Risk Factors For Venous and Arterial Thrombosis
Risk Factors For Venous and Arterial Thrombosis
Risk Factors For Venous and Arterial Thrombosis
A. Bianchi Bonomi Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical
Specialties, IRCSS General Hospital, Policlinico , Mangiagalli and Regina Elena Foundation, Milan, Italy
Figure 1 - Role of tissue factor (TF) and coagulation factor VII in the activation of the coagulation
cascade leading to thrombin formation.
TAFI = thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor; "a" = "activated".
Previtali E et al.
monocytes and circulating microparticles, is glycosaminoglycan content of the vessel wall, which
considered a key initiator of blood coagulation. When enhances the progression of atherosclerosis and
it is exposed in its active form at the vessel wall (e.g. indirectly contributes to atherothrombosis20. In
after endothelial activation or during chronic conclusion, there are several alterations of the
inflammation, both conditions typical of aging), TF haemostatic system in the elderly. A causal association
activates factor VII. This complex produces small between these alterations and thrombosis is likely but
amounts of thrombin and promotes thrombus has not been formally proven, because of the lack of
formation through the activation of coagulation prospective studies demonstrating the development
reactions on the membrane surfaces of activated of clinical manifestations of thrombosis in comparison
platelets and microparticles 12. During aging, an with aged healthy individuals.
increasing number of individuals develop a laboratory
picture of enhanced activity of coagulation enzymes, Thrombophilia abnormalities
expressed by high levels of the activation peptides Normally, the coagulation process is under the
that are cleaved from prothrombin, factor IX, factor control of several inhibitors that limit clot formation
X and fibrinogen [prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2), near the damaged vessel wall, thus avoiding thrombus
thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT), factor IX propagation (Figure 2). This delicate balance can be
activation peptide, factor X activation peptide, interrupted whenever the procoagulant activity of one
fibrinopeptide A] when these zymogens are converted of the coagulation factors is increased or the activity
into their corresponding active enzymes 13,14. An of one of the naturally occurring inhibitors decreases,
impairment of fibrinolytic activity also occurs with leading to thrombus formation. This occurs with
aging. There is an increase of plasminogen activator inherited deficiencies of natural inhibitors, as well as
inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), the major inhibitor of with inherited gain-of-function mutations of some
fibrinolysis15, and a corresponding age-dependent coagulation factors 21 (Table III). Inherited
decrease in fibrinolytic activity16. An increase in antithrombin, protein C and protein S deficiencies are
platelet reactivity with aging has also been rare but strong risk factors for venous thrombosis; they
demonstrated, and activated platelets greatly have little or no effect on arterial thrombosis.
accelerate thrombin generation. Platelets of 60-year- Antithrombin directly inhibits several activated
old or older individuals aggregate more in response coagulation factors, particularly thrombin and
to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and collagen than activated factor X, and the inhibitory effect is
platelets from younger individuals17. Furthermore, a amplified by its binding to glycosaminoglycans of the
positive correlation has been observed between age endothelial surface which carry heparin-like activity.
