Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) - A Clinical Refresher and Update On Evaluation of Normative Data
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) - A Clinical Refresher and Update On Evaluation of Normative Data
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) - A Clinical Refresher and Update On Evaluation of Normative Data
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS): A Clinical Refresher and Update on Evaluation
of Normative Data
Purpose: This course will present updated information pertaining to the administration of
the AIMS, interpretation of scores, and the validity of the normative data.
Course Summary: Common scoring issues will be identified and discussed. The
interpretation of percentile rank scores will be reviewed incorporating the results of a
longitudinal study evaluating the stability of AIMS scores over time. The results of a
recent study that re-evaluated the validity of the present normative data will be shared
and the implications discussed. This study is based on data from the recent assessments
of 650 Canadian infants. Course participants will have an opportunity to view videos and
discuss their scores together. In addition, participants will score one AIMS assessment
video independently and the presenters will provide them with e-mail feedback regarding
their item-by-item agreement with the gold standard scoring. Previous experience with
the AIMS is beneficial as this instructional course is not an AIMS training course but
rather an opportunity to share experiences using the AIMS and to ask questions about
clinical and research use of the AIMS. Participant discussion will be encouraged.
Learning Objective 1: To discuss common administration and scoring issues using the
Learning Objective 3: To discuss the results of a recent study re-evaluating the normative
Course Format
Darrah (15 min): Introduction and Course Objectives
How have you used it?
Review of AIMS history and uses
Darrah (20 min) Scoring Issues and Interpretation of Percentile Ranks what to tell
Break 10 minutes
Bartlett (25 min) The Normative Re-evaluation why we did it, how we did it and
what we learned
Piper MC & Darrah J (1994). Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant. Philadelphia,
PA: WB Saunders.
Background Information
observational assessment
Psychometric Properties
Normative Data
2202 infants
0-18 months, stratified by age and gender
representative sample from urban and rural health units accessible population
included all infants - preterm, full-term, and infants with congenital anomalies who
were born in Alberta between March 1990 and June 1992
each assessment performed in the infant's health unit by one of 6 physical therapists
no gender differences
Administration Guidelines
parental involvement
Scoring Procedure
key descriptors on score sheet must be observed to give credit for an item
no parent report
Percentile Graph
Percentile Table
0-18 months
identifies current gross motor performance of an infant compared to norm-
referenced sample
2. Predictive Abilities
cut-offs established for 4 and 8 month old assessments
10th %tile at 4 months and 5th %tile at 8 months provide best balance of sensitivity
and specificity
ages older than 8 months, 5th %tile recommended, but has not been formally
4. Planning
assists in identifying missing components of a motor skill
the back to sleep campaign initiated internationally in the early 1990s and
concern that the current age of appearance of some infant gross motor abilities
may be later because of the introduction of supine sleep position
the changing ethnic diversity of Canadian infants
concern that the AIMS norms are not applicable to infants in other countries and
it would be beneficial to provide them with a feasible statistical method to
compare their infants AIMS data with the normative data.
Study design mirrored the design of the original normative project.
recruitment of 845 infants from six Canadian cities. Fifty-four preterm infants
(8%) were included in the recruitment strategy to represent the prevalence rate of
preterm births in Canada
Each infant was randomly assigned an assessment age in one of the three age
Trained therapists assessed the infants and sent scoresheets to project coordinators
650 infants (338 male) completed an assessment.
For 11 items, the ages when 50% of the infants passed the item were younger in
the contemporary data, for the remaining 47 items the ages were older. The
average age difference between original and contemporary item sets was .85wk.
most items differed by 2 weeks or less in the age when 50% of the infants passed
the item and the average age difference between the age locations was 0.7 wk
the correlation coefficient between the two sets of age locations was 0.99,
Percentile rank values from the original data were converted to contemporary
values. The difference is 10 days or less for infants 12 months or younger and the
maximum difference is 15 days at 18 months of age.