Corporation Code
Corporation Code
Corporation Code
6. Effect of mismanagement
A partner as such can The suit against a
sue a co-partner who member of the
mismanages board of directors
or trustees who
be in the name of CORPORATION (The Corporation Code
the corporation of the Philippines Annotated, Hector de
Leon, 2002 ed.)
7. Right of succession
Partnership has no Corporation has ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGE
right of succession right of succession S
1. has a legal 1. complica-
8. Extent of liability to third persons capacity to act and ted in formation and
Partners are liable Stockholders are
contract as a distinct management b.private by private persons alone
unit in its own name 2. high cost
2. continuity of of formation and or with the State.
existence operations 2. AS TO FUNCTIONS
3. its credit is 3. its credit is a. public government of a portion
strengthened by its weakened by the
continuity of existence limited liability of the territory; and
4. centralized feature b. private usually for profit-making
management in the 4. lack of
board of directors. personal element. 3. AS TO GOVERNING LAW
5. its creation, 5. greater a. public Special Laws; and
management, degree of
organization and governmental b. private Law on Private
dissolution are supervision Corporations
standardized as they 6. manage- 4. AS TO LEGAL STATUS
are governed under ment and control
one general are separated from a. De jure corporation organized in
incorporation law. ownership. accordance with the requirements
6. limited liability 7. Stockhol- of law.
7. shareholders ders have little voice
are not the general in the conduct of the b. De facto corporation organized
agents of the business business. with a colorable compliance with
8. transferability of the requirements of a valid law.
shares Its existence cannot be inquired
collaterally. Such inquiry may be
FRANCHISES OF CORPORATION made by the Solicitor General in
1. Primary or corporate franchise/General a quo warranto proceeding. (Sec.
Franchise 20)
The right or privilege granted by the Requisites:
State to individuals to exist and act as a 1. The existence of a valid law
corporation after its incorporation. under which it may be
2. Secondary or special franchise incorporated;
The special right or privilege conferred 2. A bona fide attempt in good
upon an existing corporation to the faith to incorporate under
business for which it was created. such law;
Example, use of the streets of a 3. Actual use or exercise in
municipality to lay pipes or tracks, or good faith of corporate
operation of a messenger and express powers; and
delivery service. 4. Issuance of a certificate of
incorporation by the SEC as
PRIMARY SECONDARY a minimum requirement of
Refers to the Refers to the exercise continued good faith.
franchise of being or of rights. Example: The only difference
existing as a right of eminent
between a de facto
corporation domain
corporation and a de jure
Vested in the Vested in the corporation is that a de jure
individuals who corporation after its corporation can successfully
compose the incorporation and not resist a suit by a state
corporation upon the individuals
who compose the
brought to challenge its
corporation. existence; a de facto
Cannot be sold or May be sold or corporation cannot sustain its
transferred because transferred; subject to right to exist.
it is inseparable from sale on execution, c. Corporation by estoppel group of
the corporation itself. subject to levy.
persons that assumes to act as a
corporation knowing it to be
CLASSES OF CORPORATION without authority to do so, and
1. AS TO ORGANIZERS enters into a transaction with a
a. public by State only; and third person on the strength of
such appearance. It cannot be
permitted to deny its existence in in the board meetings of its
an action under said transaction. subsidiary.
(Sec. 21) It is neither de jure nor 7. AS TO PLACE OF
d. Corporation by prescription a. Domestic corporation- a
corporation formed, organized, or
one which has exercised
existing under Philippine laws.
corporate powers for an indefinite
period without interference on the b. Foreign corporation a
part of the sovereign power, e.g. corporation formed, organized, or
Roman Catholic Church. existing under any laws other
5. AS TO EXISTENCE OF SHARES OF than those of the Philippines.
STOCK (Sec. 123)
a. Stock corporation a corporation
(1) whose capital stock is divided A corporation wherein all or
into shares and (2) which is
substantially all of the stocks is held
authorized to distribute to
directly or indirectly by one person.
shareholders dividends or However, it should still follow the formal
allotments of the surplus profits
requirements of a corporation (e.g.
on the basis of the shares held.
