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Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Steel Bridge Design Handbook

Substructure Design
Publication No. FHWA-HIF-16-002 - Vol. 16

December 2015

This handbook covers a full range of topics and design examples intended to provide bridge
engineers with the information needed to make knowledgeable decisions regarding the selection,
design, fabrication, and construction of steel bridges. Upon completion of the latest update, the
handbook is based on the Seventh Edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
The hard and competent work of the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA) and prime
consultant, HDR, Inc., and their sub-consultants, in producing and maintaining this handbook is
gratefully acknowledged.

The topics and design examples of the handbook are published separately for ease of use, and
available for free download at the NSBA and FHWA websites: http://www.steelbridges.org, and
http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge, respectively.

The contributions and constructive review comments received during the preparation of the
handbook from many bridge engineering processionals across the country are very much
appreciated. In particular, I would like to recognize the contributions of Bryan Kulesza with
ArcelorMittal, Jeff Carlson with NSBA, Shane Beabes with AECOM, Rob Connor with Purdue
University, Ryan Wisch with DeLongs, Inc., Bob Cisneros with High Steel Structures, Inc.,
Mike Culmo with CME Associates, Inc., Mike Grubb with M.A. Grubb & Associates, LLC, Don
White with Georgia Institute of Technology, Jamie Farris with Texas Department of
Transportation, and Bill McEleney with NSBA.

Joseph L. Hartmann, PhD, P.E.

Director, Office of Bridges and Structures

This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in
the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for use of the
information contained in this document. This report does not constitute a standard, specification,
or regulation.
Quality Assurance Statement
The Federal Highway Administration provides high-quality information to serve Government,
industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies
are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information.
FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure
continuous quality improvement.
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipients Catalog No.
FHWA-HIF-16-002 - Vol. 16
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Steel Bridge Design Handbook: Substructure Design December 2015
6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Domenic Coletti, PE (HDR) and James Sheahan, PE (HDR)
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.
HDR, Inc.
11 Stanwix Street 11. Contract or Grant No.
Suite 800 DTFH6114D00049
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Office of Bridges and Structures Technical Report
Federal Highway Administration Final Report
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE December 2014 November 2015
Washington, D.C. 20590 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

The previous version of this Handbook was published as FHWA-IF-12-052 and was developed to be current with the AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th Edition with the 2010 Interims. FHWA-HIF-16-002 was updated in 2015 by HDR,
Inc., to be current with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition.

16. Abstract
While the main focus of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook is the design of steel girder superstructures, the overall design
process associated with the design of substructures is equally important. This module provides an overview of many issues
associated with substructure and foundation design.

Many factors influence the selection of substructure and foundation materials, types, configurations, positions, and orientations.
Often, existing constraints will limit the range of options and intrinsically lead the designer to only one or a few feasible
solutions. This module provides designers with an overview of several foundation types including shallow foundations such as
spread footings, and deep foundations that utilize piles or drilled shafts. The module also discusses conventional, integral, and
semi-integral abutments, and provides considerations for the design and detailing of these substructure components. Several
considerations for pier selection are also presented, including multi-column piers, single column piers, pile bents, straddle bents,
and integral pier caps. Lastly, this module provides designers with information regarding substructure software availability,
seismic design, precast substructures, and superstructure and substructure interaction.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

Substructure, Pile Foundations, Drilled Shaft Foundations, No restrictions. This document is available to the public through
Integral Abutments, Semi-Integral Abutments, Piers the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed pages authorized

Steel Bridge Design Handbook:
Substructure Design

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 FACTORS INFLUENCING SUBSTRUCTURE TYPE SELECTION ................................ 2
2.1 Hard Requirements .......................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Existing Constraints ......................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Other Constraints ............................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Tolerable Movements ...................................................................................................... 3
3.0 FOUNDATION TYPES ........................................................................................................ 5
4.0 SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS (SPREAD FOOTINGS) ....................................................... 6
4.1 Design Considerations ..................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Shallow Foundations (Spread Footings) in Soil .............................................................. 6
4.3 Shallow Foundations (Spread Footings) in Rock ............................................................ 7
4.4 Detailing Considerations .................................................................................................. 8
4.5 Construction Considerations ............................................................................................ 8
4.6 Scour ................................................................................................................................ 9
4.7 Deterioration .................................................................................................................... 9
5.0 DEEP FOUNDATIONS ...................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Geotechnical Design Considerations ............................................................................. 11
6.2 Structural Design Considerations .................................................................................. 12
6.3 Choosing Between Piles and Drilled Shafts .................................................................. 13
7.0 DEEP FOUNDATIONS PILES ....................................................................................... 14
7.1 Pile Types....................................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Factors Affecting the Choice of Pile Type .................................................................... 16
7.3 Specific Design Considerations for Piles ....................................................................... 16
7.4 Detailing Considerations for Piles ................................................................................. 17

7.5 Miscellaneous Considerations for Piles ......................................................................... 18
8.0 DEEP FOUNDATIONS DRILLED SHAFTS ................................................................. 20
8.1 Factors Affecting Choice of Drilled Shaft Type ............................................................ 21
8.2 Specific Design Considerations for Drilled Shafts ........................................................ 21
8.3 Detailing Considerations for Drilled Shafts ................................................................... 23
8.4 Miscellaneous Considerations for Drilled Shafts .......................................................... 24
9.0 ABUTMENTS (END BENTS)............................................................................................ 27
10.0 CONVENTIONAL ABUTMENTS..................................................................................... 28
10.1 Design Considerations for Conventional Abutments .................................................... 28
10.2 Forces on Conventional Abutments ............................................................................... 32
10.3 Detailing Considerations for Conventional Abutments ................................................. 33
11.0 INTEGRAL ABUTMENTS ................................................................................................ 36
11.1 Superstructure Design Considerations for Integral Abutment Bridges ......................... 40
11.2 Forces on Integral Abutments ........................................................................................ 40
11.3 Detailing Considerations for Integral Abutments .......................................................... 41
12.0 SEMI-INTEGRAL ABUTMENTS ..................................................................................... 44
12.1 Forces on Semi-Integral Abutments .............................................................................. 44
12.2 Detailing Considerations for Semi-Integral Abutments ................................................ 44
13.0 PIERS (BENTS) .................................................................................................................. 46
13.1 Pier Types ...................................................................................................................... 46
13.2 Selecting the Right Pier Type ........................................................................................ 49
13.3 General Design Considerations...................................................................................... 50
13.4 Forces on Piers ............................................................................................................... 54
13.5 Multi-column Pier Considerations ................................................................................. 55
13.6 Single Column Pier Considerations ............................................................................... 57
13.7 Pile Bent Considerations ................................................................................................ 58
13.8 Straddle Bent Considerations ......................................................................................... 60
13.9 Integral Pier Cap Considerations ................................................................................... 61
13.10 Integral Pier Cap Considerations .......................................................................... 62
13.11 Inverted-Tee Pier Cap Considerations .................................................................. 64
13.12 Other Pier Types ................................................................................................... 66

14.0 SOFTWARE AVAILABILITY........................................................................................... 68
15.0 SEISMIC DESIGN .............................................................................................................. 69
16.0 PRECAST SUBSTRUCTURES.......................................................................................... 70
17.0 SUPERSTRUCTURE / SUBSTRUCTURE INTERACTION ............................................ 71
18.0 INNOVATIVE SUBSTRUCTURES .................................................................................. 72
19.0 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 74
20.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 75

List of Figures

Figure 1 Spread footing applications: a) spread footing for a stub abutment; b) spread footing for
a pier................................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2 Driven pile applications: a) driven piles under a stub abutment; b) driven piles under a
pier. ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3 Driven steel H-piles arranged as the foundation for a conventional abutment. Later,
MSE retaining walls will be built in front of these piles, and after that the abutment cap and
backwall will be cast. .................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4 Driving of a precast concrete pile. ................................................................................. 15
Figure 5 Example of pile tips. ...................................................................................................... 18
Figure 6 The effects of scour can be severe. Here a drilled shaft in a multicolumn bent has
experienced over 6 feet of permanent (erosion) scour; during a flood event with higher velocity
flow, there will be even more temporary (local pier) scour at this pier. ....................................... 19
Figure 7 Drilled shaft applications: a) drilled shafts for a conventional stub abutment: b) drilled
shafts used for a pier. .................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 8 Single round column with an oversized, steel cased, drilled shaft. ............................... 22
Figure 9 Drilled shaft drilling rig. Note the steel casing projecting above ground. .................... 25
Figure 10 Conventional abutments of various heights: a) conventional, pile founded, stub
abutment; b) conventional, pile-founded, tall abutment. .............................................................. 29
Figure 11 Abutment wingwall configurations: a) stub abutment with wingwalls parallel to the
abutment cap; b) stub abutment with turned back wingwalls; c) stub abutment with turned
forward wingwalls (a.k.a. ear walls); d) stub abutment with MSE retaining wall and wingwalls
parallel to the abutment cap. ......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 12 Conventional stub abutment with MSE retaining wall and wingwalls parallel to the
abutment cap. ................................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 13 Example of integral abutment details, prior to casting the closure pour. Note the
reinforcing running through the girder web and the anchor bolts used as girder supports. .......... 42
Figure 14 Photograph of a completed integral abutment. ............................................................ 45
Figure 15 Various types of pier caps for multi-column piers: a) prismatic pier cap; b) tapered
pier cap; c) pier cap with parabolic haunches. .............................................................................. 47

Figure 16 Various types of pier caps for single column piers: a) prismatic pier cap; b) tapered
pier cap; c) pier cap with parabolic haunches. .............................................................................. 48
Figure 17 Typical multi-column pier with round columns and a prismatic pier cap. .................. 49
Figure 18 Typical multi-column pier with round columns and a stepped pier cap. .................... 49
Figure 19 There can be a wide range of variations on the basic multi-column pier configuration,
such as these piers with haunched pier caps and curved columns featuring formliner treatments
for a pedestrian bridge. ................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 20 Single column hammerhead pier with very tall columns over a deep valley. ............. 51
Figure 21 Single column hammerhead pier with an inverted T pier cap. .................................... 55
Figure 22 There can be a wide range of variations on the basic single column pier configuration,
such as this pier with a haunched pier cap and single, unsymmetrical curved column featuring
form liner treatments for a pedestrian bridge. ............................................................................... 58
Figure 23 Pile bent with braced steel H-piles serving as both columns and foundations for the
pier. ............................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 24 Example of a straddle bent carrying a highway bridge over a railroad line. In this case,
the pier cap is also fully integral with the curved steel girder superstructure............................... 60
Figure 25 Steel plate integral pier cap for a single column pier. ................................................. 61
Figure 26 Post-Tensioned Concrete integral pier cap for a single column pier. .......................... 62
Figure 27 Steel pipe piles, steel pier caps, and steel framing, with a timber mat deck, form the
structural system for this temporary work bridge. ........................................................................ 63
Figure 28 Steel single column hammerhead piers for a dual box girder automated people mover
bridge. ........................................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 29 Inverted T pier cap in a multi-column pier. ................................................................. 65
Figure 30 Dapped girder ends rest on an inverted T pier cap in a single column pier. ............... 66
Figure 31 Example of the wide range of variations in pier types. This project featured the
widening of an existing bridge which used multi-column piers with web walls. The widened
section used single column hammerhead piers. ............................................................................ 67
Figure 32 Example of a precast pier cap being used on a long viaduct bridge. The columns were
cast-in-place with dowels projecting from the top of the columns. The dowels fit into pockets in
the precast pier cap. The pier cap initially rested on collars around the tops of the columns. The

collars were adjustable to facilitate leveling of the pier cap. Once the pier cap was set, grout was
injected into the dowel pockets and the gap between the columns and the pier cap. ................... 70
Figure 33 Opportunities abound for innovation in substructure design. This unique full height
abutment which uses precast double-tees for the stem wall is one example of a creative solution
that addressed the specific criteria of a given project. .................................................................. 72


The main focus of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook is obviously the design of steel girder
superstructures. But equally important in the overall design process is the design of
substructures. This module will provide an overview of many issues associated with substructure
and foundation design. However, this is only an overview; the reader is directed to the many
other excellent references that discuss substructure and foundation design in more detail. The
references mentioned at the end of this module constitute a brief list of some of those


Many factors influence the selection of substructure and foundation materials, types,
configurations, positions, and orientations. Often, existing constraints will limit the range of
options and intrinsically lead the designer to only one or a few feasible solutions. Some of these
constraints are discussed below. Some are obvious and some are subtle; some are routine and
some occur only rarely; but all are important and should be considered in each bridge project.

2.1 Hard Requirements

Navigation Clearance Requirements Design criteria for river, harbor, or other navigable water
crossings often include minimum horizontal and vertical clearance requirements for navigation.
These determine span lengths and substructure heights, and since higher bridges with longer
spans often produce increased substructure loads, these are key factors affecting the choice of
substructure type for these bridges. Furthermore, the nature of the marine traffic may directly
influence selection of substructure type since vessel impact can be a significant design
parameter. The AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition (5) and AASHTO
Guide Specifications for Design for Vessel Impact (1) offer both general and specific design
guidance on this topic.

Environmental Commitments All modern transportation projects must undergo a rigorous

environmental permitting process. As part of this process, commitments are often made to
various environmental agencies regarding the location of bridges and the nature of both
temporary construction activities and permanent features of the project. These commitments
often include very specific discussions regarding the nature of bridges over environmentally
sensitive areas. These commitments may include limitations on span lengths, foundation types,
substructure types, substructure locations, construction access and methods, etc.

Surface Terrain An obvious influence on the choice of substructure type is the nature of the
existing terrain, both in terms of topography and geology. A bridge across a deep, rocky gorge
will need different substructures than a bridge across a wide marshy swamp. Designers should
consider geometry (substructure heights, span lengths, etc.), geology (which affects the selection
of candidate foundation types and their effect on the overall substructure design), and
constructability (physical access to build various substructure types in specific locations).

2.2 Existing Constraints

Existing Structures Oftentimes, especially in the more urbanized settings of many modern
projects, existing structures (both above and below ground) will limit the designers options for
substructure placement and configuration. Designers should obtain the best information available
regarding existing structures before laying out substructure locations and discussing foundation
and substructure types. Often a combination of existing plans, site visits, aerial survey, ground
survey, and subsurface survey is necessary to fully describe these existing conditions. Consider
existing roadways, bridges, substructures, foundations, above- and below-ground utilities,
buildings, culverts and other drainage structures, and any other possible existing structures. Also,

keep in mind structures that may not be present at the time of design, but which may be built
before or during construction of the bridge.

2.3 Other Constraints

Site Access Many factors affect site access, including topography, soil conditions, climate
(weather) conditions, waterways, utilities (both above- and below-ground), existing and
proposed structures, etc. Site access in turn can affect the selection of foundation types and
substructure types. Designers should give careful consideration to the ability of the contractor to
deliver materials and operate equipment at a given site.

Desired Construction Schedule On many modern projects with complex construction phasing
and tight schedules, the sequence and timing of substructure and foundation construction are key
design criteria. Sometimes pile driving equipment physically cannot operate in a given location
after a certain point in construction, e.g., due to the large vertical clearance needed for pile-
driving. Sometimes waiting several days for cast-in-place concrete to cure prior to the next step
in construction is not feasible. Oftentimes drilled shafts require a casing to support the open hole
because another nearby structure will be built first and its loading could cause the hole to cave in.
For design-build projects, detailed discussions of the proposed construction sequence with the
contractor are strongly encouraged. For conventional design-bid-build projects, it may be
advisable to consider several possible construction sequences and evaluate the impact of
substructure type on constructability issues.

