sw03 Faq v2 1
sw03 Faq v2 1
sw03 Faq v2 1
FAQ AND ERRATA specifically allows the “Death Star Plans” objective card to be
used against the Death Star Under Construction.
May 2019
QQ: Can the Imperial player use the “Oversee Project” card to
This document contains errata and answers to frequently asked
accelerate the production of a new Death Star?
questions for the Star Wars: Rebellion board game. New
additions are highlighted in red and the Rise of the Empire AA: Yes, but only if the mission is resolved in the Death Star
expansion is covered starting on page 06. Under Construction’s system.
bb If the Rebel player wishes to optionally reveal his base, I. The only Imperial ship in the system is a Death Star,
he can only do so at the start of one of his turns of which cannot roll dice because there are two or
the Command Phase, either before using one of his more Ion Cannons in the system.
leaders or passing. II. The Imperials have no ground units in the system.
With this clarification, the setup rules for placing Rebel QQ: Can the “Rogue Squadron Raid” mission card be used
units (step 8) need to be changed to: “The Rebel player against a Death Star on the build queue?
can place starting units on the ‘Rebel Base’ space and/or AA: No. The Death Star does not have a health value and can
any one system that does not contain Imperial units.” This therefore not be targeted by this card.
applies to expansion setup as well.
QQ: Can a player choose to activate a system and not move any
DEATH STAR units into the system?
AA: Yes. A player can place a leader in a system and then choose
QQ: If the Imperial player has a Death Star or Death Star Under
to move 0 units.
Construction in the same system as the hidden Rebel base, is
the base automatically revealed? QQ: If there is a Rebel leader at the “Rebel Base” space, can the
AA: No. The Rebel base is revealed only if the Imperial player Rebel player move units from the base using the “Lead the
moves ground units into the system. Strike Team” mission card?
AA: No, not in this case. However, there are some cards (such as
“Plan the Assault”) that specifically override this rule.
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DESTROYED SYSTEMS QQ: The Empire has 3-health worth of ground units aboard a
transport in a destroyed system. The Rebel player initiates
QQ: If the Imperial player uses the “Superlaser Online” card
combat in the system and destroys the transport, resulting in
to destroy the Rebel base while it is still hidden, does the
the ground units being destroyed also. Can the Rebel player
Imperial player win the game?
play the “Crippling Blow” objective card?
AA: Yes.
AA: Yes. This counts as destroying 3-health worth of ground units
QQ: Can mission cards, objective cards, and action cards be in a combat the Rebel player initiated.
attempted or resolved in destroyed systems?
QQ: What constitutes “a combat that you initiated” for the
AA: Yes. For example the “Seek Yoda” mission card be resolved in
purpose of objective cards?
the Dagobah system even if Dagobah has been destroyed.
AA: Anytime there is a battle, the player who is resolving their
QQ: Are destroyed populous systems still considered to be turn initiated the combat. If no player is resolving their turn,
populous systems? the player who used the card that caused the combat to
happen is the player who initiated the combat.
AA: Destroyed systems are no longer considered to be populous
or remote systems. Destroyed systems do not have resource
QQ: When an ability rearranges cards in the objective deck (for
icons or loyalty.
example the “Lord Vader’s Orders” action card or the “Stolen
Plans” mission card), are the backs of the cards hidden
QQ: If the Imperial player destroys all populous systems in a
information from the opponent?
region, can the Rebels accomplish the “Regional Support”
objective in that region? AA: No. The backs of the objective cards are open information to
both players.
AA: No, not in that region. The Rebels need to have at least one
loyalty in the region.
QQ: When a system is destroyed, what happens to a sabotage
QQ: When a player retreats from combat, are there any
marker in the system?
restrictions for when he is allowed to leave behind ground
AA: The sabotage marker is removed. units and/or TIE Fighters?
