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Mutants & Masterminds Errata & Corrections: Second Edition, First and Second Printing Updated August 31, 2007

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Second Edition, First and Second Printing Updated August 31, 2007
Mistakes happen, but when they do, we try our best to correct them. This file provides errata and corrections for the first
printing of the second edition of Green Ronins Mutants & Masterminds superhero roleplaying game.
Clarifications and answers to frequently asked questions are found in the Mutants & Masterminds FAQ file. For this and
more information about Mutants & Masterminds in general, please visit our website: www.mutantsandmasterminds.com.
New additions are listed in color for ease of reference.
page 13 dodge bonus: change (rounded up) to (rounded down).
page 16 Doing the Math: Change Costimed Adventurer to Costumed Adventurer
page 17 Martial Artist: In the last sentence, change +11 and +9 to +12 and +8.
page 17 Battlesuit: Change heavy load under Super-Strength to 45 tons. Under Super-Senses remove radius and
change extended to extended 2.
page 18 Costumed Adventurer: The archetypes feats are not listed. They are: Defensive Roll 3, Equipment 4, Evasion 2,
Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Stealth), Startle, Sneak Attack,
Uncanny Dodge.
page 20 Mystic: Change notation after Magic to read: (choose five power feats). Change Drawbacks to read: Power Loss
(Astral Form array and Magic array, when unable to speak or gesture to cast spells, 2 points).
page 21 Paragon: Change heavy load under Super-Strength to 90 tons.
page 21 Powerhouse: Change heavy load under Super-Strength to 180 tons.
page 26 Costumed Adventurer Example: In the third to last paragraph, change Surprise Strike in the last sentence to
Sneak Attack.
page 28 Ability Modifiers: In the second paragraph, third sentence, insert a space between modifier and comes. In
the third paragraph, change the last sentence to read: Strength and Constitution are affected by the power level limits on
damage and Toughness, respectively (see page 24).
page 32 Debilitated Ability Scores: In the second paragraph on this page, change Abilities at the start of the first
sentence to Ability so it reads: Ability scores cannot...
page 32 Nonexistent Ability Scores: Under Constitution, delete but cannot exert extra effort (see Extra Effort, page
120) from the eighth sentence (since constructs can, in fact, use extra effort, they just do so differently).
page 32 Dodge Bonus: Change the second sentence to read: Other conditionssuch as when you are helplesscause
you to lose your dodge bonus and impose additional penalties to your defense.
page 42 Bluff: Change the last sentence of the Feint subsection to read: If your Bluff check succeeds, your target loses
any dodge bonus against your next attack.
page 46 Craft: Under Action change on in the first sentence to to so it reads: The time to make something varies
according to its complexity.
page 49 Intimidate: Under Demoralizing in Combat, change the parenthetical note after Shaken to (2 to attack
rolls, saving throws, and checks).
page 54 Search: Change all instances of radius in the example to diameter.
page 58 Feats Table: Change the Benefit of Blind-Fight to read: You suffer half the normal miss chance due to
concealment and half speed penalty in darkness.

Green Ronin Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition Errata Page 1

page 60 Defensive Roll: Delete the extra period at the end of the second sentence.
page 61 Fast Overrun: The page reference to the overrun action should be page 158.
page 62 Improved Overrun: The page reference to the overrun action should be page 158.
page 62 Master Plan: In the third sentence, change +2 for 15-25 to +2 for 15-24.
page 65 Ultimate Effort: Change Fortuine in the header to Fortune.
page 65 Uncanny Dodge: Delete the third sentence of the feats description.
page 65 Fighting Styles: Under Wrestling, Improved Escape should be Improved Grapple.
page 69 Opposed Power Checks: The page reference in the last sentence is missing; it should be page 10. Also in the
last sentence, change whos to whose.
page 71 Alternate Powers sidebar: In the second sentence, it should be form sculptures of flame rather than forms
sculptures of flame.
page 72 Powers Table: Change the Cost of Confuse to 2/rank. Change the Duration of Gestalt to Sustained. Add
Fortitude under Save for Life Control.
page 76 Anatomic Separation: The last sentence should begin You recover... rather than Your recover...
page 79 Confuse: Change Cost to 2 points per rank.
page 81 Dazzle: Delete the last sentence of the second paragraph: Targets immune to Fortitude effects cannot be
dazzle. They can, they just immediately recover due to their ability to automatically succeed on the Fortitude save.
page 84 Emotion Control: Range should be Perception. Saving Throw should be Will as correctly given on the
Powers table on page 72. Under Despair, change the first sentence to read: The subject is shaken, suffering a 2 on
attack rolls, saving throws, and checks.
page 86 Gestalt: Change Action in the stat block to Standard.
page 87 Growth: Change Cost to 3 points per rank (as correctly given on the table on page 72).
page 88 Healing: Change the last paragraph of the powers description to read:
You can use Healing on yourself. You cant cure your own stunned or unconscious conditions or stabilize yourself unless
your Healing is usable as a reaction, since you need to be able to take the action necessary to use the power. You can use
Healing to cure your own staggered or disabled conditions, if youre able to take the necessary action, but doing so counts
as a strenuous action while youre disabled (see Disabled, page 165). If your recovery check is successful, you suffer no ill
effects. If it is not, however, your condition worsens to dying. If you can use Healing as a free action or reaction, it is not
considered strenuous.
page 88 Illusion: Under Extras change Action to Duration.
page 90 Leaping: In the next to last sentence, change (x1,000 your normal distance) to (x2,500 your normal
page 90 Life Control: Add Saving Throw: Fortitude to the powers statistics.
page 91 Magic: Under Alternate Powers, remove and rank from the second half of the first sentence.
page 95 Obscure: Change the Power Feats header to Extras.
page 95 Paralyze: In the next to last sentence, insert physical before in between any and actions.
page 96 Plasma Control: Change Cost to 2 points per rank (as correctly given on the table on page 73).
page 97 Regeneration: In the last paragraph (before Power Feats), change the cost of total Regeneration to 36 points,
and 44 if it includes ability damage.