Local Contractor Expertise In many cases, the choices of foundation and substructure types are
limited by the expertise and equipment available to local contractors. Sometimes what seems like
an inefficient design may in fact be the most economical design if local contractors are equipped,
experienced, and efficient at that type of work. Insights into these issues can be obtained by
talking with local owner-agencies, local contractors, and other designers who have a history of
design in a given locality.

2.4 Tolerable Movements

Excessive movements of bridge foundations, in either vertical or horizontal directions, can lead
to a number of problems, including poor ride quality, undesirable appearance, damage to
expansion joints, excessive cracking, or other structural integrity or serviceability problems.

Foundation movements, and the resulting structure movements, should be carefully calculated,
and, perhaps more importantly, the effects of these movements on the structure must be
thoroughly assessed. Tolerable movements should be estimated prior to beginning detailed
design. The structural engineer should work with the geotechnical engineer regarding acceptable
movements and the resulting implications in terms of both the effects on the structure and the
effects on the foundations. NCHRP Report 343 (2) offers a good discussion of the issue of
tolerable movements.

Most of the movements discussed above are related to soil displacements caused by applied
loads. Conversely, in addition to force-driven loading effects, substructures and foundations are

also affected by deflection-driven loading effects, such as shrinkage, thermal expansion and
contraction, etc. This is especially true when integral substructures such as integral pier caps and
integral abutments are used.

For example, the use of integral abutments is often limited to superstructure units of certain
length longer lengths would result in excessive thermal movements which cannot be tolerated
due to the introduction of overly large passive soil pressures resisting these movements and/or
excessive bending moments in pile foundations. In other cases, excessive movements of the tops
of tall piers may induce unacceptably large secondary loading effects (P- effects) depending on
the strength, stiffness, and distance to point-of-fixity of the pier.


A wide variety of foundation types are available for use on steel girder bridges, as on any bridge.
The choice of a preferred foundation type typically is heavily influenced by local subsurface
conditions and past success with similar foundation types in the locality. In some cases, the
nature of the superstructure will also influence the choice of foundation type, especially when
integral substructures are used. Several of the more common foundation types are discussed in
this module. Other types are less frequently used, and occasionally innovative foundation types
are proposed for special circumstances. Designers are advised to involve qualified geotechnical
engineers early in the bridge design process to help select the appropriate foundation type. In
addition, designers are encouraged to consult one or more references on foundation design, such
as references (2, 7, 8, 35).


4.1 Design Considerations

As with all foundations, the design of spread footings must consider both geotechnical and
structural issues and criteria. The design calculations must address issues related to strength,
serviceability, and movements. In addition there are many constructability issues and site-
specific issues to be considered. Any of these various issues may control the design and all
should be evaluated.

Spread footings offer several advantages in terms of simplicity of construction, particularly when
used in proper applications. The decision to use a spread footing, or any foundation for that
matter, often comes down to assessing what is the most appropriate foundation choice for the
given site conditions and the given structural requirements (applied loads, movements, etc.).

Spread footing design typically includes the following design checks:

Bearing Capacity A check of the applied maximum bearing pressure vs. the allowable bearing

Overturning This check is particularly important for spread footing abutments which typically
must withstand lateral soil pressure on the backwall and for spread footing piers which will have
large overturning moments, particularly if the piers are tall.

Sliding This check is particularly important for spread footing abutments which typically must
withstand lateral soil pressure on the backwall.

Settlement Particularly for spread footings in soil, the anticipated settlement must be
determined and compared to the tolerable settlement for the structure.

Horizontal Movement and Rotation Particularly for spread footings in soil, the anticipated
horizontal movements (sliding displacements) and overturning rotations should be determined
and compared to tolerable movements for the structure, even if the sliding and overturning
calculations show an adequate factor of safety. References (2, 12) discuss spread footings in
more detail.

4.2 Shallow Foundations (Spread Footings) in Soil

Spread footings are most often used when competent rock is found at shallow depths, but they
can be successfully used for foundations on soil where scour is not a design consideration.
Service level bearing capacities for spread footings in soil are generally in the range of 1 to 3
tons per square foot (tsf). This lower range of allowable bearing pressures often limits the use of
spread footings in soil to more lightly loaded structures.

A key parameter in spread footing design is the assessment of vertical and horizontal
movements. Despite the relatively low applied bearing pressures associated with spread footings
in soil, calculated deflections may be the controlling design parameters.

Figure 1 Spread footing applications: a) spread footing for a stub abutment; b) spread
footing for a pier.

4.3 Shallow Foundations (Spread Footings) in Rock

As mentioned above, spread footings are most often used when competent rock is found at
shallow depths. In these cases, deep foundations are often too difficult and expensive to
construct, and a spread footing becomes more economically attractive.

When spread footings are used in rock, some of the concerns and issues associated with spread
footings in soil go away, but other issues arise.

Service level bearing capacities for spread footings in rock are generally in the range of 5 to 10
tsf or higher. These higher bearing pressures can potentially allow much more heavily loaded
structures to be founded on spread footings.

However, the sizing of a spread footing is dependent on more than just an assessment of bearing
capacity. Sliding and overturning checks must also be performed, especially for abutments which
have significant lateral loading from soil pressure, but also for piers which can have high
overturning moments.

Settlement of spread footings in rock is of less concern than for spread footings in soil, but
should still be investigated at least in a cursory manner and compared to tolerable movement

Construction of spread footings in rock can be expensive if a significant amount of rock

excavation is required. In addition, designers should also note that the resulting cut rock surface
may not be ideally smooth and level and should adjust their detailing accordingly to allow for
more generous construction tolerances. Alternatively, lean (unreinforced) concrete is often
placed in the bottom of the excavation to provide a more level and uniform bearing surface.

4.4 Detailing Considerations

In many cases, the need to size a spread footing to reduce bearing pressures, to resist sliding and
overturning, and to control deflections will result in a fairly large, stout structure. The reinforcing
required to resist the applied loads in structures of these proportions may be quite light.
Designers are reminded to keep in mind other reinforcing requirements such as constructability,
the need for reinforcing to resist temperature and shrinkage stresses, good seismic detailing
practice, etc., which may end up controlling the reinforcing design. For example, larger
reinforcing bars may be required simply to ensure that the reinforcing cage can support its own
weight prior to concrete placement.

The layout of construction joints should be based on the evaluation of several issues. For
example, the volume of concrete in each lift should be limited to control heat of hydration in
larger mass concrete pours. Other practical considerations related to hydrostatic pressure of wet
concrete, access for consolidation, entrapment of air in stepped concrete structures, etc., may also
suggest the need for construction joints. And, once a reasonable construction joint layout has
been determined, the reinforcing detailing should be examined to see if adding or moving
reinforcing splices would improve constructability.

Keep in mind that many surfaces in spread footings will be cast against soil (or rock) or will be
permanently exposed to soil. Concrete cover requirements should be adjusted accordingly. Also
remember, as mentioned above, that rock cuts may not be ideally smooth or level and that
provisions should be made to address this.

4.5 Construction Considerations

Construction of spread footings in soil may involve fairly easy excavation due to the soft nature
of the excavated material. But this same nature may also dictate the need for oversized
excavations, generous cut slopes, and/or temporary shoring of the excavation walls. Designers
should be aware of the need for an excavation larger than the size of the spread footing and
check clearances to adjacent roadways, utilities, foundations, etc. Lack of adequate construction
clearances may result in a design that cannot be built.

Conversely, construction of spread footings in rock may involve more difficult excavation
operations, possibly necessitating specialty equipment or rock removal techniques. Consultation

with experienced local contractors early in the design is advisable and can alert the designer to
key issues which may have significant ramifications on their design.

In addition to providing adequate space for construction activities at the site, consideration
should also be given to providing adequate access to the site. Designers should at a minimum
investigate the following parameters of access/haul roads:

Is the haul road wide enough to accommodate the anticipated equipment and trucks?

Is the grade shallow enough for safe transit of the anticipated equipment and trucks?

Are the anticipated equipment and trucks able to negotiate any curves in the haul road?

Do the haul road and its subgrade have sufficient bearing capacity to accommodate the
anticipated equipment and trucks?

Again, the value of consultation with experienced local contractors in assessing constructability
issues early on in the design process cannot be overstated.

4.6 Scour

For bridges at stream or river crossings, scour should be investigated in detail. Foundations
should extend below the scour line. For the design flood event, foundations should extend deep
enough below the scour line to satisfy all strength limit state checks. For the check flood event
(typically the 500 year event, sometimes called the superflood event) the foundations should
extend far enough below the scour line to satisfy stability criteria under extreme event limit
states. In some cases, scour prevention methods such as rip rap armoring can be used to reduce
the effects of scour, especially at abutments. The assessment of scour potential is a process
which involves both the geotechnical engineer and the hydraulics engineer, in addition to the
structural designer. Hydraulic Engineering Circular (HEC) 18 (3) and NCHRP Report 516 (36)
offer good general and specific discussions of scour.

4.7 Deterioration

Deterioration of concrete in spread footings can be caused by any of a number of corrosive

chemicals which are often found in soils or groundwater. Geotechnical investigations should
include evaluations of the presence of these types of chemicals. If they are found to be present,
appropriate protective measures should be taken. A wide range of options exists including the
use of special materials (or additives to standard materials), protective surface treatments, more
frequent inspection and/or maintenance intervals, and the use of conservative design assumptions
where future deterioration is anticipated and the strength contribution of part of the structure is


Deep foundations provide support for substructures in ways that are fundamentally different
from spread footings. Deep foundations can be broadly classified as either driven piles or drilled
shafts (sometimes also called drilled piers or drilled caissons).

Deep foundations such as piles and drilled shafts are typically long, column-type elements which
achieve vertical capacity by means of end bearing in a relatively deep bearing stratum, side
friction through part or all of their depth, or a combination of both. Piles and drilled shafts
typically achieve lateral capacity by means of embedment rather than sliding friction. Piles and
drilled shafts typically achieve overturning capacity by means of either group action, where the
overturning moments are resolved into axial force couples distributed among grouped piles or
drilled shafts, or on an individual basis acting as flexural elements.


6.1 Geotechnical Design Considerations

Vertical capacity in piles or drilled shafts is typically derived from either end bearing, side
friction, or a combination of both; note that the effects of down-drag should also be considered
as appropriate. For end bearing piles or drilled shafts, the vertical capacity arises from the
bearing of the end of the foundation element on a competent stratum of soil or rock and is thus
independent of the length of the pile or drilled shaft. Typically the main design parameters are
the bearing capacity of the soil, the axial capacity of the structure element (pile or shaft), and the
end bearing area. Note, however, that a minimum length of embedment of the pile or drilled
shaft into the ground is also usually required for other reasons, as will be discussed below.

For side friction piles or drilled shafts, the vertical capacity is derived from adhesion or friction
between the sides of the pile or drilled shaft and the surrounding soil. The typical design
parameters are the length of the pile or drilled shaft in the stratum providing frictional resistance,
the perimeter of the pile or drilled shaft cross section, and the frictional capacity of the soil.
Typically, the development of the frictional resistance requires some degree of vertical
movement of the pile relative to the surrounding soil.

Note that the side friction capacity of closely spaced piles or drilled shafts can be adversely
affected by so-called group effects. In simple terms, the side friction capacity of an individual
foundation element is reduced when the elements are closely spaced; the group of piles or drilled
shafts begin to act as a single entity with an overall perimeter measured around the outside of the
group due to the overlapping zones of soil movement around each pile which reduce the soils
strength, rather than as a collection of individual element perimeters. This problem can be easily
avoided by keeping to reasonably wide pile or drilled shaft spacing.

Piles and drilled shafts can develop vertical capacity by means of both side friction and end
bearing acting simultaneously, depending on the specific subsurface conditions. There are no
easy and consistent rules for the calculation of vertical capacity designs must be addressed on a
case-by-case basis by qualified geotechnical engineers using site-specific data.

The determination of the lateral capacity of piles and drilled shafts is a more complex problem
than the determination of vertical capacity. Typically the lateral capacity must be calculated by
means of a lateral pile analysis, usually facilitated by computer modeling. In determining lateral
capacity the key parameters are nearly always related to lateral displacement and overall
stability, rather than strength in the strict sense. Usually the limiting parameter in calculating the
geotechnical lateral capacity of a pile or drilled shaft is the tolerable movement which the
structure can sustain.

A second, but equally important, parameter in evaluating lateral capacity of piles and drilled
shafts is the overall stability of the pile as a function of its embedment into the soil. The pile or
drilled shaft must have sufficient embedment in the soil to resist global rotation. In other words,
the pile or drilled shaft must have sufficient embedment so that the lower end remains fixed
against both translation and rotation.

Global overturning moments applied to pile foundations are often resisted as force couples
between piles in a group. For example, one common configuration is to found each column in a
bent on a group of piles connected to the column by means of a relatively rigid integral footing.
In that case the overturning moment is resolved into vertical force couples and the resulting
upward and downward forces on individual piles are combined with the pile loads caused by
overall vertical load in the column. In this case, the geotechnical capacity of the piles in resisting
the overturning moments is simply a function of the axial capacity of the individual piles.

Conversely, in the case of pile bents the piles continue uninterrupted above finished ground to
the pile cap. In such cases, the piles must directly carry applied moments via bending in the piles.

In either case, the lateral analysis should always consider the horizontal loads on the piles or
drilled shafts and evaluate the resulting horizontal movements at the tops of the foundation

6.2 Structural Design Considerations

In addition to evaluating its geotechnical capacity, the pile or drilled shaft itself must be
evaluated for its structural capacity. Depending on the nature of the loads and the nature of the
structural configuration of the foundation, this might involve evaluating axial capacity, bending
capacity, shear capacity, or a combination of all of these. The required structural analyses are
typically fairly straightforward and are essentially the same as the corresponding analyses
required for columns.

However, the determination of boundary conditions for the structural analysis of deep
foundations can sometimes be tricky. The boundary conditions for lateral support and stability
are primarily a function of the subgrade modulus of the surrounding soil, but the restraint
provided to the top of the foundation element is also important. These boundary conditions can
be quantified by means of either a simplified or a more rigorous analysis.

For a simplified analysis, the pile can be modeled as a column fixed at its base, neglecting any
other lateral support along its length, and with boundary conditions at the top of the pile based on
the structural configuration. The depth of the pile to the assumed fixed base is known as the
depth to the point of fixity. As mentioned above, piles are typically installed with sufficient
embedment into the soil to ensure fixity in the soil. The key question is at what depth that fixity
occurs. This can determined by means of either rules of thumb (for approximate or preliminary
analysis) or by means of a more rigorous laterally loaded pile analysis (as described below).

For a more rigorous analysis, the pile is modeled with lateral spring supports where the spring
constants are based on the subgrade modulus of the surrounding soil layers. This type of analysis
can be done either using specialty soil-structure interaction modeling software or using general
finite element analysis software.

Depending on the geotechnical engineers recommendation or routine practice of the local

owner-agency, the point of fixity is typically assumed to be either at the highest point of moment
inflection or the highest point of zero horizontal deflection for a given lateral loading.

In all cases, designers are also encouraged to give careful consideration to the boundary
conditions at the top of the piles or drilled shafts. The nature of the substructure and its
connection to the foundation, as well as the nature of the superstructure and its connection to the
substructure, directly affect the support offered to the foundation elements (for example, a fully
integral connection to the superstructure can often add significant support to a
substructure/foundation system). There can be a temptation to over-simplify the analysis, which
should be avoided. Depending on the nature of the loading, some simplifying assumptions may
ultimately prove to be unconservative.