and markers of platelet activation such as plasma - Antithrombin deficiency results in significantly
thromboglobulin (a protein stored in the granules reduced inhibition of thrombin and activated factor
of platelets) and platelet membrane phospholipids18. X and an increased tendency to clot formation,
Because the vascular endothelium plays an important particularly in the venous system where the
role in the normal process of haemostasis, any coagulation pathway (as distinct from platelets) plays
structural or functional change in the vascular wall a major role in thrombus formation21. The protein C
(involving the extracellular matrix, vascular smooth anticoagulant pathway, localised on the surface of the
muscle or endothelium) that occurs during aging may endothelium, is essential in the down-regulation of
contribute to the increased risk of thrombosis in the thrombin generation. Thrombin activates protein C;
elderly, particularly atherothrombosis. Advanced age the presence of thrombomodulin, together with
is characterised by stiffness and dilation of the arteries, endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR), accelerates the
due to degeneration of elastic fibres and an increase catalytic efficiency of this activation. Activated protein
in collagen and calcium content, and by a decrease in C proteolytically inactivates factor Va and factor VIIIa,
prostacyclin and nitric oxide with a related reduction the two most important activated co-factors of the
in endothelium-dependent dilation19. There is also coagulation cascade, dramatically slowing the rate of
increased binding of platelet-derived growth factor thrombin and fibrin formation. The inhibitory effect
to arteries, caused by changes in the of activated protein C is accelerated by its main co-
Risk factors for thrombosis
Figure 2 - Anticoagulant mechanisms of blood coagulation. Antithrombin (AT) inhibits mainly activated factors II (IIa)
and X (Xa) through its binding to glycosaminoglycans (GAG); protein C (PC), with its co-factor protein S
(PS), is activated by thrombomodulin (TM) and inhibits activated factors V (Va) and VIII (VIIIa) through its
binding to endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR).
TFPI = tissue factor pathway inhibitor; "a" = "activated".
Table III - Inherited, acquired and mixed coagulation or metabolic risk factors for thrombosis.
factor, protein S22. The inherited deficiency of one of V Leiden) and the G20210A mutation in the
these inhibitors leads to a critical reduction of the prothrombin gene. The factor V Leiden gain-of-
natural anticoagulant system and enhances thrombin function mutation consists of the substitution of an
generation, increasing susceptibility to VTE21. arginine by glutamine at position 506 of coagulation
The two most common genetic risk factors for VTE factor V (R506Q), which is the cleavage site for
are the G1691A mutation in the factor V gene (factor activated protein C in the factor V molecule23. Mutant
Previtali E et al.
factor V is partially resistant to inactivation by the complement system), leading to the activation of
activated protein C, leading to a hypercoagulable state. platelet and coagulation pathways 27. Recent
Factor V Leiden explains more than 90% of cases of observations show that antiphospholipid antibodies
activated protein C resistance 24. The G20210A interact directly with vessel wall and cause alterations
mutation in the prothrombin gene is a G to A transition of plasma lipoprotein [i.e. high density lipoprotein
at nucleotide position 20210 in the 3'-untranslated (HDL)] function leading to increased
region of the coagulation factor II (prothrombin) gene, atherothrombotic risk28.
which increases plasma prothrombin levels25. These Hyperhomocysteinaemia is a mild risk factor for
two mutations also increase the risk of thrombosis due to an impairment of the metabolic
atherothrombosis, but to a lesser extent 26. The pathway that transforms the amino acid methionine
prevalences of inherited thrombophilia in the general into cysteine, leading to an abnormal elevation of
population and in patients with VTE are shown in plasma concentrations of homocysteine, an
Table IV. intermediate product of this pathway. Genetic factors
The antiphospholipid antibody syndrome is one (e.g., gene mutations in methylenetetrahydrofolate
of the most important acquired risk factors for reductase and cystathionine -synthase) and acquired
thrombosis. Characterised by the presence of factors (e.g., deficiencies of folate, vitamin B12 or
circulating antiphospholipid antibodies in plasma, it vitamin B6, advanced age, chronic renal failure, and
is associated with arterial or venous thrombosis the use of anti-folic drugs) interact to determine
and/or pregnancy complications, including foetal loss. plasma homocysteine concentrations, so that
The clinically relevant antiphospolipid antibodies hyperhomocysteinaemia is a "mixed" (i.e., genetic
include lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin and and/or acquired) risk factor for both arterial and
anti- 2 -glycoprotein I antibodies. The term venous thrombosis29. The possible mechanisms by
"antiphospolipid antibodies" is widely used even if it which hyperhomocysteinaemia contributes to
is not correct, because antibodies are not directed thrombosis are multiple and still under study; they
against phospholipids per se, but against a wide variety include a toxic effect on endothelial cells, smooth-
of protein co-factors acting on phospholipid muscle-cell proliferation and intimal thickening,
membrane surfaces (2-glycoprotein I, prothrombin, impaired generation of nitric oxide and prostacyclin,
protein C, protein S, annexin V, coagulation factor increased platelet adhesion, activation of factor V,
XII and others). The resulting complexes interact with interference with protein C activation and
several cell types, including endothelial cells, thrombomodulin expression, induction of tissue factor
monocytes and platelets, all of which play important activity and inhibition of tissue plasminogen activator
roles in haemostasis and thrombogenesis. The indirect (t-PA)30.
