Update On Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: When To Consider It, When To Expect It, When To Treat It
Update On Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: When To Consider It, When To Expect It, When To Treat It
Update On Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: When To Consider It, When To Expect It, When To Treat It
Topical Review
Keywords: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) spans a continuum in which clinical signs can range from a
DIC prothrombotic to a hemorrhagic phenotype, with some patients suffering from both concurrently. DIC is
consumptive coagulopathy
always caused by an underlying condition, with most cases linked to systemic inflammation or infection.
thrombohemorrhagic state
canine Numerous factors contribute to the development of DIC, including aberrations in endothelial function, and
dog altered levels of endogenous procoagulant, anticoagulant, and fibrinolytic factors. Excessive thrombin
feline generation, or failure to localize thrombin production, is the unifying theme throughout this broad
condition. DIC can be described as overt or nonovert, each with varying degrees of severity. The ability to
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sci- concisely define and diagnose such a broad condition has proven challenging, especially in veterinary
ences, College of Veterinary Medicine, East
Lansing, MI, USA medicine, where interspecies differences result in phenotypic variability. In most patients, DIC is
Department of Small Animal Medicine and recognized when a patient experiences noteworthy hematologic changes, such as a drop in circulating
Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Uni- platelet count in concert with a 20% to 30% prolongation in the activated partial thromboplastin time.
versity of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
Similar to diagnosing, proven benefits of any particular therapy are difficult to identify. Despite these
Address reprint requests to: Alan G. Ralph, difficulties, therapy can be optimized with an understanding of the underlying pathology(ies). With
DVM, Resident in Emergency and Critical Care
appropriate care and a committed owner/veterinary team, patients with DIC can have a favorable outcome.
Medicine, Department of Small Animal Clini-
cal Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine,
736 Wilson Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is described as both a tivated receptors.4,5 DIC develops as a consequence of activation in
consumptive coagulopathy and a thrombohemorrhagic state, and the inflammation/coagulation axis and results in a state characterized
poses a unique challenge to concisely define, diagnose, and manage.1 by an imbalance in procoagulant and anticoagulant factors, dysregu-
The difficulty stems from the varied clinical presentations that en- lated fibrinolysis, or endothelial injury. The end result is a failure to
compass DIC: some patients suffer from thrombotic tendencies, oth- retain thrombin at the site of injury, or initiation of thrombin gener-
ers a bleeding diathesis, whereas in others the 2 occur simultaneously. ation at sites distant from the injury, resulting in widespread intra-
Because a single definition of DIC would be imprecise, DIC should be vascular coagulation and formation of microthrombi in end organs.6
viewed as a broader condition (such as anemia) under which numer- Widespread activation of coagulation will thus contribute to the per-
ous causes and subtypes exist.1 It represents a continuum that likely sistence of a systemic inflammatory state, and organ hypoxia from
starts as a procoagulant (prothrombotic) phenotype, but often is not
microthrombi may add fuel to this fire.
