Maharastra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Syllabus - First B.D.S Candidate Will Be Examined in The Following Subjects
Maharastra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Syllabus - First B.D.S Candidate Will Be Examined in The Following Subjects
Maharastra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Syllabus - First B.D.S Candidate Will Be Examined in The Following Subjects
3. Dental materials
1. Introduction.
3. Basic Concepts of skin & its appendages, bones, muscles, joints, blood
vessels, lymphatics & nerves.
( Cranial Part ) and XII cranial nerves; upper cervical spinal nerves. T.S.
of Spinal Cord showing ascending and descending tracts.
f) Salivary Glands.
g) Oral cavity.
6. Embryology :
i) General Embryology
Development of tooth
following :
1. Epithelium including glands.
3. Muscle
4. Nervous Tissue
5. Blood Vessels
6. Skin
Plasma Protein
Normal Electro-cardiogram
Cardiac output
4) Respiratory System
Artificial Respiration.
5) Digestive Systems
6) Excretion
Physiology of micturation .
7) Skin
8) Temperature Regulation
Regulation of Normal body temperature
9) Endocrines
b) Thyroid
General Concepts of :-
3) Determination of haemoglobin
3) E.C.G
4) Lung volumes
5) Artificial respiration.
A course of 25 hours lectures in Bio-Chemistry comprising the following :
19) Brief introduction about the materials used for maxillofacial prostheses.
Max. Marks - 60
10 Questions on Conservative
& Orthodontia material.
SECTION B) 20 Marks
( Should include all materials from syllabus which are used for
Prosthodontics treatments )
i) SAQ ( 5 x 2 Marks each ) 10 Marks
ii) Essay type 10 Marks
( One full question or 2 short notes )
SECTION C - 20 Marks
( Should include all materials from syllabus which are used for conservative
Dentistry and Orthodontic Treatments )
i) SAQ ( 5 x 2 Marks each ) 10 Marks
ii) Essay type (One full question & two short Notes)
10 Marks ..
Scheme of Examination for First B.D.S Examination
Sr. Subject Subheads Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum
No. marks allotted marks required marks marks
to pass in each allotted required
sub head for
1 General Human i) Theory (Written) 60 -
Anatomy including ii) Oral 20 -
Embryology and iii) Theory + Oral 80 40
History iv) Internal Assessment 20 -
(Theory) 200 150
iv) Theory + Oral + 100 50
Internal Assessment
i) Practical/Clinical 80 40
ii) IA Practical/Clinical 20 -
iii) Practical/Clinical 100 50
+Internal Assessment
2 General Human i) Theory (Written) 60 -
Physiology and ii) Oral 20 -
Biochemistry iii) Theory + Oral 80 40
iv) Internal Assessment 20 -
(Theory) 200 150
iv) Theory + Oral + 100 50
Internal Assessment
i) Practical/Clinical 80 40
ii) IA Practical/Clinical 20 -
iii) Practical/Clinical 100 50
+Internal Assessment
3 Dental Materials i) Theory (Written) 60 -
ii) Oral 20 -
iii) Theory + Oral 80 40
iv) Internal Assessment 20 -
(Theory) 200 150
iv) Theory + Oral + 100 50
Internal Assessment
i) Practical/Clinical 80 40
ii) IA Practical/Clinical 20 -
iii) Practical/Clinical 100 50
+Internal Assessment
Grand Total 600 450
skills he/she has developed and the knowledge he has got it is necessary to assess the
students periodically. The marks to be allotted should be real estimate of the students
achievement of skills and subject knowledge without any prejudice.
1) Maximum marks allotted for internal assessment for each subject head i.e.
Theory and Practical / Clinical will be 20 marks each.
2.A) In all four college tests shall be conducted in one academic year i.e. two tests in
each term. Each
2.B) For Final B.D.S. Subjects :- Four College test to be conducted theory as per
above pattern in final year only. However, for Clinical Practical test -- 2 test to
entered in Proforma even in fraction like 35/50 will be shown as 3.5 out of 5
5) All the records of these examination theory paper/practical record except work
will have to be maintained for one year by the Heads of Departments and will
have to be produced to the University authority if required for verification.
b) The marks of all four internal assessment tests shall be submitted to the
the Dean / Principal of the college 20 days before of the commencement of the
8) For repeater and detainee students, only two examinations in that term will be
conducted. Each test will be of 10 marks each. Thus college authority should
submit marks out of 20 by applying the same schedule. The best out of two of
9) In case candidate remains absent on valid ground where his presence elsewhere
and when he has informed the HOD/Dean about the same before or during the
attending fifth (Extra) Internal Assessment Test. Those students who wants to
improve their performance, they ay attend this test.(Entire Syllabus will be
his day to day professional work. Examination shall be held twice in a year.
1. Maximum Marks for each subject shall be 200. Community and preventive
3 Attendance:
iii) The counting of attendance shall be from the start of the term to the end
of the term.
75% both in Theory & Practical / Clinical in the next academic term
and also required to work upto the satisfaction of the head of the
University examination.
v) The student will have to attend minimum 70% Theory / Practical
classes in these subjects which are thought in that academic year, but
admitted to
Internal Assessment separately and having minimum 50% marks in that subject
8) The gracing the to pass the examination will be according to direction No.
incidence in Witting with valid proof. Such complaints must be delt with
enquiry and judgement shall be given within 30 days after the incidence
reported. The person (s) connected with such episodes and if found guilty shall
10) Valuation of Answer Books: Central spot valuation system shall be adopted.
Approved and experience teachers shall be invited for this job. Strictness and
11 ) There shall be one external examiner and one internal examiner. Internal
12) The Dean of the college will be the in charge of the practical / clinical
examination center where it is not possible for the dean to discharge this duty,
13) The University shall pay the appropriate remunerations to the center in charge
and all others connected with the work of examination. The Dean shall inform
14) The charges for the materials used for the smooth and proper conduction of
submission of original receipts of the purchases and certificate from the Dean
about such material requirement and consumption. Prior permission from the
Subject : _____________________________________________________________
(No Straching or overwriting please) correction if any to be signed by External & Internal Examiners both.
In figures In words
Sr. Enroll. Roll No. Name of Internal Assessment Test Aggregate Net total In Sign.
No. No. the First Second Third Fourth Total (after rounding Words of
Student Max 5 Max 5 Max 5 Max 5 Out of 20 the fraction, if (Out of Students
any) Twenty)
Marks obtained
out of 20
Certificate that the marks entered in above proforma are as obtained by the candidates. The department will produce the
necessary documents for verificat University Authority if required.