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1) Define essence of war

The word “war” means a state of open and usually declared armed conflict between political
entities such as sovereign states or between rival political or social factions within the same
state. Throughout history, individuals, states, or political factions have gained sovereignty over
regions through the use of war. War has been an important factor in creating states and empires
throughout history .Major advances in science, technology, and engineering have been brought
about through necessity during times of war. There is no doubt that war is an evil one. It is the
greatest catastrophe that can befall human beings. War is an evil, inescapable evil. A glance at
the past history of the world will show war has been a recurrent phenomenon in the history of
nations. Wars break out for various reasons. There are wars between countries or nations and
within the nation. Some people assert that wars are necessary for security in the world. Some
people claim that wars are important to get their social freedom.

2) Define essence of man and society

The problem of man cannot be solved scientifically without a clear statement of the relationship
between man and society. It is here that the child first becomes involved in social life, absorbs
its values and standards of behavior, its ways of thought, language and certain value
orientations. The group is the first shaper of the personality, and the group itself is shaped by
society. Society is the human being in his social relations, and every human being is an
individual embodiment of social relations, a product not only of the existing social system but of
all world history. He is influenced not only by modern mass media, but also by the writings of
all times and every nation. He is the living memory of history, the focus of all the wealth of
knowledge, abilities, skills, and wisdom that have been amassed through the ages.

3) Can outside forces intervene in order to protect human rights

In some cases, the perceived need to protect human rights and maintain peace has led to
humanitarian intervention. There is evidence that internationally we are moving towards the

notion that governments have not only a negative duty to respect human rights, but also a
positive duty to safeguard these rights, preserve life and protect people from having their rights
violated by others. Many believe that states' duties to intervene should not be determined by
proximity, but rather by the severity of the crisis.

4) Speak about Albright story

Albright’s story may be small and amusing, but it suggests how profoundly global culture and
international politics are changing. Individuals from some of the most isolated corners of the
world can now interact with the richest centers of civilization in an everyday fashion. Powers
that were once the monopoly of nation-states— participation in international politics, control of
transnational communications, credibility as sources of accurate information—are now being
exercised by a much wider array of players. The Internet has greatly lowered the costs of
transmitting information, enabling people to bypass traditional intermediaries whose power
revolved around the control of information: national governments, the diplomatic corps,
transnational corporations, and news organizations, among others.

5) Define essence of society and individual

Ever since man first created societies there has been a dilemma between the social order of the
state and the liberty of the individual. nature man is completely free, acting without fear of legal
or moral consequence in acquiring whatever he desires. In societies such behavior would lead to
chaos as individuals warred against one another. The Ancient Greeks experimented with various
forms of social order. Aristotle’s view of liberty was a concept that encompassed both the ability
to rule and the willingness to be ruled. American people struggle to synthesize autonomy of the
Individual with fitting into society. Greater public order lowers crime but limits individual rights.
Laws concentrating on individual rights tend to create public disorder and high fear of crime

6) Define essence of human rights

There is no precise definition of Human Rights. In a simple language, human rights are meant
for human beings to satisfy their basic needs. Human rights are held by all human beings and
human rights exist as long as human beings exist.

Human rights possess the following characteristics:

1. Inalienability - Both human beings and human rights are inalienable and inseparable.
One cannot stay without the other.
2. Comprehensiveness - Human rights are comprehensive. They include socio-economic,
civil, political and cultural rights which are relevant for a decent human living.
3. Universality - Human rights are universally applicable to one and all. These are meant
for all individuals of all nations, without there being any discrimination on grounds of
caste, class, color, sex, creed, language and religion.
4. Justice ability - These rights are also justifiable.
5. Non-absoluteness - These rights are not absolute and there can be restriction imposed on

Human rights are inherent to all human beings, whatever nationality, place of residence, sex,
national or ethnic origin, color, language, or any other status.

7) Define essence of economic growth and development

Economic development is the increase in the standard of living of a population. Economic

development includes economic growth among the main criteria. The study of economic
development includes theories of the causes, the process, and the policies by which a nation
improves the economic, political, and social well-being of its people. The processes of economic
development should not only generate increased or enhanced means of production but it should
also make room for equitable distribution of such resources. Economic development of embrace
improvements in a variety of indicators such as literacy rates, life expectancy, poverty rates,
health, and education. In fact, these indicators are more related to economic growth so that
development goes often with growth.

8) Define essence of the challenges of our century

What’s the most serious or in other words, the biggest problem in the world today? If you ask
this question to random people on streets, you’re most likely to get a bunch of diverse answers.
No doubt, our world has gone through several disasters over the past decades. Even today, we
have some serious and severe problems that have been subjected to raise huge global issues.
According to the Global Risks report, the world is risked critically under 5 classifications –
environmental, economic, societal, geopolitical and technological. These problems are global in
nature and they hold a strong potential to cause powerful negative impacts across the entire
world. These are the problems that we, together as the human race, face in present times. It
concerns some of the ominous circumstances of the current age that threaten wellbeing of
collective humanity. Historically, evolution has been in nature’s hands. Now, suddenly, it is
largely in human hands, but we need to be cautious, using our scientific know-how as
responsibly as possible. The job of today’s young people, or the "Transition Generation," will be
to get humanity through the coming period of chaos, peril, and opportunity. We need to give
them a foundation for making wise choices by helping them understand humankind's likely
possible, probable and preferred futures.