AA: The player can always choose to leave ground units and/or TIE
OBJECTIVE CARDS Fighters behind (or TIE Strikers from the expansion). He must
QQ: If Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine retreats from a combat retreat all of his other space units.
before it ends, and the Rebels go on to win the battle, would
QQ: If the current player retreats all ships and leaves ground units
the “Return of the Jedi” card be playable?
in the system, and his opponent has no ground units, can the
AA: Yes. The Rebel player can play “Return of the Jedi” if the
opponent retreat ships in the same retreat step?
Emperor or Darth Vader retreats from a battle. However, the
AA: Yes. As long as the opponent has a unit remaining in the
leader that retreated would not be eliminated because it is
system (regardless of theater), the player can retreat. In the
no longer in the system.
odd situation where both players retreat all of their space
QQ: If Luke Skywalker (Jedi) has become an Imperial leader by units (even during different combat rounds), then no player
“Lure of the Dark Side,” can “Return of the Jedi” still be used has won the space battle.
to eliminate a leader? If yes, can that leader be Luke?
QQ: Imperials attack a system containing Rebel ground and space
AA: Yes to both. However, if Luke Skywalker retreats from combat,
units. If Imperials destroy all Rebel space units, and Rebels
he is no longer in the system and cannot eliminate a leader.
destroy all Imperial Ground units, can the Imperial ships retreat
following the Rebels destruction of all their ground units?
QQ: If the Rebel player uses the “Point Blank Assault” action
card and then proceeds to destroy an AT-AT by dealing it two AA: Yes, the Imperials can retreat in this situation.
damage, does this count as destroying “3-health worth of
QQ: Can the Rebel player use the “Escape Plan” tactic card (base
units” for the “Crippling Blow” objective card?
game version), if there are no Imperial units in the system or
AA: Yes. The “Crippling Blow” objective card refers to the health
if he doesn’t have a leader in the system?
value printed on the Imperial faction sheet.
AA: No to both. This card only lets the Rebel player ignore
QQ: If the Rebel player has both “Crippling Blow” and “Rebel Assault” transport restrictions during the retreat step in this combat
in his hand and may complete both during a single combat, can round. All other retreat rules and conditions are still in effect.
he wait until after combat to decide which one to play?
QQ: If the Rebel player’s only ships in a system are Rebel
AA: No. If a player wishes to play an objective, he must do so
Transports, are they destroyed during the retreat step even if
immediately when the objective’s requirement is fulfilled. If
there are no Imperial ships present?
it requires a player to win a battle, it is played at the end of
AA: No. The Rebel Transports are only destroyed if there is at
combat (additional units could appear in the system or be
least one Imperial ship in the system.
destroyed using cards). Lastly, remember that after playing an
objective card during combat, the Rebel player cannot play any
other objective cards that combat (not even “Death Star Plans.”)
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CAPTURED LEADERS QQ: Can the Imperial player use the “It Is Your Destiny” action
card if a captured leader was rescued because a mission
QQ: Do captured leaders contribute their tactic values during a
destroyed the last Imperial unit in the system?
combat in their system?
AA: If a captured leader is rescued because a mission destroyed
AA: No.
the last Imperial unit in a system, Darth Vader can use “It is
QQ: Can the Imperial player capture a Rebel leader if there is Your Destiny” to capture a leader that was assigned to the
already one Rebel leader frozen in carbonite? mission.
AA: Yes. The Imperial player can keep one leader in each of
Note that the leaders assigned to the mission cannot return
these rings.
to the Rebel base. The leader was rescued as an indirect
QQ: Can the Imperial player attempt missions against a captured consequence of their actions, not by an effect that “rescues a
leader that is in the carbonite ring? leader.” This applies whether the mission started a combat or
directly destroyed units.
AA: Yes.
QQ: Can captured leaders be moved with the “Independent
QQ: Can a captured leader or a leader with the Lure of the Dark
Operation” action card?
Side ring use action cards?
AA: No. However, if an Imperial card allows the Imperial player to
AA: No.
move units to an adjacent system, he can move leaders with
QQ: Can a captured Luke Skywalker (Jedi) complete the “Return the units as long as he follows the normal movement rules.
of the Jedi” objective card?
QQ: Is a leader with the Lure of the Dark Side ring considered a
AA: Yes. The “Return of the Jedi” objective card simply requires
captured leader for cards and abilities?
