WG B5.37 - Protection PDF
WG B5.37 - Protection PDF
WG B5.37 - Protection PDF
Final Draft
August 2012
Corresponding Members
Anita Oommen ZA
Kevin Stephan US
Antonio Carlos da Rocha Duarte BR
Loi Lei Lai UK
Mikio Shintani JP
Ji-Feng Wen CN
Bapuji S Palki IN
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 12
2 Description of shunt reactors .................................................................................... 13
2.1 Design of shunt reactors.................................................................................... 13
2.2 Electrical characteristics ................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 Air-gap of the shunt reactor core .................................................................. 18
2.2.2 Inrush ............................................................................................................ 18 Switching in air core reactors ............................................................... 18 Switching in oil immersed iron core reactors ....................................... 22
2.2.3 Shunt reactor disconnection .......................................................................... 27
2.2.4 Harmonics ..................................................................................................... 28 Zero Harmonic (DC) ............................................................................. 31 2nd Harmonic ......................................................................................... 31 3rd Harmonic ......................................................................................... 32
2.2.5 Hysteresis ...................................................................................................... 33
2.2.6 Losses ............................................................................................................ 33
3 Application of shunt reactors .................................................................................... 34
3.1 Connection to the Power System and Grounding Methods .............................. 34
3.1.1 Line and Bus connected reactors .................................................................. 34
3.1.2 Tertiary winding connected reactors ............................................................. 35
3.2 Effects of Shunt Reactors on Transmission Line Voltage ................................ 36
4 Shunt reactor faults and abnormal conditions ........................................................... 40
4.1 Fault types in Dry-type reactors ........................................................................ 40
4.2 Fault types in oil immersed reactors ................................................................. 40
4.3 Failure rates of shunt reactors ........................................................................... 41
4.4 Turn to turn faults ............................................................................................. 41
4.5 Bushing failure .................................................................................................. 43
5 Shunt reactor protections .......................................................................................... 44
5.1 Protection for bus connected oil immersed shunt reactors ............................... 45
5.1.1 Differential protection (87R / I) ................................................................. 46 Low impedance phase differential protection basic principles .......... 46 High impedance phase differential protection basic principles ......... 48 Application notes differential protection .............................................. 50
5.1.2 Restricted Earth Fault protection (87N / I) ................................................. 54 Low impedance Restricted Earth Fault protection- basic principles .... 54 High impedance Restricted Earth Fault protection- basic principles.... 56 Application notes REF protection ......................................................... 57
5.1.3 Phase overcurrent protection (50 and 51 / I>> and I>, t) .............................. 58 Application notes phase overcurrent protection ................................... 59
5.1.4 Earth fault overcurrent protection (51N or 51G / IE>, t) ............................... 60 Application notes Earth fault overcurrent protection......................... 61
5.1.5 Distance protection (21 / Z<) ........................................................................ 62 Application notes distance protection ................................................... 62
5.1.6 Protection schemes dedicated to the detection of turn to turn faults ............ 66 Earth fault overcurrent protection controlled by directional zero
sequence relay ....................................................................................................... 66 Earth fault overcurrent controlled by directional negative sequence relay
67 Split phase protection ............................................................................ 68
5.1.7 Tank protection ............................................................................................. 69 Application notes tank protection ......................................................... 70
5.1.8 Breaker failure protection (50BF) ................................................................. 70 Application notes breaker failure protection (BFP) .............................. 71
5.1.9 Pole discrepancy protection .......................................................................... 71
5.1.10 Buchholz relay (63)................................................................................... 72
5.1.11 Sudden pressure relay (63)........................................................................ 73 Application notes Buchholz and sudden pressure relay ................... 74
5.1.12 Typical shunt reactor protection schemes ................................................. 75
5.2 Protection for oil immersed line connected shunt reactors ............................... 78
5.2.1 Shunt reactor protection issues related to disconnection of transmission lines
80 Undesired tripping of ground overcurrent protection on de-energized
lines 80 Blocking of protections applied to line connected shunt reactors ........ 81
5.2.2 Protection for neutral (fourth leg) reactor ................................................. 82
5.3 Protection for transformer tertiary connected shunt reactors ............................ 83
5.3.1 Phase overcurrent protection (50 and 51 / I>> and I>, t) .............................. 84 Application notes - overcurrent protection for air core shunt reactors . 84
5.3.2 Negative sequence protection (46 / I2>)........................................................ 85 Application notes negative sequence protection ................................ 85
5.3.3 Ground overvoltage protection (59N / 3U0>) ............................................... 85 Application notes Ground overvoltage protection ............................. 87
5.3.4 Special schemes for turn to turn faults in air core shunt reactors ................. 87 Turn to turn fault detection Split phase scheme................................. 88 Turn to turn fault detection - Voltage unbalance scheme ..................... 89 Application notes - Voltage unbalance scheme .................................... 90
5.3.5 Phase differential protection (87 / I) for tertiary connected shunt reactors 90
5.3.6 Tertiary connected shunt reactors - Typical protection schemes .................. 91
6 Monitoring ................................................................................................................ 95
6.1 Thermal Overload ............................................................................................. 95
6.2 Oil temperature protection ................................................................................ 97
6.3 Winding temperature protection ....................................................................... 97
6.4 Oil level / flow monitoring ............................................................................... 98
6.4.1 Magnetic oil level gauge ............................................................................... 98
6.4.2 Bushing oil level indicator ............................................................................ 99
6.4.3 Flow indicators.............................................................................................. 99
6.5 Pressure Relief Valve ........................................................................................ 99
6.6 Fire protection ................................................................................................... 99
6.6.1 Advantages and disadvantages of pulverized water systems ...................... 102 Advantages .......................................................................................... 103 Disadvantages ..................................................................................... 103
6.6.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the nitrogen systems ............................. 103 Advantages .......................................................................................... 103 Disadvantages: .................................................................................... 103
6.7 Integrity of Insulating Oil ............................................................................... 103
6.7.1 Signature Analysis ...................................................................................... 104
6.7.2 Dissolved Gas Analysis .............................................................................. 104 Dissolved Gases in Oil ........................................................................ 104 Degradation of Oil-Impregnated Cellulose ......................................... 104 Degradation of Dielectric Oil.............................................................. 104
6.7.3 Early Detection on Oil-Filled shunt reactors .............................................. 104
6.7.4 Dissolved Gas Analysis .............................................................................. 105
6.7.5 Incipient Failure Condition Detection ........................................................ 105
6.7.6 Key Gases and Dissolved Gas Indices ........................................................ 105
6.8 Partial discharge measurements ...................................................................... 106
6.8.1 Acoustic method for PD detection .............................................................. 107
6.8.2 Monitoring Shunt reactor Bushings ............................................................ 107
6.9 Overvoltage measurements ............................................................................ 107
6.10 Parameters monitored ..................................................................................... 108
6.11 Monitoring systems ......................................................................................... 113
7 New solutions offered by numerical relays ............................................................ 115
7.1 Adaptive DC biasing ....................................................................................... 115
7.2 Negative-Sequence Internal-External fault discriminator .............................. 117
7.3 Open CT supervision ...................................................................................... 120
7.4 New approach to reactor turn-to-turn protection ............................................ 121
8 Protection implementation and setpoint recommendations .................................... 126
8.1 PROTECTION SCHEMES ............................................................................ 126
8.1.1 Reactor differential Protection .................................................................... 127
8.1.2 Impedance (Distance) relay ........................................................................ 127
8.1.3 Phase Overcurrent Protection ..................................................................... 128
8.1.4 Negative Sequence Overcurrent Protection ................................................ 129
8.1.5 Ground fault Protection............................................................................... 129 Restricted earth fault relay (REF) ....................................................... 129 Ground overcurrent relay .................................................................... 130 Ground overvoltage relay (Neutral Displacement) ............................. 131
8.1.6 Dedicated Turn-to-Turn Fault Protection ................................................... 131 Torque-controlled Earth Fault Overcurrent Protection ....................... 131 Spilt Winding Protection..................................................................... 132 Voltage Unbalance Scheme ................................................................ 132
8.1.7 Mechanical type fault detectors (Buchholz, Sudden Pressure, Pressure relief
devices) ................................................................................................................... 132
8.1.8 Top Oil and Winding Over-Temperature Protection .................................. 133
8.1.9 Breaker Failure/Pole Disagreement ............................................................ 134
8.2 Reactor Configurations and Protection Schemes ............................................ 134
8.2.1 Typical Main-1 protection schemes ............................................................ 135
8.2.2 Typical Main-2 and back-up protection schemes ....................................... 135
9 Control .................................................................................................................... 137
9.1 Manual switching ............................................................................................ 137
9.2 Automatic switching ....................................................................................... 137
9.3 Point on Wave Controller ............................................................................... 139
9.3.1 General statement........................................................................................ 139
9.3.2 Control of opening operations .................................................................... 141
9.3.3 Control of closing operations ...................................................................... 143
9.3.4 Single pole and three pole operation ........................................................... 144
9.4 New trends ...................................................................................................... 146
9.4.1 Adaptive functions ...................................................................................... 146
9.4.2 Impact of substation configuration on adaptive control arrangement ........ 147
10 Questionnaire on Existing Practices of Shunt Reactors Protection, Monitoring and
Control ............................................................................................................................ 150
10.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 150
10.2 Application and design of Shunt Reactor ....................................................... 151
10.2.1 Question: In what voltage levels the Shunt Reactors are being used? .... 151
10.2.2 Question: What is the type of connection to the power system? (E.g. direct
connection to the line, bus or transformer tertiary)................................................. 152
10.2.3 Question: What grounding methods are being used? (e.g. direct grounding,
reactance grounding...) ............................................................................................ 153
10.2.4 Question: How are your Shunt Reactors designed? (e.g. Oil or Dry, 3 leg
or 5 leg, 3 phase or 1 phase, one or split winding per phase, with or without auxiliary
winding,...) .............................................................................................................. 153
Tertiary connected reactors used in SA,FR,RO,NO,FN,IN,AU are normally of
dry type, single phase in construction and are air cooled. BR, SCT use 3ph, 3 leg
oil filled reactors. FN and NZ also have some 3ph, oil filled reactors. ............. 154
10.3 Protection and redundancy .............................................................................. 154
10.3.1 Question: What types of protection are being used for: e.g. Phase to Phase
fault, Phase to Ground fault, Inter-turn fault? ......................................................... 154
10.3.2 Question: What types of non-Electrical protection are being used? (e.g. Oil
Temperature, Winding Temperature, Sudden Pressure, Buchholz relay, Oil level
etc.) 156
10.3.3 Question: In what Reactor Voltage Level do you use 2 Protection Groups
(e.g. Main A and B or Main and back-up)? Describe how the protection functions
are organized in each group? (e.g. differential in group A and overcurrent in group
B) 157
10.3.4 Question: What degree of redundancy is applied? (e.g. 2 DC supplies,
different tripping coils, 2 secondary windings of CT, ) ...................................... 159
10.4 Fault types and protection limitations ............................................................. 160
10.4.1 Question: What types of fault are experienced and how often do they
occur? (e.g. percentage of the occurrence of various faults with respect to the total
number of faults per year). ...................................................................................... 160
10.4.2 Question: What percentage of each category of these faults is not cleared
correctly due to the protection functions limitation? .............................................. 162
10.4.3 Questionnaire: Are you looking at new solutions to resolve the above-
mentioned limitations? If yes, please describe. ...................................................... 163
10.5 Control and monitoring of shunt reactors ....................................................... 164
10.5.1 Question: What types of control are being used for switching in and out
the shunt reactors? (e.g. Manual or Automatic) If Automatic what philosophy is
used? 164
10.5.2 Questionnaire: How often the shunt reactors are being switched in and
out? 165
10.5.3 B5.3 Questionnaire: Do you use synchronized switching (point on wave
switching)? How are they applied? ......................................................................... 167
10.5.4 B5.4 Question: What parameters are monitored (e.g. I, U, Q, Oil and
winding temperature, dissolved gas, bushing residual current, fire detectors,...) and
what actions are taken? ........................................................................................... 168
A. Example of Controlled switching of a 500kV shunt reactor in japan ..................... 170
A.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 170
A.2 Reactor current interruption test circuit .......................................................... 170
A.3 Relation between opening phase angle and re-ignition .................................. 171
A.4 Application of controlled switching................................................................ 173
A.5 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 175
B. Protection of 800kV 3 phase shunt reactor provided with spare single phase reactor
C. Protection of Shunt reactor auxiliary winding ........................................................ 181
D. Application of 500 kV Shunt Reactor with Auxiliary Winding System in Switching
Station ............................................................................................................................. 183
D.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 183
D.2 Solutions to the Problem ................................................................................. 183
D.3 The main structure and technical parameters of the shunt reactor.................. 183
D.4 Measures for protection .................................................................................. 185
D.5 Operating history ............................................................................................ 185
D.6 Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 185
E. Automatic Reactive Switching in UK..................................................................... 186
F. ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................ 191
G. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 196
G.1 Books .............................................................................................................. 196
G.2 Technical Papers ............................................................................................. 196
G.3 Other Documents ............................................................................................ 197
Figure 1 Three-leg shunt reactor core ............................................................................... 14
Figure 2 Five-leg shunt reactor core with three wound limbs .......................................... 14
Figure 3 Reactor construction, Core type (A), Shell type (B). ......................................... 17
Figure 4 Simple shunt reactor model ................................................................................ 19
Figure 5 Aircore reactor .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 6 Typical magnetizing characteristic of a gapped core shunt reactor ................... 22
Figure 7 Test result of inrush ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 8 Bus connected, 300kV, 150MVAr, oil immersed shunt reactor ........................ 26
Figure 9 Bus connected, 420kV, 200MVAr, oil immersed shunt reactor ........................ 27
Figure 10 Phase C winding currents during shunt reactor switching in and tripping out . 28
Figure 11 Shunt reactor characteristics for a gapped and air core reactor ........................ 28
Figure 12 Idealized inrush currents for an air core reactor ............................................... 29
Figure 13 Idealized inrush currents for an iron core reactor ............................................. 29
Figure 14 Example of harmonic content in an idealized inrush current for an iron core
reactor ....................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 15 Example of the relative content of the second harmonic and inrush peak current
for different degree of offset. The slope of the saturated part is 30 % of the
unsaturated slope ....................................................................................................... 30
Figure 16 Example of the relative content of the second harmonic and inrush peak current
for different degree of offset. The slope of the saturated part is 50 % of the
unsaturated slope ....................................................................................................... 31
Figure 17 Shunt reactor current for operation with over voltage...................................... 32
Figure 18 Harmonics in the reactor current in case of over voltage ................................. 32
Figure 19 Solidly grounded three phase reactor directly connected to line ...................... 35
Figure 20 Three phase and neutral reactor connected to bus or line via circuit switcher or
circuit breaker ........................................................................................................... 35
Figure 21 Shunt reactor connected to transformer tertiary winding switching via circuit
switcher or circuit breaker on supply side ................................................................ 36
Figure 22 Shunt reactor connected to transformer tertiary winding switching via circuit
switcher or circuit breaker on neutral side ................................................................ 36
Figure 23 Nominal- circuit of a transmission line .......................................................... 37
Figure 24 Nominal- circuit with shunt reactors added to both end of the transmission
line............................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 25 Equilibrium chart relating water vapor pressure over oil to water concentration
in insulation (kraft) paper vs. temperature. ............................................................... 42
Figure 26 Typical shunt reactor connections .................................................................... 45
Figure 27 Principle of low impedance phase differential protection ................................ 46
Figure 28 Tripping characteristic - Example .................................................................... 47
Figure 29 Principle of high impedance phase differential protection ............................... 49
Figure 30 High impedance differential protection - stabilizing principle......................... 50
Figure 31 Differential currents of a 1% turn to ground fault in phase L1 at the neutral
point of a 150 MVA, 220 kV, 50Hz shunt reactor.................................................... 51
Figure 32 Example - Tripping characteristic for a two stage numerical low impedance
differential protection applied to a shunt reactor. ..................................................... 53
Figure 33 Shunt reactors inrush current in phase C with fully DC offset response of two
different types of digital filters. ................................................................................ 54
Figure 34 Low impedance restricted earth fault during external fault condition ............. 55
Figure 35 Low impedance restricted earth fault during internal fault condition .............. 55
Figure 36 High impedance restricted earth fault during external fault condition ............. 56
Figure 37 Restrained low impedance restricted earth fault during energizing and one
phase CT saturated .................................................................................................... 58
