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1 Portrait of A Young Person 1: 4 - 22 Jan People Social Issues

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Week Chapter/ Level Language for Language for Language for Grammar Sound Vocabulary Educational

Theme Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use System Emphases

1 L/S Take part in discussion 1 L Listen to a jazz chant: note Charge Of The Light Subject-verb Vowel /e/ 8 Abbreviations Thinking
L/S Disagree politely 2 important details 2 Brigade: Rhythm and agreement: verb 8 Skills (TS):
CHAPTER S Give advice 3 R Read extracts from a diary: Rhyme to be and have Intonation 9 identifying
1 W Keep a journal of daily scan for details 4 S Recite a poem 14 9 causes 1
13 experiences 12 R/W Take notes of main
Portrait of a ideas 13 Punctuation: ICT Skills
2 R Identify supporting details; apostrophe for (ICT):
4 22 Young Person contractions 11 Internet search
understand context clues 6
Jan R/W Summarize: identify the 15
People topic sentence 7 Dictation 11
Social Issues 3 W Write about ones W Write an informal letter: W Compose a simple rap
experiences in an informal apply process writing skills poem 15
letter 12 12

1 S Talk about oneself 17 L Listen to a talk: note Tanjung Rhu: Setting Modals: need to; Vowels /I/, /:/ Compound TS: evaluating
S Give instructions and important details 18 should 25 24 words 23 18; giving
advice 19, 27 R Read a web page: skim for causal
gist; scan for details 20 Article with Sentence Dictionary explanations
2 L/S Exchange ideas and L Jot down key words and W Describe the place and singular and stress and skills: identify 22
CHAPTER opinions on friendship 17 phrases 18 time the story took place plural countable intonation in countable and
R Identify main ideas and 29-30 nouns (Revision) statements and uncountable Multiple
2 26 questions 25 nouns 23 Intelligences
supporting details; understand
47 context clues 20-21 (MI):
Friends, R/W Summarize: identify the intrapersonal
25 Jan Countrymen main ideas 22 17
3 W Write about the social W Write an article providing visual-spatial
- 30
customs of a Malaysian tips, advice and instructions:
19 Feb People ethnic group 28 apply process writing skills
27-28 Learning How
to Learn/
using the blurb
Week Chapter/ Level Language for Language for Language for Grammar Sound Vocabulary Educational
Theme Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use System Emphases
1 S Persuade someone to do L Listen to a conversation: Living Photograph: Present perfect Consonants Acronyms 39 TS:
something 35 note important details 34 Imagery in Poems tense 41 /w/, /v/ 40 identifying
W Present information in a R/S Recite a poem 47 Word families: true or false
cluster diagram 38 Simple present derivatives 40 statements 37
2 R/S Read topics of current L Jot down key words and and past tense
89 CHAPTER interest and exchange ideas phrases 34 (Revision) 42 MI: bodily-
36 R Read a magazine article: kinaesthetic
3 Punctuation:
identify main ideas;
22 Feb understand context clues capital letters, ICT: Internet
- Wildlife 36-38 commas, full for research 47
4 Warriors R/W Summarize: identify the stops, question
main ideas 39 marks and
March quotation
W Write an magazine article:
Environment expand notes and outline 45 marks 43
3 R/S Read an article and give W Apply process writing R/W Understand figurative
opinions 36 skills 45 language 46 Dictation 44
S/W Talk about the message
in a poem and write a
paragraph on it 47

7 11

1 S Talk about oneself and L Listen to a description of a Living Photograph: Adverbs of Consonant /k/ Word TS: evaluating
ones dreams 49 person: note important details Message in Poems degree 58 57 formation 54
50 R/S Recite a poem 62 using suffixes
11 12 CHAPTER R/W Convert information S Role-play characters 62 Interrogative 56 ICT: Internet
4 into a table 55 W Rewrite a poem 63 pronouns for research 63
21 2 L/S Exchange opinions on R Read an interview: identify L/S Talk about the message in (Revision) 59 Dictionary
topics of interest 50 details; understand context a poem 62 skills: spelling KA: using
March Dare to Dream of long words different
clues 52-54
to R/W Summarize: reduce the 56 sources to
1 April Values length of a text 55 complete a
People 3 R/S Read a newspaper report W Write an interview: apply project 63
and give opinions 51 process writing skills 60-61
S Initiate a discussion 51
Week Chapter/ Level Language for Language for Language for Grammar Sound Vocabulary Educational
Theme Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use System Emphases
1 S Express concern and offer L Listen to an informal talk: Leaving: Characterization Past Perfect Consonant /r/ Homonyms TS: making
help 69 note important details 68 Tense 75 74 74 associations
L/S Respond to questions R Use the dictionary to find 67
CHAPTER politely by giving the the meanings of words 67, 70 Verb forms
required information 69 R Read a fact sheet about (Revision) 76 ICT: Internet
13 - 14 Down Syndrome: scan for and library
details 70 Punctuation: research 81
Special People W Present information in a colon 76
4 15 web diagram 73
April Health Dictation 77