recognized until substantial consumption has occurred and patients
suffer from bleeding. The underlying disease or trigger can be as di-
verse as DIC itself and requires recognition and therapy for definitive Tissue Factor Activation and Thrombin Generation
treatment.1 Because DIC encompasses a broad spectrum of presenta-
tions, this article will focus on the mechanisms by which DIC may Our current understanding of coagulation suggests that virtually
arise, serving as a template to broaden our understanding rather than all coagulation in vivo is initiated by tissue factor (TF).7-9 The TF path-
an individualized approach. way (extrinsic pathway) becomes activated with exposure of factor
VIIa to TF (e.g., as a consequence of endothelial disruption, which
Mechanisms of DIC Pathogenesis exposes sub-endothelial TF). Once initiated, coagulation progresses
through thrombin generation and subsequent formation of cross-
Coagulation is inextricably intertwined with inflammation, and linked fibrin (see models of coagulation section for more details). TF is
many causes of DIC are associated with a marked systemic inflamma- also expressed on the surface of endothelial cells that have been ex-
tory response or infection. Localized thrombosis conceivably plays an posed to inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-
important role in the body’s response to inflammation and infection ␣), interleukin-1, or endotoxin.10 Monocytes/macrophages express TF
by limiting systemic spread of microorganisms and promoting tissue upon stimulation by the same inflammatory cytokines. Despite nu-
repair.2 Coagulation itself can induce inflammation and all prothrom- merous possible sources of TF, identifying the source of initiating TF in
botic elements have the potential to be pro-inflammatory, whereas any given disease has proven challenging in vivo. In addition to initi-
endogenous anticoagulants are generally considered to be anti-in- ating coagulation via the extrinsic pathway, TF has also been impli-
flammatory. Take for instance thrombin, which not only accounts for cated in perpetuating inflammation by activating nuclear factor B,
decreases in fibrinogen, platelets, and numerous factors (II, V, VIII, and resulting in the production of TNF-␣.11 Many neoplastic processes
XIII) during a consumptive coagulopathy,3 but also acts to promote may also cause intravascular coagulation by exposure of TF. In dogs,
inflammation by inducible cytokine production through protease-ac- tumors of epithelial cell origin were shown to constitutively express
0958-3947/$ – see front matter 䉷 2012 Topics in Companion Animal Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc.
66 Alan G. Ralph and Benjamin M. Brainard / Topics in Companion An Med 27 (2012) 65-72
high levels of TF,12 and promyelocytes have been shown to contain TF ures unrelated to sepsis.40 Although classically associated with
in people with acute promyelocytic leukemia.13 thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in people, decreased AD-
In addition to their role in clot formation, activated platelets and AMTS13 and elevated concentrations of UL-vWF may well be a con-
phospholipid microvesicles (microparticles) derived from platelets tributor to the marked thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy seen in
and numerous other cell types may provide the necessary phospho- some DIC patients after endothelial activation.
lipid surface to disseminate TF in DIC14 (see coagulation and inflam-
mation section for more details). Endogenous Inhibitors of Coagulation (Natural Anticoagulants)
minogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a key inhibitor of tPA and acts Dogs
to balance fibrinolysis. In the face of inflammation, coagulation largely Neoplasia
proceeds without a concurrent increase in fibrinolysis.56,57 The effect Mammary carcinoma74,75
of inflammation on endothelial cells appears to initially result in in- Splenic tumor74
creased concentrations of plasminogen activators (tPA), but a more Renal carcinoma78
sustained rise in PAI-1 predominates.57 Inflammatory cytokines Heart base tumor74
(TNF-␣ and interleukin 1-) are at least one mechanism by which Leukemia74
PAI-1 is stimulated.57,58 Malignant histiocytosis74
Pulmonary adenocarcinoma75
Causes of DIC Sepsis74,80-82
Any disease process that increases prothrombotic factors, de- Infective valvular endocarditis85,86
creases endogenous anticoagulants, causes endothelial dysfunction, Pseudallescheria boydii88
or leads to defects in fibrinolysis can trigger DIC in small animals. Dirofilaria immitis89
Typically these are conditions associated with a heightened inflam- Angiostrongylus vasorum74
matory response (e.g., sepsis); however, many other causes have been Anaplasma phagocytophilum91
reported (Table 1). Immune-mediated Disorders
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia74,92,93
Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia74
Diagnosis Hemophagocytic syndrome94
Erythema multiforme95
DIC is a continuum (from prothrombotic to bleeding), and the di- Toxicoses
D-limonene-based dip94
agnosis is complicated by the difficulty in identification of an individ-
Zinc toxicosis96
ual’s position on this continuum. In addition, it is often difficult to Aflatoxicosis97