6.3 Choosing Between Piles and Drilled Shafts

There are myriad considerations in choosing between using pile foundations and drilled shaft
foundations, including:

Local Subsurface Conditions: Piles and drilled shafts each have advantages and disadvantages
based on the nature of the subsurface conditions. Often these conditions will clearly suggest one
over the other.

Local Economic Conditions: Local contractors often have a preference for either piles or drilled
shafts based on their experience with one or the other, the availability of laborers with the
required specific skills, the availability and cost of specialty equipment, etc.

Structural Considerations: Depending on the nature of the loading and the configuration of the
rest of the structure, either piles or drilled shafts may be a better choice. For example, individual
larger diameter drilled shafts may be more efficient at carrying lateral loads and moments than
individual, smaller-size, driven piles.

Constructability Considerations: Depending on the nature of the site conditions, equipment

access, or the configuration of the rest of the structure, either piles or drilled shafts may be a
better choice.

Environmental Considerations: Some foundation types and some foundation construction

methods are more damaging to the environment than others. Close coordination with
environmental permitting specialists may be necessary to evaluate the environmental impacts,
and environmental commitments may influence the selection of the preferred foundation type
and construction method.


One broad class of deep foundations are driven piles. Driven piles are predominantly
characterized by the fact that driving operations represent either a large part or the entirety of the
field construction operations. Piles are also typically, but not always, characterized by relatively
slender cross-sectional dimensions compared to drilled shafts. References (2, 10) provide
detailed discussions of driven pile foundations.

Figure 2 Driven pile applications: a) driven piles under a stub abutment; b) driven piles
under a pier.

7.1 Pile Types

Driven piles can be categorized as either displacement piles, with either a solid section or a
closed end, or non-displacement piles which have an open end with a relatively small cross-
section. There is a very wide range of driven pile types available to the designer, including:

Driven Steel H-Piles These are typically AISC HP sections, which are open H-shaped rolled
steel members. In some cases, driving plates (flat plates welded across the cross section at the
lower tip of the pile) are provided to increase end bearing area. In other cases, pile tips
(serrated end fittings) are provided to allow the lower tip of a pile to bite into the bearing

Driven Steel Pipe Piles These are hollow circular steel pipe sections. In some cases, driving
plates are provided to increase end bearing area. Pipe piles are sometimes selected over H-piles
due to the greater structural capacity of the closed pipe section (e.g., greater bending stiffness,
greater buckling capacity, greater moment capacity, etc.).

Figure 3 Driven steel H-piles arranged as the foundation for a conventional abutment.
Later, MSE retaining walls will be built in front of these piles, and after that the abutment
cap and backwall will be cast.

Driven Precast Concrete Piles These are generally precast concrete square or round cross
section shapes. Precast concrete piles are sometimes prestressed to increase their bending

Auger-Cast Piles An auger-cast pile is constructed by twisting a continuous flight, hollow-stem

auger into the ground. As the auger is removed, concrete is pumped into the open hole. Auger-
cast piles have been used extensively in Europe and in the private sector in the US, but have not
seen much bridge use in the US. There have been problems with quality, which is very sensitive
to construction technique.

Figure 4 Driving of a precast concrete pile.

Timber Piles Timber piles may seem like obsolete technology, but they still are viable in
certain situations. Due to their relatively low structural capacity, the use of timber piles is usually

limited to lightly loaded structures. But when used in proper applications, timber piles can
provide advantages over other pile types. One example of a good timber pile application would
be the foundation of a lightly loaded pedestrian bridge in a remote area with easy access to
plentiful supplies of high quality treated timber, but where delivery of other materials may be
relatively expensive.

Micropiles and Minipiles These are very small diameter (generally less than 12 diameter),
often very long, drilled shafts, which achieve virtually all of their capacity from side friction.
Micropiles have been used successfully in Europe. Their use has been encouraged by the FHWA,
but they have not yet seen widespread use in the United States. See reference (11) for more
information on micropiles.

7.2 Factors Affecting the Choice of Pile Type

The choice of pile type is influenced by many considerations. Some examples are provided
below, but designers are reminded that foundation type selection can be a complex process with
many competing issues. Some examples are:

Precast concrete piles are more often used in situations where steel pipes would be subject to
severe corrosion. However, solid precast concrete piles (or piles with driving plates) may not be
suitable in dense soils where driving of solid or closed end piles would be difficult or impossible.

Steel pipe piles and precast concrete piles may be preferred over steel H-piles in situations
involving long unbraced pile lengths where the higher buckling and flexural capacity of steel
pipe piles and precast concrete piles are desirable.

Steel piles may be preferred over concrete piles when the required pile lengths are long enough
that piles must be spliced due to the cost and difficulties associated with splicing concrete piles.
Steel piles are relatively easy to splice.

Timber pile use is generally limited to lightly loaded structures, particularly when site access is
restricted and when high quality timber is readily available locally.

Steel H-piles are attractive when there is a high end bearing capacity in soil or rock such that
only a small cross sectional area is needed in the pile to develop the required end bearing

Piles with larger cross sections are attractive in cases where side friction is the predominant
source of vertical capacity due to their greater perimeter (greater area available for generating
side friction resistance).

7.3 Specific Design Considerations for Piles

In addition to the general design considerations for deep foundations listed above, designers are
reminded that driven piles are generally relatively slender members. Their structural analysis
should consider careful evaluation of their buckling and bending capacity, and need to include

consideration of second-order slenderness effects (P- effects), particularly in pile bent
applications (which will be discussed in more detail later in this module).

In many bridge foundation applications, piles are used in groups. Designers are cautioned to be
aware of pile spacing limitations and overall pile group geometry and to be aware of the potential
for such adverse situations as:

Reduction in lateral and/or vertical capacity due to group effects.

Possible uplift situations due to overturning moments.

Possible interferences between adjacent piles when one or more piles are battered.

Care should be taken when using battered (or brace) piles. Battered piles can offer a simple
solution for providing lateral capacity to pile foundations as long as that lateral capacity is
carefully evaluated, the effect of lateral loads in increasing the axial load is considered, and the
potential for pile interferences is checked.

Also, designers are advised that there is such a thing as too many battered piles. In certain
cases, particularly in abutments, where piles may be battered only in one direction to resist
lateral soil pressures, battering too many piles may potentially result in a situation where the
substructure walks backward into the retained fill due to the horizontal component of the
battered pile axial loads being greater than the passive resistance of the retained fill on the

Designers are also advised to be aware of construction tolerances for out-of-plumbness and for
top of pile out-of-position. These construction tolerances lead to eccentricities in the application
of axial load which should be considered in the design of the pile. Keep in mind that the effects
of out-of-plumbness and top of pile out of position can potentially be additive, depending on how
the project specifications are written and on the contractors ability to control the pile during
driving. For example, a pile may be significantly out of position at its lower end while still
meeting the out-of-plumbness requirement, and simultaneously the top of the pile may be out of
position in the opposite direction while still meeting the out-of-position requirements. In this
case, the net effective eccentricity is a combination of both effects.

7.4 Detailing Considerations for Piles

Pile Spacing As previously mentioned, pile spacing can affect both the axial and lateral
geotechnical capacity of piles as well as the load distribution in piles.

Footing or Pile Cap Embedment Piles should be adequately embedded into pile caps or
footings. The determination of adequate embedment should consider: a) the capacity to transfer
pile axial load via end bearing and side friction in the concrete; b) the capacity to transfer pile
bending moments via compression block force couples as described on page 11 of reference (4);
and c) the capacity to transfer pile shear forces via bearing between the embedded pile and the
surrounding concrete.

Footing Reinforcement Footing reinforcement should be designed following standard footing
design guidelines which can be found in many references, such as (5, 6). Strut and tie modeling
is also an excellent method for analysis of footings.

7.5 Miscellaneous Considerations for Piles

Construction Pile construction considerations are myriad. Some considerations include:

Driving Depending on the subsurface conditions, pile driving may be difficult or

physically impossible. In some cases, predrilling might be a solution; if so, the designer
and the geotechnical engineer should discuss appropriate backfilling measures.

Access Pile driving equipment is rather large. Sufficient access for the equipment
should be investigated. Moreover, sufficient horizontal and especially vertical clearance
is required for the equipment to operate properly.

Subsurface Obstructions Hitting a boulder or an underground utility can ruin a pile

driving contractors day; sufficient utility survey and sufficient geotechnical field
investigations are usually worth their costs. In extreme cases, such as hitting an
underground gas line, the results of unforeseen interferences can be catastrophic.

Need for Pile Splicing Long piles will require splices. Depending on the splice
requirements, the need for splicing long piles may preclude certain pile types.

Need for Pile Tips When driving piles to bearing on rock, it may be advisable or even
mandated that pile tips be used to avoid problems with the pile skipping or skidding
on the rock stratum.

Figure 5 Example of pile tips.

Scour Scour around pile foundations, particularly around groups of piles, can be severe
as the pile causes a disruption in flow resulting in severe eddies that significantly increase
scour. Scour holes around piles represent a loss of lateral support and a loss of side
friction capacity. Both the geotechnical and structural analyses of the piles should include
consideration of scour. Scour effects should be quantified by a detailed scour analysis (3).

Figure 6 The effects of scour can be severe. Here a drilled shaft in a multicolumn bent has
experienced over 6 feet of permanent (erosion) scour; during a flood event with higher
velocity flow, there will be even more temporary (local pier) scour at this pier.

Deterioration As mentioned above for spread footings, deterioration of concrete and steel can
be caused by any of a number of corrosive chemicals which are often found in soils or
groundwater. Geotechnical investigations should include evaluations of the presence of these
types of chemicals. If they are found to be present, appropriate protective measures should be
taken. A wide range of options exists, including the use of special materials (or additives to
standard materials), protective surface treatments, more frequent inspection and/or maintenance
intervals, and the use of conservative design assumptions where future deterioration is
anticipated and the contribution of part of the structure is discounted.

Testing Pile capacity is most often verified by means of simple pile hammer blow count
evaluations; as part of routine recordkeeping, the number of blows of known force (known
weight of hammer and known drop height) required to achieve a specified movement of the pile
is recorded. This is a simple, but effective method. More sophisticated methods are sometimes
required by contract specifications, usually as a means of spot-checking pile capacity. One such
method is the use of a Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA). The PDA is a dynamic testing device which
uses strain gages and acceleration transducers to evaluate bearing capacity, pile integrity, and
driving stresses.


Drilled shafts represent a somewhat narrower range of deep foundation types. In all cases, drilled
shafts can be characterized by a few common features: a relatively deep, round hole drilled in the
ground and backfilled with reinforced concrete. Two good references on drilled shaft
construction and design can be found in Report FHWA-IF-99-025 (7) and NCHRP Report 343

Drilled shafts are sometimes categorized by the source of their vertical capacity as either end
bearing drilled shafts, side friction drilled shafts, or a combination of the two.

There are several other features which vary from one drilled shaft application to the next,

Casing When shafts are drilled through soils subject to caving, steel casing is often used to
keep the hole open until concrete is placed. In some cases the casing is then extracted; in other
cases it is left in place.

Bottom Configuration In some instances, the bottom of a drilled shaft is widened to increase
the end bearing area. These are called belled drilled shafts in reference to the bell shape at the
tip of the shaft.

Rock Sockets In some cases where drilled shafts are installed in rock with soil overburden, the
shafts are drilled a short depth into rock to obtain reliable end bearing or to achieve lateral fixity.
In some cases, the diameter of these rock sockets is slightly less than that of the rest of the drilled

Concrete Placement Method There are several options for placing concrete in drilled shafts.
The choice of which option to use is typically dependent on the conditions in the shaft at time of
placement, the presence of casing, and/or the presence of water or slurry in the shaft. Clean, dry
shafts can have their concrete dropped, at least up to a specified maximum drop height. If there is
ground water in the shaft, concrete is sometimes placed under water using a tremie tube (kept
embedded in the wet concrete). In other cases a slurry is used to displace the water and the
tremie-placed concrete then displaces the slurry. The use of the slurry-displacement method
offers the advantage of avoiding the need for casing since the slurry can be used to prevent cave-
in of unstable soils. However, the presence of the slurry prevents the inspection of the bottom of
the shaft excavation before concrete placement.

Figure 7 Drilled shaft applications: a) drilled shafts for a conventional stub abutment: b)
drilled shafts used for a pier.

8.1 Factors Affecting Choice of Drilled Shaft Type

The main factors affecting the choice of features in a drilled shaft are typically the subsurface
conditions and constructability issues. The presence of groundwater and/or unstable, caving soils
will have a direct impact on whether the shaft must be cased and what type of concrete
placement method to use.

The use of belled drilled shafts is not very common anymore, primarily due to the difficulties
associated with their construction and with ensuring a clean bottom for end bearing.

The need for rock sockets is typically determined based on the required vertical capacity and
lateral fixity and how these can be achieved. If sufficient vertical capacity and lateral fixity can
be achieved by means of side friction through soil only, rock sockets may not be required.

8.2 Specific Design Considerations for Drilled Shafts

In addition to the general design considerations for deep foundations listed above, designers are
reminded that while drilled shafts are generally relatively stocky members, their structural
analysis should consider careful evaluation of their axial and bending capacity, usually by means

of an axial-bending interaction analysis. Drilled shaft structural design is essentially identical to
regular reinforced concrete column design and should be approached in that manner.

Depending on the structural configuration, the analysis may need to include consideration of
second-order slenderness effects (P- effects). In many cases on modern bridges with
multicolumn bents, a single drilled shaft is provided for each column with no intermediate pile
cap. In those cases, the column is literally an extension of the drilled shaft and, if the column is
fairly tall and slender, second-order slenderness effects may become significant. The AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition (5) (Article and AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges (6) recommend that slenderness effects be considered any
time that KL/r exceeds 22, and the specifications require a rigorous analysis of slenderness
effects (a P- analysis) if KL/r exceeds 100.

In other applications, drilled shafts may be used in groups. Designers are cautioned to be aware
of drilled shaft spacing limitations and overall drilled shaft group geometry and to watch out for
the potential for such adverse situations as:

Reduction in lateral and/or vertical capacity due to group effects.

Possible uplift situations due to overturning moments.

Figure 8 Single round column with an oversized, steel cased, drilled shaft.

Drilled shafts are seldom, if ever, installed in battered configurations to address lateral loading.
Instead, lateral load is applied to the plumb drilled shaft and is carried via the bending capacity
of the shaft until the load is transferred to the soil through the significant projected lateral bearing
area of the shaft. Note that this load transfer mechanism contributes to the previously mentioned
design moments in drilled shafts, and these moments must be considered in the structural design
of the drilled shaft.

As is the case for all foundation designs, in addition to checking structural and geotechnical
capacities, settlement and horizontal movements should be calculated for drilled shafts and
compared to tolerable movements.

Be aware that some vertical movement is required to generate end bearing capacity in drilled
shafts. One rule of thumb is that vertical movement of about 5% of the shaft diameter is required
to generate full end bearing capacity. In some cases, geotechnical engineers will limit the use of
the end bearing capacity to as little as 25% of the full end bearing capacity in order to limit the
vertical movement of the shaft.

Similarly, a common rule of thumb is that about " of vertical movement is required to mobilize
side friction capacity.

8.3 Detailing Considerations for Drilled Shafts

Drilled Shaft Spacing As previously mentioned, drilled shaft spacing can affect both the
geotechnical capacity of the shafts as well as the load distribution in the shafts.

