Prelims 23 R Daug Question Paper
Prelims 23 R Daug Question Paper
Prelims 23 R Daug Question Paper
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4. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and English. Each
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5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the
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1- ^iz/kkuea=h tu&/ku ;kstuk* fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlds 5- m".kdfVca/kh; (VkfW idy) v{kka'kksa esa nf{ vVykafVd
fy, izkjEHk dh xbZ gS\ vkSj nf{k.k&iwohZi'z kkar {ks=ksa esa pokr mRiUu ugha gksrkA
(a) xjhc yks x ks a dks vis { kkr de C;kt&nj ij bldk D;k dkj.k gS\
vkokl&.k iznku djus ds fy, (a) leqnzh i`"Bksa ds rki fuEu gksrs gSa
(b) fiNM+s {ks=ksa esa efgykvksa ds Lo;a&lgk;rk lewgksa dks
(b) var%m".kdfVca/kh; vfHklkjh {ks= (baVj&VkWfidy
izkRs lkfgr djus ds fy,
daotsl tksu) fcjys gh gksrk gS
(c) ns'k esa fokh; lekos'ku (Qkbusaf'k;y baDywtu) dks
(c) dksfjvkWfyl cy vR;ar nqcZy gksrk gS
izkRs lkfgr djus ds fy,
(d) mu {ks=ksa esa Hkwfe ekStwn ugha gksrh
(d) mikafrd (ekftZuykbTM) leqnk;ksa dks fokh; lgk;rk
iznku djus ds fy, 6- Hkkjr ds jkT;ksa dk fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ,d ;qXe]
2- pkSngosa fok vk;ksx ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls lcls iwohZ vkSj lcls if'peh jkT; dks bafxr djrk gS\
dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\ (a) vle vkSj jktLFkku
1- blus dsanzh; foHkkT; iwy esa jkT;ksa dks feyus okyk (b) v#.kkpy izn's k vkSj jktLFkku
fgLlk 32 izfr'kr ls c<+kdj 42 izfr'kr dj fn;k gSA (c) vle vkSj xqtjkr
2 blus fo'ks"k rkSj ij lsDVjksa ls tqMs+ (lsDVj&LisflfQd) (d) v#.kkpy izn's k vkSj xqtjkr
vuqnkuksa ls lacaf/kr flQkfj'ksa dh gSaA
7- jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd roksa ds ckjs esa fuEufyf[kr
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%
(a) dsoy 1
1- ;s ro ns'k ds lkekftd&vkfFkZd yksdra= dh O;k[;k
(b) dsoy 2
djrs gSaA
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
2- bu roksa esa varfoZ"V mica/k fdlh U;k;ky; }kjk
izorZuh; (,u~QksflZ,cy) ugha gSA
3- gky gh esa lekpkjksa esa vkbZ ^QksVkZystk mn~?kks"k.kk
mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
(QksVkZyts k fMDyjs'ku)* fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlds ekeyksa
(a) dsoy 1
ls lacaf/kr gS\
(a) ASEAN (b) dsoy 2
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A (b) fo|qr~ mRiknu
(a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2 (c) moZjd mRiknu
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 (d) bLikr mRiknu
9. Which of the following National Parks is 12. With reference to the International
unique in being a swamp with floating Union for Conversation of Nature and
vegetation that supports a rich Natural Resources (IUCN) and the
biodiversity? convention of International Trade in
(a) Bhitarkanika National Park Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
(b) Keibul Lamjao National Park Flora (CITES), which if the following
(c) Keoladeo Ghana National Park statements is/are correct?
(d) Sultanpur National Park 1. IUNC is an organ of the United Nations
and CITES is an international agreement
10. Which of the following statements is/
between governments.
are correct regarding National Innovation
Foundation-India (NIF)? 2. IUCN runs thousands of field projects
1. NIF is an autonomous body of the around the world to better manage
Department of Science and Technology natural environments.
under the Central Government. 3. CITES is legally binding on the States
2. NIF is an initiative to strengthen the that have jointed it, but this Convention
highly advanced scientific research in does not take the place of national laws.
India's premier scientific institutions in
collaboration with highly advanced Select the correct answer using the code
foreign scientific institutions. given below.
9- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ,d uS'kuy ikdZ blfy, 12- izfr ,oa izkfrd lalk/kuksa ds laj{k.k ds fy, varjkZ"Vh;
vuwBk gS fd og ,d Iyoeku (yksfVax) ouLifr ls ;qDr la?k (baVjuS'kuy ;wfu;u QkWj datos'Z ku vkWQ uspj ,sM
vuwi (LoSai) gksus ds dkj.k le` tSo fofo/krk dks uspqjy fjlkslsZT+k) (IUCN) rFkk oU; izkf.ktkr ,oa
c<+kok nsrk gS\ ouLifrtkr dh ladVkiUu Lih'khT+k ds varjkZ"Vh; O;kikj
(a) Hkhrjdf.kdk uS'kuy ikdZ ij dao'as ku (dao'as ku vkWu baVjuS'kuy VM
s bu ,aMt
as MZ
(b) dsbcqy ykEtkvks uS'kuy ikdZ Lih'khT+k vkWQ okbYM QkWuk ,sM
a yksjk) (CITES) ds lanHkZ
(c) dsoyknso ?kkuk uS'kuy ikdZ es]a fuEufyf[kr dFkukssa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gS\
(d) lqYrkuiqj uS'kuy ikdZ 1- IUCN la;q jk"V (UN) dk ,d vax gS rFkk CITES
dk D;k izHkko gks ldrk gS\ (b) f"k ykxr vkSj dher vk;ksx
15. Consider the following pairs: 2. Fly ash can be used as a replacement for
Place of Pilgrimage Location some of the Portland cement contents
1. Srisailam : Nallamala Hills of concrete.
2. Omkareshwar : Satmala Hills 3. Fly ash is made up of silicon dioxide and
3. Pushkar : Mahadeo Hills calcium oxide only, and does not contain
any toxic elements.
Which of the above pairs is/are correctly
matched? Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(a) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 only
16. With reference to Rowlatt Satyagraha, (c) 1 and 3
which of the following statements is/are
correct? (d) 3 only
1. The Rowlatt Act was based on the 19. With reference to 'dugong', a mammal
recommendations of the 'Sedition found in India, which of the following
Committee'. statements is/are correct?
2. In Rowlatt Satyagraha, Gandhiji tried to 1. It is a herbivorous marine animal.
utilize the Home Rule League. 2. It is found along the entire coast of
3. Demonstrations against the arrival of India.
Simon Commission coincided with 3. It is given legal protection under
Rowlatt Satyagraha. Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection)
Select the correct answer using the code Act, 1972.
given below. Select the correct answer using the code
(a) 1 only giving below.
(b) 1 and 2 only (a) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 only (b) 2 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3
17. Among the following, which were (d) 3 only
frequently mentioned in the news for
20. Who of the following was/were economic
the outbreak of Ebola virus recently?
critic/critics of colonialism in India?