determine whether the condition is disseminated or localized. Many Miscellaneous Conditions
Snake envenomation74,98
conditions can mimic DIC on blood work, and yet are localized to a
single organ. An example is the dog with a nonbleeding splenic mass Heatstroke82,100,101
or contained splenic hematoma. These patients commonly have evi- Gastric dilatation volvulus74,102
dence of consumption on blood work, yet the hematologic abnormal-
ities stem from a splenic pathology that is causing localized consump- Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis74
tion of platelets and coagulation factors. After splenectomy, these Liver lobe torsion104
Nephrotic syndrome105
coagulation abnormalities quickly resolve, typically without any
other intervention. Neoplasia
For the purpose of defining and diagnosing DIC in humans, the Cranial mediastinal mass106
Scientific Subcommittee of the International Society on Thrombosis Lymphoma62
Biliary adenocarcinoma62
and Haemostasis on DIC divided the condition into nonovert and Hepatocellular carcinoma62
overt DIC.59 Here, overt DIC (“uncompensated”) represents the ad- Mastocytosis of spleen and bone marrow62
vanced end of the continuum in which a patient has experienced Pulmonary adenocarcinoma62
Multiple myeloma62
marked consumption of coagulation factors and platelets, and gener- Metastatic carcinoma62
ally exhibits a hemorrhagic phenotype. This occurs when antithrom- Pancreatic adenocarcinoma62
botic measures and other endogenous defenses are overwhelmed. Fibrosarcoma62
Metastatic anaplastic neoplasm62
Nonovert DIC (“compensated”) describes the patient that is difficult to Infections
diagnose, as coagulation is activated but still harnessed by antithrom- Sepsis62,106,107
botic elements. These patients typically do not experience bleeding, Cytauxzoonosis108
Panleukopenia virus62,106
but are conceivably at highest risk for thrombosis. Feline infectious peritonitis virus62,106,109,110
Traditionally, DIC in veterinary medicine has been diagnosed Cutaneous abscess/cellulitis62
based on a clinical condition capable of inciting DIC and 2 or more Toxoplasmosis62
Yeast septicemia62
laboratory abnormalities from the following: thrombocytopenia, pro- Feline leukemia virus62
longed activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)/prothrombin Pyelonephritis62
time (PT)/or thrombin clot time, hypofibrinogenemia, decreased AT, Immune-mediated Disorders
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia62
elevated markers of fibrinolysis (fibrin[ogen] degradation products or Vaccine reaction62
D-dimers), or erythrocyte fragmentation on a blood smear (schisto- Miscellaneous Conditions
cytes, keratocytes, acanthocytes).60 Using greater numbers of abnor- Lymphadenitis106
malities for diagnosis of DIC increases the specificity, whereas using Pancreatitis106
lesser numbers of coagulation abnormalities increases the sensitivity Diabetic ketoacidosis106
for detection (although less specific). This approach is, however, Peritonitis62,106
Hepatic lipidosis111
aimed at markers of consumption and will not reliably identify nono- Cholangiohepatitis106,112
vert DIC patients. Congestive heart failure secondary to cardiomyopathy106
Scoring systems have also recently been proposed to increase the Renal amyloidosis62
utility of coagulation testing for the diagnosis of DIC. In a recent study, Trauma62
a broad array of coagulation parameters were assayed in ill dogs ad- Penetrating brain injury113
mitted to 2 university hospitals. Among the values assayed were co-
agulation times (PT and aPTT), endogenous coagulation inhibitors
(protein C and S, AT), components of the fibrinolytic system (plasmin-
ogen, ␣2-antiplasmin), and a marker of fibrinolytic activity (D-dimer).
68 Alan G. Ralph and Benjamin M. Brainard / Topics in Companion An Med 27 (2012) 65-72
The “gold standard” for diagnosis of DIC was consensus among a panel Similar to laboratory testing, the ideal imaging modality for iden-
of experts in the field. The final inclusion for the proposed scoring tifying thrombi does not exist in veterinary medicine. Testing is often
system included fibrinogen, PT, aPTT, and D-dimer. These values are dictated by location, for instance an experienced ultrasonographer
plugged into a formula for prediction of the probability of DIC.61 A can often identify a portal vein thrombus, whereas computed tomog-
scoring system will likely increase the predictability of DIC in dogs, raphy angiography is likely the best available modality for identifying
and undoubtedly help unify the definition, but also highlights that no PTE.65-67 The key is determining when to pursue these diagnostics
particular test, or even group of tests, fits all patients, and those with with little guiding information. In this situation, there is no substitute
relatively mild coagulation perturbations may be missed. In the au- for experience on the part of the clinician. Although early diagnosis of
thors’ experience, a sudden drop in circulating platelet count accom- thrombotic issues is important to allow the best intervention, early
panied by a mild to moderate prolongation (20%-30%) of aPTT in a recognition of risks and prevention should be the goal.
