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INDEX: Contents of The Report

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INDEX: Contents of the Report

Coke crushing plant:

The crushing plant consists of 6 smooth roll crushers (2 primary of .50 TPH each and 4 secondary of 35 TPH each).
The coke breeze offloaded at the track hoppers is reclaimed by the two paddle feeders and conveyed to the storage
bunker of crusher. The coke is crushed to 3mm size and conveyed to the sinter mix proportioning bunkers in Junction
House #25.
The iron ore fines are reclaimed from the ore yard by stacker cum reclaimers and conveyed to the sinter mix
proportioning bunkers.
All the materials are simultaneously withdrawn from the bunkers at the determined rate of a common conveyor and
stacked on the sinter mix beds in the sinter mix yard by Slewable Stacker of capacity 900 TPH. It is reclaimed from
the beds blender reclaimer (900 TPH) and conveyed to the sinter plant.

Raw sinter is a hard porous lump produced by controlled heating of a mixture of iron ore fines, limestone fines,
dolomite fines and other waste materials. Usage of sinter in BF offers many advantages like utilisation of iron ore
fines (which otherwise cannot be used directly in blast furnace as it will choke the furnace due to its fineness),
reduction in coke rate etc. Iron ore sintering started in 1910 and it flourished in Sweden, South Africa, etc. where
there was coke shortage.
At the beginning (i.e. under 1 MTPA capacity), DSP did not have any sinter plant. Two sintering machines were
installed with a capacity of 25000 TPD each during 1.6 MTPA expansion of DSP in 1968. Then the target was to
use 40% sinter in blast furnace. Later during modernisation of DSP to 1.802 MTPA capacity another sintering
machine with a capacity of 5184 TPD was installed in 1995, making a total installed capacity of 10184 TPD of
sinter. Now the target sinter in Blast Furnace burden is 75%. Overall plant capacity is 3.009 MTPA.

Plant data:

Unit Commissioned Hearth Area

Old machineI 15/01/68 142.7 m^2

Old machine II 20/01/68 142.7 m^2

New machine 01/02/95 180 m2

The approximate weights of raw materials required for making one tonne sinter are:

Ore fines 808 kg

Limestone and dolomite fines 200 kg

Coke fines 80 kg

Mill scale 27 kg

Ferro Scrap 28 kg

Return Fines 436 kg

The raw materials for each machine are stored in 9 bins. The materials are mixed in required proportions and are
sent to primary mixer and then to the conditioning drum. The sinter mix green mix is sent to Sintering Machine.
A layer of previously sintered material called the Hearth Layer is spread on Grate Bars, over which the green mix is
spread. A cut off plate adjusts the height of the bed and the material is ignited under a set of burners (tempe atures
Raw Material Handling
To improve and ensure consistency in raw material quality, the facilities, which have been installed, are:
Beneficiation/washing facilities, both for lump ore and fines at Bolani
Screening of lump iron ore inside the plant,
Selective crushing of coal at Coal Handling Plant,
Base blending facilities for Sinter Plant,
Silocum Blending bunkers

As part of the modernization programme, new raw material handling storage and blending facilities
with selective crushing of coal have been installed in order to ensure consistency in raw material
The beneficiation/washing facilities, both for lump ore and fines at Bolani, have a capacity to process
3.44 million tonnes (wet basis) per annum so as to be capable of catering to the entire requirement of the
plant after modernization.
Durgapur is the only steel plant in the country to have a coal washery at the plant site.

Raw Materials Handling Complex

Durgapur Steel Plant consumes about 7.4 million tonnes of different raw materials annually which
comprises over 1.84 million tonnes of coal and 2.9 million tonnes of iron ore lump and fines. Besides
the two major raw materials, the plant also requires limestone, dolomite, manganese ore, bauxite, silico
manganese, ferro manganese, ferro silicon, etc.
The coke ovens and coal chemicals zone is divided into four basic sections namely coal preparation
plant, coal carbonisation plant, coke handling plant and coal chemicals.
Presently, DSP is operating only three batteries.
The Blast Furnace grade coke produced in Coke Ovens is directly used in Blast Furnaces while the
undersized coke is used for sinter making.
The volatile matters, which emanate during the process of coke making subsequently produce a
variety of byproducts like naphthalene oil, heavy creosote oil, light oil, crude tar partially distilled tar,
Raja brand fertilizer, nitration grade benzene, nitration grade toluene, industrial grade toluene, light
solvent naphtha etc.

