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Table of Cranial Nerves

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Bregma Compilers

Anatomy Notes

Functional Components
Cranial Nerve Brain Attach Cell Bodies Cranial Exit Sens Sp. Sense Motor Parasy Specific Function
I Olfactory Olfactory Nasal Cribiform plate in Smell Olfaction
Bulbs Mucosa ethmoid bone
Components : Olfactory tracts, bulbs and nerves
Multiple nerves – plexiform network – 20 main branches
- 25 million at birth – degenerate 1% per year CC: anosmia – no olfaction
II Optic Optic Retina Optic Canal Sight Vision
Fiber tract to brain  running to retina
Nerve fibers from medial half of retina cross in optic chiasma – lateral fibers stay on same side; medial fibers cross
III Oculomotor Midbrain CNS Sup. Orbital fissure Eye mov’ts
Superior Div. Som To sup. Rectus and levator
palpebrae superioris mm.
Inferior Div. Som X To medial and inf. Rectus mm.
To inferior oblique
Para: ciliary gang; postgang.
Parasymp. Carried in short ciliary
nn to sphincter pupillae and ciliary
- carries parasympathetics: cause contraction of the pupil
IV Trochlear Midbrain CNS Sup. Orbital Fissure Som. Eye: superior oblique m.

V Trigeminal Pons CNS (pons) Gen Br

Largest CN – principal sensory n. of head
n. of 1st pharyngeal arch
trigeminal or semilunar ganglion – site of sensory cell bodies
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Anatomy Notes

V1 Ophthalmic Sup Orb fissure Gen Sensory only from cornea,

conjunctiva, eyeball, lacrimal duct,
forehead, nose, upper eyelid,
frontal and ethmoid sinuses
Frontal (supraorbital, supratrochlear)
Suspends ciliary ganglion (part of CN III)
Long ciliary nn – carry sympathetics to ciliary body, iris (dilatator pupillae)
Ethmoidal and Nasal nn – from ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses, nasal cavity and front and tip of nose
Infratrochlear – from superomedial corner of orbit
V Maxillary Foramen rotundum Gen Sensory only from upper jaw,
maxillary sinus, nasal cavity,
middle of face, middle ear cavity,
auditory tube and dura
Suspends pterygopalatine ganglion (part of CN VII)
Zygomatic – from cheek
Nasal branches – from mucous membranes of nasal sinuses
Palatine branches (lesser, greater, nasopalatine) – emerge on front of palate
Superior alveolar branches from upper teeth
Meningeal – from middle and anterior cranial fossae
Pharyngeal – from middle ear cavity and auditory tube
V Mandibular Foramen ovale Gen Br Branchiomotor to mm. of
Sensory to lower jaw, floor of
mouth, anterior 2/3rd of tongue,
tympanic membrane, salivary
Motor branches to muscles or mastication (temporalis, masseter, med and lat. Pterygoids), mylohyoid, digastric (ant. Belly), tensor veli palatini
and tensor tympani
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Anatomy Notes
Buccal – sensory from cheek, internal and external (mucosa inside cheek)
Auriculotemporal – sensory from EAM and tympanic membrane, temporal region and TMJ
Suspends otic ganglion (part of CN IX)
Lingual – sensory from anterior 2/3 of tongue, floor of mouth, mandibular gums
Suspends submandibular ganglion (part of CN VII)
Inferior alveolar – sensory from lower jaw and teeth (travel through bone)
- dental, mental nn.
Meningeal n. – accompanies middle menigeal a
Sensory from dura mater of middle cranial fossa
VI Abducent Pons CNS (pons) Sup. Orbital fissure Som Eye: lateral rectus m.

VII. Facial Pons CNS (pons) Internal acoustic Gen taste Br. X Sensory to auricle
And Taste (ant. 2/3 rd)
geniculate Stylomastoid Branchmotor to mm. of
ganglion foramen expression
Secretomotor to nasal mucosa,
lacrimal and salivary glands
n. of 2nd pharyngeal arch
Nervus intermedius – sensory root of VII, includes parasymphathetics  all but motor component
Geniculate ganglion – site of sensory cell bodies
Chorda tympani (to lingual n., submandibular gang.) – taste ant. 2/3rd of tongue
Parasympathetic to submandibular and sublingual glands via submandibular ganglion
Greater petrosal (w/ sympathetic deep petrosal n., becomes n. of pterygoid canal, to pterygopalatine gang.)
taste fibers from mucous membrande of palate
parapsympathetic to nasal and palatine mucosa and lacrimal gland via pterygopalatine ganglion
Branchiomotor branches
To facial muscles of expression and occipitofrontalis
To post. Belly diagstric, stylohyoid, stapedius m.
- motor part of CN VII exits the skull through the stylomastoid foramen