(a) Syria and Jordan 1. Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia 2. G. Subramania Iyer
(c) Philippines and Papua New Guinea 3. R.C Dutt
(d) Jamaica, Haiti and Surinam Select the correct answer using the code
18. With the reference to 'fly ash' produced given below.
by the power plants using coal as fuel, (a) 1 only
which of the following statements is/are (b) 1 and 2 only
1. Fly ash can be used in the production of (c) 2 and 3 only
bricks for building construction. (d) 1, 2 and 3
15- fuEufyf[kr ;qXeksa ij fopkj dhft,% 2- ykbZ ,s'k dk mi;ksx dahV ds dqN iksVZyaSV lhesaV
rhFkZLFkku vofLFkfr va'k ds LFkkukiUu (fjIysl~esaV) ds :i esa fd;k tk
1- Jh'kSye % uYyeyk igkfM+;ka ldrk gSA
2- vksd a kjs'oj % lrekyk igkfM+;ka 3- ykbZ ,s'k dsoy flfydkWu MkbvkWDlkbM rFkk
3- iq"dj % egknso igkfM+;ka dSfYl;e vkWDlkbM ls cuk gksrk gS vkSj blesa dksbZ
mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls ;qXe lgh lqesfyr gS@gSa\
fo"kk (VkWfDld) ro ugha gksrAs
(a) dsyo 1
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(a) 1 vkSj 2
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(b) dsoy 2
(d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(c) 1 vkSj 3
16- jkSyV lR;kxzg ds lanHkZ es]a fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls
(d) dsoy 3
dFku lgh gS@gSa\
1- jkSyV vf/kfu;e] ^lsfM'ku desVh* dh fli+Gkfj'k ij 19- Hkkjr esa ik;s tkus okys Lru/kkjh ^Mwxksax* ds lanHkZ esa]
vk/kkfjr FkkA fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
2- jkSyV lR;kxzg esa] xka/khth us gkse :y yhx dk 1- ;g ,d 'kkdkgkjh leqnzh tkuoj gSA
mi;ksx djus dk iz;kl fd;kA 2- ;g Hkkjr ds iwjs leqnz rV ds lkFk&lkFk ik;k tkrk gSA
3- lkbeu deh'ku ds vkxeu ds fo# gq, izn'kZu 3- bls oU; tho (laj{k.k) vf/kfu;e] 1972 dh
jkSyV lR;kxzg ds lkFk&lkFk gq,A vuqlwph I ds v/khu fof/kd laj{k.k fn;k x;k gSA
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(a) dsoy 1 (a) 1 vkSj 2
(b) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(b) dsoy 2
(c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(c) 1 vkSj 3
(d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(d) dsoy 3
17- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdudk] bcksyk fo"kk.kq ds izdksi ds
20- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu] Hkkjr esa mifuos'kokn dk@ds
fy, gky gh esa lekpkjksa esa ckj&ckj mYys[k gqvk\
vkfFkZd vkykspd Fkk@Fks\
(a) lhfj;k vkSj tkWMZu
(b) fxuh] fl,jk fyvksu vkSj ykbcsfj;k 1- nknkHkkbZ ukSjksth
(c) fQfyihUl vkSj ikiqvk U;w fxuh 2- th lqcze.;e v;j
(d) teSdk] gSrh vkSj lqjhuke 3- vkj lh nk
18- b/ku ds :i esa dks;ys dk mi;ksx djus okys 'kf la;=a ksa uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
ls izkIr ^ykbZ ,s'k* ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa (a) dsoy 1
ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gS\
a (b) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
1- ykbZ ,s'k dk mi;ksx Hkou fuekZ.k ds fy, bVksa ds (c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
mRiknu esa fd;k tk ldrk gSA (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
21. Which one of the following issues the 25. Which one of the following is the
'Global Economic Prospects' report national aquatic animal of India?
periodically? (a) Saltwater crocodile
(a) The Asian Development Bank (b) Olive ridley turtle
(b) The European Bank for Reconstruction
(c) Gangetic dolphin
and Development
(d) Gharial
(c) The US Federal Reserve Bank
(d) The World Bank 26. With reference to Congress Socialist Party,
consider the following statements:
22. When the Reserve Bank of India reduces 1. It advocated the boycott of British goods
the Statutory Liquidity Ratio by 50 basis
and evasion of taxes.
points, which of the following is likely
to happen? 2. It wanted to establish the dictatorship
(a) India's GDP growth rate increases of proletariat.
drastically 3. It advocated separate electorate for
(b) Foreign Institutional Investors may bring minorities and oppressed classes.
more capital into our country Which of the statements given above is/
(c) Scheduled Commercial Banks may cut are correct?
their lending rates
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
(d) It may drastically reduce the liquidity
to the banking stystem (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) None
23. With reference to the use of nano- 27. Consider the following statements:
technology in health sector, which of the 1. The Rajya Sabha has no power either to
following statements is/are correct? reject or to amend a Money Bill.
1. Targeted drug delivery is made possible 2. The Rajya Sabha cannot vote on the
by nanotechnology. Demands for Grants.
2. Nanotechnology can largely contribute 3. The Rajya Sabha cannot discuss the
to gene therapy. Annual Financial Statement.
Select the correct answer using the code Which of the statements given above is/
given below. are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
24. In India, markets in agricultural products 28. The Government of India Act of 1919
are regulated under the clearly defined
(a) Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (a) the separation of power between the
(b) Agricultural Produce Market Committee judiciary and the legislature
Act enacted by States (b) the jurisdiction of the central and
(c) Agricultural Produce (Grading and provincial governments
Marking) Act, 1937 (c) the powers of the Secretary of State for
(d) Food Products Order, 1956 and Meat and India and the Viceroy
Food Products Order, 1973 (d) None of the above
21- ^fo'o vkfFkZ d lEHkkouk (Xyks c y bdukW f ed 25- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ,d] Hkkjr dk jk"Vh; tyh;
izkWLisDV~l)* fjiksVZ vkofkd :i ls fuEufyf[kr esa ls gS\
dkSu tkjh djrk gS\ (a) [kkjs ikuh dk exj
(a) ,f'k;k fodkl cSad (b) vkWfyo fjM~ys VVZy (dweZ)
(b) ;wjksih; iqufuZekZ.k vkSj fodkl cSad (;wjksfi;u cSad (c) xaxk dh MkWyfQu
QkWj fjdaLVD'ku ,saM MsoyIesaV) (d) ?kfM+;ky
(c) ;w-,l- QsMjy fjtoZ cSad
26- dkaxzsl lks'kfyLV ikVh ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa
(d) fo'o cSad
ij fopkj dhft,%
22- tc Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad lkafofkd udnh vuqikr 1- blus fczfV'k eky ds cfg"dkj vkSj djksa ds vioapu
(LVSV;wVjh) fyfDdfMV jsf'k;ks) dks 50 vkkkj vad (bostu+ ) dh odkyr dhA
(csfll ikWbaV) de dj nsrk gS] rks fuEufyf[kr esa ls D;k 2- ;g loZgkjk&oxZ dk vfkuk;dRo LFkkfir djuk pkgrh
gksus dh lEHkkouk gksrh gS\ FkhA
(a) Hkkjr dh GDP fodkl&nj izcyrk ls c<sx + h 3- blus vYila[;dksa rFkk nfyr oxks ds fy, i`Fkd~
(b) fons'kh laLFkkxr fuos'kd gekjs ns'k esa vkSj vfkd
fuokZpu&{ks= dh odkyr dhA
iwath yk;saxs
mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
(c) vuqlwfpr okf.kfT;d cSad vius mkkj nsus dh nj dks
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
?kVk ldrs gSa
(b) dsoy 3
(d) blls cSafdax O;oLFkk dh udnh (fyfDdfMfV) esa
(c) 1] 2 vkSj 3
izcyrk ls deh vk ldrh gSA
(d) dksbZ ugha
23- LokLF; {ks= esa uSuksVsDuksykWth ds mi;ksx ds lanHkZ esa]
fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\ 27- fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%
1- uSuksVsDuksykWth ds }kjk y{;;qDr vkS"kfk iznku djuk 1- jkT; lHkk esa ku foks;d dks ;k rks vLohdkj djus
(VkxsZVsM Mx fMfyofj) lEHko dj fn;k x;k gSA ;k la'kksfkr djus dh dksbZ 'kfDr fufgr ugha gSA
2- uSuksVsDuksykWth thu mipkj (thu FksjiS h) esa ,d cM+k 2- jkT; lHkk vuqnkuksa dh ekaxksa ij ernku ugha dj
;ksxnku ns ldrh gSA ldrh gSA
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,% 3- jkT; lHkk esa okf"kZd fokh; fooj.k ij ppkZ ugha gks
(a) dsoy 1 ldrhA
(b) dsoy 2 mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (a) dsoy 1
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 (b) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
24- Hkkjr esa d`f"k mRiknksa ds cktkj dks fdlds vkhu (c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(a) vko';d oLrq vfkfu;e] 1955 28- Hkkjr ljdkj vfkfu;e] 1919 us fuEufyf[kr esa ls
(b) jkT;ksa }kjk vfkfu;fer d`f"k mRikn foi.ku lfefr fdldks Li"V :i ls ifjHkkf"kr fd;k gS\
vfkfu;e (a) U;k;ikfydk ,oa fokkf;dk (ysftLyspj) ds chp
(c) d`f"k mRikn (Js.khdj.k ,oa fpkadu vfkfu;e] 'kfDr dk i`FkDdj.k
1937 (b) dsah; ,oa izkarh; ljdkjksa dh vfkdkfjrk
(d) [kk| mRikn vkns'k] 1956 ,oa ekal rFkk [kk| mRikn (c) Hkkjr ds lssVjh vkWQ LVsV ,oa okbljkW; dh 'kfDr;ka
vkns'k] 1973 (d) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
29. Which of the following brings out the 3. NFC can use encryption when sending
'Consumer Price Index Number for sensitive information.
