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Star Wars SAGA Errata

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p. 38 – Base Attack Bonus p.

68 – Jump Skill
Should read, "Base Attack Bonus: The character's base attack bonus. Add the following before the last sentence under the "Jump Down"
Apply this bonus to the character's attack rolls." Base attack bonus use of the Jump skill:
does not apply to damage rolls. For every 10 points by which you beat the DC, you can subtract an
additional 3 meters from the fall when determining damage.
p. 38 – Jedi class skills.
Jump and Mechanics should be class skills for all Jedi. p. 69 – Mechanics Skill
Under the Jury-Rig header, replace the 4th sentence with the
p. 40 – Resilience Talent
following: "A jury-rigged device or vehicle gains +2 steps on the
Should read "You can spend a full-round action to move +2 steps up
condition track and 1d8 hit points."
the condition track (see Conditions, page 148)"
Under the Special header, add the following sentence: "Characters
p. 41 – Block Talent who are untrained in the Mechanics skill can still use the aid another
Add the following sentences before the last sentence of the Block action to assist on Mechanics checks."
p. 73 – Stealth Skill
"You may use the Block talent to negate melee area attacks, such as
Drawing a concealed item is a standard action.
those made by the Whirlwind Attack feat. If you succeed on the Use
the Force check, you take half damage if the attack hits and no p. 85 – Force Training Feat
damage if the attack misses. You may spend a Force point to use this Under the Special section, the feat should say, "Each time you take
talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character." this feat, you add to your Force suite a number of new Force powers
equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier."
p. 41 – Deflect Talent
Before the last sentence of the first paragraph, add the following p. 89 – Whirlwind Attack Feat
sentence: "You may spend a Force Point to use this talent to negate In the first sentence under Benefit, change the word "opponent" to
an attack against an adjacent character." "target."
Replace the second paragraph with the following:
p. 93 – Using Force Points
"You can use this talent to deflect some of the barrage of shots fired
Spending a Force Point to return a power to your Force suite is a
from a ranged weapon set on autofire, or the Force lightning Force
reaction, not a swift action.
power. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half
damage if the attack hits and no damage if the attack misses." p. 97 – Force Grip
Replace the DC 15 text with the following:
p. 47 – Spacer Talent Tree, Hyperdriven Talent
DC 15: If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target's
Change the reference from "your scoundrel class level" to just "your
damage threshold, the target takes 2d6 points of damage and can only
class level." Your class level is equal to your total levels in all classes
take a single swift action on his next turn. Otherwise, the target takes
with access to this talent.
half damage and may act normally, and you may not maintain the
p. 51 – Soldier Defense Bonuses power.
Should read, "At 1st level you gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex Replace the second sentence under Special with the following:
Defense and a +2 class bonus to your Fortitude Defense." "Maintaining the Force grip power is a standard action, and you must
make a new Use the Force check each round. If you suffer damage
p. 62 – Acrobatics Skill
while maintaining a Force grip, you must succeed on a Use the Force
Last sentence of the second paragraph refers to a Reflex save; this
check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue concentrating."
should instead refer to an Acrobatics check at DC 15.
The first sentence of the second paragraph under the Escape Bonds p. 97 – Force Slam
header refers to an attack action. This should be a standard action. The Use the Force check should be compared to the target's damage
Under the Special section, replace the last sentence with the threshold instead of Fortitude Defense.
following: "If you are trained in Acrobatics, you gain a +5 bonus to
p. 98 – Force Stun
your Reflex Defense when fighting defensively (see Fighting
The Use the Force check should be compared to the target's damage
Defensively, page 152).
threshold instead of Will Defense.
p. 98 – Move Object p. 128 – Sporting Blaster Rifle
Replace the second sentence under Special with the following: A sporting blaster rifle should get 100 shots from a power pack, not
"Maintaining the move object power is a standard action, and you 50.
must make a new Use the Force check each round. If you suffer
p. 154 – Aim
damage while maintaining move object, you must succeed on a Use
Add the following sentence to the second paragraph of the description
the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue concentrating.
of the Aim action: "Aiming provides no benefit when making an area
If you deal damage with the move object power, you cease to be able
to maintain it."
p. 155 – Area Attacks
p. 100 – Surge
Replace the first sentence of the second paragraph with the following:
The surge power should be a free action. Add the following sentences
under Special: "Using the surge power counts as a running start for
"When you make an area attack, you make a single attack roll; if your
determining a Jump DC. You may spend a Destiny Point to gain an
modified attack roll is equal to 10 or higher, compare the result to the
additional 4 squares of movement; when you do so, you may also use
Reflex Defense of every target in the area."
any and all movement for the round as a part of a jump (no Jump
Add the following sentence to the end of the second paragraph:
check required)."
