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Steel Bridge Design Handbook: Structural Analysis

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Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Steel Bridge Design Handbook

Structural Analysis
Publication No. FHWA-HIF-16-002 - Vol. 8

December 2015

This handbook covers a full range of topics and design examples intended to provide bridge
engineers with the information needed to make knowledgeable decisions regarding the selection,
design, fabrication, and construction of steel bridges. Upon completion of the latest update, the
handbook is based on the Seventh Edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
The hard and competent work of the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA) and prime
consultant, HDR, Inc., and their sub-consultants, in producing and maintaining this handbook is
gratefully acknowledged.

The topics and design examples of the handbook are published separately for ease of use, and
available for free download at the NSBA and FHWA websites: http://www.steelbridges.org, and
http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge, respectively.

The contributions and constructive review comments received during the preparation of the
handbook from many bridge engineering processionals across the country are very much
appreciated. In particular, I would like to recognize the contributions of Bryan Kulesza with
ArcelorMittal, Jeff Carlson with NSBA, Shane Beabes with AECOM, Rob Connor with Purdue
University, Ryan Wisch with DeLongs, Inc., Bob Cisneros with High Steel Structures, Inc.,
Mike Culmo with CME Associates, Inc., Mike Grubb with M.A. Grubb & Associates, LLC, Don
White with Georgia Institute of Technology, Jamie Farris with Texas Department of
Transportation, and Bill McEleney with NSBA.

Joseph L. Hartmann, PhD, P.E.

Director, Office of Bridges and Structures

This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in
the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for use of the
information contained in this document. This report does not constitute a standard, specification,
or regulation.
Quality Assurance Statement
The Federal Highway Administration provides high-quality information to serve Government,
industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies
are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information.
FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure
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Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipients Catalog No.
FHWA-HIF-16-002 Vol. 8
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Steel Bridge Design Handbook: Structural Analysis December 2015
6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Domenic Coletti, PE (HDR) and Jay Puckett, PE, Ph. D. (University of
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.
HDR, Inc.
11 Stanwix Street 11. Contract or Grant No.
Suite 800 DTFH6114D00049
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Office of Bridges and Structures Technical Report
Federal Highway Administration Final Report
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE December 2014 November 2015
Washington, D.C. 20590 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

The previous version of this Handbook was published as FHWA-IF-12-052 and was developed to be current with the AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th Edition with the 2010 Interims. FHWA-HIF-16-002 was updated in 2015 by HDR,
Inc., to be current with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition.

16. Abstract

An important aspect of the structural analysis process is the selection of the mathematical model and associated analysis method.
Few absolute guidelines are available for the selection of an analysis method. The number of permutations resulting from various
combinations of complicating physical features and mathematical models is virtually boundless. This decision should be based
on an evaluation of the nature and complexity of the structure, a thorough understanding of the expected behavior, and
knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of the various analysis options. Therefore, this module provides an overview for the
structural analysis of steel girder bridges. Discussions include the applicable loads, descriptions of the various tools and
techniques available, and considerations for selecting the appropriate application or technique for a given bridge.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

Steel Bridges, Analysis Models, 2D Grid, 3D Finite No restrictions. This document is available to the public through
Element Model, Influence Surface, Live Load the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified

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Steel Bridge Design Handbook:
Structural Analysis

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Analysis Dimensionality .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Categories of Steel Girder Bridges .................................................................................. 2
1.3 Complicating Factors ....................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Summary of Analysis Tools and Techniques .................................................................. 5
2.0 LOADS .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Live Load Modeling ........................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Distribution Factor MethodExample ........................................................................... 7
2.3 Distribution Factor MethodConcepts ........................................................................... 7
2.4 Multiple Presence Factors ................................................................................................ 8
2.5 Live Load Positioning ...................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Centrifugal Force Effects ................................................................................................. 9
2.7 Modeling of Other Loads ................................................................................................. 9
2.7.1 Dead Loads ............................................................................................................. 9
2.7.2 Wind Loads ........................................................................................................... 10
2.7.3 Thermal Loads ...................................................................................................... 12
2.7.4 Seismic Loads ....................................................................................................... 12
3.0 BEHAVIOR CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................... 14
3.1 Primary Bending ............................................................................................................ 14
3.2 Torsional Stress Effects ................................................................................................. 14
3.3 Lateral Flange Bending .................................................................................................. 18
3.4 Torsional Deformation Effects ...................................................................................... 21
3.5 Load Shifting ................................................................................................................. 22
4.0 SIMPLIFIED ANALYSIS METHODS .............................................................................. 24
4.1 Girder Modeling............................................................................................................. 24

4.2 Live Load Modeling ...................................................................................................... 25
4.3 Girderline Analysis Using Classical Beam Analysis Methods ...................................... 26
4.4 Computerized Approaches Based on Classical Beam Analysis Methods ..................... 27
4.5 Approximate Modeling of Curvature Effects ................................................................ 28
4.6 V-Load Method (for curved I-shaped girders)............................................................... 29
4.7 M/R Method (for curved box-shaped girders) ............................................................... 30
4.8 Computerized Approaches to the V-Load and M/R Methods ....................................... 31
5.0 RIGOROUS ANALYSIS METHODS ................................................................................ 32
5.1 2-D "Grid" Analysis Methods ........................................................................................ 32
5.1.1 Stiffness Modeling for Grid Analysis ................................................................... 34
5.1.2 Live Load Modeling for Grid Analysis ................................................................ 37
5.1.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Grid Analysis ................................................. 37
5.1.4 Limitations of Grid Analysis ................................................................................ 39
5.1.5 Improvements to 2D-Grid Analysis for I-Girders ................................................ 39
5.2 3-D Analysis Methods ................................................................................................... 40
5.2.1 Stiffness Modeling for 3-D Analysis .................................................................... 41
5.2.2 Load Modeling for 3-D Analysis .......................................................................... 42
5.2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of 3-D Analysis .................................................. 42
5.2.4 Limitations of 3-D Analysis.................................................................................. 43
5.3 Beyond Linear Elastic Behavior and Analysis .............................................................. 43
6.0 CLOSING REMARKS ........................................................................................................ 45
7.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 46

List of Figures

Figure 1 Illustration of live load distribution. (a) Basic girder bridge, (b) Distribution of a
concentrated load such as a wheel load through the deck to various girders and then to the girder
supports (after Ref. 15). .................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2 Reduction in Dimensionality to a Girderline with AASHTO Distribution Factors (after
Ref. 15). .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Plan view of the development of torque in a curved girder. Vertical loads (primarily
gravity loads) are applied to the girder at its centerline, but the centerline of a curved girder is not
coincident with a straight line (chordline) drawn between support points. The resulting offset
represents a moment arm that, when multiplied by the vertical loads, results in a torque on the
girder. ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 4 Illustration of the primary normal stresses which can occur in a curved or skewed I-
shaped girder. ................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 5 Illustration of the primary shear stresses which can occur in a curved or skewed I-
shaped girder. ................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 6 Illustration of the primary shear stresses which can occur in a curved or skewed box-
shaped girder. ................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 7 Illustration of the primary normal stresses which can occur in a curved or skewed box-
shaped girder. ................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 8 Right (non-skewed) cross frames in skewed bridges connect girders at different points
along their span length. As a result, the cross frames are subject to differential displacements.
Due to their high in-plane stiffness they undergo an in-plane rotation rather than racking. The top
corners of the cross frames move horizontally, causing lateral flange bending in the girders. .... 18
Figure 9 Cross frames skewed to match the bridge skew also induce lateral flange bending.
Girders undergo primary bending rotation as well as deflection, and cross frames must rotate
with the girders. But, since the axis of cross frame rotation is not perpendicular to the plane of
the girder webs, the cross frames try to rack. However, again due to their high in-plane stiffness,
they instead experience an in-plane rotation, causing lateral flange bending............................... 20
Figure 10 Detail of skewed cross frame deflections during girder rotation. ............................... 20
Figure 11 Illustration of the vertical deflection, twisting deformation and warping deformation
experienced by curved steel I-shaped girders. .............................................................................. 21

Figure 12 Illustration of the load shifting phenomenon experienced by curved girders in
multiple-girder bridges. The analogy of an eccentrically loaded pile group or bolt group is
apparent in this illustration............................................................................................................ 22
Figure 13 Basic free-body diagrams of the V-Load method (5), (shown in a positive moment
region) ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 14 Basic free-body diagrams of the M/R method (6). ...................................................... 31
Figure 15 Rigorous analysis method models. (a) Actual bridge, (b) 2-D, or Grid analysis
model, (c) 3-D analysis model. ..................................................................................................... 32
Figure 16 Plane Frame Element. .................................................................................................. 33
Figure 17 Plane Grid Element....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 18 A slab-on-girder bridge with a possible grillage mesh. ................................................ 34
Figure 19 Modeling of cross frames for reduction from a 3-D structure to a 2-D element. ......... 36
Figure 20 Example of an influence surface. ................................................................................. 37
Figure 21 Illustration of the distribution of a wheel load to various nodes in a grid analysis using
area coordinate interpolation......................................................................................................... 38


An overview of structural analysis of steel girder bridges is provided in this portion of the Steel
Bridge Design Handbook. Discussions include the applicable loads, descriptions of the various
tools and techniques available, and considerations for selecting the appropriate application or
technique for a given bridge.

An important aspect of the structural analysis process is the selection of the mathematical model
and associated analysis method. Few absolute guidelines are available for the selection of an
analysis method. The number of permutations resulting from various combinations of
complicating physical features and mathematical models is virtually boundless. This decision
should be based on an evaluation of the nature and complexity of the structure, a thorough
understanding of the expected behavior, and knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of the
various analysis options. Selection of a suitable analysis method is key to reasonable and
complete analysis results that are calculated to an appropriate level of refinement.

1.1 Analysis Dimensionality

All bridges are three-dimensional systems. However, depending upon its complexity, the actual
system can potentially be mathematically reduced to a two-dimensional or one-dimensional
model. For example, as outlined in the simplified live load distribution discussion to follow, a
three-dimensional bridge can be reduced to a one-dimensional girder with the application of just
a few simple modification factors.

This potential for reduction and a clear understanding of dimensionality are important. When and
how to make these types of dimensional reductions are important decisions that depend on the
objectives of the analysis and are a key focus of this module.