Industrial Workers'?
Select the correct answer using the code
(a) The Reserve Bank of India
given below.
(b) The Department of Economic Affairs
(c) The Labour Bureau (a) 1 and 2 only
(d) The Department of Personnel and Training (b) 3 only
30. In the context of modern scientific (c) 1 and 3 only
research, consider the following (d) 1, 2 and 3
statements about 'IceCube', a particle
detector location at South Pole, which 33. The area known as 'Golan Heights'
was recently in the news: sometimes appears in the news in the
1. It is the world's largest neutrino context of the events related to
detector, encompassing a cubic kilometre (a) Central Asia
of ice.
(b) Middle East
2. It is a powerful telescope to search for
dark matter. (c) South-East Asia
3. It is buried deep in the ice. (d) Central Africa
Which of the statements given above is/ 34. Convertibility of rupee implies
are correct?
(a) being able to convert rupee notes into
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only gold
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (b) allowing the value of rupee to be fixed
31. The terms 'Agreement on Agriculture' by market forces
'Agreement on the Application of Sanitary (c) freely permitting the conversion of rupee
and Phytosanitary Measures' and 'Peace to other currencies and vice versa
Clause' appear in the news frequently in
(d) developing an international market for
the context of the affairs of the
(a) Food and Agriculture Organization currencies in India
(b) United Nations Framework Conference on 35. Consider the following pairs:
Climate Change Medieval Indian State Present Region
(c) World Trade Organization 1. Champaka : Central India
(d) United Nations Environment Programme 2. Durgara : Jammu
32. With reference to 'Near Field 3. Kuluta : Malabar
Communication (NFC) Technology', which
of the following statements is/are correct? Which of the above pairs is/are correctly
1. It is a contactless communication matched?
technology that uses electromagnetic (a) 1 and 2
radio fields.
(b) 2 only
2. NFC is designed for use by devices which
can be at a distance of even a metre (c) 1 and 3
from each other. (d) 3 only
29- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ^vkS|ksfxd deZdkjksa ds fy, 3- laosnu'khy lwpuk Hkstrs le; NFC dksMhdj.k
miHkksDrk dher lwpdkad (daT;wej izkbl baMsDl uEcj (,afI'ku) dk mi;ksx dj ldrk gSA
QkWj baMfLV;y odZlZ)* fudkyrk gS\
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(a) Hkkjrh; fjt+oZ cSad
(b) vkfFkZd dk;Z foHkkx (a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(c) Je C;wjks (b) dsoy 3
(d) dkfeZd vkSj izf'k{k.k foHkkx (c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
30- vkkqfud oSKkfud vuqlakku ds lanHkZ esa] gky gh esa (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
lekpkjksa esa vk;s nf{ kzoq ij fLFkr ,d d.k lalp w d
(ikfVZdy fMVsDVj) ^vkblD;wc (IceCube)* ds ckjs esa 33- ^xksyu gkbV~l* ds uke ls tkuk tkus okyk {ks=
fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,% fuEufyf[kr eas ls fdlls lacafkr ?kVukvksa ds lanHkZ esa
1- ;g fo'o dk lcls cM+k] cQZ esa ,d ?ku fdyksehVj ;nk&dnk lekpkjksa eas vkrk gS\
?ksjs okyk] U;wfVuks lalwpd (U;wfVuks fMVsDVj) gSA (a) e; ,f'k;k
2- ;g MkdZ eSVj (dark matter) dh [kkst ds fy, (b) e; iwoZ (fefMy bZLV)
cuh 'kfDr'kkyh nwjchu gSA
(c) nf{k.k&iwoZ ,f'k;k
3- ;g cQZ esa xgjkbZ esa nck gqvk gSA
mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\ (d) e; vhdk
(a) dsoy 1
34- :i;s dh ifjorZuh;rk ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\
(b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(a) #i;s ds uksVksa ds cnys lksuk izkIr dj lduk
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(d) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (b) #i;s ds ewY; dks ckt+kj dh 'kfDr;kas }kjk fukkZfjr
36. Consider the following rivers: 40. Which one of the following is associated
1. Vamsadhara with the issue of control and phasing
2. Indravati out of the use of ozone-depleting
3. Pranahita
(a) Bretton Woods Conference
4. Pennar
(b) Montreal Protocol
Which of the above are tributaries of (c) Kyoto Protocol
Godavari? (d) Nagoya Protocol
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
41. Consider the following:
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2 and 3 only
The arrival of Babur into India led to the
37. When a bill is referred to a joint sitting 1. introduction of gunpowder in the
of both the Houses of the Parliament, it subcontinent
has to be passed by 2. introduction of the arch and dome in
(a) a simple majority of members present the regions architecture
and voting
3. establishment of Timurid dynasty in the
(b) three-fourths majority of members region
present and voting
Select the correct answer using the code
(c) two-thirds majority of the Houses
given below.
(d) absolute majority of the Houses
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
38. Which one of the follwoing regions of (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
India has a combination of mangrove
forest, evergreen forest and deciduous 42. The Government of India has established
forest? NITI Aayog to replace the
(a) North Coastal Andhra Pradesh (a) Human Rights Commission
(b) South-West Bengal (b) Finance Commission
(c) Southern Saurashtra (c) Law Commission
(d) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (d) Planning Commission
39. Which of the following kingdoms were 43. What is Rio+20 Conference, often
associated with the life of the Buddha? mentioned in the news?
1. Avanti (a) It is the United Nations Conference on
2. Gandhara Sustainable Development
3. Kosala (b) It is a Ministerial Meeting of the World
Trade Organization
4. Magadha
(c) It is a Conference of the Inter-
Select the correct answer using the code
governmental Panel on Climate Change
given below.