activation of these cells results in the release of An association between increased plasma levels
prothrombotic and pro-inflammatory mediators (e.g. of some coagulation factors (VIII, IX, XI, and
TF-bearing microparticles, interleukin-6, proteins of fibrinogen) and an increased risk of VTE has been
Table IV - Prevalence (%) of inherited risk factors for VTE in the general population and in patients.
Abnormality General population Patients with VTE Patients with recurrent VTE
or age < 45 years
Risk factors for thrombosis
demonstrated 31. The plasma levels of these factors modifications, is evident from the results of recent
are influenced by age and inflammation, but are also clinical practice registries, which justifies the need
under genetic control. The mechanisms by which for adding pharmacotherapy.
increased coagulation factors plasma levels enhance From a biological point of view, the metabolic
the risk of thrombosis are unknown, but a shift in the syndrome is frequently accompanied by a
balance of the coagulation process towards a prothrombotic state. This includes elevated plasma
procoagulant state is plausible. High levels of levels of PAI-1, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis
fibrinogen are associated with an increased risk of inhibitor (TAFI), vWF, coagulation factors VIII, VII,
atherothrombosis, while the effect of factor VIII is and XIII and fibrinogen, TF, increased release of
dependent on vWF, which plays the most important endothelial cell microparticles and decreased protein
role in the increased risk of thrombosis associated with C levels. Moreover, patients with the metabolic
the factor VIII/vWF complex. syndrome exhibit endothelial dysfunction (mainly
decreased production of nitric oxide and prostacyclin)
Metabolic syndrome and smoking and heightened platelet reactivity33. The activation of
One of the most widely used definitions of the the haemostatic system related to the metabolic
metabolic syndrome was proposed in 2001 by the syndrome has been mainly attributed to the action of
National Cholesterol Education Program Adult pro-inflammatory and pro-atherogenic mediators (e.g.
Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) and is based on leptin, tumour necrosis factor-, interleukin-6)
the presence of at least three of the following released by adipose cells33, to a triggering effect of
diagnostic criteria: elevated waist circumference very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and remnant
(abdominal obesity), elevated triglycerides, reduced lipoproteins on platelet activation and PAI-1 gene
HDL cholesterol, elevated blood pressure and elevated expression 41, to the adverse effects of chronic
fasting glucose32. There is increasing evidence for an hyperglycaemia on fibrin structure and function
association between atherothrombosis and the (generating a clot more resistant to fibrinolysis)42 and
metabolic syndrome32-34. The INTERHEART study to increased circulating microparticles that sustain
identified nine risk factors that collectively accounted blood coagulation by exposure of anionic
for more than 90% of the risk of acute myocardial phospholipids and TF 43.
infarction. Risk predictors included life-style factors This inflammatory and hypercoagulable state may
such as smoking, co-morbidities (hypertension, explain the biological role of the major cardiovascular
diabetes, abdominal obesity, abnormal lipid profiles), risk factors and could also be involved in VTE.
