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Circular 298 OACI

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The document discusses the various technical publications issued by ICAO including International Standards and Recommended Practices, Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Regional Supplementary Procedures, and Technical Manuals.

ICAO issues International Standards and Recommended Practices (contained in annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation), Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Regional Supplementary Procedures, Technical Manuals, Air Navigation Plans, and ICAO Circulars.

PANS contain operating procedures not yet mature enough for adoption as International Standards and Recommended Practices as well as more detailed material considered too changeable for inclusion in annexes. They are approved worldwide by ICAO Council.

Cir 298


Training Guidelines for

Aircraft Accident

Approved by the Secretary General

and published under his authority

ICAO 2003
6/03, E/P1/1400

Order No. CIR298 June 2003

Printed in ICAO

International Civil Aviation Organization

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Catalogue of ICAO Publications

and Audio-visual Training Aids
Issued annually, the Catalogue lists all publications and audio-visual training aids
currently available.

Monthly supplements announce new publications and audio-visual training aids,

amendments, supplements, reprints, etc.

Available free from the Document Sales Unit, ICAO.



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Chapter 1. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 2. Background experience for investigators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Chapter 3. Training guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Phase 1 Initial training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3 Phase 2 On-the-job training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.4 Phase 3 Basic accident investigation courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.5 Phase 4 Advanced accident investigation courses and additional training . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter 4. Accident investigation course guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.1 Basic course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.2 Advanced course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 Specialty courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13



1. The investigation of an aircraft accident is a task that can be almost unlimited in scope.
Therefore, some investigations will be curtailed by the resources available, unless proper management of
the investigations is exercised. The investigator-in-charge is responsible for ensuring that the expenditure of
the resources available results in an investigation that extracts the maximum benefit to the safety of aviation.
The investigator-in-charge must have the experience to direct the investigation in a manner that ensures
resources are used to the maximum effect and not squandered on irrelevant lines of inquiry. At the same
time, the investigator-in-charge must also ensure, as much as is practicable, that relevant lines of inquiry are
terminated as soon as they have achieved the level beyond which further expenditure of resources will be
uneconomical in terms of enhancing safety.

2. As an investigator gains experience, he will realize that the need to increase his knowledge and
upgrade his skills is a continuing process. While training is essential, the optimization of an investigators
capabilities generally depends upon a personal commitment to excellence.

3. During the Accident Investigation and Prevention (AIG) Divisional Meeting in September 1999,
several States expressed the view that there was a need to develop common standards for the training of
investigators. The training standards were to be compiled in such a way that they would be adaptable to a
variety of cultures and operational requirements. Based on the discussion, the meeting in its
Recommendation 7/2, agreed that ICAO would develop guidelines for the training of investigators.

4. In response to the Recommendation, ICAO developed the training guidelines contained in this
circular. The circular discusses the experience and employment background required for training as an
aircraft accident investigator. It also outlines the progressive training that is considered necessary to qualify
a person for the various investigation roles, including appointment as the investigator-in-charge of an
investigation into a major accident involving a large transport category aircraft. ICAO acknowledges that
training guidelines are evolutionary in nature and may need to be updated periodically.

5. Throughout this circular, with the exception of the definitions in Chapter 1, the use of the male
gender should be understood to include male and female persons and the term accident should be
understood to include incident.

6. ICAO is grateful for the considerable assistance provided by the International Society of Air
Safety Investigators in the preparation of this circular.


Chapter 1

The definition of the terminology is hereby given to ensure that the readers understand the intended
meaning of the terms in the context of this circular.

Accident investigation authority. The State organization responsible for conducting aircraft accident

Accident investigator. A person engaged in the investigation of aircraft accidents, incidents and other
aviation safety hazards.

Accredited representative. A person designated by a State, on the basis of his or her qualifications, for the
purpose of participating in an investigation conducted by another State.

Adviser. A person appointed by a State, on the basis of his or her qualifications, for the purpose of assisting
its accredited representative in an investigation.

Expert/Specialist. A person invited to participate in an investigation, on the basis of his or her specialized
knowledge, skills or experience.

Investigation. A process conducted for the purpose of accident prevention. It includes the gathering and
analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, the determination of causes and the making of
safety recommendations.

