Framework Agreement Bancor
Framework Agreement Bancor
Framework Agreement Bancor
BF Crowd Contribution:
From early June 2017 the public gets an opportunity to participate in the Bancor crowd-contribution, where BANCOR
tokens are distributed to contributors.
Participation through BTCSAG follows the public terms and conditions, in regards to pricing levels and contribution period,
as provided by BF.
NB. Exact conditions regarding the crowd contribution may be subject to change from the side of the BF.
The pricing of the pre-allocated tokens, purchased through Bitcoin Suisse AG (BTCSAG), will be the same as the cheapest
offered price by BF.
The public crowd-contribution, as well as our pre-contribution offering, will operate in a first-come-first-serve manner,
should demand outstrip supply, in regards to distribution of BANCOR tokens, where the executing event is the arrival of
funds at BTCSAG.
Public contributors must contribute through depositing Ether (ETH) to the Bancor contract address.
Contributing through BTCSAG, all practical considerations including currency conversions and smart-contract funding, will be
performed by BTCSAG.
Once contributions in excess of the guaranteed allocation limit has been reached, BTCSAG will keep accepting contributions,
but no guarantee can be issued as to if enough tokens will be secured at the opening of public crowd contribution or, neither the
price of the tokens, as BTCSAG will by then be in a straight forward race with other contributors, when the public contribution
opens early June 2017.
Should BTCSAG hold funds from contributors, no matter currency, which we are unable to secure BANCOR tokens for, these
funds will be returned to the individual contributors/clients.
To participate, contributors are required to onboard as clients at BTCSAG. Once the onboarding has been completed, funds
destined for BF crowd contribution can be wired or sent to BTCSAG.
Accepted currencies for contributions are: BTC/XBT, ETH, CHF, EUR, USD, GBP, DKK and SGD. Others can be requested.
No matter the currency, BTCSAG charges the contributor an onboarding fee of CHF 100 and a handling fee, for the complete
handling and all services attached (incl. needed currency conversions).
0 - 499999 1.50
500000 - 999999 1.00
1000000 < 0.85
Banking is performed through the regulated payment service provider WhiteAlp GmbH. Banking information as well as
information for the depositing of crypto-currencies will be provided to contributors, after their onboarding.
Contributors who wish to onboard with BTCSAG, must provide:
The BTCSAG Compliance department may ask additional questions. All client data is kept strictly private by BTCSAG.
BTCSAG reserves the right to unilaterally turn down any request for a business relationship, if BTCSAG so wishes.
If the contributor has not locked an ETH rate 36 hour prior to contribution period BTCSAG will do so on his/her behalf, within
the 24 hours leading up to, or immediately following the start of public contribution period.
Depending on the contribution currency, BTCSAG will lock the price based on the KrakenEUR or the KrakenUSD markets. Fx
conversions, trading costs, banking fees etc. are all inclusive in the complete cost for participating through BTCSAG.
BTCSAG will, if asked, keep BANCOR tokens, obtained through contributions, until such time the individual contributors ask
for them to be returned, and provide and confirm an address to which they should be sent.
Although applying our usual security measures and professional handling, BTCSAG does not guarantee the safekeeping of
the BANCOR asset class, as the underlying technology is pending our review.
BTCSAG is responsible for the contributors assets (BANCOR excluded), while held in the care of BTCSAG, as well as faithfully
executing the orders of each contributor/client.
BTCSAG holds no other liabilities towards contributors than the above mentioned.
BTCSAG is acting merely as a financial intermediary, between contributors and BF and its founders.
BTCSAG does in no way hold any liabilities in regard to promises made by BF, nor do we endorse the project or have any
opinion in regard to its merits.
BTCS asks all contributors to remember that crypto-projects are always risky endeavors, which are usually characterized by
high probability of failure and equally high potential returns. We ask any contributor to do his own due/diligence on the
projects & assets in question, as well as the organizations and people behind them.
Established crypto-currencies themselves are already highly volatile and risky assets, ICO-offerings of crypto-tokens yet
unproven must always be classified as extremely risky assets!
Tel: +41 41 544 12 51