(d) It is a Conference of the Member
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 only Countries of the Convention on Biological
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 3 and 4 only Diversity
36- fuEufyf[kr ufn;ksa ij fopkj dhft,% 40- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ,d] vkst+ksu dk vo{k;
1- oa'kkkjk djus okys inkFkks ds iz;ksx ij fu;a=.k djus vkSj mUgsa
2- bakorh pj.kc :i ls iz;ksx&ck djus (Qsft+ax vkmV) ds
eqs ls lEc gS\
3- iz.kfgrk
(a) czsVu oqM~l lEesyu
4- iskkj
(b) ekWfUV;ky izksVksdkWy
mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lh xksnkojh dh lgk;d ufn;ka gSa\
(c) D;ksVks izkV
s ksdkWy
(a) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(d) uxks;k izksVksdkWy
(b) 2] 3 vkSj 4
(c) 1] 2 vkSj 4 41- fuEufyf[kr ij fopkj dhft,%
(d) dsoy 2 vkSj 3 ckcj ds Hkkjr esa vkus ds QyLo:i
37- tc laln~ ds nksuksa lnuksa dh la;Dq r cSBd esa dksbZ foks;d 1- miegk}hi esa ck:n ds mi;ksx dh 'kq:vkr gqbZ
fufnZ"V (jsQj) fd;k tkrk gS] rks bls fdlds }kjk ikfjr 2- bl {ks= dh LFkkiR; dyk esa esgjkc vkSj xaqcn cuus
fd;k tkuk gksrk gS\ dh 'kq:vkr gqbZ
(a) mifLFkr rFkk er nsus okys lnL;ksa dk lkkkj.k cgqer
3 bl {ks= esa rSewjh (frewfjn) jktoa'k LFkkfir gqvk
(b) mifLFkr rFkk er nsus okys lnL;ksa dk rhu&pkSFkkbZ
uhps fn;s x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(b) dsoy 3
(c) lnuksa dk nks&frgkbZ cgqer
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(d) lnuksa dk iw.kZ cgqer
(d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
38- Hkkjr ds fuEufyf[kr {ks=ksa esa ls fdl ,d esa] eSaxzkso
ou] lnki.khZ ou vkSj i.kZikrh ouksa dk la;kstu gS\ 42- Hkkjr ljdkj us uhfr (NITI) vk;ksx dh LFkkiuk
(a) mkj rVh; vk a kz izn's k
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldk LFkku ysus ds fy, dh gS\
(a) ekuo vf/kdkj vk;ksx
(b) nf{k.k&if'pe caxky
(b) fok vk;ksx
(c) nf{ lkSjk"V
(c) fof/k vk;ksx
(d) vaneku vkSj fudksckj }hilewg
(d) ;kstuk vk;ksx
39- fuEufyf[kr jkT;ksa esa ls fdudk lacak cq ds thou ls
Fkk\ 43- vke rkSj ij lekpkjksa esa vkus okyk fj;ks$20 (Rio+20)
1- voarh lEesyu D;k gS\
(a) ;g /; fodkl (lLVsuc s y MsoyIesUV) ij la;Dq r
2- xkakkj
3- dksly jk"V lEesyu gSA
(b) ;g fo'o O;kikj la x Bu dh ea = hoxhZ ;
4- exk
(fefuLVhfj;y) cSBd gSA
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(c) ;g tyok;q ifjorZ u ij vUrj&ljdkjh iS u y
(a) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(baVj&xouZesaVy iSuy vkWu DykbesV psat) dk
(b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3 lEesyu gSA
(c) 1] 3 vkSj 4 (d) ;g tSo fofo/krk ij dUosa'ku ds lnL; ns'kksa dk
(d) dsoy 3 vkSj 4 lEesyu gSA
44. Consider the Following statements: 2. The first Muslim President of the Indian
1. The Executive Power of the Union of India National Congress was Badruddin Tyabji.
is vested in the Prime Minister.
Which of the statements given above is/
2. The Prime Minister is the ex officio
are correct?
Chairman of the Civil Services Board.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Which of the statements given above is/
are correct? (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
46. Who of the following organized a march (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
on the Tanjore coast to break the Salt 50. Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace,
Law in April 1930? Disarmament and Development for 2014
(a) V. O. Chidambaram Pillai was given to which one of the following?
(b) C. Rajagopalachari (a) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
(c) K. Kamaraj (b) Indian Institute of Science
(d) Annie Besant (c) Indian Space Research Organization
47. Who of the following founded a new city (d) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
on the south bank of a tributary to river
51. With reference to the Cabinet Mission,
Krishna and undertook to rule his new
kingdom as the agent of a deity to whom which of the following statements is/are
all the land south of the river Krishna correct?
was supposed to belong? 1. It recommended a federal government.
(a) Amoghavarsha I 2. It enlarged the power of the Indian
(b) Ballala II
3. It provided for more Indians in the ICS.
(c) Harihara I
(d) Prataparudra II Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
48. Consider the following statements:
1. The first women President of the Indian (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3
National Congress was Sarojini Naidu. (c) 1 and 3 (d) None
44- fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,% 2- Hkkjrh; jk"Vh; dkxzsl ds izFke eqfLye v/;{k
1- Hkkjrh; la?k dh dk;Zikfydk 'kfDr iz/kkuea=h esa fufgr cn:hu r;c th FksA
gSA mi;qZ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
2- iz/kkuea=h] flfoy lsok cksMZ dk insu v/;{k gksrk (a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
(a) dsoy 1 49- ^gfjr tyok;q fuf/k (xzhu DykbesV QaM) ds ckjs esa
(b) dsoy 2 fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa 1- ;g fodkl'khy ns'kksa dks tyok;q ifjorZu dk lkeuk
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 djus gsrq vuqdwyu vkSj U;wuhdj.k ifr;ksa esa lgk;rk
45- ^xks Y MhykW D l tks u (Goldilocks Zones) 'kCn nsus ds vk'k; ls cuh gSA
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlds lanHkZ esa vDlj lekpkjksa esa 2- bls UNEP, OECD, ,f'k;k fodkl cSad vkSj fo'o
ns[kk tkrk gS\ cSad ds rokokku esa LFkkfir fd;k x;k gSA
(a) Hkwi`"B ds ij okl;ksX; e.My dh lhek,a uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(b) i`Foh ds vanj dk og {ks=] ftlesa 'ksy xSl miyCk
(a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(c) ck varfj{k esa i`Foh tSls xzgksa dh [kkst
(d) ewY;oku /kkrqvksa ls ;qDr mYdkfiaMksa (ehfVvksjkbV~l) 50- o"kZ 2014 ds fy, bafnjk xk/kh 'kkfUr] fujhdj.k vkSj
dh [kkst fodkl iqjLdkj fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl ,d dks fn;k
46- buesa ls fdlus vizSy 1930 esa ued dkuwu rksM+us ds x;k Fkk\
fy, ratkSj rV ij ,d vfHk;ku laxfBr fd;k Fkk\ (a) HkkHkk ijek.kq vuqla/kku dsU
52. Which one of the following National Parks (c) 3 only
has a climate that varies from tropical to (d) 1, 2 and 3
subtropical, temperate and arctic?
(a) Khangchendzonga National Park 56. 'BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable
(b) Nandadevi National Park Forest Landscapes' is managed by the
(a) Asian Development Bank
(c) Neora Valley National Park
(b) International Monetary Fund
(d) Namdapha National Park
(c) United Nations Environment Programme
53. Amnesty International is (d) World Bank
(a) an agency of the United Nations to help
refugees of civil wars 57. India is a member of which among the
(b) a global Human Rights Movement following?
(c) a Non-governmental voluntary 1. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
organization to help very poor people 2. Association of South-East Asian Nations
(d) an inter-governmental agency to cater 3. East Asia Summit
to medical emergencies in war-ravaged
Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
54. With the reference to the art and (a) 1 and 2 only
archaeological history of India, which one
(b) 3 only
among the following was made earliest?