Some bridges may be effectively modeled directly using a 1-D model, e.g., a straight I-girder
bridge with moderate or no skew. A 1-D model considers an individual girder outside the context
of the system and models transverse distribution of live load using an empirically-based

In some cases, a system can be reduced from three-dimensional (3-D) to a two-dimensional (2-
D) grillage (grid) model. This model can include the effects of girder eccentricity and cross
frame stiffness in an indirect and/or approximate manner. A two-dimensional model allows load
distribution through the cross frames and longitudinal girders considering stiffness of the
modeled elements.

In other cases a 3-D analysis approach which includes the depth of the system in the model and
associated cross frames, etc., is appropriate. Such models often include shell elements or brick
elements to model the deck and use shell and/or frame elements for the girders and transverse
components (such as cross-frames).

The above categorizations are simplified for the purposes of this discussion. Many variants exist;
for example, another approach often used in current practice is a variant on the 2-D approach

called the plate-and-eccentric-beam approach, in which the girders and cross frames are modeled
using a 2-D grillage (grid) approach, but the deck is modeled using plate or shell elements offset
from the girder and cross-frame grillage to address the depth of the structure.

1.2 Categories of Steel Girder Bridges

For this discussion of analysis options and tradeoffs, it is useful to group the most common steel
girder bridge types into broad categories. These categories are presented below, generally listed
in order of increasing behavioral complexity:

Straight, Non-Skewed, I-Shaped Girder Bridges

Straight, Non-Skewed, Box-Shaped Girder Bridges

Straight, Skewed, I-Shaped Girder Bridges

Straight, Skewed, Box-Shaped Girder Bridges

Curved I-Shaped Girder Bridges, Skewed or Non-Skewed

Curved Box-Shaped Girder Bridges, Skewed or Non-Skewed

The choice of analysis method is directly influenced by the nature and complexity of the
structure as well as the analysis objectives and the resources available.

In general terms, the behavior of straight girders is less complicated than curved girders. Often
straight girders can be analyzed using relatively simple methods. Alternately, curved girders
experience torsional effects, both locally within each girder as well as globally through the entire
superstructure. This complex behavior often suggests the need for more rigorous analysis.

Adding skew to either a straight or curved girder bridge complicates the behavior and associated
analysis required to capture it. Compared to a non-skewed bridge, increased differential
deflection between girders in a skewed bridge results from the adjacent girders and their supports
being at different longitudinal positions. The connection of adjacent girders by cross frames
affects the loads in both the girders and the cross frames. This behavior is influenced by various
geometric parameters including girder spacing, length of bridge, radius of curvature, and skew
angle. Quantifying these effects often requires a more refined analysis than would be required for
a non-skewed bridge.

Box-shaped girders (a.k.a., tub girders) are generally considered more complicated structures
than I-shaped girders. Box-shaped girders have more pieces and parts than I-shaped girders, and
these work together as a structural system in more complicated ways than simple I-girder plus
cross frame systems. The analysis of box-shaped girders by modeling them as line elements
requires a number of simplifying assumptions and several additional calculations at the end of
the analysis to determine all of the individual member load effects.

1.3 Complicating Factors

In addition to the various levels of complexity inherently associated with different structure
types, other factors can also complicate the analysis of any steel girder bridge. In some cases,
these complicating factors can be addressed outside the analysis, perhaps by some simple
supplemental hand calculations; in other cases these factors may suggest the need for using a
more rigorous analysis method. Some of these factors include:

Flaring of Bridge Width (Variable Girder Spacing) Some of the more simplified
analysis approaches cannot efficiently address the changes in loads and section properties
associated with variable girder spacing.

Flaring of Girder Width (Variable Width Box-Shaped Girders) Variation of the width
of a box-shaped girder to accommodate a flaring bridge width results in changes to many
structural parameters. Some of the more simplified analysis approaches cannot address
these changes.

Bifurcation (Splitting/Merging) of Bridges and of Girders Splitting girderlines at

discontinuous bents (i.e., at breaks in superstructure units) may add little, if any,
complication to an analysis, but splitting girder lines within a continuous unit and/or
away from a support usually involves complicated framing. If a more simplified analysis
method is used, the designer must carefully calculate loads in many members, often by
hand, needing to make simplifying assumptions that may lead to inaccuracies. In these
cases, using a more rigorous analysis method could allow for direct modeling of both
load and stiffness.

Longer Spans As span lengths increase, so do the magnitudes of loads and load effects
such as moments, shears, and deflections. A more rigorous analysis may be justified in
these cases because the greater refinement might lead to economic savings in girder sizes,
or perhaps more importantly - better prediction of deflections, allowing the designer to
better address constructibility issues.

Deeper/Larger Girders Deeper girders are often associated with longer span lengths,
and the same considerations in choosing an analysis method apply. In addition, some
structural response effects become more pronounced in deeper girders. For example,
twisting deformations produce greater transverse deflections of cross frame connection
points. Bigger, stiffer girders can also require greater forces to maneuver in the field if
they are out of position during erection, making the accurate calculation of deflections
more important.

Exceeding the Limits of Applicability of the Current Girderline Live Load Distribution
Factors The live load distribution factors provided in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications, 7th Edition (referred to herein as the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition,
2014)) (1) are not universal; as with any approximate analysis method, limits to their
applicability exist. For example, the AASHTO empirical live load distribution factor
approach is not applicable for bridges featuring severe skew, curvature, variable girder

spacing, and other complications. Some refined analysis techniques can directly calculate
the distribution of live loads to various girders by means of direct structural analysis,
avoiding the need to use live load distribution factors. Alternatively, as suggested earlier,
even relatively simple 1-D (line girder) analysis models can still use live load distribution
factors that are based upon rigorous analysis.

Type of Diaphragms/Cross-Frames Modeling truss-type cross frames (as opposed

to rolled section or built-up plate diaphragms) in more simplified analysis models
(such as grid analysis models) involves making simplifying assumptions to
approximate the response of a truss structure using a line-element model.
Furthermore, the results of the line-element model need to be converted back to
individual member forces for design of the cross frame. More rigorous analysis
methods allow direct modeling of truss-type cross frames.

Severe Curvature or Skew Skew in a steel girder bridge introduces complexity to

the system stiffness and associated load paths; in cases of severe skew a more
rigorous analysis may be warranted even for straight girder bridges in order to more
carefully quantify differential deflections, cross frame forces and associated fatigue
stresses and bearing reactions (at different construction stages as well as in service).
Currently there is limited quantified guidance correlating the severity of skew to the
required level of analysis refinement. Recently, NCHRP Report 725 was published,
which provides recommended levels of analysis for skewed, curved, and curved and
skewed steel girder bridges (35).

Variable Web Depth (Haunched Girders) More simplified analysis methods either
do not allow for non-prismatic girder cross sections, or require simplifying
assumptions to model the section properties and leave the calculation of stress
resultants in nonparallel flanges to the designer. While the approximations introduced
in stiffness modeling typically have a negligible effect on the final results of the
stiffness analysis used to determine load effects, the more important aspect of
modeling non-prismatic girders is the use of the associated section properties in the
computation of stresses due to the load effects and the associated resistances. Minor
non-prismatic features such as flange transitions with a uniform depth web can
typically be safely ignored for structural analysis. However, such variations must be
included in the computations of stresses and resistances.

Non-typical Substructures (Integral Substructures, Flexible Substructures such as

Single Column Piers or Straddle Bents, or Multiple Fixed Piers) Non-typical
substructure configurations can noticeably affect the structural response of
superstructure elements. For example, if a bent cap provides different vertical
stiffness at each bearing, the load distribution to the girders is affected. Likewise,
integral substructures present additional stiffness and loading complexity. Thermally-
induced stresses may be introduced in girders by excessive restraint of
expansion/contraction by non-typical substructures. Load effects and resulting forces
and stresses can be increased due to the increased stiffness near integral features such
as pier caps and abutments.

Complicated Bearing Configurations In some cases, the orientations of fixed,
partially fixed, or free bearings, particularly in curved girder bridges, affect the end
restraint provided to girders thereby changing the structural response.

The presence of one or more of these complicating factors should prompt the consideration of
increased refinement in one or more of the following:

Modeling of the stiffness either locally and/or globally,

Calculation of load effects,

Calculation of deflections and rotations, and

Modeling of various load effects (dead load, live load, thermal load, and accounting
for the sequence of their application)

In these cases, using a rigorous analysis method may be desirable if it allows direct calculation of
important load effects, in lieu of approximating these effects manually outside the main analysis
by a less rigorous approach. For example, it may be more desirable to analyze a bridge with
variable girder spacing using a more refined analysis technique such as a 2-D or 3-D approach in
order to address distribution of live load in a more rigorous manner than could be achieved with
a 1-D approach using the AASHTO empirical live load distribution factors with approximate
manual adjustments based only on evaluation of girder spacing.

1.4 Summary of Analysis Tools and Techniques

In this module, many analysis methods are discussed and placed in a context of their level of
refinement and also their level of complexity. These can be placed into two broad categories:

Simplified Analysis Methods: Girderline simplification supported by the following

mathematical methods:

Classical beam analysis (for straight girders)

V-Load Method (for curved I-shaped girders)

M/R Method (for curved box-shaped girders)

More Rigorous Analysis Methods: Two or three dimensional models supported by the
following types of numerical models and applications:

Grillage grid analysis via 2-D computer applications

3-D analysis via applications using a combination of frame, plate, membrane,

and/or shell elements.


Loading criteria are outlined in detail within this handbook in the volume titled Loads and Load
Combinations. Application of these loads in an analysis is discussed herein.

2.1 Live Load Modeling

There are two fundamental ways to apply live loads:

Apply the distributed effects of a full lane to a girderline model

Apply the 3-D representation of load to a rigorous model.

Figure 1 Illustration of live load distribution. (a) Basic girder bridge, (b) Distribution of a
concentrated load such as a wheel load through the deck to various girders and then to the
girder supports (after Ref. 15).