Social Issues
2 L/S Converse with someone S/W Describe characters and
one meets for the first time 69 write a description of a
character 80
3 L Take notes of text heard 68
W Apply process writing
skills 78
1 L/S Share information 83 L Listen to a radio talk: note Leaving: Conflict in a Short Nouns Diphthong Synonyms and TS: comparing
S Make enquiries about a important details 84 Story functioning as / / 90 antonyms 89 and
product 85 R Read the text of an adjectives 91 contrasting 83
15 17 CHAPTER informal talk: follow S Role-play characters 96 Stress in four- Thesaurus
sequence of ideas 86 Sentence syllable words skills: using a PRW:
2 S/W Make enquiries about a R Identify main ideas; connectors 92 91 thesaurus; occupations in
product, choose a product and understand context clues 87- looking up the field of
18 Wired Youth Sequence synonyms and science and
order a product 85 88
April R/W Summarize: sequence connectors 93 antonyms 91 technology 97
Science and events 88
6 May Technology
W Write an informal talk:
expand notes 94
3 R Draw conclusions 88
W Apply process writing
skills 95

18 20
11 27
Week Chapter/ Level Language for Language for Language for Grammar Sound Vocabulary Educational
Theme Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use System Emphases
1 S Talk about personal L Listen to a factual account: Living Photograph: Tone in Adjectives Vowel / / Adjectives of TS:
experiences 99 note important details 100 Poetry (Revision) 107 106 quality for identifying
W Convert information into a S Recite a poem 113 describing true or false
graph 110 Negative character 105 statements 100
CHAPTER 2 L/S Exchange ideas and L Jot down key words and prefixes 108
7 opinions 101 phrases 100 LHTL: using
R Read a narrative : identify Infinitives as the title page
21 22 objects of and table of
supporting details; find
Random Acts evidence to support verbs 108 contents 113
13 of Kindness statements; understand
24 context clues 102-104 Punctuation:
R/W Summarize: identify semi-colon
June Values 109
main events in the correct
People sequence 105
3 L/S Initiate and keep a R Draw conclusions; predict W Write paragraph stating Dictation 110
discussion going 101 outcomes 104 ones opinion of the poem 112

