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Syllabus 2017-2018 Afda

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Algebra, Functions, and Data Analysis/ Algebra II

Course Syllabus

Ms. Moore Email: bmoore@harrisonburg.k12.va.us

Room: 422 Phone: 540-324-3384

Course Description:
AFDA/Algebra II is a challenging, full year course intended to help students prepare for higher-
level math and science classes as well as college. The course builds upon the foundational
knowledge students acquired in Algebra I. Students will solve and graph various types of
equations, work with exponential and logarithmic relations, and discover how sequences and
series can be used. When possible, real world problems will be used in the learning process.

The nature of this course requires you to ask questions! I expect all students to participate,
share ideas, and complete all assignments. There will be quizzes, tests and projects assigned
throughout the year. Students will also take a midterm exam and a final exam.

Grading Scale:
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C:70-79
D: 60-69 F: Below 60

Weights of Grades:
Performance Assessments: 35%
Summative Assessments: 45%
Tests: 30%
Quizzes: 15%

Classwork/Group Work: 20%

Classwork/homework: 10%
Group work: 10%

Supplies: 3 Ring Binder

Loose Leaf Paper
Regular Notebook (if desired)
Graphing Calculator (provided)
**Please let me know if you need help getting these supplies.

Homework: You will be given homework daily. It is to be placed in your binder and assignments
should be kept in order. Homework will usually be graded for effort, but occasionally I will collect
it and grade it for correctness.
Binders: All notes and homework is to be placed in binder. Your notes will serve as a resource
for you throughout this class. We will create a table of contents in your binder that will help you
find each topic throughout this course. Notes and homework assignments should be in order,
labeled, and complete.

Tests: Tests will be given at the end of a unit and possibly contain review topics from earlier

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given throughout the unit and may be unannounced.

Midterm/Final: There will be a cumulative midterm and final exam in this course. The midterm
will count 10% of the first semester grade. The final exam will count 10% of the second
semester grade.

Retake/Redo: Students may retake a test or redo a project if they are displeased with their
grade and do not show mastery of the content. Before re-taking a test, students must complete
a review with me. This review can take place before or after school. Students must complete all
re-takes or re-dos by the eighth week of the nine-week grading period in which the test or
project was given.

Expectations: Students are expected to come to class prepared. This means having the
necessary items for class such as pencil, binder, notebook, calculator, and textbook. It also
means coming to class with a positive attitude and being ready to participate and engage your
Be courteous of others. I expect students to respect others, themselves, and me.
Please follow all rules outlined in the Student Handbook. Discipline will be handled in
conjunction with school policy.
Cell phones should be put away in class and only used if designated by the teacher.

Absences: If a student misses class he or she is held accountable for what was missed in class
AND the homework assignment. Students may come see me before or after school to ask
questions. Students can check the absent folder to find any homework or assignments missed.
They are responsible for asking a friend for any notes they may have missed.
If a student misses a quiz or test they are responsible for setting a time up with me during lunch
or before or after school to retake it within the number of school days missed.

Parents and Guardians,

My name is Brittany Moore, and I am your childs AFDA/Algebra II teacher for the year! I am
excited to get to know you and your child. I could not be more thrilled to be teaching at Harrisonburg High
I graduated from James Madison University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and
Master of Art in Education. I have greatly enjoyed Harrisonburg and am excited to continue life here.

Please read this syllabus and sign the detachable portion of this note in order to indicate your
understanding and support of the classroom system. Also, note that if you ever have any comments,
questions or concerns, I am available for phone calls and meetings before or after school. To schedule a
meeting, you may contact me via email: bmoore@harrisonburg.k12.va.us or by phone: 540-324-3384

I am looking forward to getting to know your child and partnering with him/her this year to create a
wonderful learning experience. Im excited for a great year!


Ms. Moore
I have read the entire Course Syllabus and understand the expectations, grading procedures and
materials required for Ms. Moores AFDA/Algebra II class.

Student Name (printed):______________________________________________

Student Signature:__________________________________ Date:____________

Parent/Guardian Name (printed):_______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________ Date:____________

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Work # __________________

Cell # __________________

Home # __________________

E-Mail __________________

Do you need an interpreter?_________

If yes, what language?__________________

In the space below, please feel free to provide any other information youd like to share with me
about your child or any questions or comments you may have:

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