as well as psychosocial factors35. Meta-analyses of Patients with idiopathic VTE have a higher prevalence
randomised controlled trials on blood pressure36 and of atherosclerosis than patients with VTE secondary
cholesterol reduction37, and observational studies on to known risk factors and control subjects34. In
smoking cessation38 confirmed that these three risk addition, the long-term incidence of cardiovascular
factors play causative roles in arterial disease, partly disease is higher in patients with idiopathic VTE than
through atherogenesis and partly through a systemic in those with secondary VTE 44,45. These studies
activation of blood coagulation and inflammation39. support the hypothesis of VTE as the first symptomatic
Available evidence from multiple randomised trials cardiovascular event. Several epidemiological studies
supports life-styles that promote weight reduction, showed associations between obesity, metabolic
cigarette smoking cessation and regular moderate syndrome or type 2 diabetes and VTE46-50. A meta-
exercise in order to reduce platelet reactivity and analysis50 of 63,552 patients showed that the relative
coagulability, and to promote fibrinolysis. The overall risk of VTE was 2.33 (95% CI 1.68-3.24) for obesity,
effects can be expected to translate into an improved 1.42 (95% CI 1.12-1.77) for diabetes and 1.51 (95%
cardiovascular prognosis or other beneficial clinical CI 1.23-1.85) for hypertension (Table V). Obesity may
outcomes in healthy individuals and those with confer an increased risk of VTE independently of the
cardiovascular risk factors or established coronary metabolic syndrome, because a high body weight can
heart disease40. Nevertheless, a high residual risk for cause mechanical impairment of the valve system in
secondary ischemic events, despite life-style the deep veins of the lower limbs, favouring venous
Risk factors for thrombosis
venous outflow, resulting in blood stasis and clot conditions lead to VTE is a combination of stasis and
formation. However, because some patients develop local accumulation of TF (i.e., hypercoagulability).
recurrent thrombosis in the initially unaffected leg and Blood flow is relatively static in the pockets of venous
others develop isolated PE, other mechanisms must valves, particularly those of the lower limbs. This
be implicated. Residual thrombosis is perhaps a effect is accentuated by immobilization. Stasis locally
marker for a more generalized procoagulant diathesis. concentrates haemostasis activation factors (cytokines
Indeed, elevated plasma D-dimer levels after and other mediators of inflammation), favours cellular
withdrawal of oral anticoagulation (a marker of margination and interaction of circulating blood cells
hypercoagulability) are an independent risk factor for with endothelium, and is responsible for local hypoxia
recurrent venous thrombosis73,74. which is one of the principal mechanisms of
endothelial activation84. Studies in animals have
Trauma, surgery and immobilisation shown that stasis alone does not provoke thrombosis85.
These transient conditions are associated with an TF is expressed by cells in the subendothelial
increased risk of venous thrombosis. The incidence compartment. Thus, physical disruption of the
of DVT associated with major trauma is up to 58%, endothelium, as occurs in trauma or surgery, may lead
PE occurs in 2% of these individuals and is the third to exposure of blood to extravascular TF. However,
cause of death among patients who survive the first the vast majority of venous thrombi occur in the
24 hours after trauma75,76. Considering minor trauma, context of an intact endothelium. In these cases, TF
the incidence of DVT is 28% when lower limbs are may be expressed on the surface of activated
involved and the risk is higher in proximal than in endothelial cells and/or mononuclear cells which have
distal fractures77. In a large, population-based, case- been stimulated by any number of inflammatory
control study the relative risk of VTE associated with mediators including cytokines, chemokines
previous minor injury was 3.1 (95% CI 2.5-3.8)78. (interleukins 1, 6 and 8, tumour necrosis factor-,
Minor injuries in a leg were strongly associated with monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), vascular
VTE (OR 5.1; 95% CI 3.9-6.7), whereas minor endothelial growth factor, factors derived by
injuries in other parts of the body were not78. The complement activation (C5a and complex of
presence of factor V Leiden in patients with a leg membrane attachment), immunocomplexes and
injury increased the risk up to 50-fold78. The risk of antibodies, P-selectin, haemodynamic stress, hypoxia,
thrombosis associated with surgery varies from 15% and cell-cell interactions84,86. In addition to expressing
to 60% in the case of a laparotomic approach79, while TF on their cell surface, activated cells (e.g.,
the risk associated with laparoscopic and arthroscopic endothelial cells, monocytes, leucocytes and platelets)
surgery is less defined. Major orthopaedic surgery may release TF- and phospholipid-rich microparticles
involving the lower extremity is a major risk factor that circulate in the bloodstream87. Microparticles can
for VTE. Rates of DVT without prophylaxis range interact with other cells through the action of adhesive
from 40% to 60% in the 2 weeks after major proteins. For example, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand
orthopaedic surgery80. Patients undergoing total hip 1 facilitates the transfer of P-selectin from platelets
arthroplasty are in the highest risk category for or endothelial cells to microparticles of monocyte
developing post-operative VTE. Evaluation of the origin88. These properties may facilitate thrombus
natural history of this population of patients reveals propagation and activate coagulation in various sites.
