Lec2 Ps
Lec2 Ps
Lec2 Ps
Since the 1960s, many of the best algorithms of numerical linear algebra have
been based in one way or another on orthogonality. In this lecture we present
the ingredients: orthogonal vectors and orthogonal (unitary) matrices.
The complex conjugate of a scalar z , written z or z , is obtained by negating
its imaginary part. For real z , z = z .
The hermitian conjugate or adjoint of an m n matrix A, written A, is
the n m matrix whose i; j entry is the complex conjugate of the j; i entry of
A. For example,
2 3 " #
a11 a12 a a a
6 7
A = 4 a21 a22 5 =) A = a a a . 11 21 31
a31 a32 12 22 32
Inner Product
The inner product of two column vectors x; y 2 Cm is the product of the
adjoint of x by y:
xy = xiyi . (2:1)
The Euclidean length of x may be written kxk (vector norms such as this are
discussed systematically in the next lecture), and can be dened as the square
root of the inner product of x with itself:
p X
m !1=2
kxk = x x = jxij .
2 (2:2)
The cosine of the angle between x and y can also be expressed in terms of
the inner product: y
cos = kxk kyk . (2:3)
At various points of this book, as here, we mention geometric interpretations
of algebraic formulas. For these geometric interpretations, the reader should
think of the vectors as real rather than complex, although usually the in-
terpretations can be carried over in one way or another to the complex case
The inner product is bilinear , which means that it is linear in each vector
(x1 + x2) y = x1y + x2 y,
x(y1 + y2) = xy1 + x y2,
(x) (y) = xy.
We shall also frequently use the easily proved property that for any matrices
or vectors A and B of compatible dimensions,
(AB ) = B A. (2:4)
This is analogous to the equally important formula for products of invertible
square matrices,
(AB ) 1 = B 1A 1: (2:5)
The notation A is a shorthand for (A ) 1 or (A 1) ; these two are equal, as
can be veried by applying (2.4) with B = A 1.
Lecture 2 Orthogonal Vectors and Matrices 13
Orthogonal Vectors
A pair of vectors x and y are said to be orthogonal if xy = 0. If x and y
are real, this means they lie at right angles to each other in IRm . Two sets of
vectors X and Y are orthogonal (also stated \X is orthogonal to Y ") if every
x 2 X is orthogonal to every y 2 Y .
A set of nonzero vectors S is orthogonal if its elements are pairwise orthog-
onal, i.e., if for x; y 2 S , x 6= y ) xy = 0. A set of vectors is orthonormal if
it is orthogonal and in addition every x 2 S has kxk = 1.
Theorem 2.1. The vectors in an orthogonal set S are linearly independent.
Proof. If the vectors in S are not independent, then some vk 2 S can be
expressed as a linear combination of other members v1 ; : : : ; vn 2 S ,
vk = c i vi .
Since vk 6= 0, vk vk = kvk k2 > 0. Using the bilinearity of inner products and
the orthogonality of S , we calculate
vk vk = ci vk vi = 0,
i= k
Components of a Vector
The most important idea to draw from the concepts of inner products and or-
thogonality is this: inner products can be used to decompose arbitrary vectors
into orthogonal components.
For example, suppose that fq1; q2; : : : ; qng is an orthonormal set, and let v
be an arbitrary vector. The quantity qjv is a scalar. Utilizing these scalars as
coordinates in an expansion, we nd that the vector
r = v (q1 v)q1 (q2 v)q2 (qn v)qn (2:6)
is orthogonal to fq1; q2 ; ; qn g. This can be veried by computing qir:
qi r = qi v (q1 v)(qi q1 ) (qn v)(qi qn).
This sum collapses, since qiqj = 0 for i 6= j :
qir = qiv (qi v)(qi qi ) = 0.
14 Part I Fundamentals
Thus we see that v can be decomposed into n + 1 orthogonal components:
Xn Xn
v = r + (qi v)qi = r + (qi qi )v. (2:7)
i=1 i=1
In this decomposition, r is the part of v orthogonal to the set of vectors
fq1; q2; : : : ; qng, or equivalently to the subspace spanned by this set of vectors,
and (qi v)qi is the part of v in the direction of qi .
If fqi g is a basis for Cm, then n must be equal to m and r must be the
zero vector, so v is completely decomposed into m orthogonal components in
the directions of the qi:
Xm Xm
v = (qi v)qi = (qi qi )v. (2:8)
i=1 i=1
In both (2.7) and (2.8) we have written the formula in two dierent ways,
once with (qi v)qi and again with (qi qi )v. These expressions are equal, but
they have dierent interpretations. In the rst case, we view v as a sum
of coecients qi v times vectors qi . In the second, we view v as a sum of
orthogonal projections of v onto the various directions qi . The ith projection
operation is achieved by the very special rank-one matrix qi qi. We shall discuss
this and other projection processes in Lecture 6.
Unitary Matrices
A square matrix Q 2 Cmm is unitary (in the real case we also say orthogonal )
if Q = Q 1, i.e, if QQ = I . In terms of the columns of Q, this product can
be written
2 32 3 2 3
q 1 77 66 77 66 1 77
66 q2 77 66 77 66 1 7
66 ... 77 66 q1 q2 qm 77 = 66 . . . 777 .
4 54 5 4 5
qm 1
In other words, qiqj = ij , and the columns of a unitary matrix Q form an
orthonormal basis of Cm. The symbol ij is the Kronecker delta , equal to 1 if
i = j and 0 if i 6= j .
Multiplication by Q
b: Qb:
coecients of coecients of
the expansion of b the expansion of b
in fe1; : : : ; emg in fq1 ; : : : ; qm g
Multiplication by Q
1. Show that if a matrix A is both triangular and unitary, then it is diagonal.
2. The Pythagorean theorem asserts that for a set of n orthogonal vectors fxi g,
Xn X
k xik2 = kxik2.
i=1 i=1