The coke oven gas is generally used in combination with the Blast Furnace gas and BOF gas as fuel and
is carried through pipelines to the different areas of the plant. The adjoining Alloy Steels Plant under
SAIL is also supplied with this fuel gas from DSP.
In order to enhance the productivity of blast furnaces, a high percentage of sinter charge is a
prerequisite. Sinter is an agglomeration of iron ore fines, coke and limestone in the form of cakes. To
ensure sinter burden in the blast furnaces at 75 per cent, a total of 3 million tonnes of sinter was
envisaged for a production of about 2 million tonnes of hot metal. A technologically modern and fuel
efficient sintering machine having 198 sq metres sintering area has been added as part of the
modernization scheme to produce

1.7 million tonnes of sinter. The balance requirement will be met from the revamped old sinter plant.
Sinter mix, a mixture of fines of iron ore, limestone, coke, dolomite and flue dust, blended proportionally
at the RMHC, is a prepared material which is selffluxing. In ignition strands it is burnt under controlled
conditions to form a porous cake type substance called sinter, which used in blast furnaces enhances
productivity and reduces coke rate.

Coke oven is an important department in an integrated steel plant. In this department coal is carbonised into coke
which is an essential raw material for the production of hot metal in Blast Furnaces.
While carbonising coal into coke, a number of valuable coal chemicals are obtained. These coal chemicals are also
recovered and processed in this department.

Major sections in this department are:

1. Coal Handling
2. Coal Washery
3. Coke Oven Battery and Coke Handling
4. Coal Chemicals

Coal chemicals plant has the following sections:

Gas condensation section
Benzol rectification plant
Ammonium sulphate plant
BOD plant
MNCP (Mechanised Naphthalene Crystallization Plant)
Benzol absorption
Naphthalene absorption

Desired properties of coke :

1. Should descend into the blast furnace smoothly without degradation.

2. Lowest level of impurities
3. Highest possible thermal energy
4. Highest metal reducing capability
5. Optimum permeability for flow of gaseous products upwards and molten products
6. Ability to withstand breakage at room temperature.
7. High coke strength after reaction with CO2 (CSR)
8. Large mean size and narrow size variations, stable void fraction.

Raw material handling plant is the starting point of the steelmaking process in DSP. RMHP is mainly concerned with
receiving, loading, storing and processing of all raw materials viz. iron ore lumps and fines, limestone and dolomite.
The preparation of sinter mix is also done in RMHP using state of the art automation system.
These are three Wagon Tipplers to unload the raw materials brought in rakes of wagons from various mines.
Tippler no. 3 came up later (7/1/91). The materials are conveyed by a series of conveyors from the tippler hoppers to
different yards viz. ore yard and flux yard. They are stacked in the yards on same stacker cum reclaimers to
intermediate surge bunkers for further transport to customer departments like Blast Furnace, Sinter Plant, SMS, etc.
Sinter mix preparation:
Blend mix production started on 7/7/95. Installed capacity is 12051 TPD. The raw materials required for the
preparation of sinter mix is stored in 15 bunkers of Junction house #25.

The main constituents of the sinter mix are:

Iron ore fines 010mm

Limestone fines 03 mm

Dolomite fines 03 mm

Coke fines 03 mm

All the waste generated in the plant like Ferro scrap, mill scale, BOF slag, and return sinter fines are added in the
sinter mix. These materials are received in wagons and dumpers, offloaded at the track hoppers and conveyed to
the sinter mix producing bunkers. These materials are used in a ratio based on the final sinter chemistry requirement
Ore fines 64%

Coke 4%

Limestone 7%

Dolomite 10%

Mill scale 4%

Sinter fines 7%

Flue dust 4%

The sinter mix is then sent to sinter plant for preparation of sinter.