(a) Lingaraja Temple at Bhubaneswar (c) 1, 2 and 3
(b) Rock-cut Elephant at Dhauli (d) India is a member of none of them
(c) Rock-cut Monuments at Mahabalipuram 58. In India, the steel production industry
(d) Varaha Image at Udayagiri requires the import of
55. With reference to Indian history, which (a) saltpetre
of the following is/are the essential (b) rock phosphate
element/elements of the feudal system? (c) coking coal
1. A very strong centralized political
(d) All of the above
authority and a very weak provincial or
local political authority 59. The provisions in Fifth Schedule and Sixth
2. Emergence of administrative structure Schedule in the Constitution of India are
based on control and possession of land made in order to
3. Creation of lord-vassal relationship (a) protect the interests of Scheduled Tribes
between the feudal lord and his overlord (b) determine the boundaries between States
Select the correct answer using the code (c) determine the powers, authority and
given below. responsibilities of Panchayats
(a) 1 and 2 only (d) protect the interests of all the border
(b) 2 and 3 only States
52- fuEufyf[kr uS'kuy ikdks esa ls fdl ,d dh tyok;q 56- ^ck;ksdkcZu QaM bfuf'k,fVo QWkj lLVsuscy QkWjsLV
m".kdfVca/kh; ls miks".k] 'khrks".k vkSj vkdZfVd rd ySM
a LdsIl (Biocarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable
ifjofrZr gksrh gS\ Forest Landscapes)' dk izcU/ku fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu
(a) daputa?kk uS'kuy ikdZ djrk gSA
(b) uanknsoh uS'kuy ikdZ (a) ,f'k;k fodkl cSad
(c) usojk oSfy uS'kuy ikdZ (b) vUrjkZ"Vh; eqk dks"k
(d) ukenQk uS'kuy ikdZ (c) la;qDr jk"V i;kZoj.k dk;Ze
53- ,sEusLVh baVjuS'kuy D;k gS\ (d) fo'o cSad
(a) x`g;qksa ds 'kj.kkfFkZ;ksa dh enn ds fy, la;qDr jk"V
57- Hkkjr fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldk@fdudk lnL; gS\
dk ,d vfHkdj.k 1- ,f'k;k& iz'kkUr vfFkZd lg;ksx (,f'k;k& iSflfQd
(b) fo'oO;kih ekuo vf/kdkj vkUnksyu
bdukWfed dksvkWijs'ku)
(c) vfr fu/kZu yksxksa dh enn ds fy, ,d xSj&ljdkjh
2- nf{k.k&iwoZ ,f'k;kbZ jk"Vkas dk laxBu (,lksfl,'ku
LoSfPNd laxBu
vkWQ lkmFk&bZLV ,f'k;u us'kUl)
(d) ;q ls fou"V gq, {ks=ksa esa fpfdRlk vkdfLedrkvksa
3- iwohZ ,f'k;k f'k[kj lEesyu (bZLV ,f'k;k lfeV)
dks iwjk djus ds fy, ,d vUrj&ljdkjh vfHkdj.k
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
54- Hkkjr ds dyk vkSj iqjkrkfRod bfrgkl ds lanHkZ esa]
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl ,d dk lcls igys fuekZ.k fd;k
(b) dsoy 3
x;k Fkk\
(c) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(a) Hkqous'oj fLFkr fyaxjkt efUnj
(d) Hkkjr buesa ls fdlh dk lnL; ugha gS
(b) /kkSyh fLFkr 'kSyd`r gkFkh
(c) egkcfyiqje fLFkr 'kSyd`r Lekjd 58- Hkkjr esa bLikr mRiknu m|ksx dks fuEufyf[kr esa ls
(d) mn;fxfj fLFkr ojkg ewfrZ fdlds vk;kr dh vis{kk gksrh gS\
(a) 'kksjk
55- Hkkjrh; bfrgkl ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr esa ls
(b) 'kSy QWkLQsV (jkWd QkLQsV)
dkSu&lk@ls lkeUrh O;oLFkk dk@ds vfuok;Z rRo gS@gSa\
(c) dksddkjh (dksfdax) dks;yk
1- vR;Ur l'kDr dsUh; jktuhfrd lkk vkSj vR;Ur
(d) mi;qZDr lHkh
nqcZy izkUrh; vFkok LFkkuh; jktuhfrd lkk
2- Hkwfe ds fu;a=.k rFkk LokfeRo ij vkkkfjr iz'kklfud 59- Hkkjr ds lafo/kku esa ikpoh vuqlwph vkSj NBh vuqlwph
lajpuk dk mn; ds micU/k fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlfy, fd, x, gS\
3- lkeUr rFkk mlds vfkifr ds chp Lokeh&nkl lEcUk (a) vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ksa ds fgrksa ds laj{k.k ds fy,
dk cuuk (b) jkT;ksa ds chp lhekvksa ds fu/kkZj.k ds fy,
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A (c) iapk;rksa dh 'kfDr;ksa] izkfkdkjksa vkSj mkjnkf;Roksa ds
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3 fukkZj.k ds fy,
(c) dsoy 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (d) lHkh lhekorhZ jkT;ksa ds fgrksa ds laj{k.k ds fy,
60. With reference to the Union Government, 63. The Genetic Engineering Appraisal
consider the following statements: Committee is constituted under the
1. The Department of Revenue is responsible (a) Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
for the preparation of Union Budget that (b) Geographical Indications of Goods
is presented to the Parliament. (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
2. No amount can be withdrawn from the (c) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
Consolidated Fund of India without the
(d) Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
authorization from the Parliament of
India. 64. In the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation, an
3. All the disbursements made from Public initiative of six countries, which of the
Accout also need the authorization from following is/are not a participant/
the Parliament of India. participants?