Luke Skywalker (Jedi) to be in the system and can be used
AA: No.
even if he is captured or has a different Imperial attachment
ring on him. In this situation, Luke Skywalker keeps his
QQ: Can the Imperial player attempt “Capture Rebel Operative”
attachment ring.
or “Collect Bounty” against a captured Rebel leader or a
leader that has the Lure of the Darkside ring attached to it?
QQ: Does the “Millennium Falcon” ability rescue a leader during
step 6 of a mission? AA: No.
AA: No, it rescues a leader after all mission steps are complete.
QQ: After rescuing a leader with a mission, if two leaders were
assigned to the mission, can the Rebel player choose for only
QQ: Can the Imperial player capture an Imperial leader using the
one of them to move to the “Rebel Base” space and for the
“It is Your Destiny” action card?
other leader to stay in the system?
AA: No. Only Rebel leaders can be captured.
AA: Yes. The Rebel player can move any number of those leaders
QQ: Does using the “Millennium Falcon” ability to rescue a leader to the Rebel Base.
count as a mission for purposes of using Darth Vader’s “It is
QQ: After rescuing a leader with a mission, the Rebel player
Your Destiny” action card?
makes the decision whether to move assigned leader(s) to the
AA: Although resolving the Millennium Falcon ring is not a
“Rebel Base” space or not. Does the Imperial player make
mission itself, it is resolved in conjunction with a mission. The
the decision about using “It Is Your Destiny” after that?
“It Is Your Destiny” card can be used to capture one of the
AA: Yes, and he can choose to capture one of the leaders that
leaders who was assigned to the mission. If the leader with
would be moving to the Rebel Base.
the Millennium Falcon ring was not assigned to the mission,
that leader cannot be captured.
QQ: If the Rebel player successfully attempts a mission that
results in a combat in a captured leader’s system (e.g. “Plan
QQ: When a leader is rescued using the Millennium Falcon ring,
the Assault”), and the system also contains a leader with the
can leaders assigned to the mission accompany the rescued
Millennium Falcon ring, what is resolved first? Combat or the
leader to the Rebel base?
ring’s ability?
AA: Yes. Any leader assigned to the mission can also move to the
AA: The ring’s ability is resolved first.
Rebel base. If the leader with the Millennium Falcon ring was
not assigned to the mission, then that leader cannot return
to the base.
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MISSION AND ACTION CARDS QQ: Can the Rebel player use the “Rapid Mobilization” mission
card to move units from a system if the system they are
QQ: On the “Plant False Lead” mission card, what does the text
moving from contains a leader?
“without showing them to the Imperial player” mean?
AA: No. Friendly leaders in the system prevent the Rebel player
AA: The Imperial player can see the faces of the cards when the
from moving units.
Rebel player takes them. When the Rebel player places them
on the deck, the Imperial player can see the quantity of cards QQ: What if there is a Rebel ability and also an Imperial ability
being placed on the bottom or top of the deck, but cannot resolved with the exact same timing? Example: Rapid
see the faces of the cards. Mobilization (“at the end of this phase”) and “Sweep the
Area” (capturing the leader happens “At the end of the
QQ: Can the Rebel player use the “Contingency Plan” mission
Command Phase”).
with the “Rapid Mobilization” starting mission?
AA: The Rebel player resolves their ability first, followed by the
AA: Yes. If a player uses “Contingency Plan” to use “Rapid
Imperial player. If both abilities belong to the same player,
Mobilization” a second time, he would resolve “Rapid
that player decides the order in which they are resolved.
Mobilization” twice at the end of the Command Phase.
This could allow him to relocate the base twice, move units QQ: If the Imperial player destroys all Rebel units in the revealed
to the base twice, or one of each. If both “Rapid Mobilization” base’s system and the Rebel player fulfills conditions for
missions had a different number of leaders assigned to them, “Major Victory” or “Rebel Assault” objective during the same
the Rebel leader chooses the order in which they are resolved. combat step, which faction wins?