2.2 Distribution Factor MethodExample

In the first case, wheel loads illustrated in Figure 1 are applied to a 1-D model and the actions are
determined. These actions are subsequently scaled to account for the transverse load distribution,
i.e., the amount of load applied to a girderline. This scale factor is called a distribution factor.
Section 4 of the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1) provides equations to determine these
factors that are a function of the bridge parameters including girder spacing, S, span length, L,
girder stiffness, Kg, and deck thickness, ts. The live load distribution factor for a composite girder
bridge with two or more (multiple) design lanes loaded is:

Simple modifications also are provided for skew, e.g.,

Skew Adjustment = 1 c1(tan )1.5

Figure 2 Reduction in Dimensionality to a Girderline with AASHTO Distribution Factors

(after Ref. 15).

Reference Section 4 of the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1) for all of these formulas and

2.3 Distribution Factor MethodConcepts

As previously described, spatial dimensionality may be reduced by using a distribution factor.

For this discussion, bending moment is used for illustration but the concepts are similar for
shear, reactions, or deflection. The maximum moment at a critical location is determined with a
numerical method and is denoted as Mrefined. Next, the same load is applied to maximize moment
in a single girder at the same critical longitudinal location and a 1-D beam analysis is performed.
The resulting maximum moment is denoted as Mbeam.

The distribution factor, g, is defined as

g = Mrefined / Mbeam

In the case of a 1-D analysis illustrated above, this factor is used to convert the load effects
established in the beam-line analysis to the estimated results of the entire system. Thus, the beam
line is analyzed for the live load and then multiplied by the distribution factor, g, to obtain the
estimated load effect for the girder in the system.

In the research and specification development work, these factors are established by analyzing
many systems with refined methods to establish the actions. Hundreds of analyses are performed
for bridges and the effects of the relative stiffness of the various components, geometry effects,
and load configuration are studied. The results of these analyses are then used to establish
empirically-based formulas that contain the relevant system parameters as variables. The
development of the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1) distribution factors followed this

These formulas can then be used by designers to estimate the distribution factors without
performing the refined analysis. Some compromise is made in accuracy but this method
generally gives good results for routine bridges. The critical aspect of using distribution factors is
understanding their limitations and the restrictions on their use relative to the bridge under
consideration. Often, the same considerations that suggest using a more rigorous modeling
approach (e.g., 3-D vs. 2-D modeling) suggest using a more rigorous approach to calculating live
load effects.

2.4 Multiple Presence Factors

Within the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014), equations provided for distribution factors
contain the effects of load within adjacent traffic lanes. The development of these equations, e.g.,
AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1), included one-, two-, three-, etc. loaded lanes. In each
analysis, the multiple presence factors were applied as outlined in the volume titled Loads and
Load Combinations (i.e., m =1.2, 1.0, 0.85, 0.65).

The AASHTO methods often require the use of the lever rule or the rigid rotation method; see
Section 4 of the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1). In these cases, the multiple presence
factors must be applied during the analysis for the number of lanes considered in that analysis.
For example, if the lever rule is used for one loaded lane, then a multiple presence factor of m =
1.2 must be applied.

In a similar manner, when a rigorous analysis is used, the multiple presence factors must be
applied by the designer and the controlling number of loaded lanes is established. This is one of
the complicating features of 2-D and 3-D modeling as critical load placement, multiple presence,
and enveloping all of this for one and multiple lanes loaded are required.

2.5 Live Load Positioning

AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1) requires that a standard design vehicle (and lane load)
have a 6 ft gage, or spacing, between wheel lines. A truck is positioned within a design lane 10
feet wide which in turn is positioned within a 12 foot traffic lane to maximize loading effects.
Additional requirements include the following:

The outside wheel shall be placed no closer than 2 ft from edge of the lane or the face of
the barrier except as noted below

The outside wheel should not be placed closer than 1 ft from the face of the barrier for
deck overhang design

The minimum spacing between wheel lines of adjacent trucks is 4 ft

The transverse location of one truck or several adjacent trucks can be anywhere within
the transverse cross section that meets the above.

For practical application of the above, automated algorithms are used to place the truck, apply
multiple presence factors, and envelope the results.

2.6 Centrifugal Force Effects

In addition to modeling vertical live load effects, since most analyses include a relatively refined
live load model where individual wheel lines are used as the live load tracks, the transverse load
and overturning effects of centrifugal force and superelevation in curved bridges should be
included in the analysis. A simple method for including these effects is presented in reference
(5). Generally, the analysis should consider the presence and absence of centrifugal force
effects, since it is a function of speed. This approach of evaluating both no centrifugal force
effects and centrifugal force effects based on design speed will assist to envelope predicted

2.7 Modeling of Other Loads

2.7.1 Dead Loads

Self-weight of girders can be modeled manually as a distributed load in most analysis methods
and is often calculated automatically by computer analysis programs.

Self-weight of other members such as diaphragms, cross frames, bracing, stiffeners, etc., are
often approximated in simpler analysis methods as a percentage of girder self-weight, and
assumed to be applied uniformly to the girders. In more rigorous analysis methods (such as 2-D
Grid analyses or 3-D analyses), the self-weight of many of the larger components (such as
diaphragms, cross frames, or bracing) may be calculated automatically by the computer analysis
if these members are individually entered in the application. It should be noted that when the
method of estimating the self-weight of other system components is performed by the use of a

percentage of the main-girder load, the assumption used at the beginning of the modeling should
then be compared with the final details to determine if the assumed magnitude reasonably
correlates with the final details. If not, a re-analysis may be warranted, and particularly for a
more improved prediction of the girder deflections.

Even in the most rigorous 3-D analyses though, it is often the case that smaller members such as
stiffeners are not directly modeled and their self-weight is typically applied as a percentage of
the girder self-weight.

Other non-composite loads are usually modeled as distributed line loads on the girders, e.g., the
self-weight of concrete haunches. The self-weight of the deck is usually distributed to each
girder based on simple span behavior (i.e., tributary area) and then modeled as distributed line
loads on the girders.

One complication that arises in assessing the effects of deck and haunch dead load is the need to
consider staged deck placement, particularly in larger, longer bridges. In such cases, the concrete
deck is often placed in sections which are allowed to harden prior to placement of the next deck
section. In addition, the concrete strength varies for each placement since it is time-dependent,
and the concrete does not achieve its full strength before subsequent sections are placed. The
calculation of load effects must consider the changing stiffness and the implications of load
effects introduced to various parts of the structure in their non-composite condition, with later
loads being applied to a structure which is partly composite and partly non-composite.

A distinct but important topic is the need to address lateral flange bending which can occur
during deck placement due to the application of deck overhang bracing reactions to the bottom
flange. Reference (23) offers a good treatment of this subject.

The modeling of load effects carried in a composite manner is a topic with some degree of
subjectivity involved. The AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1) allow for the distribution of
composite loads equally to all girders in a cross section. However, many designers use this
provision only on narrow structures; for wider structures they will give some consideration to the
location and nature of the load. For example, in a wide superstructure, the distribution of barrier
rail loads to only a few of the exterior girders may be reasonable. Several owner/agencies also
have specific guidelines on this topic. In most cases, these simplifying assumptions are based
primarily on engineering judgment, although some designers use a simplified method such as the
lever rule. If a more rigorous analysis method (such as a 3-D analysis) is used, often the analysis
model can assess the distribution of various composite loads in a more refined manner.

2.7.2 Wind Loads

Wind loads should be included in the analysis. The key task is determining the appropriate
method for addressing these loads.

In many cases it may be appropriate to address the effects of wind loads separately from the
primary analysis of the girders. The primary wind load effects on simpler, shorter span structures
are to induce lateral flange bending stresses to the bottom flanges and to contribute to cross
frame and diaphragm loads.

A common assumption is to distribute the wind load resulting from wind pressure on the girder
web equally to the top and bottom of the girder. The load distributed to the top of the girder is
directly carried into the deck with no effect on the exterior girder. The load effect in the deck
itself is typically ignored, as the deck is assumed to act as a wide (deep) horizontal diaphragm for
transfer of the wind loads to supports. The support shear connectors and diaphragms transfer the
wind load, as they do transverse seismic loads, to the bearings (if non-integral supports are used)
and the substructure.

The wind load distributed to the bottom of the girder is applied to the bottom flange as a
transverse distributed load along the length of the girder. The bottom flange may be modeled as a
continuous beam on multiple pinned supports (because the cross frames are relatively stiff) and
the resulting lateral flange bending stresses are based upon the lateral flexural bending moment.
These stresses are superposed, typically according to the one-third rule, with the girder flange
primary bending stresses due to gravity loads and thus included in the girder design as
appropriate. In many cases it can be shown that these added lateral flange bending stresses do not
control the design due to the nature of the load factors in the AASHTO load combinations.
Section 3 of the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1) includes these stresses in the load
effects and outlines their application in detail for various limit states.

The reactions from the wind model at each cross frame are calculated and applied as loads to the
cross frames. The cross frames act to transfer this load to the top of the next adjacent girder via
either truss action or shear diaphragm action depending on whether the cross frame is a truss
cross frame or a plate-like member (e.g., a channel, bent plate, or deep W-section). Again, the
load transferred to the top of the girder is assumed to be directly transferred into the deck as
previously described. The loads induced in the cross frames are added to any other load effects
as appropriate. In the case of straight, non-skewed girders, this wind load is often the only
quantified load in the intermediate cross frame analysis. (Transverse seismic load is of interest
for support cross frames, as discussed later.)

In some cases, it may be appropriate to include the wind load effects directly in the main
superstructure analysis. Wind load may have a more pronounced influence on the girder design
in long span, deep girders, or girders with unusual framing plans or unusual substructure
conditions. Experience and engineering judgment are required in determining when it may be
appropriate to include wind loading directly in the main girder design.

Evaluation of the construction sequence should address wind load effects. Often, large parts of a
steel girder bridge are erected and exposed to wind loading prior to deck placement and often
prior to complete installation of all girders and cross frames. Insufficiently braced girders can
suffer damage or even collapse due to wind loading during construction. Additionally, some
nominal deflection check under a normal wind should be conducted to insure that the entire
system is not so flexible as to jeopardize worker safety or create work delays.

2.7.3 Thermal Loads

Thermal effects can also cause loads in steel girders. Whether these loads are significant or
negligible depends on several factors such as the structural configuration of the bridge, fixity of
the bearings, and the nature of the thermal effects.