Green Ronin Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition Errata Page 2

page 97 Sensory Shield: Change Dazzle attacks in the description to sensory effects and the page reference to (see
Sensory, page 68); Sensory Shield protects against all sensory effects, not just Dazzle.
page 98 Shapeshift: Delete the third sentence of the powers description: No rank or bonus of the assumed form can
be higher than your Shapeshift rank.
page 99 Snare: In the second paragraph, second sentence, delete loses his defense bonus, and suffers a further 5
modifier to Defense. (Its implicit in the helpless condition.) In the last paragraph change the damage bonuses to
automatically break out of a snare to 10 or more than the Snares rank and 15 or more, respectively.
page 100 Spinning: In the last sentence, change the second your to you so it reads ...as long as you continue
page 100 Strike: Under Cost change points to point. Under Thrown change the first Your to You.
page 102 Wall-Crawling: Change the description after the first sentence to read:
You still lose your dodge bonus while climbing unless you have 5 or more ranks of Climb (see page 42). An additional
rank of Super-Movement applied to this effect means you climb at your full speed and retain your dodge bonus while
page 108 Alternate Power Example: In the sentence Each Alternate Power can have a cost of up to 2 power points per
Magic rank (or 32 points total) and a rank no greater than 16 delete everything after the parenthesis.
page 110 Slow Fade: Change the last sentence after the colon to read: from one round to one minute (10 rounds) to
five minutes, and so forth.
page 111 Alternate Save: In paragraph three, first sentence, change save to saves.
page 112 Aura: Insert sustained between range and power in the first sentence.
page 112 Disease: In the last sentence, insert on after effect.
page 115 Feedback: Change the flaws description to read as follows:
You suffer pain when a manifestation of your power is damaged. This flaw only applies to powers with physical
manifestations, such as Create Object, Duplication, Snare, or Summon, for example. If your powers manifestation is
damaged, make a Will save against damage equal to the attacks damage, with a bonus equal to the manifestations
Toughness. For example, if you create a Toughness 12 object and it is attacked for +15 damage, you must make a Will
save against +15 damage with a +12 bonus (the objects Toughness) added to your normal Will save bonus.
page 132 Wealth Bonus: Change the third sentence to read: The Profession skill (see page 53) grants a bonus to
Wealth: +1 per 5 full points of skill bonus.
page 137 Sample Utility Belt: Change Stun Pellets to Flash-Bangs.
page 138 Melee Weapons: Change the knifes equipment cost to 4 points.
page 139 Ranged Weapons: Change the bows equipment cost to 8 points.
page 139 Ranged Weapons: Change the shotguns equipment cost to 13 points.
page 140 Grenades and Explosives: In the table, the effect of the smoke grenade should be Obscure 2 (visual).
page 141 Archaic Armor: Under Chain-mail, change hauberk to coif.
page 143 Ground Vehicles Table: Change the Cost of the sports car to 7/2.
page 143 Navigation System: Change per additional power point to per additional equipment point.
page 144 Air Vehicles Table: Change the cost of the military helicopter to 45/9
page 144 Immunity: Change the second sentence to read: Vehicles that travel in space or underwater provide life
support for their passengers at no additional cost.

