Grand Army of The Republic: Clone Wars Fan Sourcebook
Grand Army of The Republic: Clone Wars Fan Sourcebook
Grand Army of The Republic: Clone Wars Fan Sourcebook
©2005-2011 Fandom Comics and ® & ™ where indicated. All
Credits rights reserved. All material contained within this document not
already under ownership of seperate parties are intellectual prop-
erty of Fandom Comics.
WRITERS Keith Kappel
The Wizards of the Coast logo is a registered trademark owned by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Original document design created by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
EDITORS Ryan Brooks, Keith Kappel
The d20 System logo and d20 are trademarks owned by Wizards
of the Coast, Inc.
DESIGN Ryan Brooks
Star Wars® and all related material are trademarks of LucasFilm
Ltd. or their respective trademark and copyright holders. Unless
WEB PRODUCTION Ryan Brooks otherwise stated, all original material held within this document
is intellectual property of Fandom Comics. Fandom Comics is not
affiliated in any way to LucasFilm, Ltd. or Wizards of the Coast,
chapter VII
Any similarities to actual people, organizations, places or events
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without written consent from Fandom Comics.
of the Republic
Chapter VII
Grand Army of the Republic
Starship Vehicle
Crew Tables
The tables below are designed for use with the blank vehicle print-
out pages for GAR starships and vehicles. Each vehicle stat sheet
explains exactly how many positions to fill, and what boxes to use
for what numbers. Simply print out the sheet, consult the tables
below, and fill in the blanks. Then add any modifiers together as
the print-out indicates. Note that you can easily use these sheets
to plug in heroic or party characters into a vehicle as well.
Commanders are helpful in directing vehicle crews to achieve
maximum results. While pilots are usually the commanders of
chapter VII
There are two distinct styles of command that can be used
on vehicles. The micromanager, or hands-on commander,
that takes a close interest in every crew member’s job, some-
times at the expense of the big picture. The observer, or aloof
commander, assumes his crew can handle their positions and
focuses on the larger picture of the battle, though sometimes
to the detriment of crew synergy. At the start of combat, you 4
can set your style of command for the remainder of battle.
If you select micromanager, you may use the Aid Another
action as a move action to assist in a skill check made by any
crew member, but all other talents and abilities take one-step
longer to complete. So, a talent that takes a swift action to
activate takes a move action, a move action takes a standard
action, a standard action takes a full-round action, and a full-
round action takes two full-round actions.
If you select the observer style of command, any Aid
Another checks made onboard your ship only provide half their
of the Republic
normal bonus, but for a number of turns per encounter equal to
your Intelligence modifier, all Officer talents and Noble talents
from the Leadership talent tree activate one step more quickly.
Full-round actions become standard actions, standard actions
become move actions, move actions become swift actions, and
swift actions become free actions.
their vehicles, in the case of larger spacecraft or giant walkers,
commanders often have a position designated for them to man-
A Note on Challenge Level Modifiers
This chapter introduces a new way to calculate an approximate
age the battle.
Challenge Level for a ship being operated by a unique crew.
A commander’s most important skill is Knowledge (tactics),
Each vehicle has three crew groups that contribute to its CL,
which activates most commander-related abilities to assist the
the commander, pilot, and copilot comprise the first group, the
crew. The best template classes to use for this position are the
systems operator and engineer make up the second group, and
clone commander or clone naval commander templates.
gunners round out the third group. Using the information pre-
sented below, combine the average CL modifiers for each of the
Actions that can be taken by Commanders: three groups, rounding to the nearest whole number, and add
Activate Officer or Noble Talent (varies) the result to the vehicle’s base CL.
Anticipate Enemy Strategy (move action) For example, if we have a pilot with a CL modifier of +2, a
Battlefield Tactics (3 swift actions) co-pilot with a CL modifier of +1, a systems operator with a
Notice Targets (reaction) CL modifier of +0.5, an engineer with a CL modifier of 0.5, and
Actively Notice Targets (standard action) 3 gunners with CL modifiers of +1, +2 and +3. This scores an
Quick Search (full-round action) average of +1.5 for pilot/co-pilot, +0.5 for systems operator/
Search (full-round action) engineer, and +2 for gunners. These are then added together
chapter VII
in that they can be found operating any number of vehicles while mitigate damage while operating his vehicle are useful. The best
acting as a unit commander. clone templates to use for the pilot position are pilots for most
Pilots depend on the Pilot skill, though in vehicles where they vehicles, though scouts can be used for stealthy missions or one-
man terrestrial vehicles.
More than any other position, the co-pilot will have the most
chapter VII
dle engineering and repair duties onboard their vehicles and in
Notice Targets (reaction) service bays. While some of this work is handled by droids, soft-
Actively Notice Targets (standard action) shells and the Clone Engineering Corps handle much of the work,
Quick Search (full-round action) or at the very least direct the droids.
Search (full-round action) The most important skill for crewmen in the chief engineer
position is Mechanics. Abilities that enhance the bonus to checks
Systems Operators or enhance the speed or scope of the checks are inevitably useful. 6
A vehicle’s systems operator manages a vehicle’s shields, sensors, Of all clone templates, the clone engineers and soft-shells are
and communications. As a crew position, systems operators are best suited for this crew position.
usually filled by engineers who have great technical proficiency,
though it is not uncommon for standard infantry clone troopers Actions that can be taken by Chief Engineers:
or junior pilots to fill the role as needed. Jury-Rig (full-round action)
The most important skills for a systems operator are Mechanics Repair (1 hour)
and Use Computer. Abilities that allow Use Computer checks to Repair Object (1 hour)
be made more quickly, or abilities that improve the scope and Reroute Power (3 swift actions)
bonus for these two skills are generally useful as well. The best
clone templates to use for the systems operator crew position are
of the Republic
soft-shells and clone engineers, though junior clone naval com-
Gunners are a special class of clone trained to fire vehicle-based
manders frequently find themselves pushed into this position as a
and artillery weaponry. While gunnery duties are just as often
precursor to gaining their own command.
taken up by standard infantry clone troopers, specialized gunners
have a knack for leading their targets and hitting them at range.
They also have advanced training in forming defensive fields of
Optional Rules: New Crew Positions
Executive Officer (XO): The XO is the second in command of a vehicle, assists the commander with difficult decisions, and acts in
his stead when he is not present. XOs also usually lead boarding actions, or the defense against them. It is also common for XOs to
be in charge of ship damage control teams. XOs are able to make aid another checks on Knowledge (tactics) skill checks made by
their commander, and once per encounter, may activate any single talent accessible by the Officer Prestige class that they possess.
Among clone templates, Clone Commanders and Clone Naval Commander templates are best suited for this role.
Navigator: The navigator is in charge of calculating hyperspace travel routes and coordinates. If this crew option is used, astro-
gate actions are taken away from the co-pilot position and given to the Navigator instead. However, the co-pilot may make aid
another checks to assist the navigator. Note that co-pilots can still act as navigators if no navigator or navigation station is present.
Among clone templates, soft-shells and clone engineers are best suited to this position, though junior clone naval officers are often
put into this role.
Spotter: A spotter is a rare crew position most common to ancient sailing vessels and the juggernaut series of ground vehicles by
Kuat Drive Yards. The spotter sits in a perch, where he gets the most unobstructed view as possible. From their specialized position,
the spotter reports in enemy locations or hazards to the rest of the crew. Some spotters are equipped with a sniper rifle, where they
can take maximum advantage of their elevated position. Some vehicles, like the AT-AT, are equipped with periscopes that allow
the commander to take on this crew role. Spotters can use all functions of the Perception skill and associated talents as applicable
chapter VII
to vehicles, including the Long Range Spotter function (CW 27) and Surveillance talent tree (CW 25). If their perch is open to the
elements, they can also make ranged attacks with character-scale weaponry. Most vehicles with spotters install hard-line com-
munications or some other means of making sure the spotter can communicate what he sees to the rest of the crew. Of the clone
templates, scouts are best suited to act as spotters, though in the case of vehicles with periscopes, the ship’s commander often takes
on this position himself.
