Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Malaysian University English Test (Muet-Cefr) Tingkatan Enam Atas Dan Bawah Pra Universiti Semestar 1, 2 & 3
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Malaysian University English Test (Muet-Cefr) Tingkatan Enam Atas Dan Bawah Pra Universiti Semestar 1, 2 & 3
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Malaysian University English Test (Muet-Cefr) Tingkatan Enam Atas Dan Bawah Pra Universiti Semestar 1, 2 & 3
Among the skills to be taught in class: Learners will be able to: Practise the skills by listening to these genres:
1. Understanding simple phrases and 1. Recall information from stimuli 1. Dialogue, monologue, songs, news,
expressions instructions, announcements, briefings,
2. Relay information talks, dialogues, conversations,
2. Identifying general and specific
3. Select relevant details interviews, lectures, meetings,
information discussions, advertisements, debates,
3. Understanding main ideas made in clear 4. Interpret information based on stimuli documents, etc.
standard speech on familiar matters 2. Briefing on MUET-CEFR.
4. Understanding main ideas in 5. Extract key ideas
3. Listen to news text and matching the
linguistically complex speech 6. Listen for main ideas headlines with the contents heard.
5. Understanding familiar and unfamiliar 7. Listen for specific information 4. Listen to some study packages and
topics extract information; and later making a
8. Listen for a specific purpose
6. Following extended speech and decision of the courses chosen.
complex lines of argument on 9. Identify and Use language functions
5. Justifying choices of products or opinions
reasonably familiar topics
10. Recognize a speaker’s attitude, bias, view on certain issues.
7. Following extended speech on abstract or intention
6. Listen to range of short texts to identify
and complex topics outside field of 11. Recognize facts and opinions similarities and differences.
study, and confirming occasional details
12. Make predictions based on information 7. Listen to talk and organize information to
8. Following less structured implied provided complete a table.
messages in extended speech
13. Make inferences and drawing conclusions 8. Sequence information based on a history
9. Understanding idiomatic expressions, lecture in chronological order.
14. Follow the line of argument
colloquialisms and variation in language
use 9. Listen to a segment of a story and predict
15. Restate information given the outcome.
16. Justify information
Among the skills to be taught: Learners will be able to: Practise the skills by:
1. Using grammatically correct language 1. Speak using appropriate and correct 1. Viewing samples of various oral genres
language like debates, interviews, public speaking,
2. Using correct pronunciation, stress and elocution contests and forums
intonation 2. Speak confidently, fluently and
effectively to communicate ideas and 2. Reading up on local and global issues
3. Using varied sentence structures opinions
3. Viewing the MUET Speaking VCD on the
4. Speaking with confidence and without 3. Select, organize and present information individual and group presentation
unnecessary/undue hesitation to the audience
5. Knowing functional use of language 4. Speak in response to the opinions and 4. Understanding the requirements of the
ideas of others task by scrutinizing the rubrics or
6. Having knowledge of discourse, cohesion instructions
and coherence, and text types 5. Observe appropriate social conventions
5. Making appropriate and effective
7. Using language appropriate for the 6. Speak persuasively to convince others introduction or opening statements as a
intended purposes and audience
7. Speak to fulfil task within the prescribed speaker in a forum
8. Using varied vocabulary and expression time 6. Developing and organizing ideas on a
9. Observing conventions appropriate to a 8. Use correct pronunciation, stress and current topic
specific situation intonation for an intended purpose and 7. Using appropriate linkers and cohesive
10. Expressing opinions devices
19. Negotiating
20. Turn-taking
21. Interrupting
22. Concluding
Among the skills to be taught: Learners will be able to: Practise the skills by reading these genres:
1. Reading multiple texts for specific factual 1. Extract key ideas 1. Journals, newspapers, magazines,
information manuals, advertisements, academic
2. Match information texts, electronic texts, etc.
2. Reading for main ideas and supporting
3. Rearrange ideas in a text
details 2. Identify topic sentences, viewpoints,
4. Select relevant ideas elaboration, generalization in a text
3. Inferencing
5. Derive meaning of words from context 3. Distinguishing fact from opinion
4. Identifying details and examples to
support an argument 6. Identify language functions 4. Identifying cause and effect, compare
and contrast
5. Predicting outcomes 7. Follow the lines of argument
5. Identify bias for / against in editorials
6. Understanding the main ideas and 8. Restate information given
supporting details, and gist 6. Rearrange jumbled paragraphs into a
9. Select correct linking devices coherent text
7. Understanding text organization features
10. Interpret linear and non-linear texts 7. Read a text on use and abuse of chemical
8. Deducing meaning from context
11. Synthesize information from linear and
9. Distinguishing facts and opinions non-linear texts substances
10. Interpreting text for author’s intention, 12. Infer writer’s intention, tone and attitude 8. Match headlines to news articles
attitudes and style
13. Extract specific information, style and 9. Read brochures related to studies and
11. Comparing and evaluating information in tone weigh the pros and cons
different texts
14. Extract specific information from a 10. Plot mind maps to organize, classify and
12. Identifying the purpose of a paragraph or literary text prioritize information
15. Sequence, rank or prioritize information 11. Compile a portfolio of authentic non-
13. Recognizing the text structure of the linear texts
whole text 16. Making predictions
12. Study maps, charts, statistic, pictures and
17. Evaluate information given
14. Identifying cause and effect relationships diagrams to interpret information
in a text 18. Justify opinions accurately
15. Recognizing text content features (detail, 19. Identify relationships in text 13. Read a variety of short texts to identify
opinion, emotions, attitudes, writer’s similarities and / or differences
purpose, main idea and implication) 20. Relate a particular concept to other
similar situations 14. Interpret a combination of linear and
16. Recognizing text organization features non-linear
(exemplification, comparison and
Among the skills to be taught: Learners will be able to: Practise the skills by:
1. Expressing thanks, apologies, reactions 1. Use correct conventions 1. Studying samples of various genres
and preferences
2. Accepting / Declining / Rejecting 2. Use correct language 2. Using appropriate and varied vocabulary
invitations / offers
3. Use appropriate register 3. Identifying a range of style and tone
3. Making requests
4. Write cohesively and coherently 4. Write emails, articles, letters and essays
4. Giving precise information
5. Use appropriate style and tone 5. Write appropriate and effective
5. Describing experiences, feelings and conclusions
6. Use personal response based on a given
stimulus 6. Express and support viewpoints with
6. Providing advice, reasons, opinions and examples and elaborations
7. Using appropriate linkers / cohesive
7. Discussing ideas devices