number of incorporators, board of
(Sec. 3) directors composed of stockholders
b. Non-stock corporation does not owning shares in a nominal capacity) in
issue stocks nor distribute order to validly enjoy the attributes of the
dividends to their members. corporation, so as to avoid the application
6. AS TO RELATIONSHIP OF of the doctrine of piercing the veil of
MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL corporate entity.
a. Holding Corporation - it is one
which controls another as a TESTS TO DETERMINE NATIONALITY
subsidiary by the power to elect OF CORPORATIONS
management. It is one that holds 1. INCORPORATION TEST
stocks in other companies for determined by the state of incorporation,
purposes of control rather than for
regardless of the nationality of the
mere investment.
b. Subsidiary Corporation - one
which is so related to another 2. DOMICILE TEST determined by the
corporation that the majority of its state where it is domiciled.
directors can be elected directly The domicile of a corporation is the
or indirectly by such other place fixed by the law creating or
corporation. (The Corporation recognizing it; in the absence thereof, it
Code of the Philippines shall be understood to be the place where
Annotated, Hector de Leon, 2002 its legal representation is established or
ed.) where it exercise its principal functions.
c. Affiliates - company which is (Art. 51, NCC)
subject to common control of a 3. CONTROL TEST determined by the
mother holding company and
operated as part of the system. nationality of the controlling stockholders
or members. This test is applied in times
d. Parent and Subsidiary Corporation
- separate entities with power to of war. Also known as the WARTIME
contract with each other. The TEST.
board of directors of the parent
company determines its PHILIPPINE NATIONAL UNDER THE
representatives to attend and FOREIGN INVESTMENT ACT OF 1991
(R.A. No. 7042):
vote in the stockholders meeting
of its subsidiary. The 1. A corporation organized under the laws
stockholders of the parent of the Philippines of which at least 60% of
the outstanding capital stock entitled to
company demand representation
vote is owned and held by Filipino Articles of corporation) or
citizens; Incorporation member (non-stock
2. A foreign corporation licensed as doing corporation)
business in the Philippines of which 100% fait accompli; they may cease to
of the outstanding capital stock entitled to accomplished fact (the be such if they
Articles of subsequently lose
vote is wholly owned by Filipinos; and Incorporation cannot their qualifications
However, it provides that where a be amended to replace
corporation and its non-Filipino them)
stockholders own stocks in a SEC- number is limited to 5- no restriction as to
registered enterprise, at least 60% of the 15 number
capital stock outstanding and entitled to must have contractual may be such
vote of both corporations and at least capacity through a guardian
60% of the members of the board of
directors of both corporations must be OTHER COMPONENTS
Filipino citizens (double 60% rule). a. Promoter - A person who, acting alone
NOTE: The law applies the control test or with others, takes initiative in founding
both with respect to the ownership of and organizing the business or enterprise
shares entitled to vote and the of the issuer and receives consideration
membership in the board of directors. therefor.
He is an agent of the incorporators but
COMPONENTS OF A CORPORATION not of the corporation.
a. Corporators those who compose a Contracts by the promoter for and in
corporation, whether as stockholders or behalf of a proposed corporation
members generally bind only him, subject to and to
b. Incorporators - They are those the extent of his representations, and not
mentioned in the Articles of Incorporation the corporation, unless and until after
as originally forming and composing the these contracts are ratified, expressly or
corporation, having signed the Articles impliedly, by its Board of
and acknowledged the same before a Directors/Trustees.
notary public. They have no powers b. Subscriber persons who have
beyond those vested in them by the agreed to take and pay for original,
statute. unissued shares of a corporation formed
Qualifications: or to be formed.
1. natural person;
2. not less than 5 but not more than c. Underwriter a person who
15; guarantees on a firm commitment and/ or
3. of legal age; declared best effort basis the distribution
4. majority must be residents of the and sale of securities of any king by
Philippines; and another company. (Sec. 3 R.A. 8799)
5. each must own or subscribe to at
least one share. (Sec. 10) CLASSIFICATION OF SHARES
GENERAL RULE: Only natural persons 1. COMMON SHARES
can be incorporators. The basic class of stock ordinarily and
EXCEPTION: When otherwise allowed usually issued without extraordinary rights
by law, e.g., Rural Banks Act of 1992, and privileges, and the owners thereof
where incorporated cooperatives are are entitled to a pro rata share in the
allowed to be incorporators of rural banks. profits of the corporation and in its assets
Note: However, it is undeniable that upon dissolution and, likewise, in the
corporations can be corporators. management of its affairs without
c. Stockholders owners of shares of preference or advantage whatsoever.