For example, in bridges with relatively simple framing plans and using bearings that freely allow
thermal expansion and contraction of the superstructure it is reasonable to neglect the effects of
routine temperature rise and fall in the design of the superstructure. But in bridges with complex
framing plans, the bearings may provide some restraint to thermal movements. Similarly, bridges
that feature unusual bearing conditions or bridges that use integral substructures may also present
cases where thermal movements are restrained and may induce internal loads and stresses.
Careful assessment of the restraints, particularly as a result of bearing type and configuration,
and their effect on thermally-induced loading effects is advised in such cases.

A thermal gradient is another potential cause of temperature-related loads. If, due to the nature of
the thermal effect or the nature of the structure, a thermal gradient occurs across the cross section
of a girder, internal stresses will develop. For example, if part of a girder is exposed to
significant solar radiation, while another part of the girder is shaded, the heated part of the girder
will expand relative to the shaded portion, causing internal stresses due to the variation of
temperature with depth.

2.7.4 Seismic Loads

For routine bridges seismic loads, like wind loads, are treated as equivalent static lateral loads.
These lateral loads in turn are a function of the seismicity of the site and the weight of the bridge.
All other things being equal, steel bridges have an inherent advantage seismically since they
typically weigh less than half of a concrete superstructure alternative.

There are two distinct philosophies for addressing seismic effects on structures: i) ductile
capacity design, and ii) seismic isolation. In ductile capacity design, each element in the
seismic load path must possess adequate resistance and ductility to transmit inertial loads from
the superstructure mass into the ground. For typical steel bridges, most of the mass is in the deck.
Thus, the transverse seismic load path over the supports consists of shear connectors,
diaphragms, bearings, substructures and their interconnections. In seismic isolation design, the
uncoupling of the superstructure from the substructure reduces the magnitude of the seismic
forces that must be transmitted through the elements in the seismic load path, albeit at the
expense of larger movements. Sources addressing these concerns specific to steel superstructures
include references 25 through 29.

A complete discussion of the effects of seismic loads on steel girder bridge superstructures is
beyond the scope of this document. However, it can be said that seismic effects on
superstructures should be considered for bridges in regions of high seismicity, particularly if an
unusual superstructure configuration is used. Noncomposite structures such as those used for
freight rail or light rail transit bridges, or bridges featuring unusually large or very concentrated

loads with potential for significant inertial loading, also represent cases that may warrant such

In many cases the owner/agency may have specific guidance for the design and analysis of
bridges in earthquake prone regions.


The behavior of steel girder bridges can be broadly divided into two categories:

Primary Bending Vertical shear, vertical moment, vertical deflections and end
rotations, as are experienced by all bridges.

Horizontal Curvature and Skew Effects Torsional stresses, warping and lateral flange
bending, load shifting, and warping and twisting deformations

Note: In the following sections, many effects are characterized as curvature effects. However,
similar twisting and lateral flange bending effects occur in straight skewed steel girder bridges as
is described in detail later.

3.1 Primary Bending

Curved and/or skewed steel girder bridges experience the same gravity loading effects (dead load
and live load) as straight girder bridges. All bridges are subject to primary shear and bending
moment effects as well as vertical deflections and end rotations. These effects are familiar to
bridge engineers, so an extensive discussion is not warranted; however, it is important to mention
them because they are an essential component of stress and deformation for straight, curved,
and/or skewed steel girder bridges.

3.2 Torsional Stress Effects

In addition to the basic vertical shear and bending effects described above, a curved girder is also
subjected to torsional effects. The torsion in curved girders arises from the fact that the center of
loading (center of gravity) of each span in a curved girder is offset from a chord line drawn
between the supports for that span. This offset represents an eccentricity which, when multiplied
by a given vertical load (dead load or live load), results in a torque on the girder (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Plan view of the development of torque in a curved girder. Vertical loads
(primarily gravity loads) are applied to the girder at its centerline, but the centerline of a
curved girder is not coincident with a straight line (chordline) drawn between support
points. The resulting offset represents a moment arm that, when multiplied by the vertical
loads, results in a torque on the girder.

Figure 4 Illustration of the primary normal stresses which can occur in a curved or skewed
I-shaped girder.

Torsion in steel girders causes normal stresses and shear stresses. Because I-shaped girders and
box-shaped girders carry these stresses in different ways, they are considered separately.

I-shaped girders have low St. Venant torsional stiffness, so warping stresses are the primary
torsional load effect. Therefore, the total state of normal stress in an I-shaped girder is a
combination of axial stress, primary vertical bending stress, horizontal bending stress and
warping normal stress (Figure 4).

The total state of shear stress in an I-shaped girder is a combination of vertical shear stress,
horizontal shear stress, a small St. Venant torsional shear stress, and warping shear stress (Figure

Figure 5 Illustration of the primary shear stresses which can occur in a curved or skewed
I-shaped girder.

The relatively low St. Venant torsional stiffness of I-shaped girders is a result of their open
cross-section geometry. The St. Venant torsional shear flow around the perimeter of the cross
section can only develop force couples across the thickness of any given segment. Since they do
not have a significant force couple distance between these shear flows, the ability of I-shaped
girders to carry torque via St. Venant torsional response is low.

In contrast, box-shaped girders are closed-cell structures. Closed cells are well-suited for
carrying torsion by means of St. Venant torsional shear flow because the shear flow around the
circumference of the box has relatively large force couple distances (Figure 6).

Figure 6 Illustration of the primary shear stresses which can occur in a curved or skewed
box-shaped girder.

Thus a box-shaped girder can carry relatively large torques with relatively low shear flows. The
shear flow around the circumference of the box follows a consistent direction (clockwise or
counterclockwise) at any given location along the length of the girder. As a result, when
combined with vertical shear in the webs, this shear flow always adds to the shear stress in one
web and subtracts in the other.

As in an I-shaped girder, the total state of normal stress in a box-shaped girder is a combination
of any axial stress, primary vertical bending stress, horizontal bending stress and warping normal
stress (Figure 7). The total state of shear stress in a box-shaped girder is a combination of vertical
shear stress, horizontal shear stress, St. Venant torsional shear stress and warping shear stress
(Figure 6).

Figure 7 Illustration of the primary normal stresses which can occur in a curved or skewed
box-shaped girder.

3.3 Lateral Flange Bending

Many practical effects result from the way girders carry torsion. For example, the warping
normal stresses caused by torsion as previously described for I-girders represent one source of
what are called lateral flange bending stresses. Lateral flange bending stresses are an important
part of the design equations for flange stresses in I girders. Most curved I-girder analysis
techniques include, as a key feature, some method of calculating lateral flange bending stresses,
and most formulae for girder design (applied loads/stresses vs. load/stress capacity) include an
accounting of lateral flange bending stresses.

Note that curvature is not the only source of lateral flange bending stresses. Other causes include
wind loads, construction loads and differential girder displacement. Related to the latter and of
interest to this discussion, though, is the effect of skew in causing lateral flange bending

As mentioned previously, skewed bridges exhibit many of the same behaviors as curved girders.
For example, in a bridge with straight girders, but with an overall skew and right (non-skewed)
cross frames, the cross frames cause lateral flange bending.

Figure 8 Right (non-skewed) cross frames in skewed bridges connect girders at different
points along their span length. As a result, the cross frames are subject to differential
displacements. Due to their high in-plane stiffness they undergo an in-plane rotation rather
than racking. The top corners of the cross frames move horizontally, causing lateral flange
bending in the girders.

Right cross frames in skewed bridges connect adjacent girders at different positions along the
length of each girder, with each girder experiencing different displacements at the point of
connection. At these locations, the deflections of the girders attempt to cause forced racking
displacements in the cross frames (Figure 8), but the cross frames, being much stiffer in the
transverse direction than the girders, resist these deformations by developing internal loads and
instead undergo an in-plane rotation, which causes lateral flange bending in the girders.

The cross frame loads include horizontal components that induce lateral flange bending effects,
analogous to the effects that are the basis of the V-Load method of curved girder analysis
discussed later.

Furthermore, near the ends of the girders in skewed bridges, cross frames begin to act as
alternate load paths as their stiffness approaches or exceeds that of the girders. Even if select
cross frames are oriented along the skew, or if select cross frames are omitted (8), the remainder
of the cross frames still undergo this type of behavior and cause the skewed girder system to
exhibit characteristics similar to a curved girder system, even if the girders themselves are

It may initially seem that this effect can be avoided by skewing the cross frames so that girders
are not connected at points of differential deflection, but this does not completely eliminate the
introduction of cross frame-induced lateral flange bending. Bending rotations (rotations about the
horizontal transverse axis of the girder) are associated with vertical deflections of the girders
caused by primary vertical bending. These primary bending rotations are well-known. Assuming
uniform bending along the skewed bridge cross-section, skewed cross frames would connect the
girders at points of identical deflection and rotation.

However, as the cross frames rotate to match the primary girder rotations, they also try to rack
because they are trying to rotate about the transverse axis of the girders, which is not coincident
with the centerline axis of the cross frames because they are skewed. However, due to their high
in-plane stiffness, the cross frames resist this racking deformation by developing internal forces
and instead experience an in-plane rotation. So as the top and bottom corners of the cross frames
move forward and backward to follow the primary girder rotation, they also move outward and
inward along the plane of the cross frame (Figure 9), inducing lateral flange bending in the girder
flanges. Figure 10 shows a more detailed view of the relative displacements of the top and
bottom struts of the cross frames as they rotate with the girder. Beckman and Medlock (24)
provide a detailed discussion of this behavior and other skewed steel bridge considerations.

Figure 9 Cross frames skewed to match the bridge skew also induce lateral flange bending.
Girders undergo primary bending rotation as well as deflection, and cross frames must
rotate with the girders. But, since the axis of cross frame rotation is not perpendicular to
the plane of the girder webs, the cross frames try to rack. However, again due to their high
in-plane stiffness, they instead experience an in-plane rotation, causing lateral flange

Figure 10 Detail of skewed cross frame deflections during girder rotation.

The previous examples are just a sample of how a straight bridge with a skew exhibits behavior
similar to that of a curved girder bridge and why it must be designed using many of the same
approaches. Several references (5, 11, 12, 30, and 31) offer good discussions of the effects of
curvature and skew in steel girder bridges.