Figure 38 Terminal side connected phase overcurrent protection .................................... 59
Figure 39 Earth fault overcurrent protection alternatively connected to CT in the neutral
to ground connection or phase CTs on terminal side. ............................................. 61
Figure 40 Terminal side connected distance protection ................................................... 62
Figure 41 Current and apparent reactance in a turn-to-turn fault affected phase for a
grounded 200MVAr, 420kV, 50Hz shunt reactor. ................................................... 65
Figure 42 Negative sequence current and residual current 3I0 in a turn-to-turn fault
affected 200MVAr, 420kV, 50Hz shunt reactor. ...................................................... 66
Figure 43 Turn to turn fault protection based on zero sequence directional control ........ 67
Figure 44 Turn to turn fault protection based on negative sequence directional control . 68
Figure 45 Three phases split winding protection .............................................................. 69
Figure 46 Tank protection ................................................................................................. 69
Figure 47 Basic breaker failure protection scheme (logic phase L2 and logic phase L3 are
similar to logic phase L1 as detailed in the figure). .................................................. 71
Figure 48 An example for CB pole discrepancy scheme .................................................. 72
Figure 49 Buchholz relay mounting arrangement ............................................................ 73
Figure 50 The sudden pressure relief device .................................................................... 74
Figure 51 Bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 1 .............................. 75
Figure 52 Bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 2 .............................. 76
Figure 53 Bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 3 .............................. 77
Figure 54 Line connected shunt reactors typical arrangements. .................................... 78
Figure 55 Example of a reactor neutral overcurrent on a 500kV power line ................... 80
Figure 56 Breaker closed to start the line restoration ....................................................... 81
Figure 57 Trip release logic for inrush suppression and blocking when deenergized (line
connected shunt reactors) .......................................................................................... 82
Figure 58 Shunt reactors connected to tertiary winding of autotransformers. .................. 83
Figure 59 Negative sequence protection. .......................................................................... 85
Figure 60 Ground overvoltage protection connected to broken delta winding of a voltage
transformer / grounding transformer. ........................................................................ 86
Figure 61 Simple split phase protection based on current balance measurement between
the two shunt reactor neutrals. .................................................................................. 88
Figure 62 Turn to turn fault protection based on voltage unbalance scheme. .................. 89
Figure 63 Turn to turn fault protection alternate voltage unbalance scheme. ............... 90
Figure 64 Phase differential protection for autotransformer including tertiary connected
shunt reactor in the protected zone. .......................................................................... 91
Figure 65 Transformer tertiary connected shunt reactor scheme number 1 ..................... 92
Figure 66 Transformer tertiary connected shunt reactor scheme number 2 ..................... 93
Figure 67 Transformer tertiary connected shunt reactor scheme number 3 ..................... 94
Figure 68 Temperature rise as a function of time ............................................................. 96
Figure 69 Nitrogen injections in prevention mode logic. ............................................... 100
Figure 70 Nitrogen injections in extinction mode logic. ................................................ 101
Figure 71 Transformer (and shunt reactor) fire protection system ................................. 101
Figure 72 A typical system for shunt reactor fire protection .......................................... 102
Figure 73 Voltage sensor connected to bushing ............................................................. 108
Figure 74 Typical system integrated architecture for shunt reactor monitoring ............. 114
Figure 75 Typical decentralized architecture for on-line monitoring system. ................ 114
Figure 76 Observe the DC offset of the instantaneous differential current .................... 116
Figure 77 A shunt reactor suddenly connected to the power system (inrush), with some
eventual differences in the CTs on both sides, or different loads on them, the
differential protection sees these currents as shown in the figure. As a result, the
differential protection calculates (false!) instantaneous differential currents as shown
in the figure. These false differential currents might cause an unwanted trip of the
reactor. .................................................................................................................... 117
Figure 78 An example of a good operate restrain characteristic. Under heavy external
fault condition with current transformer saturation, the spurious false differential
current does not enter the operate region. ............................................................... 118
Figure 79 Internal/external fault discriminator. .............................................................. 119
Figure 80 Example of an internal fault using internal / external fault discriminator. ..... 120
Figure 81 VT and CT used for the turn-turn protection.................................................. 121
Figure 82 Zero sequence network at external phase-ground fault .................................. 122
Figure 83 Zero sequence voltage and current at external phase-ground fault ................ 122
Figure 84 Zero sequence network for internal turn-turn fault ........................................ 123
Figure 85 Zero sequence voltage and current for internal turn-turn fault....................... 123
Figure 86 External respective internal fault to ground ................................................... 124
Figure 87 To improve sensitivity for internal turn-turn faults ........................................ 125
Figure 88 Voltage waveform .......................................................................................... 125
Figure 89 Example of logical diagram for shunt reactor automation ............................. 138
Figure 90 Block diagram for principle of controlled switching ..................................... 140
Figure 91 Point -on-wave general operating principle ................................................... 140
Figure 92 Voltage across shunt reactor at de-energizing without re-ignition ................. 141
Figure 93 Voltage across shunt reactor in event of re-ignition ....................................... 142
Figure 94 Target for contact separation in order to eliminate re-ignitions ..................... 142
Figure 95 Point-of-wave block diagram for opening ...................................................... 144
Figure 96 Point-of-wave block diagram for opening and closing .................................. 145
Figure 97 Example on point-of-wave selection tree. ...................................................... 146
Figure 98 Shunt reactor energizing with current start feedback loop ............................. 147
Figure 99 Circuit breaker and half scheme with CT outside reactor bays. ..................... 148
Figure 100 Shunt reactor installation in a CB and a half scheme substation. ................. 149
Figure 101 Single phase test circuit for interrupting 500kV reactor current. ................. 170
Figure 102 Oscillograms obtained in interruption test. .................................................. 171
Figure 103 Relation between probability of re-ignition and T0. ..................................... 172
Figure 104 Voltage between contacts at re-ignition. ...................................................... 172
Figure 105 Illustration of re-ignition suppression by controlled switching. ................... 173
Figure 106 Opening phase control achieved on 550kV one-break circuit breaker......... 175
Figure 107 Shunt reactor installed in the substation. ...................................................... 176
Figure 108 Single line diagram 765 kV substation ......................................................... 178
Figure 109 Three line diagram 765 kV substation.......................................................... 180
Figure 110 Grounded-wye Auxiliary Power Winding for Low-voltage Distribution .... 181
Figure 111 Ungrounded Auxiliary Power Winding for Low-voltage Distribution ........ 182
Figure 112 Automatic Reactive Switching (ARS), relationship of thresholds and dead-
bands for Coarse and Fine Voltage Control Modes of the combined HV/LVARS 188
Table 1 Requirements met, on bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 1
................................................................................................................................... 75
Table 2 Requirements met, on bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 2
................................................................................................................................... 76
Table 3 Requirements met, on bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 3
................................................................................................................................... 77
Table 4 Requirements met, on tertiary connected shunt reactor protection scheme number
1................................................................................................................................. 92
Table 5 Requirements met, on tertiary connected shunt reactor protection scheme number
2................................................................................................................................. 93
Table 6 Requirements met, on tertiary connected shunt reactor protection scheme number
3................................................................................................................................. 94
Table 7 Components used in a typical system for shunt reactor fire protection ............. 102
Table 8 Key gases and fault types................................................................................... 106
Table 9 List proposed of main parameters for shunt reactors monitoring ...................... 109
Table 10 Monitored components and health condition................................................... 113
Table 11 Voltage levels .................................................................................................. 151
Table 12 Shunt reactor connection to the power system ................................................ 152
Table 13 Shunt reactor design......................................................................................... 154
Table 14 Electrical protections - directly connected reactors ......................................... 155
Table 15 Electrical protection used for tertiary connected reactors ............................... 155
Table 16 Non electrical protections- directly connected reactors ................................... 156
Table 17 Non electrical protections - tertiary connected reactors .................................. 157
Table 18 Redundancy for directly connected reactors .................................................... 158
Table 19 Redundancy for tertiary connected reactors .................................................... 159
Table 20 Types of faults on directly connected shunt reactors ....................................... 160
Table 21 Types of faults on tertiary connected shunt reactors ....................................... 161
Table 22 Protection performance- directly connected shunt reactors ............................. 162
Table 23 Protection performance- tertiary connected shunt reactors ............................. 163
Table 24 New solutions for directly connected shunt reactors ....................................... 163
Table 25 Types of control - directly connected shunt reactors ....................................... 164
Table 26 Frequency of switching - directly connected shunt reactors............................ 166
Table 27 Frequency of switching - tertiary connected shunt reactors ............................ 166
Table 28 Point on wave switching - directly connected shunt reactors .......................... 167
Table 29 Reactor parameters monitored - direct connected shunt reactors .................... 168
Table 30 Reactor parameters monitored - tertiary connected shunt reactors.................. 169
Table 31 Test conditions for single phase circuit for interrupting 500kV reactor current.
................................................................................................................................. 171
Table 32 Function descriptions with ANSI, IEC61850-5, IEC61850-7-4 and IEC
Symbols................................................................................................................... 191
Table 33 Abbreviations used .......................................................................................... 193
Cigre Working Group B5-37 was formed to determine the present state of the art of
protection, monitoring, and control of shunt reactors. The work of this working group
includes reviewing schemes for protecting shunt reactors, especially those advancements
resulting from use of numerical relays. Recommendations for using modern protection
techniques are provided. Advancements in integrated control and monitoring of shunt
reactors are reported and recommendations for application are provided.
This report is arranged beginning with descriptions and applications of shunt reactors,
reactor fault types and abnormal conditions encountered, protection (both electrical and
mechanical) including monitoring and adaptation to instrument transformer performance,
and recommendations for using protection. Control and monitoring is then discussed
including recommendations. Control includes rate of recurrence of switching and
techniques to minimize system impact during energization/denergizations. Monitoring
includes dissolved gas and fire detection (deluge).
The working group issued a questionnaire on existing practices to the participating Cigre
countries. The survey asked for information on the voltage levels utilized, types of
connections to the power system, grounding methods, reactor design, protection and
redundancy used including use of primary and backup schemes, types of faults
experienced and protection performance, types of control (automatic and/or manual), use
of synchronized switching, and reactor parameters monitored. The results of the survey
responses, knowledge and experience of the B5-37 working group members, and industry
publications and standards were all used to develop this final report.
General statement
Shunt reactors are inductive loads that are used to absorb reactive power to reduce the
over voltages generated by line capacitance.
An inductive load consumes reactive power versus a capacitive load generates reactive
A transformer, a shunt reactor, a heavy loaded power line, and an under magnetized
synchronous machine are examples of inductive loads. Examples on a capacitive load are
a capacitor bank, an open power line and an over magnetized synchronous machine.
Although shunt reactors are inductive loads similar to transformers but they are different
than transformers in terms of construction and some electrical characteristics.
To describe the shunt reactors better, we need to look at the different designs of shunt
reactors and their electrical characteristics.
One major advantage with a five leg reactor (or shell type) compared with a three leg
reactor is that the construction to reduce vibrations and the long term use is much more
stable and stronger.
The design is divided in gapped core and core-less reactors. The gapped core has a
subdivided limb of core steel with air gaps inside the winding and no limb at all for the
core less concept. The gapped core gives compact design with low losses and low total
mass, low sounds and low vibrations.
Higher energy density can be achieved in a gapped core compared to an air core.
The slope of the permeability is greater in a gapped core versus an air core reactor.
The primary advantages of dry-type air-core reactor, compared to oil-immersed types, are
lower initial and operating costs, lower weight, lower losses, and the absence of
insulating oil and its maintenance. The main disadvantages of dry-type reactors are
limitations on voltage and kVA rating and the high-intensity magnetic field. There is no
magnetizing inrush current when the reactor is energized.
Unit ratings for existing single phase or three phase shunt reactors are:
In a high voltage star connected shunt reactor the zero sequence reactance is dependent
on the core arrangement.
The physics are the same as the case with a star/star connected transformer. Under
symmetrical excitation the sum of momentary flux values in the three phases is zero. But
under earth fault conditions this is not the case and the resulting flux must find a way
back external to the three phase coils. In three limb reactors, this resulting flux would go
through the air from yoke to yoke; it means that the zero sequence reactance is lower than
the normal reactance and also non-linear, leads to higher zeros sequence current.
In some applications it is a distinct advantage if the reactor has high and constant zero
sequence reactance. This is the case when single pole reclosing is either required from the
beginning, causing zero sequence flux each time a single pole is opened, or considered
for future development of the system to limit the zero sequence flux. In certain cases (e.g.
line connected shunt reactors) it is also recommended that the zero sequence reactance be
tuned to a fixed, high value by the addition of an auxiliary neutral reactor.
As for transformers, a high zero sequence reactance requires a low reluctance unwound
return path in the magnetic circuit, leads to smaller zero sequence current which is
achieved with a five-limb core. In a reactor this will result in a next to absolute
decoupling of the phase limbs from each other because the wound limbs are gapped and
the outer limbs are not. This is easily verified by measuring non-induced voltage on the
other phases when one phase is energized [ref 24].
Split winding
The split winding is used when the current have exceeded the maximum of mechanical
reasons in the construction, then two windings per phase will be parallel in the reactor.
In a core type reactor the core limb has a shape of a cylinder around which the
coils are arranged. For normal core type power reactors the coils too are
cylindrical and arranged concentrically. Each terminal is connected to one coil or
several coils in series. Further the coils are slid down around a pre-made core
limb to which yokes are connected after the windings are in position. Most often
the core limbs and yokes are in vertical position.
In the shell type reactor the separate coils have rectangular cross section and they
are wound in one plane. After the winding work the coils for one terminal are
stacked up on each other and connected together. The groups of coils are then in
turn, stacked together to form a winding packet for the complete circuit. The
packets for each phase are then raised to the upright and adjusted position it has in
the reactor. In and around these packets the core is now built up.
A five leg shunt reactor of core type has similar characteristics as a three leg shell type
reactor (to have a low vibration and noise level, low zero sequence current), so the reason
for a manufacturer to keep to a certain concept may today be historical.
2.2 Electrical characteristics
2.2.2 Inrush
When switching in air core or iron core reactors, long DC components up to 1 second can
occur, some differences distinguishes between inrush in air respective iron core reactors.
e E sin(t ) R
e uL
iL eq. 1
uL L L eq. 2
eL L eq. 3
dt i
R e
i L i L 0 eq. 4
The first term in eq. 7 states the time function for the steady state condition which is an
AC current and the second term indicates the transient condition which is a damped DC
The time constant of the damping is .
The time constants for shunt reactors are longer than transformers and can be up to 1
second. Transformers have DC constants up to a couple of hundred milliseconds.
The inrush can therefore easily saturate a CT measurement of the current.
As can see from eq. 7 the size of the short circuit current is depending on the voltage
phase angle at the instantaneous moment when the breaker is closed. If then the
elapsed curving inward oscillation disappears (transient part) and the short circuit current
only consists of the steady state part.
With regard to the instantaneous phase angle of the voltage there is two cases of special
Case 1 0
The short circuit is here done when the voltage run-through zero. In this case the current
reaches its absolute maximal instantaneous value, which is realized analytically when the
derivative of i k with regard to and t shall be zero in the maximum moment, i.e.
ik t
eq. 9
2 I k cos( t ) cos( ) e L 0
ik R t
eq. 10
2 I k cos( t ) sin( ) e L 0
t L
tan tan( ) 0, , 2 , eq. 11
The maximum inrush current ik max appears when using realistic power system
impedances, approximately at the same time when the steady state current reaches its first
peak value, i.e. t
, see eq. 12 below:
L 2
eq. 12
ik 2 I k 1 sin( ) e
We observe that the current time derivative is zero in the short circuit moment and that Zs
the DC component initial value is not the maximal imaginable, since in the Shunt reactor Shunt reactor
expression of . Current
Shunt reactor
Shunt reactor
Case 2
Current transforme
transforme r
In this case has the steady state short circuit current the (negative) top value in the short
circuit moment and the DC component has in consequence hereby largest possible value.
Installed in eq. 7 the short circuit current can be derived:
RL t eq. 13
ik 2 I k e cos( t )
Maximum instantaneous value occurs likewise approximately in the AC components first
eq. 14
Current transforme
transforme r
Because the asymmetry in a certain (some) degree here is largest it is close to expect that
this maximum value not is much less then the theoretic correct value that can be derived
in the case 0 . This is also correct for a power network characteristic data and one can
with good approximation use this simple expression when deriving the inrush current.
Observe the ideal case with U0 when both cases lead to the same result. In this un-
damped case is:
Ext fault U0
I0 eq. 15
Int fault U0
0 1 2 3 4
Current [pu]
Description of parameters
L = inductance [H]
N = number of windings
l FE = length of flux in iron yoke and limb [m]
0 4 10 7 permeability in air [Vs/Am]
r = permeability constant iron
= total permeability [Vs/Am]
B = magnetic flux density [Vs/m2]
H = magnetic field intensity [A/m]
= total flux [Vs]
AFE = iron area in limb [m2]
di 1 ~
(e Ri ) eq. 18
dt L
By using the flux [Vs] eq. 19 and field intensity H [A/m] in eq. 20 into the eq. 17 and
eq. 16 the inductance L can be derived see eq. 21
B AFE N eq. 19
H l FE
i eq. 20
L eq. 21
By introducing the inductance in eq. 21 the magnetic flux over the inductance follows in
eq. 23:
di di ~
(e Ri ) eq. 22
dt d
(e~ Ri ) u L eq. 23
To derive the magnetizing voltage and the total magnetic flux the recursive equations
(Euler equations [ref 3]) are used in eq. 24 and eq. 25:
Starting conditions:
, B1 BR , 1 BR AFE N
u L k e~k R iL k eq. 24
k 1 k t u L k eq. 25
The magnetic field intensity (H) can be derived from the graph in [ref 4] after calculating
of the magnetic flux density (B):
k 1
Bk 1 H k 1 eq. 26
0 0.5 1 1.5
Im [A]
0 0.5 1 1.5
Um [V]
0 0.5 1 1.5
B - [T=Vs/m2]
0 0.5 1 1.5
H [A/m]
0 0.5 1 1.5
Phi [Vs]
0 0.5 1 1.5
As the shunt reactor is moving from saturation region to steady state region, the
permeability increases towards the constant value ( ) and the current decreases to steady
state value. The damping time also increases with less saturation as the permeability of
the shunt reactor moves towards steady state.
Both above statements can be seen from the following equations:
0 r A eq. 28
eq. 29
0 2.08 4.17 6.25 8.33 10.42 12.5 14.58 16.67 18.75 20.83 22.92 25
Figure 10 Phase C winding currents during shunt reactor switching in and tripping out
2.2.4 Harmonics
The zero, 2nd and 3rd harmonics in a shunt reactor are described below.
Some figures and text under section 2.2.4 are used from the ongoing Cigre B5 WG24
Protection requirements on transient response of voltage and current digital acquisition
chain, to show the harmonic content during overload conditions and inrush conditions.
Voltage [pu]
Gapped core
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0
Current [pu]
Figure 11 Shunt reactor characteristics for a gapped and air core reactor
Based on the shunt reactor characteristics shown in Figure 11, the contents of harmonics
in idealized undamped inrush currents have been analyzed. A sinusoidal voltage has been
applied to the reactor at different inception angles which results in inrush currents with
different DC offset. As the damping is neglected the calculated contents of harmonics is
only valid for the initial part of the inrush.