Actions that can be taken by Gunners: Below are a number of clone templates shaved down to
Aim (2 swift actions)
show only those statistics that are needed to use with vehicle
chapter VII
(SE 89)
Check Modifier Initiative +7**, Knowledge (tactics) +11,
Clone Legion Commander Mechanics +6*, Perception +18, Pilot +12, Stealth +12***,
Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +14/+5 Use Computer +6*
Talents Battle Analysis (SE 52), Deployment Tactics (SE 221), CL Modifier +1
Field Tactics (SE 221), Ranged Flank (SV 27), Tactical Edge
(SE 222) Rookie Pilot 8
Feats Combat Reflexes (SE 83), Point Blank Shot (SE 87), Return Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +4**/+0
Fire (LE 37), Zero Range (LE 37)
Feats Dodge (SE 84), Rapid Shot (SE 88/SG 20), Vehicular
Check Modifier Initiative +11*, Mechanics +10*, Knowledge Combat (SE 89)
(tactics) +15, Perception +16, Pilot +11*, Stealth +11*, Use Check Modifier Initiative +11, Knowledge (tactics) +9,
Computer +10*
CL Modifier +0.25
*This skill is untrained
Mounted Trooper
of the Republic
Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +1**/+1
©LucasFilm LTD.
Talents Mechanized Rider (UR 23)
Feats Mounted Combat (UR 27), Vehicular Combat (SE 89)
Check Modifier Initiative +4*, Knowledge (tactics) +7,
Mechanics +2*, Perception +9, Pilot +9, Stealth +9, Use
Computer +2*
CL Modifier +0.25
BARC Troopers on Patrol
Mechanics +4, Perception +11, Pilot +11, Stealth +6*, Use Mechanics +8, Perception +15, Pilot +20, Stealth +19, Use
Computer +4* Computer +8*
Starship Maneuvers Evasive Action (SG 26), Intercept (SG 27) Starship Maneuvers Devastating Hit (SG 26), Explosive Shot (SG
CL Modifier +1 26), Shield Hit (SG 28)
CL Modifier +2
Veteran Clone Pilot
Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +5**/+1 Squadron Leader
Talents Retribution (CW 24), Wingman (SG 17) Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +10**/+4
Feats Dodge (SE 84), Hobbling Strike (GI 28), Point Blank Shot Talents Advantageous Opening (CW 24), Concentrate All Fire
(SE 87/SG 20), Rapid Shot (SE 88/SG 20), Unified Squadron (RE 40), Squadron Maneuvers (wingman) (SG 18), Squadron
(GW 30), Vehicular Combat (SE 89) Tactics (SG 18), Wingman (SG 17)
Check Modifier Initiative +12, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Feats Dodge (SE 84), Hobbling Strike (GI 28), Point Blank Shot
Mechanics +5, Perception +13, Pilot +15, Stealth +7*, Use (SE 87/SG 20), Rapid Shot (SE 88/SG 20), Unified Squadron
Computer +5* (GW 30), Vehicular Combat (SE 89)
Starship Maneuvers Devastating Hit (SG 26), Evasive Action (SG Check Modifier Initiative +15, Knowledge (tactics) +12,
26), Intercept (SG 27) Mechanics +8, Perception +15, Pilot +18, Stealth +10*, Use
CL Modifier +1.5 Computer +8*
chapter VII
Check Modifier Initiative +15, Knowledge (tactics) +12, circumstance bonus to the attack roll, already included in the
Mechanics +8, Perception +15, Pilot +18, Stealth +10*, Use vehicle stats below, but absent here.
Computer +7* *** May re-roll, keeping second result
Starship Maneuvers Corellian Slip (SG 25), Devastating Hit (SG
26), Evasive Action (SG 26), Intercept (SG 27), Skywalker Flight Crew Clone
Loop (SG 28), Tallon Roll (SG 29) Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus -2**/+0
CL Modifier +2 Feats Gearhead (KR 33), Technical Experts (GW 29)
Stealth Pilot Perception +3*, Pilot +5*, Stealth +5*, Use Computer +8
Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +8**/+3 CL Modifier +0
Talents Blind Spot (SG 17), Reactive Stealth (GI 22), Vehicle
Sneak (KR 29), Vehicular Evasion (SE 207) Soft-Shell
Feats Dodge (SE 84), Hobbling Strike (GI 28), Rapid Shot (SE 88/ Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus -1**/+1
SG 20), Vehicular Combat (SE 89) Talents Fast Repairs (SG 16), Jury-Rigger (SE 50)
Check Modifier Initiative +15, Knowledge (tactics) +13,
Feats Gearhead (KR 33), Point Blank Shot (SE 87/SG 20), Tech Emplacement Gunner
Specialist (SG 21) Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +4**/+0
Check Modifier Knowledge (tactics) +6*, Perception +5*, Pilot Feats Coordinated Attack (SE 83/SG 20), Gunnery Specialist (CW
+7*, Mechanics +16, Stealth +7*, Use Computer +11 31), Weapon Focus (heavy weapons) (SE 89/SG 20)
CL Modifier +0.5 Check Modifier Knowledge (tactics) +3*, Perception +10, Pilot
+5*, Mechanics +3*, Stealth +5*, Use Computer +7
Clone Engineer CL Modifier +0.5
Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +5**/+2
Talents Demolitionist (SE 52), Problem Solver (CW 45), Tech Gunnery Emplacement Marksman
Savant (CW 46) Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +7**/+1
Feats Gearhead (KR 33), Hasty Modification (SV 22), Tech Talents Comrades in Arms (CW 25)
Specialist (SG 21), Vehicle Systems Expertise (LE 37) Feats Coordinated Attack (SE 83/SG 20), Coordinated Barrage
Check Modifier Knowledge (tactics) +8*, Perception +10*, Pilot (CW 28), Gunnery Specialist (CW 31), Weapon Focus (heavy
+9*, Mechanics +18, Stealth +9*, Use Computer +13 weapons) (SE 89/SG 20)
CL Modifier +1 Check Modifier Knowledge (tactics) +5*, Perception +13, Pilot
+7*, Mechanics +5*, Stealth +7*, Use Computer +10
*This skill is untrained
chapter VII
Starship Maneuvers Devastating Hit (SG 26), Engine Hit (SG
**Flight crew clones, soft-shells, and clone engineers are untrained 26), Shield Hit (SG 28)
in Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons), and as such suffer a -5 CL Modifier +1
penalty to attacks made with starship and vehicle weapons, rep-
resented in the stats above. Gunnery Emplacement Sharpshooter
Attack Bonus/Heroic Damage Bonus +8**/+2
Talents Acute Senses (SE 50), Comrades in Arms (CW 25), 10
Focused Targeting (CW 25)
Feats Coordinated Attack (SE 83/SG 20), Coordinated Barrage
(CW 28), Gunnery Specialist (CW 31), Heavy Hitter (UR 26),
Weapon Focus (heavy weapons) (SE 89/SG 20)
Check Modifier Knowledge (tactics) +6*, Perception +14, Pilot
+8*, Mechanics +6*, Stealth +8*, Use Computer +11
Starship Maneuvers Devastating Hit (SG 26), Engine Hit (SG
26), Shield Hit (SG 28)
CL Modifier +2
of the Republic
*This skill is untrained
**Gunners all possess the Weapon Focus (heavy weapons) feat,
granting them a +1 bonus to all attacks with vehicle and starship
weaponry, represented in these stats.
NPC Vehicle Ranged double medium blaster cannon + (see below)
Fighting Space 2 x 2; Cover total
Templates Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +17 + =
The vehicles below have had their crew modifiers stripped for Atk Options autofire (double medium blaster cannon)
CL, all skills, attack bonuses, and attack options. The stats that Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con –, Int 12
remain are the base stats for the vehicle as a neutral entity. There Skills Initiative +2 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
is an empty box after each statistic to plug in the crew modi-
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +2 + = , Use Computer
fier from your heroic character or from the pre-generated NPCs
+1 + =
presented in this chapter, and a second box after that to write in
Crew 1 (pilot); Passengers none
the new total. The underlying concept is to make it as simple as
Cargo 10 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none
possible for a GM to plug in new crew members with a minimum
Availability Military; Cost 38,000 (21,000 used)
of math or effort.