3.4 Torsional Deformation Effects

In addition to causing significant stresses in both I-shaped and box-shaped girders, torsion also
causes significant deformations. Curved girders not only deflect vertically, they also twist. They
not only experience end rotations, they also warp (Figure 11). Depending on the sharpness of the
curvature, the length of the spans, the framing of the bridge and the magnitude of the loads, these
deformations can become significant; sometimes large enough to be a serious consideration
affecting the constructor's ability to assemble adjacent girders in the field.

Figure 11 Illustration of the vertical deflection, twisting deformation and warping

deformation experienced by curved steel I-shaped girders.

Curved girder bridges behave as an integral system, where the movement of one individual
girder influences that of the others. The sequence of erection, as well as the number of girders in
place and connected by cross frames at any given time during erection affects their response to
loading. Contract plans should clearly indicate the assumed erection sequence (32). If the
constructor chooses to erect the girders in a different sequence, an engineer should review (and
reanalyze) the proposed erection sequence in detail during shop drawing review.

The AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1) explicitly require designers to assess these
deformations, address them as appropriate on their plans and indicate the assumed erection
sequence and intended girder positions at various stages of construction.

Again, note that these deformation issues are not limited exclusively to curved girders. Skewed
bridges experience many of the same phenomena.

3.5 Load Shifting

As was mentioned previously, individual curved girders experience torsion because their center
of loading (center of gravity) is offset from the chord line drawn between their supports (Figure
3). This is also true for systems of curved girders, in which global overturning causes a load
shifting effect whereby the girders on the outside of the curve carry different loads than those on
the inside.

This effect is similar to how groups of piles carry vertical loads and overturning moments in pile-
supported footings. Another analogy is the way bolts carry loads in an eccentrically-loaded bolt
group. In all cases, the model used is a rigid-body in which the applied moment is resolved into
force couples that are additive to the primary loads at some points (i.e., additive to the loads in
some piles, additive to the loads in some bolts, or additive to the loads in some girders) and
relieving at other points.

Figure 12 Illustration of the load shifting phenomenon experienced by curved girders in

multiple-girder bridges. The analogy of an eccentrically loaded pile group or bolt group is
apparent in this illustration.

As an example, this behavior in a simple-span curved girder bridge results in the girders on the
outside of the curve carrying more load (Figure 12). This behavior characteristic generally holds
for most curved girder bridges, but exceptions exist where variations in the direction of this type
of behavior can occur depending on issues such as the span length balance in multiple-span
continuous girder bridges (4).

Not only is this load shifting phenomenon itself significant, but the specific load path for
achieving this load shifting is also important. Loads are transferred from one girder to the next
through the cross frames, which are thus primary load carrying members and must be designed,
fabricated, and inspected as such.


Approximate analysis techniques for curved and skewed steel girder bridges cover a range of
methods. The most commonly used methods are described here.

Approximate analysis techniques have several advantages that make them attractive for specific
applications, even in this age of computerization. Many of the approximate analysis techniques
are based on equilibrium approaches and are quite transparent, giving the engineer a good feel
for one distribution of forces through a bridge. Most of the approximate analysis techniques are
also relatively simple and quick to use, making them valuable for preliminary designs or as
approximate tools for validating more complex analyses.

However, approximate analysis techniques should only be considered rough tools for bridges
with anything beyond the most basic geometry and framing. The simplifications and
approximations involved in applying the approximate analysis techniques to more complex
bridges tend to reduce the accuracy of their results, particularly with regard to the prediction of
structural deformations. Use of approximate analysis techniques should be limited to preliminary
design or the design of relatively simple structures.

4.1 Girder Modeling

How to approach the modeling of individual girders depends greatly on the type of analysis
method being used and whether girders are considered individually or the entire superstructure
system is modeled. In the case of most of the simplified analysis methods, however, the typical
approach is to model a single girder, rather than modeling the entire multiple-girder cross

For such an analysis, the designer must determine appropriate cross-sectional properties. The
non-composite steel girder cross-sectional properties are generally easy to quantify as the
dimensions of the girder are clearly and unambiguously identified. For the composite case, the
problem becomes slightly more complex, with an important parameter being the effective
width of the composite deck. The AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) Specifications (1) offer
explicit guidelines for effective width estimates.

Box-shaped sections deserve some special mention when discussing effective width of the
composite deck because each girder has two webs and two top flanges, and thus two sets of
effective deck widths. Overlaps of the calculated effective deck width between flanges in a
single box section should be neglected in calculating the girders composite cross section
properties; however gaps in effective deck widths when wide web spacings are used may exist.
Again, the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) Specifications (1) offer guidance.

A subset of the modeling of composite section properties is the appropriate treatment of the cross
section in negative moment regions. In those areas, because the deck is in tension, it is often
cracked, and its effectiveness as part of the cross section is subject to some debate. Various
different opinions on how to address this issue exist among owner/agencies. Some engineers
consider the bridge to be composite throughout, in both positive and negative moment regions.

Others consider the girders to be composite in the positive moment region only, and count only
the girder cross section in negative moment regions. Still others consider the girder composite in
the positive moment region, but will consider only the girder cross section plus the cross
sectional properties of the deck longitudinal reinforcing in the negative moment regions.
Designers are advised to discuss the preference of the appropriate owner-agency with regard to
this issue.

Another consideration in modeling a single girder is quantifying the lateral support of the girder.
Typically the calculation of loading effects (moments, shears, deflections, and stresses) is not
affected by lateral support conditions, but the calculation of the capacity of various elements,
particularly compression flanges, is strongly dependent on lateral support. Load-dependent
second-order effects may be estimated with codified magnifications. Most commonly, this issue
breaks down to simply modeling the cross-frame spacing as this is usually the primary
consideration in determining the unbraced lengths of compression flanges.

What constitutes a lateral support is also an important issue. Recent research into lateral bracing
of steel compression members has shown that minimum stiffness and strength requirements must
be met in order for a lateral support to adequately brace a compression flange (13).

The modeling of support conditions is of great importance when modeling a single girder, just as
it is when modeling the entire superstructure in more rigorous analysis methods. Consideration
should be given to bearing configurations and any restraints offered by bearings, as well as by
integral substructures, when used.

Keep in mind that simply using an integral substructure does not ensure that the support offers
rotational restraint to the girder. Most designers and owner-agencies neglect any restraint from
integral abutments in superstructure design. Typically, the design and detailing of integral end
bents/abutments focuses on providing flexibility for accommodating bridge thermal movements
without inducing excessive loads into the end bent/abutment. For this reason, most engineers
have concluded that the relative stiffness of integral end bents/abutments is much less than that
of the superstructure and that the girder can be assumed to behave like a simply-supported
structure at the end bent/abutment.

However, integral supports do offer restraint against torsional rotations associated with lateral
torsional buckling. Additionally, maintenance-prone joints are often reduced, eliminated, or
relocated off the structure through the use of integral substructures.

4.2 Live Load Modeling

Component dead loads on bridges are generally static (permanent), unchanging loading
conditions which are usually relatively easy to deal with. Live loads, on the other hand, are much
harder to quantify as they represent a myriad number of loads applied in an infinite number of
positions and combinations of positions across the length and width of the bridge. How live loads
are addressed can make the analysis either simple to perform and understand or make it
unmanageable and overwhelming.

There are two primary ways to address live load modeling for bridge structures. First is what can
be called the brute force method, which involves running analyses of multiple live load cases.
In computer applications, this is accomplished using a live load generator a computer routine
that produces literally hundreds or thousands of live load cases, each representing a different
load (truck load, lane load, combinations of multiple truck or lane loads, etc.) applied at different
positions along the structure. For each live load case, the analysis model is fully calculated and
shear and moment results for all key members are developed. The multiple live load case method
generates a huge pool of results to develop the load effect envelopes for various members in the

An alternative to the multiple live load case method is the influence line, or influence surface
method. An influence surface is an influence line approach applied in two dimensions rather than
just one dimension. A full explanation of the influence surface method is beyond the scope of
this module, but a summary description is warranted.

In this approach, the response of a given point in the model (e.g., a point on a girder, deck, cross
frame, etc.) is calculated for a unit load vertically applied to the deck surface at numerous
locations, usually in a grid. Instead of presenting these responses in terms of the results of
multiple iterative analyses, however, the responses are directly presented in terms of the
maximum and minimum response. The influence surface approach to modeling live load effects
thus allows focus on the maximum/minimum loading responses of the structure at given
locations. The amount of output from an influence surface analysis is much less, and the designer
can focus on the critical loading effects rather than spending substantial time collating thousands
or millions of numbers to determine envelope results.

The specific influence surface approach and the associated algorithms used by different
applications can vary significantly. Some applications position for critical effects, some will
move a truck or group of trucks longitudinally along the bridge (influence surface), while others
will move the same transversely. The computational effort required within the application is
strongly dependent upon the type of algorithm used.

The value of an influence surface approach becomes apparent for the more complicated and
involved levels of analysis discussed later.

4.3 Girderline Analysis Using Classical Beam Analysis Methods

Straight, non-skewed bridges are ideal candidates for using classical beam analysis techniques
such as the moment distribution method, the moment-area theorem, etc. These types of structures
have a structural behavior that is reasonably modeled in one dimension only and can often be
characterized simply by beam analysis. Typically this is referred to as line girder analysis or
girderline analysis.

Classical beam analysis techniques have several advantages that make them attractive for
specific uses. Many of the classical beam analysis techniques are based on direct equilibrium and
are quite transparent, clearly illustrating the distribution of forces through a bridge. Most

classical beam analysis techniques also are simple and quick to use, making them valuable for
preliminary designs or as approximate tools for validating more complex analyses.

However, girderline analysis techniques should only be considered approximate tools for bridges
with characteristics beyond the most basic geometry and framing. The simplifications and
approximations involved in applying the classical beam analysis techniques to more complex
bridges tend to reduce the accuracy of their results, particularly with regard to the prediction of
structural deformations. Use of girderline analysis techniques should be limited to the design of
relatively simple structures.

In addition, before undertaking an analysis using the classical beam analysis techniques by hand,
designers are advised to consider the complications which may arise from the need to model
moving live loads, as described in detail above. Similarly, designers should consider the
complexity associated with performing the AASHTO specified capacity calculations at all
potentially critical sections along the length of the girder. Performing these code checks by hand
for strength, service, fatigue, deflection and other issues can be simple for shorter structures but
may become a very tedious task for longer bridges.