Casing As mentioned above, casing may be required when drilled shafts are constructed in
unstable soils which are subject to caving. Casing may also be required for underwater drilled
shaft construction such as in creek and river crossing bridges. The casing is typically advanced as
the shaft is drilled, although sometimes in weak soils the casing may be driven into position prior
to drilling. The casing is typically large diameter steel pipe, with wall thickness designed to resist
soil pressure or hydrostatic pressure and also to resist vertical loading either from installation
loads or from loads applied by equipment or platforms which may be mounted on the casing.
Casing may be left in place or may be removed, depending on a number of issues, including ease
of removal.

Drilled Shaft Reinforcement, General Drilled shafts are typically reinforced in a manner
similar to that found in reinforced concrete columns. Vertical reinforcing comprises the primary
steel. Spiral reinforcing is often used for confinement, although circular hoops have also been
used. The full reinforcing cage is typically assembled and lowered into the shaft as a unit.

Drilled Shaft Reinforcement, Spacing Reinforcement spacing should be carefully evaluated

and limited. Concrete placement in drilled shafts is different from that for columns.
Consolidation is achieved more by natural flow due to the limited ability to vibrate the concrete.
Overly tight reinforcement spacing (either in the vertical reinforcement or the confinement steel)
can cause problems with consolidation, problems which are hard to identify due to lack of
access. In addition, in deep drilled shafts, reinforcement may need to be spliced; lap splicing may
be impractical if the main reinforcement spacing is already tight.

Detailing for Inspection Cross-hole sonic logging (CSL) tubes are often also required and may
add to reinforcing congestion problems. At least two CSL tubes are required in a drilled shaft to
perform CSL testing; typically four or more are provided. CSL tubes are galvanized steel or PVC
pipes, typically 1.5 to 2 in diameter, placed around the perimeter of the reinforcing cage. The
CSL process is further explained in the next section.

Footing or Bent Cap Attachment Drilled shafts are cast in place concrete structures, so they do
not need embedment into a footing or bent cap per se, but the reinforcement within a drilled shaft
is typically projected into the footing or bent cap, usually a full development length. Some

owner-agencies prefer to provide hooks on the projecting reinforcement. Reinforcement
projections which provide less than full development of the bars can be used if shown adequate
by detailed design calculations, but their use is not encouraged.

Footing Reinforcement Footing reinforcement should be designed following standard footing

design guidelines which can be found in many references, such as AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications, 7th Edition (5) and AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges (6).

8.4 Miscellaneous Considerations for Drilled Shafts

Construction Drilled shaft construction considerations are myriad. Some considerations


Drilling Drilling of drilled shafts is generally a large scale construction activity and
requires careful planning on the part of the contractor. Designers should be aware of key
aspects of drilled shaft construction so as to avoid designs and details that restrict the
contractors options. For example, spoils must be collected and disposed of in an
acceptable manner; environmental commitments often limit the options for spoil disposal.

Access Drilled shaft drill rigs are not small. Sufficient access for the equipment is
required and should be investigated. Moreover, sufficient horizontal and especially
vertical clearance is required for the equipment to operate properly. Keep in mind that not
only a drill rig is required. Large cranes are often used to lift and place reinforcing cages
in the open drilled shafts. Concrete delivery trucks and pumpers are also required to
supply and place concrete in the shafts, often using tremie concrete placement methods.

Subsurface Obstructions Hitting a boulder or an underground utility can ruin a drilled

shaft contractors day; sufficient utility survey and sufficient geotechnical field
investigations are worth their costs. In extreme cases, such as hitting an underground gas
line, the results of unforeseen interferences can be catastrophic.

Figure 9 Drilled shaft drilling rig. Note the steel casing projecting above ground.

Scour Scour around drilled shaft foundations, particularly around groups of drilled shafts, can
be severe since the drilled shaft causes a disruption in flow resulting in severe eddies that
significantly increase scour. Scour holes around drilled shafts represent a loss in lateral support
and a loss in side friction capacity. Both the geotechnical and structural analysis of the drilled
shafts should include consideration of scour. Scour effects should be quantified by a detailed
scour analysis (3).

Deterioration As mentioned above for spread footings, deterioration of concrete can be caused
by any of a number of corrosive chemicals which are periodically found in soils or groundwater.
Geotechnical investigations should include evaluations of the presence of these types of
chemicals. If they are found to be present, appropriate protective measures should be taken. A
wide range of options exists, including the use of special materials (or additives to standard
materials), protective surface treatments, more frequent inspection and/or maintenance intervals,
and the use of conservative design assumptions where future deterioration is anticipated and the
contribution of part of the structure is discounted.

Testing/Inspection, Geotechnical Capacity Drilled shaft capacity is often not directly verified.
Instead reliance is placed on measurements of the shaft diameter, depth, characteristics of the
material drilled through, and measurements of the volume of concrete placed and concrete
strength. More sophisticated methods are sometimes required by contract specifications, usually
as a means of spot-checking drilled shaft capacity. One such method is the use of an Osterberg
Load Cell (O-cell). The O-cell is a specially designed hydraulic jack lowered to the base of the
shaft hole with the reinforcing cage. After concrete placement and curing, the O-cell is
pressurized and causes an upward force on the shaft and a downward force on the foundation
material. Side friction and end bearing resistances are measured and compared to the required
design values. Reference (9) discusses the O-cell in detail.

Testing/Inspection, Structural Integrity The integrity of concrete placed in drilled shafts can be
verified using cross-hole sonic logging (CSL) testing. For this testing, galvanized steel or PVC
pipes are installed around the perimeter of the shaft prior to concrete placement and filled with
water. Ultrasonic probes are lowered into the tubes and measurements taken. Voids in the
concrete as small as 2.5" can be identified.

Testing/Inspection, Visual In drilled shafts designed primarily as end bearing foundations the
bottom of the shaft hole should be inspected visually. This can sometimes be done by direct
visual inspection if the shaft is fairly shallow, dry, and large enough diameter. In other cases, a
Shaft Inspection Device (SID) is used; the SID is a remote camera system allowing inspection of
the bottom of deep shafts.


Abutments (a.k.a. end bents) support the superstructure at the ends of a bridge. Typically
abutments must resist not only loads from the superstructure, but also soil pressure loads as they
act to retain the approach roadway embankments (note that soil pressures can increase during
seismic events).

There are several different basic types of abutments, which can be broadly categorized for
discussion purposes as conventional, semi-integral, and integral abutments. Each type will be
described in some detail below.

The choice of which of these three abutment types to use is influenced by several parameters,
including bridge geometry (e.g., bridge length, skew, etc.), other geometric constraints (e.g.,
required horizontal clearances, etc.), anticipated loads, future maintenance concerns, and local
owner-agency preferences.


Conventional abutments, sometimes called seat-type abutments, are characterized by these

features: a joint separating the bridge deck from the abutment backwall and approach
slab/approach pavement, and separation of the superstructure from the abutment by a bearing
device of some kind.

These separations simplify the design of conventional abutments and can simplify their
construction as well since the superstructure and the substructure are treated independently with
a well-defined interface. On the other hand, conventional abutments require the use of expansion
joints, which require maintenance and have the potential to jam or to leak, leading to greater
potential for deterioration of the girders, bearings, or abutments. In addition, some redundancy
and robustness found in integral or semi-integral abutments is not found in conventional

10.1 Design Considerations for Conventional Abutments

There are numerous issues to consider in the layout and design of conventional abutments.
Several are listed below:

Height Conventional abutments can be broadly categorized in terms of height as either stub
abutments or tall abutments. In a stub abutment, the depth of the abutment cap is set at a
nominal, and usually fairly shallow, depth, typically not much deeper than the cap width, or less.
Stub abutment caps depths are often standardized as an owner-agency preference. Stub
abutments usually also feature a header slope in front of the abutment cap. The grade of the
header slope can be as shallow as 4:1 or shallower or as steep as 1:1 or steeper, depending on
owner-agency typical preferences, aesthetic considerations, clearance considerations, and,
notably, slope stability considerations, including consideration of the type of slope protection
used, if any.

Tall abutments, on the other hand, function as retaining walls as well as supports. Tall abutments
are often used when horizontal clearance requirements below the bridge prohibit the use of a
header slope, or where superstructure span lengths restrict the location of the abutment.

Figure 10 Conventional abutments of various heights: a) conventional, pile founded, stub
abutment; b) conventional, pile-founded, tall abutment.

Sometimes, a stub abutment is used in conjunction with a separate retaining wall in front of the
abutment. This can be done to achieve similar geometric goals as a tall abutment in terms of
maintaining horizontal clearances. Any of a number of retaining wall types can be used:
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls, soil nail walls, drilled shaft walls, etc. There are a
few caveats, however. First of all, careful coordination is required to ensure the abutment
foundation elements do not interfere with any of the wall elements, especially when the wall uses
straps, tie-backs, soil nails, etc. Also, the wall designer needs to be fully informed of the
abutment configuration when designing the wall to make sure that all loads are correctly
quantified in the wall analysis. At a minimum the abutment and its backfill represent a surcharge
loading on the wall, and depending on the abutment and the wall configurations, additional loads
may exist as well.

Width The width of an abutment cap is controlled by several considerations, including:

The need to fit bearings and anchor bolts with adequate edge distances.

The need to fit one or more rows of piles or drilled shafts with sufficient spacing and
edge distance.

The need to meet seismic detailing guidelines related to required seat widths.

Figure 11 Abutment wingwall configurations: a) stub abutment with wingwalls parallel to
the abutment cap; b) stub abutment with turned back wingwalls; c) stub abutment with
turned forward wingwalls (a.k.a. ear walls); d) stub abutment with MSE retaining wall
and wingwalls parallel to the abutment cap.

Wingwall Configuration Wingwalls are provided to retain the backfill which would otherwise
spill around the ends of the abutment backwall and cap. Wingwalls can be oriented in a
number of directions including parallel to the cap, angled at some angle (e.g., 30 deg., 45 deg.),
turned back (parallel to the roadway, pointed away from the span), or turned forward (parallel to
the roadway, pointed toward the span). The preferred orientation and layout of wingwalls is
usually determined by owner-agency preference or local practice.

Expansion Joints Expansion joints should be designed for the anticipated movements of the
superstructure relative to the abutment. Care should be taken in calculating these movements to
account for all potential sources of movement. Thermal expansion and contraction are typically
the primary sources of these movements but other sources may exist, particularly for longer
structures or structures subjected to seismic events.

Expansion joints also need to be designed structurally for anticipated vehicle loading, although in
many cases this boils down to selecting an appropriate joint from a selection of standard owner-
agency or vendor designs based simply on the anticipated traffic.

Many different joint types exist, satisfying a wide range of design criteria. Since joints require
maintenance, it is generally advisable to have significant input from the owner-agency regarding
selection of the appropriate joint type; in fact, many owner-agencies have very explicit
guidelines on this topic.

Backfill The selection of appropriate backfill for abutments has been the topic of considerable
discussion. Typically, the backfill requirements for abutments vary significantly from state-to-
state, and sometimes even from county-to-county or city-to-city. Most owner-agencies have
standardized details and specifications regarding backfill for abutments. Some require cement-
stabilized backfills, others require free-draining granular backfills, sometimes reinforced, with
geotextile fabric, and so on. Backfill requirements often also include provisions to facilitate
drainage, as will be discussed further below. Designers are advised to consult with the
appropriate owner-agency regarding backfill provisions for abutments.

Approach Slabs The use, design, and detailing of approach slabs varies significantly among
different owner-agencies and designers, different regions of the country, and different structure
configurations (such as integral vs. non-integral abutments, etc.). Approach slab lengths, design
methods, detailing preferences, how to deal with skews, how to connect to the abutment
backwall, and even whether or when to provide approach slabs are all issues for which the
answers vary significantly from one owner-agency to the next. Designers are advised to consult
with the appropriate owner-agency regarding approach slab guidelines.

Drainage Drainage issues can be broken into two categories: detailing for drainage of the top
surfaces of the abutment, and detailing for drainage of the backfill behind the abutment. For
drainage of the top of the abutment, simple common sense rules should be followed to provide
positive-draining slopes so that water cannot collect or pond on the top surface of the abutment.

For drainage of the backfill behind the abutment, owner-agencies often have standard drainage
details included either with their preferred abutment details or with their preferred backfill
details. These may include the use of free-draining granular backfill materials, drainage strip
materials placed against the abutment backwall, weep holes in the abutment, underdrain systems,

The following elements of conventional abutments require some degree of design:

Abutment Caps Caps should be designed for vertical loading as beams spanning between
foundation elements. This may be a moot point for abutments on spread footings. The design
should include consideration of vertical moment and shear. The design may need to address
torsion as well, particularly if the abutment or its backwall are particularly tall, or if there is
significant eccentricity between the centerline of application of superstructure reactions
(centerline of bearing) and the centerline of the foundations.

Abutment Backwalls Backwalls are typically designed as cantilever retaining walls carrying
lateral soil pressure from the backfill. Some agencies also require application of tractive forces to
the top of the backwall.

Abutment Wingwalls Most designers exercise some discretion in the design of wingwalls due
to the complex nature of their support and connection to the rest of the abutment. Designers are
encouraged to develop rational design procedures based on careful and realistic consideration of
the particular detailing of the wall. Some wingwalls, particularly longer walls, rest on pile or
drilled shaft foundations; some use spread footing foundations; some are cantilevered off the
abutment cap. Some are square and some are tapered. Most wingwalls will generally behave in a
manner that can be adequately captured by a conservative, simplified cantilever beam analyses.
In other cases, an analysis based on plate theory may be more appropriate.

Figure 12 Conventional stub abutment with MSE retaining wall and wingwalls parallel to
the abutment cap.

Abutment Foundations The analysis of the abutment cap should include consideration of the
foundation system and should probably include calculation of the foundation loads for separate
use in the foundation design. Different designers and different owner-agencies have adopted
various approaches to the calculation of abutment foundation loads. In some cases, the abutment
cap is assumed to act as a rigid body, equally distributing all vertical loads among all piles. In
other cases, the abutment cap is assumed to act as a continuous beam on pin supports, with the
distribution of load to each pile calculated based on standard beam theory.

10.2 Forces on Conventional Abutments

Conventional abutment design should consider the following forces:

Abutment cap self weight

Abutment backwall self weight

Abutment wingwall self weight

Miscellaneous dead loads (bearing seats, lateral restraints, etc.)

Superstructure dead load (including girders, cross frames, deck, barrier rails, medians,
overlays, provisions for future overlays, etc.)

Approach slab dead load

Superstructure live load

Approach slab live load

Lateral soil pressure on the backwall

Lateral soil pressure on the wingwalls

Live load surcharge

Longitudinal forces (in select cases, depending on the nature of the bearings or integral
connection provided between the superstructure and the abutment).

Seismic loads

10.3 Detailing Considerations for Conventional Abutments

Abutments can be complicated to detail. There are many different elements converging in one
region in an abutment, requiring care and thoroughness in their layout and detailing.

Approach Slab Connections Different owner agencies have different details for the connection
of approach slabs to abutments. Some prefer full moment connections with a double row of
reinforcing. Some prefer a single row of reinforcing and detail the connection as a hinge,
sometimes with other provisions such as the use of bond-breaker materials. Some prefer not to
provide a positive connection between the abutment and the approach slab. Designers are
advised to review their owner-agencies preferences for detailing of this connection and to try to
keep their design assumptions consistent with the detailing used.

Expansion Joints There are so many variations on expansion joints that it is difficult to write a
few rules of thumb for detailing abutments at expansion joints. The designer is simply advised to
study the provided expansion joint details carefully and to detail the abutment appropriately to
adequately accommodate and anchor the expansion joint. Note that many states recommend the

use of blockouts and a second concrete, grout, or elastomeric concrete placement for the
expansion joints. Sometimes anchoring reinforcing is provided within this blockout, sometimes it
is not.