As the reactor characteristic for an air core reactor is a straight line the inrush current will
be a sinusoidal current with different DC offset, see Figure 12. The inrush current
consists only of the fundamental frequency and in most cases a DC offset. Except for the
transient state there will not exist any harmonics. The maximum inrush peak is 2.8 times
the rated current.
2,0 100 % offset
Current [pu]
1,5 75 % offset
1,0 50 % offset
0,5 25 % offset
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [ms]
100 % offset
Current [pu]
75 % offset
2 50 % offset
25 % offset
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [ms]
40 % offset
an/a1 [%]
70 % offset
100 % offset
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
nth Harmonic
Figure 14 Example of harmonic content in an idealized inrush current for an iron core reactor
30 6
I100peak/Ipeak, I100/I50, [%]
25 5 I100p/Ipeak
20 4
Ipeak /Ir [pu]
15 3
10 2
5 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Offset of energizing voltage [%]
Figure 15 Example of the relative content of the second harmonic and inrush peak current for different
degree of offset. The slope of the saturated part is 30 % of the unsaturated slope
20 5
I100peak/Ipeak, I100/I50, [%]
15 Ipeak
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Offset of energizing voltage [%]
Figure 16 Example of the relative content of the second harmonic and inrush peak current for different
degree of offset. The slope of the saturated part is 50 % of the unsaturated slope
If an iron core reactor is exposed to over voltage the current will be distorted and contain
odd harmonics. Figure 17 shows the current for a gapped core with reactor characteristic
according to Figure 11 and the knee point at 125 percent of rated voltage. Figure 18
shows the content of the harmonics related to the fundamental frequency of the current.
130 % voltage
135 % voltage
Current [pu]
0 140 % voltage
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [ms]
5 130 % voltage
an/a1 [%]
135 % voltage
140 % voltage
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
nth Harmonic
2.2.6 Losses
The fundamental losses in a shunt reactor are winding resistance and magnetization
losses, eddy current losses are also present but small in comparison.
The resistance loss is proportional to the weight of the winding material and to the square
of the current density. The magnetization loss in the core steel also rises by
approximately the square of the flux density.
The total loss is generally 0.2% active power (W) of the total reactive power of the shunt
reactor distributed as follows [ref 24]:
Resistance losses in winding, P RI 2 60-70%
Core steel loss 20-30%
Eddy current losses, winding
and mechanical parts 5-15%
Shunt reactors are used to compensate for large line charging capacitance of long high
voltage power transmission lines and cables.
The reactors are normally connected to power system in three locations. They can be
connected to Line, Bus or Tertiary winding of the power transformer or auto-transformer.
The line connected reactors are normally connected at both ends of the line as each end
can be energized or de-energized independently.
The shunt reactors can be connected directly to HV lines (see Figure 19) or via circuit
switcher or circuit breaker to HV lines or buses depends on the application (see Figure
The permanently connected reactors are used to prevent overvoltages appear on long
lines due to lightly loading or open circuit. The switched reactors are used for voltage
These reactors are normally grounded, solidly or via a neutral reactor (see Figure 19 and
Figure 20). The neutral reactor is used where single pole auto-reclose is applied, to
suppress the secondary arc current.
Bus or Line
Figure 20 Three phase and neutral reactor connected to bus or line via circuit switcher or circuit breaker
Figure 21 Shunt reactor connected to transformer tertiary winding switching via circuit switcher or circuit
breaker on supply side
Figure 22 Shunt reactor connected to transformer tertiary winding switching via circuit switcher or circuit
breaker on neutral side
+ +
Vs Y/2 Y/2 Vr
_ _
To derive Vs from the above circuit (Figure 23), we note that the current in the
capacitance at the receiving end is VrY/2 and the current in the series arm is Ir + VrY/2,
Vs (VrY / 2 Ir )Z Vr eq. 30
Vs (ZY / 2 1)Vr ZIr eq. 31
Is would be the summation of the current in the shunt capacitance at the sending end
which is VsY/2, and the current in the series arm.
Is VsY / 2 VrY / 2 Ir eq. 32
Is VrY (1 ZY / 4) (ZY / 2 1) Ir eq. 33
The equations eq. 31 and eq. 33 can be expressed in the following form:
A D ZY / 2 1 eq. 36
BZ eq. 37
C Y (1 ZY / 4) eq. 38
A and D are dimensionless and B and C are in ohms and mhos, respectively.
Now let us look at an example of a line and using the above equations and compare the
no load receiving-end voltage before and after applying the shunt reactors.
Example: A single-circuit 215 kV, 230 mile transmission line has the following series
impedance and shunt admittance per mile:
z 0.843179.04 /mi
y 5.105 10 6 90 S/mi
Z z l 193.9179.04
Y y l 1.174 10 3 90 S
We can also derive the no load receiving-end voltage (Vr,nl) by substituting
Ir =0 in Vs equation eq. 34.
Vs AVr , nl
Vr , nl Vs / A
To calculate Vs, we use the Vs equation eq. 34 and assume the load on the line is
125MW at 215 kV with 100% power factor.
Ir 125MW / 3 215kV 335.70 A
Vr 124.10 kV
A 0.891.42
B 193.9179.4
Vs 139.728.50 kV
Vr , nl Vs / A 157.0 kV
Now we calculate the no load receiving-end voltage for the same transmission line when
identical shunt reactors are connected at both ends of the line (see Figure 24),
compensating for 70% of the total shunt admittance of the line.
Is Z Ir
+ +
Vs Y/2 Y/2 Vr
_ _
Figure 24 Nominal- circuit with shunt reactors added to both end of the transmission line
Vs would be the same, but A would change since adding shunt reactors changes the value
of Y:
Z 193.9179.04
Y (1 0.7) 1.174 10 3 90 3.522 10 4 90 S
A ZY / 2 1 0.9670.38
Vr , nl Vs / A 144.5 kV
This example shows that adding shunt reactors can limit the rise of the no load voltage at
the receiving end of the line from 157.0 kV to 144.5 kV.
The modes of failure differ from air-core to oil-immersed designs and this affects their
protection requirements and schemes.
Phase-to-phase faults are a low probability fault for dry-type reactors because the reactors
are single phase units with relatively wide spacing between phases. The main cause of
these phase-to-phase faults is when arcing from a failed reactor is not detected soon
enough and the fault ionization moves up into the tertiary busbar resulting in a phase to
phase fault.
Since dry-type reactors are mounted on insulators which provide standard
clearance and insulation to ground, direct winding-to-ground faults are low probability as
well and are produced only when this neutral insulation is bridged by, for example, an
animal. Damage done by a winding to ground fault is determined by the grounding
transformer/resistor impedance.
Turn-to-turn insulation failures in dry-type reactors begin s tracking from
insulation deterioration. Once the arc is initiated, these failures, if not detected quickly,
cascade to the entire winding because of the arc's interaction with the reactor's magnetic
field. If the reactor bank is ungrounded, the current in the healthy phase will increase to 3
times normal phase current and could thermally damage the un-faulted phases of the
reactor bank.
Because of the proximity of the winding with the core and tank winding-to-ground
failures can occur. The magnitude of this fault decreases as the fault is located closer to
the neutral side of the reactor. Turn-to-turn faults start out as a small change in phase
currents but increase operating temperature internal pressure, and accumulation of gas. If
these are not quickly detected they will evolve into a major fault.
Actual failure rate data for reactors is not always kept by utilities. Failure rates of shunt
reactor may vary large from utility to utility in different countries and is affected by
design, quality and workmanship. For example a failure rate between 0.5-1.0% of shunt
reactors, may increase to several percent during large expansion of the grid. Yearly
maintenance of the shunt reactors and bushings will keep the failure rate down.
Data from Canada and India indicates the distribution of failures can for example be
approximately 30-40% bushing related, 30-40% winding related, 15-20% magnetic
circuit, 10-15% terminals, and the failure origins may be distributed as 80% dielectric,
10% thermal, 10% mechanical or others like unknown, chemical, geomagnetic induced
The capacitive part consists of the insulation material e.g. paper. If the highest voltage
difference between the windings on top of the shunt reactor exceeds the capacitive
insulation level, the insulation material deteriorates and causes a turn-turn fault between
two windings. A possible way to protect for this is to design the shunt reactor with more
insulation in the top and equip the system with a surge arrester, to limit high currents.
Earlier problems with oil containing copper used in shunt reactors and transformers
caused turn-turn faults, today with improvements in oil quality, this special problem has
Another cause of the turn-turn fault is vibrations. Vibrations create insulation material
fatigue which in turn reduces the level of insulation and can cause a turn-turn faults.
Samples from oil and material could tell the condition of the shunt reactor insulation.
Turn-turn faults can also be caused by excessive water in insulation paper, which can
give raise to water vapor bubbles when temperature increases, thus creating a low
dielectric strength region leading to electric arc.
The main risk for short-time failures is the reduction in dielectric strength due to the
possible presence of gas bubbles in a region of high electrical stress, which are the
windings and leads. These bubbles are likely to occur when the hot-spot temperature
exceeds 140C for a reactor with winding insulation moisture content above 2%. This
critical temperature will decrease as the moisture concentration increases.
Figure 25 Equilibrium chart relating water vapor pressure over oil to water concentration in insulation
(kraft) paper vs. temperature.
The risk with excessive water in insulation paper can be mitigated by using an on-line
monitoring system with algorithms to determine water content in paper and bubbling
temperature, so as to issue warnings when the reactor is close to a dangerous condition,
before a turn-turn fault happens.
4.5 Bushing failure
Overvoltages due to lightning impulses or even due to the reactor switching can bring
about very high dielectric stresses to the reactor bushings. Specifically in case of
externally generated overvoltages, the bushings will be the first ones to suffer the stress.
This fact can lead to bushings insulation deterioration, which ultimately would cause a
phase-ground fault with severe damages to the reactor itself or even to neighbor devices
due to porcelain shards being thrown. This is a severe risk also to people working close to
the equipment.
Various types of protection functions are used to detect these failures and they include
both electrical and non electrical protection. Main focus in this section is protection for
internal electrical faults in the reactor and external faults or conditions in the power
system that may have an impact on the shunt reactor, [ref 6], [ref 8], [ref 22].
Miscellaneous fault conditions (e.g. thermal overload) are addressed in chapter 6
For each scenario the most common complete protection schemes are discussed.
Bus connected Line connected Transformer tertial
Shunt reactor Shunt reactors connected Shunt reactor
52 52 52
Regarding redundancy, most utilities reported that their protection schemes are separated
in two redundant systems using separate DC supplies, CT windings and trip coils.
Restraint Restraint
Iside 1 Iside 2 Iside 1 Iside 2
(p.u.) Fault characteristic
Operate / Trip area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Irestraint
The relay manufacturers are forming the restraint quantity in various ways. Some of the
variants are:
1. I Restraint I side1 I side2 see Figure 27 above.
2. I Restraint I side1 I side2
3. I Restraint I side1 I side2 / 2
4. I Restraint MAX I x where I x is the highest phase current
In the first case (mainly used in analog protections for two terminal objects) the resulting
restraint current will be zero for internal faults and twice the through flowing current for
external fault. In the most of the other variants where the absolute values of the phase
currents are used as restraint an internal fault are expected to follow approximately the
fault characteristic shown in the Figure 28 above.
Common for all variants is that an external fault with large magnitude currents flowing
through the protected object the resulting diff and restraint quantity should be a point
along the restraint axis. At the same time the protection under such conditions requires a
larger differential current to reach the tripping area and thus allowing a certain amount of
CT error.
There is no uniform term for the quantity used to stabilize the differential protection. The
following terms are often used:
Stabilizing current (Istab)
Bias current (Ibias)
Restraint current (I restr.)
In addition to the current restraint many differential protections also offer a 2nd harmonic
restraint feature. This is used to detect inrush currents and desensitize the differential
protection during these conditions. This feature which is especially useful in power
transformer applications is based on the fact that 2nd harmonic content in the differential
current are present during inrush conditions but normally not existing during fault
conditions. In numerical differential protection high level of 2nd harmonic normally leads
to a complete blocking of the restrained differential function.
Internal faults with high magnitude fault currents may possibly result in heavy CT
saturation and thereby produce false 2nd harmonic content in the differential current. In
worst case this might lead to an undesired blocking of the restrained differential function.
Numerical differential protection using 2nd harmonic blocking is therefore normally also
equipped with an additional high level unrestrained diff function. Purpose of this function
is to offer secure and fast tripping for such internal faults with high magnitude fault
Iside 1 Iside 2
87 87
(I) (I)
The high impedance differential relays are generally regarded as stable against in
adverted operation during external faults. This is due to the fact that the relay impedance
is much higher than the impedance of a saturated CT. As illustrated in the Figure 30
below the false differential current caused by a saturated CT causes the false differential
current to mainly circulate through the secondary of the saturated CT and the relays
operating level should not be exceeded.
Shunt Reactor
(+) ISIDE 1 (single phase) (-) ISIDE 2
Iside 1
Iside 1 Saturated CT
Iside 1
The proper operation of this scheme is to a large degree is dependent on using dedicated
CTs and choosing the correct combination of relay impedance and setting. The
CTs are required to have low secondary leakage impedance and the same ratio.
It is also obvious that if a CT is short circuited, this will not be detected by the relay and
lead to a permanent blocking of the function.
Generally the type of differential protections devices used for shunt reactors are the same
as for used for power transformers. Compared to power transformers the application on
shunt reactors are a lot easier.
No need for vector group correction
No need for zero sequence current elimination
The inrush currents are measured on both sides and should theoretically not be
seen by the protection as a differential current.
The magnitude of the through fault currents during external faults are relatively
small (i.e. during external ground fault approximately 1.0 p.u.).
Switching in conditions
When energizing an iron core shunt reactor the actual peak value of the current might rise
to a value between 3 and 5.5 times rated current. The inrush currents in the three phases
will experience different degree of DC-offset. Due to the long DC-Time constant of the
shunt reactor the time to steady state condition may be fairly long and in the order of
seconds. Under such conditions the operating point of the magnetic flux in the CTs will
increase in the same direction as the DC-component. This situation persists as long as
there is a DC-component in the primary current. A result of this may be a time delayed
saturation of the CT.
Specifically for low impedance differential protection connected to closed-core CTs, this
time delayed saturation may cause undesirable protection operation. The fundamental
value of the primary currents may in this situation be close to rated current of the reactor.
The differential protection then operates in the sensitive part of the tripping characteristic.
Even a small differential current may in this situation lead to an incorrect trip by the
differential protection.
Some utilities always use CTs of the same make and with identical ratings on both sides
of the shunt reactors. The philosophy is to avoid uneven saturation and thus prevent
significant values of false differential currents. This is not a 100% fail safe practice, but
reports indicate that it has been quite successfully applied to shunt reactors. One
important reason for this is the fact that in shunt reactor applications the CTs on the
terminal- and neutral-side both suffer under the same conditions.
Other measures to avoid unwanted tripping of low impedance differential protection
under these conditions might be:
The 2nd harmonic restraint feature is often available in low impedance differential
protection applied to shunt reactors. This may offer additional protection improvements
in some cases.
For numerical low impedance differential protection a setting of the 2nd harmonic
blocking function as low as 10%, may prevent the restrained differential function from
undesired operation during reactor energizing.
Additional security against undesired operation may be achieved by activating the so
called cross blocking function. This function blocks the differential function in all
phases for a limited time as long as the 2nd harmonic threshold is exceeded in one of the
individual reactor phases.
As these settings increase the possibility for an unwanted blocking during real internal
fault conditions, it is advisable to use it in combination with the unrestrained differential
stage which is available in most numerical low impedance differential protections.
Fault characteristic
Figure 32 Example - Tripping characteristic for a two stage numerical low impedance differential
protection applied to a shunt reactor.
For a shunt reactor application it should be possible to choose a setting of the high level
unrestrained diff function as low as 200% of rated reactor current [ref 7]. This relatively
sensitive setting is possible due to the fact that:
There will be no high level through fault currents for external faults.
The possible false differential currents caused by temporary CT saturation during
inrush conditions will be decisive for the setting. These inrush currents are of
relatively moderate level.
The numerical differential protection normally utilizes DFT filter technique of the
input current which effectively suppresses the dc component.
Figure 33 Shunt reactors inrush current in phase C with fully DC offset response of two different types of
digital filters.
In the low impedance principle the CTs may be of different ratio and the secondary
circuits may be shared with other protections. In case of different CT ratio auxiliary CTs
are used if the protection is of analog type. In numerical protection this ratio matching is
performed by the software.
Io (A) Io (A)
Io (B) I0 (a)
Io (B)
I0 (b)
Io (C) Io (C)
I0 (c)
3I0 Phase relays
87N (I)
Figure 34 Low impedance restricted earth fault during external fault condition
I0 (A) I0 (A)
I0 (B) I0 (a)
I0 (B)
I0 (b)
I0 (C) I0 (A+B) + ext.
87N (I)
Figure 35 Low impedance restricted earth fault during internal fault condition
As described earlier there is a possibility for saturation of the phase current CTs during
reactor switch in conditions due to the long DC-time constant of the reactor. In this
situation the REF protection will see a residual current from the terminal side which is
not present on the neutral side. A REF scheme based on a simple zero sequence over
current protection as described in Figure 35 above may in this situation operate
A solution to this problem is to use dedicated restricted earth fault protection with
restraint feature. Various methods are used to form the restraint (biasing) quantity in
dedicated low impedance REF protection. Some of the common methods are:
Using the residual current
Using the maximum phase current.
Io (A) Io (A)
Io (B) I0 (a)
Io (B)
I0 (b)
Io (C) Io (C)
3I0 I0 (c)
87N (I)
Figure 36 High impedance restricted earth fault during external fault condition
The high impedance REF protection detects the voltage that develops across the
differential junction points. During normal load conditions or external faults there will be
approximately no voltage applied to the REF protection. If there however is an internal
fault the differential currents will result in a significant voltage increase over the junction
points and the relay will operate. The relay itself is a quite robust construction and
operates in high speed when a set voltage or current threshold is exceeded. A voltage
dependent resistor (varistor) may be added to the circuit in order to protect the differential
relay from damaging high voltage levels during internal faults, pay attention for the
selection of varistor recommended by the manufacturer.