stock in a stock corporation Those issued with par value, and
d. Members corporators of a preferences either with respect to (a)
corporation which has no capital stock assets after dissolution, (b) distribution of
dividends, or both, and other preferences.
signatory to the stockholder (stock
a. If deprived of voting rights, it shall still Treasury shares need not be sold at
be entitled to vote on matters enumerated par or issued value but may be sold at the
in Section 6 paragraph 6. best price obtainable, provided it is
b. Preference must not be violative of the reasonable. When treasury shares are
Code. sold below its par or issued value, there
c. May be issued only with a stated par can be no watering of stock because such
value. watering contemplates an original
d. The board of directors may fix the issuance of shares.
terms and conditions only when so Treasury shares have no voting rights
authorized by the articles of incorporation as long as they remain in treasury
and such terms and conditions shall be (uncalled and subject to reissue).
effective upon filing a certificate thereof Reason: A corporation cannot in any
with the SEC. proper sense be a stockholder in itself
3. REDEEMABLE SHARES and equal distribution of voting rights will
Those which permit the issuing be effectively lost.
corporation to redeem or purchase its Neither are treasury shares entitled to
own shares. dividends or assets because dividends
Limitations: cannot be declared by a corporation to
a. Redeemable shares may be issued itself.
only when expressly provided for in the 5. FOUNDERS' SHARE
articles of incorporation; Shares issued to organizers and
b. The terms and conditions affecting promoters of a corporation in
said shares must be stated both in the consideration of some supposed right or
articles of incorporation and in the property.
certificates of stock representing such Shares classified as such in the
shares; articles of incorporation which may be
c. Redeemable shares may be given special preference in voting rights
deprived of voting rights in the articles and dividend payments. But if an
of incorporation, unless otherwise exclusive right to vote and be voted for as
provided in the Code. director is granted, this privilege is subject
Redeemable shares may be to approval by the SEC, and cannot
redeemed, regardless of the existence of exceed 5 years from the date of approval.
unrestricted retained earnings (Sec. 8), 6. VOTING SHARES
provided that the corporation has, after Shares with a right to vote.
such redemption, sufficient assets in its 7. NON-VOTING SHARES
books to cover debts and liabilities Shares without right to vote.
inclusive of capital stock. The law only authorizes the denial of
4. TREASURY SHARES voting rights in the case of redeemable
Shares that have been earlier issued shares and preferred shares, provided
as fully paid and have thereafter been that there shall always be a class or
acquired by the corporation by purchase, series of shares which have complete
donation, and redemption or through voting rights.
some lawful means. (Sec. 9) These redeemable and preferred
If purchased from stockholders: The shares, when such voting rights are
transaction in effect is a return to the denied, shall nevertheless be entitled to
stockholders of the value of their vote on the following fundamental
investment in the company and a matters: Key: A2 SI2 MID
reversion of the shares to the corporation. a. amendment of Articles of
The corporation must have surplus profits Incorporation
with which to buy the shares so that the b. adoption and amendment of by-
transaction will not cause an impairment laws;
of the capital. c. sale or disposition of all or
If acquired by donation from the substantially all of corporate
stockholders: The act would amount to a property;
surrender of their stock without getting d. incurring, creating or increasing
back their investments that are instead, bonded indebtedness;
voluntarily given to the corporation.
e. increase or decrease of capital d. They cannot be issued by banks,
stock trust companies, insurance
f. merger or consolidation of companies, public utilities and building
capital stock and loan association;
g. investments of corporate funds e. The articles of incorporation must
in another corporation or state the fact that it issued no par
another business purpose; and value shares as well as the number of
h. corporate dissolution said shares;
f. Once issued, they are deemed
8. ESCROW STOCK fully paid and non-assessable. (Sec.
Deposited with a third person to be 6)
delivered to a stockholder or his assign 13. STREET CERTIFICATE
after complying with certain conditions, A stock certificate endorsed by the
usually payment of full subscription price. registered holder in blank and transferee
9. OVER-ISSUED STOCK can command its transfer to his name
Stock issued in excess of the from the issuing corporation.
authorized capital stock. It is also known 14. CONVERTIBLE SHARE
as spurious stock. Its issuance is A share that is changeable by the
considered null and void. stockholder from one class to another at a
10. WATERED STOCK certain price and within a certain period.
A stock issued not in exchange for its 15. FRACTIONAL SHARE
equivalent either in cash, property, share, A share with a value of less than one
stock dividends, or services. full share.