Emplacement Points 0
mounted trooper, scout trooper, or ARF trooper NPC templates The AT-MI, or Clone Personal Walker, was developed in response
piloting. The HAET-221 is an exception in that the pilot and to the high price tag of the otherwise stalwart AT-PT. Mere
gunner roles will often be filled by more specialized classes. For months into the Clone Wars, the AT-MI saw wide production,
standard Saga Edition stat blocks for these vehicles, please see and most commands had access to at least a single squad of the
our vehicle chapter. In addition to those listed below, scouts had walkers. Of course, the AT-MI was not nearly as effective as the
access to the Aratech 74-Z Speederbike (SE 176), the Aratech AT-PT, but still capable of destroying large groups of battle droid
11 BARC Speederbike (CW 165), the AT-AP walker (CW 162), the infantry with little risk to the pilot. Jedi-General Echuu Shen-Jon
AT-XT walker (CW 163) and the AT-RT walker (CW 164). was fond of the walkers, and used them extensively in his battles
Grand and
Init +8 + = ; Senses Perception +6 + = The All Terrain Mechanized Infantry walker provides superior pro-
Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 14), Fort 17; +5 armor, Vehicular Combat tection to its operator. The pilot enjoys total cover, but is still
hp 80; DR 10; Threshold 27 able to quickly abandon the vehicle as a reaction should it suffer
Speed 6 squares (max. velocity 75 km/h)
of the Republic
chapter VII
+1 + =
Crew 1 (pilot); Passengers none The cargo space was largely used to provide additional ammuni-
Cargo 150 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none tion for the grenade launcher, which could be reloaded internally
Payload 8 concussion grenades in two full-round actions and a Mechanics Check DC 5. However,
Availability Military; Cost 60,000 (36,000 used) in an emergency, the cargo space was known to hold a single
Emplacement Points 0 medium-sized passenger, though it was so cramped that if riding
in this fashion for an hour or more, the passenger will move one 12
step down the condition track, which can be recovered normally.
of the Republic
AT-RE Walker Also known as the Clone Scout Walker, the AT-RE was designed
Rothana Heavy Engineering All Terrain Recon Explorer to be deployed by an LAAT/c to allow a single clone trooper to
Walker CL 7 + = perform a detailed survey of a region of a planet prior to engag-
Huge ground vehicle (walker) ing in combat operations. The walker was designed to perform
Init +0 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = recon on worlds with extreme environments and wildlife, where
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort 25; +6 armor, Vehicular Combat a more tradition scouting unit would be endangered. The vehicles
hp 140; DR 15; Threshold 35 saw limited use early in the Clone Wars under the command of
Speed 6 squares (max. velocity 75 km/h) Jedi General Echuu Shen-Jon, who used the AT-RE unsuccess-
Ranged heavy laser cannon + (see below) fully in an anti-armor role. A much more heavily armored version
Fighting Space 3 x 3; Cover total was created a few months into the Clone Wars, helping it match
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +25 + = up better against Confederate Forces. Unfortunately, the AT-RE
Abilities Str 40, Dex 14, Con –, Int 14 never saw widespread use; its scouting role was performed much
more efficiently by airspeeders, and there were plenty of vehicles
Skills Initiative +0 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
much better suited to act as anti-armor platforms. The heavily
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +0 + = , Use Computer
armored variant did see use as a VIP transport on hostile planets,
+2 + = but even so was often escorted by AT-RT’s or Speeder bikes.
Crew 1 (pilot); Passengers 1
chapter VII
a personal aide.
of the Republic
AT-RE/h Walker
Rothana Heavy Engineering All Terrain Recon Explorer/Heavy
CL 7 + =
Huge ground vehicle (walker)
Init +0 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + =
Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 15), Fort 25; +7 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 170; DR 15; Threshold 35
Speed 6 squares (max. velocity 75 km/h)
Ranged heavy laser cannon + (see below)
Fighting Space 3 x 3; Cover total
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +25 + =
Abilities Str 40, Dex 14, Con –, Int 14
Skills Initiative +0 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +0 + = , Use Computer
+2 + =
Crew 1 (pilot); Passengers 3
chapter VII
Cargo none; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none
Availability Military; Cost 55,000 (34,000 used)
Emplacement Points 0
of the Republic
Freeco Bike While the BARC speeder handled most of the Grand Army’s
Bespin Motors CK-6 “Freeco” Swoop CL 1 + = scouting needs, it was ill-equipped to support longer patrols on
Large ground vehicle (speeder) planets with extreme environments. To fill this niche, the Republic
Init +4 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = accepted a bid by Bespin Motors to update their JR-4 Swoop
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 14; +2 armor, Vehicular Combat Bikes to suit the needs of the army, and the CK-6 Freeco was the
hp 35; DR 5; Threshold 19 result. The vehicle was tested during the Battle of Orto Plutonia,
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 440 km/h) and was largely considered a failure. Unfortunately, the Republic
Ranged fire-linked (2) light blaster cannons + (see below) had already committed to a minimum purchase, and was stuck
Fighting Space 2 x 2; Cover total with a small number of the converted swoops.
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +9 + =
Atk Options autofire (fire-linked (2) light blaster cannons) Capabilities
Abilities Str 18, Dex 18, Con --, Int 12 The Freeco bike was a redesigned JR-4 swoop which added an
Skills Initiative +4 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , enclosed cockpit to protect its pilot from rain, snow and wind.
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +4 + = , Use Computer Unfortunately, the modifications did little to prevent the swoops
internal components from freezing solid in the cold environs it
+1 + =
was supposed to operate in, making them maintenance night-
Crew 1 (pilot); Passengers none
mares. Further, the CK-6 wasn’t very maneuverable for a swoop
chapter VII
Grand and
of the Republic
Lancer Swoop The 105-K Swoop was produced by Aratech Repulsor Company,
Aratech Repulsor Company 105-K Lancer Bike CL 2 + = and was purchased in small batches by the Grand Army of the
Large ground vehicle (speeder) Republic then modified to form a small division of armored cav-
Init +6 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = alry for special circumstances. It was thought that simple droids
Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 10), Fort 14; +1 armor, Vehicular Combat marching in columns would be vulnerable to flanking attacks by
hp 30; DR 2; Threshold 19 the quick swoops armed with power lances. During the Battle
Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 650 km/h) of Muunilist, Jedi-General Kenobi saw how vulnerable his own
Fighting Space 2 x 2 squares; Cover none SPHA-T Walkers were to the same tactic before deploying his
Base Atk +2; Grp +11 105-K Swoop-mounted Clone Troopers to engage. Kenobi rode
Abilities Str 18, Dex 24, Con –, Int 10 one of these bikes, wielding his lightsaber instead of the standard
Skills Initiative +6 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , power lance.
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +6 + = , Use Computer
+0 + = Capabilities
Crew 1 (pilot); Passengers none As a swoop, the 105-K is capable of reaching altitudes of up
Cargo 7 kg; Consumables 12 hours; Carried Craft none to 105 meters. A Verpine Power Lance is standard issue for all
Availability Military; Cost 7,000 (5,000 used) Republic mounted cavalry units, and one lance is included in the
price of the swoop. (See RE 48 for the Power Lance).
chapter VII
Emplacement Points 0
of the Republic
Republic Recon Speeder The Gaba-18 Recon Speeder was in use by the Republic’s Judicial
Sorosuub Corporation Gaba-18m LandspeederCL 2 + = Forces for years prior to the Separatist crisis. The fast vehicles
Large ground vehicle (speeder) were favored for chases, recon missions, and escort details during
Init +3 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = judicial peacekeeping operations. When the Clone Wars erupted,
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 14; +2 armor, Vehicular Combat a number of the speeders were loaded onto Acclamator-Class
hp 50; DR 5; SR 5; Threshold 19 Assault Ships, and used by clone troopers for reconnaissance on
Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 300 km/h) Geonosis. The speeder proved adequate, but because Sorosuub
Ranged medium blaster cannon + (see below) was allied with the Confederacy, it was soon replaced with the
Fighting Space 3 x 3; Cover total Aratech 74-Z and BARC speederbikes. The Gaba-18 became rarer
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +9 + = as the war went on, as replacement parts were hard to come by
Abilities Str 18, Dex 18, Con –, Int 14 without enabling the enemy.
Skills Initiative +3 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +3 + = , Use Computer Capabilities
The Gaba-18m is actually a modified civilian landspeeder known
+2 + =
simply as the Gaba-18. Reduce the price to 9,000 and remove the
Crew 1 (pilot); Passengers none
blaster cannon and shielding, then add two emplacement points
Cargo 20 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none
to represent the civilian version.
chapter VII
Grand and
of the Republic
HAET-221 Gunboat This gunboat was designed by Mekuun at the height of the Clone
Mekuun High-Altitude Entry Transport-221 CL 8 + = Wars for use by the Grand Army of the Republic. The craft func-
Gargantuan air vehicle (airspeeder) tioned both as a rapid-deployment aerial assault vehicle and
Init -1 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = ; Sensor as a patrol craft. By the end of the Clone Wars, the HAET-221
Enhancement Package had become commonplace within Republic fleet hangar bays.
Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 10), Fort 19; +5 armor, Vehicular Combat The Republic Gunboat, as it came to be known, played a pivotal
hp 80; DR 10; SR 20; Threshold 39 role in the Battle of Utapau when the forces of the Republic, led
Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 750 km/h) by Jedi-General Obi-Wan Kenobi, liberated the planet from the
Ranged enhanced heavy laser cannon + (see below) and Confederacy.
2 medium autoblaster cannons + (see below)
Fighting Space 3 x 3; Cover total Capabilities
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +24 + = The HAET featured a VACX ablative armor coating used to pro-
Atk Options autofire (medium autoblaster cannons) tect the craft during rapid atmospheric deployment. When
Abilities Str 28, Dex 18, Con –, Int 14 descending in this fashion, the gunboat travels at a speed of 6
Skills Initiative -1 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , squares (starship scale) and gains SR +10 and +2 armor. Once
the craft completes atmospheric entry, it loses these bonuses,
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -1 + = , Use Computer
having burned away its re-entry plating and diverted power to
chapter VII
+2 + =
its repulsorlift engines. Some desperate naval officers deployed
Crew 3 (pilot, co-pilot, gunner); Passengers none
the vehicles as a last-ditch defensive gambit during losing space
Cargo none; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none
battles, using them as a static fighter screen. Of course, these
Availability Military; Cost 55,000 (30,000 used)
craft were unable to move in space, but they could use their posi-
Emplacement Points 1
tional rockets to turn, and well-trained gunners could sometimes
use tractor beams to reposition the ships.
Enhanced heavy laser cannon (pilot) 18
Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 6d10x2
Medium autoblaster cannon (co-pilot or gunner)
Atk +2 + = , (-5 + = autofire); Dmg 4d10x2
of the Republic
Pilot Vehicles Enhanced heavy laser cannon (gunner)
Below are the vehicles used by the Grand Army of the Republic. Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 6d10x2
These vehicles are most often deployed with a pilot NPC template
(rookie clone pilot, veteran clone pilot, ace clone pilot, stealth The AT-HE was developed in response to Separatist mine-laying
clone pilot, or squadron leader). For standard Saga Edition stat tactics that were reducing the effectiveness of the low-crawling
blocks for these vehicles, please see our vehicle chapter. AT-TE. The taller legs decreased the odds of setting off mines, and
In addition to those listed below, pilots had access to the even when set off, often the blast would only consume the legs,
ARC-170 Starfighter (SG 71), AT-AT (SE 175), AT-ST (SE 175), leaving the vehicle main body full of troops intact. The AT-HE
AT-TE (CW164), CR-20 Troop Carrier (CW 166), Infantry Support was used on Felucia and many other worlds during the Outer Rim
Platform (CW 166), Kappa-Class Shuttle (CW 171), Medlifter Sieges toward the end of the Clone Wars.
Troop Transport (CW 167), Republic Anti-vehicle Cannon (CW
103), Republic Troop Transport (CW 167), SPHA-T (CW 168), Capabilities
Theta-Class Shuttle (SG 141), UT-AT CW 170), V-19 Torrent The AT-HE is a tall walker able to tower above enemies and rain
Starfighter (SG 149), V-Wing Starfighter (SG 150). down heavy laser barrages. The four heavy laser cannons deal an
impressive amount of damage, able to break through most enemy
AT-HE Walker armored vehicle hulls or blast doors. In order to deploy troops,
Rothana Heavy Engineering All Terrain Heavy Enforcer
chapter VII
the AT-HE must either let them deploy via fast-rope or jetpack,
Walker CL 10 + = or lay prone for four full rounds (vehicle can make no movement,
Gargantuan ground vehicle (walker) vehicle is considered a Helpless Opponent (SE 159) and without
Init -4 + = ; Senses Perception +5 + = the benefits and drawbacks of the Tall Walker emplacement).
Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 18), Fort 26; +11 armor, Tall Walker
hp 200; DR 15; Threshold 46
19 Speed 4 squares (max. velocity 60 km/h)
Ranged 4 enhanced heavy laser cannons +4 (see below)
Fighting Space 4 x 4; Cover total
Grand and
+2 + =
Crew 6 (pilot, spotter, 4 gunners); Passengers 20 (troops)
Emplacement Points 1
AT-OT Walker Fire-linked (2) medium laser cannons (pilot)
Rothana Heavy Engineering All Terrain Open Transport Atk +3 + = ; Dmg 5d10x2
Walker CL 6 + = Medium laser cannon turret (gunner)
Gargantuan ground vehicle (walker) Atk +1 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
Init -4 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + =
Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 17), Fort 27; +10 armor The AT-OT was among the initial line of walkers made available to
hp 220; DR 15; Threshold 47 the Republic when the Clone Wars began. While heavily armored,
Speed 4 squares (max. velocity 60 km/h) use of the AT-OT was restricted to troop and supply transporta-
Ranged fire-linked (2) medium laser cannons + (see below) and tion along controlled areas where terrain and conditions ruled
2 medium laser cannon turrets + (see below) out repulsor vehicles as a viable option. The AT-OT most nota-
Fighting Space 4 x 4; Cover crew total, passengers +10 (+0 from air) bly served on Felucia during the Outer Rim Sieges. The Galactic
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +32 + = Empire would later use the AT-OT as inspiration when converting
Abilities Str 44, Dex 12, Con –, Int 12 their AT-TE stockpile into cargo transports.
Skills Initiative -4 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -4 + = , Use Computer Capabilities
+1 + = The AT-OT is able to convert its passenger space into cargo
chapter VII
Crew 3 (pilot, 2 gunners); Passengers 32 (troops) space, adding a ton of cargo for every ten passengers removed.
Cargo 500 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none Alternately, if the chairs are removed entirely, the AT-OT is capa-
Availability Military; Cost 120,000 (80,000 used) ble of supporting either five tons of cargo, or 60 troops packed in
Emplacement Points 1 a standing position, though they are considered flat-footed while
onboard, and only ten on either side are able to make attacks,
unless attacking a target directly above.
of the Republic
A5 Rolling Slab Based on the centuries-old treaded HAVw A4 Juggernaut, the
Kuat Drive Yards HAVw A5 Juggernaut CL 12 + = A5 was designed specifically for the clone army being grown
Colossal ground vehicle (wheeled) by the Kaminoans. The Grand Army of the Republic used the
Init -10 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = ; Sensor vehicle extensively, though they replaced it with the larger and
Enhancement Package more powerful HAVw A6 Juggernaut during the middle of the
Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 13), Fort 28; +13 armor Clone Wars. However, the Republic handed down many of the A5
hp 250; DR 15; Threshold 78 models to local defense forces in the Outer Rim. A work-horse
Speed 8 squares (max. velocity 200 km/h) of the Clone Wars, the A5 series remained in use for decades to
Ranged 3 heavy laser turrets + (see below) and come. Though the Galactic Empire quickly showed a preference
medium blaster turret + (see below) and for the AT-AT Walker, Juggernauts could still be found on Outer
Rim worlds long after the death of Emperor Palpatine. However,
2 concussion grenade launchers + (see below)
because Kuat officially halted production shortly after the Clone
Fighting Space 6 x 12; Cover total
Wars, spare parts were a rarity in later eras.
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +38 + =
Atk Options autofire (concussion grenade launchers)
Abilities Str 46, Dex 10, Con –, Int 18 Capabilities
While able to reach impressive speeds, the A5 was not particu-
Skills Initiative -10 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
larly agile. Instead of creating a situation where the vehicle might
chapter VII
chapter VII
Atk Options autofire (rapid-repeating laser turret, double too soft for walkers to maneuver, or where the A6’s speed could
blaster cannons, concussion grenade launchers) give it a distinct advantage usally saw Turbo Tank deployment.