Investigator-in-charge. A person charged, on the basis of his or her qualifications, with the responsibility
for the organization, conduct and control of an investigation.

Observer. A person permitted to be present in an investigation for the purpose of observing the
investigation process.


Chapter 2

2.1 Aircraft accident investigation is a specialized task which should only be undertaken by qualified
investigators. Many States establish an accident investigation authority manned by qualified and
experienced investigators. Some States have both an independent accident investigation authority and an
accident investigation unit within the regulatory authority; others rely on investigation by the regulatory
authority alone. Some States do not have any personnel employed solely for aircraft accident investigation.
Such States should train appropriately qualified personnel in the accident investigation techniques required
to participate in or to conduct an aircraft accident investigation. When assigned to an accident investigation,
such personnel should be relieved of their regular duties for the duration of the investigation.

2.2 Potential accident investigators must have considerable practical experience in aviation as a
foundation on which to build their investigation skills. This experience can be acquired from civil or military
qualification as a pilot, aeronautical engineer or aircraft maintenance engineer. Personnel qualified in flight
operations, airworthiness, air traffic management, or aviation related management might also be suitable for
accident investigator training. Since accident investigations will often involve specialized areas, it is
important that those selected for training as investigators understand the aviation infrastructure and are able
to relate to the many different areas of aviation.

2.3 Normally, a small team or even a single investigator conducts the investigation of an accident
involving a general aviation or small commuter aircraft. In these investigations, it is desirable for an
operations investigator to have some technical experience and for an engineering investigator to have some
experience as a pilot. In addition, the investigators should have a comprehensive understanding of the
interrelationship of each of the supporting services that are necessary to operate an aircraft in the aviation

2.4 Since the outcome of an accident investigation is largely dependent upon the aviation
knowledge, skills and experience of the assigned aircraft accident investigators, they should have:

an understanding of the depth of investigation that is necessary in order for the investigation to
conform with the legislation, regulations and other requirements of the State for which they are
conducting the investigation;

a knowledge of aircraft accident investigation techniques;

an understanding of aircraft operations and the relevant technical areas of aviation;

the ability to obtain and manage the relevant technical assistance and resources required to
support the investigation;

the ability to collect, document and preserve evidence;

the ability to identify and analyse pertinent evidence in order to determine the causes and, if
appropriate, make safety recommendations; and

the ability to write a final report that meets the requirements of the accident investigation
authority of the State conducting the investigation.

ICAO Circular 298-AN/172 3

2.5 In addition to technical skills and experience, an accident investigator requires certain personal
attributes. These attributes include integrity and impartiality in the recording of facts; ability to analyse facts
in a logical manner; perseverance in pursuing inquiries, often under difficult or trying conditions; and tact in
dealing with a wide range of people who have been involved in the traumatic experience of an aircraft

Chapter 3


3.1.1 Aircraft accident investigators require different levels of experience, knowledge and training
according to the particular role to which they are assigned. Aircraft accident investigators should receive
training commensurate with their responsibilities as an accident investigator, group leader, investigator-in-
charge, accredited representative, adviser or expert/specialist. The training guidelines and course syllabi
should be planned in such a way that the investigators receive appropriate levels of training that will enable
them to perform efficiently in any of the roles assigned to them by the employer.

3.1.2 Training a person for aircraft accident investigation involves several phases. These phases
include initial training, on-the-job training, a basic accident investigation course and an advanced accident
investigation course supplemented by specialized courses. While on-the-job training is an ongoing process
that continues for many years, there should be sufficient time intervals between each formal course to allow
the investigator to consolidate the information and the techniques learned.

3.1.3 Formal courses are designed to complement on-the-job training by exposing trainee
investigators to a cadre of experts who can pass on the details of their specialties to their students. The
experts are usually recruited from those with experiences in a particular area of accident investigation. They
include experienced investigators, aviation medicine physicians, psychologists, aeronautical engineers and
manufacturers representatives.

3.1.4 In many States, structured courses in aircraft accident investigation are conducted by
universities, manufacturers, military establishments, accident investigation authorities and other educational

3.1.5 ICAO does not endorse specific courses or educational institutions that offer aircraft accident
investigation training. However, the Aviation Training Directory and the ICAO web site (www.icao.int/td) list
institutions that offer aircraft accident investigation courses.