Water in the stock represents the
difference between the fair market value DOCTRINE OF EQUALITY OF SHARES
at the time of the issuance of the stock Where the articles of incorporation do
and the par or issued value of said stock. not provide for any distinction of the
Both par and no par stocks can thus be shares of stock, all shares issued by the
watered stocks. corporation are presumed to be equal and
It includes stocks: enjoy the same rights and privileges and
a. Issued without consideration. are also subject to the same liabilities.
b. Issued as fully paid when the (Sec. 6)
corporation has received a lesser sum of
money than its par or issued value. DEFINITION OF TERMS:
c. Issued for a consideration other than 1. CAPITAL STOCK OR LEGAL STOCK
actual cash, the fair valuation of which is OR STATED CAPITAL - The amount
less than its par or issued value. fixed in the corporate charter to be
d. Issued as stock dividend when there subscribed and paid in cash, kind or
are no sufficient retained earnings to property at the organization of the
justify it. corporation or afterwards and upon which
11. PAR VALUE SHARES the corporation is to conduct its operation.
Shares with a value fixed in the 2. CAPITAL The value of the actual
certificates of stock and the articles of
incorporation. property or estate of the corporation
whether in money or property. Its net
worth (or stockholders equity) is its
Shares having no par value but have
assets less liabilities.
issued value stated in the certificate or
articles of incorporation.
capital stock divided into shares with par
values. Par value stocks are required in
a. No par value shares cannot have
the case of corporations issuing preferred
an issued price of less than P5.00;
shares, as well as in the case of banks,
b. The entire consideration for its
trust companies, insurance companies,
issuance constitutes capital so that no
building and loan associations, and public
part of it should be distributed as
utilities. It is the total amount in the
charter, which may be raised by the
c. They cannot be issued as
corporation for its operations.
preferred stocks;
4. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL STOCK - The term there is no more corporate life to
total amount of the capital stock extend.
subscribed whether fully paid or not. c. The extension cannot be made earlier
5. OUTSTANDING CAPITAL STOCK - than 5 years prior to the expiration date
The portion of the capital stock issued to unless there are justifiable reasons as
subscribers except treasury stocks. determined by the SEC.
6. STATED CAPITAL The capital stock
divided into no par value shares.
General Rule: No minimum authorized
7. PAID-UP CAPITAL The amount paid capital stock as long as the paid-up
by the stockholders on subscriptions from capital is not less than P5,000.00
unissued shares of the corporation. Except:
a. as provided for by special law
II. INCORPORATION AND 1. Domestic Insurance
ORGANIZATION Corporations - P500T capital
stock; 50% subscribed and the
STEPS IN THE CREATION OF A balance payable in 12 months.
CORPORATION 2. Private Development Banks
a. PROMOTION a number of business - P4M for class A
- P2M for class B
operations peculiar to the commercial - P1M for class C
world by which a company is generally
brought into existence. (18 Am. Jur. 2d 3. Investment Companies paid up
647, cited in de Leon p. 116) at least P500T
b. INCORPORATION 4. Savings and Loan Corporation
Steps: to be fixed by the Monetary
1. Drafting and execution of Articles of
Board, but not less than P100T
Incorporation by the incorporators and
5. Financing Companies
other documents required for registration Paid up: - P2M for Metro Manila
of the corporation
- P1M for Cities
2. Filing with the SEC of the articles of
- P500T for others
incorporation b. provided that at least 25% of the
3. Payment of filing and publication fees
authorized capital stock has been
4. Issuance by the SEC of the certificate
subscribed and at least 25% of the total
of incorporation subscription must be paid-up
These are conditions subsequent,
which may be satisfied by substantial
compliance in order that a corporation
may legally continue as such.
