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Cerebellum Mbbs

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Cerebellum – “fun facts”

• High density of neurons in cerebellar cortex results in cerebellum

accounting for 1/10 of total brain volume but contains more than 50% of
CNS neurons

• Involved in motor learning process

– Once cerebellum receives intent to move message, it provides

information on movement direction, timing and force
– Ballistic movements – too fast for feedback so predictions are made
and modified via cerebellum based on experience (circuts change with
repetition of an activity)

Intermediate and Lateral Vermis & Vestibulocerebellum

Planning and
limb control Thalamus and
Cortical motor areas

Brain stem nuclei

Cerebellar cortex
& Deep nuclei

Brain stem nuclei

Axial control

PNS Fig. 42-10, 12

Ipsilateral Bilateral 3


• Summarized by 3’s
– 3 highways leading in and out “ peduncles”
• Superior – connects to midbrain
• Middle – connects to pons
• Inferior – connects to medulla oblongata
– 3 lobes – anterior, posterior and flocculonodular
– 3 broad classes of human movements controlled for by the
– Equilibrium – vestibulocerebellum
• Gross limb movements – spinocerebellum
• Fine distal movements - cerebrocerebellum

• When the equilibrium is disturbed or exposed to acceleration→ ++ the vestibular

receptors→ send sensory signals to Vestibulocerebellum which initiate immediate
corrective signals that are sent to:-
• i) The vestibular nuclei, and Reticular formation → adjust the tone and
contractility of the axial and proximal limb Ms. maintain equilibrium

• ii) The superior colliculus and the medial longitudinal bundle → to

coordinate eye movements with head movements → to maintain clear vision which
is important for keeping equilibrium during head movements.


• The vermis is the principal region of the cerebellum concerned with

postural adjustment.

• It receive sensory information from ms and joint proprioceptors

(particularly from the axial regions), concerning "position" of the

• Its output controls the vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tracts that

regulate the tone and contraction of the axial and proximal limb ms .


• Coordination of movements means one's ability to proceed smoothly and

precisely from one movement to the next in proper succession.
• The cerebellar role in coordination of movements is carried out by a No. of

• 1.Comparator and Error- Correction Mechanism

• 2. Predictive and Damping Mechanism

• 3. Planning the Sequence and Timing of Movements


• a) Comparator and Error- Correction Mechanism

• When the motor areas of the CC send motor commands to ms for

performance of a voluntary movement, the SPINOCEREBELLUM
receives immediately an “reference copy" of the intended motor

• As the movement proceeds, the SPINOCEREBELLUM receives

proprioceptive signals about the actual motor performance via
dorsal spinocerebellar tract
Regulation (or Coordination) of Voluntary Movements

• a) Comparator and Error- Correction Mechanism

• The intermediate zone of the spinocerebellum essentially acts as a

"comparator" that compares the motor intentions of the higher centers with the
actual performance of the involved ms.

• When there is any "error" in performance or "deviation" from the original plan of
the intended voluntary motor act, then the intermediate zone and the interposed
nucleus send 'corrective signals" back to the motor areas of the CC and the red
nucleus, which give correction signals to the descending motor tracts innervating
mainly the lower motor neurons of the distal limb ms

• 12
Corrective signals

•Plan of motor act

•Actual performance

Regulation (or Coordination) of Voluntary Movements

• b) Predictive and Damping Mechanism

• The cerebellum receives information regarding the velocity and
direction of the intended movement.
• The cerebellum would predict from these information's how far that
part of the body will move in a given time, and uses this information
to determine the precise time to damp the movement, and then it
sends its decision to the motor cortex to stop the ongoing movement
exactly at the intended position.

3) Regulation (or Coordination) of Voluntary Movements

• c) Planning the Sequence and Timing of Movements

• The cerebrocerebellum uses the information provided from the CC and the BG for
planning the sequence of contraction of the different ms involved in the voluntary

motor act, to achieve the goal of the movement.

• Then, the "plan" of the movement sequence is transmitted from the

cerebrocerebellum to the motor areas of the CC, where it is used to adjust the final

motor command before it is discharged to the lower motor centers.

Regulation (or Coordination) of Voluntary Movements

• ii) Timing of Movements

• Also the cerebrocerebellum is to provide perfect timing of voluntary movements.