QQ: When a mission or action card allows a player to assign a AA: The Imperial player wins. This is due to the Imperial victory
leader to a mission, can he also assign a second leader to happening before the Rebel player has a chance to fulfill their
the mission from his leader pool? objective card.
AA: A player may assign a second leader if the ability is used during QQ: What happens when a Rebel leader affected by the
the Assignment Phase (for example, the “Our Most Desperate “Detained” mission card is captured and then rescued?
Hour” action card). If the ability is used during the Command Does it remain in its system?
Phase, the player cannot assign an additional leader at that
AA: A captured leader cannot become detained, and if a detained
time (for example, the “Contingency Plan” mission card).
leader becomes captured, it is no longer detained.
QQ: When a mission or action card allows a player to “place”
QQ: Can the Imperial player reveal a “Detained” mission in a
units on the build queue using a system’s resource icons,
system where the only Rebel leader (or leaders) is captured?
does the system’s loyalty matter?
AA: Yes, though it will have no effect.
AA: No. The player uses all resource icons in the system
regardless of the system’s loyalty (or subjugation). QQ: If the Rebel player assigns Luke Skywalker and another
leader to the “Seek Yoda” mission, when he resolves it can
QQ: Can a player reveal a mission in a situation when it is not
he replace Luke Skywalker with Luke Skywalker (Jedi) and
possible to gain any benefits at all from its ability?
attach the Master Yoda ring to the other leader?
AA: Yes. A player can reveal and resolve a mission even though
AA: Yes.
the card will not provide any benefit (for example, “Build
Alliance” if the Rebel player already has 1 loyalty there). QQ: If the Rebel player recruits Han Solo with the “Millennium
Likewise, a player can resolve a mission even if he will not Falcon” action card, can he assign the Millennium Falcon ring
gain the full benefit (for example, using “Superlaser Online” to Chewbacca? What if Chewbacca is captured or has the
in a system that is already destroyed to only gain the loyalty). Lure of the Dark Side ring?
QQ: How do abilities that require a player to “succeed at a AA: The ring can be assigned to any leader shown on the card,
mission” interact with abilities that are resolved? even if that leader wasn’t the one recruited by the card.
However, the ring cannot be assigned to a leader that has
AA: Only missions that are attempted can succeed. Missions that
one of the Imperial player’s rings on it.
are resolved do not succeed or fail.
QQ: When the Rebel player uses the R2-D2 or Master Yoda ring
QQ: When a Rebel leader is forced to stay on the board by the
during a mission, can the player see the results of what both
“Detained” mission card, does it still: provide skill icons for
players rolled before choosing to use it?
missions; provide tactic values for combat; retreat with units;
prevent Rebel units from moving out of the system; have the AA: Yes.
ability to use action cards (such as “Undercover”)?
QQ: Can the Master Yoda ring be used to reroll a die rolled for
AA: Yes to all. It is treated as any other leader on the board. the “Death Star Plans” objective card?
AA: Yes.
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QQ: When using the “One in a Million” action card during a QQ: Can a player choose to build fewer units during the Refresh
mission, does Luke Skywalker or Wedge Antilles need to be Phase than he theoretically could?
assigned to the mission? AA: Yes.
AA: Luke or Wedge simply needs to be in the system. They do
not have to be assigned to the mission, and they can use this QQ: Can the Imperial player take notes about the location of the
card even if they do not have any skill icons matching the Rebel base?
mission. AA: Yes. Both players are allowed to take notes about any
information they wish.
QQ: If a player draws additional action cards due to not being
able to recruit a leader from the two cards drawn, does he QQ: Is passing during the Command Phase considered to be
need to choose a card that can recruit a leader? an action?
AA: No. The player does not need to keep the last card drawn AA: No. A player passes instead of taking his turn.
and can choose an action card that would not recruit a new
leader. QQ: If the Rebel player reveals the base on his turn and there are
already Imperial units in the system, do they immediately
QQ: Does using the “Boba Fett? Where?” action card prevent the resolve a combat?
Rebel player from using rings attached to Rebel leaders? AA: Yes.
