Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Sermon Manuscripts are simply your sermon “blue print”. It is more or less your copy for
your sermon outlines and content. For the purpose of our study, we will need to learn
how to make a sermon manuscript which is very useful to beginners like you.
Like all other ministries, Sermons has basic elements. Usually, these elements are very
necessary so that our sermons can be clearly understood by our hearers. Thus, each
element plays a very important role.
This is the main topic of preaching. In some books that I have read, Topic and Theme
has been defined separately. Well to be exact, they are different from each other.
Theme is broader while Topic is more defined in scope.
Theme stands for the scope of the whole program of the church. Let’s say the year
theme of your church is all about “The Cost of Discipleship”. Under it, we can discuss
about; “What are the cost of being a disciple”, “Who are the real disciples?”, “What are
the things to do in being a disciple?”, “How to become a disciple?”, “Characteristics of a
good disciple”.
Theme is the overall idea of your Topic and Title. It is the basis of your sermon. It
means that you made your sermon in accordance to your theme. Most churches if you
are already pastors have yearly themes. The theme is what is to be seen and expected
the whole year.
Let us say that you already have identified the theme of your church. The next thing that
we have to do is to get the topic of your sermon. The topic is a the more defined idea of
your theme. In the illustrations above, topics are simply the ideas surrounding the
theme. In a sermon, you will have to focus only to one of those topics that you have
Your whole sermon will be about the topic that you have picked up. Each points should
hit the topic or at least present and support the idea of your topic.
In a Topical Form of Bible Study, topics are easier to identify. Here are the
characteristics of a good topic.
It is relevant to the current theme of the church.
It is explanable, understandable and can be seen directly from the given passage.
It is composed of 1-3 words only.
Title is stands for the name of your sermon. It is more specific than your topic. It should
directly tell your hearers what is the possible content of your sermon with an intriguing
part telling them to discover more about it so as encouraging them to listen carefully as
you preach it.
A good title is not less than 2 words but not more than 5 words.
Where did you get your sermon? It is important to give the text passage of your sermon
to your audience. This will tell your audience that you took your sermon based on what
was written on the Bible.
The text should be a good basis for your sermon. The content should be taken from the
text. A text is composed of the name of the book, particular chapter of the book, and
the verses included for your passage.
For example; James 1:1-5. James is the book, “1” is the chapter and “1-5” are the
verses included for your passage.
Any sermon manuscripts that you will be making should contain main points. It will be
the sub topics of your title which will be the discussion of the whole main idea. Main
points will clarify and will present what your hearers need to know about your topic.
Main points introduces us to the main body of the sermon. Most of the words used and
the idea will be presented within each points. Thorough explanation is also made within
the presentation of the points. Exposition of God’s word also embedded in it.
Illustrations are generally not part of each points. But it is used to explain the points
clearer. Here are some of the characteristics of a good illustration:
This is one of the most important part of each point. Each point should end up with an
application. All sermons or even just a Bible Study must end up in application. Your
sermon is useless if people will not be able to apply what they have heard.
Sometimes, you will need to have an invitation in your manuscript so that your readers
or hearers will understand that they will have to respond or decide for what they have
heard. Sometimes, instead of making an invitation to do something, you will have to
encourage them to respond to the message.
Conclusion is basically the summary of your sermon. It is usually one or two paragraph
long where you will see all the main ideas that you have just presented. It sums up all
the things that you have discussed reminding your listeners all the things that they have
heard. The main purpose of this is to re-enforce to your hearers what you just have