patient at risk for systemic inflammation should arouse suspicion for
DIC. The reason behind the prolongation of aPTT over PT may indicate Treatment
ongoing perpetuation of clots, occurring primarily via the intrinsic
An essential first line of therapy for DIC is the recognition and,
pathway. Although initial thrombin is generated by TF, the bulk of the
ideally, therapy to address the underlying trigger. In the case of sepsis,
factor consumption will be generated via the intrinsic pathway during
this would include appropriate antimicrobials and surgery (if indi-
amplification of coagulation.
cated to address the source of infection). The inciting cause of the DIC
Newer coagulation tools may help in the future to better detect
can be as endangering as the coagulopathy that ensues. Treatment
patients with nonovert DIC. Some of these tests are currently available
should also include supportive care as indicated for each particular
(such as quantification of thrombin-antithrombin complexes, which
patient (e.g., intravenous fluids to maintain euvolemia). Oxygen de-
are circulating products of coagulation); however, they have not been
livery to tissues must be maintained in patients at risk for or suffering
assessed in veterinary patients with DIC. Viscoelastic coagulation
from DIC (Fig. 1). This will prevent tissue hypoxia and the inflamma-
analysis is another unique test that can give a global overview of
tion associated with reperfusion of ischemic tissues.
coagulation, including fibrinolysis, and may prove useful for char-
Commonly used medications for antithrombotic effects in veteri-
acterizing an early prothrombotic state. A significant drawback to
nary medicine include aspirin and clopidogrel to decrease platelet
viscoelastic analyzers, particularly in DIC, is the sensitivity of the
function, unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparins for inhi-
technology, variables affecting results (such as anemia, thrombo-
bition of secondary hemostasis, and less commonly warfarin for inhi-
cytopenia, elevated fibrinogen), and differing methods and coagula-
bition of secondary hemostasis (see antithrombotic therapy for de-
tion stimuli (activators) that are used. Many of these issues will soon tails and dosages). The use of these drugs is typically guided by
be addressed by a standardization committee on viscoelastic coagu- knowledge of the underlying disease process (e.g., a platelet-medi-
lation testing, hopefully unifying the way in which this test is per- ated clotting disorder or predominance for arterial thromboembolism
formed and allowing comparison of results between institutions. De- will likely benefit from platelet function inhibitors). The efficacy of
spite these drawbacks, viscoelastic coagulation is one of the few aspirin in cats has come into question based on recent platelet studies,
methodologies that can document hypercoagulability, a phenomenon and should thus probably be used when other options are not avail-
that can be challenging to prove with available tests. able.68 Antiplatelet medications are not commonly used in patients
Limitations will continue to exist for diagnosing DIC based on lab- with thrombocytopenias and have the added disadvantage of requir-
oratory changes in small animals. Different species have idiosyncra- ing oral administration, which is not always tolerated in critically ill
sies in coagulation testing, different laboratories use varying assays patients. Although platelets are implicated in the pathogenesis of DIC,
and reagents, and many assays are difficult to validate. For example, the use of antiplatelet medications in this condition have not been
cats with DIC do not seem to be at risk of substantial hemorrhage as is studied, and inhibition of platelet function in a patient with low plate-
seen in dogs.60,62 Although thrombocytopenia is among the more con- let count may be more likely to result in hemorrhage.