Construction Joints Construction joints should be judiciously provided in abutments. Usually a

construction joint is provided between the abutment cap and the abutment backwall. Sometimes
construction joints are provided at the wingwall interface. Construction joints are often also
provided in very long (wide) abutments to facilitate placement of concrete in more manageable

Bearing Seats Various owner-agencies have individual preferences for the detailing of bearing
seats. Some like to step the entire width of the abutment cap and to run the seat all the way to the
next girder. Other states prefer individual, isolated bearing seats (pedestal seats) of much smaller
size, often only large enough to accommodate the bearings and perhaps the anchor bolts.

Bearings Bearing design itself is a complex topic many good references exist. For the
purposes of this discussion it is enough to advise designers to make sure that their bearing seats
are detailed to accommodate the proposed bearings. This may require specific sizing of the
bearing seats, provisions for inset of the bearings into the bearing seats, adequate seat length for
anticipated seismic displacements, etc. Bearing design is discussed in more detail in the module
titled Bearings of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook.

Anchor Bolts Anchor bolts can prove to be very problematic to deal with during construction if
they are not detailed and installed properly (e.g. misalignment of anchor bolts vs. holes/slots in
sole plates, etc.). Anchor bolts should be sized to resist all loads applied to them, including
horizontal shear loads, e.g., due to seismic load effects, and vertical pullout loads. In addition to
sizing the anchor bolt itself for these loads, the concrete within which the anchor bolt is to be
installed should also be checked for these loads. The PCI Design Handbook (13) offers
procedures for design of embedded anchors. In many cases, owner-agencies have standard
details or standard design/detailing requirements for anchor bolts, and designers should seek
these out.

Note also that careful anchor bolt positioning is critical to avoiding construction problems.
Mislocated anchor bolts, cast in concrete, cause contractors no end of nightmares. If permitted by
the owner-agency, designers are encouraged to detail the anchor bolt installation or the bearing
to allow for adjustability in the field to facilitate fit-up. Some suggestions include:

Providing anchor bolt cans in the abutment cap A tube with a closed bottom and a
diameter significantly larger than that of the anchor bolt is embedded into the abutment
cap during cap concrete placement. Later, when the superstructure is in place, confirming
the exact required anchor bolt location, the anchor bolt is grouted in place.

Using field welded bearing connections In many cases, the ability to adjust anchor bolt
and bearing locations can be improved by allowing the sole plate to be connected to the
girder using a field welded connection. In this way the exact position of the bearing
relative to both the girder and the anchor bolts can be adjusted in the field.

Reinforcing Reinforcing in abutments should be detailed following generally accepted
detailing practices. Special care should be paid to detailing the connection of the wingwalls to
the cap and backwall to avoid reinforcing conflicts and congestion, but to still provide a sound

Pile Embedment When piles are used as the foundation for an abutment, they are typically
embedded at least 9" or more into the cap. In most cases, spiral or hoop reinforcing is provided
around the embedded pile as confinement reinforcing, and in some cases a nominal mat of
reinforcing is provided directly above the pile. These detailing practices are usually based on
owner-agency preferences.

Drilled Shaft Reinforcing Embedment As mentioned in the drilled shaft discussions earlier in
this module, the vertical reinforcing projecting from a drilled shaft into the abutment cap is
usually detailed to be fully developed in the cap.

Battered Piles Depending on the abutment height and the resulting lateral soil pressure on the
abutment, it may be necessary to provide battered piles (sometimes called brace piles) to resist
the applied horizontal forces. Typically, the number of battered piles is selected so that the sum
of the horizontal components of the battered pile axial loads balances the net horizontal force due
to active soil pressure on the abutment backwall and cap.

Wingwall Piles/Drilled Shafts Depending on analysis, engineering judgment, or owner-agency

policy, wingwalls over a certain length may require their own foundation by means of piles or
drilled shafts. The intent of such foundations is to provide both additional vertical support to
these long walls and also to provide some measure of horizontal support along the base of the
wall. These foundation elements are sometimes detailed directly below the wingwall and
sometimes in a blister on the side of the wingwall. Usually the preferred scheme is based on
owner-agency preference or local practice.


Integral abutments are a class of abutments in which the superstructure is integrally connected to
the abutment and the abutment foundation. Generally the girders are set on an abutment cap and
a closure pour is cast which encases the ends of the girders such that the girder ends are
embedded several inches or more into the abutment concrete. In some cases, there are other
positive connections provided, such as reinforcing running through holes in the girder webs, or
anchor studs welded to the girders and embedded in the abutment concrete.

Integral abutments are different from semi-integral abutments (described in more detail later) in
that for integral abutments there is no intentional moment relief detail (hinge) anywhere between
the superstructure and the abutment foundation. However, much of the guidance provided for
integral abutments is applicable for semi-integral abutments as well.

Integral abutments are most typically founded on a single line of vertical steel H-piles, although
integral details have occasionally been used with piles, drilled shafts and spread footings. Steel
H-piles provide acceptable vertical load capacity and reasonable flexibility for accommodating
longitudinal bridge movements without developing excessive restraining forces. In some cases,
the piles are installed in predrilled, permanently cased holes filled with loose sand to assure
adequate pile flexibility if the natural soils are too stiff to allow sufficient pile flexibility.
Foundation systems which are inherently intended to restrict horizontal movement and/or
abutment rotation (such as battered pile foundations or multiple rows of piles) are not a good
choice for integral abutments.

The variations in terms of configuration and design methodology for integral abutments are
myriad and affect mostly the design of the abutment and foundation, not the superstructure per
se. The reader is directed to a recent compendium document, the Proceedings of the 2005 FHWA
Conference on Integral Abutments and Jointless Bridges (14), which contains numerous papers
on integral and semi-integral abutments. Various other recent articles, e.g., (38), exist as well.

There are numerous issues to consider in the layout and design of integral and semi-integral
abutments. Several are listed below:

Height Integral and semi-integral abutments can be broadly categorized in terms of height as
either stub abutments or tall abutments. Most of the considerations mentioned previously in this
module for conventional abutments apply to integral and semi-integral abutments as well. Some
owners limit the beam depth that can be used for an integral abutment.

In addition, the wall designer needs to be fully informed of the abutment configuration when
designing the wall, in order to make sure that all loads are correctly quantified in the wall
analysis. Great care should be taken in designing integral abutments in conjunction with
retaining walls to either: a) carefully and rigorously calculate the loading effects on the wall,
particularly loading effects caused by integral abutment movements; or b) isolate the piles from
the surrounding soil above the bottom of the retaining wall, sometimes accomplished by
surrounding the piles with a compressible fill material retained by oversize pipe sleeves around
the pile.

Width The considerations mentioned previously in this module for conventional
abutments apply to integral abutments as well.

Wingwall Configuration Many of the considerations mentioned previously in this

module for conventional abutments apply to integral and semi-integral abutments as well.
Note that for integral and semi-integral bridges, wingwalls typically do not use piles or
drilled shafts for support of overly long walls and that they are typically tapered rather
than square. Some designers and some owner-agencies have advocated providing an
expansion joint between the wingwalls and the abutment cap and backwall, in order to
allow for more freedom of rotation in the abutment cap. However, others have reported
no problems with fully connected, turned back, cantilever wingwalls with lengths up to
20' and heights up to 10' (4).

Expansion Joints Expansion joints for integral and semi-integral bridges are typically
provided at the interface between the approach slab and the approach roadway pavement,
usually with a sleeper slab to support the far end of the approach slab and approach
roadway pavement. Usually only a nominal expansion joint is provided at the interface
between the approach slab and the pavement.

Backfill Backfill requirements for integral and semi-integral abutments should be

evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Many options exist, including options that reduce the
unit weight or other properties of the backfill in order reduce active and passive pressures
on the abutment.

Approach Slabs Integral and semi-integral abutment bridges should always use an
approach slab. The approach slab should be detailed with some type of positive
connection to the abutment by means of mild reinforcing. This is recommended to avoid
problems associated with opening of the joint between the approach slab and the
backwall. Many designers prefer to use a single row of reinforcing bars for this
connection so as to create a hinge detail which allows the abutment to rotate more freely
without inducing undesirable stresses in the approach slab. Other approach slab design
and detailing recommendations mentioned previously in this module for conventional
abutments apply for integral and semi-integral abutments as well.

Drainage The considerations mentioned above for conventional abutments apply to

integral and semi-integral abutments as well.

The following elements of integral and semi-integral abutments require some degree of design:

Abutment Caps Caps should be designed for vertical loading as beams spanning
between foundation elements, although this may be a moot point for abutments on spread
footings. The design should include consideration of vertical shear and moment. Care
should be taken to identify exactly which loads act on the effective abutment cap section
at various stages of construction. The design may need to address torsion as well,
depending on the specific configuration of the structure.

Abutment Backwalls Unlike backwall design for conventional abutments, backwall
design for integral and semi-integral abutments typically models the backwall as a
horizontal beam between the girders, carrying lateral soil pressure from the backfill, if the
backfill is placed after the deck closure pour is placed around the girders. Alternately, if a
partial thickness backwall and the backfill are placed prior to setting the girders and
placing the closure pour, that partial thickness backwall is typically designed as a
cantilever retaining wall carrying lateral soil pressure from the backfill.

Abutment Wingwalls Most designers exercise some discretion in the design of

wingwalls due to the complex nature of their support and connection to the rest of the
abutment. Designers are encouraged to develop rational design procedures based on
careful and realistic consideration of the particular detailing of the wall. Some wingwalls,
particularly longer walls, include pile or drilled shaft foundations, some use spread
footing foundations, and some are cantilevered off the abutment cap. Some are square
and some are tapered. Some will behave in a manner adequately captured by some
conservative, simplified strip-beam analyses. In other cases, an analysis based on plate
theory may be more appropriate.

Abutment Foundations The analysis of the abutment cap should include consideration
of the foundation system and include calculation of the foundation loads for separate use
in the foundation design.

Different designers and different owner-agencies have adopted various approaches to the
calculation of abutment foundation vertical loads. In some cases, the abutment cap is assumed to
act as a rigid body, equally distributing all vertical loads among all piles. In other cases, the
abutment cap is assumed to act as a continuous beam on pin supports, with the distribution of
load to each pile calculated based on standard beam theory.

Perhaps more important in integral and semi-integral abutment design is the calculation of
horizontal forces and moments in the foundation elements. Appropriate design methodologies
have been the subject of some debate; designers are encouraged to have open discussions of this
issue with their appropriate owner-agency prior to beginning a design.

The range of design methodologies is wide. Some have reported success by simply calculating
vertical pile loads, ignoring any horizontal force effects, and keeping the bridge length and other
geometry parameters within specified limiting values.

However, a more comprehensive analysis is usually warranted and would consist of careful
calculation of superstructure movements and other horizontal force effects on the abutments,
combined with a nonlinear soil-structure interaction analysis of the foundation elements. A
simplified way to approach this is to separate the foundation analysis from the rest of the
structure and consider the foundation elements independently. For the case of pile or drilled shaft
foundations, this lateral analysis would be accomplished via a laterally loaded pile analysis, often
facilitated by a standardized computer model based on p-y curve analysis of the lateral response
of the soil which can be accomplished with programs such as LPILE or COM624. The

geotechnical engineer and the structural engineer would iteratively exchange information until
the laterally loaded pile analysis and the structural analysis converge.

A more rigorous approach to a comprehensive analysis might involve the modeling of the soil
response directly in the structural analysis model. This step eliminates the tedious iterations of
exchanging information manually between the geotechnical and the structural analysis models,
but the resulting soil-structure interaction model can become fairly complex.

In either case, designers are encouraged to involve a qualified geotechnical engineer in the
determination of the soil response to the various force- and displacement-driven loading
conditions. Discussions should include the soil behavior and also the structure behavior since the
laterally loaded pile analysis results are heavily dependent on the boundary conditions assumed
(e.g., fixed head condition vs. free head condition vs. other, more refined modeling of
moment and translational stiffnesses).

Often a simple 2D model is a sufficiently comprehensive approach to the soil structure

interaction analysis. If there is significant skew, a full 3D analysis may be warranted. However,
many owner-agencies place limitations on the severity of skew that will be permitted in integral
abutment bridges, so this level of modeling complexity is probably not necessary in most cases.
Once the analysis method is selected, there are still many issues to be addressed. For example, in
many integral abutments founded on steel piles, the calculated longitudinal movements of the
bridge will cause sufficiently high internal loads so that the plastic moment capacity of the pile is
exceeded. In those cases, the common assumption is to allow a plastic hinge to form, which
provides significant moment relief for any movements above those which cause yielding of the

Simultaneously, many designers choose to design the piles so that they satisfy the requirements
for bending-axial interaction outlined in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th
Edition (5) and AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (6) for steel beam-
columns. Some designers have pointed out that allowing a plastic hinge at the pile-abutment
interface while simultaneously sizing the pile to prevent even a nominal overstress in terms of
bending-axial interaction lower in the pile represents an inconsistent design approach, but to date
there have been no known significant in-service problems for piles designed in this fashion. Full
resolution of this debate is beyond the scope of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook. Designers are
encouraged to consult the most current design guidelines and research papers for the latest
positions on this and related issues (e.g., 4, 14).

While much of the above discussion focused on design issues for steel pile foundations for
integral and semi-integral abutments, many of the same discussions apply to integral and semi-
integral abutments with drilled shaft or spread footing foundations as well. However, these
foundation types do not offer the same ductility as steel piles, and so allowing plastic behavior is
not advised.

11.1 Superstructure Design Considerations for Integral Abutment Bridges

For many years, the general assumption has often been to ignore any support restraint from the
integral abutment when designing the superstructure. However, designers are warned that this
may not be conservative in all cases. In the past, it has been considered universally conservative
for superstructure design to consider the abutment support as a pinned support. While this is
conservative for analysis of the positive moment region of the girders, it is not necessarily
conservative at the ends of the girders. At the ends of the girders where they frame into the
integral abutments, some degree of negative moment may develop, depending on the relative
stiffness of the integral abutment and its foundation. Neglecting this potential for negative
moment development may result in undesirable deck cracking or overstress of the girder flanges.

In the case of steel girder bridges with integral abutments, the consequences of these overstresses
do not represent life safety issues. If there are overstresses at the ends of the girders, the inherent
ductility of the steel girders will allow a hinge to form and the girder will behave as if it were
simply supported at that end, as was originally assumed in the superstructure design. The main
concerns associated with such overstresses will be related to serviceability.

A suggested redundant design procedure would be to initially design the superstructure assuming
simple support conditions at integral abutments this analysis should be used for the initial
sizing of the girders. Then, a second analysis can be performed where the integral abutment and
its foundation are included in the overall superstructure analysis to model the frame action at the
integral abutments. The results of this second analysis can be used to check the girder design at
the integral abutments and to size the deck reinforcing and its continuation into the abutment
backwall / cap.

11.2 Forces on Integral Abutments

Integral abutment design should consider the following forces:

Abutment cap self weight

Abutment backwall self weight

Abutment wingwall self weight

Miscellaneous dead loads (bearing seats, lateral restraints, etc.)

Superstructure dead load

Approach slab dead load

Superstructure live load

Approach slab live load

Lateral soil pressure on the backwall (active & passive)

Lateral soil pressure on the wingwalls

Longitudinal applied forces (in select cases, depending on the nature of the bearings
provided between the superstructure and the abutment).

