Nervus Cranialis Dan Basis Cranii: Praktikum Anatomi II
Nervus Cranialis Dan Basis Cranii: Praktikum Anatomi II
Nervus Cranialis Dan Basis Cranii: Praktikum Anatomi II
Pathway Enters cranium via optic canal of sphenoid bone; left and right
optic nerves unite at optic chiasm; optic tract travels
to lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus; finally, information is
forwarded to the occipital lobe
Conditions caused by Reduced salivary secretion (dry mouth); loss of taste sensations to
nerve damage posterior one-third of tongue
X. Vagus Nerve
Description Innervates structures in the head and neck and in the thoracic
and abdominal cavities
Sensory function Visceral sensory information from pharynx, larynx, heart, lungs, and most
abdominal organs. General sensory information from external acoustic
meatus, eardrum, and pharynx
Somatic motor function Innervates most pharynx muscles and larynx muscles
Parasympathetic motor Innervates visceral smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands of heart,
function lungs, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and most abdominal organs