"A natural 20 on an area attack roll automatically hits all targets
p. 120 – Weapon Qualities within the affected area, but area attacks do not deal double damage
The entry for Stun Damage should read as follows: on a critical hit."
"If the weapon has a stun setting, it is listed here. A weapon set to
p. 157 – Cover
stun does stun damage equal to its normal damage (see Stunning,
Add the following sentence to the end of the description of Cover:
page 162, for more information). Ranged weapons set to stun have a
"A target with cover or improved cover takes no damage from area
maximum range of 6 squares unless noted otherwise."
attacks if the attack fails to overcome the target's Reflex Defense. For
p. 122-123 – Table 8-3: Melee Weapons a burst or splash weapon, determine cover relative to the center of the
All damage entries in the "Stun" column of the table should be weapon's area of effect. For an autofire weapon, determine cover
replaced with the word "Yes" except the stun baton, which should say relative to the attacker."
"Yes (2d6)."
p. 168 – Vehicle Weapon Damage
p. 126-127 – Table 8-4: Ranged Weapons Replace the vehicle weapon damage formula with the following:
All damage entries in the "Stun" column of the table should be (weapon damage + 1/2 heroic level + miscellaneous modifiers) X
replaced with the word "Yes" except for the stun grenade, which damage multiplier
should say, "Only."
p. 186 – Droid Cost Factor
Stun grenades should have a damage listing of 4d6.
Add the following sentence to the end of the section on Cost Factor:
The listings for the sporting blaster pistol, the sporting blaster rifle,
"Droids that are Small size or smaller treat their cost factor as being
and the bowcaster should be given a superscript of 4, denoting
equal to 2/their cost factor for the purposes of determining accessory
accurate weapons.
The listings for the hold-out blaster, heavy blaster pistol, blaster
carbine, blaster cannon, heavy blaster rifle, thermal detonator, net, p. 172 – Increase Vehicle Speed
and grenade launcher should be given a superscript of 5, denoting Add the following sentence to the end of the entry:
inaccurate weapons. "You may attempt to increase vehicle speed once per round as a free
Add the following footnotes at the bottom of the table: action when using the all-out movement action."
4 Accurate weapon: This weapon takes no penalty when firing at
p. 173 – Collisions
targets at short range.
Add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph: "Unless
5 Inaccurate weapon: This weapon cannot fire at targets at long
the vehicle provides no cover to those onboard, any damage dealt to
passengers and crew in a collision is reduced by an amount equal to
p. 128 – Bowcasters the vehicle's damage threshold."
Bowcasters are treated as rifles for the purposes of determining
p. 198 – 3PO Series Protocol Droid
weapon range.
Change Intelligence score to 13 and Charisma to 14.
p. 199 – B1 Series Battle Droid p. 208 – Bounty Hunter Talent Tree, Hunter¹s Mark Talent
Under Systems replace the remote processor with a remote receiver. Replace the text of the Hunter's Mark talent with the following:
"If you aim before making a ranged attack (see Aim, page 154), you
p. 200 – Droideka Stat Block
move the target character –1 step along the condition track if the
Replace the droideka stat block with the following statistics:
attack deals damage (see Conditions, page 148)."
Droideka Series Destroyer Droid - CL 4
p. 216 – Gunslinger Talent Tree
Large droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 12 Init +8; Senses
Add the following sentence to the end of the introduction: "The
Perception +13 Languages Basic, Binary
following talents may be used only with pistols and rifles."