9) Define essence of CNN and internet

The rise of CNN and the Internet has greatly shortened the time horizons of diplomatic decision
making. News from distant lands can become public knowledge more quickly than ever before.
“All these large numbers of information systems make diplomacy much harder to carry on,” said
Madeleine Albright, “because the information comes in very fast and you have to make
decisions much faster than you might under previous circumstances. Everybody wants an
answer right away.” CNN and other international news outlets have actually elbowed aside
many traditional sources of diplomatic communications.

10) Define the disadvantages of war

The word “war” means a state of open and usually declared armed conflict between political
entities such as sovereign states or between rival political or social factions within the same
state. Throughout history, individuals, states, or political factions have gained sovereignty over
regions through the use of war. War has been an important factor in creating states and empires
throughout history .Major advances in science, technology, and engineering have been brought
about through necessity during times of war. There is no doubt that war is an evil one. It is the
greatest catastrophe that can befall human beings. War is an evil, inescapable evil. A glance at
the past history of the world will show war has been a recurrent phenomenon in the history of
nations. Wars break out for various reasons. There are wars between countries or nations and
within the nation. Some people assert that wars are necessary for security in the world. Some
people claim that wars are important to get their social freedom.

11) Define essence of NETPOLITIK

Individuals from some of the most isolated corners of the world can now interact with the
richest centers of civilization in an everyday fashion. The Internet has greatly lowered the costs
of transmitting information. As a result, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), academic
experts, diasporic ethnic communities, and individuals are using the Internet to create their own
global platforms and political influence. These new phenomena deserve a name—the word
Netpolitik has been suggested—to describe a new type of diplomacy that succeeds Realpolitik.
Netpolitik is a new style of diplomacy that seeks to exploit the powerful capabilities of the
Internet to shape politics, culture, values, and personal identity.

Translate the following phrases into Georgian

1. To gain political influence პოლიტიკური გავლენის მოსაპოვებლად
2. To establish diplomatic relations დიპლომატიური ურთიერთობების დამყარების
3. To lower the costs of transmitting information ინფორმაციის გადაცემის ხარჯების
4. Protection of natural resource ბუნებრივი რესურსების დაცვა
5. Military power სამხედრო ძალა
6. Political unions პოლიტიკური გაერთიანებები
7. Destruction of the state სახელმწიფოს განადგურება
8. The cause of the problem პრობლემის მიზეზი
9. Within the framework of negotiations მოლაპარაკებების ფარგლებში
10. Involvement in international politics საერთაშორისო პოლიტიკაში ჩართულობა
11. Merciless slaughter and butchery ხოცვა და ჟლეტა
12. Engulf the entire world მთელი სამყარო
13. The ability to rule გამორიცხავს უნარი
14. Necessary precondition for the life and development of the system აუცილებელი
წინაპირობა სისტემის სიცოცხლისა და განვითარებისათვის
15. To wage the war ომისთვის
16. Innocent people უდანაშაულო ხალხი
17. To replace violence with justice and peace ძალადობის შეცვლა სამართლიანობითა
და მშვიდობით
18. Weapons of mass destruction მასობრივი განადგურების იარაღი
19. Proper use of solar energy მზის ენერგიის სწორი გამოყენება
20. Equitable distribution of resources რესურსების თანაბარი განაწილება
21. Historically conditioned ისტორიულად განპირიბებული
22. To determine the causing reason გამომწვევი მიზეზი
23. To use solar energy appropriately სათანადოდ გამოიყენოს მზის ენერგია
24. Human greed and intolerance towards the other ადამიანის სიხარბე და
25. Maintenance of order წესრიგის შენარჩუნება
26. Provide necessary climate for increased investment საჭირო კლიმატის გაზრდა

Translate the following phrases into English

1. უპირატესობის მინიჭება To give preference
2. ადამიანის უფლებების შეზღუდვა a human rights restriction
3. საზოგადოებრივი არეულობა Public disturbance
4. სოციალური გარემოს შესწავლა Social environment study
5. სტანდარტების ათვისება To use standards
6. მიზნის დასახვა/მიღწევა Set goal
7. გახდესა ზოგადოების წევრი Become a member of the community
8. თავი გართვა კონფლიქტურ სიტუაციას Let's enjoy the conflict situation
9. უკიდურეს გაჭირვებაში ცხოვრება Living in extreme poverty
10.საკუთარი კულტურის შენარჩუნება Maintain its culture
11.ბუნებრივი რესურსების დაცვა Protection of natural resource
12.მოლაპარაკებების ფარგლებში Within the framework of negotiations
13.შეუწყნარბლობის, დისკრიმინაციისა და ძალადობის აღმოფხვრა
Elimination of intolerance,discrimination and violence
14.ისტორიულად განპირობებული Historically conditioned
15.მიმდინარე მოვლენებზე რეაქცია Reaction to current events
16.შრომის დანაწილება Division of labor
17.მნიშვნელოვანი გამოწვევა Important challenge
18.ეკონომიკური ზრდა და სიღარიბის შემცირება Economic growth and
poverty reduction
19.სერიოზული საფრთხის წინაშე დგომა aced with serious danger
20.თანამშრომლობის მორალური სტანდარტები Moral standards of
21.დიპლომატიური ურთიერთობების დამყარება Establish diplomatic


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