As described for the high impedance phase differential protection this principle will be is
quite stable against CT saturation during external phase to ground faults because the
resulting false differential current mainly will flow through the low impedance of the
saturated CT core.
Switching in conditions
During energizing of the shunt reactor there is a possibility of saturation of CTs on the
terminal side see Figure 37. In this situation the REF protection will see a residual current
from the terminal side which is not present on the neutral side. Especially low impedance
REF protection may operate unnecessary under such conditions. When using low
impedance REF it is therefore strongly recommended to use a protection with restraint
feature. The restraint quantity should be formed from the residual current from the
terminal side CTs or from phase current.
Saturated CT
Ib + Ic
87N (I)
Operate Ib + Ic Restr.
Figure 37 Restrained low impedance restricted earth fault during energizing and one phase CT saturated
As the readers of this document most probably are familiar with the overcurrent
protection, the basic principle is not described here. The focus in this chapter is the
application of overcurrent protection on shunt reactors.
I >> I >, t
50 51
Overcurrent protections applied to shunt reactors are facing two different considerations:
The protection must allow a certain degree of current above rated current. An
overload of the shunt reactor can only be caused by increased system voltage. It is
exactly under these conditions the system needs to have the shunt reactors
The purpose is to protect as much of the winding without risk for unwanted trip.
The phase overcurrent scheme for the shunt reactor may consist of a 51 type (time
delayed) protection or a combination of 51 and 50 (instantaneous overcurrent).
52 52
IE >, t
Shunt Shunt
reactor reactor
IE >, t
a) b)
Figure 39 Earth fault overcurrent protection alternatively connected to CT in the neutral
to ground connection or phase CTs on terminal side.
During a phase to earth fault on the terminal side of the reactor (i.e. on bushing), the fault
current measured on the terminal side will have a large magnitude while the earth fault
current in reactor neutral point will have a moderate magnitude. In this situation, one of
the reactor windings is practically short-circuited. The resulting unbalance current that
appears in the neutral point will typically have a value of approximately 1 per unit.
This phase to earth fault would therefore be easily detected both by an earth fault
protection located on the terminal side and also by the earth fault protection located on
the neutral side. If both protections are initiated, then the location of the fault will be
easier to determine.
Conclusion: Earth fault overcurrent protection located on the neutral side is the preferred
method for the following reasons:
It provides adequate and sensitive ground fault detection for faults near the neutral
side of the reactor.
It provides adequate back up coverage in case of failure of primary protection
The use of 51N function on both terminal side and the neutral side of the reactor
will enhance the protection application for full fault coverage of the reactor
winding and fault location.
Switching in conditions
The earth fault overcurrent protection is affected by shunt reactor inrush currents. If the
relay is set too sensitive, it might yield to undesired tripping under such conditions. Thus
the relay pickup current and associated time delay element must be accounted for by
setting engineers. In addition, earth fault overcurrent protection connected to the terminal
side may experience CT saturation during shunt reactor energization and adequate
settings should be applied to avoid false tripping. This issue does not apply to the Earth
fault overcurrent protection connected to the common neutral side of the reactor.
Nowadays, modern numerical protection offer unprecedented techniques and solutions
with various algorithms to detect 2nd harmonic currents and offer the possibility to
program logical equations to block and unblock various protection devices according to a
specific philosophy. For example, the 51G on the neutral side winding of the reactor may
be set to detect 2nd harmonic energization current and block the 51N provided on the
terminal side of the reactor. These new applications however have to be validated through
proper relay simulation tests in the laboratory.
General notes
Because the time delayed earth fault protection can be initiated for external phase to earth
faults on the system, it is important to use sufficient time delays to override the external
Applied to oil immersed shunt reactors, the distance protection is mainly used in Asian
countries and the US as a backup protection. They normally consist of a single-zone
underimpedance relay looking into the reactor from the terminal side as shown in the
Figure 40 below. The distance relay may provide instantaneous protection for phase-
phase, phase-earth and to some extent also turn-to-turn faults. Similar to the overcurrent
protection the distance protection will generally not detect short circuits close to the
neutral point. It is important to note that the correct setting of the distance protection is of
concern to avoid operation during switching conditions.
CT 21
U2 eq. 39
Where U is the line-line voltage and Q is the 3phase VAR rating of the reactor.
An approach to determine the saturated reactor reactance will be to first select the
maximum expected short time overvoltage in the system which may be impacted by the
distance protection (time response of the distance protection). The actual reactor current
at this voltage level may then be determined from the reactor magnetizing characteristic.
The reactor reactance XMIN (Ohm/phase primary) under this condition is then
approximately given by eq. 40:
U XR eq. 40
UR I MAX ( pu )
Where UMAX is maximum expected system overvoltage, UR is rated system voltage and
IMAX is the per unit reactor current at UMAX.
E.g. Introduction of an additional safety margin leaves a resulting setting of the reactive
zone reach to (0.85-0.9) * XMIN.
In addition to the possible saturation of the reactor also the CTs might suffer saturation
during the inrush conditions due to the slowly decaying DC-component.
From the working group survey [ref 23], some countries that apply distance protection
have indicated that:
Distance protections for shunt reactors are specified with a maximum impedance
setting to cover at least 60% of rated reactor impedance.
Undesired operation during switching conditions has been observed but the
tendency seems to be reduced by numerical distance protection due to modern
filtering algorithms.
According to eq.17 in section 2 it is seen that the inductance is proportional to the square
to the number of turns of the winding. It is then appropriate to conclude that a short
circuit involving only 5% of the total turns would reduce the apparent impedance of the
reactor by approximately 10% of its rated value. For example, the apparent impedance
for a 5% turn-turn fault is approximately (0.95)2*XL and by neglecting the magnetizing
impedance and the apparent leakage impedance of the reactor. Similarly a 20% turn-turn
short circuit within the reactor will yield an apparent impedance of 0.64*XL.
This relationship is illustrated in the Figure 41 below. The figure also visualizes the
strong relationship between the current in the faulted phase and the number of shorted
Figure 41 Current and apparent reactance in a turn-to-turn fault affected phase for a grounded 200MVAr,
420kV, 50Hz shunt reactor.
As the Figure 41 above shows, the distance protection scheme does not offer a very
sensitive detection of turn to turn faults. Its advantage compared to other current based
schemes is the ability to trip instantaneously for faults within zone 1. However, when set
to typically 60% of the rated shunt reactor impedance, more than 20% of the total turns
have to be shorted in order to achieve this fast tripping.
For comparison, also the amount of earth fault current 3I0 and zero sequence current
during turn to turn faults are shown in the Figure 42 below. The fact that the 3I0 current
increases rapidly when turns are shorted are utilized in some special turn to turn
protection schemes.
Figure 42 Negative sequence current and residual current 3I0 in a turn-to-turn fault affected 200MVAr,
420kV, 50Hz shunt reactor.
CT 50G 67N
Figure 43 Turn to turn fault protection based on zero sequence directional control
As the Figure 43 illustrates, both protections are connected to the CT in the neutral to
earth connection and not to a residual connection on the terminal side. This minimizes the
risk of undesirable operation of the earth fault protection or the directional relay due to
unequal saturation of phase CTs during inrush conditions.
Due to low zero sequence voltages resulting from turn-turn reactor faults, the 67N
function may have difficulty achieving adequate protection due to inadequate polarizing
voltage. This problem can be overcome by using a directional relay that has the
polarizing voltage reinforced by using the zero sequence current passing through an
impedance. The impedance value used should be less than the impedance of the shunt
reactor so as to prevent incorrect directional operation for unbalanced faults external to
the reactor. In addition, a small time delay in the 67N function (a few hundred
milliseconds), increases security of the scheme.
CT 50G
Figure 44 Turn to turn fault protection based on negative sequence directional control
During energization there is a possibility for apparent high levels of negative sequence
currents due to unequal saturation of the phase CTs. It is therefore necessary to block
this turn to turn protection until after the DC component of the phase currents have
completely decayed.
In this design the two neutral ends per phase are brought together in opposite direction
through a CT. The protection itself is a simple and sensitive 3 phase overcurrent
protection. A sensitive setting is possible due to the fact that only unbalances between the
two parallel winding causes a current flow on the CTs secondary side. A typical pick up
threshold for the overcurrent protection is approximately 2.5% of reactor rated current
[ref 8].
52 52 52
A precondition for correct operation is that all common earth paths from tank and
connected metallic parts (cable shields, oil conservator, pipes for fire protection etc.) are
insulated in such a way that the connection through the CT is the only path towards earth.
This measuring principle provides fast unit protection based on a simple arrangement.
Start BFP ph L1 Retrip
BF timer
L1 current
+ 0 Trip
measured & 1 BFP
BF Current -
Logic ph L2
Logic ph L3
Figure 47 Basic breaker failure protection scheme (logic phase L2 and logic phase L3 are similar to logic
phase L1 as detailed in the figure).
L- (1) L- (2)
Operating principle
A Buchholz relay is a standard protection fitted to oil-immersed shunt reactors which
detect all insulation breakdowns inside the shunt reactor tank, causing either the
formation of gas or surges of oil flow from the tank to the expansion vessel see Figure 49.
This applies to all phase and ground faults on the windings and to inter-turn faults. The
relay also detects losses of oil caused by leaks as well as defects such as broken
conductors and corroded or otherwise bad connections.
The operating principle of the Buchholz relay is based on the fact that firstly the pressure
of gas in the upper part of the shunt reactor tank increases due to the chemical
decomposition of the oil and/ or the combustion of solid insulating materials and
secondly that massive gas development gives to a surge of oil towards the expansion
A Buchholz relay is installed in the pipe connecting the shunt reactor tank and the
expansion vessel. It generally comprises two floats one above the other. The upper one
signals the slow collection of gas and the lower float which in the event of a surge of oil
operates a mercury contact to trip the shunt reactor.
Operating principle
The simplest form of pressure relief device is the widely used fragile disc that is normally
located at the end of an oil relief pipe protruding from the top of the shunt reactor tank.
The surge of oil caused by a serious fault bursts the disc, to allow the oil to discharge
rapidly. Relieving and limiting the pressure rise avoids explosive rupture of the tank and
consequent fire risk. Outdoor oil-immersed shunt reactors are usually mounted in a
catchments pit to collect and contain spilt oil thereby minimizing the possibility of
A drawback of the fragile disc is that the oil remaining in the tank is left exposed to the
atmosphere after rupture. This is avoided in a more effective device, the sudden pressure
relief valve, which opens to allow discharge of oil if the pressure exceeds a set level, but
closes below this level. If the abnormal pressure is relatively high, the valve can operate a
few suitable contacts for tripping and to extinguish the fire.
Sudden 87R
reactor 63 REF
Table 1 Requirements met, on bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 1
BFP I>, t I>>
51BF 51 50
pressure I>
reactor 63 87R
IE>, t
Table 2 Requirements met, on bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 2
51BF 87BB
51N 50N 51 50
Sudden HI IMP
pressure I> REF
reactor 63 87R 87N
Table 3 Requirements met, on bus connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 3
Compared to the bus connected shunt reactors there are however some differences that
affect the protection schemes:
Teleprotection becomes a vital part (remote end communication) of the protection
scheme depending on breaker arrangement or type.
Some protections may be affected by oscillations after disconnection of the
transmission line.
An additional reactor (fourth leg) is sometimes installed between the neutral and
A) Switched line reactors (Circuit breaker) B) Switched line reactors (Circuit switcher)
52 52 52 52
C) Permanently connected line reactors D) Switched line reactors (CB) with neutral reactor
52 52 52 52
Shunt Shunt
reactor reactor
Switched line reactors with reactor circuit breakers (case A in Figure 54): The shunt
reactor protection will normally only trip its own circuit breaker. The line may still be in
service. Trip from line protection will normally not trip the reactor circuit breakers. Trip
from reactor breaker failure protection must however trip the local line CB directly and
initiate direct transfer tripping at the remote end.
Switched line reactors with reactor circuit switchers (case B in Figure 54): Depending on
the interrupting capability of the circuit switcher some of the shunt reactor protection
may be used to disconnect the circuit switcher while others like short circuit protections
must trip both line CBs. In the last case, the communication channel becomes a vital part
of the protection scheme. As this communication channel is a vulnerable part of the
scheme it is often duplicated. In some schemes auto reclose (AR) function is used. The
correct time coordination between the breakers is then of importance. The trip-reclosing
cycle may be in the order as described below:
A short circuit in a reactor bay trips both line CBs
The circuit switcher of the shunt reactor opens during the AR dead time.
The line CBs are successfully reclosed.
Switched line reactors with reactor circuit breakers and neutral reactor (case D in Figure
The tripping scheme is practically identical to the scheme described for case A.
The (fourth) neutral to ground connected reactor is used for successful suppression of
arcs during single pole AR. The inductance and voltage rating of neutral reactor are based
on the shunt capacitance of the actual transmission line.
One disadvantage with this scheme is the fact that the neutral reactor is only energized
during phase to ground faults, and it is very difficult for an electrical protection to detect
any faults within the neutral reactor before it is called upon, this issue could be regarded
as a major challenge for protection engineers.
The bypassing device is used to remove the neutral reactor from service by shorting out
the reactor and thus removing the voltage from it. This device can be triggered by the
reactor protection.
5.2.1 Shunt reactor protection issues related to disconnection
of transmission lines
When disconnecting a transmission line, the line capacitances can form a parallel-
resonant circuit with the connected shunt reactors. This may cause zero- and negative
sequence oscillation currents flowing in the shunt reactors. This might lead to undesired
pick up and tripping by some of the shunt reactor protections. For example, the
combination of earth fault protection and directional relays (see and used
for turn to turn fault detections could be impacted.
In order to avoid undesired tripping, different types of blocking logic have been applied
to protection schemes for line connected shunt reactors. Some applied blocking logics are
described below. In addition, mutual coupling between parallel lines may cause undesired
operation by shunt reactor protection on de-energized lines.
I L1 (50A)
I L2 (50B) &
I L3 (50C)
Shunt reactor energized ON delay Tripping AND
240 cyc released Trip local line CB
One or both ends closed
Local line end Open &
Remote line end Open &
Transfer trip
to remote end
Trip from 50N/51N (IE>) etc.
Figure 57 Trip release logic for inrush suppression and blocking when deenergized (line
connected shunt reactors)
The neutral reactor is connected between the neutral of the line phase reactor and ground.
Hence, during normal service operation there will be practically no voltage across the
reactor. This lack of voltage during normal operation causes a significant difference in
the fault conditions encountered by the neutral reactor as compared to the phase reactors.
The difference represents a challenge regarding protection functions as some fault
conditions may not be detected before unbalanced voltages appear and the neutral reactor
is called upon. Especially for electrical protection, it is almost impossible to detect faults
in the neutral reactor before the unbalanced operating conditions appear.
For oil immersed neutral reactors a limited way of early failure detection may be
achieved using low oil detection, sudden pressure, and pressure relief device. However,
for the sudden pressure or the pressure relief device, some unbalance in the system is
needed to supply the energy to generate the gas. The sudden pressure device is critical for
detecting turn to turn faults in the neutral reactor [ref 8].
For economical reasons, shunt reactors are sometimes connected to the tertiary winding
of transmission power transformer (mainly autotransformers).
52 52 52 52
Circuit breaker or
circuit switcher on
reactor supply side
Circuit breaker or
circuit switcher on
reactor neutral side
Figure 58 illustrates an ungrounded dry type shunt reactor from a tertiary winding of a
transformer, the following considerations apply:
The shunt reactor is of dry-type (air core).
The shunt reactor is connected in ungrounded wye.
The transformer tertiary is delta connected.
The medium voltage system connected to the transformer tertiary is ungrounded
or high resistance grounded.
Protection devices commonly applied to dry type air core shunt reactors
Typical protection devices applied to tertiary connected dry-type reactors are:
Instantaneous overcurrent protection (50 / I>>)
Time delayed overcurrent protection (51 / I>, t)
Negative sequence protection (46 / I2>)
Ground overvoltage protection (59N)
Special schemes for turn to turn faults
Modern numerical protections that effectively suppress the DC and higher harmonic
components in the input quantity are principally unaffected during energizing of these
types of air core shunt reactors. For such protection devices, the instantaneous
overcurrent function (50/ I>>) may be set to approximately 2 times rated reactor current.
The time delayed overcurrent (51/ I>,t) should be set as sensitive as possible but must
allow a certain safety margin to account for temporary overvoltages in the system.
A setting between 1.4-1.5 times rated reactor current should normally be sufficient to
override these conditions.
In addition to the short circuit currents caused by phase-phase faults, the time delayed
overcurrent function may also operate for severe turn-to-turn faults. This is due to the
increased current in the two healthy phases. If the turn-to-turn fault develops to involve
the entire phase winding a maximum of approximately 3 times rated current will occur
in the healthy phases.
CT 46
reactor 59N
Ground overvoltage
Because the tertiary system is ungrounded or high resistance grounded, the resulting
ground fault current will be of low magnitude. In some countries it is therefore an
accepted practice to alarm and not to trip for this fault condition.
Grounding transformers are used on tertiary systems to limit the potential rise against
ground faults. In order to limit the phase to ground current to acceptable recommended
levels, resistors connected on the secondary side of grounding transformers are used.
During phase to ground faults, sufficient 3U0 quantities across the resistor will serve the
59N function.
Generally, it is recommended that the primary ground fault current caused by the resistor
should be equal to or higher than the capacitive ground fault currents in the system. This
will reduce the transient overvoltages that may occur after re-strikes in the fault arc to
safe levels [ref 14].
Also zigzag transformers with grounding resistor can be applied as an alternative way to
achieve high resistance grounding of the system.
