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The need is to stop persecuting the innocent and start prosecuting the criminals.

When ambition and motivation is taken away Apathy follows.

1. World futurist Rafael M. Salas: The final binding thought is to shape a more satisfying future for
the coming generations, a global society in which individuals can develop their full potential, free
of capricious inequalities and threats of environmental degradation.
Population Explosion
2. Chances are, that you will never meet any of the estimated 247 human
beings who were born in the past minute. In a population of (over) 6.7 billion,
247 is a demographic hiccup. In the minute before last, however, there were
another 247. In the minutes to come, there will be another, then another,
then another. By next year at this time, all those minutes will have produced
millions of newcomers in the great human mosh pit. That kind of crowd is
very hard to miss.
notes an expert in demography, Jeffrey Kluger (2006),
3. Population Growth
Thomas Malthus 1748- Geometric Increase
Subsistence Arithmetic Ratio

Carl Sagan explained with a parable, The Secret of Persian chess board.

Demographic Divide, North South Divide Europes relative share of world population fell
mostfrom one-quarter in 1900 to merely one-eighth in 2000. Continent wise

Fertility rates in the Global South are roughly twice as high as the Global North.
Fertility rate (replacement level fertility-2.1, present 2.5) and population growth
(population momentum.

Youth Bulge

Models Predicted for Population Growth by UN

It took until the early 1800s for world population to reach 1 billion people, and today another billion
people are added every twelve to fourteen years. World population is expected to exceed 9.1 billion by
2050, with almost all of the population growth occurring in the Global South. By the year 2020, 73
percent of the globes population will be living in the low and medium human development Global
South countries, with China projected to be home to over 1.4 billion people, India over 1.3 billion, and
the United States at a distant third with 346.2 million (HDR 2009,

In absolute terms, the number of older

Ageing Population a burden-Chinese problem-
persons has tripled over the last 50 years and will more than triple again over the
next 50 years. In relative terms, the percentage of older persons is projected to
more than double worldwide over the next half century- Labor issues, Increasing
the retirement age.

Important Population Indicators: Population Density, Fertility, HDI, Population

Growth, Death Rate, Child Infancy Rate,
Urban Rural Divide
World Organizations for Population, (UNFPA United Nations Population Fund)

2008, 3.4 billion people, or half of the total world population, lived in urban areas
with a projected urban population growth rate of 2 percent (UNFPA 2008). By 2030,
[the world urban population] is expected to swell to almost 5 billion By 2030, the
towns and cities of the developing world will make up 81 percent of urban

Problem Awaiting due to Population Explosion:


Migration (UNHCR) - Global Migration Trends, Xenophobia- Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan,

Somalia, Syria failed states Refugees & IDPs 42 million
Social Economic Political Educational Media

Population Implosion- A rapid reduction in population due to disease or war.

Spread and control of infectious diseases

A populations health is of utmost importance to the states ability

to survive.
Jeremy Youde,

Communication and Technology

People from all over the world will draw knowledge and inspiration
from the same technology platform, but diff erent cultures will fl
on it. It is the same soil, but diff erent trees will grow. Th e next
phase of
globalization is going to be more glocalizationmore and more local
content made global.
Thomas L. Friedman,

Cognitive dissonance
Information age

Global Phenomena- Jihad, Macdonald, Michal Jackson, CNN, BBC, MTV, Social Media Etc.

Thomas Friedmans fl at
world concept that globalization has emasculated the state as an electronic
herd tramples down borders valid

Modes of Globalization:
1. Political Engagement
2. Technological Connectivity
3. Personal Contact
4. Economic Integration

Peter Singer did in One World: The Ethics of Globalization (2004). Global
encourages global thinking and a moral outlook because it promotes ones ethical
responsibilities to act from
awareness that there is only one community, one law, one economy, and one

Human Rights
The political rights and civil liberties recognized by the international community as inalienable and
valid for individuals in all countries by virtue of their humanity.

The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression WEB Dubios
Human Security, ethics, morality,

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains, political philosopher Jean

Jacques Rousseau bemoaned in his famous 1762 book, Social Contract.

The great feature of poverty is the fact that it annihilates the

future.George Orwell, British author

This claim was expressed in the ringing words of the 1948 Universal Declaration of
Human Rights: Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and
peace in the world.

