choice/preference and avoid last minute rush/jam/network problems.
5. Candidates are required to keep at least 6 copies of his/her photograph, soft copy of which has been uploaded
in the application form, for future use.
6. Candidates are required to remain in constant touch with UPSTSE website: www.upcsttalent.com for important
information and guidelines related to the examination.
7. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.
8. Mobile phones/Communication devices/gadgets, electronic watches & calculators etc. shall not be permitted in
the examination Hall.
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