If more switched reactors are connected to the tertiary bus, the active fault current
contribution from the grounding transformer (Figure 60) can be utilized by directional
zero sequence protections to selectively trip the faulty shunt reactor.
The ground overvoltage protection should be set as sensitive as possible to cover most of
the phase winding of the reactor.
In order to achieve a sensitive setting it is imperative to use an overvoltage protection that
is tuned to the fundamental frequency. Normally, 3rd harmonic components (and its
multiples) are suppressed.
5.3.4 Special schemes for turn to turn faults in air core shunt
A turn to turn fault (fault between turns within the phase winding) is a damaging
condition to shunt reactors. Once the arc between some turns has been initiated, the fault
may develop to flashover the entire winding. If not detected, this resulting phase to
neutral fault may then also result in thermal damage of the healthy phases (which in this
situation is connected to a voltage 3 * nominal voltage).
Even one shorted turn will cause a high magnitude circulating current in the fault
location. However, seen from the outside, the phase currents and the voltages can be of
the same order of magnitude as could be expected during normal service.
The ultimate aim of the turn to turn protection is to be able to detect a fault as a result of
one shorted turn in the winding.
This is a real challenge and calls for dedicated protection schemes for turn to turn faults.
Commonly applied schemes for turn to turn fault protection in dry type shunt reactors
Split phase protection scheme (also described for oil immersed shunt reactors -
section which should be used when the reactor are arranged using
multiple parallel circuits per coil.
Voltage unbalance scheme which is described below. Turn to turn fault detection Split phase scheme
If the dry type shunt reactors are arranged in two groups as shown in the figure below, it
is easy to use the so called split phase differential principle to achieve a sensitive and fast
turn to turn fault protection.
The split phase protection is an overcurrent protection monitoring the single current path
between the two neutral points. During normal healthy operation this current is very
small, mainly given by the fixed reactor manufacturing tolerances.
Regarding sensitivity and speed, this protection is sensitive to operate under minimum
fault conditions and remain stable under maximum load and external fault conditions. A
distinct rise in the current between the neutral points can only be caused by an unbalance
in the shunt reactor itself.
Therefore this method provides very fast and sensitive protection of the reactor windings,
especially for inter-turn fault.
Tertiary Bus
Circuit breaker or
circuit switcher
I>, t
Figure 61 Simple split phase protection based on current balance measurement between
the two shunt reactor neutrals. Turn to turn fault detection - Voltage unbalance scheme
This protection scheme (Figure 62) which in fact is a voltage differential scheme utilizes
the following facts:
A phase to ground fault in the tertiary system (1) affects both the reactor bank
neutral-to-ground voltage and the grounding transformer open delta winding to
the same degree. The same applies for other system voltage unbalances such as
phase-phase faults.
A reactor turn to turn fault (2) however, will mainly cause a rise in the reactor
bank neutral-to-ground voltage.
Thus it is possible to use the measured voltage from the open delta winding to cancel the
measured reactor neutral-to-ground voltage in case of phase to ground faults. If correctly
connected and tuned, the overvoltage protection in the voltage unbalance scheme will
only see an overvoltage in case of reactor turn to turn faults.
Tertiary Bus
Shunt 2 Ground
reactor overvoltage Voltage unbalance protection
Summation Overvoltage
An alternate method where the summation is done directly in the VT secondary circuits is
shown in the Figure 63 below.
Tertiary Bus
Shunt 2 Ground
reactor overvoltage
matching VT Voltage differential
Neutral 59
The sensitivity of the setting is then mainly limited by the tolerance of the voltage
50 MVA
In this section some typical protection schemes applied to transformer tertiary connected
air core shunt reactors are presented. Each complete scheme reflects some utility
practices as illustrated in below, see Figure 65, Figure 66 and Figure 67.
Tertiary Bus
Main 2 / Backup 52 Main 1
I>> I>, t
CT 50 51 59N 3Uo>
Table 4 Requirements met, on tertiary connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 1
Voltage unbalance
reactor 59
Table 5 Requirements met, on tertiary connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 2
Split phase
Table 6 Requirements met, on tertiary connected shunt reactor protection scheme number 3
The following monitoring benefits are common for all types of shunt reactors:
To prevent damage that could end shunt reactor life.
Provide condition-based shunt reactor maintenance.
Increases reliability by detecting a problem before the shunt reactor fails.
Decreases repair costs.
The purpose of the thermal overload protection is to prevent overheating of the shunt
reactor due to increased system voltages as a result of harmonic distortions. A single
overcurrent relay can perform this function in case of small shunt reactors, with the
disadvantage that it does not take the load history prior to the overload into account.
Using an overcurrent relay is thus only an approximation and not a true overload
A principle is therefore employed for larger shunt reactors based on a thermal image of
the reactor. Such relays usually detect several defined temperatures and give alarm in
stages to increase the forced cooling and initiate a reduction of load. The reactor is only
tripped, if the overload persists for a long period or the temperature rise approaches its
maximum permissible limit.
The denominator of eq. 41 can be replaced by the amount of heat discharged in a second
per degree of temperature difference of the heat dissipating surface and its surroundings.
Making this substitution, eq. 41 becomes
m c
eq. 42
Figure 68 presents an exponential curve that represents the heating process that takes
place in the transformer. The temperature increases to 63% of the final value after a time
equal to the time constant, . Because the increase of the temperature is proportional to
the square of the current, a current equal to 1.26 times the rated value would cause the
temperature to rise to a final value in time T (1.262x 0.63 = 1) and the final temperature
would be 1.6 times the rated value.
When the amount of heat generated in the winding/core is equal to the heat carried
through the oil to the surface of the tank, the over-temperature is given by the following
t in 1 e t / eq. 43
The heating process of the different reactor components takes place by the same law of
variation, but is different at different moments in time due to their different thermal time
constants [ref 15]. The time constant of oil is of the same order of magnitude as the time
constant of the core but the time constant of the winding is much lower. Due to this
difference, winding temperature is the weaker element in comparison to the oil and core.
The oil temperature protection is intended to keep the insulation oil from reaching levels
where there would be deterioration of the liquid properties or even a risk of fire if its
flash point was reached.
The sensors, commonly of type Pt100 at 0C, are connected to an electronic unit that
indicates the temperature locally and remotely through analogue outputs (e.g. 4-20mA) or
through a communication protocol (e.g. DNP3.0 or IEC61850). The electronic unit has
programmable settings for high temperature alarm at a first stage and then very high
temperature alarm and reactor trip at a second stage.
Since oil temperature is a very slow changing variable, some utilities have the trip signal
intentionally time delayed for several minutes, so as to give operators time for remedial
actions. These oil temperature devices do not meet any of the other requirements but are
again the only devices which meet the temperature limit requirements.
To simulate the winding temperature, a resistor sized to approximate the heating in the
reactor winding at full load is supplied by a current transformer from one of the phase
currents. The resistor heating is added to the top oil temperature but circulating the top oil
into a well with the resistor. This combined heating temperature is used to simulate the
winding temperature. The winding temperature is usually limited to 140-180 degree C.
Modern winding temperature protection is usually integrated to the same electronic unit
for oil temperature protection. Since a regular temperature sensor cannot be installed at
the winding due to the insulation needed, winding temperature is commonly calculated
based on top oil temperature and load current, besides the reactor particular
characteristics programmed by user according to manufacturer data. For this purpose, a
CT secondary is connected to the winding temperature relay for reactors load
Cooling fans or oil circulation pumps, if any, are normally controlled by the winding
temperature relay based on winding temperature and/or load current.
These winding temperature protection do not meet any of the other requirements but are
again the only protection which meets the temperature limit requirements.
Levels of oil in shunt reactors should be monitored to ensure that their operation is not
jeopardized. Devices used for this purpose are described in this section.
The PRD is finding widespread preference over the explosion vent or bursting diaphragm
type equipment due to its superior features as it re-seals itself.
Fire extinguishing systems are provided on many shunt reactors and for preventing
serious damages if a fire takes place in or around the shunt reactor. The fire extinguishing
equipment use either pulverized water or nitrogen.
Shunt reactors and power transformers are among the most expensive items of equipment
located in power plant and substations. They generally contain a large quantity of
combustible substance, which can, if ignited, propagate fire to nearby installations.
Special attention should therefore be given to their protection.
The shunt reactor fire protection acts when the tank pressure increases after an internal
insulation breakdown. The depressurization process ensures that the shunt reactor
pressure is returned to normal after several milliseconds. During the depressurization
process the oil gas mixture are directed towards the oil gas separation tank.
The nitrogen injection logic requires two independent signals to trigger. One of the
signals will come from the shunt reactor rupture disks or fire detection system and the
other from the shunt reactor electrical protection, see Figure 69.
Figure 69 Nitrogen injections in prevention mode logic.
For the system to initiate the nitrogen injection in extinction mode, two signals are
required: fire detection system signal and electrical protection signal, see Figure 70.
Figure 70 Nitrogen injections in extinction mode logic.
A block diagram and a description of the shunt reactor fire protection are shown in Figure
71 and Figure 72. The components of the protection system are presented in Table 7.
Table 7 Components used in a typical system for shunt reactor fire protection
Item Description Item Description
number number
1 Transformer (shunt reactor) 15 Nitrogen Cylinder
2 On load tap changer (OLTC) 16 Electrical actuator
3 Conservator 17 Explosive gas elimination pipe to
4 Buchholz relay 18 Explosive gas elimination pipe to
5 Bushing 19 Explosive gas elimination pipe to
6 Isolation valve 20 Cabinet
7 Absorber 21 Explosive gas elimination valves
on transformer (shunt reactor)
8 Rupture disk 22 Oil gas separation tank (OGST)
9 Decompression chamber 23 Air isolation shutter
10 Depressurization set support 24 Explosive gas evacuation pipe
11 Oil drain pipe 25 Oil drain pipe from other
12 OLTC rupture disk 26 Conservator shutter
13 OLTC decompression chamber 27 Explosive gases burn in safe area
14 OLTC oil drain pipe
The fire extinguishing systems utilizing pulverized water have the following advantages
and disadvantages. Advantages
Water spray covers all parts of the shunt reactor.
No foreign material is injected into the shunt reactor. Disadvantages
Require large facility for storing water.
Require an auxiliary building.
Require high pressure compressors.
Require large space around the shunt reactor.
Have nozzles that may get clogged.
Oil that may accidentally come into contact with water; the oil would have to be
replaced. Advantages
Simple to construct.
Requires little space.
Can be quickly easily installed, commissioned and utilized. Disadvantages:
Introduction of nitrogen into the shunt reactor tank and evacuating oil are
Risk of unwanted operation of the nitrogen system, if the fire detection system
operates unnecessarily.
Special oil draining system is required.
Does not cover fire in the bushings.
The oil used in shunt reactor performs three essential functions; these are thermal transfer
of heat, dielectric insulation and transport information about the health of the shunt
reactors. A shunt reactor may be considered as a chemical reactor to understand the
process of physics and chemistry for assessing the health of the shunt reactor.
The oil is the messenger that holds vital information on the physical condition of the
shunt reactor.
Normal practice consists of obtaining oil samples from the shunt reactor tank, if it is
used, for testing. Standard tests on the oil samples include determining the absolute
water contact in oil, particle count in the oil, IFT, color, and most importantly perform
dissolved gas analysis.
6.7.1 Signature Analysis
This topic of signature analysis or interpretation of results from oil tests is addressed in
many papers, as well as in the guide lines IEC [ref 16], [ref 17] and IEEE [ref 18], [ref 19].
The gasses listed above are typically grouped together, except for CO2, and are identified
as Total Dissolved Combustible Gas (TDCG). [ref 18] provides recommendations for
determining what course of action should be taken depending on the level of the key
gases and the TDCG. The courses of action are designated as conditions and are
divided into four categories with associated recommendations.
Condition 1: TDCG levels are normal and indicate the reactor is operating properly. Any
individual combustible gas exceeding specified levels should prompt additional
Condition 2: TDCG levels within this range indicate greater than normal combustible
gas level. Exercise caution, analyze monthly.
Condition 3: TDCG levels within this range indicate a high level of decomposition.
Exercise caution, analyze weekly, consider planned outage, notify manufacturer.
Another approach to determine the types of faults is to calculate the ratios of the key
gasses found dissolved in the reactor oil. Depending on the level of each key gas and the
ratio of specific combinations of gasses, the type of fault can be determined. The ratios
are designated as Doernenburg and Rogers ratios, [ref 18] for further information.
Measuring the bushing capacitive current variation with time has yielded good results for
more than 20 years and has pointed out the evolving faults consisting of the deterioration
of parts of the insulation.
On-line monitoring by tan measurement is relatively new at the international level and
has just begun to be utilized on power transformer units and reactors. In order to expand
its application it is necessary to test its measuring sensitivity and accuracy by means of
off-line comparative measurements.
Both methods have the alarm and switch-off functions of the reactor units in case of
failures that lead to deterioration of the bushings.
Currents, system voltages
Oil levels
Oil -DGA, moisture, breakdown
Bushing taps, Leakage current, RF, pressure
Radio Frequency Signals
Acoustic signals
Neutral current
Magnetic circuit
Cooler operation
A typical monitoring system for an oil immersed shunt reactor is capable of monitoring
the conditions of various shunt reactor components as shown in Table 9. By the use of
software to store and perform trend analysis of the measured data, the operator can be
presented with information on the state of health of the shunt reactor and alarms raised
when measured values exceed appropriate limits. This will normally provide the operator
with early warnings of degradation within one or more components of the shunt reactor,
enabling maintenance to be scheduled to correct the problem prior to failure occurring.
The maintenance can obviously be planned to suit system conditions, provided the rate of
degradation is not excessive.
Proposed list of main parameters for shunt reactors monitoring is presented in Table 9.
1. Oil status:
Oil temperature: knowledge of the top oil temperature allows the following
statements to be made: thermal monitoring (e.g. triggering of the alarm in the
event of excessive temperatures), hot-spot temperature calculation and overload
Gas dissolved: Trip by monitored Gas level is not a common practice, since this a
slow changing variable (hydrogen takes time to dissolve in oil), so that it is up to
the operation and/or maintenance people to decide for an immediate or scheduled
trip of the reactor after receiving an alarm.
2. Insulation status:
Partial discharges and thermal overload lead to gaseous decomposition products
of the oil. The quantity of the harmful gases in the oil is therefore a sign for
oncoming problems within the shunt reactor insulation. The hydrogen in the oil
can be detected with a special sensor. The sensors measures dissolved hydrogen
continuously and accurately. The quantity of hydrogen is a reliable indicator of a
recent or existing fault, as it is produced by all fault types. Small concentrations of
Hydrogen are thus providing an early warning for the presence of a fault. The
sensor measures the cumulative gas quantity on the basis of a fuel cell in relation
to a proportional distribution formula. The increase of the quantity of gas can be
used as an initiative for a conventional gas analysis in order to draw conclusions
about the type of the fault.
Moisture of oil: The knowledge of the water content in the oil allows conclusions
to be made on the absorption of humidity caused by the breathing of the shunt
reactor and development of humidity caused by disintegration of the paper
insulation. The humidity content is a measure for the electrical strength of the
insulating oil.
Low frequency vibrations, occurring from the fundamental frequency causing
mechanical vibrations with double frequency (2*fundamental frequency) can be
measured with microphones attached magnetically on the reactor tank. By
studying the amplitude of over tones up to approximately 1 kHz and further, tells
if the fundamental frequency signal changes shape and gets sharper because of
changes in the mechanical construction due to vibrations. High frequency
vibrations, Partial Discharge (PD) measurements (acoustic- and electrical-signals)
in the frequency range 100 kHz can be measured and studied, if they occur, they
need to be located where they arise from PD origin i.e. if there is a arising
problem with insulation in the shunt reactor or no PD like core vibrations or other
places, see [ref 10], [ref 11], and [ref 37].
3. Bushing status:
The external insulations consist of the bushing and an oil-filling for insulation. A
failure of the bushing can happen due to leakages. If the bushings have separate
oil volume it is possible to install a pressure sensor. The pressure of the bushings
is acquired and compared with the other phases.
5. Cooling systems:
Temperature in/out of the cooler system: knowledge of the oil temperatures at the
inlets and outlets of the cooler allows the determination of different characteristic
values. The decrease in the oil temperature via cooler and the oil flow may be
used to establish the cooling effect of the individual cooler.
The shunt reactors are generally designed for natural cooling with the radiators
mounted directly on the tank. However sometimes it is required to have some
action in the cooling circuit, such as operating pumps and fans, depending on the
status of the shunt reactor circuit breaker. The control action can be initiated by
the circuit breaker auxiliary contact or by operation of an overcurrent relay. By
using the overcurrent relay a secure control action is obtained when the reactor is
energized independent of the circuit breaker auxiliary contact status.
The operating condition of pumps and fans: by recording the status of the pumps
and fans it is possible to establish the operating time of the individual elements,
also the operating states are necessary for determining the thermal time constants
of the shunt reactor.
6. Oil in tank:
To detect oil leakage, the oil levels in the conservator tank or main tank are
7. Electrical parameters:
Load current: the knowledge of the load current allows the calculation of the
following values: power, hot spot temperature, ageing rate, thermal modeling and
actual possible overload capacity. E.g. the hot spot temperature can be
determinate by load current and top oil temperature. This enables the calculation
of the ageing rate and the actual overload capacity, see IEC 60354.
The monitoring system architecture can typically be integrated all sensors are
connected to a centralized unit, which then is connected to a monitoring computer or
decentralized intelligent sensors (IED) are connected directly to a monitoring computer
through a data communication network. Typical system integrated architecture for monitoring
is presented in Figure 74. A typical monitoring system using decentralized architecture is
shown in Figure 75.