Abilities Str 50, Dex 10, Con –, Int 18
Skills Initiative -10 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , Capabilities
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -10 + = , Use Computer The A6 Juggernaut has many similarities to its predecessor,
+4 + = though its sensor tower is smaller and more fragile, but also
Crew 20 (commander, pilots 2, copilots 2, spotter, navigator, retractable as two full-round actions (one to retract ladder rungs, 22
system operator, engineer, gunners 8, misc 3); Passengers 50 and another to retract the tower itself). The spotter’s tower also
(troops) has an open window for the spotter to making attacks with a
Cargo 30 tons; Consumables 3 weeks; Carried Craft none sniper rifle. The tower itself is a frequent target, which has a
Payload 20 concussion grenades Reflex Defense of 22 (flat-footed 22) and 80 hit points. The A6
Availability Military; Cost 350,000 (210,000 used) design, like its predecessor, has opposing cockpits to allow for
Emplacement Points 1 rapid direction changes. However, the A6 can only target enemies
directly in front of the “primary” cockpit with its double light
blaster cannons. The Juggernaut is modular, and able to sacrifice
up to 25 tons of cargo in exchange for troop space, at a rate of 10
troops per 1 ton of cargo sacrificed, for a maximum of 300 troops
of the Republic
with only 5 tons of cargo space.
Republic Anti-Air Tank adequate, the tank was of limited value as a solo platform, and
Rothana Heavy Engineering Anti-Air Artillery Tank CL 8 + = was often deployed in groups of two to eight to provide overlap-
Huge ground vehicle (speeder) ping fire. This reduced the overall value of the unit, and after
Init +0 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = losses at the Kaer Orbital Platform and at Sarapin, a heavy variant
Defense Ref 20 (flat-footed 18), Fort 23; +10 armor was commissioned.
hp 80; DR 10; Threshold 33 The Heavy Anti-Air Tank boasted an additional launcher, as well
Speed 10 squares (max. velocity 120 km/h) as an incredibly sophisticated sensor pod between the launchers,
Ranged anti-air proton torpedo tube + (see below) allowing for better tracking and earlier detection. The hull was
Fighting Space 3 x 3; Cover total also better armored against retaliatory strikes. The improvements
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +23 + = resulted in an anti-air weapons platform capable of destroying
Abilities Str 36, Dex 14, Con –, Int 18 an entire wing of Vulture fighters by itself, if the enemy clustered
tightly enough. The low price tag made the vehicle expendable,
Skills Initiative +0 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
and many a republic commander would conceal a small unit of
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +0 + = , Use Computer
the tanks near an enemy airfield prior to a battle. Despite their
+4 + = usefulness, the Grand Army of the Republic maintained a prefer-
Crew 2 (pilot, gunner); Passengers none ence for infinitely cheaper man-portable launchers, such as the
Cargo 150 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none PLX and similar hand-held units.
chapter VII
chapter VII
Crew 2 (pilot, gunner); Passengers none
Cargo 150 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none
Payload 12 proton torpedoes
Availability Military; Cost 80,000 (55,000 used)
Emplacement Points 1
Dmg 9d10x2 (10d10x2 fire-linked), 4-square splash
of the Republic
Saber-class Fighter Tank Fire-linked (2) heavy laser cannon (co-pilot)
Rothana Heavy Engineering TX-130S IFT-X Fighter TankCL 7 Atk +3 + = ; Dmg 6d10x2
+ = Medium particle beam turret (gunner)
Huge ground vehicle (speeder) Atk +3 + = ; Dmg 5d10x2, penetration 10
Init +1 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = Light concussion missile launcher (pilot)
Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 15), Fort 23; +7 armor Atk +5 + = ; Dmg 7d10x2 (8d10x2 fire-linked), 4-square splash
hp 120; DR 10; SR 10; Threshold 33
Speed 8 squares (max. velocity 193 km/h); Speed Booster The IFT-X was an experimental repulsor-tank design created by
Ranged fire-linked (2) heavy laser cannon + (see below) and Rothana Heavy Engineering. In a brilliant sales strategy, RHE
medium particle beam turret + (see below) and armed the Republic with a trial number of a variety of vehicles
2 light concussion missile launchers + (see below) in their military line along with the Acclamator-Class Cruisers.
Fighting Space 3 x 3; Cover total (pilot, co-pilot, passengers), The IFT-X was deployed on Geonosis in limited numbers, and
+5 (gunner) its success convinced the Republic to place a larger order. The
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +23 + = Saber-class saw its most notable action at Raxus Prime, Alaris
Atk Options autofire (fire-linked (2) heavy laser cannons), Prime, Rhen Var, Thule and Kashyyyk. Many Jedi were noted for
optional fire-link (light concussion missiles) commanding their armies from inside Jedi-customized IFT-X’s,
known as the TX-130J variant. An upgraded model, the IFT-T, was
chapter VII
Emplacement Points 1 particle beam turret gunner is exposed with minimal cover. The
mortality rate among these gunners was so high, that many ver-
sions of the tank removed the beam cannon in favor of heavier
armor or shielding. The tank has a range of 400 km before requir-
ing refueling and recharging. Some variants are fitted for two
chapter VII
Abilities Str 36, Dex 18, Con –, Int 16
Skills Initiative +2 + = , Mechanics +0 + = 6,
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +2 + = , Use Computer Capabilities
+3 + = A slight upgrade from its predecessor, the IFT-X, the IFT-T boasted
Crew 3 (pilot, copilot, gunner); Passengers 2 increased shielding and maneuverability. Power output to the
Cargo 100 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none main laser cannon was also marginally improved. These altera-
Payload 16 light concussion missiles tions to the design sacrificed the tank’s ability to boost its speed, 26
Availability Military; Cost 52,600 (38,000 used) as well as much of its cargo space. The tank has a range of 500
Emplacement Points 1 km before requiring refueling and recharging.
of the Republic
Forward Command Center Under subcontract with the Cloners of Kamino, Rothana Heavy
Rothana Heavy Engineering Mobile Forward Command Engineering designed and constructed a mobile command perch.
Center CL 3 + = Air-dropped onto the surface by Republic gunships and armed
Huge air vehicle (airspeeder) with a sensitive sensor array, battlefield commanders could
Init +2 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = issue orders and track progress from a relatively safe distance
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort 16; +5 armor, Jamming as their troops advanced or retreated. However, Confederate
Suite forces quickly learned the purpose of FCC’s and they became high
hp 80; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 26 profile targets. As a result, a number of replacements were com-
Speed fly 8 squares (max. velocity 80 km/h) missioned including the Uulshos QH-series command speeder
Fighting Space 3 x 3; Cover +5 and the Ubrikkian floating fortresses. When those were deemed
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +16 + = inadequate for large-scale battles, tactical computer mainframes
Abilities Str 22, Dex 16, Con –, Int 20 were installed onboard Republic capital ships, which proved the
Skills Initiative +2 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , ultimate solution.
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +2 + = , Use Computer
+5 + = Capabilities
Crew 4 (commander, XO, pilot, copilot); Passengers 4 (troops) Forward Command Centers act as battlefield hubs during com-
bat, relaying tactical information between orbiting warships
chapter VII
chapter VII
Cargo 128 kg; Consumables 2 Days; Carried Craft none
Availability Restricted; Cost 55,000 (25,000 used) Capabilities
The Cord-Class starfighter may not be the most high-perfor-
Light laser cannon (pilot) mance interceptor in the galaxy, but it is quite a bargain. Its
respectable speed and maneuverability let it to project its power
Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 3d10x2
quickly onto a battlefield, often allowing the fighter to dictate
the pace of battle. However, the Cord-class is fragile and under-
One of many vehicles given to the Republic by Rothana Heavy 28
armed. To ensure adequate firepower and protection, it’s typically
Engineering for the clone army, the Cord-Class starfighter was
deployed in units of at least four, and more commonly eight or
one of the few models not designed from concept to production
twelve. Republic military advisors considered the craft a waste of
specifically for the clone army. Rothana had originally designed
resources and soon opted for more durable, powerful craft.
of the Republic
Faraway-class Scout Ship The Faraway-class scout ship was an aging model by the time of
SubPro Corporation S-41 Faraway-class Scout ShipCL 5 + = the Clone Wars. Originally designed as a planetary surveyor for
Huge starfighter use by mining companies, the ship never caught on and expe-
Init +3 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = ; Sensor rienced lackluster sales. It saw limited usage by the Republic
Enhancement Package during the Clone Wars after it was reclassified as a military scout
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22; +3 armor ship. Rothana Heavy Engineering made the mistake of omitting
hp 60; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 32 a capable reconnaissance craft from their contract package,
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/h), fly 5 squares creating an opportunity for Subpro. Subpro donated its stock-
(starship scale) pile of these craft to the Republic for a substantial tax break at
Fighting Space 3 x 3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total a time when the company was struggling financially. Given the
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +22 + = Faraway’s acceptable track record in the first half of the Clone
Abilities Str 34, Dex 20, Con –, Int 14 Wars, Subpro was on a short list that the Republic turned to when
Skills Initiative +3 + = , Mechanics +0 + = (+14*), they required a more aggressive reconnaissance vehicle. One of
these ships was used by Obi-Wan during a scouting mission over
Perception +0 + = , Pilot +3 + = , Use Computer
the planet Dagro, where he was shot down.