that the incidence of DVT without appropriate Finally, leucocytes and platelets can further enhance
prophylaxis is as high as 32% to 60%, and that of PE thrombosis through their expression of TF under
is as high as 16%, with a 0.3% to 3.4% occurrence of inflammatory stimuli (C5a, bacterial formylated
fatal PE81. Current data suggest an overall DVT rate peptides, Pselectin) and platelet agonists (ADP,
of 9.9% and a proximal DVT rate of 2.1% after knee collagen, thrombin), respectively89.
arthroscopy without thromboprophylaxis82. Even with Although VTE is the most frequent thrombotic
appropriate thromboprophylaxis, total hip or knee complication of surgery, surgical iatrogenic injuries
replacement will lead to symptomatic VTE in 1% to can also lead to arterial occlusion. Moreover, arterial
3% of patients83. The mechanism by which these thrombosis secondary to surgery can represent the first
Risk factors for thrombosis
preparations and the heterogeneity of study are also a few reports of increased venous distensibility
populations, these studies showed different or even and reduced blood flow in women taking oral
contradictory results. Evidence on oral contraceptive- contraceptives117. A possible explanation might be an
related risk of VTE has mostly been derived from case- oestrogen-induced dose-dependent increase in the
control and nested case-control studies, attributing a expression of matrix metalloproteinases that cleave
relative risk of VTE to oral contraceptive use collagen and elastin in the vascular intima. The loss
(compared with non-use) ranging from 1.12 (95% CI of venous tone, with the accompanying tendency to
0.4-2.9) to 22.1 (95% CI 5.9-84.2)107. Overall, a 2- to venous stasis, increases the risk of venous thrombosis.
6-fold increased relative risk of VTE is observed in Oral contraceptives may increase the risk of arterial
oral contraceptive users compared with non-users, for thrombosis by promoting endothelial dysfunction.
an absolute risk of 1 to 3 cases of VTE per 10,000 However, this is a poorly investigated area and it has
women-years107 . An increased risk of VTE was not been established how much these changes matter
reported among women using third-generation oral in the pathophysiology of thrombosis in oral
contraceptives, i.e., those containing desogestrel or contraceptive users118. Another mechanism increasing
gestodene, compared to those using second-generation the risk of thrombosis, particularly that of
products containing levonorgestrel108-111. A meta- atherothrombosis in women taking oral
analysis confirmed that third-generation oral contraceptives, is linked to changes in lipids and
contraceptives were associated with a significantly lipoprotein metabolism. Oral contraceptives increase
increased risk of VTE (RR 1.9; 95% CI 1.5-2.2) total cholesterol, mainly by increasing LDL
compared with that associated with second-generation cholesterol. In addition, oestrogens decrease HDL
oral contraceptives 112. Another meta-analysis cholesterol and increase triglyceride levels, affect
confirmed an overall adjusted odds ratio for third- lipoprotein metabolism by increasing the hepatic
versus second-generation oral contraceptives of 1.7 synthesis of apolipoproteins, and may induce changes
(95% CI 1.4-2.0)113. Moreover, the odds ratios for in hormones affecting lipoprotein metabolism such
short-term users compared with those of longer term as cortisol, thyroxine or growth hormone 119,120.