Figure 74 Typical system integrated architecture for shunt reactor monitoring
Temperature Monitoring
Intranet /
LTC Monitoring Internet
Other parameters
Maintenance Remote Operation
Warning Center
The DC components (DC offsets) are continuously extracted from the three instantaneous
differential currents. The highest DC component of all three is then taken as a kind of a
DC bias in the sense that the highest effective, temporary sensitivity of the protection
(normally this is the sensitivity in Section 1 of the operatebias characteristic) is
temporarily decreased as a function of this DC component. The DC bias current is not
allowed to decay (from its highest value) faster than with a time constant i.e. T = 1
second, see Figure 76.
Instantaneous differential current and its DC component. DC bias current.
differential This line exponentially decays from
current the maximum DC offset of the inst.
diff. current. The line represents the
DC bias current. Decays
exponentially with T = 1 second
Fault occurs
DC offset of
the instantaneous
differential current Mean value of a secondary
CT saturated current is zero for a
fully saturated CT
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time in milliseconds
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Reactor terminal side currents (measured input currents)
iL1 (terminal side)
Currents in kA
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Instantaneous differential currents (calculated by the differential protection)
0.4 IDL1
Currents in kA
0.2 closes
-0.2 IDL2
Time in milliseconds
10-Jan-2007 14:16:28
Figure 77 A shunt reactor suddenly connected to the power system (inrush), with some eventual
differences in the CTs on both sides, or different loads on them, the differential protection sees these
currents as shown in the figure. As a result, the differential protection calculates (false!) instantaneous
differential currents as shown in the figure. These false differential currents might cause an unwanted trip
of the reactor.
The internal-external fault discriminator not only positively detects a fault but in a very
great majority of cases correctly discriminates between internal and external faults, and is
thus a powerful tool. Short operate times for internal faults are obtained by implementing
this new feature.
For external faults, the false (spurious) operate currents are safely, i.e. with a
good margin, below the operaterestrain characteristic, see Figure 78.
Differential currents versus bias currents for heavy internal and external faults
IDL1MAG, internal fault
1.8 IDL1MAG, external fault
"steady-state" operate-restrain characteristic
1.6 for internal fault
SlopeSection2 = 40 %
0.4 IdMin REGION
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Bias current in kA
Figure 78 An example of a good operate restrain characteristic. Under heavy external fault condition
with current transformer saturation, the spurious false differential current does not enter the operate region.
The internal-external fault discriminator feature can enhance the stability of the
differential protection by making this protection to operate faster for internal faults and
blocking this protection for external faults, see Figure 79 and Figure 80.
The internal-external fault discriminator responds to the relative phase angles of the
negative-sequence fault currents at both ends of the shunt reactor winding:
If the two negative sequence currents flow in the same direction, the fault is
If the two negative sequence currents flow in opposite directions, the fault is
If a fault is classified as internal, then any eventual block signals by the harmonic
criterion are overridden, and the differential protection can operate very quickly without
any further delay.
One of the advantages of using the negative-sequence currents compared to the zero-
sequence currents is that they provide coverage to phase-to-phase faults as well, not only
faults involving earth.
The negative sequence internal-external fault discriminator works satisfactorily even in
case of three-phase faults. Because of the decaying DC offset of the fault currents, the
system is not quite symmetrical immediately after the fault. Thanks to the transient
existence of the negative sequence system, faults can be distinguished as internal or
external, even for symmetrical three-phase faults.
90 deg
120 deg
One or both
currents too Internal
small fault
The directional
is defined by 180 deg 0 deg
the settings:
Minimum negative
1. Minimum negative sequence current
sequence current External
2. Relay operate angle region Internal / external
fault boundary.
Default 60 deg
270 deg
5 kA fault declared
here 8 ms
210 330 after fault
10 kA
240 300
Negative sequence differential current phasor (in kA)
Directional limit (within NegSeq ROA degrees is internal fault)
Further, the Open CT Feature must be very secure. It must not interfere with the normal
duties and responsibilities of the Reactor Differential Protection. That is, the Open CT
sub-function must only operate in case of an open CT, and not, for example, internal
faults, external faults, in case of heavy current transformer saturation, etc.
The following analyzes electrical characteristics of reactor internal turn-to-turn fault and
external grounding fault using the equivalent circuit of Figure 81.
The current and the voltage for the calculation of reactor turn-to-turn fault protection are
from the bushing CT at reactor terminal and from the line VT respectively, and the
polarity of the CT is at the line side shown in Figure 81.
U 0 I 0 Z S _ tot eq. 45
Figure 85 Zero sequence voltage and current for internal turn-turn fault
By comparing electrical quantity characteristics of external grounding fault and internal
turn-to-turn or turn-to-ground fault, the following conclusions can be obtained:
1) Opposite zero sequence power directions.
In case of the external grounding fault, U0 leads I0 by 90 degrees; while in case of the
internal turn-to-turn or turn-to-ground fault, I0 leads U0 by 90 degrees. It can be seen
that reactor internal turn-to-turn fault can be differentiated by means of relative phase
relation of I0 and U0.
2) Difference in measured amplitude of zero sequence impedance.
In case of the external fault, measured zero sequence impedance (Z0) is the Z0 of the
reactor itself; while in case of the internal fault, measured Z0 is the equivalent Z0 of
the system. Since reactor Z0 is far larger than system equivalent Z0, reactor internal
turn-to-turn fault can be differentiated by amplitude of measured Z0.
Using an optimized algorithm, a reactor turn-to-turn fault of about 1% can be detected
From above vector analysis, it can be seen that the vector relation between U0 and I0
during internal faults is totally opposite to that during external faults. At the same time,
because the reactor impedance is far greater than the system impedance, the U0 amplitude
is very small which can be seen in the following figure showing two vector relations (it is
supposed that I0 values during the two conditions are equal).
Ext fault U0
Int fault U0
U 0 (calc ) U 0 U eq. 46
After the transformation, the vector relation is changed to, see Figure 87:
External fault U0
External fault U 0 + U
Internal fault U 0
Internal fault U 0 + U
Voltage waveforms are shown below, which are recorded during of a simulation test of
2% turn-to-turn fault of reactor in the dynamic simulation lab, see Figure 88.
0 0 3 > 3 5 _ A -U A (V )
0 0 3 > 3 5 _ A -U A ( V ) 0 0 3 > 3 6 _ B -U B ( V ) 0 0 3 > 3 7 _ C -U C ( V ) 0 0 3 > 3 8 _ N -3 U 0 ( V )
M a g n it u d e ( M a g )
-5 0
-1 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T im e ( m s)
E le c tr o te k C o n ce p ts ? T O P , T h e O u tp u t P r o ce sso r ?
This chapter is based on the settings recommendations and concepts for further
consideration borne out of Sections 5, 6, & 7. Reactor protection depends on the type of
reactor and its connection to the power system as discussed in depth in Section 5.
Looking at the example Figure 51, Figure 52 and Figure 53 for bus-connected oil-
immersed reactors, it is obvious there are multiple protection configurations possible.
Some protections are not possible such as sudden pressure or Buchholz relaying on an
air-core reactor. Whether or not to use redundant or backup protection is a matter of user
choice and depends upon factors such as
1. The importance of the particular reactor installation to the electric grid system.
2. The cost of the reactor equipment.
3. Any special design likely to be more susceptible to certain faults.
4. The need to disable the Main 1 (Primary) protection system and maintain full
protection on a second protection system while the reactor remains in service.
Most oil-immersed reactors are probably worthy of redundant (Main 1 and Main 2) or at
least limited backup protection in addition to a complement of full protection. Most
utilities reported in the survey that when two redundant systems are used, there are
separate DC supplies, CT windings, and trip coils. Lower-cost, lower-voltage air-core
reactors may not warrant more than one set of full protection.
Differential protection is the most commonly applied protection for bus-connected oil-
immersed shunt reactors. Generally, the differential relays provide quick clearance of
phase-to-phase and ground faults. When using low-impedance differential protection
(section, recommendations include:
It is imperative to verify that the CTs and wiring fulfill the requirements
necessary for proper functioning of the protective relay scheme.
Use a relay with biasing or restraint of the fundamental frequency to guard against
false operation due to unequal CT response to large external fault currents.
Use a relay with 2nd harmonic restraint or blocking to guard against false
operation due to unequal CT response to DC offset with long time-constant.
Utilizing such a device that also cross-blocks all of the phases during this
condition will provide even more security against false trips. Another method is
adaptive DC biasing which desensitizes the differential relay if DC offset is
Use a relay that includes an unrestrained differential element with a setting chosen
below the steady-state saturation current of the connected CTs (a typical setting is
200% of the rated reactor current).
A differential relay that provides open CT detection can prevent the differential
element from falsely operating for this condition.
It is imperative to verify that the CTs and wiring fulfill the requirements
necessary for proper functioning of the protective relay scheme.
Impedance relays are used as primary protection or as back-up protection for the reactor.
It is also used for detecting turn-to-turn faults within the reactor. Such relays detect the
faults inside the reactor for a good percentage of the winding. Turn-to-turn faults may not
change the through-current of the reactor but the impedance values change drastically up
to at least 60% of impedance of the reactor. Distance protection consists of a single or
preferably a two-zone impedance relay on the high side of the reactor looking into the
The two-zone impedance relay has the benefit of providing high speed tripping in the
Zone-1 protection and slower speed tripping in Zone-2. It must not be set such that it
operates for inrush characteristics during reactor energization or de-energization. The
setting of the relay may need to be coordinated with other protection while also taking
into account the effects of energizing and de-energizing transients. Other protection
might be line distance relaying when a reactor is tied to a line and has its own breaker.
Phase overcurrent protection is a very inexpensive, simple, and reliable scheme for fault
detection and is used for some reactor protection applications as a back-up protection.
The setting must be high enough to prevent inrush currents from causing unwanted
operation. It should have both instantaneous and time-delayed elements. The
instantaneous elements help in providing high-speed clearing of heavy current faults
which may threaten system stability.
A typical setting for the time-overcurrent pickup is 1.5 times the rated reactor
current with intent to minimize false operation during temporary overvoltages.
Negative sequence overcurrent (usually used for air-core reactor designs) should
be set above the maximum level of natural system unbalance and manufacturing
The time delay should be set to coordinate with other protections that operate for
unbalanced faults external to the reactor.
Protection for a ground fault within a grounded wye-connected shunt reactor is best
provided by a simple phase differential or conventional Restricted Earth Fault (REF)
relay selected and set on the same philosophy as that for transformer REF protection.
Sometimes a ground overcurrent relay is used as a back-up protection when phase
overcurrent protection is provided.
Zero-sequence differential relays (Restricted earth fault relay) are one way of providing
protection against phase-to-ground faults in shunt reactors supplied from solidly
grounded systems. Generally, this protection is also provided for EHV shunt reactors
with a Neutral Grounding reactor connected between the star point of the shunt reactor
and ground.
The ground overcurrent protection is a very inexpensive, simple, and reliable scheme for
fault detection and is used for grounded wye-connected reactor protection applications as
a back-up protection for phase-to-ground faults. It is usually used in conjunction with
phase overcurrent relay. It can, as in phase overcurrent, have both instantaneous and
time-delayed elements. The ANSI designation for a ground overcurrent relay connected
in the residual of the reactor terminal CTs is 51N. A relay connected to a single CT in
the reactor neutral is a 51G.
Confirm that the relay used is immune to off-nominal frequency currents. 3rd
harmonic and its multiples must be filtered out by the relay.
The sensitivity to the harmonic and inrush currents is one of the main problems
with back-up ground over current relays. Settings must be able to allow inrush,
which usually means desensitizing the back-up relay. Numerical relays are
recommended as they offer the best characteristic since the digital filters remove
harmonics and DC offset currents from the inrush.
This protection may need to be coordinated with protections for external ground
Further considerations:
Using a 51N function from the residual CT connection on the terminal end, plus a
51G function measured from a single CT in the reactor neutral will provide
improved ground fault coverage and provide better fault location.
Modern numerical relays detect 2nd harmonic currents and offer the possibility to
program logical equations to block and unblock various protection devices
according to a specific philosophy. For example, the 51G on the neutral side
winding of the reactor may be set to detect 2nd harmonic energization current and
block the 51N provided on the terminal side of the reactor. Ground overvoltage relay (Neutral Displacement)
Considerations include:
This protection cannot determine the location of the ground fault. The fault can
be anywhere on the delta tertiary system.
Several protection schemes in this report are effective at detecting some level of turn-to-
turn faults. These schemes in general would be more sensitive than the ordinary distance
(21) function.
To provide adequate operating quantities the directional relay used has voltage
polarization reinforced by passing appropriate sequence fault current through a
replica impedance. This impedance represents the reactor impedance but must
actually be a value less than the impedance of the reactor. Otherwise the scheme
may misoperate for earth faults external to the reactor.
Specify split-winding reactors in the future to get good coverage for turn-turn
These protective devices when provided on shunt reactors of medium to high capacity are
quite similar to those provided on power transformers. Although these devices will
detect most faults within a reactor tank, they are often the only protection for certain turn-
to-turn faults as it is difficult for the electrical protection devices to detect this type of
The Buchholz relay is significantly more secure in operation than the sudden
pressure relay. The Buchholz is the preferred device for conservator-type shunt
To increase reliability and to allow optional gas collection from different places in
the tank, one of the surveyed utilities provides two Buchholz relays in each tank,
located in separate pipes from different areas of the tank to the conservator.
Further there are two pressure relief devices on each tank. This is because they
feel that using only one of these protection functions for sensitive internal fault
detection does not adequately cover the entire tank area.
Compare the sensitivity of the electrical to the mechanical gas pressure protection
to determine which should be the main protection. Consider the following:
1. To alarm for small turn-turn faults, before gas appears
2. To coordinate time delayed tripping of shunt reactors with the sudden pressure
(63) function
3. To provide instantaneous tripping
These protections provided on shunt reactors are similar to those provided on power
transformers and criteria for selection and setting should therefore be the same.
Considerations for these devices include:
For higher reliability, duplicating of the initiating contacts is sometimes done and
may be considered on case-by-case basis depending upon then location and size
of shunt reactors and voltage class.
Develop adequate shunt reactor overload protection taking into account the
surrounding external ambient temperatures and time constants of the reactor. The
protection scheme should measure the true RMS (RMS up to the 50th harmonic,
Nyquist frequency of 2.5 kHz and sampling frequency of 5 kHz), determine the
overcurrent in the reactor winding, and start the reactor cooling.
Although the topic is mentioned in this B5 report, all of the variations of breaker failure
schemes could constitute a separate report. For shunt reactors, it is important to consider
the breaker failure initiate (BFI) logic that may need to include trip initiations from non-
electrical protections such as sudden pressure and Buchholz relays.
Some relay manufacturers combine breaker failure and pole discrepancy in the
breaker failure scheme, the scheme of Figure 47 is very desirable if you use two
trip coils and list the functions associated with the pole discrepancy.
Protection systems for reactors should provide full coverage during fault conditions. The
first system of protective functions to achieve this is referred to as Main-1 (Primary) in
this report. In addition, Main-2 or back-up protection should be provided when a likely
potential for failure to trip exists. Such a condition might be when routine maintenance is
performed on the Main 1 protection system while the reactor remains in service. Full
redundancy (Main-2) or partial (Backup) protection should be considered; otherwise the
reactor should be de-energized during such maintenance. In the future, full coverage
Main-2 protection should be the goal. This would be easy to accomplish with numerical
The protective functions applicable to a reactor depend on the type (oil-immersed or air
core) and connection configuration of the reactor. For example, for line-connected
reactors equipped with a 4th neutral reactor, the neutral reactor is not stressed under
normal conditions and is normally protected in the Main-1 protection system by only the
Buchholz relay and the single phase differential, which is the only electrical protection
fast enough. Oil temperature is usually the only protection in the Main 2 system for the
neutral reactor. Line-connected reactors usually need a communications channel to the
remote line end to transfer trip for reactor faults if the reactor does not have its own
breaker or transfer trip for reactor breaker failure if the reactor has its own breaker.
Some reactor protective functions may need to be blocked for certain conditions such as
reactor application to a series-compensated line, predicted switching transients, or ill-
effects to ground relays from mutual inductance during ground faults. Example schemes
for inrush and deenergization blocking for line connected reactors are discussed in
section 5.2. The trip release logic scheme shown in Figure 57, provides blocking for
inrush and deenergization.
Buchholz gas-accumulator relay or sudden pressure relay for low current turn-
to-turn faults.
Additionally for air core reactors, phase differential and breaker failure protection may be
considered. The phase differential used can be the transformer differential if it is
acceptable to clear the entire transformer for loss of a reactor.
A true Main-2 protection scheme may not be provided. As operating requirements change
and single contingency limits are reached, use of Main-2 protection may need to be re-
evaluated in future.
For line/bus connected oil-immersed reactors, typical Backup protection consists of:
Overcurrent or impedance relays for internal three phase-to-ground, phase-to-
phase and phase-to-ground faults.
Instantaneous and time-delayed overcurrent relays for phase and ground fault.
Typically not provided due to lower cost and less significance of air-core
Most utilities reported in the B5-37 survey that when two redundant systems are used,
there are separate DC supplies, CT windings, and trip coils.
To control the power system voltage, shunt reactors are switched on/off either manually
or automatically. Standard [ref 20] provides guidelines for switching requirements of
shunt reactors. For example, one of the most important aspects of switching reactors is
current chopping by forcing reactor current to zero. This will result in high voltage across
breaker poles. Solution to this problem may include surge arrestors applied to the reactor
and transformer tertiary terminals to avoid excess voltage during switching. This section
discusses switching actions.
Typically more than one over/ under voltage level with independently settable
time delays is required within the relay.
Over/ under voltage relay shall be capable to operate only when all three voltages
are above/ below set operate level or relay must be capable to measure and
operate on the value of the positive sequence voltage.
The automatic closing and opening commands are issued on over voltage and under
voltage detection respectively after a certain time delay.
t1 tC
PROT Block
t2 tO
U> - overvoltage function
U< - undervoltage function
tO open pulse duration
tC close pulse duration
taux1 time after the scheme is ready to block actions
taux2 blocking time with automatic recovery after command (close/ open)
taux3 monitoring and blocking time for repeated commands
t1 time required to measure overvoltage level
t2 time required to measure undervoltage level.