Prudence is required in applying simple girderline analysis methods to bridges with complicated
framing plans. While these simpler methods may be more transparent and easier to implement,
the number of simplifying assumptions and approximations needed to adapt a girderline analysis
to a complex framing plan may affect the accuracy and understanding of important behavior.

A full discussion of the classical beam analysis methods is not warranted in the Steel Bridge
Design Handbook as these methods are documented in numerous textbooks.

4.4 Computerized Approaches Based on Classical Beam Analysis Methods

One way to address the complexity of live load modeling in a girderline analysis is to
computerize the analysis calculations. There are numerous ways to incorporate computer
technology into a girderline analysis. Usually, the extent of the design process covered in the
computer application determines the effort required to create and use that tool. An application
may be as simple as a spreadsheet that tabulates moments and shears for the beam, or it may be
as complicated as a custom program which covers the entire design process, from generation of
geometric parameters and cross section properties, quantification of framing considerations,
calculations of shears, moments, stresses, and deflections, and comparisons to specification-
derived capacities and other code provisions.

Spreadsheets offer flexibility and control in girderline analyses. The limitations to the
complexity and extent of the spreadsheet are based primarily on the time and money available
and the skills of the designer in programming the spreadsheet.

However, care should be exercised in using spreadsheets. As with any computer application, a
spreadsheet can become a black box approach that is difficult to document, check, and
interpret. Moreover, quality control and validation may be limited in many cases. For example,
spreadsheets are often not checked with a full range of testing suites like most commercial

applications. Finally, the spreadsheet can easily be changed when used by different engineers,
and a sheet of the same filename can become a different, non-validated application.

In addition, the multiple paths and decision points in the current AASHTO steel girder design
provisions may prove to be difficult to program efficiently in a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are
efficient for calculating a large number of values using simple formulas, but are much less
efficient when used for calculating values that may result from complex formulas or processes
often dependent on the value of one or more other variables with several conditional execution

A more efficient approach to addressing the complexities in steel girder design may be found in
applications that are developed using a formal programming language where spreadsheet
constraints are removed. However both significant computer science and engineering experience
are required to address the complexities of the current steel girder design provisions.

Applications for girderline analysis are most often commercially licensed or otherwise developed
by specialized consultants. Several steel girderline design applications are available, both from
commercial software companies and from various bridge owner-agencies (either for free or at a
nominal cost).

In all cases, any computerized approach, whether a spreadsheet or a program, whether

commercially-purchased or home-grown, should always be validated and spot-checked by
independent calculations performed either by hand or by an independent computer tool. Most
computer applications are complex tools and even minor programming errors can drastically
affect the results of engineering computations. Details about validation of applications can be
found in references (21, 22).

4.5 Approximate Modeling of Curvature Effects

A girderline analysis can also serve as the basis for an approximate curved girder analysis. First,
the curved girder is modeled as a straight girderline, using developed span lengths (i.e., using
span lengths measured along the curve arc length of that girder). Next, the effects calculated by
the girderline analysis are increased by factors that account for the effects of curvature (i.e., for
the load shifting that occurs in curved girder bridges where the girders on the outside of the
curve carry more load than those on the inside of the bridge (5, 8).

Note that when the central angle is small enough, the AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014)(1)
allow for the effects of curvature to be neglected in the calculation of gravity load effects in
curved girder bridges.

Whether the global effects of curvature are included or neglected, designers must always account
for lateral flange bending effects in curved girders, regardless of how slight the curvature. When
using approximate methods to address curvature, this is most easily done using lateral flange
bending equations.

The most common expression of this equation is:

Md 2
M Lat
10 Rh


MLat= Lateral Flange Bending Moment

M = Girder Primary (Vertical) Bending Moment
d = Cross frame spacing
R = Radius of Curvature
h = Depth of the Girder

4.6 V-Load Method (for curved I-shaped girders)

The V-Load method is a technique for analysis of curved steel I-girder bridges originally
developed in the 1960s by United States Steel. The V-Load method is based on free-body
diagrams and static equilibrium equations, is readily learned and understood, and is still popular
as it clearly illustrates gravity load effects. A complete description of the V-Load method can be
found in several references (5, 9)

The V-Load method gets its name from the shears in the cross frames, the V-Loads in the
analysis. The key free-body diagram in the V-Load method is of a cross frame between two
adjacent girders. The shear transferred across the cross frame represents the load being shifted
from the girder closer to the inside of the curve to the girder closer to the outside of the curve.
The forces are balanced by a horizontal force couple directly associated with the lateral flange
bending effects found in curved I-girders. Computer applications are available to automate the
V-Load method.

Figure 13 Basic free-body diagrams of the V-Load method (5), (shown in a positive
moment region)

The V-Load method offers the advantage of a simple, transparent, method based only on
equilibrium for assessing force effects in curved girder bridges. While theoretically applicable to
complex framing plans (variable girder spacing, flares, bifurcated girders, etc.), using it on such
structures is not recommended.

4.7 M/R Method (for curved box-shaped girders)

As mentioned above, the V-Load method is applicable to I-girders. The corresponding method
for tub and box girders is the M/R method developed in 1970 by Tung and Fountain (6). Like the
V-Load method, it is an equilibrium-based technique.

The M/R method is most useful for analysis of single tub or box girders, making it applicable for
erection analysis of single girders, complete analysis of a narrow bridge with only one tub girder
in its cross section, or a single girder as part of a phased-construction plan. Because the M/R
method also calculates tub girder rotations, theoretically, it is possible to use it to solve for loads

in multiple adjacent girders. For practical purposes, however, the calculations for multiple girder
systems are too cumbersome unless computer applications are used.

Figure 14 Basic free-body diagrams of the M/R method (6).

4.8 Computerized Approaches to the V-Load and M/R Methods

As mentioned above, commercially sold applications are available which automate the V-Load

In addition, it is feasible for designers to create their own home-grown applications to

automate either the V-Load method or the M/R method. As with the development of any steel
girder design software, the two most challenging aspects to creating an application are
programming routines to generate the live load results and programming routines to perform
structural capacity code checks. Typically, commercial V-Load-based applications are readily
available for simpler curved I-girder bridges, as are 2-D (Grid) and 3-D analysis tools for more
complicated curved I-girder bridges. Meanwhile, the practical limitations of the M/R method and
the inherent additional complexity of box-shaped girders suggest that 2-D (Grid) and 3-D
analysis tools may be more appropriate for most curved box-shaped girder designs.

What may be more appropriate for individual designers who are so inclined might be the
development of simplified V-Load or M/R applications for use in preliminary design or for
performing independent validation of more complicated analyses. Such efforts may be able to
reasonably approximate live load results and might skip performing a full set of structural
capacity code checks.


The most commonly used rigorous analysis methods can be broadly divided into two categories:
2-D and 3-D analysis methods.

Figure 15 Rigorous analysis method models. (a) Actual bridge, (b) 2-D, or Grid analysis
model, (c) 3-D analysis model.

5.1 2-D "Grid" Analysis Methods

The entry level finite element model used by the building structural engineer is the plane
frame. Plane frames are routinely used to model the behavior of regular structures for the
distribution of gravity and lateral loads.

The entry level finite element model used by the bridge structural engineer is the plane grid for
superstructures and plane frame for substructures. This approach is called a grillage or grid
analysis. Space frames are routinely used as well. Figure 16 illustrates a typical two-node plane-
frame element where each node has three degrees of freedom (two translations and a rotation).


Properties: Iflex, A, Ashear


Figure 16 Plane Frame Element.

Results from grillage models can be used in several ways:

Direct computation of live load envelopes and subsequent combination with dead loads
for all load combinations. Downstream computation may include specification checking,

Indirect computation of a distribution factor for the subsequent use in a girderline

program that then does the downstream computations and specification checking.

Direct computation of live and/or dead loads for use in hand-calculation-based or other
downstream processes.

Figure 17 illustrates the plane-grid element. This element typically has three degrees of freedom
(one translation and two rotations). The loads in a plane grid (a.k.a., grillage) are applied out of
plane and the bending moment and torques are applied in plane. Variations exist. The plane grid
is often used to model the deck, girders, and other transverse elements such as cross frames,
diaphragms, and also miscellaneous components such as barriers, rails, etc.


Properties: Iflex, Itorsion, Ashear

1 2

Figure 17 Plane Grid Element

The longitudinal elements typically represent the girders, while transverse elements represent the
deck, transverse diaphragms and/or cross frames. The stiffness of such is briefly outlined below.

5.1.1 Stiffness Modeling for Grid Analysis

Hambly (20) offers an excellent and comprehensive reference on modeling with grillages. Some
of Hamblys suggestions regarding the creation of meshes are paraphrased below (15):

Consider how the bridge behaves and place beam elements along lines of
strength/stiffness, for example, parallel to girders, along edge beams and barriers.

The total number of elements can vary widely. It can be one element in the longitudinal
direction if the bridge is narrow and behaves similarly to a beam, or it can be numerous
elements for the girders and other elements for the deck for wider bridges where the
system is dominated by the behavior of the deck. Elements need not be spaced closer than
two to three times the slab thickness.

The spacing of the transverse elements should be sufficiently small to distribute the effect of
concentrated wheel loads and reactions. In the vicinity of such loads, the spacing can be
decreased for improved results.

Figure 18 A slab-on-girder bridge with a possible grillage mesh.

For modeling the deck, the transverse element cross-sectional properties are usually
based on the gross or uncracked section and are calculated on a per unit length basis.
These properties are multiplied by the center-to-center spacing of the elements to obtain
the element properties, called the tributary length. Two properties are required for the
grillage model: flexural moment of inertia and the torsional constant. The moment of
inertia is the familiar second moment of area, which is equal to

bt 3

The deck transverse member torsional constant for a grillage element is

bt 3
jdeck 2ideck

The moment of inertia Igirder for a beam element is determined in the usual way, while its
eccentricity eg (for a composite beam) is accounted for by

I = Igirder +eg2Agirder + Ideck

For noncomposite systems, eg is zero, the beam is assumed to be at the middle surface of
the deck, and the beams axial stiffness does not contribute.