Flux crushing plant:

The crushing plant consists of 6 impact hammer type crushers (3 primary crushers of 200 TPH and 3 secondary
crushers of 250 TPH each) and six screens of capacity 200 TPH. Limestone and dolomite are reclaimed from the
flux yard and fed to the crushers via intermediate surge bunkers to get the required size of 3 mm by closed loop
crushing system. There is a hopper for uploading BOF slag received in dumpers. The slag is conveyed to a bunker
and is crushed along with limestone and dolomite. The crushed limestone and dolomite are then conveyed to a
sinter mix proportioning bunkers in Junction House #25.

A blast furnace is an essential part of an integrated steel plant. Blast furnace converts the raw materials (viz. iron
ore, coke and sinter) into pig iron. Pig iron in turn acts as the raw material for steelmaking in SMS. The coke serves
as the heat source and reducing agent while limestone and dolomite in sinter act as flux which combines with
unwanted materials in iron ore (known as gangue) to form slag. A blast furnace is called so because it uses blast as
oxygen source for the furnace.

It consists of a tall steel structure, supported on a strong foundation, and heavy columns
All around. A vertical cross section through this furnace is shown in the figure below. The outer shell is made of
mild steel plates and the inner surface is lined throughout by the refractory material. Its
structure can be described as a combination of two frustums of right cones with their bases joining together to form
the maximum section. Of the two, the upper frustum is longer and is known as Shaft or Stack. The lower frustum is
shorter and is called Bosh. Two Tapping Holes are provided, one near the bottom and the other a little above it, for
removing the metal and slag respectively. Hot air is supplied to the furnace by the main circular pipe, called Bustle
Pipe. The topmost position is called Throat, through which the charge is fed into the furnace. The Double Bell
arrangement at the top is for prevention of the escape of gases from inside. Turbo Blowers or blast furnace Gas
Blowing Engines of very high capacities are used for supplying air to the furnace. This air is preheated before
entering the bustle pipe by means of special heaters called Blast Stoves. This preheating produces high temperature
inside the furnace and enables considerable saving in fuel consun1ption.A water cooling system is incorporated in
the brickwork all around the furnace to protect its walls against excessively high temperatures.

The Process inside Blast Furnace:

Iron oxides can come to the blast furnace plant in the form of raw ore, pellets or sinter. The raw ore is
removed from the earth and sized into pieces that range from 0.5 to 1.5 inches. This ore is either
Hematite (Fe2O3) or Magnetite (Fe3O4) and the iron content ranges from 50% to 70%. This iron rich
ore can be charged directly into a blast furnace without any further processing. Iron ore that contains a
lower iron content must be processed or beneficiated to increase its iron content. Pellets are produced
from this lower iron content ore. This ore is crushed and ground into a powder so the waste material
called gangue can be removed. The remaining ironrich powder is rolled into
balls and fired in a furnace to produce strong, marblesized pellets that contain 60% to 65% iron.
Sinter is produced from fine raw ore, small coke, sandsized limestone and numerous other steel plant
waste materials that contain some iron. These fine materials are proportioned to obtain desired product
chemistry then mixed together. This raw material mix is then placed on a sintering strand, which is
similar to a steel conveyor belt, where it is ignited by gas fired furnace and fused by the heat from the
coke fines into larger size pieces that are from 0.5 to 2.0 inches. The iron ore, pellets and sinter then
become the liquid iron produced in the blast furnace with any of their remaining impurities going to
the liquid slag.
The coke is produced from a mixture of coals. The coal is crushed and ground into a powder and then
charged into an oven. As the oven is heated the coal is cooked so most