Induced forces due to longitudinal movements (most importantly thermal movements)

Seismic loads

Note that superstructure loads such as dead load and live load can potentially apply moments (or
rotations) to the integral abutments, depending on the stiffness of the abutment and the abutment
foundation. In the past these effects have been ignored by many designers, based on the
assumption that the superstructure is usually significantly stiffer than the integral abutment and
its foundation. However, designers are warned that this is not always the case. Thus, some
investigation of this issue, at least in a cursory manner, is advisable.

11.3 Detailing Considerations for Integral Abutments

The detailing of the concrete for integral abutments can be much simpler than for conventional
abutments, because the shapes are often much simpler. However, great care must be taken when
detailing the interface between the abutment, wingwalls and approach slabs to permit adequate
movement of the structure while retaining the backfill adequately.

Approach Slab Connections Different owner agencies have different details for the connection
of approach slabs to integral and semi-integral abutments. Most prefer a single row of
reinforcing and detail the connection as a hinge, sometimes with other provisions such as the use
of bond-breaker materials. Designers are advised to review their owner-agencies preferences for
detailing these connections and to try to keep their design assumptions consistent with the
detailing used.

Expansion Joints For integral and semi-integral abutments, expansion joints are typically
provided only away from the abutment, at the interface between the approach slab and the
roadway pavement. In most cases, at these locations only a nominally sized expansion joint is

Construction Joints Construction joints should be judiciously provided in integral and semi-
integral abutments. Usually a construction joint is provided between the abutment cap and the
abutment backwall. Sometimes construction joints or expansion joints are provided at the
wingwall interface. Construction joints are often also provided in very long (wide) abutments to
facilitate placement of concrete in more manageable volumes. Depending on the intended
construction sequence, a vertical construction joint may be provided between the partial
thickness backwall and the closure pour around the girder ends.

Bearing Seats In integral and semi-integral abutments for steel girder bridges, bearing seats per
se are not usually provided.

Bearings For steel girder bridges with integral abutments, traditional bearings typically are not
provided since there is no relative movement or rotation between the girders and the abutment
cap. Instead, typically a nominal leveling pad or unreinforced neoprene pad is provided, along
with anchor bolts. Alternately, some designers and owner-agencies prefer using heavy bolts
which function as vertical supports as well as anchor bolts. The bolts must be designed as
columns to resist the dead load and live load of the girders, the deck, and the closure pour, but
they offer the advantage of allowing vertical adjustment of the ends of the girders via adjustment
of the support nuts.

Anchor Bolts Many traditional design rules and suggestions for anchor bolts do not apply
directly in integral and semi-integral abutments. However, many traditional rules related to
detailing and providing adjustability for anchor bolts and their connections to the rest of the
structure can be adapted for use in integral and semi-integral abutment bridges. See the
suggestions listed above for Anchor Bolts in conventional abutment bridges.

Figure 13 Example of integral abutment details, prior to casting the closure pour. Note the
reinforcing running through the girder web and the anchor bolts used as girder supports.

Reinforcing Reinforcing in integral and semi-integral abutments should be detailed following

generally accepted detailing practices. Special care should be exercised in detailing the
connection of the wingwalls to the cap and backwall to avoid reinforcing conflicts and
congestion, but to still provide a sound connection. Also of concern is the detailing of the
reinforcing connecting the abutment to the deck and, if provided, the reinforcing connecting the
abutment to the girders.

Pile Embedment When piles are used as the foundation for an abutment, they are typically
embedded some specified distance into the cap. In most cases, spiral or hoop reinforcing is
provided around the embedded pile as confinement reinforcing, and in some cases a nominal mat
of reinforcing is provided directly above the pile. These detailing practices are usually based on
owner-agency preferences. However, designers are reminded that the connection of a pile to an

abutment cap in an integral end bent bridge is a moment connection and the pile embedment
must be designed to accommodate that moment. Reference (4) provides a good design example.

Drilled Shaft Reinforcing Embedment As mentioned in the drilled shaft discussions earlier in
this module, the vertical reinforcing projecting from a drilled shaft into the abutment cap is
usually detailed to be fully developed in the cap.

Battered (Brace) Piles Battered piles are not typically used in integral abutments; however,
they may be used in semi-integral abutments.

Wingwall Piles/Drilled Shafts As mentioned previously, most designers and owner-agencies

discourage or disallow the use of founded wingwalls.


Semi-integral abutments are a class of abutments in which the superstructure is integrally

connected to the abutment backwall, but the abutment backwall is isolated from the abutment
cap by means of some sort of hinge detail. Semi-integral abutments offer some of the advantages
of fully integral abutments such as elimination of expansion joints and a robust end diaphragm
detail for the superstructure, while also reducing the moment demand on the piles by providing a
reliable hinge detail that allows the piles to behave in a free-head rather than a fixed-head
manner (i.e., the top of the pile is free to rotate as well as to translate).

Much of the guidance provided above for integral abutments is applicable for semi-integral
abutments as well. Some specific guidance related to semi-integral abutments is provided here,
but a full discussion of semi-integral abutments is beyond the scope of this document. The
variations in terms of configuration are myriad and affect mostly the design of the abutment
itself. The reader is directed to a recent compendium document, the Proceedings of the 2005
FHWA Conference on Integral Abutments and Jointless Bridges (14), which contains numerous
papers on integral and semi-integral abutments.

The superstructures for semi-integral bridges are generally supported on bearings as with a
conventional structure, thus allowing longitudinal translation. In this case the backwall is
separate from the abutment stem, yet the beam ends are encased in the backwall as in an integral
abutment bridge. Details are developed to keep the structure backfill from working its way out
between the backwall and the abutment stem.

Semi-integral bridge detailing can be used for much longer bridges than integral detailing
because the movement capacity is not limited by the pile movement/bending capacity.
Additionally, many bridge rehabilitations have converted conventional abutments into semi-
integral abutments in order to eliminate the deck joints above the beam ends while retaining most
of the existing abutments.

In certain instances, abutments considered to be semi-integral have accomplished semi-integral

performance by detailing hinges either between the abutment stem and the backwall or between
the abutment stem and the footing to accommodate beam movement through rotation of the

12.1 Forces on Semi-Integral Abutments

See the discussion of Forces on Integral Abutments.

12.2 Detailing Considerations for Semi-Integral Abutments

See the discussion of Detailing Considerations for Integral Abutments.

Figure 14 Photograph of a completed integral abutment.


Interior supports for bridges (away from the end supports) go by the title pier or bent. There
is some debate among engineers as to the exact meaning and usage of these terms, and often their
definitions depend on local custom and/or owner-agency preference. For the sake of consistency
within this module, the term pier will be used throughout, and is meant to refer to any structure
which supports the superstructure at intermediate points between end supports.

13.1 Pier Types

There is a nearly limitless range of pier types. In some ways, it is easier to categorize pier types
in terms of various combinations of a few basic pier elements, rather than trying to enumerate all
the possible combinations individually. The basic pier elements can be classified as follows:

Pier Caps A more or less horizontal member, on which the superstructure rests. In some cases
(such as wall piers), the pier cap and the pier vertical support(s) are in practical terms one and the
same. Pier caps can have a square cross section, a rectangular cross section, an inverted T
cross section, or any of a number of other shapes. Pier caps can be prismatic, tapered, flared, or
stepped. Most concrete pier caps to date have been cast-in-place, but precast pier caps have been
successfully used and are gaining wider acceptance throughout the US (30).

Pier Vertical Supports Any more or less vertical member which supports the pier cap, and
which rests on the pier foundation. In most cases, the pier vertical supports take the form of one
or more columns, where columns are vertical members with cross sectional dimensions
significantly smaller than the horizontal dimensions of the pier cap. In some cases, the pier
vertical support takes the form of a single wall, i.e., a member with cross sectional dimensions
nearly the same as the horizontal dimensions of the pier cap. Pier vertical supports (whether
walls or columns) can take any of a number of cross sectional shapes, including round columns,
square columns, rectangular columns, etc. Columns may be prismatic, tapered, stepped, or flared,
and may be solid or hollow. Most concrete columns to date have been cast-in-place, but precast
columns have been successfully used and are gaining wider acceptance throughout the US.

Pier Intermediate Struts Any more or less horizontal members which serve to brace the pier
vertical supports (columns) to increase the column buckling capacity.

Pier Intermediate Bracing Any type of bracing, such as X-bracing, web walls (i.e., concrete
shear walls between columns), etc., which serves the purposes of both: a) bracing the columns to
increase buckling capacity; and b) providing a more efficient shear load path for carrying
horizontal forces through the pier.

Each of the above elements can be fabricated using either steel or concrete (most commonly) or
timber or masonry (much less common). In the case of steel, the elements may take the form of
rolled sections, built-up open plate sections, built-up closed box sections trusses, lattice-work, or
other configurations. In the case of concrete, the elements may be conventionally reinforced,
prestressed or post-tensioned, or both. Also in the case of concrete, the elements may be either
cast-in-place, or precast.

Some of the more commonly used combinations of these various elements are listed below, but
the list should not be considered comprehensive or limiting in any way:

Reinforced Concrete Multi-column Piers Perhaps the most common type of pier, this type
consists of a reinforced concrete cap supported by two or more reinforced concrete columns.
Generally, the pier cap is only conventionally reinforced, but occasionally post-tensioning is
used as well. Generally the column spacing is determined to satisfy a balance between
economical design of the pier cap and of the columns, although geometric constraints may
control the arrangement in specific cases.

Reinforced Concrete Single Column Piers This type, sometimes called a hammerhead pier
due to its resemblance to a hammer, consists of a reinforced concrete pier cap hammer head
supported by a single reinforced concrete column. The use of post-tensioning in a hammerhead
pier cap is more common than in a pier cap for a multi-column pier. This pier type is particularly
popular for narrow bridges where there is not room for two or more columns as well as for tall
piers where a single, much larger column may provide a more efficient means to resist column

Figure 15 Various types of pier caps for multi-column piers: a) prismatic pier cap; b)
tapered pier cap; c) pier cap with parabolic haunches.

Pile Bents A pier cap supported on multiple steel or precast concrete piles is sometimes called
a pile bent. Typically in a pile bent, there is no distinction between the columns and the
foundations the foundations are just continuations of the piles supporting the cap.

Figure 16 Various types of pier caps for single column piers: a) prismatic pier cap; b)
tapered pier cap; c) pier cap with parabolic haunches.

Straddle Bents A straddle bent is a multicolumn pier in which an extremely wide column
spacing is used to allow for the passage of a roadway directly below the pier, such that the pier is
straddling the roadway below. Due to the unusually wide column spacing and the resulting
long span length of the pier cap, straddle bent pier caps are often specialty structures such as
steel box beam caps or post tensioned concrete caps.

Integral Piers It is occasionally desirable to construct pier caps integral with the superstructure.
Sometimes this offers advantages in terms of structural efficiency, sometimes it offers aesthetic
benefits, and sometimes it helps reduce structure depth and improve vertical clearances. Integral
pier caps for steel girder bridges have been constructed both using steel (34) and using concrete

Steel Piers While the majority of piers are constructed from reinforced or prestressed/post-
tensioned concrete, there are still situations calling for the use of steel for part or all of a pier.
One common opportunity for using steel piers is for temporary bridge structures, such as
temporary access bridges on construction sites. In these cases, contractors often prefer using steel

substructures since they are usually light weight and easy to handle, relatively quick to install,
and potentially reusable. Other opportunities for using steel elements in piers include long span
straddle bent caps and integral pier caps. Other applications of steel piers are perhaps less
frequent, but can provide good solutions in the right context. For example, several steel girder
bridges have been built with integral slant-leg steel piers or steel delta-piers to solve tough
design problems in challenging sites. Another useful option is using concrete-filled steel pip-
piles, which offer many of the advantages of both systems when used in the right applications.

Figure 17 Typical multi-column pier with round columns and a prismatic pier cap.

Figure 18 Typical multi-column pier with round columns and a stepped pier cap.

13.2 Selecting the Right Pier Type

Selection of pier type is usually heavily influenced by an assessment of the General Design
Considerations listed below. However, other factors influence the selection of pier type,

Aesthetics The wide range of pier types available makes piers an attractive candidate for
aesthetic manipulation. In many cases, the type and shape of pier caps and columns ends up
being dictated by aesthetic considerations such as corridor aesthetic themes or owner-agency or
public preferences. Designers are encouraged to embrace rather than fight this trend. Often the

cost of materials is not the driving factor in overall bridge project cost and in many cases
aesthetic considerations can be included in a project at little or no additional cost. The key is for
the structural engineer to actively participate in the aesthetic design process so that structural
considerations are appropriately addressed early on.

Figure 19 There can be a wide range of variations on the basic multi-column pier
configuration, such as these piers with haunched pier caps and curved columns featuring
formliner treatments for a pedestrian bridge.

Local Contractor Preferences Local contractor preferences are a key consideration in selecting
pier types. In most cases, local contractors are limited in terms of equipment, materials, and
experience/expertise to a relatively narrow range of substructure types which they can efficiently
and economically build.

Local Site Conditions Subsurface conditions affect foundation type selection which often has a
direct impact on the pier type selection. Similarly, local climate conditions (proximity to salt
water, regular use of deicing salts, extreme temperature variations, etc.) can have a direct impact
on selection of materials for piers.

Vehicle or Vessel Impact Considerations The presence of roadways or railroads in the vicinity
of a pier may require the designer to address vehicle impact loads in the pier design; in some
cases, owner-agencies have preferences regarding pier type in situations where piers are exposed
to higher probability of vehicle impact. The same considerations hold true for piers supporting
bridges over navigable waterways, where vessel impact considerations may influence the
selection of pier type.

13.3 General Design Considerations

There are many issues to consider in the design of piers. A few select considerations are listed
below, but this list should not be viewed as all-inclusive. When designing any pier, designers are
advised to carefully consider all possible loading conditions, including displacement-driven as
well as force-driven loading effects, structural connection details and how they influence the
behavior of the pier, and the influence of foundation response on the behavior of the pier.

Height The height of the columns supporting a pier obviously has a significant impact on their
behavior and design. Height influences not only loads (taller piers generally have higher shear as
well as higher moment demands; tall and slender columns can experience second-order moment
magnification), but also capacity (buckling capacity is a function of the square of the column
heights, moment capacity of some column cross sectional shapes is a function of unbraced

Column Proportions A topic related to pier height is column proportions. Designers are
cautioned to pay particular attention to column proportions; excessive slenderness can
dramatically reduce axial capacity and can also lead to excessive second-order moment
magnification effects (P- effects).

Guidance in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition (5) (Article
and AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (6) requires that moment
magnification be considered for any column with KL/r over 22, at least using the AASHTO
approximate moment magnification formulas. The AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 7th Edition (5) and AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (6)
further require that a rigorous analysis (P- analysis) be used if KL/r exceeds 100. Column
analysis is discussed further later in this section.

Care should also be taken in determining the appropriate value of K, the effective length factor.
Thorough understanding of the underlying assumptions in the development of K factors is key to
correct analysis of slender columns. Elastic buckling capacity and second order effects are
functions of the square of the effective length; changes to the K factor have significant impact on
the design.

Figure 20 Single column hammerhead pier with very tall columns over a deep valley.

Keep in mind also that columns should be evaluated about both axes, both in terms of loads and
in terms of capacity. In multi-column bents, for example, due to frame action both the column
axial capacity and the column moment behavior (shape of the moment diagram) will be
significantly different in the transverse and longitudinal directions. For a given pier, these
behaviors may be coupled in a skewed bridge.

Designers are reminded that in some cases the clear height of the column from pier cap to ground
is not the total height for design. Especially in cases where a single drilled shaft is the foundation
for each column, with no intermediate pile footing, or in cases where there are very soft soils
with weak lateral capacity, the design height for the column is the distance from the pier cap
(generally taken as from the pier cap neutral axis) to the point of fixity of the foundation
(discussed previously in this module in the section on foundations).