VIII Pons Vestibular Internal acoustic Hearing Hearing and equilibrium

Vestibulocochlear ganglion, meatus Balance
Spiral - enter petrous
ganglion bone and never
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Anatomy Notes
Cochlear- hearing; from spiral ganglion in cochlea
Vestibular – balance; from vestibular ganglion in semicircular canals
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Anatomy Notes

IX Medulla CNS Jugular foramen Gen taste Br. X Sensory to phyarnx, post 1/3rd
Glossopharyngeal Oblongata (medulla), & tongue;
Sup and inf. Visc Taste
Ganglia Motor to stylopharyngeus m.
Secretomotor to parotid gland
n. of 3rd pharyngeal arch
Visceral sensory - from post 1/3rd of tongue, soft palate, middle ear and upper pharynx
- via contribution to pharyngeal plexus – joins with branches from CN X and sympathetics
Carotid sinus n. – visceral sensory from carotid sinus (blood pressure receptor) and carotid body (chemoreceptor – CO2)
Taste from post 1/3rd of tongue
Tympanic n. – visceral sensory from mucous membranes to tympanic cavity, auditory tube and mastoid air cells
Carries parasympathetics – travel in lesser petrosal n. to otic ganglion – where they are relayed to parotid gland
Branchiomotor – to stylopharyngeus muscle (only motor branch of IX)
X Vagus Medulla CNS Jugular foramen Gen Taste Br X Sensory to auricle, visceral
Oblongata (medulla) & mucosa, EAM
sup and inf visc Taste
Ganglia Branchmotor to larynx, pharynx,
palate, viscera secretomotor
Parasymp: to thoracic and
abdominal viscera (to left colic
n. of 4th and 6th branchial arches
most extensively distributed in CN
Superior and Inferior ganglia – site of sensory cells
Superior: general somatic
Inferior: special sense (taste from epiglottis)
Visceral sense (abdominal and thoracic viscera)
Auricular – general sensory from EAM to auricle
Pharyngeal plexus – w/ IX: branchiomotor to mm. of pharynx and soft palate (except tensor veli palatini)
Superior Laryngeal – n. of 4th pharyngeal arch
External Laryngeal – branchiomotor to inferior constrictor and cricothyroid mm.
Internal Laryngeal – visceral sensory from mucous membrane to larynx above vocal folds (through thyrohyoid membrane)
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Anatomy Notes
Parasymp to this region
Recurrent Laryngeal – n. of 6th pharyngeal arch
Branchiomotor to all laryngeal mm., except: cricothyroid, visceral sensory from lower larynx
*parasympathetic branches to thoracic and abdominal viscera as far as left colic flexure
- motor to smooth muscle
- secretory to glands
- afferent from mucosa in the lower pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and GI tract to left colic flexure
XI Accessory Medulla CNS Jugular foramen Br Motor to trapezius, sternomastoid
Oblongata (medulla & mm.
spinal cord)
Cranial Root: Joins CN X and considered part of it
Spinal Root: branchiomotor to sternomastoid and trapezius mm.
XII Hypoglossal Medulla CNS Hypoglossal canal Som Tongue Mov’ts
Oblongata (medulla) Somatic motor to all tongue mm,
except palatoglossus (X)
Branches to tongue muscles
Related Branches –
Ansa cervicalis - loop formed by roots of C1, C2-3, in communication with CN XII
Supplies infrahyoid mm. (except thyrohyoid)
- ansa itself contains only cervical m.
Nerves to thyrohyoid geniohyoid-
Appear to come from CN XII, but originate from C1

PNS Parasympathetics

1. CN III – Ciliary Ganglion

- pupil contraction
- lens accommodation

2. CN VII – Pterygopalatine Ganglion

- Lacrimal gland
- Nasal gland
- Palatal mucous glands
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Anatomy Notes
3. CN VII – Submandibular Ganglion
- submandibular salivary gland
- sublingual salivary gland

4. CN IX – Otic Ganglion
- parotid salivary gland

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