users were 2.5 (95% CI 1.6-4.1) and 2.0 (95% CI 1.4- Progestogen-only oral contraceptives have generally
2.7), respectively 113. However, some authors no or little effect on plasma lipoprotein levels.
emphasised that the difference in VTE risk according Oral contraceptives modify the plasma levels of
to whether second- or third-generation oral several coagulation factors (Table VI). However, these
contraceptives are used is minimal, and probably changes are often modest and concentrations of
related to underlying congenital or acquired coagulation factors usually remain within the normal
thrombophilic states114. Second- and third-generation range. Oral contraceptive-mediated alterations in
oral contraceptives (as well as pregnancy/post-partum) coagulation factor levels may result in synergistic or
increase the risk of VTE in carriers of factor V Leiden opposing effects on the risk of venous thrombosis.
by 3.3- fold and 4.2-fold, respectively, whereas other Levels of the anticoagulant proteins antithrombin and
risk factors have a minor effect115. protein S decrease during oral contraceptive use,
An unequivocal mechanism for explaining the whereas protein C levels may increase121,122. The
thrombogenicity of oral contraceptives (especially greatest effects are seen with preparations containing
oestrogen compounds) has not been identified, as the highest oestrogen doses. Important effects of oral
several metabolic abnormalities might be triggered contraceptives on blood coagulation are an acquired
to induce a mild prothrombotic state. Mechanisms resistance to activated protein C and the reduction of
include a direct effect of oestrogens on the vascular protein S plasma levels123. These and other changes
wall, changes in factors that promote endothelial in coagulation factors appear to be more pronounced
dysfunction, and changes in coagulation factors. in women using third-generation compounds than in
Studies in animals suggest a loss of the normal elastic those using second-generation compounds124,125,
configuration of the aorta, significant intimal although the difference is debated 126 . Oral
thickening and an increase in endothelial permeability contraceptives also affect the fibrinolytic system by
after administration of oral contraceptives116. There reducing t-PA levels and increasing levels of TAFI,
Table VI - Haemostatic changes during oral contraceptive (OC) use and pregnancy.
Procoagulant factors
XI = or
Anticoagulant proteins
antithrombin =
protein C = or = or
protein S
Fibrinolytic factors
increase, decrease, = no change, compared to non-use of oral contraceptives and to the non-pregnant state.
PAI-1 and D-dimer. An overall increase in thrombin during the first 3 months after delivery130. A 14-fold
generation in women on oral contraceptives has increased risk of DVT of the legs and a 6-fold
recently been demonstrated by means of the increased risk of PE were reported, with this risk being
endogenous thrombin potential test, i.e., the area under higher in the third trimester (OR 3.3; 95% CI
the thrombin generation curve, which is able to 2.2-5.0) and during puerperium (OR 11.0; 95% CI
identify a global hypercoagulable state and has been 8.1-15.1), and highest in the 2 days before and the
found to be higher in oral contraceptive users than in day after delivery (OR 77.6; 95% CI 52.4-114.8)131.
non-users118,121,122,127. The major risk factors for VTE during pregnancy
include the presence of thrombophilic abnormalities,
Pregnancy Caesarean section, advanced maternal age, obesity and
VTE remains the major cause of maternal mortality pre-eclampsia, which are identified in nearly 70% of
world-wide (the rate of maternal deaths from VTE is women with pregnancy- or puerperium-related VTE.