The aim of the initial training is to familiarize new investigators with the legislation in their State and with the
procedures and requirements of the accident investigation authority. The following subjects should be
included in the initial training or indoctrination:

a) Administrative arrangements

Applicable legislation;
International agreements (including Annex 13 Aircraft Accident and Incident
Memoranda of understanding with other organizations;
Liaison arrangements with local and national authorities;
Structure of the States accident investigation authority;
Aircraft accident investigation manuals and procedures;

ICAO Circular 298-AN/172 5

Definitions and accident classification;

Equipment and tools;
Transport arrangements;
Ethics and conduct; and
Expenditure control.

b) Initial response procedures

On-call procedures;
Notification of other national authorities and organizations;
Securing of records, recordings and samples;
Accident site jurisdiction and security;
Investigator safety including psychological stress;
Recovery of human remains;
Requests for autopsies; and
Family assistance.

c) Investigation procedures

Authority and responsibility;

Size and scope of the investigation;
Investigation management;
Use of specialists;
Parties to the investigation, accredited representatives, advisers and observers; and
Release of information to the news media.


Following the initial training, an accident investigation authority should provide on-the-job training for a new
investigator. During this second phase, the new investigator will practice the procedures and tasks covered
in the initial training, and gain familiarity with investigation techniques. This training will also familiarize him
with the investigation tasks at the accident site, the collection of factual information, the analysis of the
factual information and the development of the final report. The conduct of on-the-job training often involves
more than one experienced investigator and is not limited to investigations within the State that employs the


After completing the initial familiarization training, the aircraft accident investigator who is under training
should attend a basic accident investigation course as soon as is practicable, preferably within the first year
of training. A basic course should have a syllabus that includes the subjects discussed in Chapter 4.



3.5.1 Advanced accident investigation courses. As a trained investigator gains experience, he

should be enrolled for an advanced accident investigation course where he can update his knowledge of the
basic techniques and increase his knowledge in special areas relevant to accident investigations.
6 ICAO Circular 298-AN/172

3.5.2 Additional training. Investigators may be called upon to investigate accidents involving a
variety of aircraft types. It is impracticable to train an investigator on each of the aircraft types that he may
encounter. Nevertheless, investigators should have a basic knowledge of most of the major air transport
aircraft types that are operated in their State. It is therefore recommended that investigators attend aircraft
type courses on the most common aircraft types used by the airlines in their State. Preferably, such aircraft
type courses should include specialized technology transport category aircraft (i.e. aircraft equipped with a
glass cockpit, fly-by-wire systems and aircraft which contain composite materials in their structure). There is
no need for each investigator to attend type courses on all the large aircraft types used in their State.
Training on the various aircraft types can be shared equitably among the investigators. For example, one
investigator could be trained on one or two large aircraft types and another investigator on other aircraft
types. Investigators with a technical or engineering background could attend the aircraft type courses for
technical/maintenance personnel. Similarly, investigators with a pilot background could attend the aircraft
type courses for pilots, which could include introductory flight training in a flight simulator.

3.5.3 In accordance with Annex 13, the State of Design and the State of Manufacture participate as
accredited representatives in investigations involving the type of aircraft that are designed or manufactured
in their State. Although the accredited representatives of the State of Design and the State of Manufacture
are usually accompanied by expert advisers from the designer organization and the manufacturer, it is
essential that the investigators, who are appointed as accredited representatives of the State of Design and
the State of Manufacture, have a basic knowledge of the aircraft designed or manufactured in their State.