Internationally Recognized Human Rights: 1948 Universal Declaration of Human


Rights of the person: Life, liberty, and security of the person; privacy
and freedom of movement; ownership of property; freedom of thought,
conscience, and religion, including freedom of religious teaching and
practice in public and private; and prohibition of slavery, torture, and
cruel or degrading punishment.
Rights associated with the rule of law: Equal recognition before the
law and equal protection of the law; effective legal remedy for violation
of legal rights; impartial hearing and trial; presumption of innocence;
and prohibition of arbitrary arrest.
Political rights: Freedom of expression, assembly, and association; the
right to take part in government; and periodic and genuine elections by
universal and equal suffrage.
Economic and social rights: An adequate standard of living; free choice
of employment; protection against unemployment; just and favorable
remuneration; the right to join trade unions; reasonable limitation
of working hours; free elementary education; social security; and the
highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
Rights of communities: Self-determination and protection of minority
1. Women Rights
2. Child Abuse
3. Labor
4. Death Penalty (China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan

Globalization, Democratization and Economic Prosperity



the number of distinct languages spoken in some

countries, with Indonesias 722 languages, Nigerias 521, Indias 445, Australias
207, and Brazils 193 being conspicuous examples

Gender Inequality, Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) UNDP attempt to measure

the extent of equality among countries of world.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pronounced, There cannot be true

unless womens voices are heard. There cannot be true democracy unless
women are given the opportunity to take responsibility for their own lives.

Average 18% representation in Assemblies, 22 countries more than 30%, ending the
gender myopia.

Herbert Spencer says, A peoples

condition may be judged by the treatment which women receive under it

Human Trafficking

Child Mortality
Though child mortality has declined in every region
of the world since 1960, almost 10 million children every year still do not
live to see their fi fth birthday.
Most of the children that die every year live in the Global South, where death
claims 1 in 13 children under the age of fi ve, as compared to the Global
North where 1 in 143 children die

These sentiments were embraced by the Convention on the Rights of

the Child (CRC), which the United Nations adopted on November 20, 1989.
The basic human rights that the CRC establishes for children everywhere,
spelled out in fi fty-four articles and two optional protocols, include:
the right to survival;
to develop to the fullest;
to protection from harmful infl uences, abuse, and exploitation;
to participate fully in family, cultural, and social life.

If you are neutral in a situation of injustice, you have chosen the

side of
the oppressor.
Archbishop Desmund Tutu, Nobel Prize winner

United Nations, the Offi ce of the High Commissioner for Human

Rights (OHCHR) is responsible for implementing international human rights
agreements, overseeing major human rights programs, and providing global
leadership on the promotion and protection of human rights. It also supervises
the Human Rights Council (HRC).

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. once said, I believe that every right implies a
every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.

There is no scientifi c antidote [to the atomic bomb], only education. Youve
to change the way people think. I am not interested in disarmament talks
nations. . . . What I want to do is to disarm the mind. After that, everything
will automatically follow. The ultimate weapon for such mental disarmament
international education.
Albert Einstein, Nobel Peace Prize physicist

Great things are achieved by guessing the direction of ones

Giuseppe Mazzini,

It is the tragedy of the world that no one knows what he doesnt

and the less a man knows, the more sure he is that he knows
Joyce Carey, English author

Seeing is believing

Jimmy Carter once lamented, The hardest thing for Americans to understand is that
they are not better than other people.

George Santayana famous philosopher, Those who cannot remember the past are
condemned to repeat it.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill advised, The farther backward you look,
the farther forward you are likely to see.

The ability to learn how to learn will be the only security you have.
Thomas L. Friedman, political journalist

There is an inescapable link between the abstract world of theory and the real
world of policy. Walt
The very idea that there is another idea is something gained.
Richard Jeffries, English author

Might makes right.

Thucydides put it, The standard of justice depends on the equality of power to
compel . . . the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what
they have to accept.

Ignoring ones interests, squandering ones resources in fits of altruism, is the

fastest road to national disaster. For a national leader, thinking with ones heart is a
serious offense. Foreign policy is not social work.

Free Trade! What is it? Why, breaking down the barriers that separate nations;
those barriers, behind which nestle the feelings of pride, revenge, hatred, and
jealousy, which every now and then burst their bounds, and deluge whole countries
with blood.
Richard Cobden

What is crucial, is not peoples thinking, but the factors that drive it. asserts
Robert Jervis

Th e price of greatness is responsibility.

Winston Churchill, British prime minister

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