Also, change the text of the Debilitating Shot talent to the following:
"If you aim before making a ranged attack (see Aim, page 154), you
Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort 13, Will 12 hp move the target character –1 step along the condition track if the
40; SR 20; Threshold 18 Immune droid traits attack deals damage (see Conditions, page 148)."
p. 220 – Serenity Class Feature
Replace the second sentence of the class feature with the following:
Speed 2 squares (walking), 10 squares (wheeled) "You may remain in this trance as long as you wish, and you are still
Melee unarmed +7 (1d4+3) Ranged 2 laser cannons aware of your surroundings; however, you are considered helpless."
+10 (3d8) or Ranged 2 laser cannons +8 (4d8) with
Rapid Shot or Ranged 2 laser cannons +5 (5d8) with p. 247 – Building an Encounter
Burst Fire Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Change the second paragraph to say the following:
Atk +9; Grp +17 Atk Options autofire (laser "A challenging encounter is one the heroes should overcome with
cannons), Burst Fire, Rapid Shot minor to moderate damage to themselves and some depletion of their
resources. A single obstacle, threat, or situation of Challenge Level n
is challenging for a group of 4 of similar level. For example, a group
of 1st-level heroes should find a CL 1 stormtrooper challenging. A
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con —, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 7
single enemy is a difficult encounter for a character of a level equal to
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Burst Fire, Rapid
the enemy's CL."
Shot, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery
Under Combining Different CLs, add the following sentence at the
II, Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy
end of the first sentence: "The combined CL for the encounter is
weapons, rifles) Skills Perception +13, Stealth +3
either this result or the highest single CL + 2, whichever is more."
Systems walking locomotion, wheeled locomotion
Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: "Most
(exclusive), remote receiver, 2 tool appendages, shield
encounters should not include a single enemy whose CL is more than
generator (SR 20), integrated comlink, bronzium shell
3 levels higher than the average party level."
(+5 armor; treat as quadanium plating) Possessions 2
Also, the last line should say, "For each additional hero," not "Four
laser cannons (treat as blaster rifles) Availability
each additional hero."
Military; Cost 21,000 credits
p. 263 – Padme Stat Block
p. 201 – IG-100 Series Bodyguard Droid Replace "Wanted Alive" talent with "Inspire Confidence."
Replace Defenses line with "Ref 18 (flat-footed 17), Fort 19, Will p. 264 – Luke Skywalker Stat Block
18." Replace the attack lines with the following:
p. 206-235 – Prestige Class Requirements Melee lightsaber +14 (2d8+11)
All requirements that state "Minimum Heroic Level" should instead Melee lightsaber +9/+9 (2d8+11) with double attack
say "Minimum Level." Ranged blaster +12 (3d6+5)
Replace Melee Defense with Weapon Proficiency (heavy). Add SQ
p. 207 – Expert Pilot Talent Tree, Juke Talent "Vehicle dodge +1" and the Elusive Dogfighter talent.
Replace the text of the Juke talent with the following:
"Juke: When you fight defensively as the pilot of a vehicle (see page
171), you may negate a weapon hit on your vehicle using the
Vehicular Combat feat one additional time per round."
Prerequisite: Vehicular Evasion
p. 266 – Chewbacca Stat Block
Replace Chewbacca's skills with the following: Climb +10 (may take
10 when distracted), Endurance +15, Initiative +11, Mechanics +11
(may reroll when making jury-rigged repair), Perception +10 (may
reroll), Persuasion +5 (may reroll attempts to intimidate), Pilot +11,
Use Computer +11.
Remove the Extra Rage feat and add Shake it Off.
p. 268 – C-3PO Stat Block
C-3PO should have Intelligence 13, Wisdom 13, and Charisma 15.
Reduce Deception skill bonus to +10 and Persuasion skill bonus to
p. 268 – Yoda Stat Block
Replace the Languages line with:
Languages Basic, Cerean, Shyriiwook (understand only) Replace
third line of melee attacks with:
Melee lightsaber +19/+19/+19 (2d8+16) with Triple Attack
p. 281 – Clone Trooper
Perception skill bonus should be +9 and should have the Coordinated
Attack feat.
p. 283 – Bounty Hunter
Replace the bounty hunter's skills with the following: Perception +14,
Survival +12.
Add the "H" superscript after Perception.
p. 284 – Dark Side Marauder
Remove "Tough as Nails" from the Special Actions line.

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