Course No: CE 3113
Course Title: Reinforced Concrete Structures - |
Q1. A simply supported rectangular beam has a total cross section of 10
x 16 in. and a length of 20 ft. It is reinforced with four No. 5 bars in one
row. The distances from the centers of the bars to the lower surface of
the beam is 2.5 in. f, = 2500 psi and f, = 20000 psi. What is the resisting
moment of the beam?
Q2. If a concentrated load of 3500 Ib were placed on the beam of
problem 1 at a distance of 7 ft from the support, what would be the
maximum unit stress in the concrete and the maximum unit stress in the
Q3. A simply supported rectangular beam with a span of 17 ft supports a
live load which varies uniformly in amount from zero at the left support to
1000 pif at the right support. With f', = 2500 psi and f, = 24000 psi,
design the beam.
Q4, A simply supported rectangular beam with a span of 18 ft supports a
uniform live load of 975 pif and a concentrated load of 3000 ib at the
middle of the span. With f. = 3000 psi and f, = 24000 psi, dete-mine the
required steel area.
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Course Ni
Course Title: Reinforced Concrete Structu-es —1 ite
Introduction and Materials
Explain the fundamental propositions on which the mechanics of reinforced
concrete is based
2. Detine conveying, placing Distinguish between creep an® fatigue. Give some
examples where creep of concrete can do any harm to Civil Engineering
3. Draw the typical stress-strain curve for concrete and steel yn the same plot and
discuss their elastic and inelastic behavior under normal, sicyv and fast loading.
4. Distinguisn between USD and WSD method.
5. Why the maximum reliable compressive strengih of reinforced concrete is taken
as 0.85 times of fe in USD method?
Why f, is taken as about 40% to 50% of fy in WSD method?
Why steel is preferred in reinfos
.d concrete? Why deformed bar is suggested in
Define reinforced concrete. Write down the advantages of rinforced concrete.
Define modulus of rupture. Draw typical compressive stt2ss-strain curves for
normal density and lightweight concrete.
10, Define relaxation. Oraw typical stress-strain curves for prestressing steels and
reinforcing bars.
11, Write down the uses of coated reinforcing bars and welded “ire reinforcement. «
12. Discuss effects of shrinkage and temperature on concrete.
13. Define concrete. Write down the uses of different types of concrete.
pee Flexural Analysis and Design of Beams
1. What do you mean by under reinforced, over reinforced and balanced design?
What lype of design is preferable and why? What do you mean by balances
steel ratio?
2, Derive the equation for resisting moment from the diagrams for reinforced
concrete reciangular beam section under working condition subjected to
increasing the load
3. Distinguish between singly reinforced beam and doubly reinforced beam. Why
and when a designer should consider designing a doubly reinforced beam?
4, Explain with neat sketches the behaviour of reinforced concrete beam under
increasing load °
5, Show with diagram and discuss the different failure crack in RCC beam.
Oraw sketches for stress distribution and strain distribution diagram of a
reinforced concrete beam section whan subjected to bending for uncracked
condition, cracked condition and ultimate condition
7. Why Pmax iS taken as 0.75pp?
8. Discuss the failure al yielding of steel and at crushing of concreteA Ne EE SE RG
Table 6.1 Types of flow profiles in prismatic channels
[Channel | Zone | D lation of pe of curse
Slope he and be | i
; - 7 |
eerigontall a m2 |noh Drawdown
3 1B | Backwater
u Backwater
Mild ———— -
OeSb>he Drawdown | Suberivcat |
3 M3. Backwater Supercritical |
1 cr Backwater Suberitical i
Critical Uniform ~~
= | Parallel to if
Sizs>0 |2 C2 eee tom, critical
3 | 3 Backwater
Ke J =
1 st Backwater
Steep - ~ too
So> S.>0 |2 Sz he>h> by Drawdown Supercritical
h Backwater | Supercritical |
, - : : : I
| | _
gers fa Ad h> hy Drawdown |
Backwater |
Behavior of Flow Profiles at Specific Depths
Let us now consider the theoretical behavior of the Mow profiles at some specific depths.
i) When h + h,, E9.(6,18) shows that dh/dx ~» 0, ic. the flow profile approaches the normal
depth line tangentially.
ii) When h ~> h,, E9.(6.18) shows that di/dx —., i.c. the flow profile becomes vertical in
crossing the critical depth Tine. This indicates a hydraulic jump if the depth changes suddenly froma
Tower value to a higher value or a hydraulic drop if the depth changes abruptly from a higher value
1a lower value. 11 both cases the flow becomes rapidly varied and the theory of gradually varied
flow does not apply.
iii) When h -> 0, Eq.(6.18) shows that dh/dx — S,, i.e. the flow profile tends to be horizontal.
‘Note that the slope of the channel bottom Sp is determined with respect to the horizontal line,
Whereas the slope of the flow profile dhidx is determined with respect (0 the channel bottorn
Therefore, the flow profile, whose slope i hid Sp with respect othe channel otter, ust be