AA: No. The Rebel player can use the abilities of attached rings
even if their abilities are explained on action cards. QQ: Can the Rebel player voluntarily reveal his base even after
he has passed?
QQ: What is the interaction between “Boba Fett? Where?” and AA: No. After the Rebel player has passed, he no longer resolves
the Rebel “Undercover” action cards? turns and cannot voluntarily reveal the base.
AA: “Undercover” is used in the system in which the mission is
being resolved. It cannot be used to move a leader to the QQ: Do sabotage markers affect abilities that refer to the
same system as “Boba Fett? Where?” but it can be used to system’s resource icons?
move a leader out of that system. AA: If an ability does not use the word “Build” or “Deploy,” then it
is unaffected by sabotage markers. Abilities that “place units
QQ: When the “Collect Bounty” mission card is used in a system on the build queue” are unaffected by sabotage (for example,
that contains an Imperial unit, does the captured leader “Build Super Star Destroyer” or “Support of Mon Calamari”).
stay in this system or move to the next “closest system that “Oversee Project” uses the word “Deploy” and therefore
contains an Imperial unit”? cannot be used in a sabotaged system.
AA: The captured leader remains in the system. This ruling
also applies to the “Sweep the Area” action card from the QQ: Can the Rebel player deploy units to the revealed Rebel base
expansion. if the system is remote or neutral?
AA: After the Rebel base is revealed, the Rebel player can only
QQ: When recruiting leaders, can a player choose an action card deploy units to that system if he has loyalty in the system and
if all leaders on that card have been eliminated or captured? there are no Imperial units in the system.
AA: Yes, the player can choose any card they wish. However, the
player cannot recruit a leader if all leaders on the card have QQ: Can the Imperial player use “Oversee Project” or “Imperial
been captured, eliminated, or lured to the Dark Side. Any Might” cards to deploy unit(s) in a remote system?
“Immediate” abilities on the card have no effect, and the AA: Both of these cards can be used in a remote system as long as
card is discarded. the Imperial player fulfills the other requirements on the card.
QQ: In which situations can a player choose to destroy his own
units during step 5 of the Refresh Phase?
AA: A player can choose to destroy his own unit only if he has
zero units with that unit name available in his supply and he
is placing it on the build queue. This means that the Imperial
player cannot choose to destroy his own Death Star.
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RISE OF THE EMPIRE QQ: If the Imperial player plays the “Tractor Beam” advanced tactic
card and captures a Rebel leader, when is the leader captured?
EXPANSION AA: The “Tractor Beam” card is resolved after fully resolving
ERRATA the retreat step (which comes after ground battle). It does
This section describes official changes to rule text and cards not matter why there are no Rebel ships in the system. It
from the Rise of the Empire expansion. will work whether they retreated, were destroyed, or used
“Escape Plan” (though of course it cannot be used to capture
bb In the Setup section of the rule sheet, under Prepare
a leader who retreated from the system).
Objective Deck, it should read: “Replace step 4 of setup
QQ: Can the Rebel player use the “Planetary Shield” advanced
with the following rules. The Rebel player still draws an
tactic card to assign 3 damage to a shield generator that
objective card during this step as normal.”
already has damage on it?
bb Jyn Erso’s “Something to Fight For” action card should read: AA: Yes. The player can assign this damage even though it
“After you win a battle” (not “After you win a combat.”) exceeds the shield generator’s health.
QQ: The rules state that if the defender’s card uses the word
bb The “Secret Facility” action card should read: “At the start
cancel, the defender resolves his card first. Does this apply
of your turn” (not “At the start your turn”).
even if that player chooses the bottom ability on the card?
AA: No. It is only resolved first if the player is using the cancel
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ability. Here’s an example of resolving this: 1) Both players
flip the cards faceup. 2) Defender has cancel card. He reads
opponent’s card and chooses not to use his cancel ability. 3)
QQ: What is the definition of a round of battle? Current player resolves his card. 4) Defender resolves his card.
AA: During each combat round (step 3), there are two rounds of
battle: a space battle round (substep I: Space Battle) and a QQ: What happens if both players play a cancel card, but the
ground battle round (substep II: Ground Battle). defender wishes to use the “opponent may not play a card
next round” ability?