3.5.4 Other additional training can be obtained by attending conferences and seminars conducted by
aircraft accident investigation organizations, such as the International Society of Air Safety Investigators
(ISASI); by reading related material such as the Aircraft Accident Digest circulars and aircraft accident
reports issued by other States; and by exposure to major investigations as observers at major investigations
on site in other States.1


1. The ICAO Assembly recommends in Appendix V of A33-14 that:

Contracting States cooperate in the investigation of major aircraft accidents or accidents in which the investigation
requires highly specialized experts and facilities, and that to this end Contracting States, to the extent possible, inter

a) provide, on request by other Contracting States, expert assistance and facilities for the investigation of major
aircraft accidents; and

b) afford opportunity to Contracting States seeking investigation experience to attend investigations of major aircraft
accidents, in the interest of developing and furthering investigation expertise.
Chapter 4


4.1.1 Recommended topics

Basic aircraft accident investigation courses should cover the following topics:

the responsibilities of the States involved, as defined in Annex 13 Aircraft Accident and
Incident Investigation;

the accident site considerations, such as security, hazards, safety precautions, wreckage
diagramming, collection of evidence and control of access;

the investigators personal equipment and protective clothing;

the examination and recording of the wreckage and witness marks;

the range of apparatus available for recording evidence;

witness interview techniques;

the full range of in-flight recorders and ground-based recorders;

the determination of the time and origin of any aircraft fires;

crashworthiness and survival aspects;

the properties and the modes of failure of materials used in the aircraft structure;

the design of aircraft systems and likely modes of failure;

aerodynamics and aircraft performance;

the examination of power plants;

human performance;

aviation medicine and pathology; and

the methodology of report writing.

4.1.2 Detailed breakdown of the topics that should be covered General introduction. The first phase of a course should introduce the investigator to the
history of aircraft accident investigation, the development of the international agreements on the conduct of

8 ICAO Circular 298-AN/172

investigations, and the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) adopted by ICAO and its
Contracting States in the field of aircraft accident investigation. The applicable international agreements and
SARPs are contained in Annex 13 Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation. Relevant guidance material is provided in the Manual of Aircraft Accident
Investigation (Doc 6920) and Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation (Doc 9756). A review of
these documents and their salient points is required so that the investigator knows where to find the
information on the relevant topics. General guidance should also be given on the investigation of accidents
involving unlawful interference, both civil and military aircraft or facilities, and inaccessible or missing aircraft. Accident notification procedures. The investigator should be introduced to the accident
notification systems and the appropriate responses to be expected from each State and organization that
are notified. This introduction should cover the ways on how the notification of the occurrence of an accident
initiates the process of an investigation. It should also cover the support to be provided to the accident
investigation authority in the State of Occurrence by the State of Registry, the State of the Operator, the
State of Design, the State of Manufacture, and any other States that are involved by virtue of the number of
their nationals involved in the accident or are involved by providing a permanent base for the investigation
due to their proximity to an accident site. Accident investigators should be made aware of the requirements
of Annex 13 in relation to this phase of an investigation. Preparation for overseas travel in the form of
passports and visas and airport airside passes should be reviewed, as should the benefits of access
provided by the international agreements inherent in Annex 9 Facilitation. Investigation management. The introduction should cover the role of the investigator, the skills
he will need to acquire, and the accident investigation process. He should be made aware of the value of
assessing the availability of resources (such as funding, personnel, equipment and buildings) as well as the
planning for the investigation of a major accident beforehand. He should be given guidelines for determining
the appropriate size and scope of an investigation, the differences between the management of large and
small investigations, and the type of circumstances in which assistance from specialists will contribute to the
success of the investigation. An appreciation of the realities of the limits imposed by the resources available
and the optimum use of those resources should be discussed. The value of memoranda of understanding
with departments and organizations that might be involved in an investigation should also be addressed. Investigators equipment. The equipment to be used during investigations will be determined
not only by availability and cost but also by the means available to transport it to the site. Information on the
use of contemporary aids such as global positioning systems (GPS), satellite telephones, and data links
back to base, as well as on the use of basic items such as compasses and inclinometers should be made
available. Means of recording in extreme wet or cold conditions should not be overlooked. Instruction on the
proper method of taking samples of aircraft fluids and the appropriate containers should also be included. Accident site safety. The safety of personnel at an aircraft accident site is of paramount
importance and must be understood by participants of an investigation. An investigator is a valuable
resource and it is important that he is protected and well equipped to do his work in the field with as little risk
as is practicable and with the optimum efficiency. Aircraft accidents frequently occur in adverse weather
conditions in areas of inhospitable terrain such as mountainsides, swamps and deserts, or in adverse
climatological conditions involving snow and ice or fierce heat. The need to take appropriate measures to
protect those on the site against exposure to the elements, to any hazardous cargo or dangerous materials
released from the aircraft, and against injury or infection must be understood. There are medical risks and
hazards from the aircraft wreckage itself and they must be explained to the investigators. Another subject
that must be covered is how to deal with psychological stress of investigators and other personnel with
exposure at an accident site. Disease is an ever-present risk and inoculations against such risks as
hepatitis, malaria and tetanus are essential. The use of protective equipment against airborne and blood
borne pathogens should be demonstrated. Utilities such as gas mains, electricity transmission lines and
main transport routes require special consideration. Finally, a plan for aid and rescue in the event of an
accident involving personnel at the site is required by many occupational health and safety organizations
and is also dictated by common sense.
ICAO Circular 298-AN/172 9 Protection of evidence. To establish a suitable environment for a competent examination of