For open sections that are comprised of thin rectangular shapes such as a wide flange or
plate girder, the torsional constant is approximated by

bt 3
all rectangles 3

where b is the long side and t is the narrower side (b > 5t).

For open steel shapes, the torsional constant is usually small relative to the other
parameters and has little effect on the response. Note that too small a stiffness
may lead to numerical instabilities where only the torsion stiffness contributes to a
stiffness associated with a rotational degree of freedom. However, typically a
support or adjacent element stiffness mitigates this possible problem.

For rectangular shapes that are not thin, the approximation is

3b3t 3
10(b2 t 2 )

Note that most grid analysis applications do not feature elements which model warping
directly. In such cases, the effects of warping must be addressed outside the application.

For closed sections, such as box girders, see references on advanced mechanics of
materials for procedures to compute the torsional constant. For such sections, the
torsional stiffness is significant and should be carefully calculated.

Diaphragms can be modeled with their direct stiffness properties accounting for connection
details, e.g., clip-angle connections may justify moment releases at the end of the element.

Figure 19 Modeling of cross frames for reduction from a 3-D structure to a 2-D element.

Cross frames, e.g, X- and K-frames, are typically modeled using a line (beam) element
equivalent stiffness. Equations are available to develop the equivalent flexural and shear
stiffness for a frame. A simple alternative is to model the cross frame as a plane frame
and develop the equivalent flexural and shear stiffness. This approach is adequate for
modeling the global distribution of load effects among the girders; however, when a more
refined calculation of the load effects in individual cross frames and their constituent
members is required, a 3-D modeling approach is recommended, particularly if these
elements are considered to be primary components. Figure 19 illustrates this concept.

5.1.2 Live Load Modeling for Grid Analysis

Some applications apply live load directly to the finite element model and create a new load case
for each load placement. (See the previous discussion regarding live load placement and number
of possible load cases.) Relatively accurate live load distribution to the girders can be achieved
with a fairly coarse mesh; however, the direct application of concentrated wheel loads to the
grillage is facilitated by a finer mesh where a node is more often close to the location of load

Alternatively, applications generate influence surfaces and direct load placement is on the
surface. In this case, the application typically applies unit vertical loads to each node and
computes the load effect throughout the system. In a subsequent computation the influence
surface is used to compute the load effect. An example of an influence surface is illustrated in
Figure 20.
Influence Function

Ordinate 80-100
100.00 60-80
80.00 40-60





Transverse location,


Longitudinal location, in.

Figure 20 Example of an influence surface.

Note that most live loading routines place the load and interpolate the results based upon the
surrounding nodes. For example, an area coordinate interpolation was used in (17) and is
illustrated in Figure 21. Area coordinates are described in finite analysis textbooks.

Either method is appropriate; each has advantages. With present computer speeds, computational
effort for linear problems such as this is not of significant concern; rather the engineers effort to
model the bridge and interpret the results is.

5.1.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Grid Analysis

Grid analysis has the advantage of being relatively simple and fast to perform, typically requiring
less effort than a 3-D analysis of the same structure. Grid analysis often provides adequate
refinement/accuracy for a wide range of structures.

Many engineers find grid analyses easier to understand than 3-D analyses as they are already
comfortable with the plane frame analysis for pier, culverts, and other transportation-related
structures. Furthermore, the flow of forces through the model is readily observed with shear,
bending, and torsional moment diagrams that the software produces. Equilibrium is easily
checked for the entire structure, at any cross section for the entire bridge, and for any element or
joint. This is often not the case with 3-D finite element programs where shell or brick elements
are used.
Axle Load, P,
located in middle
of grillage panel

A1 A2

Load to this node
= P(A1/Atotal)

Figure 21 Illustration of the distribution of a wheel load to various nodes in a grid analysis
using area coordinate interpolation.

Grillage modeling is well-suited for the determination of the load effects in a global context,
such as determining loads carried by individual girders.

However, grid analysis is less suited for determining actions in cross frames, stresses or
capacities in the deck, and local behavior where the deck and girder may share a load path into a
support (joint, bearings).

Other disadvantages result from the fact that many simplifying assumptions are required, the
most important of which is discretization of the deck (a continuum) into grid elements (frame
elements) and condensing a cross frame with up to four physical elements into one frame
element. Some see the grillage method as dated because these types of assumptions are not
required when the deck continuum can be modeled with shell or brick elements in increasingly
accessible 3-D analysis.

More importantly, depending on the complexity of the structure under consideration, the
simplifying assumptions and approximations involved in a grid analysis may result in an analysis
which is not sufficiently refined or rigorous to adequately quantify girder deflections and
rotations and load effects in individual elements such as cross frame, diaphragms, bracing, or

For an extensive discussion of grillage modeling techniques and application to various types of
structures, Hambly (20) offers an excellent treatment.

5.1.4 Limitations of Grid Analysis

Virtually any steel girder bridge structure is a candidate for grid analysis. However, due to the
disadvantages listed above, grid analysis generally is not recommended for the following

Bridges with more severe curvature and/or skew where load effects in bracing members
are key design results, and where the accurate calculation of deflections, rotations and
deformations becomes more significant. One definition of significant would be when
deflections and rotations are large enough to warrant particular consideration in detailing
and erection of girders, cross frames, and bracing. In such cases, there is no
conservative calculation of these values overestimation or underestimation are
equally unacceptable.

Bridges with long span girders where relative stiffness effects become more important
and where the accurate calculation of deflections, rotations and deformations becomes
more significant (as described above).

Bridges with deep girders, variable depth girders, or complex framing such as variable
girder spacing, where the simplifications introduced in reducing the structural properties
down to the single line element level (both for girders and for cross frames) may lead to
inaccurate results.

Bridges with complex framing such as bifurcated girders, particularly when the girders
bifurcate away from the end of a unit, where direct analysis of the load effects in all
members may produce more accurate results than could be achieved by hand analysis of
the framing at the location of bifurcation.

Bridges with unusual or particularly complicated loading (e.g., perhaps the need to model
a thermal gradient over the height of the girders) where the nature of the loading would
require significant simplifying assumptions for application to a grid analysis.

5.1.5 Improvements to 2D-Grid Analysis for I-Girders

NCHRP Report 725 (35) offers a number of recommendations for improvements to steel girder
bridge 2D-grid analysis methods. The improvements provide substantial benefits related to the
accuracy of results, with little additional computational effort. These recommendations include:

Improved I-girder Torsion Model for 2D-Grid Analysis: Conventional use of just the St.
Venant term (GJ/L) in characterizing the torsional stiffness of I-girders results in a
significant underestimation of the actual girder torsional stiffness, due to the neglect of
the girder warping stiffness (ECw), which is substantial compared to the contribution of
the St. Venant torsional stiffness (GJ) in I-girders. The work presented in NCHRP Report
725 (35) includes the development of an equivalent torsion constant Jeq which
significantly improves the accuracy of 2D-Grid analyses for I-girders.

Improved Equivalent Beam Cross-Frame Model: Most 2D-Grid analysis software
packages use approximations to model the stiffness of truss-type cross-frames using a
beam-type element. These methods typically capture either only an approximate flexural
stiffness or approximate shear stiffness of the entire cross-frame. Due to these stiffness
approximations, an inaccurate representation of the stiffness of the system will result, and
incorrect prediction of cross-frame forces, girder loads and deflections, etc. NCHRP
Report 725 (35) demonstrates the potential improvements that could be achieved by using
a shear-deformable (Timoshenko) beam element to represent the cross-frame, and
describes the development of an exact equivalent beam element via the use of a user-
defined element may be available in commercial frame analysis software program.

For a complete discussion of these recommendations, the designer is encouraged to review the
particular section in NCHRP Report 725 (35), or as provided in the AASHTO/NSBA G13.1
Guidelines for Steel Girder Bridge Analysis, 2nd Edition (36).

5.2 3-D Analysis Methods

Typically, the most analytically complicated level of analysis is 3-D analysis. Like a grid
analysis, a 3-D analysis is a finite element modeling technique. But instead of limiting the model
to a 2-D grid of nodes and line elements, a 3-D analysis models the superstructure in detail
(flanges, webs, deck, bracing members, etc.) in three dimensions.

Commercial applications are available to perform part or all of a 3-D analysis. Such applications
are available which build a 3-D model of a steel girder bridge and run a live load analysis using
either influence surface or live load generator methods. There is at least one commercial
software modeling service which has the capability to build, run and post-process a 3-D FEM
model, including features that perform AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition, 2014) (1) checks on the
girders and features that summarize the deflections, cross frames forces and bearing reactions.

In addition, a 3-D analysis can be performed using any general-purpose finite element analysis
program, including a number of commercially available applications. A significant amount of
effort might be involved in building and post-processing the analysis model and performing
AASHTO code checks on the girders, cross frames and other elements particularly
considering 3-D shell models provide girder results in terms of flange and web stresses or forces,
while many AASHTO design equations are written in terms of overall girder moments and
shears thus requiring post processing to sum elemental force effects on a line girder cross

One of the best uses of shell elements is to model the deck, where the girders are modeled with
shell and/or frame elements located eccentrically with respect to this deck. Shell elements can
adequately model the load distribution to the girder and shear lag (effective flange) effects with
finer meshes (e.g., 33). However, modeling the deck stresses or flexural bending in a deck is
difficult. Significant arching action, cracking, etc. cannot be properly modeled with most shell
elements in readily available applications. For a detailed analysis of deck stresses, brick elements
are likely required. Fortunately, such analyses are usually confined to research endeavors.

Three-dimensional modeling requires that quite a bit of consideration be given to numerous
significant modeling issues. Several of these are described below.

5.2.1 Stiffness Modeling for 3-D Analysis

Girder flanges are modeled using beam or plate/shell elements, webs are modeled using plate
elements, and cross frames and bracing are modeled using truss or plate elements (as appropriate
for the given cross frame or bracing configuration). The deck typically is modeled using eight-
node solid (brick) elements or four-node shell elements. Herein, the term shell elements shall be
used to describe all elements which have both in-plane membrane and out-of-plane plate bending

The modeling of girder flanges using beam elements vs. using shell elements has been the
subject of some debate among designers. For box-shaped girders, the bottom flange should be
modeled using shell elements in order to correctly quantify the lateral and torsional stiffness of
the cross section.