QQ: What is the difference between preventing icons and AA: If the defender chooses not to use a cancel ability, then his
removing damage in combat? opponent may cancel his card before the ability is resolved.
AA: When an effect prevents icons, it is resolved after the
opponent rolls dice. The opponent must remove the QQ: If the Rebel player uses “Baze’s Loyalty” to destroy all of
prevented icons before assigning damage. Effects that the Imperial ground units at the start of combat, can the
remove damage (such as using special die results) are Rebel player use the “Confrontation” advanced tactic card
resolved immediately and only apply to damage already to eliminate an Imperial leader? Did the Rebel player “win a
on units. ground battle” for the purposes of objectives?
AA: No to both questions. A ground battle will only occur if both
QQ: Can special results () be used to remove damage from a players have ground units in the system at the start of the
unit in the other theater of battle? ground battle step. Since there is no ground battle, these
AA: No. Special results can only remove damage from units in cards cannot be used. However, the destroyed units do count
their own theater. toward objectives that require X-health worth of units to be
destroyed in combat.
QQ: What if both players use an advanced tactic card that reads:
“you resolve your attacks after [your opponent]?” QQ: If the Rebel player did not roll any dice due to the “According
AA: The current player’s card is resolved first and then overridden to My Design” action card, and at the end of the combat
by his opponent’s card. round there are only structures remaining on the planet,
are the structures destroyed?
QQ: Can the Imperial player retreat a leader that has been AA: Yes.
targeted by a “Confrontation” advanced tactic card?
AA: Yes. However, that leader is still eliminated at the end of the QQ: If the Rebel player uses the “Target the Star Destroyers”
Command Phase as normal. action card, and the Imperial player uses a tactic card that
prevents black hits, which effect is applied first?
QQ: If the Rebel player uses the “Confrontation” advanced tactic AA: “Target the Star Destroyers” happens first. These hits cannot
card to play an additional tactic card, and he chooses “Escape be prevented by cards that prevent black hits, but they can
Plan,” can he use the card’s ability to retreat immediately? be affected by cards that prevent red hits.
AA: Yes. Players would then remove all damage from each unit no
longer in the combat, even if the damage equaled or exceeded QQ: The rules state to skip the “Destroy Units” step of resolving
the unit’s health (or if the unit would be destroyed by a tactic an attack, but does this include the additional rules bullets at
card). the bottom of page 5 of the Rules Reference?
AA: The bullet points (such as lone Rebel Transports being forced
to retreat) are general rules that should always be applied.
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OBJECTIVE CARDS QQ: In what order do players resolve their “Immediate” action
QQ: Does the “Show No Fear” objective card provide reputation cards during setup?
during the Refresh Phase it is played? AA: The Rebel player resolves his cards first.
AA: No. The Rebel player does not gain reputation from this card
QQ: When a probe card is under an action card (such as “Sweep
until the start of the next Refresh Phase.
the Area”), does it count as one of the Imperial player’s
QQ: Can the Rebel player play the “Show No Fear” objective card probe cards for the purpose of the “Plant False Lead”
and another objective card during the same Refresh Phase? mission? After this probe card is revealed, is it again one of
the Imperial player’s probe cards?”
AA: No. However, if “Show No Fear” was played during a previous
round, the Rebel player can gain reputation from “Show AA: “Plant False Lead” cannot interact with probe cards under
No Fear” and play another objective card during the same “Sweep the Area” or “Secret Facility.” After the probe cards
Refresh Phase. are revealed, they return to the Imperial player’s set of probe
cards and can now be affected by “Plant False Lead.”
QQ: The “Defensive Position” objective card cannot be used in
the “Rebel Base” space. Can it be used in the system of the QQ: Can the Imperial player use “Ambitions of Power” if he does
revealed Rebel base? not have either Admiral Motti or Jabba the Hutt by the time
there are 8 leaders in the pool?