+2 + = (+14*)
*If the ship has an R4 astromech droid, use these skill modifiers
chapter VII
Crew 1 plus 1 astromech (pilot); Passengers none This tiny reconnaissance craft is fitted with an impressive array
Cargo 50 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none of sensor equipment. Adapted from a civilian design, the ship is
Hyperdrive x3, 5-jump memory lightly armored and lacks weapons of any kind. The Faraway-class
Availability Licensed; Cost 52,000 (28,000 used) scout ship was an attractive find due to the hyperdrive in its stock
Emplacement Points 0 configuration and its extremely reasonable price. By the time of
the Clone Wars, this craft is no longer in production and only
obtainable as a used ship.
Grand and
of the Republic
Incom Naval Bomber Light turbolaser (copilot)
Incom/Subpro NTB-630 Naval Bomber CL 12 + = Atk +2 + = (-18 + = against targets Colossal or
Gargantuan starfighter smaller); Dmg 3d10x5
Init -3 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = Light laser cannon turret (gunner)
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort 30; +9 armor Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 3d10x2
hp 170; DR 10; SR 30; Threshold 50 Double medium ion cannon (copilot)
Speed fly 14 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h), fly 4 squares Atk +2 + = (-3 + = autofire); Dmg 6d10x2 ion
(starship scale) Proton torpedoes (pilot)
Ranged light turbolaser + * (see below) and Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 9d10x2
light laser cannon turret + (see below) and
proton torpedo tube + (see below) or Packing firepower equivalent to some capital ships in a small
Ranged double medium ion cannon + (see below) package, the Incom Naval and Planetary Bombers are some of
light laser cannon turret + (see below) and the heaviest weapons platforms in the galaxy during the Clone
proton torpedo tube + (see below) Wars. Both ships mount as more destructive potential onto one
Fighting Space 4 x 4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total airframe than anything else in the Republic Navy. While both the
NTB-630 and PTB-625 fuselages are identical, the weapons load-
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +35 + =
chapter VII
out and engine settings are tuned to different combat roles. The
Atk Options auto-fire (medium ion cannon)
NTB-630 is a space-worthy capital ship and station killer, while
Abilities Str 50, Dex 14, Con –, Int 14
the PTB-630 was designed to function in atmosphere to assault
Skills Initiative -3 + = , Mechanics +0 + = (+13**),
fixed installations, population centers, and provide ground-sup-
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -3 + = , Use Computer port to troops in the field.
+2 + = (+15**) Both bombers saw limited use by the Republic during the
**If the ship has an R2 astromech droid, use these skill modifiers Clone Wars thanks to their price point and weakness against
instead. 30
fast and maneuverable droid starfighters. After the Clone Wars
Crew 3 plus astromech droid (pilot, co-pilot, gunner); ended, the Incom bombers were largely decommissioned in favor
Passengers none of the TIE/gt, TIE Bomber, the Missile Boat, Gunboat, and later the
Cargo 110 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none Scimitar Assault Bomber. However, the Rebellion purchased the
Payload 12 proton torpedoes ships at every opportunity, though most weapon systems were
Hyperdrive x2, 10-jump memory (astromech droid) stripped off. Nonetheless, the fledgling alliance reconstructed
Availability Military; Cost 345,000 (170,000 used)
a number of the craft for specialized missions throughout the
*Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than rebellion against the Empire.
Colossal size.
of the Republic
While both the PTB and NTB look almost identical in outward
appearance, they are very specifically tuned to atmospheric and
orbital combat respectively. If one of these craft is participating
in combat in a theater it was not designed for, it suffers a -2 pen-
alty to all attack rolls and pilot checks made in that environment.
Incom Planetary Bomber Proton bombs (copilot)
Incom/Subpro PTB-625 Planetary Tactical BomberCL 12 + = Atk -5 + = ; Dmg 6d10x5, 10-square splash
Gargantuan starfighter Light laser cannon turret (gunner)
Init -3 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 3d10x2
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort 30; +9 armor Double medium ion cannon (copilot)
hp 170; DR 10; SR 35; Threshold 50 Atk +2 + = (-3 + = autofire); Dmg 6d10x2 ion
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,050 km/h), fly 3 squares Proton torpedoes (pilot)
(starship scale) Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 9d10x2
Ranged proton bombs + (see below) and
light laser cannon turret + (see below) and
proton torpedo tube + (see below) or
Ranged light laser cannon turret + (see below) and
double medium ion cannon + (see below) and
proton torpedo tube + (see below)
Fighting Space 4 x 4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +35 + =
chapter VII
Cargo 110 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none
Payload 12 proton bombs, 12 proton torpedoes
Hyperdrive x2, 10-jump memory (astromech droid)
Availability Military; Cost 345,000 (170,000 used)
of the Republic
LAAB-2 Like the LAAG, the Low Altitude Assault Bomber was an earlier
Rothana Heavy Engineering Low Altitude Assault Bomber concept of the popular LAAT series produced by Rothana Heavy
Mark 2 CL 7 + = Engineering. Improvements made from the Mark 1 series included
Gargantuan starfighter adding shields, a low-powered blaster cannon, and more robust
Init -1 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = armor. The bomber variant of the Low-Altitude concept shared
Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 13), Fort 28; +8 armor the same inevitable fate as the LAAG when trial runs made it
hp 180; DR 10; SR 25; Threshold 48 blatantly obvious that the LAAT’s versatility made it infinitely
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h), fly 3 squares more useful to an army with a focus on quality over quantity. The
(starship scale) LAAB-2 and enhanced versions referred to as the LAAB-3 were
Ranged light blaster cannons + (see below) or sold to the Republic navy at a discount, and were deployed only
Ranged 2 proton bomb racks + (see below) as a last resort. Despite its obvious flaws, Jedi General Echuu-
Fighting Space 3 x 3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Shen Jon favored these craft over their successors because they
emitted engine signatures nearly indistinguishable from that of
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +33 + =
an LAAG and some troop transports used by the Republic. This
Atk Options optional fire-link (proton bomb racks)
allowed Jon to hide the disposition of his forces from wide-range
Abilities Str 46, Dex 18, Con –, Int 14
enemy scans.
Skills Initiative -1 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
chapter VII
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -1 + = , Use Computer
+2 + =
The LAAB-2 is an air-to-surface bomber that is effective against
Crew 1 (pilot); Passengers none
columns of enemy combatants. Its proton bombs can cut large
Cargo 50 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none
swaths out of advancing lines with ease. The remaining emplace-
Payload 10 proton bombs
ment points, with some technical ingenuity, are typically applied
Availability Military; Cost 70,000 (33,000 used)
to boosting the ship’s armor and hit points – commonly referred
Emplacement Points 2 32
to as the Enhanced LAAB or the LAAB-3. The LAAB-1 has no
shields, blaster cannon, and only 150hp, but adds 7 additional
Light blaster cannon (pilot)
emplacement points.
Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
Proton bomb rack (pilot)
Atk -1 + = ; Dmg 6d10x5, 10-square splash
of the Republic
LAAG-2 Double medium laser cannon (pilot)
Rothana Heavy Engineering Low Altitude Assault Gunship Atk +4 + = (-1 + = autofire); Dmg 5d10x2
Mark 2 CL 7 + = Proton torpedo tube (pilot)
Gargantuan starfighter Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash
Init +1 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + =
Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 13), Fort 26; +7 armor The daughter company of Kuat Drive Yards, Rothana Heavy
hp 120; DR 10; SR 25; Threshold 46 Engineering, produced a limited number of LAAG’s during the
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,200 km/h), fly 3 squares research and development stage that eventually brought about
(starship scale) the LAAT design. The LAAG-2 did see limited combat use during
Ranged double medium laser cannon + (see below) or the Clone Wars, although the economy, versatility and all around
Ranged proton torpedo tube + (see below) superiority of the LAAT series gunships along with several other
Fighting Space 3 x 3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total dedicated platforms such as the HAET-221 and swamp speeder,
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +31 + = ensured the death of the LAAG before the fighting even began.