1. Bangladesh
Which of the statements given above is/
are correct? 2. Cambodia
(a) 1 and 2 only 3. China
(b) 2 and 3 only 4. Myanmar
(c) 2 only 5. Thailand
60- la?k dh ljdkj (;wfu;u xouZesaV) ds lanHkZ esa] 63- ts u s f Vd ba t hfu;fja x vuq e ks n u lfefr dk xBu
fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,% fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlds vkhu fd;k x;k gS\
1- jktLo foHkkx] laln~ esa izLrqr fd, tkus okys dsUh; (a) [kk| lqj{kk ,oa ekud vfkfu;e] 2006
ctV dks rS;kj djus ds fy, mkjnk;h gSA (b) eky ds HkkSxksfyd min'kZu (jftLVhdj.k vkSj laj{k.k)
66. Consider the following statements: 69. In a particular region in India, the local
1. The winds which blow between 300 N people train the roots of living trees into
and 600 S latitudes throughout the year robust bridges across the streams. As the
are known as westerlies. time passes, these bridges become
2. The moist air masses that cause winter stronger. These unique 'living root bridges'
rains in North-Western region of India are found in
are part of westerlies. (a) Meghalaya
66- fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,% 69- Hkkjr ds fo'ks"k {ks= esa] LFkkuh; yksx thfor o`{kksa dh
1- iwjs o"kZ 30 N vkSj 60 S v{kka'kksa ds chp cgus
0 0
tM+ksa dk vuqokZu dj bUgsa tykkjk ds vkj&ikj lqn`<+
okyh gok, iNqvk gok, (osLVjyht) dgykrh gSaA iqyksa esa :ikarfjr dj nsrs gSaA tSls&tSls le; xqtjrk gS]
2- Hkkjr ds mkj&if'peh {ks= esa 'khrdkyhu o"kkZ ykus ;s iqy vkSj vfkd etcwr gksrs tkrs gSAa ;s vuks[ksa ^thfor
okyh vkZ ok;q lagfr;k (ekWbLV ,;j eklst) iNqvk tM+ iqy* dgk ik;s tkrs gSa\
gokvksa ds Hkkx gSaA (a) es?kky;
mi;qDZ r eas ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\ (a) fgekpy izns'k
(a) dsoy 1 (a) >kj[kaM
(b) dsoy 2 (a) rfeyukMq
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa 70- egklkxjksa vkSj leqksa esa Tokj&HkkVk, fdlds@fduds
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 dkj.k gksrk@gksrs gSa\
67- ^{ks=h; lg;ksx ds fy, fgUn egklkxj fje la?k [(bafM;u 1- lw;Z dk xq#Roh; cy
vks'ku fje ,lksfl,'ku QkWj jhtuy dksvkWijs'ku (IOR- 2- paek dk xq#Roh; cy
ARO) ds lanHkZ es]a fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,% 3- i`Foh dk vidsah; cy
1- bldh LFkkiuk vR;ar gky gh esa leqh MdSrh dh uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
?kVukvksa vkSj rsy vfkIyko (vk;y fLiYl) dh (a) dsoy 1
nq?kZVukvksa ds izfrf;kLo:i dh xbZ gSA (b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
2- ;g ,d ,slh eS=h gS tks dsoy leqh lqj{kk gsrq gSA (c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\ (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(a) dsoy 1
71- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdu dk;Zdykiksa esa Hkkjrh; nwj laons u
(b) dsoy 2
(IRS) mixzgksa dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
1- Qly dh mit dk vkdyu
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
2- HkkSe ty (xzkmaMokWVj) lalkkuksa dk LFkku&fukkZj.k
68- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl vkanksyu ds dkj.k Hkkjrh;
3- [kfut dk vUos"k.k
jk"Vh; dkxzsl dk foHkktu gqvk ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i
4- nwjlapkj
^uje ny* vkSj ^xje ny* dk mn~Hko gqvk\
5- ;krk;kr v;;u
(a) Lons'kh vkanksyu
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(b) Hkkjr NksM+ks vkanksyu
(a) dsoy 1] 2 vkSj 3
(c) vlg;ksx vkanksyu (b) dsoy 4 vkSj 5
(d) lfou; voKk vkanksyu (c) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(d) 1] 2] 3] 4 vkSj 5
72. Consider the following States: 75. Which one of the following was given
1. Arunachal Pradesh classical language status recently?
2. Himachal Pradesh (a) Odia
3. Mizoram (b) Konkani
In which of the above States do 'Tropical (c) Bhojpuri
Wet Evergreen Forests' occur? (d) Assamese
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
76. With reference to an organization known
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 as 'BirdLife International', which of the
73. The term 'IndARC', sometimes seen in the following statements is/are correct?
news, is the name of 1. It is a Global Partnership of Conservation
(a) an indigenously developed radar system Organizations.
inducted into Indian Defence 2. The conpect of 'biodiversity hotspots'
(b) India's satellite to provide services to originated from this organization.
the countries of Indian Ocean Rim 3. It identifies the sites known/referred to
(c) a scientific establishment set up by India as 'Important Bird and Biodiversity
in Antarctic region Areas'.
(d) India's underwater observatory to Select the correct answer using the code
scientifically study the Arctic region given below.
74. With reference to 'Forest Carbon (a) 1 only
Partnership Facility', which of the (b) 2 and 3 only
following statements is/are correct?
1. It is a global partnership of governments, (c) 1 and 3 only
businesses, civil society and indigenous (d) 1, 2 and 3
77. Which one of the following countries of
2. It provides financial aid to universities,
South-West Asia does not open out to
individual scientists and institutions
the Mediterranean Sea?
involved in scientific forestry research
to develop eco-friendly and climate (a) Syria
adaptation technologies for sustainable (b) Jordan
forest management. (c) Lebanon
3. It assists the countries in their 'REDD+
(d) Israel
(Reducing Emissions from Deforestation
and Forest Degradation+)' efforts by 78. In India, in which one of the following
providing them with financial and types of forests is teak a dominate tree
technical assistance. species?
Select the correct answer using the code (a) Tropical moist deciduous forest
given below. (b) Tropical rain forest
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) Tropical thorn scrub forest
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Temperate forest with grasslands
72- fuEufyf[kr jkT;ksa ij fopkj dhft,% 75- gky gh esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl ,d Hkk"kk dks 'kkL=h;
1- v#.kkpy izn's k Hkk"kk (Dykfldy ySaXost) dk ntkZ (LVsVl) fn;k x;k
2- fgekpy izns'k gS\
3- fetksje
(a) mfM+;k
mi;qZDr jkT;ksa esa ls fdlesa@fduesa ^m".kdfVcakh; vkZ
lnki.khZ ou* gksrs gSa\ (b)
(a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3 (c) Hkkstiqjh
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (d) vlfe;k
73- dHkh&dHkh lekpkjksa esa ns[kk tkus okyk 'kCn ^baMvkdZ
76- ^cMZykbQ baVjus'kuy (BirdLife International)'
(IndARC) fdldk uke gS\
(a) ns'kt :i ls fodflr] Hkkjrh; j{kk (fMQsal) esa uked laxBu ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls
vfk"Bkfir jsMkj flLVeA dFku lgh gS@gSa\
(b) fgan egklkxj fje ds ns'kksa dks lsok iznku djus gsrq 1- ;g laj{k.k laxBuksa dh fo'oO;kih Hkkxhnkjh gSA
Hkkjr dk mixzgA 2- ^tSo fofokrk gkWVLikWV* dh ladYiuk bl laxBu ls
(c) Hkkjr }kjk vaVkdZfVd {ks= esa LFkkfir ,d oSKkfud
'kq: gqbZA
(d) vkdZfVd {ks= ds oSKkfud v;;u gsrq Hkkjr dh 3- ;g ^egoiw.kZ i{kh ,oa tSo fofokrk {ks=* (bEikWVaSV
vartZyh; osk'kkyk (vaMjokWVj vkWCtosZVjh)A cMZ ,aM ckW;ksMkbolVh ,fj;kt)* ds :i esa
74- ^ou dkcZu Hkkxhnkjh lqfokk (QkWjLs V dkcZu ikVZujf'ki Kkr@fun"V LFkyksa dh igpku djrk gSA
QsflfyfV)* ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr eas ls dkSu&lk@ls uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
dFku lgh gS@gSa\ (a) dsoy 1
1- ;g ljdkjksa] O;olk;ksa] ukxfjd lekt vkSj ns'kh tuksa (b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(bafMftul ihiYl) dh ,d oSf'od Hkkxhnkjh gSA
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
2- ;g; (lLVs u s c y) ou iz c a ku gs r q
i;kZoj.k&vuqdwyh (bZdks&saMyh) vkSj tyok;q (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
vuq d w y u (Dykbes V ,s M s I 'ku) iz k S | ks f xfd;ks a
77- nf{k.k&if'peh ,f'k;k dk fuEufyf[kr eas ls dkSu&lk
(VsDuksykWtht) ds fodkl ds fy, oSKkfud okfudh
vuq l a kku es a yxs fo'ofo|ky;ks a ] fo'ks " k ,d ns'k Hkwe;lkxj rd QSyk ugha gS\
(bafMfotqvy) oSKkfudksa rFkk laLFkkvksa dks fokh; (a) lhfj;k
lgk;rk iznku djrh gSA (b) tkWMu
3- ;g ns'kksa dh] muds ^ouksUewyu vkSj ou&fuEuhdj.k (c) yscuku
mRltZu de djus$ (fjM;wflax ,felal kWe
(d) bt+jkby
MhQkWjsLVs'ku ,aM QkWjsLV fMxzsMs'ku$) (REDD+]'
iz;klksa esa fokh; ,oa rduhdh lgk;rk iznku dj] 78- Hkkjr es]a fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl ,d ou&iz:i es]a lkxkSu
enn djrh gSA
(Vhd) ,d izHkkoh o`{k Lih'kht gS\
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(a) dsoy 1
(a) m".kdfVcakh; vkZ i.kZikrh ou
(b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3 (b) m".kdfVcakh; o"kkZ ou
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (c) m".kdfVcakh; daVhyh >kM+h ou
(d) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (d) ?kklLFky;qDr 'khrks".k ou
79. 'Beijing Declaration and Platform for 82. Consider the following statements:
Action', often seen in the news, is 1. The Legislative Council of a State in India
(a) a strategy to tackle the regional can be larger in size than half of the
terrorism, an outcome of meeting of the Legislative Assembly of that particular
Shanghai Cooperation Organization
2. The Governor of a State nominates the
(b) a plan of action for sustainable economic Chairman of Legislative Council of that
growth in the Asia-Pacific Region, an particular State.