1 L/S Relate personal L Listen to a telephone The Right Thing To Do: Infinitives as Consonant Figurative TS: making
experiences 115 conversation: note important Personification complements clusters /bl/, language 121 inferences
S Express concern and details 116 R/S Recite a poem: choral of the verb to /br/ 123
sympathy 117 R Use the dictionary to find reading 128 be 124 Thesaurus MI: linguistic-
23 25 CHAPTER meaning 120 Contractions skills: verbal/ bodily-
8 2 L/S Exchange ideas on how L Jot down key words and Concrete and Id, Im 123 improving kinaesthetic
society can help the elderly phrases 116 abstract nouns precision of 128
27 (Revision) 125 expressions
120,126 R Read a poem: identify main
June Active Ageing ideas and supporting details; 122 LHTL/ ICT:
understand context clues 118- Present on line library
15 July Social Issues 120 continuous search 129
R/W Summarize: paraphrase tense
the main ideas 120 (Revision) 126
3 W Design a card and write a R Draw conclusions 120 S/W Understand
letter to express concern and W Write a letter expressing figurative language:
to comfort 127 concern: apply process personification 128
writing skills 127
Week Chapter/ Level Language for Language for Language for Grammar Sound Vocabulary Educational
Theme Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use System Emphases
1 L/S Respond to questions L Listen to a factual account: Tanjung Rhu: Point of View Adjectives Consonants Euphemisms LHTL/ KA:
politely by giving the note important details 134 functioning as /eks/, /z/ 140 140 using the
required information 135 R Read extracts from letters nouns 141 bibliography
S Relate personal experiences of complaint: identify text 147
135 type; skim for gist 136 Gerunds as
W Convert information into a complements VCE: research
diagram 139 of the verb to on stories of
26 27 CHAPTER be 141 courage/
2 S Give feedback about a R Find evidence; understand S/W Retell a story from
9 service 135 context clues 138 another point of view 146- organizations
18 29 R/W Summarize: identify 147 Gerunds as that care for
July Hidden main ideas 139 objects of the disabled
W Write a formal letter of prepositions 147
Voices 142
complaint: expand outline
3 L/S Make a complaint about a W Apply process writing Punctuation:
service; respond to a skills 145 exclaimation
complaint 135 mark 143
1 S Offer advice 151 L Listen to a talk: note The Living Photograph: Prepositions Diphthongs Cliches 156 MI: visual-
important details 150 Visual Imagery of directions /a/, / / 157 spatial 163
R Read a brochure: scan for 158 Thesaurus
CHAPTER details 152-154 skills: word PRW/ ICT:
10 2 L/S Discuss plans and make a R Identify supporting details; Prepositions families 156 Internet search
decision 151 understand context clues 154 of purpose on
L/S Exchange ideas on topics R/W Summarize: use 159 organizations
28 29 Water, Water, for water
of interest 154 headings to understand main
Everywhere points conservation
3 S Make recommendations and W Write a brochure for a R Understand figurative 163
1 12 suggest ways to solve a water campaign: apply language: similes, metaphors
August Environment problem 151 process writing skills 160-161 162
Science and

Week Chapter/ Level Language for Language for Language for Grammar Sound Vocabulary Educational
Theme Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use System Emphases
1 L/S Talk about ones L Listen to a report: note The Right Thing To Do: Prepositions Consonant Understand TS: making
preferences 167 important details 166 Rising Action and Climax of time 173 clusters /fl/, word interpretations
W Write a report: present S Retell a story in ones own /sl/ 172 formation 166
information drawn from words 179 Prepositions through the
CHAPTER tables and graphs 170, 176 of place or Homographs use of prefixes MI: musical
11 W Convert information into position 173 171 179 logical-
graphs 166, 170 (Revision) 174 mathematical
30 179
2 L/S Discuss plans and R Read a report: identify S Narrate sequence of events
The arrangements 167 main ideas and supporting 178 Adjectives of
15 19 Competitive L/S Make a decision bassed details; interpret ono-linear comparison
August Edge on the agreement of the group texts such as tables and regular forms
167 graphs; understand context (Revision) 175
clues 168-170, 177
Science and R/W Summarize: identify Punctuation:
Technology main ideas 171 hyphen 175
Values 3 L/S Interview people using a W Write a report: present S State ones opinion of the
questionnaire 177 reports with the aid of graphs text 178
from interviews; apply
process writing skills 177
31 32



1 L/S Respond to questions L Listen to a panel Leaving: Characterization Connectors: Consonant Homophones TS evaluating
politely by giving the discussion: note important What Others Say conjunctions, clusters: 187 181; making
CHAPTER required information 183 details 182 logical /kl/, /kr/ 188 interpretations
12 R/S Read topics of current L Identify main ideas; jot W Describe a character in a connectors Thesaurus 196
interest and exchange down key words and phrases short paragraph 194 189-190 skills:
For the opinions 181 182 avoiding LHTL/ KA:
S Make a speech to persuade L/S Respond to questions Simple, repetition 188 using the
33 - 34 Common compound and index 195
someone to do something 193 orally 183
Good R Read points of view: complex
5 23 identify supporting details; sentences
Sept Environment understand context clues 184- (Revision) 190
People 186
3 R Draw conclusions; identify S State ones opinion of a
cause and effect; identify character 195
points of view 186
R/W Summarize: identify
points of view 186
W Write a persuasive speech:
apply process writing skills
Week Chapter/ Level Language for Language for Language for Grammar Sound Vocabulary Educational
Theme Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use System Emphases

