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Statement of Expertise

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Statement of Expertise

CIPFA members and students operate in a wide variety of roles across the public, private
and not-for-profit sectors. Often they work at the very highest levels. They are
particularly widely acknowledged for their understanding and awareness of the unique
characteristics and challenges facing public service organisations.

In times of constant change it is imperative that CIPFA maintains an up to date, relevant

and respected professional qualification that implants the knowledge and fashions the
skills which modern organisations require. In order to do that most effectively we need
to have excellent awareness and understanding of the changing needs of today's world
and to identify very clearly the highly relevant expertise which CIPFA members bring to
their roles.

This Statement of Expertise has been developed to address these issues. It describes
many of the professional skills required within organisations to enable them to operate
effectively and successfully in an increasingly demanding environment and it outlines the
areas of expertise which mark out CIPFA members as key and highly influential players.

Of course, some CIPFA members will occupy specialised positions which do not require
all of the contributions outlined. In that sense the Statement expresses the broad
collective expertise of members with several years post qualifying experience.

Finally, CIPFA's professional qualification provides a comprehensive foundation of

knowledge, understanding and skills which add up to a highly valuable resource for
organisations. But to maximise impact and success over the long term they must be kept
up to date. The commitment of CIPFA members and their employers to Continuing
Professional Development is also absolutely critical.

CIPFA's Statement of Expertise is under constant review to ensure that it remains

current and continues to reflect the real roles of CPFAs in the work place. Its first review
has now been completed, and we continue to welcome all your thoughts and comments
on the Statement.

Leadership & strategic management

Strategic & operational financial management

Financial & performance reporting

Governance, ethics & values

Audit & accountability

Partnerships & stakeholder relations

Change, risk and project management

Procurement & contract management


Leading complex organisations and Providing visible, supportive & effective

managing the achievement of leadership across an organisation;
organisational aims Developing, motivating and empowering
staff to deliver corporate objectives;
Fostering a positive and creative
organisational culture, that has proper
regard to all relevant national and local
policies, procedures and legislation;
Implementing effective performance
management arrangements.

Developing and shaping plans to Leading teams to develop sound

deliver short, medium and long-term strategies;
financial and business strategies often Reviewing the financial implications of
in support of a wide-ranging corporate planned actions;
plan Assessing the impact of both financial and
non-financial legislative changes;
Developing risk management frameworks.

Advising on corporate strategy in the Interpreting the impact and potential

light of an organisations performance outcomes of public services funding
and financial position announcements, policy and regulatory
changes and opportunities to deliver
through new arrangements such as

Providing and supporting leadership at Working closely with elected and appointed
board level members of the board. ;
Determining policy objectives to ensure an
organisation has clear purpose and

Developing strategic alliances with Networking;

other organisations Identifying and establishing joint working
initiatives with colleagues from other
public, private and not-for-profit


Leading and directing a value for Developing and implementing strategies,

money finance function, which which encourage good management and
promotes effective financial decision-making across an organisation.
management policies and practices for
an organisation
Determining financial operating Designing and updating financial
policies and establishing mechanisms instructions, financial standing orders,
for economic, efficient and effective credit control procedures, tax and debt
financial administration and control collection policies etc. in light of legislative,
regulatory or organisational changes;
Ensuring the adherence to financial
operating policies.

Forecasting an organisations pattern Producing forecasts, business plans,

of gains and losses for the foreseeable budgets and estimates.
future and modelling the impact on an
organisations financial position,
performance and adaptability

Identifying sources of funding and Submitting bids for additional

advising on how to match these to resources/funding. Option appraisal and
business opportunities or threats costing new initiatives;
Preparing resource and market analysis.

Specifying, commissioning and Ensuring adequate and effective systems

overseeing the maintenance, quality for accounting records and control
and operation of systems for: systems;
o transaction processing Specifying financial, audit and analytical
o generating financial information requirements of new IT systems, in-house
o maintaining financial control or through outsourced or shared service
o measuring organisational agreements;
performance Overseeing and managing upgrades to
existing systems which enhance efficiency
and improve performance.