For box-shaped girder top flanges and for I shaped girder top and bottom flanges though, there is
a choice to be made. Using plate elements to model these flanges allows for direct calculation of
in-plane stresses in detail. However, the value of this much detail in stress calculation is limited
when using component-based design specification that require internal actions of shear, bending
moment, etc. Beam elements can adequately model most or all of the required stiffness
parameters of the flanges, and calculation of stresses from the flange force results is relatively

Recently, more modern computer applications are permitting the use of shell elements
complemented by a query at the section to compute the internal actions in terms of girder shears
and moments. These applications can allow for simultaneous refinement of the modeling
approach and practicality of addressing specification design equations.

Correct modeling of the deck is critical in 3-D analyses. Non-composite deck dead loads
(primarily the weight of the wet concrete deck and haunch) are typically modeled either
automatically or manually as distributed loads on the girders with load distribution based on
simple span behavior in the deck. For the composite condition, the deck is typically modeled
using 8-node brick elements, or sometimes using 4-node plate elements which have sufficient
stiffness modeling provisions to capture all of the structural function of the deck, including in-
plane axial stiffness and out-of-plane bending and shear stiffness as well as in-plane shear
stiffness. Correct modeling of the axial stiffness including accurate modeling of the offset of
the deck from the top flange of the girder is necessary to properly capture the vertical section
properties of the composite girder cross-section. Correct modeling of the out-of-plane bending
and shear stiffness is necessary to properly model the decks critical function in transverse load
distribution among the girders.

Consideration of connection details, particularly the end connections of cross frame and bracing
members is warranted. Automatically assuming pinned connections may not be appropriate;

particularly if the members have large bending stiffness and if welded or slip-critical bolted
connections with significant moment capacity are used.

The alignment of the neutral axes of the various cross frame and bracing members is also
important significant eccentricities between these members and the girder flanges should be
modeled as they can directly affect the calculated stiffness of, and loads in, the cross frames or

Special consideration should be given to the modeling of bearings in 3-D analysis. The design
should carefully consider not only the vertical stiffness of the bearings, but also the horizontal
and rotational stiffness values of the bearings and their orientation. As previously mentioned, the
modeling of bearing stiffness (in all directions) can have a significant influence on the behavior
and load effects within the girders.

Consideration should be given to modeling substructures as part of the superstructure 3-D

analysis. As previously mentioned, substructure stiffness can have significant effects on the
behavior of the superstructure, particularly for seismic loading.

In some cases, particularly in severely curved bridges, consideration should be given to modeling
girder out-of-plumbness, which can affect the local flange loads/stresses. Domalik, et al.
provides a good discussion (4).

5.2.2 Load Modeling for 3-D Analysis

Much of the previous discussion on modeling of live loads, dead loads, and other loads is
directly applicable to a discussion of 3-D analysis methods. There are no special considerations
unique to 3-D analysis for the decisions as to whether to include consideration of staged deck
placements, wind loads, thermal expansion/contraction, thermal gradients, or seismic loading in
the superstructure analysis. But, it should be noted that 3-D analysis models lend themselves to
more direct modeling of many of these effects, where simpler techniques require the designer to
either use approximations and/or simplifications when applying these loads to the analysis or
require the designer to manually add these loading effects to the analysis outside of the main
analysis model.

5.2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of 3-D Analysis

Because all of the components of the bridge are directly modeled, a 3-D analysis has the
advantage of being rigorous and internally consistent among all portions of the structure. A 3-D
analysis directly models the stiffness characteristics, and direct analysis results are available for
all elements of the structure. Complex structural configurations are modeled in detail, rather than
approximating the overall stiffness parameters with estimated single values. For example, to
model a steel tub girder in a 3-D analysis, the bottom flange is modeled with separate elements,
as are the two webs, the two top flanges, the internal cross frames and the top flange lateral
bracing. In contrast, in a grid analysis the entire tub girder (flanges, webs, internal cross frames
and top flange lateral bracing) is modeled as a single line element, with the stiffness of all

associated complex framing approximated using simplified calculations or empirical estimates.
This greater detail and rigor in a 3-D model theoretically leads to more accurate analysis results.

However, 3-D analysis involves much greater modeling effort than grid analysis. The resulting
model is significantly more complex, and as a result, an increased possibility exists that errors
may inadvertently be introduced. Furthermore, the greater detail and greater volume of direct
results for each and every element can be a two-edged sword. While there is value in having
direct results for all elements of the structure, the sheer volume of the results can become
overwhelming in terms of the required post-processing effort (since, e.g., results of interest, such
as moments and shears, may not be directly available otherwise). Many designers find 3-D
analysis results much less intuitive and harder to visualize and understand and validate. As a
result, risk of inadvertent mistakes or misinterpreted analysis results is greater. In summary, an
important question is associated with 3-D analysis: Is the greater accuracy and detail worth the

5.2.4 Limitations of 3-D Analysis

There are virtually no limitations to the type or complexity of structures that can be modeled in a
3-D analysis. The limitations come down to time and money available to perform the analysis,
which brings up a key concern. While theoretically more accurate, a 3-D analysis is only as
accurate as the assumptions made during the building and running of the analysis model. 3-D
models are complex and, as mentioned above, it is easier to introduce errors in more complex
analyses. While a 3-D analysis does offer an increase in refinement over simpler analysis
methods, designers should not confuse refinement with accuracy. An unfounded sense of
confidence can be too easily gained designers are encouraged to refer to a particularly apt
article by Bakht and Jaeger (7).

5.3 Beyond Linear Elastic Behavior and Analysis

Up to this point, this module has focused solely on first order, linear elastic behavior and
analysis. However, it is routinely accepted in modern bridge design to allow some level of
inelastic behavior under certain circumstances. In fact, current AASHTO LRFD (7th Edition,
2014) (1) allow for redistribution of negative moment in steel girder bridges, which implicitly
permits inelastic behavior.

Designers are cautioned to take advantage of inelastic behavior only with significant thought and
consideration given to the associated need for appropriate structural analysis. A non-linear
analysis should not be undertaken lightly as accounting for non-linear, second order effects
greatly complicates what may already be a fairly complex analysis. Most commercial steel girder
modeling software packages do not have provisions for direct assessment of inelastic behavior,
and accounting for inelastic behavior using manual methods or home-grown software may
prove to be a daunting task.

In many cases, it may be sufficient for designers to perform only a simple inelastic analysis
outside of the main analysis to address cases where stresses exceed the yield stress of the
material to some minor level in localized areas. Addressing significant inelastic behavior is

beyond the scope of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook and should only be undertaken by
experienced designers with access to appropriate analysis methods and analytical tools.


The role of structural analysis in the design process is important, yet a broad perspective is
necessary. Designers should take some comfort in the lower bound theorem for structural
analysis (14):

A load computed on the basis of an equilibrium moment distribution in which the

moments are nowhere greater than the plastic moment is less than or equal to the
true plastic limit load.

In simpler terms, a structure designed to behave elastically, based on an analysis which satisfies
all equilibrium requirements, will have some degree of inelastic redundancy.

Although stated in terms of bending moment, the lower bound theorem is valid for any type of
action or stress. The essential requirements of the theorem are (15):

Calculated internal actions and applied forces should be in equilibrium everywhere,


Materials and section/member behavior must be ductile; that is, the material must be
able to yield without fracture or instability.

In all analyses, the goal is to predict the actual response with sufficient accuracy while incurring
only modest expense. Nonetheless, uncertainty of residual stresses, construction stresses, creep
of concrete, deck shrinkage, etc. are often not considered in the structural modeling even though
they are all present in the actual structure. The structural engineer routinely, and subtly, uses the
lower-bound theorem with significant advantage because many load distribution mechanisms are
not accounted for in analyses.

However, the lower-bound theorem does not address constructability, deformations,

serviceability and critical aspects of stability all important reasons to attempt to model the
response of the bridge as well as practically possible.

The keys to successful design include understanding the behavior of the structure, understanding
the various analysis techniques available, and developing an awareness of the advantages and
limitations of each approach. With this knowledge in hand, designers can better choose and
execute the appropriate analysis method for each individual structure.


1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), LRFD

Bridge Design Specifications, 7thEdition,2014.

2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO),

Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Edition, 2002.

3. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Guide

Specifications for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway Bridges, 2003.

4. Domalik, D.E., Shura, J. F., and Linzell, D. G., The Design and Field Monitoring of a
Horizontally Curved Steel Plate Girder Bridge, in Proceedings of the 84th Annual
Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2005.

5. Richardson, Gordon, & Associates (now the Pittsburgh office of HDR), FHWA Curved
Girder Workshop Manual, 1976.

6. Tung, D.H.H., and Fountain, R.S, Approximate Torsional Analysis of Curved Box
Girders by the M/R Method, American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC): Chicago
Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1970.

7. Bakht, B, and Jaeger, L.G., "Bridge Testing - a Surprise Every Time," American Society
of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 5, pp. 1370-
1383, May 1990.

8. Coletti, D.A., and Yadloksy, J.M., Behavior and Analysis of Curved and Skewed Steel
Girder Bridges, Proceedings of the 2005 World Steel Bridge Symposium, Orlando, FL,
November 2005.

9. Gaylord, E.H., Gaylord, C.N., and Stallmeyer, J.E., Editors, Structural Engineers
Handbook, 4th Edition, 1996, McGraw-Hill, Inc.

10. Krupicka, G., and Poellot, W.N., Nuisance Stiffness, HDR BridgeLine, Vol. 4, No. 1,

11. Grubb, M.A., Yadlosky, J.M., Duwadi, S.R., Construction Issues in Steel Curved-Girder
Bridges, Transportation Research Record No. 1544, 1996, pp. 64-70.

12. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials / National Steel
Bridge Alliance (AASHTO/NSBA) Steel Bridge Collaboration, Guidelines for Design for
Constructability, Document G 12.1-2003, 2003.

13. Yura, J.A., Fundamentals of Beam Bracing, American Institute of Steel Construction
(AISC) Engineering Journal, 1st Quarter 2001, pp. 11-26.

14. Horne, M.R. Plastic Theory of Structures, Willan Clowes & Sons, London, UK, 1971.
(out of print)

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