• This is established by computing (calculating) the appropriate timing for the "onset"
and "termination" of contraction of each of the ms involved in the performance of
the successive movements during voluntary motor acts → assures the smooth
progression of the whole movement.

Role of the Cerebellum in Motor learning

• When a person first performs a complex motor act, the degree of cerebellar
adjustment of the "onset" and "termination" of the successive ms
contractions involved in the movements is almost always inaccurate, then
cerebellar neuronal circuits learn to make more accurate movement the next

• Thus, after the motor act has been repeated many times (motor training), the
successive steps of the motor act become gradually more precise.

• Once the cerebellum has perfectly learned its role in different patterns of
movements, it establishes a specific "stored program" for each of the learned
5) Role of the Cerebellum in Rapid and Ballistic Movements

• These movements include writing, typing, talking, running, and many other
athletic and professional motor skills.

• These movements occur so rapidly that it is almost impossible to depend for

their control on the sensory feed-back information from the periphery,
because the movement would be over before such information reaches the
cerebellum and the cerebral cortex.

• These movements are referred to as "ballistic" movements (ballistic is a

word meaning "thrown"), because once the movement goes on there is no
way to modify its present course by any sensory feed-back control
mechanism. 19

• It is manifested by:-

• 1) Swaying during standing, with a tendency to fall down.

• 2) Unsteady (staggering) gait→ wide-based in order to provide better

equilibrium during walking.

• inability to maintain the upright standing posture due to failure to adjust

the tone and contractility of antigravity ms.


• Causes
• It results from
• vascular strokes,
• degenerative disorders,
• tumors.
1. - Hypotonia →↓ ms tone in skeletal ms of the

affected side of the body→ due to ↓ed

• Manifestations facilitation of the γ-MNs,
1. Hypotonia, 2. - Hyporeflexia →↓ somatic reflexes.
2. Asthenia
3. Ataxia. 3. -Pendular knee jerk.


• There is weakness of movements and the involved ms

fatigue more readily than do normal ms, resulting from
interruption of the activating effect of the cerebellum on
the cerebral cortical motor areas.


• Cerebellar ataxia can manifest itself in a number of ways:

• 1.Dysmetria
• There are errors in the range and direction of the movement.
• The moving limb more often overshoots the intended point (hypermetria or past -pointing),
but sometimes the limb undershoots the intended point (hypometria).

• These errors result from failure of the "comparator" and "damping" functions of the
cerebellum that normally adjust the course of the movement and bring it smoothly to the
desired position.

• 2. Intention Tremors (Kinetic Tremors)
• They appear when the patient performs a voluntary motor act, not
seen when the ms are at rest.

• 3. Decomposition of Complex Movements

• The motor act is carried out as several fragmented steps rather than a
smoothly progressing movement.
• For instance, in reaching for an object by the hand, the cerebellar
patient may first move the shoulder joint, then the elbow, followed by
the wrist and fingers → simulate movements of a "robot".

• 4) Rebound Phenomenon

• The cerebellar patient is unable to stop the ongoing movement rapidly due to
failure of the predictive and damping functions of the cerebellum. This can
be observed in what is called "rebound phenomenon".

• When there is a flexion of the forearm against resistance (provided by the

examiner's hand), the cerebellar patient cannot stop the resultant inward
movement of his limb in due time following its release, and the forearm
flexes forcibly and may strike his body with considerable violence.

C) Ataxia (or Asynergia)

• 5) Dysdiadochokinesia

• • Dysdiadochokinesia → inability of the patient to perform rapid alternating opposite

movements e.g. rapid repetitive pronation and supination of forearm.

• The movements are slow and irregular.

• • It results from failure to adjust precisely the proper timing for the onset and termination
of the successive alternating contractions of the opposing ms groups

• .

• 6) Nystagmus

• Nystagmus of cerebellar disorders is a tremor of the eye balls as a result of "dysmetria"

of the "saccadic movements" of the eyes.
• 7) Scanning Speech (Dysarthria)
• Speech becomes slow and decomposed.

• Each word is fragmented into several separate syllables, producing "scanning" or

"staccato" speech, like someone trying to speak an obscure foreign language for the
first time.

• Decomposition of words is due to failure to adjust the precise timing of contraction

of the different ms of speech.

• 8) Unsteady Gait
• The gait is unsteady and broad-based due to dysmetria and kinetic tremors of the
lower limb ms.

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