Developing and implementing financial Determining policies to plan and manage

strategies to ensure that funds will be for the effects of legislation, inflation, and
available when required and at least changes to resource allocations;
cost to an organisation; managing Overseeing and managing the treasury and
assets, investments, borrowings and fixed asset management function of an
cash flow effectively to maintain organisation;
sufficient working capital and optimise Conducting and reporting on portfolio
costs of debt and returns on analysis, investment option appraisal,
investment portfolio; implementing revenue collection and debtor policies;
capital planning and asset Reviewing tax-planning arrangements.
management strategies to ensure
assets are adequately managed and


Producing and publishing financial In accordance with generally accepted

statements using appropriate accounting principles, codes of practice,
accounting policies legislation and regulatory guidance and
utilising fundamental accounting
techniques, preparing: performance
statements, balance sheets, cash flow
statements, consolidated and group

Producing performance measurement Preparing reports to highlight changes and

reports which provide a sound basis comparative performance in relation to the
for management action. quality, quantity, cost and value of services
provided by an organisation.


Developing and implementing clear, Ensuring that an organisations approach is

coherent arrangements for the good comprehensive, covering all aspects of
governance of an organisation; good governance and that everyone within
ensuring that these arrangements are an organisation has a clear understanding
understood and owned by the board of personal responsibilities and obligations
and observed throughout an

Ensuring the effectiveness of an Evaluating, devising and implementing risk

organisations systems of internal based controls;
control Preparing reports in accordance with
legislation and best practice.

Explaining and promoting high Ensuring that expected standards are

standards of ethical behaviour clearly communicated, understood and
throughout an organisation in all of its observed throughout an organisation;
activities and dealings Ensuring compliance with all relevant

Implementing systems to ascertain Whistle blowing. Investigating fraud and

compliance with an organisations other irregularities;
standards and expressed values Forensic analysis;
Working with internal and external
Liaising with regulatory authorities;
Undertaking research.


Conducting analyses of existing Producing audit plans, best value,

business practices and reporting on consultancy and audit reviews
their effectiveness, reliability, and/or Undertaking risk analysis, bench- marking
value for money in order to provide and best practice reviews.
assurance to management and other
In accordance with professional External audit;
standards and guidelines, giving audit Undertaking analytical reviews, systems
opinions on financial statements and evaluations, compliance and substantive
performance reports prepared by testing. Identifying, reviewing and
others evaluating audit evidence and the work of
other professions;
Assessing the financial standing of
contractors and other partner
Liaising with audit bodies.

Ensuring that an organisations results Ensuring clear public reporting;

and achievements are clearly and Encouraging and responding positively to
objectively explained and that third party interest;
dialogue with interested third parties Designing and managing complaints and
is encouraged feedback procedures.


Managing people Leading teams;

Working within teams;
Designing and implementing reward
Setting development plans and liaising
with contractors and consultants.

Communicating with stakeholders Delivering presentations and other forms

of public speaking;
Reporting to committees, panels and

Managing customers and clients Networking;

Liaising with external funding;
organisations, service providers, auditors,
inspectorates and contractors;
Meeting the public.

Representing an organisation and Participating in management boards,

acting as an ambassador consortia and working parties;
Meeting the public;
Dealing with the media;
Liaising with elected representatives and
partners in joint initiatives.

Managing and championing change Helping an organisation to evaluate the

and improvement in an organisation business case for change and to develop
and implement change plans effectively.

Identifying and monitoring business, Internal and external audit;

financial and regulatory risks to the Interpreting and analysing the market
organisation and recommending situation and business drivers;
actions to mitigate those risks Reviewing the impact of financial and non-
financial legislative and other changes;
Determining and implementing counter
fraud strategies.

Securing stakeholder approval, Identifying clients and their requirements;

support and guidance for individual Reaching agreement on their needs and
projects services;
Defining the decision criteria;
Writing briefs and project terms.

Planning the delivery of the project Designing service delivery agreements and
objectives to schedule by making other appropriate targets, methods and
efficient use of people and resources monitoring procedures, using best practice
project management systems.

Leading the team implementing the Risk assessment;

project plans, adapting the plans to Problem solving;
address contingencies as required Managing and reporting feedback;
Appraisal and follow up procedures;
Liaising with other stakeholders.


Developing a procurement strategy Determining procurement policies and

tendering arrangements, taking account of
relevant trade agreements and e-
procurement opportunities;
Designing and implementing procurement
and tendering procedures using a range of
option appraisal and evaluation

Negotiating contracts with suppliers or Specifying and securing tendering and

customers for specific products or outsourcing arrangements, long term
services service agreements, consortia purchasing
arrangements and shared service
Negotiating and managing public and Preparing appropriate models;
private sector partnerships Advising on value for money comparators
and funding sources;
Liaising with external consultants.

Monitoring contracts to ensure Liaising with contractors and managing

effective performance consultants;
Investigating and negotiating solutions to
contract difficulties;
Producing monitoring reports, conducting
variance analysis, financial modelling and
interpreting budget implications.

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