0.12 per 10,000 live births and stillbirths)128. Results It has been reported that the risk of pregnancy-related
from studies in which either all or most pregnant VTE might be 11- to 52-fold increased in factor V
women underwent accurate diagnostic testing for VTE Leiden carriers, 3- to 31-fold in carriers of the
report an incidence of VTE ranging from 0.6 to 1.3 prothrombin G20210A mutation, and more than 10-
events per 1,000 deliveries, confirming a 5- to 10- fold in those with deficiencies of antithrombin (7-fold
fold increased risk in pregnant women compared to for mild deficiency and 64-fold for severe deficiency),
that in non-pregnant women of comparable age129. The protein C (3.6-fold for mild deficiency and 7.2 fold
MEGA study showed that the risk of VTE is nearly for severe deficiency), or protein S (5-fold for mild
5-fold increased during pregnancy and up to 60-fold deficiency) compared to non-pregnant women without
Risk factors for thrombosis
thrombophilia 130,133-135. An association between monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur
thrombophilia and adverse obstetric outcomes such dioxide (SO2) and ozone (O3). The latter include
as recurrent miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, placental particulate matter (PM) with a cut-off of less than 10
abruption, foetal growth retardation, stillbirth and m in aerodynamic diameter (PM10), fine particles of
foetal death has been observed136-138, although it is not less than 2.5 m (PM2.5) and ultrafine particles of less
certain139. than 0.1 m (PM0.1)147. As compared with PM10 and
From a biological point of view, normal pregnancy PM2.5, ultrafine particles have a larger total surface
is characterised by a hypercoagulable state. Pregnancy area and hence a greater potential for carrying toxic
is associated with haemostatic changes that include substances, including metals, elemental and organic
increased concentrations of most procoagulant factors, carbon and others. Because of their small size,
decreased concentrations of some of the natural ultrafine particles are deposited deep in the lung
anticoagulants and reduced fibrinolytic activity (Table alveoli and can reach the blood stream. Particulate
VI). These changes help to maintain placental function matter is the type of air pollutant that causes the most
during pregnancy and minimise blood loss at delivery. numerous and serious effects on human health,
However, they may also predispose to maternal because of the broad range of different toxic
thrombosis and placental vascular complications. substances that it contains148,149. Over the last decade,
Plasma concentrations of coagulation factors V, VII, a growing body of epidemiological and clinical
VIII, IX, X, and XII, fibrinogen and vWF rise evidence has led to a heightened concern about the
significantly during pregnancy, while factor XI levels deleterious effects of air pollution on the
tend to decrease. Total and free protein S decrease, cardiovascular system150-152. Observations from studies
whereas protein C and antithrombin remain across North America and Europe have shown higher
substantially unchanged140-141. Activated protein C rates of hospital admissions for all cardiovascular
resistance, likely caused by increasing factors V and causes, and a direct association was also identified
VIII and decreasing protein S, is frequently observed with the incidence of ischaemic heart disease and
in pregnancy142. The activation of coagulation is failure153. The correlation between PM2.5 levels and
demonstrated by increasing levels of F1+2, TAT onset of symptoms in 772 patients with myocardial
complexes, fibrinopeptide A and D-dimer141,142. These infarction was studied in a case-crossover study:
changes occur during the whole gestational period but elevated odds ratios were associated with an increase
are more pronounced in the third trimester. The of 25 g/m3 PM2.5 during a 2-h period before the event
fibrinolytic system is also impaired during pregnancy, (OR 1.48; 95% CI 1.09-2.02) and an increase of 20
as shown by increased plasma levels of TAFI, PAI-1 g/m3 PM2.5 was observed in the 24-h period before
and -2 (the latter of placental origin) and decreased t- the event (OR 1.69; 95% CI 1.13-2.34)154. In a study
PA activity142,143. TF is largely expressed in the placenta on air pollution and emergency admissions, an
and is markedly increased in the amniotic fluid but association was found between NO2 (12.7% increase),
not in plasma143, and, together with thrombomodulin, PM2.5 (8.6% increase) and the risk of hospitalisation
is involved not only in haemostasis, but also in the for myocardial infarction155. In another crossover
differentiation of placental blood vessels144. Placental study, an increase in ambient particulates of 10 g/m3
detachment at delivery with the ensuing release of was associated with a 4.5% increased risk of acute
trophoblastic substances at the site of separation is coronary syndromes (unstable angina and myocardial
responsible, together with post-partum infarction)156. The association between traffic-related
haemoconcentration, for the particularly high risk of air pollutants and acute myocardial infarction is also
VTE in the post-partum period145. Three weeks after supported by the results of the European HEAPSS
delivery, blood coagulation and fibrinolysis have (Health Effects of Air Pollution among Susceptible
generally returned to normal146. Subpopulations) study157.