1 S Talk about ones past L Listen to an appeal: note The Charge Of The Light Possessive Consonant Suffixes 206 VCE:
experiences 199 important details 200 Brigade: Theme in Poetry adjectives and clusters ps /s/, collective
L/S Disagree politely 201 R Read a journal: scan for possessive gn /n/ 206 responsibility,
S Persuade someone to do details 202-203 pronouns involvement in
35 36 CHAPTER something 201 (Revision) 207 world
13 W Keep a journal 210 organizations
Demonstrative 213
26 Sept pronouns
2 L/S Exchange opinions on L Jot down key words and S/W Talk about values in a
Earth topics of interest 201 phrases 200 poem and whether they are (Revision) 208
7 Oct Matters! R Identify supporting details; meaningful to ones life and
understand context clues 203- write a paragraph on this 212 Punctuation:
204 brackets 209
R/W Summarize: identify
People relevant information 205 Dictation 209
W Write a first person
recount: expand notes 210
3 L/S Suggest ways to solve R Make inferences 204 S Talk about the theme in a
problems 200 W Apply process writing poem 212
skills 211
37 39
31 Oct
4 Nov
1 L/S Suggest ways to solve L Listen to a conversation: The Living Photograph: Prepositions Consonant Idiomatic MI: verbal-
problems 200 state what the text is about; Cultural Element in a Poem of clusters /zm/, expressions linguistic/
L/S Talk about ones feelings note important details 216 S Recite poems 228 association /sp/ 223 221 bodily-
CHAPTER and preferences 220 R Read a regular column in a
223 kinaesthetic
14 newspaper: scan for details
218-219 Dictionary 229
41 Phrasal and
A Rainbow 2 L/S Exchange ideas and R Identify supporting details,
opinions on topics of current make inferences, understand verbs 224 Thesaurus
7 11 Nation interest 216 context clues 219-220 skills:
Nov R/W Summarize: identify Phrasal
Values main ideas and supporting verbs 222
details 220
3 L/S Make a complaint about L Take notes of the text heard W Rewrite the poem in
service and repond to a 216 another genre 228
complaint 217 R Draw conclusions 220
W Write a regular column for
a newspaper: apply process
writing skills 226-227
Week Chapter/ Level Language for Language for Language for Grammar Sound Vocabulary Educational
Theme Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use System Emphases
1 S Talk about ones feelings L Listen to a public message: The Living Photograph: Adjective and Consonant Borrowed TS: making
231 note important details 232 Setting and Cultural preposition clusters words 238 associations
W Write a message to Background combinations /lm/, /m/ 239 233;
CHAPTER persuade youths to support 239 Understand comparing and
15 world peace 243 word contrasting
42 2 L/S Exchange ideas and R Read excerpts from two R/W Describe the setting of a Adverbs of formation 245
opinions on topics of current messages: identify main ideas poem and a story 244 time through the
A Culture of (Revision) 240 use of prefixes LHTL: using
interest 233 and details; understand
14 18 Peace context clues 234-236 238 the glossary
Nov R/W Summarize: ensure Adverbs of 245
Values readability 237 frequency
3 R/S Read an article and give L Take notes of the text heard (Revision) 241
opinions 223 232
L/S Initiate and keep a R Predict outcomes 236 Punctuation:
discussion going 233 W Write a public message of underlining
peace: apply process writing for emphasis
skills 242-243 242

1 S Talk about ones special R Read descriptive accounts: Leaving: Review of Literary Passive Diphthong New words: TS: solving
interests 250 follow sequence of ideas 250- Elements construction / e / 255 use electronic problems 249;
CHAPTER 251 S Role-play characters 261 using has dictionaries identify causes
43 16 L/S Exchange ideas and L Listen to an opinion: S/W Describe the setting of a and had 256 254 and effects
opinions on topics of current identify main ideas 248 story 261 249
21 25 Future interest 247 R Identify supporting details; Adverbs of Thesaurus
understand context clues 252 manner skills: PRW: Vision
Nov Gazing (Revision) 257 Converting 2020 A
R/W Summarize: ensure
relevance 253 informar planned city
Science and 3 L/S Suggest ways to solve a R Draw conclusions 252 S/W Talk about the theme in language to 261
Technology problem 249 W Write a descriptive a story and write a simple formal 254
account: apply process paragraph on it 261
writing skills 258-259

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