the area and the accident debris, measures should be taken to protect the wreckage from fires,
meteorological hazards and souveniring. The need to give priority to recording transient evidence, securing
light objects that may be lost in the wind, and recording ground scars and other site markings that may
become obliterated should be addressed. The conduct of interviews with the rescue personnel should also
be discussed in order to facilitate the determination of the movement of items of wreckage, which they may
have caused inadvertently. Initial action at the accident site. The investigator should be given a thorough understanding
of the numerous considerations that should be taken into account at the accident site. With some exceptions
such as accidents involving missing aircraft or resulting in wreckage that is inaccessible, the accident site is
the primary area of investigation. The methods of apportioning time effectively, prioritizing the types of
information to be gathered, plotting the position of surface marks, and identifying and plotting the position of
items of wreckage, as well as the preparation for the removal of any exhibits to a secure site are important
considerations that the investigator should become familiar with from the outset. Information gathering techniques. The investigator under training should be introduced to the
methods of gathering and reviewing relevant documentation and procedures; the interview techniques used
for different types of witnesses; the transcription of air traffic services and other recordings; and the review of
aerodrome facilities, emergency services responses and meteorological data. Communication and recording media. The various media available for communicating to and
from an accident site and for recording the evidence at the accident site and throughout the investigation are
essential elements of an investigation course. Digital video cameras and digital cameras, standard film
photography, laptops and hand-held computers with connections via satellite telephones to sources of
information of immediate use at the accident site, and tape recorders are all useful for recording the
available information as accurately and rapidly as is practicable. As each type of equipment is evolving
rapidly, it is an essential subject in the training of an investigator. Witness interviews. The range of witnesses varies with physical condition, nature of
involvement, and differences in ethnic backgrounds. They will also vary in their value based on their
understanding of the required information and their proximity to the scene. They may be a visual witness
who saw an event or an aural witness who heard a sound or relevant conversation. The preparation for
interviews, information to be gleaned from body language, the relative positioning of the interviewer and
interviewee, preparation of the questions to be asked, the use of open questions, the art of listening and
general conduct of the interview, the use of recorders such as video cameras and tape recorders, the value
of written statements and signed transcripts must be considered. The precautions to be taken when
interviewing the injured or persons in ill health, the young, the aged, and hostile witnesses as well as the use
of experts in the field of inquiry should be discussed. Recorders. In addition to the flight recorders, there are many other forms of recorders used in
the aviation industry, from the security cameras on the aerodrome perimeter fence to the maintenance
recorders in the aircraft, each with potential use to an investigator. The value of each form of recorder, the
methods of interpreting and downloading the information, and the sources of readout must be in the course
syllabus. Equally, the value of manufacturers expertise in recovering information from damaged recorders
(such as global positioning receivers, solid-state flight recorders and inertial navigation unit components)
should be explored. Another aspect of importance is the means of locating the flight recorders and
recovering them from locations that are difficult to reach. Recorders at air traffic services facilities,
particularly those that record radar returns, should be the subject of a separate study and guidance
regarding their potential use to an investigation. Examination of relevant maintenance documents. The maintenance history of the aircraft is
established primarily from the records held by the operator. However, the investigator must learn to establish
10 ICAO Circular 298-AN/172