Potential mechanisms leading to cardiovascular
Air pollution disease include autonomic dysfunction, systemic and
Air pollution consists of gaseous and particulate- local inflammation, endothelial injury, and alterations
matter pollutants. The former include carbon in the coagulation cascade150,151. Changes in heart rate
and heart-rate variability, arrhythmias, increase in increased risk of VTE167. The absolute risk of a
markers of inflammation and tissue damage such as symptomatic event within 4 weeks of flights longer
C-reactive protein, cytokines, interleukins and serum than 4 hours was 1 in 4600 flights, whereas the risk
lipids are conditions induced by air pollution that of acute PE increased with duration of travel, being
affect the cardiovascular system151. Experimental and up to 4.8 per million in flights longer than 12 hours167.
epidemiological studies evaluating plasma Taken together, these data are consistent with the
concentrations of coagulation factors in association hypothesis that medium- to long-distance travellers
with air pollution exposure have produced different have a 2- to 4-fold increased relative risk of VTE
results. While some studies found increased levels of compared to non-travellers. Among the several
factor VII, fibrinogen and vWF158-161, others showed plausible explanations for this increased risk are
decreased levels or no change162. More recently, a immobilisation and a sitting position. Tall individuals
novel association between air pollution and are particularly vulnerable because of cramped
hypercoagulability was observed both in healthy seating, and short individuals because their feet do
individuals and in patients with DVT163,164. Air not touch the floor and they, therefore, undergo extra
pollution is associated with a shortened prothrombin compression of the popliteal veins168. Thrombin
time in healthy subjects162 and increased total plasma generation among travellers has been evaluated in
homocysteine levels in smokers163. A large case- several studies through measurements of F1+2 and
control study164 showed that high mean PM10 levels its inhibitor complex TAT. Several studies
in the year before venous thrombosis were associated investigating the effect of prolonged immobilisation
with a significantly shortened prothrombin time, and on thrombin generation and on the fibrinolytic system
that each increase of 10 g/m3 in PM10 was associated have yielded conflicting results167 and the vast majority
with a 70% increase in risk of VTE. This effect was of these reports lacked a control group. The only
absent in women who used oral contraceptives. As controlled study published to date169 failed to find a
the aforementioned coagulation changes induced by difference in F1+2, TAT and D-dimer between
air pollution are similar in characteristics and degree travellers and non travellers. The effect of hypoxia
to those observed in oral contraceptive users, it may (due to decreased cabin pressure) on coagulation has
be that coagulation is already activated by oral been investigated in both hypobaric and normobaric
contraceptives so that no further enhancing effect is conditions. The results during hypobaric, but not
observed after exposure to PM10. normobaric, hypoxia support activation of the
coagulation and fibrinolytic systems, reflected in a
Travel shortened activated partial thromboplastin time,
Over the past decades, several studies have decreased levels of fibrinogen and factor VIII170, factor
investigated the relationship between thrombosis and VII antigen and TF pathway inhibitor (TFPI)171,
travel, but whether or not long-distance travel and increased levels of D-dimer170, F1+2, TAT and factor
symptomatic VTE are truly associated is still debated, VIIa-TF complex171,172. However, two other studies
as most travellers who develop DVT or PE also have found no difference in markers of thrombin generation
one or more other predisposing risk factors 165. during hypobaric or normobaric hypoxia 173,174.
Considering an analysis of three large case-control Fibrinolysis was more activated during air travel than
studies on patients with clinically suspected DVT and during immobilisation or deambulation, as shown in
PE, the resulting pooled odds ratio for the association a crossover study175.
between a median travel time of 7 hours and
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available data on this topic concluded that long- understand that changes in blood coagulation,
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