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page 149 Damaging and Repairing Constructs: In the second paragraph, change A construct to Constructs.
page 152 Saving Throw Types: Under Will, change Wisdom bonus to Wisdom modifier.
page 156 Combined Attack: Remove the first line on this page, its repeated from the previous page.
page 160 Suppression Fire: "An opponent who chooses not to seek cover ignores the attack modifier from by
suppression fire but is automatically attacked." Delete the word by in this sentence.
page 161 Defense Modifiers Table: Change the Helpless line to read:
Defense is... Melee Ranged Dodge Bonus?
Helpless 5+size 5+size No
page 162 Helpless Defenders: Change the text under Regular Attack to read:
A helpless character loses any dodge bonus and has a Defense of 5 + size modifier, like an immobile object. Attacks from
adjacent opponents gain an additional +4 to hit.
page 167 Damage to Objects: In the last paragraph, change the last sentence to read:
If the attackers damage bonus equals the objects Toughness 4, its damaged. If damage equals (object Toughness +5),
the object is broken, and if it is (object Toughness +10) or greater, the object is automatically destroyed.
page 168 Poison: In the second paragraph, first sentence, delete the and feat before and after Immunity to Poison.
page 170 Vacuum: Where it says Constitution check in this section, substitute Fortitude save.
page 171 Helpless: Replace the listing with the following:
Helpless: Sleeping, bound, paralyzed or unconscious characters are helpless, unable to defense themselves. Enemies can
make advantageous attacks against helpless characters, or even deliver a coup de grace. An attack against a helpless
character is handled like an attack on an immobile object: the target has a Defense of 5 + size modifier and adjacent
attacks get a +4 bonus to hit.
page 171 Paralyzed: Delete the last sentence of the description (its implicit in the helpless condition).
page 171 Staggered: Change the second sentence to read: A staggered character who is staggered again is rendered
page 186 Futuristic: In the third paragraph, first sentence, change stores to stories.
page 191 Human Heroes: In the second paragraph, second sentence, change martial to marital.
page 191 Social Issues: Indent the second paragraph (starting with The major social issues...).
page 210 Why the Villain Gets Away: In the third paragraph, second sentence, change changes to chances so it
reads to improve their chances in the future...
page 212 Armored Megalomaniac: Change the header of the page to Megalomaniac rather than Megalomanic. At
the end of The Enemy of My Enemy add the word else (so it reads ... or conquered by someone else.)
page 214 Deal With the Devil: Change power in the first sentence to powerful.
page 217 Kung Fu Killer: Change Will save bonus to +6.
page 219 Master of Disguise: Change Mastre in the stat block header to Master.
page 221 Puppeteer: Under Variations and Capers, "pheremones" should read "pheromones". Under Only a Dream, "the
sleep" should read "their sleep". Under Pawns of the Puppeteer, "puppeteer" in the last sentence should be capitalized.
page 226 Assassin: Change Toughness save to +4 (+0 flat-footed).
page 226 Bulter: Change Power Level to 3 (to accomodate 8 ranks in Profession). Everyone knows comic book butlers
are secretly really tough...

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page 226 Crime Lord: Change Strength to 10. Change Sense Motive bonus to +5 and Toughness to +0. Raise Power
Level to 5 to accomodate skills.
page 226 Criminal: Change Saves total to 1, Combat total to 4, and Total value to 27. Add leather jacket (+1
Toughness) to Equipment. Lower Defense to +1.
page 226 Cultist: Change unarmed damage to +1, change sword or axe under Equipment to dagger (+1 damage) to
solve PL issues.
page 227 Gang Leader: Change Save total to 9 and Total vlue to 43. Change Toughness save to +2.
page 227 Ninja: Change Climb bonus to +5. Add Defensive Roll to Feats, increase Feats cost to 3, lower Saves to 4,
point total remains the same.
page 228 Police Chief: Change Abilites to Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 14 (there was a cut-and-past
error, presumably). Change Toughness save to +0.
page 228 Reporter: Change Power Level to 1 to accomodate skill ranks.
page 229 Scientist: The archetypes ability scores should be: Str 8, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 9
page 229 Soldier: Change Abilities total to 8, Feats total to 7, and Total vlue to 43. Change Equipment rank to 7.
page 229 SWAT Officer: Change point totals to the following:
Abilities 13 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 4 + Powers 0 + Combat 24 + Saves 10 = 57
page 229 Terrorist: Change Save total to 9 and Total vlue to 51. Change Toughness save to +1. Change the
Professional skill to Profession
page 229 Thug: Change Toughness save to +3 (+2 without jacket).
page 230 Ape: Change Climb skill to 10 ranks and a +11 bonus, change Notice to 6 ranks and a +7 bonus. Change
Skills total to 4 (16 ranks) and Feats total to 0. Change Total value to 42.
page 230 Bat: Change Abilities total to 2, Skills total to 2 (8 ranks), Powers total to 19, Saves total to 4, and Total
value to 19. Change skills to: Notice 4 (+6), Stealth 4 (+18 due to size). Add Flight 1 to powers. Change Toughness save
to 3 (includes 1 size).
page 230 Bear: Change Climb skill to 10 (+14) due to Growth. Change Notice skill to 6 (+7) and Skill total to 16 ranks.
page 230 Cat: Change skills to: Acrobatics 5 (+7), Climb 5 (+7), Notice 5 (+6), Stealth 5 (+15 with size). Change
Toughness save to 2. Add a Feats line with Benefit (substitute Dex for Str for skill checks). Change point totals to:
Abilities 3 + Skills 4 (20 ranks) + Feats 1 + Powers 10 + Combat 8 + Saves 4 Drawbacks 8 = 16
page 230 Crocodile: Delete the Improved Swim feat. Change Stealth to Stealth 4 (3 due to size). Change Skills cost to
2 (8 ranks), Feats cost to 1, and total cost to 54 points.
page 230 Dog: Change Power Level to 3 (to accomodate damage and Toughness). Change damage to +2 (unarmed).
page 231 Elephant: Change damage to +11.
page 231 Hawk: Change damage to 2, change Toughness to 2.
page 231 Herd Animal: Change Initiative to +0.
page 231 Horse: Change Abilities cost to 11 and Damage to +1 (unarmed). Change Total value to 23.
page 231 Lion: Change Stealth bonus to +7 (due to size modifier).
page 231 Monkey: Change Skills to: Acrobatics 6 (+8), Climb 6 (+8), Notice 6 (+7), Stealth 6 (+16 for size). Change
Toughness save to 2. Change Damage to 4. Add Feats line with Benefit (substitute Dex for Str for skill checks). Change
point totals to:

Green Ronin Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition Errata Page 5

Abilities 5 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Feats 1 + Powers 10 + Combat 12 + Saves 4 Drawbacks 4 = 23
page 231 Owl: Change skills to: Notice 6 (+8), Stealth 6 (+17 for size). Bold power names and ranks. Change damage to
2. Change point totals to:
Abilities 1 + Skills 3 (12 ranks) + Feats 0 + Powers 12 + Combat 20 + Saves 4 Drawbacks 8 = 32
page 232 Rat: Change skills to: Acrobatics 5 (+7), Climb 5 (+7), Stealth 5 (+15 for size), Swim 5 (+7). Add Feats line
with Benefit (substitute Dex for Str for skill checks). Change point totals to:
Abilities 9 + Skills 4 (20 ranks) + Feats 1 + Powers 11 + Combat 12 + Saves 1 (included reduced Toughness)
Drawbacks 8 = 12
page 232 Snake (Constrictor): Change Climb skill to 8 (+11), Skill total to 8 (32 ranks) and total value to 36.
page 232 Snake (Viper): Change skills to: Climb 9 (+12), Notice 7 (+8), Stealth 8 (+19 for size), Swim 8 (+11). Add Feats
line with Benefit (substitute Dex for Str for skill checks). Change point totals to:
Abilities 3 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 1 + Powers 21 + Combat 20 + Saves 4 Drawbacks 8 = 43
page 232 Wolf: Delete the first Saving Throw line (the second one is the correct one). Replace the second saving throw
line with the following point totals:
Abilities 3 + Skills 1 (4 ranks) + Feats 1 + Powers 3 + Combat 14 + Saves 6 Drawbacks 8 = 20
page 233 Demon, Imp: Change Toughness save to +2. Change Powers total to 35 and total value to 81.
page 233 Gargoyle: Change Powers total to 15 and total value to 48
page 233 Giant Ooze: Change Strike power to Strike 5 (acid, Extras: Aura, Sustained) and move to the end of the powers
listing. Change Insubstantial power to Insubstantial 1 (fluid, Extra: Continuous; Flaw: Permanent; Power Feat: Innate).
Change Powers total to 67 and total value to 50.
page 234 Golem, Clay: Change damage to +7.
page 234 Golem, Flesh: Change damage to +5.
page 234 Monstrous Flytrap: Change Stealth skill modifier to 3 (for size). Change Abilities total to 16 and total value
to 42.
page 234 Monstrous Spider: Change power level to 8. Add Protection 4 to powers. Change Powers total to 68 and Saves
total to 10. Total cost remains unchanged.
page 235 Sea Monster: Add Swim 8 (+8) to skill. Change Initative to +4. Change Skills cost to 6 (24 ranks). Change
Saves cost to 33 and total cost to 168.
page 235 Tyrannosaurus Rex: Change Combat cost to 44 and total cost to 119.
page 235 Werewolf: Change Con to 16. Add a Skills line with the following: Handle Animal 1 (+1), Notice 1 (+1),
Stealth 4 (+6), Survival 2 (+2).
page 241 Daedalus: Change the second sentence to: The Greek gods granted him immortality after the death of his
son, Icarus.
page 254 character sheet: Change the second Abilities box to Saving Throws. Change the Dodge Bonus header over
the third box of the Defense line to Misc. Modifier.
page 255 character sheet: Add Investigate to the list of skills.

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