AA: No. All cards that apply to the “Rebel Base” space also apply
to the system that contains the revealed Rebel base. The AA: Yes.
objective card can be used in this system if the base is not
QQ: The Imperial player uses Admiral Ozzel’s “Catch Them by
revealed or if the Rebel player moves the base.
Surprise” action card to attack Rebel units. The Rebel player
QQ: What happens to the “Rebel Cell” objective card if there are retreats, and the Imperial player uses the “Track Them”
no Rebel systems on the board when it is drawn? action card to return Admiral Ozzel to the leader pool. It is
still the Assignment Phase, so can Admiral Ozzel then be
AA: The objective card is discarded without effect. (The Rebel
assigned to a mission?
player does not draw a replacement card).
AA: Yes.
QQ: The base game rulebook states “After gaining reputation
from an objective card, it is returned to the game box. QQ: Can the Rebel player attach a Master Yoda or Millennium
It cannot be used again this game.” Does this apply to Falcon ring to a leader that has the Bounty ring?
objectives in expansion? AA: No. If there is no valid leader to attach the Millennium Falcon
AA: All objective cards are discarded after use. They cannot be ring to, the action card is discarded without effect.
used again unless an ability allows the player to use it again.
QQ: Can the abilities of action cards such as “Secret Facility,”
QQ: The expansion rulebook states: “An immediate objective “Sweep the Area,” “Under the Radar,” “He Means Well,”
stays in play while at least one of its corresponding target and “Post Bounty” be used if the leader(s) pictured on the
markers is on the board. When all of its target markers are card are captured, eliminated, or lured to the Dark Side?
removed, discard the objective card.” Does the same apply For example, with “Under the Radar,” if Cassian Andor is
to “Show No Fear” objective? captured and Saw Gerrera is lured to the Dark Side, does the
probe card remain below the action card, and can the Rebel
AA: Yes. Any objective that places target markers stays in play
player use the ability to return the probe card to deck?
while at least one of its target markers are on the board.
AA: Yes to all. The leader requirement of action cards applies to
abilities resolved during combat and missions. Action cards
ACTION CARDS resolved at other times do not require the leader (“Secret
QQ: With the “Under the Radar” action card, can the Rebel player Facility,” “Sweep the Area,” and “Under the Radar”). In
place some cards back on top of the probe deck, and some on addition, using a ring does not count as using an action card
the bottom, in the same way as for “Plant False Leads?” and is unaffected by the status of the leader(s) pictured on
AA: No. Unlike “Plant False Leads,” this card does not use the action card that was used to attach that ring to a leader
“and/or” and therefore requires the player to place all cards (“He Means Well,” and “Post Bounty”).
on the top or all cards on the bottom of the deck.
QQ: What is the interaction between the “Point Blank Assault” and
“Baze’s Loyalty” action cards?
AA: Like objectives, “Baze’s Loyalty” takes into account the units’
unmodified health value. Effects that reduce the health of
units (like “Point Blank Assault”) do not affect this ability.
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QQ: For the purposes of “Son of Skywalker” and Millennium
Falcon, does the “Subversion” mission succeed if the leaders
assigned to it successfully oppose a mission?
AA: No. Subversion missions never succeed or fail.
QQ: If the “Single Reactor Ignition” mission reveals the Rebel base,
and Rebel ships are present, when is the combat resolved?
AA: The Imperial player fully resolves the mission card. Then,
if revealing the base caused Rebel ships to appear in the
system, they resolve a space combat. Any combat resulting
from playing a mission card is resolved after all mission steps
are complete, even if the mission’s ability states “then resolve
a combat.”
QQ: Can the Rebel player use dice-manipulating abilities (like the
Master Yoda ring or “One in a Million”) to change results of
their die roll for the “Discredit Rebellion” mission?
AA: Assuming the leader that has the reroll ability is in the
mission’s system, it can be used.
QQ: Can a Shield Bunker be deployed to a remote system?
AA: Yes.
QQ: Can the Imperial player use the “Imperial Might” mission
card to accelerate the production of a new Death Star?
AA: Yes, but only if the mission is resolved in the Death Star
Under Construction’s system.
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