outcome of the deliberations of the Asia-
Which of the statements given above is/
Pacific Economic Forum
are correct?
(c) an agenda for women's empowerment, (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
an outcome of a world Conference
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
convened by the United Nations
(d) a strategy to combat wildlife trafficking, 83. "To uphold and protect the Sovereignty,
a declaration of the East Asia Summit Unity adn Integrity of India" is a
provision made in the
80. "Each day is more or less the same, the (a) Preamble of the Constitution
morning is clear and bright with a sea (b) Directive Principles of State Policy
breeze; as the Sun climbs high in the (c) Fundamental Rights
sky, heat mounts up, dark clounds form, (d) Fundamental Duties
then rain comes with thunder and
lightning. But rain is soon over." 84. Which one of the following is the best
description of the term 'ecosystem'?
Which of the following regions is (a) A community of organisms interacting
described in the above passage? with one another
(a) Savannah (b) That part of the Earth which is inhabited
(b) Equatorial by living organisms.
(c) Monsoon (c) A community of organisms together with
the environment in which they live
(d) Mediterranean
(d) The flora and fauna of a geographical
81. With reference to Indian economy, area
consider the following statements:
85. The fundamental object of Panchayati Raj
1. The rate of growth of Real Gross Domestic system is to ensure which among the
Product has steadily increased in the last following?
decade. 1. People's participation development
2. The Gross Domestic Product at market 2. Political accountability
prices (in rupees) has steadily increased 3. Democratic decentralisation
in the last decade. 4. Financial mobilization
Which of the statements given above is/ Select the correct answer using the code
are correct? given below.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 2 and 4 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
79- izk;% lekpkjksa esa ns[kh tkus okyh ^chftax ?kks"k.kk vkSj 82- fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%
dkjZokbZ eap (chftax fMDyjs'ku ,aM IysVQkWeZ QkWj 1- Hkkjr esa fdlh jkT; dh fo/kku ifj"kn~ vkdkj esa ml
,D'ku)* fuEufyf[kr esa ls D;k gS\ jkT; dh fo/kku lHkk ds vk/ks ls vf/kd cM+h gks
(a) {ks=h; vkradokn ls fuiVus dh ,d dk;Zuhfr ldrh gSA
(LVSVth)] 'ka?kkbZ lg;ksx laxBu ('ka?kkbZ dksvkWijs'ku 2- fdlh jkT; dk jkT;iky ml jkT; dh fo/kku ifj"kn~
ds lHkkifr dks ukefunsZf'kr djrk gSA
vkWxZukbts'ku) dh cSBd dk ,d ifj.kkeA
mi;qZkG dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
(b) ,f'k;k&iz'kkar {ks= esa; vkFkd lao`f dh ,d
(a) dsoy 1
dk;Z & ;ks t uk] ,f'k;k&iz ' kka r vkFkd ea p
(b) dsoy 2
(,f'k;k&iS f lfQd bdukW f ed Qks j e) ds (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
fopkj&foe'kZ dk ,d ifj.kkeA (d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(c) efgyk l'kDrhdj.k gsrq ,d dk;Zlwph] la;qDr jk"V
83- ^^Hkkjr dh izHkqrk] ,drk vkSj v[k.Mrk dh j{kk djsa
}kjk vk;ksftr fo'o lEesyu dk ,d ifj.kkeA
vkSj mls v{kq..k j[ksaA** ;g micU/k fdlesa fd;k x;k
(d) oU; thoksa ds nqO;kZikj (VSfQfdax) dh jksdFkke gsrq
dk;Zuhfr] iwohZ ,f'k;k f'k[kj lEesyu (bZLV ,f'k;k (a) lafo/kku dh msf'kdk
lfeV) dh ,d mn~?kks"k.kkA (b) jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd ro
80- flgj fnu dekscs'k ,d&lk gh gksrk gSA lqcg] leqh ean (c) ewy vf/kdkj
iou ds lkFk] lkQ vkSj mtyh gksrh gSA tSls&tSls lw;Z (d) ewy drZO;
vkdk'k esa ij p<+rk tkrk gS] xehZ c<+rh tkrh gS] ?kus 84- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ,d] ^ikfjra= (bZdksflLVe)*
ckny cuus yxrs gSa vkSj fQj cknyksa dh xjt vkSj 'kCn dk loksZR o.kZu gS\
fctyh dh ped ds lkFk o"kkZ gksus yxrh gSA ysfdu (a) ,d&nw l js ls vU;ks U ;f;k djus okys thoks a
o"kkZ 'kh?kz gh lekIr gks tkrh gSAfi (vkWxZfuT+El) dk ,d leqnk;
mi;qDZ r mj.k esa fuEufyf[kr {ks=ksa esa ls fdldk o.kZu (b) i` F oh dk og Hkkx tks ltho thoks a (fyfoa x
86. With reference to Indian economy, (b) Directive Principles of State Policy
consider the following: (c) Fundamental Rights
1. Bank rate
(d) Seventh Schedule
2. Open market operations
3. Public debt 90. The substitution of steel for wooden
4. Public revenue ploughs in agricultural production is an
example of
Which of the above is/are component/
(a) labouraugmenting technological
components of Monetary Policy?
(a) 1 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 (b) capitalaugmenting technological
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 3 and 4 progress
87. With reference to inflation in India, which (c) capitalreducing technological progress
of the following statements is correct? (d) None of the above
(a) Controlling the inflation in India is the
responsibility of the Government of India 91. There is a Parliamentary System of
only Government in India because the
(b) The Reserve Bank of India has no role in (a) Lok Sabha is elected directly by the
controlling the inflation people
(c) Decreased money circulation helps in (b) Parliament can amend the Constitution
controlling the inflation (c) Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved
(d) Increased money circulation helps in (d) Council of Ministers is responsible to the
controlling the inflation Lok Sabha
88. Consider the following countries: 92. H1N1 virus is sometimes mentioned in
1. China the news with reference to which one of
2. France the following diseases?
3. India (a) AIDS (b) Bird flu
4. Israel (c) Dengue (d) Swine flu
5. Pakistan
93. With reference to bio-toilets used by the
Which among the above are Nuclear Indian Railways, consider the following
Weapons States as recognized by the statements:
Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear 1. The decomposition of human waste in
Weapons, commonly known as Nuclear the bio-toilets is initiated by a fungal
NonProliferation Treaty (NPT)? inoculum.
(a) 1 and 2 only 2. Ammonia and water vapour are the only
(b) 1, 3, 4 and 5 only end products in this decomposition which
are released into the atmosphere.
