Dash User Guide
Dash User Guide
Dash User Guide
This is a basic guide to help you use and troubleshoot issues while working with the Rev Dash tool
How to type:
The first step in Dash is transcribing the video (typing out the dialogue and atmospherics) while breaking the text
into caption groups by using the enter key.
Deciding where to break the caption groups throughout the video is the key to a quick overall process. Your
caption group will wrap to a second line and turn red when it is too long.
General Use
How to sync:
After you are done typing you can move to the sync step using the button in the upper right corner of Dash. This
will move you to the syncing stage where you can use the up arrow key to sync a caption. You should sync your
captions so that the audio matches the beginning of every caption group.
If you sync a
Caption at the
incorrect time,
you can undo
the action by
using ctrl + z
or use the side
arrows to
nudge the
caption groups
along the
General Use
How to sync:
After youve typed out the video, you sync the caption groups to the video so they appear on-screen at the same time as
when the dialogue or atmospheric occurs in the audio.
To do this, you again press the TAB key to play/pause the video and use SHIFT+TAB to skip back in the video and the UP
arrow key to sync.
Note: When you press the UP arrow to sync, Dash automatically bumps your timestamp forward by second to
compensate for normal lag in human reaction time.
How to sync:
General Use
Note: You can edit caption text at any time. Pause the video using Tab, and click into the text list beneath the
video. Correct typos, add atmospherics, edit overly-long captions (highlighted in red), etc. 7
General Use
Since Dash pre-sets the end times for you, you will need to check for caption groups overlapping on screen text in
the syncing step.
1. 2. 3.
General Use
How to submit:
When all caption groups have been synced the submit button will highlight so that you can submit your work.
General Use
How to unclaim:
To unclaim a project, visit the Project tab, found in the top menu and select Unclaim. You can unclaim any
job within the first hour without penalty.
Playback speed:
Click this button to the left of the video player to change the video playback speed. This means you can
slow down the video during the while typing and speed it up to sync even faster. There are also hot-keys so
you can speed up and slowdown without taking your hands off the keyboard.
Splitting Captions:
Click anywhere within a caption group and hit the enter key to split a caption at that location.
Merging Captions:
You can combine caption groups to adjust timing and or make longer caption groups. There are two ways to merge
caption groups. You can use your mouse to hover in between the two captions you want to merge. An icon with a
will appear, and you can click that to merge the surrounding captions. Alternately, you can move your cursor in front of
the second caption group and hit the backspace button to merge it the group to the one before it. 15
Multi-line Captions:
Use the shift + enter keys to create a multi-line
caption group to better display crosstalk. Note: In a
multi-line caption group, no more than 30 characters
per line otherwise the caption group will turn red.
Deleting Captions:
There are a few ways to remove a caption group. You
can use hotkeys, the x icon that appears on hover
or backspace. You can find the hot keys under the
keyboard shortcut menu.
Nudging Captions:
Save time editing sync times by using the side arrow
keys to nudge the caption start time forward or
back while syncing. You can also use your mouse to
drag the caption group as well.
Deleting Syncing:
If you need to remove all the syncing progress that
you have made, visit the Edit menu and select
Un-sync All.
Working Offline
To do this you will need to download the video file to your computer, and then upload it to Dash.
Note: for privacy reasons, if you download a customer video to your computer, you must immediately
delete it after you submit the finished project.
Working Offline
Working Offline
Saving offline:
When you are offline, Dash saves your work every few seconds to the browser. As long as you do not close
your web page or navigate to another website while offline, your work is safe.
When you go back online, your work will sync with any progress you had previously made online.
To ensure your work is being saved, check the message next to the red save button.
How to Recover Your Work
In case of moments where your cat tries to help or your computer decides it knows better, you can use the
Recover feature to restore earlier versions of your work to minimize your loses.
To use this option, visit the Project menu and select Recover.
Within Dash you can use Ctrl + z to undo most actions. Simply use the hotkey combination to unsync your
last synced caption group or delete the last word you typed.
Basic Troubleshooting
There are a few automatic checks in place that will will prevent you from submitting a file. This is to ensure
that common errors do not occur.
Rev saves your work for you while you complete your file. When you are connected to the internet we automatically
back-up your file to our server. When you are offline, Rev saves your work to your open browser page.
Basic Troubleshooting
If you get the above error message, when trying to add a caption between two synced captions, there are
two actions you can take.
2. Combine some of the surrounding captions so that there is room in the timeline to add a new captions
Basic Troubleshooting
1. You can type outside of Dash in another tool and copy and paste you work into the typing step. Dash
will automatically create a new caption group for each line. Then you can move to the sync step to
check your work and sync the file.
2. You can upload an SRT file to Dash. To do this, visit the Project menu and select upload SRT, select
your file and you are good to go.
Use the Recover feature from the Project menu to restore earlier versions of your work to minimize
your loses.
Basic Troubleshooting
To do this you will need to download the video file to your computer, and then upload it to Dash.
Note: for privacy reasons, if you download a customer video to your computer, you must delete it after
you submit the finished project.
Basic Troubleshooting
Yes, sometimes the video size is larger than normal and it will expand large enough to push the
caption list in the syncing step off the screen. To remedy this, grab the grippies in the lower, left
hand corner of the media player and drag the corner to minimize the video size.
Basic Troubleshooting
I am experiencing a lot of lagging in the syncing stage, is there a way to correct this?
Yes, there are a few things that can be done to correct this.
1. Disable all chrome extensions, yes that includes speed controllers and text expanders.
2. Refresh the page, sometimes there is a build up of data that needs to be cleared, refreshing the
browser page will fix this.
3. Switch to Firefox if using Chrome.
4. Close all unnecessary programs running on your computer.
Basic Troubleshooting
Sometimes, you want a second opinion or how to format something, label a speaker correctly, or just
identifying a word correctly. The best way to do this is to have a fellow revver Lend an Ear.
Share your video on the forum by using a link created in Dash. This link will keep customers videos
private, yet allow you to get some help.
To get this link, visit the Video menu within Dash and select Share Video. This will copy the link to
your click board so you can just paste it in the forum.
To view the video, click on the link and use your play/pause and skip back hot keys.