9.3 Point on Wave Controller
All types of shunt reactors, independent of magnetic and electric circuit, can be switched
in a controlled manner. The strategy for controlled opening is to select arcing times long
enough to avoid re-ignitions at de-energizing. The strategy may vary depending on the
size of the shunt reactor.
The strategy for controlled closing is to energize at instants resulting in flux symmetry
(current symmetry) thereby minimizing the inrush current and the risk for nuisance
tripping and rotor vibrations in nearby generators due to zero sequence current.
An alternative strategy for controlled energizing is to energize the shunt reactor such that
the transient voltage will be minimized. This will require energizing close to voltage zero
and there is no possibility to find compromise targets to reach both low inrush currents
and low transient voltage. It should also be noted that the zero sequence current
protection needs to be disabled for a certain time or needs to be made less sensitive.
When a single-pole operated circuit breaker is controlled, a separate output command is
given to each pole. In that case the non-simultaneity is achieved by electrical means and
the staggering is named electrical staggering. See Figure 95 and Figure 96 for typical
block diagrams.
When three-pole operated circuit breakers are used a mechanical phase shift must be built
in. This mechanical phase shift, staggering, ensures that contact touch and/ or contact
separation for -all poles occur at intended instants. This mechanical staggering is
achieved by special design of the mechanical linkages in the bottom mechanism housing.
For three-pole operated circuit breaker only one pole, the master pole, is controlled while
the other two operate in slave mode.
It is not always possible to combine controlled closing and controlled opening with three-
pole operated circuit breakers.
There are several important circuit breaker applications where random closing or opening
instants may lead to severe voltage and current switching transients. These transients
occur in the main circuits, but may also induce transients in control and auxiliary circuits,
as well as in adjacent low voltage systems. The switching transients are associated with a
variety of dielectric and mechanical stresses on the high-voltage equipment and may lead
to a variety of disturbances (e.g. in substation control and protection systems, computers
and processors, or telecommunications).
Normal energizing of shunt reactors may cause severe transients: high over-voltages,
under-voltages, or high inrush currents. Upon, de-energizing of shunt reactors, re-
ignitions will occur, resulting in steep voltage surges. The magnitude of the transients
depends on the point of wave where closing or opening of the circuit breaker contacts
occur. In a situation without controlled switching, sooner or later the switching instant
will occur at the worst possible phase angle.
Even though a modern breaker will have very low re-strike probability at switching of
reactive loads, for statistical reasons a few occasional re-strikes may occur during the
course of a large number of switching operations. This risk of occasional re-strikes may
be eliminated by means of controlled opening operations.
Conventional countermeasures such as pre-insertion resistors, damping reactors or
resistors, or arresters are used to limit the magnitude and effect of the switching
transients, after they have occurred. In addition, system and equipment insulation may be
upgraded to withstand the stresses. These methods, however, may be inefficient,
unreliable or expensive, and do not treat the root of the problem.
Controlled switching is a method for eliminating harmful transients via time controlled
switching operations. Closing or opening commands to the circuit breaker are delayed in
such a way that making or contact separation will occur at the optimum time instant
related to the phase angle. See Figure 90.
VT Reference
Output Input
Command Command
In addition to the inductance of the winding, a shunt reactor always has some stray
capacitance in the windings, the bushing and in the connecting leads. When a reactor is
de-energized, the voltage across it will oscillate with the natural frequency determined by
the inductance and stray-capacitance. The oscillation frequency is typically a few kHz.
Due to chopping (premature interruption) of the current slightly before the current zero
crossing, the oscillating reactor voltage will have higher amplitude than the supply
For example, typical magnitudes of this chopping over voltage for modern SF6 circuit
breakers are 1.2 to 2 pu with the highest values occurring for small reactors. The
chopping over voltage, with its limited amplitude and frequency, is normally quite
harmless both for the reactor itself and for the surrounding system see Figure 92.
Due to the oscillating reactor voltage, there will be a high voltage stress across the circuit
breaker. If the contact gap is short, the circuit breaker probably will reignite, see Figure
93. A re-ignition will generate high-frequency transients (typically hundreds of kHz) in
both reactor voltage and current. Following a re-ignition, the reactor current will be
interrupted again either at high-frequency zero crossing of the current, or most probably,
at the subsequent power frequency zero crossing. The very steep voltage transients
caused by re-ignitions will be unevenly distributed across the reactor winding, with the
highest stress on the initial turns. There is a risk that the voltage stress will lead to
puncture of the winding insulation in the reactor, which in the long run may lead to
complete breakdown. Insulation of nearby equipment may also be damaged. Surge
arresters will only protect to a limited extent, since the severity of the voltage stress is
related both to the rate-of-change and to the amplitude.
Point-on-wave controllers for shunt reactor circuit breakers are normally used for control
of opening operations. Uncontrolled de-energizing will, in a typical case, cause re-
ignition in at least one circuit breaker pole. By controlling the contact separation in such a
manner that short arcing times will occur, re-ignition will be eliminated. See Figure 94.
The remaining voltage transient is a harmless chopping overvoltage with relatively low
Energizing of shunt reactor may cause inrush currents with high asymmetry and long
time constants. The actual magnitude of the inrush current is quite dependent on the
range of linearity of the reactor core. Due to the air gaps utilized in shunt reactor cores
there are no severe saturation effects. In spite of their limited amplitude, reactor inrush
currents may still have adverse effects. These inrush currents may lead to zero sequence
current, cause saturation of CT cores, with resulting nuisance tripping of relays or cause
other network disturbances.
Controlled closing of shunt reactor circuit breakers is utilized in several cases, and
normally as a complement to controlled opening.
The making target that gives the lowest reactor inrush current is the peak of the power
frequency voltage across the circuit breaker, and this target is normally utilized. Making
of the current in this case creates a transient voltage stress equal to that which occurs if
the circuit breaker reignites at 1 p.u. voltage during a de-energizing operation. This
voltage stress is normally acceptable but if such a voltage stress is considered
unacceptable, an alternative procedure is to make the current at voltage zero cross
contacts. This will in principle lead to maximum inrush current. Zero sequence relays
may then be set with time delay (or be set less sensitive), in order to avoid nuisance
tripping. It is not possible to minimize both the inrush current and the transient voltage
stresses at the same time.
The circuit breaker used for controlled switching should have a stable opening and
closing times and contacts with high dielectric withstand capability.
The spring operated circuit breakers have stable operating times that are not affected by
ambient temperature and control voltage extensively.
These circuit breakers also have a high and stable dynamic dielectric withstand capability
between the contacts, both upon making and breaking operations.
These properties, together with the stable operating times, make these circuit breakers
well suited for controlled switching.
Experience has shown [ref 21] that with synchronous switching of circuit breaker with
independent poles, a phase inrush current can be limited to less than 1,5 p.u. with the
zero-sequence current lower than 0,5 p.u. Thus mechanical stresses of the shunt reactor
and adjacent transformers are reduced and false operation of zero-sequence current
protection prevented.
9.3.4 Single pole and three pole operation
Some controllers are equipped with special adaptive functions to control the result of a
controlled switching operation. The adaptive control can be arranged in different ways
for both controlled closing and controlled opening. The principle of the adaptive control
is that a detected error from the target will be compensated for in the next controlled
Figure 99 Circuit breaker and half scheme with CT outside reactor bays.
Generally every circuit breaker will be controlled with its own POW controller. However,
in some substation configurations one circuit breaker may switch two different loads,
which may call for more than one controller per circuit breaker. In most cases a specific
load is switched by its own circuit breaker. In some substation configurations, one load
may be alternatively be switched by different circuit breakers.
The following two conditions require special care:
One load switched by two circuit breakers.
Two different loads alternatively switched by the same circuit breaker.
Special care should be taken when applying the adaptation control features based on re-
ignition detection. This is the case if the shunt reactor can be energized from two sides
and where the CTs are common. An example of such an installation is shown in Figure
In this case current will always be measured by the CT as long as any of the two breakers
CB1 or CB2 is conducting. The only way to use the re-ignition detection function here is
to arrange a fixed switching order and to set the function disabled for controller of the
first shunt reactor breaker to open.
Figure 100 Shunt reactor installation in a CB and a half scheme substation.
10.1 Introduction
This chapter is based on the survey conducted by the working group B5-37 to investigate
the situation in the protection, control and monitoring of Shunt Reactors.
The objective of the survey was to get some details of the practices followed in various
countries regarding control, monitoring and protection of shunt reactors that are directly
connected to EHV system and those that are connected to the EHV system through
tertiary of transformer. The areas on which information was sought are listed below.
Shunt Reactors installed at voltage level 10-66kV are mainly connected to transformer
tertiary. Shunt Reactors installed at voltage level 100-160 kV and 220-330 kV are mostly
bus connected. Shunt Reactors installed at voltage level 380-500kV and 735-765 kV and
1000-1200 kV are either bus or line connected.
Table 12 below gives details furnished by responding utilities having shunt reactors
connected to bus, line and/or to tertiary winding of transformer.
Shunt Reactors installed at voltage level 380-500kV and 735-765 kV and 1000-1200 kV
are either bus or line connected. Bus connected reactors are always directly grounded.
Line connected reactors are grounded either directly or through a neutral reactor. ZA,
CN , IN and AU ground some of the line connected reactors through a neutral
reactor.AU are considering removal of neutral reactors as they are facing some problems
with 330kV circuit breakers.
All countries that have tertiary connected reactors are normally ungrounded. CN have
some tertiary connected reactors that are grounded.
Directly connected reactors up to 500 kV are normally of 3Ph, 3 limb or 3 ph, 5 limb
construction. In 735/765 kV and 1000kV level they are of single phase construction. All
these reactors are oil filled.
Shunt reactors designed with split winding or auxiliary winding per phase do not seem to
be common. None of the responding utilities report having these types of reactors. FR,
NO, GS and UK have specifically answered that they do not use any auxiliary winding.
NO has specifically confirmed that they do not use split winding.
Table 13 below gives different types of shunt reactor designs among the responding
Table 13 Shunt reactor design
3ph,3 leg , oil 3ph, 5 leg , oil
1ph , oil immersed
immersed immersed
X (765kV)
X (220/330/750/1000 kV)
X (765kV)
Following electrical protections are generally used for directly connected shunt reactors.
Differential for ph-ph, restricted earth fault for ph-g, impedance /Buchholz for inter turn
faults, ph over current (instantaneous and time delayed, ground overcurrent
(instantaneous and time delayed) as back up.
Following electrical protections are generally used for tertiary connected shunt reactors:
Ph over current (instantaneous and time delayed) for ph-ph faults, ground overvoltage for
ph-g and inter turn faults.
Table 14 and Table 15 give some details furnished by responding utilities about the
electrical protections used for directly connected and tertiary connected reactors.
Table 14 Electrical protections - directly connected reactors
Restricted E/F
: time delayed
time delayed
FR Neutral ground relay, tank
leakage protection
X Adaptive directional power
CN X X See X X X X
Note1) Zero sequence distance protection
Note 2) Zero sequence distance protection
Sensitive compensated
unbalance relay and
FI X X backup non
X compensated
unbalance relay
Differential and
directional earth fault,
overcurrent and earth
For Oil filled tertiary connected reactors following are used: Oil temperature, Oil level,
Table 16 and Table 17 give some details furnished by responding utilities about non-
electrical protection functions used for shunt reactors.
Oil pressure
Buch holz
Oil level
Extreme voltage
SE X X X X automatic relay and
cooling equipment
Oil pressure
Buch holz
Oil level
CN X X X X X Cooling intervention
Oil level
Most of the responding utilities use two groups of protections for directly connected
reactors but they are not fully duplicated. One utility provides full duplication for
electrical protections but use only one set of mechanical protections. There is another
utility that use only one group of protections.
For tertiary connected reactors use of single group of protections is common. One utility
uses two groups of protections for tertiary connected reactors too.
Table 18 and Table 19 gives details of manner in which redundancy is provided in the
protection system by the responding utilities in case of directly connected and in tertiary
connected reactors.
GS - Group A - Group B
- Differential
- Differential - Restricted earth fault
- Restricted earth fault - Adaptive zero sequence power
- Adaptive zero sequence power protection
protection - Adaptive zero sequence
CN - Adaptive zero sequence distance protection
distance protection - Overcurrent (inst+time
- Overcurrent (inst+time delayed) delayed)
- Earthfault (inst+timedelayed) - Earthfault (inst+timedelayed)
- Neutral point overcurrent - Neutral point overcurrent
- Mechanical protections
IN - Differential - Restricted earth fault
Group A protections Group B protections
- Backup impedance - Buchholz 1)
- Oil temperature - WTI
- Oil pressure - Oil level
- Fire protection
- Restricted earth fault
UK - Overcurrent (inst+time
- Differential
- Earthfault (inst+timedelayed)
AU - Differential - Differential
- Mechanical protections - Mechanical protections
NZ - -
NZ - One group
In case of tertiary connected reactors where mostly single set of protections are provided
single DC , single trip coil and single set of CT cores is used. FN where two groups of
protections are provided uses two DC supplies, different trip coils and two secondary
windings of CTs.
Type of fault, Reasons for fault and how often they occur
Not available
In case of directly connected reactors mal operations due to mismatch in CT cores used
for REF and malfunctioning of back up impedance relays during switching and
unsuccessful auto reclosing due to improper tuning of neutral ground reactors are some of
the problems reported by some utilities. Some utilities have said there have been no
In case of tertiary connected reactors one country has reported some instances of
erroneous trip.
Table 22 and Table 23 below give summary of the responses received from different
responding utilities.
The comments from responding utilities on the philosophy used for automatic switching
are given in Table 25 below. In case of directly connected reactors both manual and
automatic switching is practiced in various countries. Some explanation of the philosophy
used when automatic switching is used is also given. Automatic control in this context
means that the switching decisions are made for instance by voltage regulators.
In case of tertiary connected shunt reactors in BR, SCT, NZ the switching is done
manually as per the advice from the control room. In FN manual local, manual remote,
automatic local (voltage regulator) and, in two special cases, automatic remote (regional
regulation) is used.
The frequency with which shunt reactors are switched in and out depends on loading
conditions. Seasons also have an effect on this. In most cases switching in and out of
reactors is done daily and in some cases once in a while. Table 26 and Table 27 gives
summary of the responses received for this question for directly connected and tertiary
connected shunt reactors.
- Tripping of the reactor
- Winding temperature alarm at 95deg, trip at 105deg
- Oil temperature - alarm at 95deg, trip at 105deg
- DGA New reactors will be provided with online DGA analyzers.
Existing ones will be retrofitted with DGA analyzers.
- Fibre optic sensors New units have these to measure core temperature
ZA as well as oil leaving the top of the winding
- Bushing monitoring Two new units have on line tan delta and
capacitance monitoring as these have new bushings of which there is no
- Fire detectors Pilot project testing out fire detectors on a transformers
going on. If accepted, it may be adopted on reactors too.
- Oil temperature - reactor delayed trip
FR - Neutral current - reactor instantaneous trip
- Tank current - reactor instantaneous trip
- Phases currents (20kV) - transformer instantaneous trip
- I, U (for the synchronized switching device)
- Oil and winding temperature
- Monitoring oil temperature (alarm/ trip)
- Monitoring windings temperature (alarm/trip)
- Monitoring oil level (alarm)
- Monitoring of the cooling system (pumps, fans)
- Monitoring electrical parameters: U (per phase), I (per phase), active
power (P), reactive power (Q)
- Monitoring the dissolved gas and water ( H2, H2O) alarm
- Monitoring bushings (change of capacitance) alarm
- DGA of oil from reactor and bushings is being done. Based on the
results trend in DGA, a national & regional transformer committee
comprising of expert engineers recommend the test plan, test frequency
etc. On-line dry-out systems are used. DOMINO test is conducted on
reactors every year. SFRA tests are conducted upon requirement to
compare traces with base signatures.
- I, U, Q, oil level, WTI, all the alarms and indications generated by
protection functions.
- WTI switches cooling system on/off, and trip reactors if winding
temperature is detected to be higher than a set value.
AU - U & I, with manual investigation of any abnormalities.
Figure 101 Single phase test circuit for interrupting 500kV reactor current.
Table 31 Test conditions for single phase circuit for interrupting 500kV reactor current.
No. CB conditions Circuit conditions
Operating hydraulic SF6 gas Applied Interrupting Load side
pressure pressure voltage current frequency
(MPa) (MPa) (kV) (A) (kHz)
1 0.6 (rated) 318 (500/3) 381 1.80
2 31.5 (rated) 0.6 (rated) 318 (500/3) 381 2.50
3 0.6 (rated) 289 (500/3) 347 1.80
4 0.55 (alarm) 318 (500/3) 381 1.80
A.5 Conclusion
1. The relation was obtained between the contact separation point and the probability of
re-ignition as well as the voltages between the CB contacts which produce re-ignition.
2. Even with the dispersion of circuit breaker operations taken into account, there was a
contact separation point that did not cause high re-ignition overvoltages. Thus, by setting
a contact separation at this point, high re-ignition overvoltages could be suppressed.
3. It was proven that even with re-ignition; there was no high-frequency arc extinction,
that is, no voltage escalation due to multi-re-ignition. Overvoltages due to current
chopping where at a safe level in terms of equipment insulation.
The investigation shows that the reactor current could be interrupted safely by
suppressing re-ignition surges by employing controlled switching.
Figure 107 Shunt reactor installed in the substation.
765 kV transmission line generates large capacitive charging MVAR and, therefore, to
limit over voltages under lightly loaded condition and also to limit switching
Three 80/110 MVAR, 765 kV line/bus type shunt reactors with a spare reactor are used
in the 765 kV network.
Figure 108 shows a single line diagram of a typical 765 kV substation, showing lines
with reactors. An advantages of the configuration is that the spare reactor can be used for
any one of the reactors, whichever is connected to same bus irrespective of, if it is
switchable or non-switchable i.e. it is provided with a circuit breaker or not.