(c) 2, 4 and 5 only
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Which of the statements given above is/
are correct?
89. The ideal of 'Welfare State' in the Indian
Constitutions is enshrined in its (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(a) Preamble (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
86- Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ds lanHkZ es]a fuEufyf[kr ij fopkj (c) ewy vf/kdkj
dhft,% (d) lkroha vuqlwph
1- cSad&nj
2- [kqyh ckt+kj dkjZokbZ (vksisu ekdsZV vkWijs'ku) 90- d`f"k mRiknu esa dk"B ds gyksa ds LFkku ij bLikr ds gyksa
3- yksd .k (ifCyd MsCV) dk mi;ksx fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldk mnkgj.k gS \
4- yksd jktLo (ifCyd jsoUs ;w)
mi;qZ kG esa ls dkSu&lk@ls ekSfd uhfr dk@ds ?kVd gS@gS\
a (a) Je c<+kus okyh izk|
S ksfxdh; (VsDukykWftdy) izxfr
(a) dsoy 1 (b) iwWath c<+kus okyh izkS|ksfxdh; izxfr
(b) 2] 3 vkSj 4
(c) iwWath ?kVkus okyh izkS|ksfxdh; izxfr
(c) 1 vkSj 2
(d) 1] 3 vkSj 4 (d) mi;qkZG esa ls dksbZ ugha
87- Hkkjr esa eqkLQhfr ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa 91- Hkkjr esa lalnh; .kkyh dh ljdkj gS] D;ksafd
ls dkSu&lk lgh gS \ (a) yksd lHkk turk }kjk R;{k :i ls fuokZfpr gksrh gS
(a) Hkkjr esa ekLQhfr dk fu;a=.k dsoy Hkkjr ljdkj
(b) laln~] lafo/kku dk la'kks/ku dj ldrh gS
dk mkjnkf;Ro gS
(b) eqkLQhfr ds fu;a=.k esa Hkkjrh; fjt+oZ cSad dh dksbZ (c) jkT; lHkk dks Hkax ugha fd;k tk ldrk
94. The problem of international liquidity is (d) Identifying the entrepreneurs in villages
related to the nonavailability of and providing them technology and
(a) goods and services finance to set up seed companies
(b) gold and silver 98. There has been a persistent deficit
(c) dollars and other hard currencies budget year after year. Which of the
(d) exportable surplus following actions can be taken by the
government to reduce the deficit?
95. With reference to 'fuel cells' in which 1. Reducing revenue expenditure
hydrogenrich fuel and oxygen are used
to generate electricity, consider the 2. Introducing new welfare schemes
following statements: 3. Rationalizing subsidies
1. If pure hydrogen is used as a fuel, the fuel 4. Expanding industries
cell emits heat and water as byproducts.
Select the correct answer using the code
2. Fuel cells can be used for powering
given below.
buildings and not for small devices like
laptop computers. (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
3. Fuel cells produce electricity in form of (c) 1 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Alternating Current (AC).
99. Which of the following has/have been
Which of the statements given above is/ accorded 'Geographical Indication' status?
are correct?
1. Banaras Brocades and Sarees
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
2. Rajasthani DaalBatiChurma
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
3. Tirupathi Laddu
96. Kalamkari painting refers to
Select the correct answer using the code
(a) a handpainted cotton textile in South India given below.
(b) a handmade drawing on bamboo
(a) 1 only
handicrafts in NorthEast India
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) a blockpainted woollen cloth in Western
Himalayan region of India (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) a handpainted decorative silk cloth in (d) 1, 2 and 3
NorthWestern India
100. With reference to the Indian Renewable
97. Which one of the following best describes Energy Development Agency Limited
the main objective of 'Seed Village Concept'? (IREDA), which of the following
(a) Encouraging the farmers to use their own statements is/are correct?
farm seeds and discouraging them to buy 1. It is a Public Limited Government
the seeds from others Company.
(b) Involving the farmers for training in 2. It is a NonBanking Financial Company.
quality seed production and thereby to
Select the correct answer using the code
make available quality seeds to others
at appropriate time and affordable cost given below.
(c) Earmarking some villages exclusively for (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
the production of certified seeds (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
94- vUrjkZ"Vh; udnh (fyfDofMfV) dh leL;k fuEufyf[kr (c) dqN xzkeksa dks vuU; :i ls chtksa ds mRiknu
esa ls fdldh vuqiyC/krk ls lEcfU/kr gS\ ds fy, gh mf (b;jekdZ) djuk
(a) oLrq, vkSj lsok, (d) xzkeksa esa m|fe;ksa dks vfHkKkr (vkbMsafVQkb) djuk
(b) lksuk vkSj pknh
rFkk mUgsa cht dEifu;ksa dh LFkkiuk djus ds fy,
(c) MkWyj vkSj vU; nqyZHk eqk, (gkMZ djsalht+)
kS|ksfxdh vkSj fok miyC/k djkuk
(d) fu;kZr&;ksX; cs'kh (ljIyl)
95- ^;wvy lsYl (fuel cells)*] ftlesa gkbMkstu ls 98- o"kZ&fro"kZ fujUrj ?kkVs dk ctV jgk gSA ?kkVs dks de
le` b/ku vkSj vkWDlhtu dk mi;ksx fo|qr~ iSnk djus djus ds fy, ljdkj }kjk fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh
ds fy, gksrk gS] ds lUnHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij dkjZokbZ@dkjZokb;k dh tk ldrh gS@gSa\
fopkj dhft,% 1- jktLo&O;; esa deh ykuk
1- ;fn 'kq gkbMkt s u dk mi;ksx b/ku ds :i esa gksrk 2- ubZ dY;k.kdkjh ;kstuk, vkjEHk djuk
gS] rks ;wvy lsy mi&mRikn (ckb&ksMDV) ds :i 3- minkuksa (lfClMht+) dk ;qkGhdj.k djuk
esa "ek ,oa ty dk mRltZu djrk gSA 4- m|ksxksa dk foLrkj djrk
2- ;wvy lsYl dk mi;ksx Hkouksa dks fo|qr~ nk; ds uhps fn, x, dwV dk ;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
fy, rks fd;k tk ldrk gS] fdUrq ySiVkWi] dEI;wVj (a) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
tSlh NksVh ;qfkG;ksa (fMokblst)+ ds fy, ughaA
(b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
3- ;wvy lsYl R;korhZ /kkjk (AC) ds :i esa fo|qr~
(c) dsoy 1
mRiknu djrs gSaA
mi;qZkG dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\ (d) 1] 2] 3 vkSj 4
(a) dsoy 1 99- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldks@fdudks ^HkkSxksfyd lwpuk
(b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(ftvksxkz fQdy bafMds'ku)* dh fLFkfr nku dh xbZ gS\
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
1- cukjlh tjh vkSj lkfM+;k
(d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
2- jktLFkkuh nky&ckVh&pwjek
96- dyedkjh fp=dyk fufnZ (jsQj) djrh gS 3- fr#ifr yM~Mw
(a) nf{k.k Hkkjr esa lwrh o ij gkFk ls dh xbZ fp=dkjh
uhps fn, x, dwV dk ;ksx dj lgh mkj pqfu,A
(b) iwoksZkj Hkkjr esa ckl ds gLrf'kYi ij gkFk ls fd;k
(a) dsoy 1
x;k fp=kadu
(b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(c) Hkkjr ds ifeh fgeky; {ks= esa uh o ij BIis
(CykWd) ls dh xbZ fp=dkjh (c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
tc rd vkidks ;g ijh{k.k iqfLrdk [kksyus dks u dgk tk, rc rd u [kksysa