of the volatile matter such as oil and tar are removed. The cooked coal, called coke, is removed from
the oven after 18 to 24 hours of reaction time. The coke is cooled and screened into pieces ranging
from one inch to four inches. The coke contains 90 to 93% carbon, some ash and sulfur but compared
to raw coal is very strong. The strong pieces of coke with a high energy value provide permeability,
heat and gases which are required to reduce and melt the iron ore, pellets and sinter.
The final raw material in the ironmaking process is limestone. The limestone is removed from the earth
by blasting with explosives. It is then crushed and screened to a size that ranges from 0.5 inch to 1.5
inch to become blast furnace flux. This flux can be pure high calcium limestone, dolomitic limestone
containing magnesia or a blend of the two types of limestone.
Since the limestone is melted to become the slag which removes sulfur and other impurities, the blast
furnace operator may blend the different stones to produce the desired slag chemistry and create
optimum slag properties such as a low melting point and a high fluidity.
Once these materials are charged into the furnace top, they go through numerous chemical and
physical reactions while descending to the bottom of the furnace.
The iron ore, pellets and sinter are reduced which simply means the oxygen in the iron oxides is
removed by a series of chemical reactions.

These reactions occur as follows:

3Fe2O3 + CO CO2 + 2Fe3O4 (@ 8500F)

Fe3O4 + CO CO2 + 3FeO (@ 11000F)
FeO + CO CO2 + Fe OR FeO + C CO + Fe (@ 13000F)

At the same time the iron oxides are going through these purifying reactions, they are also beginning to
soften then melt and finally trickle as liquid iron through the coke to the bottom of the furnace.
The coke descends to the bottom of the furnace to the level where the preheated air or hot blast enters
the blast furnace. The coke is ignited by this hot blast and immediately reacts to generate heat as

C + O2 CO2 + Heat

Since the reaction takes place in the presence of excess carbon at a high temperature the carbon
dioxide is reduced to carbon monoxide as follows:

CO2 + C 2CO

The product of this reaction, carbon monoxide, is necessary to reduce the iron ore as seen in the
previous iron oxide reactions.
The limestone descends in the blast furnace and remains a solid while going through its first reaction as
The gas coming out of the furnace has a calorific value of about 850 kcal/ NM3. It contains 2527 gm/NM3 of
dust and unless the gas is cleaned, it cannot be used for heating purpose. The cleaning is done in stages. On the first
stage the gas is subjected to a sudden expansion in the primary dust catcher and in the second stage in the
secondary dust catcher the gas is given a cyclonic motion. The gas coming out contains dust about 57 gm/NM3 of
This is sent to gas washers. The gas is counter currently washed with water. The gas leaving the washers has a dust
content of about 0.5 gm/M3 and then enters a set of electrostatic precipitators. The gas leaving the ESPs has a dust
content of about 911 mg/M3.
The dust laden water coming out of the gas washer and Electrostatic Precipitator is taken to Dor Clarifiers, cooled
and recirculated. The slurry is taken to slag bank,
Number of precipitators 12
Number of Dorr thickeners 6
Number of Washers 8

The details of the four furnaces in the plant are as follows:

Sl. no. Capacity Useful Stoves Productivity


1 1250 1323 3 1

2 1820 1400 3 1.3

3 1820 1400 3 1.3

4 2340 1800 3 1.3

*Blast Furnace number 1 is currently down (since 06/08/2002)


Basic oxygen steelmaking is a method of primary steelmaking in which carbonrich molten pig iron is
made into steel. Blowing oxygen through molten pig iron lowers the carbon content of the alloy and
changes it into lowcarbon steel. The process is known as basic due to the pH of the refractories
calcium oxide and magnesium oxide that line the vessel to withstand the high temperature of molten
The scheme of a BO Furnace is as follows:

Typical basic oxygen furnace has a vertical vessel lined with refractory lining. Only 812% of the furnace
volume is filled with the treated molten metal. The bath depth is about 46.5 ft (1.21.9 m). The ratio
between the height and diameter of the furnace is 1.21.5. The typical capacity of the Basic Oxygen
Furnace is 250400 t.The vessel consists of three parts: spherical bottom, cylindrical shell and upper cone.
The vessel is attached to a supporting ring equipped with trunnions.
The supporting ring provides stable position of the vessel during oxygen blowing.
The converter is capable to rotate about its horizontal axis on trunnions driven by electric motors. This
rotation (tilting) is necessary for charging raw materials, sampling the melt and pouring the steel out of
the converter.
The top blown basic oxygen furnace is equipped with the water cooled oxygen for blowing oxygen into
the melt through 46 nozzles. Oxygen flow commonly reaches 68 m3/min. The oxygen pressure is
11.5 MPa. Service life of oxygen lance is about 40 heats.
The basic oxygen furnace uses no additional fuel. The pig iron impurities (carbon, silicon,
manganese and phosphorous) serve as fuel. Iron and its impurities oxidize evolving heat necessary
for the process.
Oxidation of the molten metal and the slag is complicated process proceeding in several stages and
occurring simultaneously on the boundaries between different phases (gas metal, gas slag, slag

Finally the reactions may be presented as follows:

(Square brackets [ ] signify solution in steel, round brackets ( ) in slag, curly brackets {} in gas) 1/2{O2} =

[Fe] + 1/2{O2} (FeO)

[Si] + {O2} (SiO2)
[Mn] + 1/2{O2} (MnO)
2[P] + 5/2{O2} (P2O5)
[C] + 1/2{O2} {CO}
{CO} + 1/2{O2} {CO2}

Most oxides are absorbed by the slag.

Gaseous products CO and CO2 are transferred to the atmosphere and removed by the exhausting
Basic Oxygen Process has limiting ability for desulfurization. The most popular method of desulfurization
is removal of sulfur from molten steel to the basic reducing slag. However the slag formed in the Basic
Oxygen Furnace is oxidizing (not reducing) therefore maximum value of distribution coefficient of sulfur
in the process.

The Merchant Mill produces plain round and ThermoMechanically Treated (TMT) bars in the range of
16mm 28mm. The entire product range of TMT bars and rods at DSP is branded and has been able to
create a niche market.
Initial installed Capacity : 240,000 Tons / year
Capacity after modernization : 280,000 Tons / year
Products : Ribbed bars of sizes : 12,14,16,18,20,22,25,28 and 32
Most used products are rolled sections of 16 28 mm TMT bars & Plain Round Bars: 20 28 mm


The Section Mill rolls out light and medium structural like joists, channels and angles. The blooms are
heated before being rolled in reheating furnaces. Coke Oven gas mixed with blast furnace gas is used to
heat the blooms to 12500C .
Milling Capacity: 212000 tons / year
Cutter Type: 700 ton shear cutter.

Product range:

Joists 200 mm x 100 mm, 175 mm x 85 mm

150 mm x 75 mm, 116 mm x 100 mm
Channels 200 mm x 75 mm, 175 mm x 75 mm
150 mm x 75 mm, 125 mm x 65 mm
Angles 150 x 150 mm, 130 x 130 mm
110 x 110 mm, 100 x 100 mm
The health, safety and protection of employees, equipment and the environment are of serious concern
in a steel plant since steel plant is an industry of hazardous nature. The health and safety of employees
is crucial since it affects both economic and social factors. It is necessary that steel plant management
recognizes the advantages of safe work environments and progressively adopt safety management
practices to prevent
hazardous events, avoid production and manpower losses and fallouts associated with the
accidents. Seriously following of safety practices also assists enhancement of employees
knowledge of operation, results into improvement of technical procedures, maintenance of accurate
process safety information and increase in overall plant
productivity. A safe workplace also contributes towards plants competitiveness as well as in profit
As per Board of Directors of World Steel Association, Nothing is more important than the safety and
health of the people who work in the steel industry. Following of safety practices results reduction of
risk to a level that is as low as is reasonably predictable.There are three imperatives for adopting safety
practices. They are ethical, legal and financial. There is a moral obligation placed on the steel plant
management to ensure that the work place and the work activities are safe. There are legal requirements
defined for safe working. Safe working also reduces downtime, improves workmans morale and
promotes systematic working, resulting into substantial reduction in the cost
of production and financial savings.

DSP has always attach maximum importance on proper training and development of
its employees and underlines the need of safety to ensure that their families arent faced with a
difficulty owing to occupational hazards.
The coke oven plants and the Research and Control Laboratory along with RMHP serve as chief
interests of chemical engineers. The preparation of coke, material testing and storage, cleansing
and optimal utilisation of raw materials is done using state of art equipments. Thus all these
procedures ensure that DSP is able to meet up with the
product specification of its clients.
As an undergraduate trainee, one remains in awe of the production ability of such a huge
integrated steel plant. Given the work environment and technology in use at DSP, one can
only conclude that the prosperity of the steel industry is very much on the ascent in this

1) Durgapur Steel Plant An Overview by Centre of Human Resource Development, DSP

The state of the art CCP has 2 Nos machines having 6 strands each.
The other basic details are as follows:

Design limits 80150 sq .mm, casting radius 6 metres ,Casting time 85

Cutoff lengths 6 / 9 / 12 metre.
No of ladle treatment stations : 2
Mould level controller Automatic (Radioactive Co60)

The steel ladle from BOF is taken to the ladle treatment station. At the ladle treatment station, liquid
steel is rinsed with nitrogen to homogenise its temperature and composition. After the rinsing, the ladle
containing liquid steel is placed on the turret and brought over the tundish. The tundish acts as a buffer
and enables the liquid steel to move homogeneously down through the six nozzles, provided at the
bottom of the tundish into moulds. The automatic mould level controller controls the steel level in the
mould. The subsequent primary and secondary cooling transforms the liquid steel into billets of the
required dimensions and is drawn out with the help of a withdrawal and straightener unit and cut into
the required length by the shear provided in each strand.
The continuous casting process is the result of a unique synchronization between Basic Oxygen
Furnace and CCP. Once a ladle is emptied, another ladle is brought into casting position and the casting

The billets are gradually shifted to the cooling beds and then stacked orderly at the dispatch end for
outside dispatch. The details about the cast number and quality of the billets are marked on the billet
stack. The Merchant Mill of Durgapur Steel Plant utilises billets for rolling TMT bars and other
merchant rounds, while a sizeable portion is sold in the domestic and foreign markets.
Ingots weighing 8 tonnes each are heated in the soaking pits (numbering 20) for about 7 to 12 hours at
around 1,200 degrees centigrade and thereafter rolled in the 42 primary and the 32 secondary
blooming mills. These are rolled further into different shapes and sizes in different finishing mills.

Presently, however, only 100 mm2 and

125 mm2 billets are produced. The billets
cast in Continuous Casting Plant are cut
to proper lengths and are allowed to cool
in air, then nondestructive testing is
done before packing and sending to stock
yards according to their quality and size.

Wheel and axle plant was commissioned in 1962 with a capacity to produce 45000 sets per year. Subsequently,
its capacity was raised further to 76000 sets/ year. The Wheel & Axle Plant has undergone a massive
modernization in early 90s. The present capacity of the plant is as follows: Capacity (Wheels) : 42000
Tonnes/ annum
Capacity (Axles) : 16000 Tonnes/ annum Total
plant capacity : 58000 Tonnes/ annum
In Wheel & Axle Plant of DSP, wheels are produced by pressing and rolling while axles are produced by forging.
Subsequently, both are heat treated and machined. For the ease of production, wheel manufacturing section and axle
manufacturing sections are located in two different bays. Tested wheel and tested axles finally meet in the assembly
Raw materials for Wheel Plant:
The raw material for wheel is the 12 sided fluted bottom poured steel ingots of diameter 16 and 14. The Wheel
Plant has the following stages/ equipment:
Rough Shaping of wheel
Heat treatment

Axle Plant:
The raw material is the square bloom rolled in Blooming Mill. The Axle Plant has the following stages/ equipment:
Shaping of axle
Heat treatment

Assembly of wheels and axles is done so as to obtain an interference between the wheel seat of the axle and bore of
the wheel (one mm/ meter diameter of wheel seat).
After the assembly, the set is checked for its track gauge. The wheel seat is checked for warping of the wheel, if
developed at the time of mounting. Assembled seats are finally inspected by Rail India Technical and
Engineering Services (RITES) and certified OK before dispatch. All the sets are printed to avoid seasonal corrosion
and greased to avoid any damage during transportation.

Mixers 2 x 1, 300 t
Converters 3 x 110 t (nominal
heat size)
Molten iron is further refined at the Steel Melting Shop (SMS) to produce steel, which is hard and

At DSP, there are 3 converters (Basic Oxygen Furnace) of 110130 tonnes each. The SMS also has a
Vacuum Arc Degassing (VAD) unit for making special grades of steel.
A major portion of the steel is routed through the Continuous Casting Plant. Another major portion of
the steel is taken to the teeming bay, where it is top poured into 8 tonne ingot moulds for making ingot
steel. A portion of highly controlled steel is cast at the Special Casting Bay into fluted ingots and
special quality blooms. Fluted ingots are bottom poured and are used for making wheel steel for DSPs
Wheel & Axle Plant. A portion of the liquid steel is also bottom poured to make axle ingots.
n front of them may be 3600F to 4200F. Oil, tar, natural gas, powdered coal and oxygen can also be
injected into the furnace at tuyere level to combine with the coke to release additional energy which is
necessary to increase productivity. The molten iron and slag drip past the tuyeres on the way to the
furnace hearth which starts immediately below tuyere level.





Unfinished Wheel: Finished Wheel:

Department Of Mechanical Engineering



Coke production:

The entire coke making operation is comprised of the following steps: Before carbonization, the
selected coals from specific mines are blended, pulverized, and oiled for proper bulk density control.
The blended coal is charged into a number of slot type ovens wherein each oven shares a common
heating flue with the adjacent oven. Coal is carbonized in a reducing atmosphere and the off gas is
collected and sent to the byproduct plant where various byproducts are recovered. Hence, this
process is called byproduct coke making.

The coaltocoke transformation takes place as follows:

The heat is transferred from the heated brick walls into the coal charge. From about 375C to 475C,
the coal decomposes to form plastic layers near each wall. At about 475C to 600C, there is a
marked evolution of tar, and aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, followed by solidification of the
plastic mass into semi coke. At 600C to 1100C, the coke stabilization phase begins. This is
characterized by contraction of coke mass, structural development of coke and final hydrogen
evolution. During the plastic stage, the plastic layers move from each wall towards the center of the
oven trapping the liberated gas and creating in gas pressure build up which is transferred to the
heating wall. Once, the plastic layers have met at the center of the oven, the entire mass has been
carbonized. The incandescent coke mass (see figure) is pushed from the oven and is wet or dry
quenched prior to its shipment to blast furnace.

Byproducts of the coke oven:

The Blast Furnace grade coke produced in Coke Ovens is directly used in Blast Furnaces while the
undersized coke is used for sinter making.
The volatile matters, which emanate during the process of coke making subsequently produce a
variety of byproducts like naphthalene oil, heavy creosote oil, light oil, crude tar partially distilled tar,
Raja brand fertilizer, nitration grade benzene, nitration grade toluene, industrial grade toluene, light
solvent naphtha etc.
The coke oven gas is generally used in combination with the Blast Furnace gas and BOF gas as fuel
and is carried through pipelines to the different areas of the plant. The adjoining Alloy Steels Plant
under SAIL is also supplied with this fuel gas from DSP. No of batteries: 3
No. of ovens per battery: 78
The coke ovens and coal chemicals zone is divided into four basic sections namely coal preparation
plant, coal carbonization plant, and coke handling plant and coal chemicals. Presently, DSP is operating
only three batteries i.e. 273 ovens.
reaching 1200OC). The material is kept moving and suction is applied from the bottom of the bed. The heat travels
down the bed and sintering continues. By the time the material reaches the discharge end, the whole mass is
sintered.The sinter passes through a Sinter Breaker, Hot Sinter Screen, Screen Cooler and Cold Sinter Screens.