whether the maintenance, inspection procedures and servicing that are recorded as having been completed
have in fact been carried out, and he must also learn to determine the adequacy of the specified
maintenance procedures. Fires and explosions. The evidence available to distinguish an in-flight fire or explosion from
post-accident fires forms a valuable lesson that must be passed on to the new investigator. The means of
determining the ignition source and the fuel supply of a fire are important. It is necessary to teach about the
effectiveness of fire fighting measures available on board the aircraft and the means for preventing post-
accident fires during an investigation. Survival aspects. The chances of occupants surviving an accident can be assessed and the
means to do so should be given to the accident investigator. The investigator should know the formulae for
impact force calculations and the various forms of attenuating impact forces. A discussion on the limits of
human tolerance to heat and impact forces is worthwhile, as are the effects of toxic by-products of the
accident environment. The efficiency of the rescue and fire fighting services, standard pre-flight passenger
briefing spiels, restraint systems, seat anchorages and aids to egress from the aircraft are items that should
be studied under this heading. It is also very important to review the factors that affect the occupants
chances of surviving the accident. The means of determining the after effects of a fire on the occupants and
the fires impediment to passenger evacuation must be discussed, as must the availability of such items as
smoke hoods and smoke goggles. An understanding of the methods used to protect the aircraft occupants
from the impact forces and post-impact effects (such as thermal stress and water immersion) is very
important for the accident investigator. He must be able to assess the effectiveness of the methods and
make recommendations which will provide better protection for the occupants in the future. Structures. As the basis for the examination of the wreckage, the study of structures is an area
of prime interest to the investigator. The study of structures should comprise metallurgy, fibre reinforced
plastics and timber structures, stress analysis and the strength of these materials. It should also include the
various modes of failure and the characteristics of such failures in the materials used in aircraft structures.
The methods of failure analysis, reconstruction of areas of interest in the airframe, and the evidence of the
various modes of failure are important considerations. The various types of flight controls and landing gear
structures should also be studied under this heading. This section of the syllabus should cover the advanced
equipment used in the study of failure mechanisms, the preparation of samples for examination by such
equipment, and the methods for comparative testing of similar materials. The study of structures also
provides a platform for introducing the means of wreckage trajectory analysis. Every effort should be made
to provide examples of the various failure modes in materials used in aircraft construction. Systems. Aircraft systems vary from mechanical controls that are still found in general aviation
aircraft to the fly-by-wire systems already extant in wide-bodied transport aircraft. There are a wide variety of
systems that the investigator should become familiar with in general terms. However, the focus should be on
the resources available to assist the investigator in the event of an accident involving a complex system and
on common causes of system failure that might be experienced. A lead to system health can often be found
in past maintenance records or on-board recorders. It is necessary to discuss, in general terms, fuel,
hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, pressurization, flight control, instruments, navigation, autopilot and
instrument systems. Other topics that should be considered include software failures in airborne computers
and the adequacy of the protection against catastrophic events ensuing from such failures. Aerodynamics. The common areas of aerodynamics that frequently assume importance in an
investigation are those related to performance and in-flight structural failure caused by overload or flutter. A
review of basic aerodynamics and the means of detecting failure from aerodynamic factors should be
included in the investigators basic training. The topics of engine failure recognition speed, V1 and V2, climb
gradient, over-speed, engine-out performance, icing and stability also deserve special attention. Power plants. The detailed analysis of power plants is normally the subject of a separate
course and is usually carried out in conjunction with the engine manufacturers representatives.
ICAO Circular 298-AN/172 11

Nevertheless, the explanation of the basic principles of reciprocating and turbine engines has a place in
basic and advanced investigation courses. The same is true with regards to the analysis of damage to
propellers and helicopter rotors, and a general overview of methods of evaluating damage to determine if
further investigation of the particular propeller or engine is warranted. For example, propellers and turbines
can give a worthwhile indication of an absence of engine power at the time of impact. This is another subject
in which examples of failures and accident damage form an essential part of the course. Rotary wing aircraft. A general introduction to the principles of flight for helicopters and their
control systems is relevant. However the subject of investigating helicopter and other rotary wing aircraft
accidents is usually the subject of a separate specialty course. Organizational information. Organizational and management information is a section of the