Atk Options autofire (double medium laser cannon) Dismissive of the finaicial drawbacks of the LAAG, Jedi General
Abilities Str 42, Dex 22, Con –, Int 14 Echuu-Shen Jon preferred it over the replacement models due
Skills Initiative +1 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , to the fact that the LAAG, LAAB, and some troop transports gave
off nearly identical energy signatures on sensors, which confused
chapter VII
chapter VII
Cargo 65 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none
technology would impact the entire galaxy. The T.I.E. requires half
Availability Military; Cost 50,000 (35,000 used)
the maintenance that other ships do, and is already incredibly
cheap. However, the most significant advantage to the T.I.E. is the
Medium laser cannon (pilot)
ability for it to be stacked inside hangar bays. The T.I.E. starfighter
Atk +3 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
takes only 0.5 hangar points instead of the normal 1 point for
a craft of Huge size, but only if the hangar has been retrofitted
with a stacking rack system, which has a base cost of 5,000 per
bay that is modified.
of the Republic
CR25 Troop Carrier Corellian Engineering Corporation designed the CR-25 carrier
Corellian Engineering Corporation CR-25 Troop Carrier CL 7 just a few years before the Clone Wars. The CR-25 was initially
+ = intended to serve as a troop and heavy equipment carrier for the
Colossal space transport Corellian Security Force. The Republic bought up a significant
Init -8 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = portion of CEC’s surplus of the CR-25 a month after the Clone
Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 12), Fort 36; +12 armor Wars began. It was used to transport cavalry, mechanized infan-
hp 460; DR 15; SR 60; Threshold 86 try, and reconnaissance units between military staging areas. The
Speed fly 10 squares (max. velocity 700 km/h), fly 2 squares CR-25 became popular amongst clone commandos and marines
(starship scale) because it possessed airlocks that could easily be used for EVA
Ranged 2 double heavy laser cannons + (see below) maneuvers. One such vessel was used by Delta Squad in the sec-
Fighting Space 12 x 12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total ond year of the Clone Wars to board the RAS Prosecutor when she
Base Atk +2; Grp +48 had been overrun by Trandoshan slavers.
Atk Options autofire (double heavy laser cannons)
Abilities Str 63, Dex 10, Con –, Int 14 Capabilities
Skills Initiative -8 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , Although the CR-25 is sixty meters long like its companion model
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -8 + = , Use Computer the CR-20, the configuration of its cargo space along with a taller
hull design allows the CR-25 to carry ten times more than the
chapter VII
+2 + =
Crew 8 (commander, pilot, copilot, systems operator, engineer, CR-20. It is capable of carrying forty troops and a dozen 74-Z
engineering mate, gunners 2); Passengers 40 (troops) speeder bikes inside its cargo hold. Using a special rack system
Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 2 months; Carried Craft 8 dock- of docking clamps on the outer ventral hull, the CR-25 is fur-
ing clamps (see below) ther able to carry four Colossal sized vehicles, or up to 8 smaller
Hyperdrive x1 (backup x10), navicomputer vehicles. Standard rules for docking clamps apply. At the GM’s
Availability Military; Cost 450,000 (220,000 used) discretion, a successful attack made on the ventral surface of the
Emplacement Points 1 ship may hit one of the ferried craft rather than the CR-25.
Grand and
chapter VII
+1 + = The Jadthu-class landing craft is capable of carrying up to sixty
Crew 8 (commander, pilot, copilot, systems operator, engineer, troops onto the battlefield. While reasonably fast for its size,
engineer’s mate, gunners 2); Passengers 60 (troops) the Jadthu lacks maneuverability, leaving it vulnerable to enemy
Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 3 months; Carried Craft none fighters. The rear-mounted Arakyd Industries Caltrop-5 chaff gun
Payload 8 chaff bursts projects a trail of durasteel shards in the landing craft’s wake
Availability Military; Cost 400,000 (200,000 used) meant to disrupt sensor readings.
Emplacement Points 1 36
of the Republic
LAAT/i Gunship Fighting Space 6 x 6 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total
Rothana Heavy Engineering Low Altitude Assault Transport / (none for passengers if doors are open)
infantry CL 10 + = Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +33 + =
Colossal space transport Atk Options autofire (fire-linked (2) light laser cannons),
Init -8 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = optional fire-link (2) (concussion missiles)
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 26; +13 armor Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Con –, Int 14
hp 160; DR 15; Threshold 76 Skills Initiative -8 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 620 km/h), fly 3 squares Perception +0 + = , Pilot -8 + = , Use Computer
(starship scale) +2 + =
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and Crew 4 (pilot, copilot, gunners 2); Passengers 30 (troops) and 1
fire-linked (2) concussion missile launchers + (see below) and IM-6 medical droid
2 light composite laser cannon turrets + (see below) or Cargo 2 tons; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft 4 speeder bikes
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and Payload 24 missiles, 8 light missiles
hardpoint array + (see below) and Availability Military; Cost 75,000 (50,000 used)
2 light composite laser cannon turrets + (see below) or Emplacement Points 0
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and
chapter VII
2 light composite laser cannon turrets + (see below) or Fire-linked (2) light composite laser cannon turrets (pilot)
Ranged rear light laser cannon turret + (see below) and Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
fire-linked (2) light composite laser cannons + (see below) and Light composite laser cannon turrets (gunner)
2 light composite laser cannon turrets + (see below) Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 3d10x2
of the Republic
Built by Rothana Heavy Engineering at the behest of the cloners passenger bay, along with four speeder bikes. The LAAT has pas-
of Kamino, the Low Altitude Assault Transport was a mainstay of senger bay doors on either side of the craft that allow the troops
the Grand Army of the Republic. They were placed into service at to enter and exit the craft quickly, as well as provide cover fire for
the dawn of the Clone Wars at the Battle of Geonosis where they embarking and disembarking passengers from the ship’s interior.
laid waste to Poggle the Lesser’s soldiers and Confederate forces. The speeder bikes are located on a rack system mounted on an
The craft came in several variants; however, the infantry model aft ramp and thus do not provide additional passenger space if
was by far the most common. The design was so effective, that removed from the gunship. The speeder bikes can be deployed
unlike other weapons of the Republic, the LAAT saw very little in while the LAAT is in motion from a low altitude (requires a DC 10
the way of modifications or upgrades. Pilot check to maintain control while deploying) or when the craft
is landed. An anti-personnel laser cannon is located above the aft
Capabilities ramp to provide cover fire for unloading speeders or troops, but
The LAAT/i is an extremely versatile craft. While its primary com- can also be used to target enemy craft on the LAAT’s tail. An IM-6
bat role is as a troop transport, the vehicle also serves as an attack medical droid is stowed in a storage locker at the front of the
gunship. It is capable of carrying as many as thirty troops in the passenger bay to provide emergency medical assistance.
chapter VII
of the Republic
LAAT/a Gunship Payload 24 missiles, 24 detonators
Rothana Heavy Engineering Low Altitude Assault Transport / Availability Military; Cost 85,000 (60,000 used)
ARC CL 11 + = Emplacement Points 2
Colossal space transport *Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than
Init -7 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = Colossal size.
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort 26; +13 armor, Jamming
Array, Vehicular Combat Fire-linked (2) light laser cannons (copilot)
hp 160; DR 15; Threshold 76 Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 620 km/h), fly 3 squares Rear light laser cannon (copilot)
(starship scale) Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 3d10x2
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and Concussion missiles (pilot)
fire-linked (2) concussion missile launchers + (see below) or Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and Thermal detonators (pilot)
hardpoint array + * (see below) or Atk -10 + = ; Dmg 8d6, 4-square burst, or by payload
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and Fire-linked (2) light composite laser cannon turrets (pilot)
fire-linked (2) light composite laser cannons + (see below) or Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
chapter VII
the Kowakian Monkey Lizard were used by ARC troopers and elite
Grand and
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +33 + = units assigned to Jedi like Anakin Skywalker.