1. Mass Media except recording (Art.
Formal organization:
XVI, Sec. 11 of the Constitution;
1. Adoption of By-Laws and filing of the Presidential Memorandum dated 04
same with the SEC;
May 1994)
2. Election of board of directors/trustees,
2. Practice of all professions
and officers; a) Engineering
3. Establishment of principal office; b) Medicine and Allied Professions
4. Providing for subscription and payment
c) Accountancy
of capital stock. d) Architecture
e) Criminology
f) Chemistry
Limitations: g) Customs Brokerage
a. The term shall not exceed 50 years in h) Environmental Planning
any one instance.
i) Forestry
b. The amendment is effected before the j) Geology
expiration of corporate term, for after k) Interior Design
dissolution by expiration of the corporate
l) Landscape Architecture 14. Contracts for the construction and
m) Law repair of locally-funded public works
n) Librarianship (Sec. 1 of CA 541, LOI 630) except:
o) Marine Deck Officers a) infrastructure/development
p) Marine Engine Officers projects covered in RA 7718; and
q) Master Plumbing b) projects which are foreign funded
r) Sugar Technology or assisted and required to
s) Social Work undergo international competitive
t) Teaching bidding (Sec. 2a of RA 7718)
u) Agriculture 15. Contracts for the construction of
v) Fisheries defense-related structures (Sec. 1 of
3. Retail trade enterprises with paid-up CA 541)
capital of less than
US$2,500,000(Sec. 5 of RA 8762) Up to Thirty Percent (30%) Foreign Equity
4. Cooperatives (Ch. III, Art. 26 of RA
6938) 16. Advertising (Art. XVI, Sec. 11 of the
5. Private Security Agencies (Sec. 4 of Constitution)
RA 5487)
6. Small-scale Mining (Sec. 3 of RA Up to Forty Percent (40%) Foreign Equity
7076) 17. Exploration, development and
7. Utilization of Marine Resources in utilization of natural resources (Art.
archipelagic waters, territorial sea, XII, Sec. 2 of the Constitution)
and exclusive economic zone as well 18. Ownership of private lands (Art. XII,
as small-scale utilization of natural Sec. 7 of the Constitution; Ch. 5, Sec.
resources in rivers, lakes, bays, and 22 of CA 141; Sec. 4 of RA 9182)
lagoons (Art. XII, Sec. 2 of the 19. Operation and management of public
Constitution) utilities (Art. XII, Sec. 11 of the
8. Ownership, operation and Constitution; Sec. 16 of CA 146)
management of cockpits (Sec. 5 of 20. Ownership/establishment and
PD 449) administration of educational
9. Manufacture, repair, stockpiling institutions (Art. XIV, Sec. 4 of the
and/or distribution of nuclear Constitution)
weapons (Art. II, Sec. 8 of the 21. Culture, production, milling,
Constitution) processing, trading excepting
10. Manufacture, repair, stockpiling retailing, of rice and corn and
and/or distribution of biological, acquiring, by barter, purchase or
chemical and radiological weapons otherwise, rice and corn and the by-
and anti-personnel mines (Various products thereof (Sec. 5 of PD
treaties to which the Philippines is a 194;Sec. 15 of RA 8762
signatory and conventions supported 22. Contracts for the supply of materials,
by the Philippines) goods and commodities to
11. Manufacture of firecrackers and other government-owned or controlled
pyrotechnic devices (Sec. 5 of RA corporation, company, agency or
7183) municipal corporation (Sec. 1 of RA
Up to Twenty Percent (20%) Foreign 23. Project Proponent and Facility
Equity Operator of a BOT project requiring a
public utilities franchise (Art. XII, Sec.
12. Private radio communications 11 of the Constitution; Sec. 2a of RA
network (RA 3846) 7718)
24. Operation of deep sea commercial
Up to Twenty-Five Percent (25%) Foreign fishing vessels (Sec. 27 of RA 8550)
Equity 25. Adjustment Companies (Sec. 323 of
PD 612 as amended by PD 1814)
13. Private recruitment, whether for local 26. Ownership of condominium units
or overseas employment (Art. 27 of where the common areas in the
PD 442) condominium project are co-owned by
the owners of the separate units or
owned by a corporation (Sec. 5 of RA 11. name of treasurer elected by
4726) subscribers; and
12. if the corporation engages in a
Up to Sixty Percent (60%) Foreign Equity nationalized industry, a statement
that no transfer of stock will be
27. Financing companies regulated by allowed if it will reduce the stock
the Securities and Exchange ownership of Filipinos to a
Commission (Sec. 6 of RA 5980 as percentage below the required legal
amended by RA 8556) minimum.