final report format and it concerns the organizations and the management involved in influencing the
operation of the aircraft. The organizations include, for example, the operator; the air traffic services, airway,
aerodrome and weather service agencies; and the regulatory authority. Conducting a review of the
organizational structure and functions as well as the management policies and practices of the agencies,
authorities and aircraft operator involved is a subject that should be covered. For example, an investigator
should have the competence to review an aircraft operators management functions, policies and practices
in their entirety. There are many aspects of the supervisory process which may have a direct bearing on the
accident, such as acceptance of inadequate flight crew qualifications; deficient guidance material;
maintenance shortcuts; improper crew rostering; failure to provide proper training in aircraft type;
shortcomings in crew resource management; and unreasonable pressure to complete schedules on time.
The methods of investigating management and organizational aspects of an organization to determine the
presence of any risk factors or other shortcomings is a requirement of a well-rounded accident investigation
course. An examination of the means of supervision is very important and will include a review of orders,
regulations, manuals and independent audits as well as the performance of supervisors, instructors and
company management. Human performance. No accident investigation can be complete without a thorough

consideration of Human Factors issues involved. The demands of the environment and the aircraft on the
human often approach the physiological and psychological limits of the flight crew, maintenance and
servicing crews, air traffic services personnel and other personnel required to support aircraft operations.
The study of human limitations, communications, fatigue, decision-making processes, flight crew health and
the information available from post-mortem examinations are vital components of this section of an
investigation course. An examination of the handling of the aircraft will encompass the areas of operations
and training.

a) The area of operations includes the man-machine relationship and the actions or lack of actions
in the events leading to the accident. The investigation in this area covers specifically how the
flight crew members reacted, analysed and attempted to cope with the complexities of the flight.

b) The area of training will cover the extent and adequacy of the training relevant to the accident
flight. The Manual of Civil Aviation Medicine (Doc 8984), the Human Factors Training Manual
(Doc 9683), the Human Factors Guidelines for Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems
(Doc 9758) and the Human Factors Guidelines for Safety Audits Manual (Doc 9806) are
references which can be used in this section of the training. Determination of the flight crews suitability for the flight. The flight crew members are
required to meet certain licensing, training and experience requirements before conducting any flight. In
addition, they must be fit for their duty and the complement of the crew must be appropriate. Familiarity with
the flight crew documentation and requirements is essential. Fitness of the flight crew for the flight can be
considered as part of several Human Factor considerations and should be explained in detail.
12 ICAO Circular 298-AN/172 Methods of analysing the factual information gathered. There are several structured
procedures for analysing the evidence and facts determined during the investigation. Knowledge of these
procedures will enable the investigator to establish whether further investigation is required in order to
complete the investigation or to test any hypotheses that the investigation team is considering. Report writing. Report writing is an integral responsibility of an accident investigator. ICAO has
developed a format for writing reports that leads logically from the history of the flight to the safety
recommendations. There is a minimum of duplication and a full consideration of aspects of the flight that are
relevant to the improvement of safety. Knowledge of this format and process gives the investigator a sound
basis for drafting the final report, including the formulation of appropriate safety recommendations. The news media and public relations. Almost any aircraft accident is of interest to the news
media and will to some extent involve the investigator-in-charge in public relations activities. There are two
aspects to this subject: the information made available to the public, and the more specialized approach to
the survivors and the families of those involved in an accident. The importance of keeping others informed
on the progress of an investigation, while not speculating as to causes and protecting the privacy of those
who assist with sensitive information, must be explained to investigators. The Guidance on Assistance to
Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families (Cir 285) is a sound basis for addressing this subject.


4.2.1 Recommended topics Most topics covered in the basic course will also apply to advanced courses, but the instructors
are expected to vary their treatment of these topics to suit the purpose of the course and the experience
level of the students. In addition to the review of the topics in the basic course, an advanced course should
cover the topics in to In general, an advanced course is desirable for preparing an investigator for the responsibilities
of group leader or investigator-in-charge of a major investigation. Such a course should aim to give the
investigator an understanding of and some competence in the organization of a major accident investigation. In addition to the review of the organization of a major investigation, topics that should be
discussed include:

the provision of family assistance to those involved in an accident;