Figure 108 Single line diagram 765 kV substation
Figure 109 shows the three line diagram of two banks of 765 kV line reactors three 80
MVar reactors connected with a 765kV auxiliary bus to which the spare single phase
reactor is also connected.
The protection of the EHV shunt reactor in this case is achieved by using CT switching
arrangement for all the single phase reactors including the spare reactor. Since the relays
have limited analogue inputs for current and voltage the switching for the analogue inputs
is done externally when spare shunt reactor is placed into service.
Figure 109 Three line diagram 765 kV substation
Figure 110 and Figure 111 show two different auxiliary winding applications, see [ref 8]
and [ref 34]. It is very important to keep the shunt reactors in service so it is very
important that the design minimizes faults on the low-voltage distribution. Segregated
cables can be used from the reactor auxiliary winding to the low-voltage distribution to
prevent faults from occurring. The low-voltage distribution equipment may have
additional design measures because of this application. Faults that do occur must be
detected and cleared in a coordinated manner. It should be noted that the auxiliary power
winding, although drawing power from the main winding, does not affect the differential
function 87.
62 CB-LV
50 51 50N 51N
CB-LV 52
CB-LV 52
52 52 52 52
Figure 111 Ungrounded Auxiliary Power Winding for Low-voltage Distribution
In Figure 111, the auxiliary power winding is shown in an ungrounded configuration. In
this case, it may have been determined that keeping the reactor in service for a ground
fault on the auxiliary winding is more important than clearing the fault. A broken-delta
VT with an overvoltage relay (59) scheme can be used to detect the ground fault and
alarm to a dispatcher with intent to repair the problem as soon as the reactor can be
removed from service in a planned manner. Note that unlike Figure 110, there is no
circuit breaker in the reactor auxiliary power winding output and there is also an
intermediate distribution transformer. Some shunt reactor designs cannot tolerate an
open auxiliary winding much like a CT cannot tolerate an open secondary. The
intermediate transformer acts as a protective burden to the auxiliary power winding. A
time-overcurrent 51 function trips the entire reactor off line for a problem in the
intermediate transformer and beyond. For the scheme in Figure 111, power fuses protect
the area between the reactor and the 51 relays. Fuses are used because they are less prone
to be opened accidentally causing an unintentional open circuit condition. Downstream
distribution protection must still be coordinated with the fuses and phase 51 relays on the
source side of the intermediate transformer.
D.1 Introduction
It is known that the charging current is proportional with the degree of the voltage and the
length of the transmission line. For this reason, overvoltage always emerges at the end of
the long unloaded line, mainly due to the large amount of capacity accumulated along the
line. Therefore, in order to limit the overvoltage within a certain range, it is necessary to
build adequate numbers of switching stations equipped with reactors along the
transmission lines. But if the switching station is located at such a remote area without
reliable power supply, and also it is far from the load centre, then a reliable source of
service power need to be supplied.
Introduce one 35 kV line from the regional power grid, as the main backup power
supply of the switching station, and the capacity of station transformer is 630
Install a set of diesel generators which is started manually, as the assisted backup
power supply, and its capacity is 40 kVA.
Extract electrical power energy through the auxiliary winding system of the two
groups of 500 kV high voltage shunt reactors, as the primary power supply for the
switching station, and the capacity of each shunt reactor is 60 MVAr.
Reactor structure
The structure of the reactor is the 3-pole form, consisting of a main pole core with air gap
and two secondary pole cores. The 550 kV winding is wrapped around the main pole
core, composed of two winding modules with series connection, and at the axial
intermediate point of the two modules there is a third terminal. The energy extraction
winding consists of the two windings wrapped around the two secondary pole cores with
parallel connection, whose voltage depends on not only the turns ratio of the main
winding and secondary winding but also the magnetic flux through the two secondary
windings. The three-phase terminals of the energy extraction windings connect to three
independent power cables, with a load break switch.
The installation
Breakers, grounding switches, fuses, a 6.5-kV intermediate (distribution) transformer,
load switches, lightning arresters and all the other necessary protection, control and
metering devices are installed in a sealed concrete component box. To avoid phase to
phase fault, three independent cables are used to interconnect the energy extraction
windings of the three shunt reactors with the high-voltage buses of the service power
distribution box. After entering the distribution box, the power energy extracted goes
forward through lightning arrester, grounding switch, SF6 circuit breaker, fuses and then
reaches the intermediate transformer, in which the voltage is stepped down to 400/231V
from 6.5 kV. Passing the intermediate transformer and then a main load switch, the
power energy flows into the low-voltage buses of the service power distribution box.
Through three separated power cables, the power energy is forwarded to the electricity
distribution room of the control building. To ensure quality of secondary voltage, a
transformer with on-load tap changer is selected as the intermediate transformer, and the
range of regulatory voltage is 2 2.5%.
Shunt Reactors
Rated capacity: 60 MVAr
Rated power of the auxiliary winding: 167 kVA
Rated voltage of the main winding: 550 kV
Rated voltage of auxiliary winding: 6.5 kV
Rated current of the main winding: 189 A
Rated current of auxiliary winding: 44.5 A
Weight: 78000kg
Intermediate Transformer
Rated capacity: 500 kVA
Rated voltage of the primary winding: 6.5 kV
Reactance: 1681
D.4 Measures for protection
As the high-voltage shunt reactors are attached to the 500kV line directly, this leads to a
disadvantage that the shunt reactors can only be isolated by tripping the circuit breakers
at the two ends of the line, which may disturb the operation of power grids. Therefore it
is extremely important to ensure reliable operation of the reactor.
Besides the ordinary structure, the shunt reactor has an additional auxiliary winding
system, which increases exposure to reactor faults. To maintain the operation of this
special reactor, the manufacturer should be requested to take effective measures to avoid
the internal faults of the reactor, especially when a fault occurs on the auxiliary winding
system, it should not spread to the main winding system.
The faults on the external devices attached to the auxiliary winding system should be
avoided outside the reactor. Three independent cables are used to join the auxiliary
winding systems of each reactor with the external devices. And these cables are separated
with a distance aimed at eliminating the short-circuit fault between these cables ahead of
the SF6 breaker.
To eliminate the impact on the reactor in case a fault happened on the downstream device
of the load switch, overcurrent and grounding protective devices have been installed, and
a high-voltage fuse is also attached to the load switch as another overcurrent device;
Thermal and overcurrent protection have been installed on the main breaker of the
secondary circuit of this intermediate transformer. Moreover, fuses have been set to
isolate the faults on the 400V feeder circuit. For protection of the high-voltage reactor,
preventing the overvoltage of the main winding from entering energy extraction and
power distribution system, a lightning arrester is installed in the cable of auxiliary
winding system.
D.6 Conclusions
Due to the low reliability of regional power grid, through the 35 kV cables, the power
flowing into the power service transformer is often interrupted, so the reliability of the
power service of the switching station cannot be maintained only by depending on the
regional power grid. Locating in remote areas, without reliable power supply sources,
these switching stations should make use of shunt reactor with auxiliary winding system
to obtain reliable power supply.
With enhanced energy extraction capacity, the additional power energy can be distributed
to the adjacent areas.
During the system design it is necessary to ensure the reliable operation of the high-
voltage side of the power grid system even when a fault occurs on either the energy
extraction winding system or the downstream distribution system. Therefore, on one
hand, the manufactory should ensure the reliability of internal elements of the reactor in
the design and manufacturing procedure, that is, the high-voltage part of the reactor
should not be damaged by the fault either on energy extraction winding system or on
downstream distribution system. On the other hand, separated (segregated) power cable
needs to be adopted to avoid faults happening on cables of the energy extraction.
Interrupting and the protection devices should be appropriately equipped to restrict the
fault on distribution system within the downstream area of the circuit breaker.
Automatic Reactive Switching (ARS) system, see Figure 112, is used to switching shunt
reactors and mechanical switching capacitors (MSCs) at all voltage levels to control HV
voltage (275, 400 kV), [ref 38]. Pre-fault (fine control): fine tune voltage, maximize
dynamic MVAr reserves Post-fault (coarse control): quickly recover voltage.
In the UK, the Automatic Reactive Switching (ARS) system shall monitor and control the
400/275 kV system voltage by switching shunt reactive plant at a substation.
The ARS system shall include the functions of HV-ARS and LV-ARS. The HV-ARS and
the LV-ARS shall control the HV and LV reactive plant respectively.
The ARS system shall be capable of handling connection paths containing up to eight
switchgears in series. Any given switchgear shall be capable of being in more than one
connection path. A connection path is the link between a plant item and an associated
busbar. A connection path can be formed through switchgear and transformers as well as
other plant items.
There shall be 3 main control points for an ARS system. These are the local control point
(LCP), Substation Control Point (SCP) and Remote Control Point (RCP). A selection
facility shall be provided to enable control to be switched from the LCP to the SCP/RCP.
It shall be possible to select to one of the five pre-set voltage targets for the ARS system.
The target voltages shall be settable in the range of 10% of HV nominal system voltage.
When voltage target changes, the new target shall ramp to the new target at a preset rate.
However, the indication of the voltage target change shall take effect immediately at all
the control points. This ramping function is to avoid the fast reactive switching due to the
voltage target change.
For Coarse Voltage Control (disturbed operation), ARS provides fast switching of HV
and LV reactive plant to correct large HV and LV voltage variations.
For Fine Voltage Control (normal operation), ARS provides slow switching of LV
reactive plant to maintain the voltage within set limits of user selected target voltage.
The power system voltage inputs to the ARS system shall be supplied conventional
voltage transformers with an output of 63.5 V rated secondary. Only single-phase voltage
measurement shall be used for the ARS system. A balanced load and voltage shall be
assumed at all times.
All voltage measuring transducers (if applicable) shall be full range 4 - 20 mA true rms
The average of all the HV group voltages shall be displayed as HV voltage on the local
control panel with an accuracy of at least 0.5 kV and a resolution of 0.1 kV.
Fine Voltage Control mode shall monitor the HV voltage and carry out slow switching of
LV reactive plant to keep the HV voltage within a narrow dead-band around a selected
voltage target.
The thresholds and dead-bands associated with this control mode are detailed as follows:
Figure 112 Automatic Reactive Switching (ARS), relationship of thresholds and dead-bands for Coarse
and Fine Voltage Control Modes of the combined HV/LVARS
Note that VHHV and EHHV are fixed value, not linked to the Target Voltage
Fine Voltage Control Mode - Fairly Low HV
Refer to Figure 112, when the HV falls below the Fairly Low HV threshold FLHV(FC)
no LV MSCs/Reactors shall be switched out/in by the Fine Control Mode. LHV(FC)
shall be set to VT - LHVM + MHVVS1 + HVSM.
If the voltage remains below the LHV, another LV or tertiary reactor/MSC shall be
switched out/in at intervals of Low HV Subsequent Switching Delay (LHVSS seconds)
subject to flicker inhibit times until the voltage rises above the threshold.
If the voltage remains above the threshold HHV, another LV or tertiary MSC/reactor
shall be switched out/in at intervals of High HV Subsequent Switching Delay (HHVSS
seconds) subject to the flicker inhibit times until the voltage falls below the threshold.
If the voltage has been outside the Low or High HV thresholds for the required delay
time, but no switching can take place due to the large value of MHVVS1, an indication,
"Fine Control Not Possible" shall be raised. The indication shall be cleared when the
switching action subsequently takes place or is no longer required, or if Fine Control is
ANSI Numbers and abbreviations in Table 32 and Table 33, see [ref 12] and [ref 13].
Table 32 Function descriptions with ANSI, IEC61850-5, IEC61850-7-4 and IEC Symbols
ANSI Code IEC 61850-5 IEC 61850-7-4 IEC Symbols Function description
IEEEC37.2 Code Code
21P PDIS PDIS/PSCH Phase distance
21G PDIS PDIS/PSCH Ground distance
25 RSYN RSYN Synchrocheck
27P PTUV PTUV Phase Undervoltage
27X PTUV PTUV Auxiliary Undervoltage
32 PDPR PDOP/PDUP Directional power
37 PUCP PTUC/PDUP Undercurrent protection
40 PUEX PDUP/PDIS Field loss protection
46 PPBR PTOC Reversal phase or phase
balance current
47 PPBV PTOV Phase sequence voltage
49 PROL/PSOL PTTR Thermal Image
50P PIOC PIOC Phase Instantaneous
50G PIOC PIOC Ground Instantaneous
50hr PIOC PIOC Instantaneous
overcurrent with
harmonics restrain
50Q PIOC PIOC Negative Sequence
50N PIOC PIOC Neutral Instantaneous
50P BF RBRF RBRF Phase Instantaneous
Overcurrent, Breaker
50N BF RBRF RBRF Neutral Instantaneous
Overcurrent, Breaker
50HS PIOC PIOC Switch On To Fault
50NU/51NU PIOC PIOC Wye neutral current
unbalance (capacitors)
50STUB PIOC PIOC Stub protection
50T PIOC PIOC Transformer tank
51 PTOC PTOC Phase Time Overcurrent
51N PTOC PTOC Neutral Time
59P PDOV PTOV Phase Overvoltage
59G PDOV PTOV Ground Overvoltage
59Q PDOV PTOV Negative Sequence
59X PDOV PTOV Auxiliary Overvoltage
66 PSMU PMRI Excessive number of
start-ups protection
67P PDOC PTOC Phase Directional
67N PDEF PTOC Neutral Directional
67G PDOC PTOC Ground Directional
68 RPSB RPSB Power Swing Blocking
78 PPAM PPAM Out-of-Step Tripping
79 RREC RREC Autorecloser
81M PFRQ PTOF Overfrequency
81m PFRQ PTUF Underfrequency
81df/dt PFRQ PFRC Frequency rate of change
85 RCPW PSCH Teleprotection / Direct
87L PLDF PDIF Restrained Line
87N PNDF PDIF Restricted earth fault
87P PPDF PDIF Phase comparison
87R PTDF PDIF/PHAR Restrained Reactor
87T PTDF PDIF/PHAR Restrained Transformer
87BB PBDF PDIF/PDIR Restrained Bus
50/87B PBDF PDIF/PDIR Unrestrained Bus
OSC RDRE RDRE Disturbance recording
ER RDRS RDRS Events recording
FL RFLO RFLO Fault locator
46 PPBR PTOC Current Unbalance
46BC PTOC PTOC Broken conductor detection
50TCL YLTC YLTC Tap changer lock
64 PHIZ PHIZ Zero sequence overvoltage
52 a,b XCBR XCBR Circuit breaker (CB) control
50DD PIOC PIOC Current Disturbance
50/74 PIOC PIOC CT Trouble
CILO CILO Interlocking
CSWI CSWI Control function
MET MMXU MMXU Measuring functions (I,
U, f, P,Q)
MET MMTR MMTR Metering function
CPOW CPOW Point-on-wave breaker
Abreviations Description
AC Alternating Current
ARS Automatic Reactive Switching
BBP Busbar Protection
BCU Bay Controller Unit
BFP Breaker Failure Protection
C Current
CB Circuit Breaker
CT Current Transformer
DC Direct current
EHV Extra High Voltage
G Ground
GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear
GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Event
GPS Geographic Position System
GUI Graphical User Interface
H High
HV High Voltage
HW Hardware
HMI Human Machine Interface
I Current
IDL Instantaneous differential currents
IDMT Inverse Definite Mean Time
IED Intelligent Electronic Device
L Low
MV Medium voltage
MSC Mechanically Switched Capacitors
MTBF Mean Time between failures
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
N Neutral
OC Over current
OGST Oil gas separation tank
OLTC On load tap changer
PD Partial Discharge
PC Personal Computer
PLC Power line carrier
POW Point On Wave
REF Restricted Earth Fault
TCS Trip Circuit Supervision
TRV Transient Recovery Voltage
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SW Software
U Voltage
V Voltage
VSR Variable shunt reactor
VT Voltage transformer
SO System Operators
G.1 Books
[ref 3] Numeriska metoder, Lrobok 1, Peter Pohl, Gerd Eriksson, Germund Dahlquist William D.
Stevenson, Jr., Elements of power system analysis, Fourth Edition
[ref 5] Elkraftsystem, Systemet och dess Analys, Gassam Batal, Institutionen fr elektronik,
Mlardalen University 2003
[ref 6] Gerhard Ziegler, Numerical Differential Protection, Principles and Applications, March 2005,
ISBN 3 89578-234-3
[ref 8] IEEE Std C37.109-2006, IEEE Guide for the Protection of Shunt Reactors
[ref 9] CIGRE WG report 34.01 Reliable fault clearance and back-up protectionIEEE Std
C37.109-2006, IEEE Guide for the Protection of Shunt Reactors
[ref 10] International IEC, Standard 60270, High-voltage test techniques Partial discharge
[ref 11] IEEE Guide for the Detection and Location of Acoustic Emissions from Partial Discharges
in Oil-Immersed Power Transformers and Reactors, C57.127-2007
[ref 14] IEEE C62.92-1989, IEEE Guide for the application of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility
Systems. Part II Grounding of Synchronous Generator Systems
[ref 15] CIGRE B5.05 Report: Modern Techniques for Protecting Transformers
[ref 16] IEC 60599, Mineral Oil Impregnated Electrical Equipment in Service- Guide to the Interpretation
of dissolved and free gases analysis.
[ref 17] IEC 60422, Mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment - Supervision and maintenance
[ref 18] IEEE C57.104, Guide for the Interpretation of gases dissolved in oil.
[ref 19] IEEE C57.106, Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil.
[ref 20] IEEE C37.015-2009, Guide for the Application of Shunt Reactor Switching.
[ref 21] CIGRE Wg 13.07, Controlled switching of HVAC circuit breaker guide for application
lines, reactors, capacitors, transformers (1st and 2nd part), Electra nr.183, april 1999 and
Electra nr. 185, august 1999.
[ref 22] CIGRE WG B5.05 Modern Techniques for protecting, controlling and monitoring power
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