28. Investment houses regulated by the
SEC (Sec. 5 of PD 129 as amended AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (AI) 1. The amendment of any provision or
The document prepared by the matters stated in the articles of
persons establishing a corporation and incorporation is not allowed when it will be
filed with the SEC containing the matters contrary to the provisions or requirement
required by the Code. prescribed by the Code or by special law
Significance: or changes any provision in the articles of
1. The issuance of a certificate of incorporation stating an accomplished
incorporation signals the birth of the fact
corporations juridical personality; 2. It must be for legitimate purposes
2. It is an essential requirement for 3. It must be approved by the required
the existence of a corporation, even a vote of the board of directors or trustees
de facto one. and the stockholders or members
4. The original articles and amended
articles together must contain all
Contents: (Sec. 14) provisions required by law to be set out in
1. name of corporation; the articles of incorporation
2. purpose/s, indicating the primary 5. Such articles, as amended, must be
and secondary purposes; indicated by underscoring the changes
3. place of principal office; made, and a copy thereof duly certified
4. term of existence; under oath by the corporate secretary and
5. names, citizenship and a majority of the directors or trustees
residences of incorporators; stating that the amendments have been
6. number, names, citizenship and duly approved by the required vote of the
residences of directors or trustees; stockholders or members must be
7. names, nationalities, and submitted to the SEC
residences of the persons who shall 6. The amendments shall take effect
act as directors or trustees until the only upon their approval by the SEC
first regular ones are elected and 7. If the corporation is governed by
qualified; special law, the amendments must be
8. if a stock corporation, the amount accompanied by a favorable
of its authorized capital stock, number recommendation of the appropriate
of shares and in case the shares are government agency.
par value shares, the par value of
9. names, residences, number of ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
shares, and the amounts subscribed Those matters referring to facts
and paid by each of the original existing as of the date of the incorporation
subscribers which shall not be less such as:
than 25% of authorized capital stock; 1. Names of incorporators;
10. if non-stock, the amount of 2. Names of original subscribers to
capital, the names, residences, and the capital stock of the
amount paid by each contributor, corporation and their subscribed
which shall not be less than 25% of and paid up capital;
total subscription;
3. Treasurer elected by the original corporation can be elected to seat in the
subscribers; Board of Trustees.
4. Members who contributed to the In order to be eligible as a director,
initial capital of a non-stock what is material is the legal title to, not
corporation; beneficial ownership of the stocks
5. Date and place of execution of appearing on the books of the corporation
the articles of incorporation; 2. A majority of the directors/trustees
6. Witnesses to the signing and must be residents of the Philippines.
acknowledgment of the articles. (Sec. 23)
3. He must not have been convicted by
GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OF final judgment of an offense punishable
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OR by imprisonment for a period exceeding 6
AMENDMENT THERETO years or a violation of the Corporation
1. The articles or its amendment is not Code, committed within five years from
substantially in accordance with the form the date of his election. (Sec. 27)
prescribed 4. Only natural persons can be elected
2. The purposes of the corporation are directors/trustees.
patently unconstitutional, illegal, immoral, In case of corporate stockholders or
or contrary to government rules and members, their representation in the
regulations board can be achieved by making their
3. The Treasurers Affidavit concerning individual representatives trustees of the
the amount of capital stock subscribed shares or membership to make them
and/or paid is false stockholders/members of record.
4. The required percentage of ownership 5. Other qualifications as may be
of the capital stock to be owned by prescribed in the by-laws of the
Filipino citizens has not been complied corporation.
with 6. Must be of legal age
INFORMATION (formerly Fact of Special
a. Information about the issuer or the
security which has not been generally
disclosed to the public and would likely
affect the market price of the security
after being disseminated to the public
and the lapse of a reasonable time for
the market to absorb the information;
b. Information about the issuer or the
security which would be considered by
a reasonable person important under
the circumstances in determining his
course of action to buy, sell or hold
security. (Sec. 27.2)