Finally, aesthetics should be a consideration in proportioning columns. A good discussion of

general bridge proportioning is provided by Gottemoeller (16).

Solid vs. Hollow Columns Hollow columns offer some distinct advantages, but generally only
in select, fairly rare situations. Hollow columns are best used in very tall piers. Hollow columns
offer several advantages, including:

Reduced dead load on foundations.

Potential savings in construction efforts associated with lifting and placing heavy materials on
tall piers in difficult terrain.

Reduced stiffness (and resulting reduced internal loads from displacement-driven loading

Hollow columns are often constructed using precast segments, post-tensioned together, which
reduces the complexity of field construction work and can simplify construction by reducing
heavier lifting and placing operations.

Poston, et al (17) and Taylor, et al (37) offer more discussion of hollow column design.

Column Spacing Column spacing is ideally set to optimize the design of both the columns and
the pier cap, or to satisfy basic aesthetic proportioning guidelines. However, in many projects
other issues such as required horizontal clearances to lower roadways, constructability
considerations and desire to duplicate details in long, multiple span bridges, need for foundations
to clear subsurface conflicts such as existing utilities, etc., override these considerations. Many
owner-agencies also have guidelines on preferred maximum column spacing. Overall, designers
are advised to keep in mind all of the implications associated with column spacing, since it has a
significant impact on pier cap, column, and foundation design.

Column Analysis As mentioned above, slender columns may require rigorous analysis of
second-order moment magnification effects. This is typically accomplished using a second-order

geometrically non-linear analysis, more commonly called a P- analysis. P- analysis can be
accomplished using a finite element analysis approach using any of a number of commercial
FEM programs. Or, for simpler cases (most routine bridges), P- analysis can be performed
using any iterative analysis approach, including via a simple spreadsheet. The analysis need only
consider the incremental additional moments due to additional deflection from the previous

Pier Cap Proportions Ideally, pier caps should be proportioned to efficiently and economically
carry shear and moment effects. Other considerations such as aesthetic requirements or
constructability issues may also influence the proportioning of pier caps.

Keep in mind also that there are minimum and maximum thresholds for span to depth ratios for
pier caps, just as there are for any beam structures. For example, in extreme cases, excessively
shallow pier caps may have deflection or constructability problems. More commonly, pier caps
end up quite deep. Pier caps with low span to depth ratios may need to be designed as deep
beams using strut-and-tie modeling techniques. Much has been recently written about strut-and-
tie modeling and many references exist, including a good recent set of practical design examples
(33, 39). Deep pier caps may end up requiring significant side face reinforcing to satisfy
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition (5) requirements.

Tapering or haunching of pier caps is a common practice. There may be a perception that the
savings in materials translates directly into a cost savings, but this is seldom true in modern times
since the added complexity of tapered or haunched pier caps adds significant labor costs in terms
of both shop effort (reinforcing bending) and field effort (cap forming, reinforcing assembly,
quality control, etc.). Generally, the main advantages of tapering or haunching of pier caps is
aesthetic, with a secondary benefit of reducing loads on pier cap shoring and formwork.
Fixity A key consideration in layout of a bridge is determination of which piers will be fixed
and which will be expansion. This dramatically affects the loading on piers. Fixed piers are
generally subject to much higher horizontal (transverse and longitudinal) force effects than
expansion piers.

However, the problem is not as simple as just saying this one is fixed and this one is not. Even
expansion piers carry some degree of horizontal force effects. For example, even if a pier is an
expansion pier it probably still uses details which provide lateral restraint of the superstructure
so that the pier will be subject to transverse load effects. In addition, no bearing is ideally
frictionless, and expansion piers with sliding bearings (bearings featuring sole plates with low
friction PTFE sliding surfaces) are generally designed for the limiting static friction capacity of
the bearing.

In addition, in longer, multiple span bridges, designers are encouraged to explore more than one
arrangement of fixed vs. expansion piers. A balance can sometimes be found which optimizes
the design of all the piers, particularly when the pier heights vary significantly from pier to pier,
by judiciously choosing which piers are fixed and which are expansion.

13.4 Forces on Piers

Pier design should consider the following forces:

Pier cap self weight

Column self weight

Miscellaneous dead loads (bearing seats, lateral restraints, etc.)

Superstructure dead load (including girders, cross frames, deck, barrier rails, medians,
overlays, provisions for future overlays, etc.)

Superstructure live load

Centrifugal force from live load (on curved bridges only)

Wind on superstructure

Wind on substructure

Wind on live load

Wind overturning

Longitudinal force from live load (a.k.a. longitudinal braking force)

Differential earth pressure when constructed in slopes


Thermal expansion/contraction

Stream flow

Ice loads

Seismic loads

Vessel/vehicle collision loads

For analysis of routine bridges, transverse forces on the superstructure (such as wind on
superstructure, wind on live load, and centrifugal force, etc.) are assumed to be distributed
among the piers and abutments based on a simple tributary span length distribution assumption.

Figure 21 Single column hammerhead pier with an inverted T pier cap.

On the other hand, longitudinal forces on the superstructure of a routine bridge (such as wind on
superstructure, wind on live load, longitudinal braking force, etc.) are typically distributed
among the piers and abutments based on either a simplified or a rigorous relative stiffness
analysis. A simplified relative stiffness analysis can be performed by hand and simply models
the flexural stiffness of each pier or abutment in the longitudinal direction. The flexibility of both
the bearings and the columns over their entire height (down to the point of fixity) are considered.
If appropriate, a more rigorous relative stiffness analysis can be performed using either a 2D or
3D computer model.

13.5 Multi-column Pier Considerations

Multi-column piers are perhaps the most common pier type in most routine bridge design. Their
design is relatively straightforward and usually requires only a first-order analysis, although
sometimes if columns are tall and/or slender, some consideration of second-order moment
magnification effects may be required.

In some cases, owner-agencies allow for simplified design of multi-column piers using simple
beam analysis programs for determination of the cap bending moment and shear envelopes, and
a conservative, simplified analysis of columns. Designers should use good engineering judgment
when employing these simplified methods as they are not always appropriate for all bridges.

Detailing of multi-column bents is fairly straightforward as well. Often, owner-agencies have

guidelines or standard details they prefer. Local contractor preferences and past local practices
should also be considered to achieve maximum economy. Some other specific suggestions

Construction Joints Construction joints should be judiciously provided in multi-column piers.

Generally a construction joint is provided between columns and the pier cap and between the

columns and the foundations. Construction joints are often also provided in very long (wide) pier
caps to facilitate placement of concrete in more manageable volumes. If staged construction is
required, care should be taken in detailing appropriate construction joints and provisions for
connection of reinforcing between stages.

Bearing Seats Various owner-agencies have individual preferences for the detailing of bearing
seats. Some owners prefer to provide a full width flat step in the pier cap and to run the seat all
the way to the next girder. Other states prefer individual, isolated bearing seats (pedestal seats) of
much smaller size, often only large enough to accommodate the bearings and perhaps the anchor

Bearings Bearing design itself is a complex topic which deserves its own discussion many
good references exist (including other modules in the Steel Bridge Design Handbook). For the
purposes of this discussion it is enough to advise designers to make sure that their bearing seats
are detailed to accommodate the proposed bearings and their anchorage as well as provisions for
their replacement and seat width (relevant in seismic zones). This may require specific sizing of
the bearing seats, provisions for inset of the bearings into the bearing seats, etc. The module
titled Stringer Bridges of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook presents a more detailed discussion
of bearing design.

Anchor Bolts Anchor bolts can prove to be very problematic to deal with during construction if
they and their installation are not detailed carefully. Anchor bolts should be sized to resist all
loads applied to them, including horizontal shear loads and vertical pullout loads. In addition to
sizing the anchor bolt itself for these loads, the concrete within which the anchor bolt is to be
installed should also be checked for these loads. The PCI Design Handbook (13) offers
procedures for design of embedded anchors. In many cases, owner-agencies have standard
details or standard design/detailing requirements for anchor bolts, and designers should seek
these out.

Note also that careful anchor bolt positioning is critical to avoiding construction problems.
Mislocated anchor bolts, cast in concrete, cause contractors no end of nightmares. If permitted by
the owner-agency, designers are encouraged to detail the anchor bolt installation or the bearing
to allow for adjustability in the field to facilitate fit-up. Some suggestions include:

Providing anchor bolt cans in the pier cap A tube with a closed bottom and a
diameter significantly larger than that of the anchor bolt is embedded into the abutment
cap during cap concrete placement. Later, when the superstructure is in place, confirming
the exact required anchor bolt location, the anchor bolt is grouted in place.

Using field welded bearing connections. In may cases, the ability to adjust anchor bolt
and bearing locations can be improved by allowing the sole plate to be connected to the
girder using a field welded connection. In this way the exact position of the bearing
relative to the anchor bolts can be set in the field with both the anchor bolts and girder in

Reinforcement, General Reinforcement in piers should be detailed following generally
accepted detailing practices, realizing that these practices are typically more stringent in seismic
zones. Special care should be paid to detailing the projection of column vertical and confinement
reinforcement to avoid reinforcement conflicts and congestion, but to still provide a sound
connection. Simple techniques such as interrupting pier cap stirrup patterns at columns and
discontinuing some of the pier cap positive moment reinforcement at columns can go a long way
to relieving reinforcement conflicts and congestion.

Column Reinforcement Embedment into Pier Cap The vertical reinforcement projecting from a
column into the pier cap is usually detailed to be fully developed in the cap. This can be
accomplished by means of straight reinforcement (full development length) or by fully
developed hooks. Hooks are shorter (and may fit better in shallower pier caps) but they
complicate the construction of the pier cap reinforcement cage.

Column Reinforcement Embedment into Spread or Pile Footings The vertical reinforcing
running from a column into a spread or pile footing should be detailed to be fully developed in
the footing. Typically, standard hooks are used to accomplish this. Using hooks, especially if
they are detailed to rest on the lower mat of footing reinforcement, facilitates construction by
allowing the contractor to rest the column vertical reinforcement on the footing lower
reinforcement mat, rather than having to suspend the vertical reinforcement using other methods.

Pile Embedment When piles are used as the only supports for a pier cap (as in a pile bent), they
are typically embedded at least 9" or more into the cap. In many cases, spiral or hoop reinforcing
is provided around the embedded pile as confinement reinforcement, and in some cases a
nominal mat of reinforcing is provided directly above the pile. These detailing practices are
usually based on owner-agency preferences.

Battered Piles Depending on the severity of the horizontal loads on a pier, it will likely be
necessary to provide battered piles (sometimes called brace piles) in the foundation, if the pier is
pile-founded, to resist the applied horizontal forces. Typically, the number of battered piles is
selected so that the sum of the horizontal components of the pile axial loads balances the net
applied horizontal forces.

13.6 Single Column Pier Considerations

As mentioned above, the use of single column piers is especially prevalent for narrow bridges
where there is not room for two or more columns as well as for tall piers where a single, much
larger column may provide a more efficient means to resist buckling.

The analysis of pier caps for single column piers is relatively straightforward, but there are
several key aspects that need to be considered:

Columns in single column piers do not have the benefit of frame action to help brace the
columns and reduce internal moments. Also, single column piers are often used on bridges with
longer spans and taller pier heights. As a result, columns in single column piers are frequently

candidates for more refined column analysis methods to more accurately assess slenderness
effects, as well as more complicated designs (such as hollow columns).

For grade separation bridges, Article of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 7th Edition (5) requires the analysis for a vehicle collision force of 600 kips under
an Extreme Event limit state if the columns are not barrier protected. The lack of redundancy in
single column piers, particularly for narrow bridges with relatively small columns, may require
attention from the designer to assure that a vehicle impact will not cause a collapse.

Also, in some cases, the use of post-tensioning is warranted in the pier caps of single column
piers to handle the higher loads which may result from heavier, longer-span superstructures and
the longer overhangs common in this pier type. Post-tensioning is also sometimes used in the
columns of single column piers.

Figure 22 There can be a wide range of variations on the basic single column pier
configuration, such as this pier with a haunched pier cap and single, unsymmetrical curved
column featuring form liner treatments for a pedestrian bridge.

The detailing considerations for single column piers are fundamentally not very different than for
multi-column piers in most cases. When hollow columns are used, obviously there are special
detailing issues to consider. Due to the unique nature of each hollow column design, detailed
discussion of appropriate detailing considerations are beyond the scope of this module, and
designers are encouraged to consult appropriate hollow column design references.

13.7 Pile Bent Considerations

As mentioned above, a pier cap supported on multiple steel or precast concrete piles is
sometimes called a pile bent. Typically in a pile bent, there is no distinction between the
columns and the foundations the foundations are just continuations of the piles supporting
the cap.

Figure 23 Pile bent with braced steel H-piles serving as both columns and foundations for
the pier.

Pile bents are popular for shorter span structures where high loads and aesthetics are not a
concern. Pile bents are particularly appropriate for water and wetland crossings or other long
viaduct-type crossings of environmentally-sensitive areas, where extensive excavation for drilled
shafts or for pile footings is undesirable. Pile bents can be very economical in these situations
due to the extreme simplicity of their construction. Once the piles are driven, the only remaining
substructure work is the construction of the pier cap.

One innovative application of pile bents which has become more common in recent years is
top-down construction. For top-down construction, the structure is built span-by-span; the
piles for the next bent are driven by equipment placed on a recently completed span and reaching
out to the next bent location. When the piles are driven, the pier cap is placed and cured and then
the next span is constructed. Once that span is complete, the pile driving equipment advances to
it and reaches out to drive piles in the next bent. In this way, temporary environmental impacts
are reduced to practically zero as construction equipment is always located on the completed
structure. In most cases, this technique is limited to very short span structures (e.g., in the 50'
span range) due to practical limits on the reach of the pile driving equipment, but in those
applications this method can be extremely environmentally friendly and economical. This
technique has also been used in longer span applications, but generally at much greater cost.

Design of pier caps for pile bents is no different than for multi-column bents and is very
straightforward. The analysis of the piles as the primary vertical supports for a pile bent is also
fairly straightforward and, in some ways, is simpler than the analysis of columns and foundations
for typical multi-column piers. This is due to the fact that there is no difference between the
foundations and the columns they are one in the same. However, this can also lead to
complications in the analysis in some cases when pile bents are used in taller pier applications.
Since driven piles are typically fairly slender members and since there is no pile footing to
provide intermediate bracing, piles in pile bents can quickly become slender column elements
requiring careful design including judicious determination of effective length factors (K-factors)
and consideration of slender column moment magnification effects. Seismic effects have been
investigated in recent publications as well (40, 41).

13.8 Straddle Bent Considerations

As mentioned previously, a straddle bent is a multi-column pier in which an extremely wide

column spacing is used to allow for the passage of a roadway directly below the pier, such that
the pier is straddling the roadway below. Due to the unusually wide column spacing and the
resulting long span length of the pier cap, straddle bent pier caps are often specialty structures
such as steel box beam pier caps or post tensioned concrete pier caps.

Figure 24 Example of a straddle bent carrying a highway bridge over a railroad line. In
this case, the pier cap is also fully integral with the curved steel girder superstructure.

Straddle bents may also require special design of their supports. In some cases, it may be
worthwhile to provide a bearing between a straddle bent pier cap and one of its supporting
columns in order to provide relief for shrinkage or thermal expansion/contraction effects.

