1 Singular Value Decomposition (Recap) : Lecture 7: October 19, 2021
1 Singular Value Decomposition (Recap) : Lecture 7: October 19, 2021
1 Singular Value Decomposition (Recap) : Lecture 7: October 19, 2021
1. {w1 , . . . , wr } form an orthonormal set. They are also eigenvectors for φφ∗ : W → W with
eigenvalues σ12 , . . . , σr2 .
2. For all i ∈ [r ]
φ(vi ) = σi · wi and φ∗ (wi ) = σi · vi .
The values σ1 , . . . , σr are known as the (non-zero) singular values of φ. For each i ∈ [r ], the
vector vi is known as the right singular vector and wi is known as the left singular vector
corresponding to the singular value σi .
Using the above, we can write φ in a particularly convenient form. We first need the
following definition.
Definition 1.3 Let V, W be inner product spaces and let v ∈ V, w ∈ W be any two vectors. The
outer product of w with v, denoted as |w⟩ ⟨v|, is a linear transformation from V to W such that
Note that if ∥v∥ = 1, then |w⟩ ⟨v| (v) = w and |w⟩ ⟨v| (u) = 0 for all u ⊥ v.
Exercise 1.4 Show that for any v ∈ V and w ∈ W, we have
rank (|w⟩ ⟨v|) = dim (im (|w⟩ ⟨v|)) = 1 .
Proposition 1.5 Let V, W be finite dimensional inner product spaces and let φ : V → W be a
linear transformation with non-zero singular values σ1 , . . . , σr , right singular vectors v1 , . . . , vr
and left singular vectors w1 , . . . , wr . Then,
φ = ∑ σi · |wi ⟩ ⟨vi | .
i =1
Exercise 1.6 If φ : V → V is a self-adjoint operator with dim(V ) = n, then the real spectral
theorem proves the existence of an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors, say {v1 , . . . , vn } with corre-
sponding eigenvalues λ1 , . . . , λn . Check that in this case, we can write φ as
φ = ∑ λi · | vi ⟩ ⟨ vi | .
i =1
Note that while the above decomposition has possibly negative coefficients (the λi s), the singular
value decomposition only has positive coefficients (the σi s). Why is this the case?
Using the previous discussion, we can write matrices in convenient form. Let A ∈ Cm×n ,
which can be thought of as an operator from Cn to Cm . Let σ1 , . . . , σr be the non-zero singu-
lar values and let v1 , . . . , vr and w1 , . . . , wr be the right and left singular vectors respectively.
Note that V = Cn and W = Cm and v ∈ V, w ∈ W, we can write the operator |w⟩ ⟨v| as the
matrix wv∗ , there v∗ denotes v T . This is because for any u ∈ V, wv∗ u = w(v∗ u) = ⟨v, u⟩ · w.
Thus, we can write
A = ∑ σi · wi vi∗ .
i =1
Let W ∈ Cm ×rbe a matrix with w1 , . . . , wr as columns, such that ith column equals wi .
Similarly, let V ∈ Cn×r be a matrix with v1 , . . . , vr as the columns. Let Σ ∈ Cr×r be a
diagonal matrix with Σii = σi . Then, check that the above expression for A can also be
written as
A = WΣV ∗ ,
where V ∗ = V T as before.
We can also complete the bases {v1 , . . . , vr } and {w1 , . . . , wr } to bases for Cn and Cm re-
spectively and write the above in terms of unitary matrices.
Definition 2.1 A matrix U ∈ Cn×n is known as a unitary matrix if the columns of U form an
orthonormal basis for Cn .
Proposition 2.2 Let U ∈ Cn×n be a unitary matrix. Then UU ∗ = U ∗ U = id, where id denotes
the identity matrix.
A = Wm Σ′ Vn∗ .
Given a matrix A ∈ Cm×n , we want to find a matrix B of rank at most k which “approxi-
mates” A. For now we will consider the notion of approximation in spectral norm i.e., we
want to minimize ∥ A − B∥2 , where
∥( A − B)v∥2
∥( A − B)∥2 = max .
v ̸ =0 ∥ v ∥2
Proposition 3.1 ∥ A − Ak ∥2 = σk+1 .
where the last equality uses the orthonormality of {v1 , . . . , vn }. We can also complete
w1 , . . . , wr to an orthonormal basis w1 , . . . , wm for Cm . Since ( A − Ak ) is already expressed
in this basis above, we get that
2 * +
r r r
∑ c j σj · w j
= ∑ c j σj · w j , ∑ c j σj · w j = ∑
2 2 2
∥( A − A k ) v ∥2 c j · σ .
j = k +1
j = k +1 j = k +1 j = k +1
Finally, as in the computation with Rayleigh quotients, we have that for any v ̸= 0 ex-
pressed as v = ∑in=1 ci · vi ,
2 2
∥( A − Ak )v∥22 ∑rj=k+1 c j · σj2 ∑rj=k+1 c j · σk2+1
= ≤ ≤ σk2+1 .
∥v∥22 n
∑ i =1 i
| c | 2 n
∑ i =1 i
| c | 2
This gives that ∥ A − Ak ∥2 ≤ σk+1 . Check that it is in fact equal to σk+1 (why?)
Exercise 3.2 Let M ∈ Cm×n be any matrix with singular values σ1 ≥ · · · σr > 0. Then, ∥ M ∥2 =
σ1 i.e., the spectral norm of a matrix is actually equal to its largest singular value.
Thus, we know that the error of the best approximation B is at most σk+1 . To show the
lower bound, we need the following fact.
Exercise 3.3 Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space and let S1 , S2 be subspaces of V. Then,
S1 ∩ S2 is also a subspace and satisfies
Proposition 3.4 Let B ∈ Cm×n have rank( B) ≤ k and let k < r. Then ∥ A − B∥2 ≥ σk+1 .
Proof: By rank-nullity theorem dim(ker( B)) ≥ n − k. Thus, by the fact above
≥ σk2+1 · ∥z∥22 .
Thus, there exists a z ̸= 0 such that ∥( A − B)z∥2 ≥ σk+1 · ∥z∥2 , which implies ∥ A − B∥2 ≥
σk+1 .