The various fractions used are as follows:

For Blast Furnace: +25 mm and +6 to 16 mm

For Hearth Layer: +16 to 25 mm

Return Fines: 6 mm (Recirculated in sinter plant itself)

Return Fines: 5 mm (from the BF to RMHP bed)

Special features of the new Sinter Machine

1. Computerized control of operation.

2. Foolproof dedusting and ventilation facilities.
3. High Chromium Grate Bar (2729% Cr)
4. Spring loaded Sealing System
5. Combined Mixing and Nodulising Drum
6. Base blending and raw material preparation.
Durgapur Steel Plant is one of the integrated steel plants of Steel Authority of India Limited, located in
Durgapur, in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal. It was set up with the help of UK.
DSP is situated about 158 km from Kolkata, its geographical location is defined as 23 27' North and 88 29' east. It
is situated on the banks of the Damodar River in the Bardhhaman District. The Grand Trunk Road and the main
KolkataDelhi railway line pass through Durgapur.

This is the third Integrated Steel Plant of the then Hindustan Steel Limited to come up under public sector in
India. The first two being Rourkela Steel Plant and Bhilai Steel Plant in that order. Durgapur as a location was
selected because of its proximity to coal fields, the Grand Trunk Road, Calcutta Delhi main railway track, Calcutta
Port, power from DVC (Damodar Valley Corporation) and water from Durgapur Barrage on river Damodar.

The plant, covering an area of 6.4 square km was set up with an initial capacity of 1 million tonne per annum
(MTPA) of crude steel by a group of British Companies in the late fifties. With an investment of Rs 189.6 crores
including Rs 17.36 crores for Township development. The plant operated almost at the rated capacity during the
year 1963, 196465 and 196566. The capacity was expanded to 1.6 MTPA in late sixties with an additional
investment of Rs 67.83 crores, out of which Rs 6.31 crores was spent for the township.
The performance of the plant after expansion was much below the rated capacity which called for setting up of a
number committees are as follows:

Deterioration in raw materials quality to a great extent

Aging of the Plant
Obsolete Technology
High energy consumption

Later in the early eighties, British Steel Corporation (a British firm), MECON (an Indian consultancy firm) and
the Japanese Iron & Steel Federation were entrusted with the job of making a developmental plan for DSP after
studying the problems of the plant in detail.
Based on their findings SAIL decided to modernize DSP with a final Government approved definitive cost of Rs 2668
crores in 1989 which later escalated to more than Rs 4500 crores. After modernization the present capacity of the
plant is 1.802 MTPA of crude Steel.
CaCO3 CaO + CO2

This reaction requires energy and starts at about 1600F. The CaO formed from this reaction is used to
remove sulfur from the iron which is necessary before the hot metal becomes steel. This sulfur removing
reaction is:

FeS + CaO + C = CaS + FeO + CO

The CaS becomes part of the slag. The slag is also formed from any remaining Silica (SiO2), Alumina
(Al2O3), Magnesia (MgO) or Calcium Oxide (CaO) that entered with the iron ore, pellets, sinter or coke.
The liquid slag then trickles through the coke bed to the bottom of the furnace where it floats on top of
the liquid iron since it is less dense.
Another product of the ironmaking process, in addition to molten iron and slag, is hot dirty gases.
These gases exit the top of the blast furnace and proceed through gas cleaning equipment where
particulate matter is removed from the gas and the gas is cooled. This gas has a considerable energy
value so it is burned as a fuel in the "hot blast stoves" which are used to preheat the air entering the
blast furnace to become "hot blast". Any of the gas not burned in the stoves is sent to the boiler house
and is used to generate steam which turns a turbo blower that generates the compressed air known as
"cold blast" that comes to the stoves.
In summary, the blast furnace is a countercurrent realtor where solids descend and gases ascend. In
this reactor there are numerous chemical and physical reactions that produce the desired final product
which is hot metal.

A typical hot metal chemistry:

Iron (Fe) = 93.5 95.0%

Silicon (Si) = 0.30 0.90%
Sulfur (S) = 0.025 0.050%
Manganese (Mn) = 0.55 0.75%
Phosphorus (P) = 0.03 0.09%
Titanium (Ti) = 0.02 0.06%
Carbon (C) = 4.1 4.4%

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