If a steel box beam is used as the pier cap of a straddle bent, designers are advised that provisions
must be made to facilitate future inspection of the interior. A single steel box straddle bent cap is
considered a fracture-critical element requiring more frequent inspections, and typically steel box
beam straddle bent pier caps include such features as access hatches and minimum internal
dimensions which facilitate access. These should be considered early in the design process as
they often control the dimensions of the steel box beam section.

Alternately, bent caps may be designed using dual (twin) I-shaped girders for the bent cap, which
may address the issue of redundancy and result in a design which is not considered fracture-
critical (depending on the owners criteria and evaluation of the details).

Constructability is also a serious consideration for straddle bents. Straddle bents are most often
used in very congested urban settings where it proves impossible to locate piers and lower
roadways separate from each other. In many of those cases, the lower roadway may already be
carrying traffic and complex construction staging and traffic control may be required not only for
the straddle bent construction but also for the construction of the superstructure which the
straddle bent is to support.

13.9 Integral Pier Cap Considerations

It is occasionally desirable to construct pier caps integrally with the superstructure. Sometimes
this offers advantages in terms of structural efficiency, sometimes it offers aesthetic benefits, and
sometimes it helps reduce structure depth and improve vertical clearances. Integral pier caps for
steel girder bridges have been constructed using both steel and concrete (21, 34).

Figure 25 Steel plate integral pier cap for a single column pier.

Generally each instance of the use of integral pier caps is unique since there are so many project-
specific variables affecting the design, including:

The nature of the superstructure loads: an integral pier cap for a curved, continuous plate girder
bridge will be subject to completely different loading than an integral pier cap for a straight, tub
girder bridge.

The nature of the superstructure type: integral pier caps feature extremely complicated detailing,
including a basic choice as to whether to splice the pier cap around continuous girders or to
splice the girders around a continuous pier cap. Different superstructure types and sizes will
suggest different preferences for integral pier cap detailing.

The nature of the integral pier cap: a post-tensioned concrete integral pier cap will obviously
require completely different detailing and shoring during construction than a steel integral pier
cap, and each will carry loads in a different way and require different details for connection to
the column.

The nature of the column(s); the location, number, size, materials, and configuration of the
column or columns of an integral pier cap will suggest different preferences for type and
configuration of the integral pier cap.

Figure 26 Post-Tensioned Concrete integral pier cap for a single column pier.

As many choices as there may be for integral pier caps, there have been nearly as many solutions
previously executed to some degree of success. Designers of integral pier caps are encouraged to
keep an open mind regarding possible solutions and also to put careful thought into layout and
detailing considerations early in the design process as minor details may end up being controlling
design features.

One possible solution which may eliminate many of the complications of integral pier caps is to
choose to provide an expansion joint in the superstructure at the integral pier cap location, albeit
at the cost of losing the benefits of girder continuity. Making the superstructure discontinuous
reduces all superstructure design moments to zero and may allow for the use of dapped girder
ends and either an inverted-tee pier cap or possibly even a conventional pier cap which still
provides the same vertical clearance benefits as an integral pier cap, but without the complicated
design, detailing, and construction associated with an integral pier cap.

13.10 Integral Pier Cap Considerations

While the majority of piers are constructed from reinforced, prestressed or post-tensioned
concrete, there are still situations calling for the use of steel for part or all of a pier. One common
opportunity for using steel piers is for temporary bridge structures, such as temporary access
bridges on construction sites. In these cases, contractors often prefer using steel substructures
since they are usually light weight and easy to handle, relatively quick to install, and potentially
reusable. Other opportunities for using steel elements in piers include long span straddle bent
caps and integral pier caps.

Figure 27 Steel pipe piles, steel pier caps, and steel framing, with a timber mat deck, form
the structural system for this temporary work bridge.

When using steel piers, care must be taken to carefully design and detail all connections. Due to
the reversible nature of many substructure design loads such as wind, longitudinal braking force,
thermal expansion/contraction, etc., many connections will have very high stress ranges, while
simultaneously the discontinuous nature of many of the connections can potentially lead to
unavoidably poor fatigue details with very low allowable stress ranges. Fatigue design can very
easily be the controlling limit state in the design of steel substructures in permanent bridges.

Another serious concern when contemplating the use of steel substructures for permanent bridges
is geometry control. In a concrete pier, it is fairly easy to adjust column heights, bearing seat
elevations, and so on, in the field by making simple field adjustments to reinforcing and
formwork. Fabricated steel components are much less forgiving when it comes to misplacements
that commonly result from routine construction tolerances. Designers of steel substructures are
encouraged to try to include features in their detailing which offer contractors some adjustability
to deal with routine construction tolerances (for example, allowing field welding of bearing sole
plates to permit adjustment of bearing locations, or allowing the use of shim plates to adjust
bearing seats to achieve key elevations).

Figure 28 Steel single column hammerhead piers for a dual box girder automated people
mover bridge.

13.11 Inverted-Tee Pier Cap Considerations

An inverted-tee pier cap is a pier cap with a cross-section shaped like an upside down capital
letter T. Inverted-tee pier caps offer the advantage of very low depth below the bottom surface of
superstructure girders. If dapped girder ends are used, the bottom surface of the inverted-tee pier
cap can be flush with the bottom surface of the girder. This low profile below the superstructure
offers distinct advantages in terms of aesthetics or improvements to vertical clearances below the
pier cap.

Most inverted-tee pier caps are made of concrete, sometimes post-tensioned if required to
achieve wider column spacings or overhangs.

The design of concrete inverted-tee pier caps is more complicated than the design of regular
rectangular concrete pier caps in several important ways. First of all, the design of the pier cap as
an inverted-tee concrete section requires some care in the determination of the concrete section
bending capacity, particularly in negative moment regions of the cap. If the neutral axis of the
inverted-tee in a negative moment region is in the web, the compression block forces must be
appropriately adjusted.

Figure 29 Inverted T pier cap in a multi-column pier.

Second, the ledge or corbel of an inverted-tee pier cap must be carefully designed. This design
encompasses both the ledge itself as well as the web of the inverted-tee section. A full discussion
of this issue is beyond the scope of this document, but several good references on inverted-tee
pier cap design exist (18, 19). Design of the ledge reinforcing may warrant a strut-and-tie
analysis. Much has been recently written about strut-and-tie modeling and many references exist,
including a good recent set of practical design examples (33, 39).

Finally, column design can be significantly affected by the use of inverted-tee pier caps. Since
the centerlines of bearing of two contributing spans are offset very far from the centerline of the
cap, any imbalance in the loads applied by either span to the pier cap causes a significant torque
on the pier cap. In cases of even moderate span imbalance, this torque may represent a
significant overturning moment in the column and the pier foundations, as well as potentially
requiring design for torsion of the inverted-tee pier cap itself. Once these overturning effects
have been quantified, the column design proceeds as for any other pier column. For the pier cap,
torsion design of concrete beams is covered in the ACI Building Code (20). Strut-and-tie
modeling may be employed for the torsion design as well.

Figure 30 Dapped girder ends rest on an inverted T pier cap in a single column pier.

13.12 Other Pier Types

As has been previously mentioned, this module offers only a brief overview of substructure
design. For piers for instance, there is a wide range of variations on the basic common pier types
mentioned here. Figure 31shows just one example of some of the variations designers may need
to deal with on a case-by-case basis. When faced with unconventional pier types, designers are
encouraged to develop simple, clearly-defined load paths and to keep constructability issues in
mind at all times.

Figure 31 Example of the wide range of variations in pier types. This project featured the
widening of an existing bridge which used multi-column piers with web walls. The widened
section used single column hammerhead piers.


There is a wide range of software available which can do part or all of a substructure design.

Some commercial software packages are capable of performing nearly all of the design of a
bridge substructure. These types of programs can build the substructure geometry, build the
superstructure geometry, calculate loads on the substructure, perform internal load analysis of the
pier caps, columns, and foundations, and then size the various members and perform detailed
design. However, in most cases, these programs have some limitations in terms of how
complicated a design they can handle in terms of complex geometry, complicated superstructure
types, complicated loading, etc. Designers are encouraged to make sure they fully understand the
capabilities and, more importantly, the limitations of these all in one substructure design

Substructure design can also be performed using a combination of general FEM analysis models
and specific design software. Often designers will calculate some or all of the loads on a
substructure by hand, input these loads into a simple frame model of the abutment or pier (or into
a more complex model if needed), run the model to determine the internal load distribution, and
then perform detailed design checks using either commercial software, home-grown spreadsheets
or programs, hand calculations, or a combination thereof.


Throughout this module, very little mention has been made of seismic analysis of substructures
for steel bridges. This omission was intentional. The complex and highly site-specific nature of
seismic analysis makes a detailed discussion of seismic analysis of substructures impossible in
the limited scope of this module. Instead designers are advised to consult the following sources
for each specific bridge design:

Local Owner-Agency Design Guides and Manuals In most regions where seismic design is an
issue, the local owner-agencies have adopted very specific policies regarding how seismic design
of substructures is to be performed. The Caltrans SDC (Seismic Design Criteria) is one such
example (42).

AASHTO Specifications AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition (5) and
AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design (23) have very good guidance on
seismic design of substructures, which should be reviewed in conjunction with local owner-
agency guidelines.

Recent Research Papers The field of seismic analysis, design, and detailing for bridges is
constantly evolving. Designers are encouraged to review the current research for the latest
developments and recommendations, in conjunction with AASHTO and local owner-agency

Recent Textbooks and Manuals There are several good manuals and textbooks that cover the
basic precepts of seismic design of bridge substructures. The recent NCHRP Report 472 has
good, fairly current guidance (22, 43). Several older manuals and guidebooks still have good
coverage of basic principles (24, 25, 26, 27, 28).


A recent advance in the design and construction of bridge substructures is the use of precast
substructure elements. The range of possible applications of precast substructure elements is
broad, and some have proposed entire prefabricated bridge systems. However, in practical terms,
the most promising applications currently are precast pier caps and precast columns.

The use of precast substructure elements has been proposed as a solution for the challenge of
quick construction in congested urban infrastructure projects, where limiting the duration of lane
closures and detours is a high priority. In those cases, the use of precast substructure elements
versus cast-in-place substructure elements could save days or weeks.

However, to date the most successful applications of precast substructures have been on large,
viaduct-type bridges, either over water or land, where the repetition of identical structural
elements lends itself to recovery of the initial investment in forms, etc. To date, the most
successful application in terms of a substructure element has been the use of precast pier caps,
although precast columns have been successfully used as well.

In addition to the economic benefits of precast substructures on large projects, and the time
savings in terms of reduced field construction time on urban projects, there are other benefits to
precast construction, including improved quality control (due to easier control of workmanship
in a controlled fabrication environment of a precast yard versus on site construction) and reduced
temporary environmental impacts (due to reduced risk of formwork failures and potential spilling
of concrete during casting and reduced material handling in the field).

Figure 32 Example of a precast pier cap being used on a long viaduct bridge. The columns
were cast-in-place with dowels projecting from the top of the columns. The dowels fit into
pockets in the precast pier cap. The pier cap initially rested on collars around the tops of
the columns. The collars were adjustable to facilitate leveling of the pier cap. Once the pier
cap was set, grout was injected into the dowel pockets and the gap between the columns
and the pier cap.

The use of precast substructures has been widely published recently, so several good references
exist, including (29, 30, 31, 32).


Throughout this module the effects of fixity on substructure loads have been mentioned briefly.
A few more words on this topic are warranted in a single location to emphasize its importance.

The type of loads, magnitude of loads, and distribution of loads from the superstructure to
various substructure elements is directly and significantly affected by the type of connection
provided between the superstructure and the substructure. A wide variety of bearing types are
available to the designer, and selection of bearing types should be given significant
consideration, early in the design process, for this reason. A full discussion of bearings for steel
bridges is provided in the module titled Bearings of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook.

Designers are cautioned that no bearing acts ideally in the real world. Sliding bearings still
have some nominal static friction force to overcome before they slide. Flexible elastomeric
bearings still have some nominal shear stiffness and transfer horizontal loads to the substructure
even if anchor bolts are not provided. Designers should account for the real-world nature of the
behavior of bearings as these nuisance loads can represent controlling design loads in some
cases such as when tall piers are used.

Designers are also reminded that bearings are typically configured only for downward acting
loads, but that not all combinations of superstructure reactions result in a net downward force.
The transient nature of live loads, as well as the effects of geometric conditions such as span
imbalance, curvature, and skew, can result in uplift on one or all bearings at a given abutment or

In such cases, it may be prudent to provide appropriate tie-downs to prevent uplift. Whether tie-
downs are provided or not, designers should account for the actual loads applied to the
substructure as well as the potential effects on the superstructure and on the bearings in these
cases. When tie-downs are provided, designers are cautioned to design and detail them carefully
so that the tie-down does not inadvertently short circuit a needed function of the bearing.
When confronted with potential uplift and the need for tie-downs, common assumptions
regarding simplified behavior and what can be safely neglected should be abandoned in favor of
more rigorous and thorough consideration of the behavior of all parts of the structure.


Substructures often require unique designs to address site-specific, and bridge-specific, goals and
constraints. Innovative solutions are often required. In some cases, creative but reasonable and
well thought-out ideas can lead to good solutions.

Figure 33 Opportunities abound for innovation in substructure design. This unique full
height abutment which uses precast double-tees for the stem wall is one example of a
creative solution that addressed the specific criteria of a given project.

For example, Figure 33 shows an innovative abutment system which has been used in the
Albuquerque area with some success. It is basically a full height abutment with a modular
precast stem. This system has benefits typically expected from precast systems. It has been used
in conjunction with a drilled shaft/pile cap system. The pile cap also acts as a leveling pad for the
precast double-tee. To resist horizontal loading, the double-tees connection to the pile cap is
post-tensioned. Once the double-tees are in place and backfilled, the abutment cap is then cast on
top of the double-tees. Some benefits when compared with MSE wall systems are:

Decreased construction time.

Minimized span length by setting the centerline of bearing just beyond the face of barrier.

Reduced excavation by eliminating the excavation required for strap embedment.

This particular concept is not presented as a panacea, but rather as an example of an innovative,
well-reasoned solution which satisfied the specific goals of a given project. Designers are
encouraged to explore innovative ideas like this when such opportunities present themselves.


In summary, substructure design for steel girder bridges is a broad and varied topic. This single
module in the Steel Bridge Design Handbook only scratches the surface of this subject.
Designers are encouraged to consult the numerous good references that offer more detail on
specific sub-topics.

There are wide ranges of options available to designers for foundations, abutments, and piers. A
thorough understanding of the pros and cons of each possible candidate type will lead to better
choices. Lessons of past examples, input from other local designers and from local contractors,
and preferences of local owner-agencies should not be ignored.

Overly detailed analysis of bridge substructures is not encouraged. Instead, designers are advised
to think about the issues involved in their particular design and to choose an appropriately
refined level of analysis. Some of the time saved by avoiding excessively detailed structural
analysis calculations can probably be better invested by considering such issues as
constructability, detailing, appropriate foundation types, and superstructure-substructure
interaction issues.

Overall, the old engineering adage still applies particularly well to bridge substructure design:
KIS = Keep It Simple. Determine all the loads from the superstructure and from other sources,
and find clean, simple, robust load paths to carry those loads.


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2. Barker, R.M., Duncan, J.M., Rojiani, K.B., Ooi, P.S.K., Tan, C.K., and Kim, S.G.,
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3. Richardson, E.V., Davis, S.R., Evaluating Scour at Bridges, 4th Edition, Hydraulic
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5. American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), LRFD

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6. American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Standard

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29. Billington, S., Barnes, R., Breen, J., Substructures Stack Up, Civil Engineering
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43. MCEER/ATC-49-2, Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of

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