sistently seen laboratory changes in dogs with consumption, platelets For these reasons, the primary anticoagulant drug used for therapy
are notoriously difficult to accurately assess in cats and may result in of the procoagulant phase of DIC is heparin. The correct target or guide
an inability to truly assess this parameter.60 for heparin therapy is not known for small animals (see antithrom-
Nonovert DIC should not be ignored simply based on a lack of botic therapy). Other studies on the ability of viscoelastic coagulation
laboratory abnormalities in a patient at risk for coagulopathy. testing (e.g., thrombelastography) to monitor anticoagulation with
D-dimers have been proposed as a test that can exclude thromboem- heparins are promising, but definite targets have not yet been de-
bolism or thrombus formation, and this test has previously been fined.69 Warfarin is generally reserved for specific cases, because it
shown to be highly sensitive and specific for identifying thrombi in requires experience with its use to effectively treat dogs without
subsets of dogs.63,64 However, no test is perfect, and some patients causing excessive bleeding and is also administered orally.
with life-threatening thrombotic disease will have very little or no
laboratory abnormalities to suggest such a process is occurring, po-
Therapy for Overt DIC
tentially because fibrinolysis has not yet been initiated because of the
inflammatory state of the patient. Dogs are most commonly diagnosed with DIC when they are in a
Proving the presence of a thrombus ante mortem can be challeng- state of overt DIC and have evidence of a consumptive coagulopathy.
ing, particularly when the clinician has no reliable blood tests to in- Blood products are indicated when these patients exhibit spontane-
crease or decrease suspicion. Dramatic physical examination changes, ous bleeding. Fresh frozen plasma is generally used for replacement of
such as asymmetric edema or a change in pulses or temperature of consumed coagulation factors. Dogs and cats need a dose of at least 6
extremities, should raise concern for thrombotic complications in an to 10 mL/kg (up to 20 mL/kg) for correction of bleeding from factor
at-risk patient. Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) (hypoxemia deficiency. Cryoprecipitate may also be used when a deficiency in
without marked radiographic changes) and portal vein thrombosis fibrinogen is the primary disturbance, because cryoprecipitate con-
(profuse diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort) are also com- tains primarily factor VIII, vWF, factor XIII, and fibrinogen. Fresh fro-
mon locations for critically ill patients to develop clots. Sometimes, zen plasma also contains these elements but is delivered in a larger
PTE may be suspected based on the presence of pulmonary hyperten- volume. The aPTT and PT should always be reassessed after transfu-
sion detected using echocardiography in the form of tricuspid regur- sion for bleeding or prolonged aPTT/PT, because many patients may
gitant flow (see diseases associated with thrombosis). require additional therapy. Packed red blood cells (pRBC) are given to
Alan G. Ralph and Benjamin M. Brainard / Topics in Companion An Med 27 (2012) 65-72 69
Presence of a Thrombus or
Thromboembolic Condition
augment oxygen-carrying capacity, whereas crystalloid fluids (e.g., other laboratory diagnostics (lactate, PCV, etc.) to judge the need
lactated Ringer’s solution) are given to replace lost volume, and artificial for additional transfusions.
colloids (e.g., hetastarch or tetrastarch) may be used to maintain colloid Blood products may also be needed for patients with significantly
oncotic pressure. pRBCs are generally dosed at 5 to 10 mL/kg, and an prolonged coagulation times that are scheduled to undergo an inva-
increase in hematocrit of approximately 1% can be anticipated for each sive diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, even in the absence of overt
milliliter per kilogram of pRBCs infused. If whole blood is used, dosing hemorrhage. If invasive procedures are not planned, blood products
can be based on the donor hematocrit, or may be estimated as 2 to 3 are not necessarily indicated, and frequent reassessment of coagula-
mL/kg to result in a 1% increase in packed cell volume (PCV). Because of tion times, platelet count, and close patient monitoring is recom-
continued blood loss, ongoing underlying pathology, and possible mended. The reason that transfusions are not routinely recom-
splenic sequestration of red blood cells, it is inevitably difficult to mended for correction of laboratory abnormalities in the absence of
predict a specific rise in PCV. The clinician should always assess bleeding is because of the risk of transfusion reactions, which can
clinical signs of perfusion (heart rate, urine output, etc.) as well as range from mild to life-threatening. Transfusion of pRBCs has been
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