Atk Options autofire (fire-linked (2) light laser cannons),
optional fire-link (2) (concussion missiles) Capabilities
Abilities Str 42, Dex 16, Con –, Int 14 The ARC model of the LAAT differs mainly from the infantry
Skills Initiative -7 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , model by the removal of two of the manned ball turrets on the
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -7 + = , Use Computer bow of the ship. Additional thrusters take the place of the turrets
Medical Droid these ships. Typically, thermal detonators are loaded in a ventral
Cargo 2 tons; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft 4 speeder bomb chute of the gunship for strafing runs (treated the same as
bikes a gravity-guided ion or proton bomb). The explosives can be set
Hyperdrive x8, limited navicomputer (2-jump memory) to detonate on contact (default), by remote (10km range) or on
a timer.
LAAT/c Gunship Fire-linked (2) light laser cannons (copilot)
Rothana Heavy Engineering Low Altitude Assault Transport / Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
carrier CL 7 + = Rear light laser cannon (copilot)
Colossal space transport Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 3d10x2
Init -8 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + =
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 29; +13 armor Used in conjunction with the Rothana Heavy Engineering LAAT/
hp 160; DR 15; Threshold 79 infantry gunship, the LAAT/carrier was used to deploy combat
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 620 km/h), fly 3 squares vehicles to battlefields on the planetary surface. It first saw action
(starship scale) at the Battle of Geonosis, dropping All Terrain Tactical Enforcers
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) or and mobile command centers into the midst of combat.
Ranged rear light laser cannon turret + (see below)
Fighting Space 6 x 6 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Capabilities
(none for carried vehicles) The design and usage of this vehicle is similar to that of the
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +36 + = LAAT/infantry model. The differences are all of the weapons save
Atk Options autofire (fire-linked (2) light laser cannons) the anti-personnel laser cannons have been removed, and the
Abilities Str 48, Dex 14, Con –, Int 14 passenger bay has been replaced with a heavy-lift anti-gravity
chapter VII
Skills Initiative -8 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , system. This anti-gravity drive allows the LAAT/c to carry the
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -8 + = , Use Computer immense weight of a single vehicle of Gargantuan, two of Huge,
+2 + = or four of Large size. When carrying its load, the LAAT/c is consid-
Crew 2 (pilot, copilot); Passengers none ered flat-footed and thus cannot apply its Dexterity modifier to
Cargo none; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft docking Reflex Defense. At the game master’s discretion, the vehicle being
clamps (see above) carried may be able to utilize some of its weaponry on enemy
Availability Military; Cost 75,000 (50,000 used) targets, albeit at a -5 penalty to attack rolls. 40
Emplacement Points 0
of the Republic
LAAT/v Gunship Skills Initiative -8 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
Rothana Heavy Engineering Low Altitude Assault Transport / Perception +0 + = , Pilot -8 + = , Use Computer
vehicle CL 10 + = +2 + =
Colossal space transport Crew 4 (pilot, copilot, gunners 2); Passengers none
Init -8 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = Cargo 2 tons; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft 4 hangar
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 26; +13 armor points
hp 160; DR 15; Threshold 76 Payload 24 missiles, 6 rockets
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 620 km/h), fly 3 squares Availability Military; Cost 75,000 (50,000 used)
(starship scale) Emplacement Points 0
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and
fire-linked (2) concussion missile launchers + (see below) and Fire-linked (2) light laser cannons (copilot)
2 light composite laser cannon turrets + (see below) or Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and Rear light laser cannon (copilot)
hardpoint array + (see below) and Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 3d10x2
2 light composite laser cannon turrets + (see below) or Concussion missiles (pilot)
Ranged fire-linked (2) light laser cannons + (see below) and Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash
chapter VII
fire-linked (2) light composite laser cannons + (see below) and Light concussion missiles (pilot)
2 light composite laser cannon turrets + (see below) or Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 7d10x2, 4-square splash, or by payload
Ranged rear light laser cannon turret + (see below) and Fire-linked (2) light composite laser cannon turrets (pilot)
fire-linked (2) concussion missile launchers + (see below) and Atk +4 + = ; Dmg 4d10x2
2 light composite laser cannon turrets + (see below) or Light composite laser cannon turrets (gunner)
Ranged rear light laser cannon turret + (see below) and Atk +2 + = ; Dmg 3d10x2
hardpoint array + (see below) and
The LAAT/v filled a similar role to the LAAT/c gunship in that it car-
Grand and
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +33 + = the LAAT/v carries vehicles inside its cargo hold. Because of this,
Atk Options autofire (fire-linked (2) light laser cannons),
of the Republic
chapter VII
Cargo 2 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft none tial dampeners have been stripped to allow for additional beds in
Hyperdrive x1 (backup x12), navicomputer the medical bay. This provides for an uncomfortable ride (crew
Availability Restricted; Cost 275,000 (145,000 used) often referred to these ships as “howlrunners” because the inte-
Emplacement Points 1 rior was extremely noisy). What little cargo space this craft has is
dedicated to storing medical supplies and rescue equipment such
as cutting torches and breathing apparatus. The ship was also
equipped with four bacta tanks for critical patients.
of the Republic
Republic Pocket Air Cruiser Developed in the early stages of the Clone Wars by Kuat Drive
Kuat Drive Yards Skyfire-class Heavy Assault CruiserCL 11 + Yards, the Skyfire-class Heavy Assault Cruiser was a powerful
= weapons platform. The ship was designed to take out fortified
Colossal space transport enemy structures and capital-scale targets, but also found a
Init -10 + = ; Senses Perception +0 + = niche providing ground support against dense formations of bat-
Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 14), Fort 30; +14 armor tle droids. The cruiser used a single rail gun similar in concept to
hp 200; DR 20; SR 60; Threshold 80 a Wookiee bowcaster to deal devastating amounts of damage
Speed fly 6 squares (max. velocity 400 km/h), fly 2 squares with its emerald energy-encased explosive rounds to targets. The
(starship scale) extreme power requirements for the weapon and shields meant
Ranged advanced heavy rail gun + * (see below) little energy was available for engines, and as such the cruiser was
Fighting Space 12 x 12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total abnormally sluggish for its size. Its slow speed was exacerbated
Base Atk +0 + = ; Grp +40 + = even more by the mass of its heavy hull plating. The excessive
Abilities Str 50, Dex 10, Con –, Int 16 cost combined with the absence of a hyperdrive, the painfully
slow fire rate of the weapon and its obvious weakness versus
Skills Initiative -10 + = , Mechanics +0 + = ,
fighter screens prohibited the craft from seeing widespread use.
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -10 + = , Use Computer
It was generally not deployed in favor of the NTB Naval Bomber,
+3 + = PTB Planetary Bomber and later by the ARC-170.
chapter VII
chapter VII
Skills Initiative -6 + = , Mechanics +0 + = , tained exclusive sales of their L-200 engines to Telgorn for use
Perception +0 + = , Pilot -6 + = , Use Computer in the manufacturing of their SX starships. To circumvent this,
+3 + = Telgorn later used the SX troop shuttle design as the basis for
Crew 6 (skilled); Passengers 37 (troops) their Delta-class DX series of transports using in-house engines
Cargo 5 tons; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none in the schematics.
Payload 5 proton torpedoes
Hyperdrive x2, navicomputer Capabilities
Availability Military; Cost 385,000 (230,000 used) The Koensayr SX-4 can only be found new during the closing
Emplacement Points 2 months of the Clone Wars, as it’s no longer in production after
*This ship is treated as a Gargantuan starfighter for the purposes the end of the war. Used military surplus can still be found well
of being targeted by capital ship weapons, dogfighting, and into the New Republic era, but are rare. The Telgorn variant known
using starship maneuvers. as the Sigma-class SX-4 does not feature the jamming suite,
regenerating shields, or reinforced hull (150hp). The Sigma-class
Light laser cannons (gunner) shuttle is available in the months following the Clone Wars for
Atk +3 + = (-2 + = autofire); Dmg 4d10x2 300,000 (185,000 used). Both versions of the craft are equipped
Fire-linked (2) light ion cannons (co-pilot) with a plasma punch and an airlock to allow a squad of troops to
of the Republic
Atk +3 + = (-2 + = autofire); Dmg 4d10x2 ion perform boarding operations.
Proton torpedoes (pilot)
Atk +5 + = ; Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash