RPT Bahasa Inggeris KSSM Tingkatan 5 2021
RPT Bahasa Inggeris KSSM Tingkatan 5 2021
RPT Bahasa Inggeris KSSM Tingkatan 5 2021
1 Introduce L -Listen to a dialogue: recall important details A Poison Tree: Theme in Countable TS-
1 oneself R - Read e-mail Poetry and Reflecting
GREAT Relate Recite a poem uncountable
EXPECTATIONS personal nouns ICT-
PG 1 experience Relate poem to one’s Article Creating an e-mail
(PEOPLE) 2 R - Read e-mails: identify main ideas; life account
understand contextual clues Discuss the theme of
MINGGU 1 R/W -Summarize: identify main ideas the poem MI-
W - Write an e-mail: expand outlines Interpersonal
3 R -Make inferences
1 Take part in L/S -Listen to an interview What happened to Lulu? The simple TS-
2 discussion on R- Read extracts from a magazine article: follow Recite a poem with present tense Hypothesizing
DARE TO BE career choices sequence of ideas feeling and expression and past tense
DIFFERENT Exchange W- Complete a word web Discuss the theme and (Revision) PRW-
PG 17 ideas W - Write a job application letter and CV; make message of a poem Subject – Writing a job
(PEOPLE) outlines Give one’s opinion of verb application and a
a poem agreement curriculum vitae
MINGGU 3 (Revision)
2 L - Listen to an interview; identify main ideas Apostrophe
MINGGU 4 R - List important details Dictation
R - Read a magazine article: identify main ideas;
understand contextual clues
R/W- Summarize; reduce the length of the text
W- Write a job application letter and a CV :
expand notes
W - Write a job application letter
3 R- Read a magazine article: make inferences
1 Ask someone L- Listen to a briefing: recall important details The passive TS-
3 to decide on Sing To The Dawn; Preposition of Giving opinion
something Traditions, Customs time
EARTH’S and Beliefs (Revision) ICT-
SENTINELS 2 R- Read texts: identify main ideas and details; Retell an event in Accessing the
PG 33 understand contextual clues one’s own words internet; learning
(PEOPLE R/W- Summarize: write concisely Discuss values about e-journals
ENVIRONMENT) W- Write a description: expand notes and explored in the text and e-magazines
outlines LHTL-
MINGGU 7 3 R-Make inferences, draw conclusions Obtaining current
information from
the library and
MINGGU 8 internet resources
1 Exchange L-Listen to an interview: note important details Sing To The Dawn Logical MI-
4 ideas on topics R /W -Word collection connectors Spatial
of interest Conjunctions Interpersonal
RAIN ON TRIAL 2 S- Interview people Understand and (Revision)
PG 49 R- Read a play: identify main ideas; understand discuss moral values Punctuation: ICT-
(ENVIRONMENT) contextual clues exclamation Internet for
R /W-Summarize: link ideas using logical Sing To The Dawn; marks’ full research
connectors Significant events in a stops’ TS-
W- Write about causes and effect; expand notes Novel question Giving opinions
MINGGU 9 and outlines Describe the events in marks and evaluating
3 Take part in L /W-Identify cause and effect the story in your own
MINGGU 10 words
discussion R- Identify cause and effect; make inferences
Take part in a L- Listen to a radio talk: take notes of text heard Sing To The Dawn: More Adverbs of TS-
5 discussion R- Dictionary use: word meaning on Moral Values manner and Comparing and
Make Moral values in the degree contrasting
THROUGH enquiries novel (Revision)
GREEN EYES about a Adverbs to ICT-
PG 65 product express Access the internet
(SOCIAL ISSUES, Compare and R- Read descriptive text; identify main ideas; certainty for information
ENVIRONMENT) contrast important details; understand contextual clues about organic
MINGGU 11 information R /W-Summarize; link ideas with logical foods
and decide on connectors
a choice W- Write an explanation: state preference MI-
R- Make inferences Logical
R /S- Discuss points of view mathematical
1 Exchange L- Listen to a news bulletin: note missing details Sing To The Dawn: Theme The present ICT-
6 opinions on R- Read a factual account and a news report in a Novel perfect tense Access the internet
topics of Dictionary use jargon Explain theme in a Sequence for information
PERILS OF interest novel; identify the connectors about causes and
PETROLEUM 2 L- Listen to a text and predict outcomes main theme of a novel (Revision) prevention of oil
PG 83 R- Read two extracts: identify main ideas; and short story Punctuation : spills
(ENVIRONMENT) details; understand contextual clues the semi-
R /W- Summarize ; link ideas with sentence colon TS-
connectors Dictation Evaluating
MINGGU 13 W- Write a news report
3 R- Make inferences MI-
MINGGU 14 Spatial- reading a
Predict outcomes with reasons
Compare and contrast data in a chart chart
1 Participate in a L- Listen to an eyewitness account and recall Sing To The Dawn; Preposition of ICT-
7 conversation details Giving one’s opinion direction Access the internet
R- Read two eyewitness accounts Making prediction (Revision) for information on
WHAT EYES SEE Dictionary use ; idioms Interrogative ‘Ops Sikap”
PG 99 2 R /W- Read eyewitness accounts: identify main pronouns
(SOCIAL ISSUES) ideas and details (Revision) TS-
Understand contextual clues Simple past Distinguishing
MINGGU 15 Summarize: link ideas with sequence connectors and past between fact and
and prepositions of time continuous opinion
MINGGU 16 tenses
W- Write a recount of an important event
(Revision) MI-
3 Give points of R/W -Make inferences
Interpreting a bar
view on a Identify biased statements
topic of chart
8 1 L- Listen to information in a fact sheet Sing To The Dawn; Sub- Reported TS-
RIGHTS, R- Read two extracts themes in a Novel speech Giving opinions
WRONGS AND Dictionary use: phrasal verbs Discuss a sub-theme in Punctuation: with supporting
RESPONSIBILITY the novel the colon details
PG 115 2 Exchange R- Identify main ideas in extracts Dramatize sections of Dictation
(SOCIAL ISSUES) ideas and Summarize: write a summary the novel
opinions on W- Write on different viewpoints Carry out the
MINGGU 17 topics of pantomime and write a
interest script
MINGGU 18 3 Give opinions R- Make inferences Dramatising texts and
MINGGU 19 on social role-playing characters
1 Persuade L- Listen to a community message: recall Sing To The Dawn; Modals: may ICT-
9 someone not to important details retelling a Story from and might Learning about
CLOUD OF do something R- Read a virtual pamphlet: scan for details Another Character’s Point Gerunds virtual pamphlets
CONCERN Persuade R /W- Word association of View (Revision) Research for a
PG 131 someone to project
(HEALTH, participate in Retell events in the
SOCIAL ISSUES) activities novel from various TS-
2 Take part in L /W-Identify main ideas in the text heard points of view Solving problems
MINGGU 24 discussions; R- Identify main ideas and important details; Retell an events in a
exchange ideas understand contextual clues short story from MI-
R /W-Summarize: write a summary another character’s Linguistic, logical
W- Expand notes and outlines point of view mathematical,
3 R- Make inferences spatial
W- Write an article about peer pressure
1 L- Listen to a book review and recall important Recognizing elements Adverbs of ICT-
10 details in the novel such as time and Accessing the
HIDDEN VOICES R- Dictionary use: word connotations characters and events frequency internet
PG 147 Read a first person narrative (Revision) TS-
(HEALTH, 2 Make L- Identify main ideas Adjective and Giving opinions
SOCIAL ISSUES) enquiries and R- Identify main ideas; list important details preposition evaluating
place an order R /W- Summarize; write a summary combination
MINGGU 25 3 Role-play a R- Make inferences Phrasal verbs LHTL-
situation W- Write a book review: expand outlines (Revision) Using book
Punctuation: reviews
Dictation MI-
1 Take part in L- Listen to a talk : recall the main ideas Haiku: Read and Nouns TS-
13 discussions R- Read the text of a speech understand Haiku functioning Making predictions
WASTE NOT, Ask and Read and understand a as adjectives Planning and
WANT NOT respond to simple poem-haiku (Revision) carrying out a
questions Retell the poem in Simple, project
politely your own words complex and
PG 197 Keep a record Write a haiku compound
(SCIENCE AND of activities sentences ICT -
TECHNOLOGY) 2 L- Identify the main ideas of the text heard (Revision) Using computer
R- Identify the main ideas in the text read: tools to create
MINGGU 32 understand and contextual clues tables for a project
R /W- Summarize: write a summary and create
W- Expand notes and outlines
3 Discuss an R /W- Make inferences : predict outcomes, draw advertisements
excerpt from a conclusions
talk W- Write the text of a talk
1 Ask and L- Listen to a meeting in progress: recall what Revise Poems: Giving Formation of PRW-
14 respond to the text is about; note important details one’s Opinion of a Poem the negative Solving the
HANDLE WITH questions R- Read a report: skim and scan Recite a poem with of adjectives problem of
CARE politely W- Present information feeling and expression Preposition of hazardous waste
PG 213 Discuss the theme and purpose disposal
(SCIENCE AND 2 Exchange L- Identify main points in a dialogue message of a poem (Revision) TS-
TECHNOLOGY) ideas R- Identify main ideas and details; understand Punctuation Evaluating
contextual clues
R /W- Summarize: write a summary ICT-
MINGGU 34 W- Expand notes and outlines Accessing the
3 R- Make inferences internet for
MINGGU 35 information
W- Write a report
1 Talk about L- Listen to a farewell speech Revise Poems: Enjoying Infinitives as TS-
15 feelings and R- Read an inspirational speech Poetry objects of Drawing
interests Recite a poem with verbs conclusions
CROSSROADS Help a friend feeling and expression Infinitives as ICT-
PG 229 make a Use of imagery complements Internet portals-
(PEOPLE, decision of the verb accessing the
SOCIAL ISSUES) ‘to be’ internet for
2 Make L- Identify main ideas Modals: may information
MINGGU 36 decisions R- Identify main ideas and details in a speech; or might PRW
based on ideas draw conclusions; understand contextual clues Finding out how
MINGGU 37 others deal with
from friends R /W- Summarize: write a summary
W- Expand notes and outlines
3 L- Make predictions
R- Make inferences
W- Write an inspirational speech