relations with the media;
an introduction to methods for cataloguing a large number of fragments of wreckage;
management of a large accident site for security, safety and protection of the personnel;
preparation of briefings and answers to formal questions for members of government;
the methods of undertaking investigations that involve both civil and military aircraft; and
liaison with the law enforcement authorities in accidents involving unlawful interference. Other specific subjects which should be included in advanced courses include:

techniques used to investigate accident damaged systems that involve specialized technologies
such as glass cockpit, fly-by-wire systems, GPS, and enhanced ground proximity warning
systems (EGPWS);
reconstruction of evidence recorded in damaged solid state recorders;
the use of virtual video presentations in large structural reconstructions of wreckage; and
the use of computer simulations and programmes for flight simulators to recreate aspects of the
aircrafts flight path which are of interest to the investigation.
ICAO Circular 298-AN/172 13


4.3.1 Specialty courses may be introduced to an investigator at any stage after a basic course. The
courses would augment the skills and knowledge acquired by the inspector in order to meet the needs of a
particular area of accident investigation that is relevant to his assigned duties.

4.3.2 For topics such as helicopter accident investigation, gas turbine engine accident investigation,
accident survival aspects, fires and explosions, Human Factor investigation, family assistance and media
relations, they are generally extensive enough to warrant a short course of their own with a specialized

4.3.3 Description of the systems involving specialized technologies (such as glass cockpit, fly-by-wire
systems, GPS, electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) and EGPWS) is usually provided during aircraft
type courses. However, aircraft type courses do not include the investigation aspects nor the investigation
techniques of such complex systems. Extensive information can be obtained from memory chips and other
solid state electronic circuits used in new technology systems. Increasingly, the investigation techniques for
solid state electronic circuits are covered in accident investigation courses. Nevertheless, aircraft accident
investigation authorities should contact the manufacturers of such systems for specialty courses, since most
manufacturers have accident investigators and support personnel that are familiar with the systems and the
investigation techniques required to extract the information stored in the systems.


The following summary gives the status, and also maturity for adoption as International Standards and
describes in general terms the contents of the various Recommended Practices, as well as material of a more
series of technical publications issued by the permanent character which is considered too detailed for
International Civil Aviation Organization. It does not incorporation in an Annex, or is susceptible to frequent
include specialized publications that do not fall amendment, for which the processes of the Convention
specifically within one of the series, such as the would be too cumbersome.
Aeronautical Chart Catalogue or the Meteorological
Tables for International Air Navigation. Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS)
have a status similar to that of PANS in that they are
International Standards and Recommended approved by the Council, but only for application in the
Practices are adopted by the Council in accordance with respective regions. They are prepared in consolidated
Articles 54, 37 and 90 of the Convention on form, since certain of the procedures apply to
International Civil Aviation and are designated, for overlapping regions or are common to two or more
convenience, as Annexes to the Convention. The regions.
uniform application by Contracting States of the
specifications contained in the International Standards is
recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of
international air navigation while the uniform
application of the specifications in the Recommended The following publications are prepared by authority
Practices is regarded as desirable in the interest of of the Secretary General in accordance with the
safety, regularity or efficiency of international air principles and policies approved by the Council.
navigation. Knowledge of any differences between the
national regulations or practices of a State and those Technical Manuals provide guidance and
established by an International Standard is essential to information in amplification of the International
the safety or regularity of international air navigation. In Standards, Recommended Practices and PANS, the
the event of non-compliance with an International implementation of which they are designed to facilitate.
Standard, a State has, in fact, an obligation, under
Article 38 of the Convention, to notify the Council of Air Navigation Plans detail requirements for
any differences. Knowledge of differences from facilities and services for international air navigation in
Recommended Practices may also be important for the the respective ICAO Air Navigation Regions. They are
safety of air navigation and, although the Convention prepared on the authority of the Secretary General on
does not impose any obligation with regard thereto, the the basis of recommendations of regional air navigation
Council has invited Contracting States to notify such meetings and of the Council action thereon. The plans
differences in addition to those relating to International are amended periodically to reflect changes in
Standards. requirements and in the status of implementation of the
recommended facilities and services.
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)
are approved by the Council for worldwide application. ICAO Circulars make available specialized
They contain, for the most part, operating procedures information of interest to Contracting States. This
regarded as not yet having attained a sufficient degree of includes studies on technical subjects.

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